Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 31 Oct 1837, p. 2

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co»"Mse,"- mm 1 . 1 . 'l - t0g VIPM% CANADA IIE19ALD-TF$DAY, OCTOBIER 31, 1681, ai ibisa r -.saà$if sas89a60b sm q we m ~~ag, ~b umlcap#e e b atacagsUmm pi fll e à dyO.p ui " ssMW.MdulA",f fVeu leils tate of tho aîa ssUresdill ho Ptav t h.rl.s.m amnsWjhela vita @mi el by the srtisanu hônscI5, df ieug kl. frlsu&AgiU. , amelsy a km aa»tenu bia, ifi, bu.W v ea dj - - ,alsm ia t 5i <,ae. 9sa buhsud ied lis Usm. A l MPWI 5h7parenlti l. f. U m p;tns. litu ange bétes situavaetfthei.necemssste f ~ piaIs hiauaspleens&aginslthse gvera- tg acly tes, ho lt deprived of thea abity eSinlclina- ment ledt, lu te bsaébecs.. aeeuaryî Iothse ra- lI tio t virt hmralfgansdhle tIses hut acaaete ýdîislied ahfaumisliuk inthie chsletof ther qîaceh rastdies lo« a ceeovaties of tai t talt iÀece. ltf uisy verdepdeet citusplaai, . t la t cas ly lha ,ustoed liv a ijasge if babilsé.th rc eal in b hr w so rrh Bal saut ef execcise, hhoadit detruitive te î itc col rafullsita tsravscos tai healt i agit in heaiîty cpniiitatiana, incompatible ini part of thear stitements, sed tisaI hhey ver. lin vîtisloas«vity. in tIse 'aie cf artizantit la com- very decciand sober fart l"Ag under a tymaiWsiali blueil vith a deteriorsteil atiosphicret = rnlseegovcrrmmî. t. ebest refatation of theur wverds bis habits, and occîssiostal esposure; suci il i _lta ol-tieir uascvstrsinied tire=* I Ti simple fact that0. hiaîsth al1idcsfaa lsae,'dpe teirtey critfreely and contantly peontulgate sticksfi Fronatishe habitàoa tarizasand laisorpos i par- violent a anrupolurs cesueasgsind t heir ru- tA icular the author ilues crna la those Ofsoc't in lent, provres of itself tsat prt of tise censure is uu-c general, and illt remark.s on tise ltter ar t.ne,, or tisey would ont be suleered fomle an db cannot lie tog stogly impressed on every mindi otnei ci ii t is.Adaoi oe W *~va thesle sud muetIlisenstop0 for titis lime; cotneilfottiet im.A hsofclite -9 citi exx*te*11h.fitnsd ucli orthe tisee- voulsimaire sshot moncof themn. T pfomusx tcrition of thse city authoities, t witom we would cf Howard,ainte Western District, déclaue ln 0ne mosd earnetly res tlhe subject in te hope that of their retiutions :IlTlsit, in short, Iseore living tac cbMederatiba nay proilece os2ful pradical te- undie tIse tvoca description cf despotsml'5, vitile ,cuis. - Ê~very ose has seecsImmnsae fortunes made in the lac t t titey are living et aiH proves their asu- là short tIsola y successfcîl spéculation, arld a rage serties ho lie palpaisiy taise. ne saias sagaclous for suchsepecutation bas isfected alItclises o f tise awisalaise asaaclerize the. proc"nedof îtteif- community. Feonitese causes, aind perbars fris n is.h Goversment aili respect ta Loete CasaIs, as the niature of our polîticai>t itutîiisl., and lhte ef- I"tise most base and deegsla -acitiai ever ai- fectq ariisg- frai tine, vis are ait asxiou, cure wors proplîr. o, hcwever tavoeiralle tbis may tempteci toe hoperpetrateel on a civiliamdpie."1 be taurinsstry and ent*rpelzet # canset tint b Thiat î.l e flejUis Gasveroaent hs'fpaid their deleteriltuîs b ealtb. l11ev <su tieseiiiuiosaief- just deitts, sud la do ibis, these radicals "y, is fects inay extend àil a imposible te determnle; I'the moat bas andi detestab!e despotismn ever pet- but wu ma oluerre tisat ches causues art taus M ThBitshGoverament oed a rer- genctally, Zowever trifll'a; their couerqsscsces petratecid may senim witls relipect to individuals, uhen thyy tain air.cunt of mossey te ius servante in Louer Ce- regard tise mss they casseot failto, lha ver>' coa- nulle, andi paici Iis seoitot from Brlis F"Ide- sideralîle ; andi uhesa ve relcct tisaiLite deteriora- sot Colonial, for tise mouse>'of Lower Canada at lions cf the gesîccai isealth et the parutis stisa- ubcsstluniied diisa oci- mîtteci luitheir chllpring, tise subjet becomnes on e be s811atsrsd-n bsatu en cf great importanece. lFor my eus part I1Ihave mon justice cerc amman and animal reformers liltie soult tisaIsite pile ant anhealtis> appear- tigmatize as "ltise mast base and detestaisle des- anca of our population, l.a in a mneasure cwîsg le p.tism ever perpetratec"; is iltnse that tiese e- the ver>'causes uhicis have cootributeci ta the ce- omraeafidfth Shif-ri ttte 1id ris sud une'canplcd prospecty aof eus country. aesarataco!beS ru-tsdthtie "Tisesonme constant attention lu business gkvesBrlh oenetwilms.lcmpyItrua ruje o a raplid masser of disatachisis.ur meals, debts? Sasse feeling cf ibis kind is n ecessary to injuion anc rin doîudvc ' t/e igsticex pose- bc asderstood in order tb expiais uhat otlterwisu rs ; and Ibis irevalis sot onty amongl the poor is anaccountable. 'To pay jut debîs 1i itppears, wso are compellrd by the necessit>' f labour te cevote ce short a ime as possible te their principal s very ustpopcitar tiing mih mss>' pertons vIse meal, tbut likewiso arnon; tise ccher rlasses, le aI> le tbieselvesreformers ; but if tise Govemnaent whma le babt, more destructive, me palltied by noc exercise ne other aespati9mtni tsIis, thse groaning su'cixcuce. Tise foodi hetng sualleurd haîf mas- rasicala tassent in vain. Tisaworld las ot su mach ticated, and tise mind ieing devotec i lsedietel> sttrwnlte is bsiueiofhe ay te. ea imbîseci itit a radical antipatby againsl justice and abewadt thmele builasinins g poura. a efoosequity, as te sympathise ils these autcrica a- an inresei tës!c. Hl!ce %e cas easAiy accournt gainst tise msters wvio psy their servante, wage. for 1%iagincral prevalence et clypepsii. itre jFro-nithese rspecimensa iftthe rect.lees violence- 'xe miitrevert Ita aposition suies cansol 500 cf- tise lattridibar ftuh n u&I fpoai tel ei nscf ist a o nds ir ent-, a prodsaciivc cf' ty (if w u suppose hem te uiscerstsnd t l aisg age scrofutous teardeiry in the o#3pring. It is to J e employ,) miicis ciaracterizes tise radical res- isapeci tht ocis citizes, isawever thry îney sisr ions in gencral, me tiinis tIsaI liry ina> sale- gard tirir aws présent csnvtnicsce, sel isecsitate y lie leftIta sink iteo oblivion. Tise poison car- More tise>'1etai adreacifua smatai'y opon tisel taesaits ows antsiote matis il. Tiseir blîuîcifisc> offl)sring, r., Ia pirtially chieckr tise pregess of sed t Iesefrst n upe hi a diacase whic h Ibrestens tlobe more fatal te eue pnl l iIn farat 5 ups. Ts cace tisas rîl tisa otisci malar5irs consisiec." steseolypci tanguage is se inapplicable to tise oh- - jecta cf tlir impotent wratis, titat il rebaunds fromtenias.,sd is ilsrecoil overtures tise projec-1 tors ofthlie missiles. Maitv a reformingskutll1 it le tll iu l ru' t pil s sen a o, 'l l cc tIl ai, i aý ti - -musat have becnsiplit by tise mece efibrt et enunc's-t KINGSTON, TUESDA'Y, OCT'lak 1 1837. ating tise terrible vord-"Itys'anical governmeet" r -cg cetestable despotisi." h ' su a tizand it-lI Several meetings hive becs heldy h>tie retorm- leâ that tise d'szcIarge oft tise mighly batteries I eie in tise upper part of thse Province, icn orsier ha aboulci produce notbing but sisoke--thst tise breac-i- express lhier opinionts os tise existing st.te of if- ide cf tlisa.grataigansa sbouid itrecune but tise8 fairs, andi theic cysnpatby ils tise éalcoiilcnts of daagist> warriors mise ire tises.-,t tise Louer Province. Tise constitutioostiats aW o iais laids t anotisar rimant ons tise.mcc inca, geserally alendec tes. rnfrtinos, and in ssise tis.îm revendl c&les tle parties ment t h lit.ians instances aut-votecl their opponienta i baltis rome'ail. Attise Westminster meeting it jesaidt ta otisci cases, politiral excit.ssent hetues tise op- ci tise reformera vere velLarmei, ssnd batr. tha>'1 poin.g partires praduceil bitter parsons! quarels, lefItisae gromani tise>' fiê iufa de j.Tiere andl regular Iatties on a union scale were the ce- coula ie lho1cmtisas fiv dred &unsanad pistolea sut. It ia impossible et tiis distîinee, te kow duisaigd."l Thisa in a mcdt repreitensible prac-c visaI actuall>' accurreul t ca.is meeting, or even tire. la it net enougis tiat bailles o enci dl'ring1 te underatandc crrectl> tise relative strengt of tise vicel>' in titeir opinions are lroagist tegetiser te respectire parties;erasithtie accounto tdst have disc ns a question titat je sure te excite susse iII appearecicf lise meeting%' asci lhe preceecings et feelingt, but tIsey muet tesse amsesi foascotis f As them are se fltlty ronîraclictot>', thât tise> cas il tht>' vert crue together te figisI a pitcheci bat-1 hardi>' lie luippoard bterelaIe te tiseraime evtDs tn.he !Tisere in penîy cf inters iatred andi malice If rue secouaI côuld ieha eliesi en as tise trshi, Iloiseistisa wcrld and ntisireut elcts pervalle te vricl- canservatives usera lise aggreucors iln acte et vie- 1>' ever>' cemmuity, tisat Do lcor mon reuld lence, and iichly desciveci a "4suni drubling"; thinis cf scppyiug tem mwils arme. Wlsseer but if t.ater accounî hieasccepled as a correctctriginateilt tiis liait cf displa', oreItis mode aofceu- materet ot artes e radicale firt rert tlub orciait perslaincatI il viicis tise>' ilI, the law,", c.si cncrrroarcit te mstain a il tes, siait- i <etestable"Ilsat asrteli neyer lie repeatec.- iag ccuana." b>'bous. Equail> coutradictory "aeTa1k, ecoliarsgne, censuase, id ucunce, if titey tise accounta cf the resuIt in ities. attempla LesOu- insii for tisese tiings aperate ou the moral ceu"t- perseede reseon lii an appesi ho brute ferre, belth tution cf asutmensci lit. tise letting etflblond on tise parti"n ctsiming tIse vicIer>, ait aesribing their piyscal ; but let Ilim hava er. they mais. opposaents as being entinel>' cotit ssc i 'sgracecl. sny spproalclte tis eur mof bruts terce, lest lhey Te whichiside tise Irutit ray incline we disall nt degenerete juto tigera, moives and hlie. If anus prttesci te aecide, talttise cantradictions serve'540 are ta hoe taisca ha public meetings, il vWi n ot b. shew hcw mach moenrnay b.e misieci ly paillaI, diis- long liefare armiam are ld hy individuals as a toi ted andi rrejudiced btatesscnt@, for wec eol t prt of Ibeir orinaty equipinent, asud titis country' suppose tisat itiser part>' moalc dclibrately pers Wittvin utise endi resemble tise southern Stateasmiter, eud publisis a mltaal atisooci. privai. quarreta se gaseral!>'ermiaate in mander, Andc as mas>' cf tise farte are su mach involveal________ n doabî, me shali nul prtend teh give as abteract tE-UNIOX Or TUE CANhDISI(PROVINCES. cf tisam ; but ut may remaris that mee nec no but- 11<. ficient rlsos for tise an'iety tisat secule te bave Ma. Faussa- ieen frît b> tise coustitutiocai Part>' teuie prisent j Thse eppouants cf tii.Re-tunion btondi ali tisai ttise meetins calleci b>'the. radical,, viether lise arlguments uiPOiItise ceihaint>' of tuera bus5 no forer oisd obsubertis lateror al.Il etî cange in the plitical cisarcter of Loeai Canada. forer oul ounumer he attrornet ItsernsTisa positions veulit impi>, tisstuaheacclisns ta te have becns a;prebcndettat if tise latter vot pie s ie lita eat ftihe mesearcit ef Ba je alloeealte mccl ceci pan resitutionsa aillsoct ans> Fsb.-" O king, lise foeyeer lis Tii.' y = te apposition being offetec, tisas.esolutians womaclieb.foeget tisat our isir ovince vas nsut aas lakes aI a dstua ne prising tise *. stiment o e j iseurno; tisaItth mis alof a damsge an1 lise mitai.peuoth ie ceul>'or pla4teta mirMs hast tPeaas)at; sd mI et and tiry referreci; but tisaappreisenssuat wva, gTuind- loyal, inlboive brteetsscof ss nia d its les& TIse radical resetationa mouls evrs visera conçossitsnts cf selfiabau ass * ansd vill &sMont ailpesions t ail ecqes'srtea mtis the. po-gli ettle demu te tise allegisace f tueir ta- leraot'tè~~Pe, le tîtee formisiIt 1 me e ts..Tiis,1I ouleni, mut sud mlD tue ca.. ~ris, ceor re .Tiken foralci l't ake s tise caDntla tot, r c urG Canadien opinions et certaina perrons on certain suject ; thisei, .f tuemicîvea, et ieb.ttc but tisat tIse miole peope, or cars a ssjuelty cf Frorss tae character cf their r, ntaio, tise> lhem, enlertaineci imilar opinions, mould lb. qîste Iappeau asaudcinlu sus>'hercous.,me should. sdifferent question, ansi moula i gn e feouslyavrtut nrocsmitakou thate bellesec. lhse acte and opinions of db. adica'sts gtrrnrebl, mit o tues a 1 et would lb. akteas tiseirs , eisitout ah aI comn- Iguidedt ta co-ojerati mth ta of s ituait prcmiaing eitIser lise country as a visole, or ltiose desigssung counshoamen, it cannot pervertesi tea paracsia sdtius lamlichtie rdialeme. s te preclite ofteleletion. I ' as tue>'bave parictlersecion Invilichtheradcat mo itril iterle b.es te tuh e a4d o r er ernla- liave lhier bcuig. We aboulai distibist &seaiottises, ts> smtremIslonm atsan u course flit- econsitlctiosalioss4'oaheve ,peued p.eie posciomenta uniislb>'aetbaui force voulci bave hacus ha iret tise ysseedngs-utiseir Itwvini astlha uecessary ta r, tieseceas fa aoposeus e itu sulent renheispt. I!But if 'tise> ":aeo4S t t " the the t1'N - thougit oheriseie, sud lising amuse spt, end lb.- Ciag te te enjyuut cf tise of is fina- ln.- falyacqesinteu mit aol thse ci rca*s.uces, aide, sid l.lo is ~ir a iw,»mWho tise>'ae tIhe bestjulg*; -if lise>'tuugist itrasces- hare .is<ad is 'uta l astisent a, sasy -te s'sndiae he secharaetter sud itoçer of ticir the'lut CM,%mlRh 'tis vécue555 gen5 reetliens tshie cproacis of radicalino, tise y he mid sd WV engeanceste> bae i IMPIs cealîl have otfliei s lceeting outbthircvn, and b>' 1 ueatlied ln:mlent lier, taI tue CIaI auperiur narstb4r endI better arguments hiahlb.of iLever Vs ad ai(cltiseir dut>' ho vai radicl,, hsîens.ifist-ised ttthssuit tue iigM. t1hvisrhs agult"ts eds>'ts tbth Inetings moulai ave'bilM evea>' rqui- .. geB1.d utiOIISet. IdtiufWpwr-1 site opiermu ailomd baveavemau aIlecauco ag imsystlae vasty teat;in" s-lit as>' acte of violcence la>'a.epÙhim&ds u rtiest- iths tbeuu piSi i alee T"ba.S;iitef e iiLondonas bteelusrbat e- savel'ir mCdo aanes. nu> qusitiau met n oa ismcalig a paie susetng of î leuaiWh sa tI s iesd afait- ,tiscsta ~ce~li 'fly mliht lbi lulitansaof thse counI>' of M.iddlesex, and em er-rMas is teemplieci il isare ct.Chumh a ll skm»» ecs sa brma th -us-Tb'is la esla>ber-l.t je sot te b. tb" aI saarois /sîeîlpin ioass lboýh opesuitspacda iiiseallyu e r aamitels liaitis t' "im o aib m popkItu a uia, ' a Uluitisingthego t laMe atvay bd mi,tapat>' ey sill be. IraI>'5¶Z in ou * thr tasgrimhm cfeliangeC bit I Pa issaais mi I su ocmil n aare and lisaLdit o eSa sabmste mdd n b>'rvthels te I.c tee tere-a Ta era, ai tii>' dm ii sane d fily amapnil t rsvatie h cniuionanenrtishisuesa- ; tiad a tgealeylook ta tgingsux-t tries in restoritsgtieir province ta peate anit risperai>'. 1 23ace ta tth. lamnaid proprietors, or gneura. Thii.fsluence wmurs thsigentleman cef over their lelteu countrymes is great, ssnd mm tise relation in wmicistue>' stand vitit reset tfisa tenure cf tise sout, patakes marisbf tsa. sarter et feucial tisses. Tise most cf Ibei bave isherte supportecilPapincau, sasdithe>' îbales mwestul assistants ta hlm la mainteising bis op- osillon teatise gorumment. Nov, iomever,tue>' Zl ta s@cehisat reformi la but sanoter naine for rlation, sud tise>' starp:«.tise> are unduceivcd. litre bsave becs rment>y several censpiruu ni- tacestfsci disavoaahaofttise dulgi tes eolntioasalists, ana l matstaal frne t lir rans. ung tisem la tise Hon. Mr- DEBAÂTZase. AS he aspîaoation of tise couduct of tula gentleman, vhicS is givea iu tisa Papas/ane,(a loyal popes einte in isMontreal in lthe k'encis tatigusge,) milt rve for otisers, 1 shah cop>- it 49Mr. D. mastfoc a long tasse tise intimatt frienci cid admirer af Papineau,and thia masi maintaiiad ver hlm tise influence bue exarts oser mas>'ers. rhe paver la net turstowed open user>' cie of dis- mgaging bisftfrain tise influence of hbits 'bits bu haî contracteel, analoaI acrded confi. rnct-tsr deceitfnl halo dors sot aIma>', taîl just a tue tight lisse. iVitisout going furtiter, se have iseuirci mli informent,>influenlial, andi sery brave mess ot tise ntiithpart>' aking o! Pap- seau in a masser utici prevestatItise>'yen lttle acquaiteri mitis ha teste cisaracter; tisaI Ihtî wire bltn.ted thseacves as la his menit; ansi hL political talents. How casavme expert tisailiters stoulci be moe penetrating-tt Mr. tD. sisouis ave quitter] long ago the rtof tise Despot, tu rnfide in misom seemeci a satraI sentissent ?- Besicies Papinesaubad! nover disp.te>ed bis ambi. ties, soc unveileci hi, îsrojects, as hie bas darisg te last six montha. Ever>' isib4 >ore ibaitbr rshibance of cenatitutional resiatane., asdci mu alculatil te entice andl seituce. ise92 Rnolu- tins verte net immsutab!ea; dircumtîantes migi alIer tiseir spirit ssci tise circurrstasces raald osn ly taise place visestise Iniperial Parliamai itossî have pronounceci jucigmenurloanail their ctssandlî But Mcr. D. diiinsot wunit for tîsese contsugenciee before lie deîacisedis inîself entirei> (rani PT'ineau From tise session of 1835 36jlie deciaed issel againaI tht otinicns cf his, "great mss," maci ec>' rffoert ta convince tise representatiies cf tIr peopl.etftise usecesit>' et carrying en thi; goceru mentî, advisesi thom te trust tise profaessiais ofdt Imperial Partiasesst, andi ta labour sssidîousiy si the great mark ofE reforming tht tam,. Sutce ti periosili. bas net ceascal teasupport thtesaduulsistra« :10ei-ta meintain thse connectien witb tise 'noli cuntr>r-to ru-comnmensi fideiity te tise Kirg ast ise Constitustion. Tbere u 15nose gondi tesson te suppose tuaIt t Oanadians vili long continue le bear tise plilicu character tise>'do et limuent. Tise motives ubirl natiirally induce mes ta e diiarestenteilmit ti lot cannot inluence lisai. lt is nseItiseir iteras ta persiat le reveintiasar>' excitement. Thtj bave absolatel>' nothing la gais, uaid abitelt aven>' thing toa tetb>- a change cf governisent.-' A t pr e h tie >' are uit p e ce , u sder th e p rte tio i Of a y miilempire, fric trount axationa ant mast if tush hutld tirow aoff ti'r aliegiance, tise. moulaI b. nakeci te tise attacks ocf Larugu aggre siens, seuil viat voalc b. mcccl, tatehse cf antes tise revoit; ssci tise>' montaib.burdened wmît taxes ta iahisf> tise greedy>'dernagogats mise mua pepn tise sbince et the people. Dafracé lcs, sisideo,. mithout tisefi sinews cf use," or Il mîronger rasourcts cf quiet iad stsry, tise>' oulsi t mitcut dignit>' in theseucle of nations, or abiit, te protect tiscir rigihs; andi moutai present te tI od tise heuniisting spectacle etfale mi atter lavisg ganed wmiat tise>'terme lt ic free <1cm, bad es aveci tisconsoves mit tise must de gradji bandage tisaI evet wax, or tan hi ilictec tisai oVn OLrtAaclY, lob. camýted u their cii of sseiiubo,pratessing patrietnst, practisre tyranei Titimasis bas aI longh stallen trous lthe face, fal et a eoil ein. W a'c Nos a mol ssuc etoucicet.e i CHANG-ENG e Masea- e ngu e pcare Mi Ce i au sent Il e _io pbiato. W. ted b p _saeuitse iai. na ot G.is va n e Ma ais mie ci ale ss vii c r e al a n t cav- se apytelsilitaIft o A'Do hitiertoseai'r a cf mlurema ti ge construthe tueNapnca ndsisgrlet ha taupeso';an ie terassi acome Mgbr w ai> ds scntil trs fovaluttioni-a iseci el el astist teiii et dht. a wveati>'admized rs i lt i tas cnu x sInct.-fC wu ie hazet ta est, - t Iecorcion>'ofmpheNffmetste m'ai expeas I youralttefalb. ls rlatalueiv e y m i g, virema opsassd tatkit.he la tmy i versmlt, liai te tuaprncpesupoansisiendo t Myvo viwsaoaai mr. epi aknlvit is eve> f I"he Puovithe.pGci toas' pmoalieb o appeec'ated, sud lbthe hpalesmeas oulc1 r i e r ovin ccf Gou r ! i v gro ssi, md b i t uase, ml autlwe wmodigesteil systeni, huniva sali>' atettfsCCP",aetmail estisbe alisîtit-a] mastetulus cf expeudag large ai, bicis say if sot m« tases, deruai mischif; titati maa Iserodit ciii, raher tU bitta,. 1I 'istacueci b>'mon respectable peescae thît ume rume>'btalistes spe*i mutisa lisè-oft sif mbic auev a tslrg, tism ltse drosaIitMmau wilcotst; mit1 b.Iieve it wli be ilamilteise su, almca oer>' aid Pabie Ladlu tise Pusviuca Wu aven t..eumed,b" in utitis and lhehltà tr>', lhia au nAs ry mtmsbelle,..lib. hua,.lx ta mata a Vgeeil *at;emauillustration of tulsa 1 bave usderthood tuaI miten tue Tiassicea1-t- vanate itteupItnta«p thea MWnsoaftueosp iil It sl lie obMos tgaver>' praclical Mon),that maan incht snciaahalft Sdi'fl (ri ie eL uutidaeiatatscasctleaisujueis; if sil thse begisgitem ii var>' sccordig turir- Neptune stearst>at celui n-, Si lier mater iseamfeci ona b.d ofida>', aieaotia sun- c-afmc. Ns-ar Toranto tue salmue itseIf viii ancu bas yeî aippeare ,et Inca of a rock, s deie musairt clacis. tue stta- cent 88 par taisý ebing lst once sansaddition off dbret'ulic, tm4a ta ut t tiese ppl>' Ire, tu, rasai, nod £wte lthe coit cf s mile of116 foot roau, ensi as becs rellit tusgt for it. cane il ta diseiarge itseuif viere il cas do me uiju- It ie b on a mile cf round 20 feet vicie sean>' iy .« itih ie onlu' remuai>, andi tue cases *ns I ; tue rost of ireaiing« granite baiera ig hait Titere have berîs sundry 9irs', flls a almstmcaltike vsna usntiuir:pàlc au mclh more than tisat of beating liatase, tac>' latetv, and yester'jay mrin, te.Sm mexpundergmundderaines ailaissewih volécu theoi lsessrm rosi£153, and on cf tht RialaIArtilltra' cmIa sailea, e-ad tue epmen i noneel t ise W2fotturai £183. b. vhat il lui oiis tu italsebame atisaI if asondinlisalimestaîse country' ccd Steamibolit Cataraqjui. a tr i t * indslpnsable, as the eye, iot we lmi practiacci, £1000 par mile, in s country dtpasdisg lainthse tbie Cariai. Othler nraîeenu, cas never, wiîi s sfficeataccanar>,pinl contte accidentltgranite batdersto b. louranciostue suc- rumeur is very bssy il, Ouitill;ii. sisuteet or moat certain direction, linviticisa adfi- face, a 16 toit rond mroad tash l'1839,and a 20 occasosfrcchroenn. Idcent tait corshe ebtainesi. teet rond £2003, assdI bis Sors sot inclde ite cibit sosfrtusnaeuer d erce terdsrtoadný,l 'The sext chýect is, te dispose a! tise surface wa- bridges, cr lowerisg hulis. Tise vide tuait madelie lied n ur ieru atber1 teri, or tisai wic faits fronthtie clonsis, or cmrts rieur Toronto, Si £2,M0 per mile, "snclusing ail ILh haxsiani uled h~ iel, Usn tramon occaisosal ovcnflovine cf rivera Irc. A lheae items, Ttece ter, isoever, tva importent tisey Seat cof rebettian an'!.1 o~iî', Macautimieeairrosai la eeeentsatl iffètat'rent fta i ttisattolha considerea inlathis calcultiin. Tli'e eCinst of tise Nilitiry a ii(0 ln iRail icac ; in tise lutter, a perfect level is soagisî, are toc.'a andi co!" Ieatoaa, uhene il la frein ny rotalsuiraof prectauiosi on the pursri, !, s ot se in tise former. I cia nct hliove I &a-lbave cirramatances clasmeil. 1111>'ysrds cf parfochi>' level toast un thtevisi. TIse lacIs, cossiig cf qusrryîsg and biasting 'nt Naane' rpecto thbat tir o îî t distance betvoen Kingaten-mut Nipanee. lis or- tols aI; mis, picisa, wieelbrrovs, plsnks, soi1 caiesfuir mlitarY se-vices inIi tii,'tisr dur te apo f tise surface mater, tueretore vrihat a loue, liait of articles, ceaIt rom £150 tu £200 ecri but t i lstI!aellt iretiared,! e - a catic leor itches muet b. ssade,ssd here agssn sectson cf tise roacl illere os tise average 200 te tinne>,aîltietc f oi - te Theodoîtte la indispansible. I taisle is'tho in- 250 mes are employeci, and tlieloiab>' thievir.g, . ,adtetc fin srumcnt, a section cf n certain distance, a mile and Wearand tear, la ver>' consisteraile, so as ta t rvn crauhia.rri fat imutauce, ana lta>'il domn on paper,- tises mitqaille luigreved once in mailing 12 nmles aI frena>'. 1ewsist ro teIioui S, il' r- rua titroagi tise section, lises wvihir u ibraicr- ronci; ihis, homeven, ,isidcle ntue ahovo nient if Sie cea, andiliaeil go ati yo>' othte mater, and misich is miirequirelbthemal- sta t u, ad,'of'couarse, viii toes lte expens. rebettîon in order te eo se, bus user0 heJ, val cf as utIle ointS as la consitent viit tue for- c ienut esr, He analbis train knoav suet!is owviî moation cfa banilsome, and permanent rosai. TisT ii sojn f eupenasation depensn ticely temtt eelcv nlý la nev couciteles, mitere tise surface la as Nature ost circumstssces. 1 believe tuere vas acarcel>' - er>'atiti eslioami ' u iss leli, l frqunlt' dafursl &xp neo-a> hig paiab near Toronto, because tise milal .re ulaes e fts Gu1, reration, but it musl b.aie. It is alo necessur>' 66feet vide, but in places misere Ibe>' are oui>' 40 addceaaea la, tisaIlise BritîisGe'ri, 1tu fusai outiete for tuis mater ; ssci tedo tlii,, e.'feet vide, and wmiere 60 feet are taises b>' tisethe "li o tisse cf pcarc."'1 S-i, quires tise Enguneer ta diverge fcthos litnt'etoftrustes-s, tht expense of uetting hark tesces ssnd ' -"t 1roaci, anal elîben taire ail vantare cf citural outiets, occasienall>' ramcvisg buildinîgs, la cossiderabe', suah pesce tistre wiii! ise nis lit,ilrr: i or in tutur absence, te make nstunoes for tiis pur- e ves visere stotiing la demaniles for the value of pendeance in Lover Caniada. a' , lpose. Cosinectesi mitis tisapart of the nudesta- aise land se1, &-..btastues-saitgascnnade tises-? 'oi 'o 'a -king, la the clain'sng of swmesp.-SwmPousuall>'Thtei'octgigoihsat>'exhibiin will serve tugive cf tihe Ilroar of ortitterur" s in s occupy (tharagisnet alusys,> buw situlations, but you soea ita of tise col tfas>' roaci misicis ma>' ansiat thlie arîsîîery mas cola' aIn scsrceeylever se ow au ia a natusal outtet canDot come under veut inasidaion, anda en.uble v'oUlsf foun pousier, that moîstd builir li onaby ich.>'e can lie compietely dalai- yasar place in tise House ai' Assemisl>-is tise roi- ec, andait over>' isavy expense. 1 beliese 1 ,i sag sssio er ni arliit at i e senecessar>'loas iitsemsaiatcyr allsiat iiain durng lise pregress of tis illtaci lsme canlt tins. are terrible oni>' on palier. l- thausanai acres oft' aa p, ushiris, tisough sot nom A great citI bas bers saic of t htie diilcula>' af A req isilion wahich is r s worh 5g. petacre, will immeitiatet>' hernie Worth travelling upan seul>' made Maradamizeit Roacia, respectait>' signed, k îi rîî £10. is eci, this'nceased value of the Issd assithtie utilit>' of lreuisg aven asaid or cia>'t te - Tows, rtquesting thle lItili S' as utiicis ultîbc drainent, mi, I ai quite sure be e- mîci>'the tait. rsquai ta tise wavi sai ot of lise roaci. Tisera is ont If I couisi chIais, et a riseap rate, a ctess, pure lack, sEqs., to cai . tiblie 11W, t'l I instance, aboeut 9 mile% froin Kingitos, an a latinsi, surisas alitea oued on lise latte ahore, pose cf Iaksni; isto consraîlcrio ,riu p .- ao calleil Badgeley's, a araisnusai cul about 60) or 70 compostai cf decomposesi granite, I moulai sot bi'i-oa affaira in LonsurrCri' - roais lenglis, viicistest prohabi>' about £25, talc e tsre cier tiseftoaid, because I lanew il ______ i- hiirishas ot ont>'lidcthse reail dry for a coassit- wmoalal aile mechanicail>' mitistise pulverizeit ig erable distance, butbismade a ver>'extensive and limstorse, and form a vec>' achesive mess ; but I A Youg a ngnssanirîtAhr'saIirI,r , le pernicious boug, tht best of drym>-eadam lassa. I as panusiashei that atoagh 1 admilt tsat ereing fortunaîtly droussed lest Tileadai uil a la de net tnou hans nan>'acras Siere are, buth1Ileh- tantisorc cay ailI niaire a gondi road quirker than gîing aili soeietIeratSIrf i) ,- . l- haeve Ibis itraini bas assied £150 th ie salue ottie b>' attevisg tiste ob sertie itself, yot il mutl Ottawsasaid Rideauîs ounhian 's ii it taim, ail if tisel'rmer availi binnistîf cf tise ad- maite a nimor dal> andi tcsn permanent s-ai; ngtbil eyJr i tl fi a'antage it offera, et ruîîiusg latterai drains into thi more iodai>, becauso tise cîs>' us alusys morking ngs ~n e> oktcajp- i idmais drain, me hart rut foris, sous temate dry' about betucen tise stans,,ssc coming Up or gîig labo lise Watler. . hie adjacent leom lands, tbe i-stuc of bis tari ilI doav,-asit lest permnanent becasise b>' tsaction s lie doublait. 1 am lie mare precise le explaining tue materaclu are prevesteit fri cbbsining a state An isaqust l hein ara fie Ir . liais paticutar, heciluse on thesc kitful performance of cest, anci cf 'aonsequence cosipscting andi indu' Shiawr,Foi., Coroner, osni' I( !i!.ýIf u~ if of this operatien, carry tiig dependa, as regards ratine, asni above ail, in a raid climata suri s o h e esomlsb!%vti ,.t le tht durabilil> et tise toai ;ansibecause il sugist Ihis, itl smeil ksoun tisaI mesever Ciala ste le05tieihboiacle i-or i '- - le tu remove tram tise mind of tise fatneru, prejui- found it mtin reacis cf lise frscl tis sensibl>' affect- mas of o t 1t uze, nuthu s i i I I.c ,: l- ce, agaiist tise reads in wiaeitIse>'are Ion spt toe tsIb>'il, ssci as tise rost ges tisee or four feel shirt lide!>' îlaitrit, an )tSre gr ill nu ,u î%Ir ie indulge lisenseives. I su-l! alittoc, tat tiese tep inthIis colin"s-, ever>'pasticle oet day miicis gilI buttons, ansi a buff v1er-S u iauIr r it crains, andi mater course, muet sot lee h11e pvmpig finde is wa>' ieween thse interstices of tise stouars istouglo il, a pair cf biowsi Sir,t ýr', "p- t liinge-tse>' srsb haieiidd deep cult4lis, aut as flot becomes ice ansi expasais accordingt>', miti a tasct aIclueisueuî,,rn -ir' a- est>' ta carry tis alaer off, but to carry lit off quite rufficient te disaîsite e very> atone se cîreu ani oordsokil>,1. he. r quickly; lttise saine ftie rare ougt tu le hitalens slancell, 50 tisat visen tise fstlgo iflesofthse inter- mena fouand tisaI can uri iria, -itil u- id tisat Ihougis tiseraster lie taken ait qaickl>, il mut vals between lise atones are tlsrcwn open anal reait> ticulara are give ii.the io1îe SuaS SIIr yn,L sal eb>e uIs vsci aissai>'ts a, .îlausreceive an>' subsae ic h cou an inel its maj tthie diseevery. Ver rir, t, îrr dî e atagreat iîjur>r. Tht ciaracter cf aMacadam- htwets therri conseqtuence is taItishe rouad il zet rosit shonlitlb. that of a ver>' gesti>' andula- r nteici of hein.- c d'y, orchc, comipasct body of :h tisg surface, se rmuchsoslas sot lu as>' rase tobe a ' iestoeie, isacted lupon sluring tise rosî leturmn WiVsi Tr apasser r 0 -tIS -r. r iteis tevand s ittl 1.e tierwseeas in no case teuI ia pacte,ailis a power equal lu adrive oves ils a- Unitedl StaltesiulRoiiu'tr, t l-t l, ilt cresta a'is of surface mater. ibulmaens asuancier, andl tiss eakes if sot itestre>' gentleman, a metebiio f ilatavia, waa hiý,- ;y Haisg tait eut lise drain,, tise nexl opération is Ibm rend, i am anethtisa varions substance, bave tise rail-rossi near Roiriei-ir. lie uss' y tefournatise rassi. Tise public roais in Canada, liesn us.d ans initendeai le icI as a CEisment, ast aI- ils a fout os taci of lies car,'V'lies tirie s'eu atffer in thela midish, soineoai reassare osi>' fort y thiarglasntsc as1 kneu snlhave ps'sved effectuai, nm (et vide, disesaare sixt>'; but latterty, ait rnaoaun either on accSouth ie expenat, or trmeoscter la, thesuntortoiralo mars fel r h ,I ci il l. are laid out e cisain ar 66 feet l initis. A roand causes, yeî I Ininis rhere i le ha fuaitsalin hua tise remsiu'iag Iirteen cairs ptisýu'i c-er La '-, yj to lie meli laid cu, consiste cf thisesatal bea, tht country' a remeal>, uhicis mut proseounobjectionsa- just bciom bhe touas. leanas ta!ïeni rt, s- abnts tueai e m ératac foothep sureae r Nai îoblé,andi makis tuese roadsimosediabetu' acceptale 'lingereci a fran heurs, ansi simd. s- ad th sie Welesfor ont hassnge m. han Itavatîers, anit aisi greati>' tu hein <trabiltt>. I bh langa tomns tue moisilheci chou-ld t ieleg A great dalhias becs said about pnvisg thi bait-h i 20 eted mii, end thie ibutimgaU. consitig of tua rtasc flote wdit Mlaist6eUlund lai'lg a ituiner ian. srim. Lyinun a "lp,,e-cirir ,woiihi av t. atuai ou,12 eetn îci aie, iseIior-sslhea reat cf mets! on tise top. Exparience as mdil au insiastsious"l citizen cf Rerirîter, wis shot reins, ho wilI occunpyfrais four ta six teet, said te f lster>'bas convinceai me that a atty, Weil made omisbousee is tisat Cilty on the esanillzocf lris bc pails e ressaseder. This roaila is it>'feet vide, cossez b.d of thentisesauai soit in prefersite, villa inst. 1He mas relunuing larme tram bus1ua', ile ssci t Waterloo tise métal b.d i layi>'sten a smétal b.d eut sufficient-tbickness In tise first cainaig eie tt&Y 4 se tatI, aufficientl>' vide forithe maula of the ceunIr>' plac, tise iatter ils less expenuivc, anal in some c a tinban eevs tn a tatia e, Tise metsl b.d la made mils great cure, anal b; ssatones for bhe former cannot b. obteinecl ut as>- 'lbhbtais this mono>'iis urM.,41 bh cu ber- Ie- expert vartaren ; i1h las truc rossez, r.ing tisis- Iexpense. Secenali>',tht prisciple cf tise arci s samotive tu the mander, lui theSi,' s r,-' W- es senlise centre, madte pertectl>'fri ansi dry ; 2 Iabanuded, Icicause fouir or fis. incises af metîl aI- their Seat>', as il was fons iniriirs b,,vic I rTu inchplak, 9or 0saches vicie, (tisa dP f te lie depeiniti lepindeusaitiIionaiaht>'e ts ekfmi ihi ertebd.Teoc ýa r. al are la<d o tiseir edgts, for a sens- telolgtoc n Tliobne indentat inmiiibethe ttanliîslse ieio.ThoCSr rs toe b.at hereqaireal miitiof116 orc%;ted, an mater tistoagis te stcIa>on misicis tisetnsaes creuteai agreuot sensation in Rocherser, rr-e l et1 tise cm asssy ha, bictud eit p 'tise natarial acu, r-t, the b.d liseu hecoases a mass af ici, anal ilfts ressad hase leen cifereci Ens-tise disce, * , i-à lm sicis formessa continuation a! tise carve,anci serves the stases ofmisicis it la compased, thse visolie b- guili>'. TisaI a ntiglîbous and fuiiud,ilbaî. e. eaïl irm abuautn tuthe mell a u enIl lalaid mit: comes, insteadcf-a dry, compactbin)-, amwel, plat- sistalomesin tht oiît of a pojiîiilciîserDir cro (tise plant are remosoci vhen tue metal is tlai,) py rnaslandi vies it aines se, the lange stane mulI auil avkens lie cisiretsate olkafSrr th', lise metal is 10) luches aleep thracghoot tue entiré camletop ansi lot te amaller osmés djaunithlie aeaalm viaiti of the luadi, visiclf-ormsg b>' ils angles, and exprtise of tise trustées et the Yonge Street ro a fel>'. Strerul biaris-tegu ansd othtrr 'spàA tise neifarmit>' cf tue ises cf tise atonies, a perfect tul>' demoustratei tiis last minIer, as mwu plains persons have beens tppreiteniecionas asqriona sud seliarcis; wmicistise more il la usoci, becomea enongl lo be secs t>'au>' casal observer; iietat(nom tue farte diactoms eal is eb sry probu,5r lb.themont cempact ansi firndusi scisif proper- se lb.d <ottes) vote peiseoSttisaMacauiamize ltiaIttue maritarer i viii hodisrovi'rc-d. uny> madie, mitusucitable abalmente, mil auP pot au>'rond tIsatit illas secessanp lu mati>'places tu ceser et meigisl micisecunlie put lapon il, avie~u th fis Ieml is planktulepreveel maggen f(rm snkin 'a uhsil b.removeaiftram unaierest i a; su mach up ta Ibeir aichrees. Il is ru tisaIt.t a = llae bave fioreign selrs e day t I r 1cr a ans thia principle apply) tisaI eveis under iatilace wmn ver>' i'perfectl>' claineni, me muc uit etatit e accouinta gives lt evet, but livre s nvtiIir nt of rosat neut>'made, Ibv aesc iea o élovlig 14Iblheconversatiooac place hoie- telent limportance. mI atter a leicl>'loasieci auon bnasend oser ift Iea s y.the i.acting truste:_- seeM r. - homhies, notitistoding, a cacieramienet4ian - %layosa munt lfer ail hase my assilstance lho.Americasmere Ibrows iota con4'4um u masdt b>' tue mhecls, on tise lraen stoit, y>t inlucomnoetinglovase Macadami ronai. lIltb. untuer eigitt masse divideci b>'tue maiels, liat honore ifvwe c islI o o ii . m-consternation in lthabginniofgaI taSsek IIi l-not a mark wmn ieft on tue e d' .d fy a d o u r, nidyliep.>', ud allie-ougtlieis- thtth eattship Susqutîssaia iiW 15 TIse maaitel biing formeS, undthlie alustsSeits vertu>' genlessai eacîpaddccmnisg, yet mas>' captnreai S> pirates oifthtie Capes of Deaware,M Spropenî>' secareaitise nst opéraions the. layiog pat fis Macadamizeit rond met mith, a waler>', aler picceaing tua ses. Site hbaiale ti$10 teon tise metai. fsud ver>' deep çave to. ,l o~tait bsnIi uciahIq - ne is e tt on yl teeni po ie Y-u volt ansI>'peeave, if 'ou ibave iuever tire sud qualit>, as mclian tue prohallevhe doue s abera, tram r.aintis ese reixanlas, tuaI becs tise pirates' ubjett, douittea exiletiglis mhich tha rouitvit have te carry, 'in général; tise tasuver simple a tuing raid makiîg i's, tmo ins- ger mai. Bo-es t e creuv lte>' erela Cà edlgerthe carniages îtht imailor siseulc ho tiserme- grediane.u srt eer' net in.!>'l, science saidomn- peseagers anit 30 or 40 ienlte stceragt, md Shi 't n -ta utitis courthetacancilikeaara ligtt, assai l mon sens.; in tue absence oat eltua aooci roedtraIe@ moulai ahi>' la>' tht. sit cadet carSh' ar- l bnotuuatadivemorethanmcio hrses- SIestes anci b. expecled, sud les tue absence of hotu iueicss tsbo>.Ttwuel s- sa be nnste Pmsthruga in chs ring vaulc i u leusud deâ ruts are inévitable. lm oices i wy h aoeal ils Aem a plessautetrosendthan matarlals of larges' 1iI- si S tp in islvingug an 7otbsen WSlor-luever, capposeai S>'soeapersonssLa beli 1 as- mensicaes wmls it il oulai selledownms iai alc vtiby urequslr., Z it U ouat- taise, ansi tiatnsuhaiscptueebas taisespâte- on quiciser, Itthlieron-d moult veau fanhar Uadhobug itheonmal ai. te rexcuses for tub Tvo or titre. rscnne ruIlers and 9theOsifo hoi ls tasprmane nt; sud!mien ilin reccallected liatIluin st'pod in b.e Eng iii la s l otuantmituIoms.aggaesaeigiiug. bDai eerme ta ie bava beau saut in partrait ofthlie rehiui, e- lire or sisx tais, snd draimu b>' igitt an tes bossMy Dean Sir, mull isarati>' escape if tise refisid asi outotlx' andi it us> remansiehoexpectec iiti ri long * etisecreFied flt in Sainethii- milI tais. placa Sri.; stones, literefmae, Yt J sAMESe riana tct in miic i lupas throl agit v-isaihtin&,amecou- Te -J . M. P. P.s't a bsicted ambst radapt lealit. présent caiccushe- »ieaTvm c.518.-£e'Lfae su cesaioftaeantlry. 1 lave se doui tuaI ti'_______ _____ ar a mll et. locaîibruies by machier>; it laibas- CNTTTOA IT ýh e:7r yet mm eb>'cnuitIlabour, rund coi lfer A crrespondent of lb. Ciscosicle las sulicaie MONTREAL CNTTTOA 0 ig nig Id._pet cuhic tiot, or I18.. pertis. cf 216 ltsesitamefal t hmuiilngupratiseul intuaeasat.t Fr.tha Meutrai Galue. coke cbelt. Tana.es are laidsil " ~e5e t y he>ukstrs W mt »d ING.mmi 1 pssible,seas sactebsaise tise roaai mp>'ad , rafr~tJ.l.gisc1 Wiien a riveci athlie Pue diArx l a- aettly andi exr-- Zuiouly opcead be expert mort- oa m soo n fra a h * c unua maomeleus cieern9 (hanPs pînrlà 0w mentnishoviîfeseenaes mate 8 vrdo ,hna wu sabateal, but il bun oirreachod a bigiser taend front stocci tise histingt, decas-ti eiti O""" seIs gand dapi1a mor eviitot amerci>' alftgpd etuaseser. Pi o ts'does aftener esis'tise saur- islms of E»ucias gtoanud ,Mrgnetd soppItite bis.)mmSakhnconlna adolireospropaos'e ie trof tise hashi ain le,,ttt leai laieha bau (, Uliâl t ta th. z aclt psi i er'petti h> b> lnsc evel.dhumr mpaatterniliisair f é, clamatio5, Mr. M'IRI .ained thse Obiect Ofthe mec Dwin,, ternis Fdlow-Ccizeu aand Frsem y conscisus of My iî,aaility 1 ,ai, affectation of dilfidenir Ad a piece of hypocuicy la hesitated a moment in acc, as juel bees maie by my fr id over your deliberatiou. his higihly interesting'Z, mi ýcasion-the more eipecàa een So unanimooily, and e ed of by Vourselires. Wi rether, my. friens, in the le ia take.auitaoOur serious c irça %%bich, nts reo %ecesary te adopt, ta mais rolection of lifii a-id pra lw lsappily e'clstmn4 tl liitiiah Kindin, al pr'Seîl sarliînas t o fa dsqaua raetion withiu thas provinj heir destruction.*' Knem ie procee.litin~, tVie "sai arty la which allusion h arty which 1 regret la sây. trength, andî colsequence 1 ê 1, ill jutted, andl, ta barri hi fla3p which 1 spe efuîi ,iry, whieh has for %orme îed thc Culonial Departmer riit My Observationis withi s, because I1sa alundoul entlemen, much belter qui xpibin ta yoîs in detail the ý.YOa ai' el asare, aut thas. difficrencus of opi tus1 foc Sonie years liast1 me nihly and the ariser brai lature, and brtweess that 1 Jevernînant, peivading [oa nt thse seiole population c ai its fiical concerne, cimE o.1. rid atlier causses unsc .ni a!lible wuth tis asl ppiieai-injiarious te 1 ~nd secunity, of the mitole tL the annihilation of DriE ny. A nuansber et mdii bilion, an istbt i ore caspicason fer their m their actions and 'ir larmnie, e te r hoch they cas e ther l at ,Ots-a,,iof them appa ortal hatred ofet itSIS s lie Iheir pride andi tieir1 'sas Plea aOfRelorm, sand ai oppression, wiich taxi ateil imaginations, are je ringly esileavoiarin.. ho a weakrn the confidlence therto peacsbly disposeai, untrymen, in 1he juice. hn rvernient, andi, if Ila e mlt absurd misreptbh raies, esgendering scea inds, againSt ailth ose wb1 uppesed le tieir narrane jldiced, and 1 aun son th rfori Cs tesrlips, ha inti teir hearts; a 'agisaul Use Provincee, 1 en iso nammahey tar, te Thr, sait ir commsand a vcena"" li? iss ptsasty dc ci disorderiy sn ,'ii hY aind esîetWbh atexcitenient l in. d enflsssed the vice*i several sectison,.4of tesept of thtlawa » instances Th'xiss.tg cae specâ Manl sifctn e Partcla7 iI O ar aemb l ad paraci ,Ofnihtî-suc if ti. fn ay eft îýeM armai.En 'btey have5 0 y7on ce of lcarning ladprac , altd-jadgift anefra ti al, air egal parpose, bat aches or the peace, fiol, fiterising sagnfaisetht oftepopulati,,isîll e of their venerabte ssui boly religion whieh la ereign, andi 0bediess., Ct n0 vannsifor 'urss, ces, asd fronn theacs e eeing tespn.se Ia mfOI AUS 10Teo MftOO .APPY TO PUWCAUOcUs. OITAWA. - I 1 ' '1 ~4~il - i.L 1---

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