s ' r 8* c- --l- - - , ER CANAD)A. epru.enu MRconne, Grt. tise slght of Tseday, th OftA"ae »v lut satth, sardle ittiat. in thi Mirlanol Ditilt uf P, ada, Wam foeibly cWjjd a kt a recard et ON1E Htwî Mill lie *uiltuaany Pets ,. information as Meay lea t a t6t Onviction et the Prertrs %id 0 lce. pieile :f ce bave catasedti..s% a Patent, and thc Great Sd, 'ne* to e he iivunte aileol- yBu ma!ell-beloved Sir Fiai. avmieset, K. C.H, .k Loveruse. ef Ontsi poic Mdd O tem er, in 1 OcanetMieno Eight 114., seven, me!in *lh. Finit Y".( lis Excetleccy, . B. . , <N, Ssrerecy. NOTICE. etteil toi Mr. John Ritter laIe r Langton, Matterae sp« tiseSubseriterilya rep- ilection of hie, thse sait Pus psynnent ilsotraej rcomrnenced wbistiobi W- B. S.MYTis aly, 1836. N.lcutRue ERtS 0F BRITISH NORTH IMERICA. a have cesser!t bhe Agent, for EAI. TYPE FOUNî)R frs, a, mît orders muat be addau, ,T. GUERIN & cc. JONES & Co. 931 eýRlN à Ce. TYPE FOUN. SuIl> infiarru the Printene, &c. lst the Agencc of Mes. Le. med utise 28b ultimo. Thae realy tosueppty Pehaters vitb reopre inctaer uine, on terne c>' can procure the saiue att. dl States. cf nec arrangement% enterrd ai wll ho enabte to Iraiappiy 'test notice; aui no unnecrsu. etteen the reeipt of the vide, pers cho have publishe2 the 'rtisereent, are requestedtoI pub- tht>' wblt rerebve tutodelso tyreent. l'oN & NAPANEE MIZED ROAD. la Dow li prognesa, snd gmt Y cll obta in empjloyment lay dit, tise Engineer, uit the Office. Street, Kingston. 13, 1837. OF CHANCERY. eby given, tisaI tbis Court wilI Oggooole Hjall, on Monday, lie mitant, at Teve o'clork. y,otht Office of the Reguntisu o.5, on the Basement ofai lolsg, clatepn-eslpoi .d, and the necesary praie. ifice houai trous 10 titi 9 daili. WILLIAM HEPBURN, nia cf the Court,chcbtvi olicitoe te observe, lin thetnon- thse hearing, are prepurral, tnt f publication ait thse Gazette 01- S-C A PS, &ca. IE & Co'a gloiscc and oeddtsb anid Cep.&Moufodtorn No.%Fa feit douai Sothb of heir for e opposite aideocf the Sr, il, e ver>' general auorùtem ', ton nsmeeaiam ta Mention- 't citi immediateasttentioa, i to gin satisfactin. tps, Moisi, 7appets, Bonnes, te order, ans! repaireol la eI 25 pet cent, lein tisas tire iu £MIGRANTS. i,-Il croto m ttc remankî smm respecting EFi . ta iOS hia Province. î e.oe fs s in which esaigreat' base pu, aritol thesalvel and famailia r moer>, andI then retoeird haih prcvbnce. 1[have metul sestai irà for alhiracalf ai etl tie ia in tise western DI)stricts, Wuu 1 uactlty cf cultbvated $Bd cei- sale ; -,ceLr eCcU,,n 'e for aibeaielves, and met att, 1 canteol respet ig 'c'rti >ffice la stoire Street, Klsl401 D. RUTTAN, Land Agent. r)X IaRBUESDAI, oire Streetua4 P MuId,&È, Kp0PPr. Win ie tbakut1Y cedoR %!bnIer e *, n movacce, mcad ae"etl e if mot peid in ad'v"et ,iis epnsble for the pa , gaal reccive Mea gui fo.r a greaee 42anhen. an cf thse Publltr. -. .A I'OLM-CWA149 A W4IlàTURÂtL ISUEDWT TEP Snus&OPTE VoLffl JL pudl m I blete? dliilite JOHN JAUME LAVMM LE IMai &M« oe r es.&c. t .W 10. fWhIfdqf - Dimm., Fei alemth tUlime bac, dnt lwstlare, w. t halte1 m u bt sgfidmm, m»d iv« trevoit, ,dth a ee7 is bi*ui.ta hm d- e figosbd Y ittIs lyilmqiziL0 peace, lits lave bod m, o et ticrbrothe ftimdan lgasteie e = ue agmmne te dl cuseLa ta r, Maente havebm anals deetl*a Uebtyth bdlen oft4maie cburch, the 0hMn f catbolîcty,wItlis i& a relo.fmi7 ,Jdsoates efoiscès uImflt,6.t~ai olthfWw-lbonom l intas boly Miiisr, shll ae, eqasly vultis tbei, thse right t e- shUfnt,) but t el a t the eifçnimiawhc tr.ha cthe Gentileimposesape mby amYm, is~f 1 MeIk "a ie . o a - W.* 1. Co. 9. 16. t No, dura hethel, ne one otyou ias ignorant et 1 ,buee trtoe;-that thse detes ofthtIe dffereuit cembers of ,oCittY lotus asUeau ily & Pott t C1bristina ,Môrsiy, the dt5 .dg envt eembefl et a famly; tht thrisdoviflt code oft1m11 rIity bs a portion ot the sacreol ripw ofeFali th wbbu s hebeest transmitteri ta us by thse par ,honnetf f9cripture andt Tradition; andl that eW., os a sccesnrottb Apestiv, are banritte tranu- ait il ta yc with equl flselitY. a Thi.reese Mreever nthiug that oun rend« -W t te abject of isepicios . la Our reis, as in Yeov, t geva Caabas bouil: We have gren frequM prorfo of the lave we baie for Our dear and CoM- mon rounty ; and, as tue Apote, neatan We lte Woo to witnea, boitv long aterznm ai, in i li th tneof levasCbriFt. Phihip. . B"es e faô chm thit ie neyer received any thing firons theth civil G*vmnenet,-Po Ine expert roit IInotbuusgW bt tliat justice whith il duse tae ceey Brtish «uaab-t jet. Aund e brai tauimony ta the tuth, when Ire sikily pratast, athe' in sking ta eu OR se th preuttoccain, vsapesai of rselves, au- pelled hy ne eteicr infuence, but soielv actuateolt by motles ofrconcinc. It is ROIth t scrin. 0 tesiOS te rive an opinion, as a Citize, en IisW ptly pltical quetio: amone the dfférent P tmî:hes of gevernmelit, which ta in thegt r ci e Thirh aili thewrong; (tIbi soevof thes.tiino C wich Gl has deivereal te the rensadlertionait r omn: muamdum 'radîditdispu'toineurOma:) bal iIt mral quetion, cain [y, what isethse dty et Ctolic towards thse civil poser r'talesed a.; contituted jan each trte 1This religions. que.- t fn fallut navthin ore jurseictien Il cmptet- c, il is nnalubtedly the province of y. - Z 'W o teeau al necessary intrution on thia anb-y joct an rour povisce te listes te hlm. For, as the relbratea Lanenais se, IlBiebops e bcb rommissionedby the lloly Gbct te&vera tii vIsaih t " anné 'isate dtetbesta - , DOM-w ein Poil, ve profese thait ve beie5its t"Mi e- ver thinz nhich atpettaima te tsitUl ad-l- minit tio feclI Diotesci rergy and laity c Ouzli, failhfalls' tboey the rdera efthtie bishop t inaritutpit y (tpi Ppe." c !lvîs aira is whst the s.ueci Scriptures tsara a you an the. above question. 4uîLet every seul," Tâst. Paal-Ron. 13,', Be sibject ta thse hl-h- erpw"rR, for there ino power but front Cor!,anm fi ohse tht leare esordaineil ot CoIu l. iereo d that rei:itise poier, resiteti tisecardinaice et G. Aid they that resiait, purcisase te theisi- selreu donuition. The inter ijthe minter et Guitol then for goca. 11e bcareth nt thes aord Y invtain. For hie la the minster of Ced, an aven- ptr te ee crute wralhtipon hlm that deetis evil,y wherefore lac suloert et neccmity, et ony fer wrat, but aise !or conscience ake."-Bon. c. lit. y. 1, 1, 3, 4, 5. "1Be ye subjet thurefore," udM, St. Petr, the ihipf of the Apostît, ta eveiY hamanc reItrre for GodrPatcae ; hether it lie te thea iz, as xerliîî rte tise govercnrsas sel ylin for thIbo iahent ef ecil deeran mda for îeris ftht em!. Ferop as ltihe wilt cf'h God. As fret und nt as rakinq liberty et ma- lire, but as servants of God, bossuai thc k1g- servans, le oniJect taI yeur Masters cls ail (car:a net inly ae th gondt mnd gentt, but ise te the fronard. For this il thanka vorthy, if for con-e science loiarit, Goa, a minendures eecrovi vIlf- 1 feýngn wruifaly."lst. St. Peter, c. 2, V. 13, Soc, DerIrethren, ate cone efthlie He- ,y Gnt, as, e find themn in tihe sO*res vdneme; Inh th&rdorine ut JeassChrist, a thse A1stles Per and Paul, boditeamned i train tihe stieuhof thir Divine Marier, Bat demi as these cids n'Y hoe n themselvs, a Chiioian dte Rat inter- fie [Lie nordt of Ced ty lis cen psvate 'edg. cIn; le kno%çs that it is s tundasental piof e i falli, tht the Seripturt, as St. Peter amiues os, 2d EP. 1, 2), are net te bc undestt5d acte- diep,*tuech Minu, pivate *terprtat Lep sd tiet itheiongtue oum«eterth.'.t ai elie Çbc ao Lueîpnnnd them taous mseerdinq te thse dècWuieof e "osschrit 1intise Gogspe; "If h. viB"uahear] te Chiîrh et h"m le tetisce as the1t heseandè te phis... t Mat. 18, 17. No, hispre. ~lentolinesGregor XVI., ham expouisid strom 1 eue phuai gits of Sesages te-vi basinrITetf t"epassages chic Ir e hv Citd fInM tht mentit Voume, acceding tateii dotrint Of lh- Holy F.thersandm lthe perptual1 traditioine 01the Church, train itaetablshment1 doni l tIe present day : hie bu dctates! tieiri uenin tg the'raie Christian wr e hin mitEnrec-4 lieut ~ ~ i Itin ~rma uth tegiming of hlm Pea-1 tiictae, tu th, 1llisai in every part cf thse vend.1 ait inatr i limeSin eht ijeiies!h.boa cul loeaa, n srt the doctrine of tittletter,, sei ila recahvýd t lent the tacit caotsent et the1 lie 41h O f Pastos, and ceo quetly, it srat hetnkeaaoî n uuubostaîvedecitien lepoint1 neIehave tearnei," sasthse Mol>'Paier, lat thitOuf thi. thst jt r ccliiul e, etteVicar oI=Jn hewdrsi ne Ire 1 hl"an e ai t ;t îtlgdisemiinfte. W eg thet driî nC5miotrines w"chias ake tise U.llty end iumission due tePrinces, and eulea.tieml- 'sey pecnim sta puvee de- f attt' Let 'lba Rd ' tht' IeR lemid, ccediOK te tihe ZIIn, Cof th, pstte ItIssai tisevela ne pove, bat r?;Idtherpfera le tisIuuat ists t, ilett-. th ninence of Ced : Md Ldie>' li ",,W, te theauelves demmitltaelM. a &W$s l ehmt i se l sai md tweof - [JotaWÂumw, EdUtswrj Ta£ DREAM-GIRL lisea là a ecnsaValley' inLsmgtuedoc, atn -re dlebt (lmbthe. pelai.eofthtie biahp of ýblndes, alie., te "i.dmy,tlset taveller is ulmk hy Mme iaingualr duvitie o<d=scay Te Va- tel' itaclfif lab. nmaquiet . d dlrghtins iat ?rance eu bout. A atyre anins tlsrosgh il, cils joua rmldity emono ite keep its vmtes aeet mu arem;es end oneiscy aide of Ibis lise of ceat>, mu gç.mt le-mlg meadoci ezttssd çeon. aide to a chmamof emootI, g&men billemnd on thse etiser te thse base et a mosnntain of almsm inaccate rocks. Thse river ie bordereil by cillen anol etisar alrs, crdwdimsgtedipt"rebranchesI. the Irenaparect cave; amol her m4d 15cr. ln 'ta scaegh- bDurbier!, groesof wainulttes algol tie me&&! n " , s e v i g s e d v o u s o f a m u s m u e n t W o r i n - . nn mhesihlet, oruels, at tse SMitdmw ofoa. mrme e the 1hhnhes,eSsM, asif in Mockr7 ofethte poetm, f811 tie cveoing air vith their mirthful mxwsie. Even mer, thse humiu Population eoftthe Valley' asm pedh tcay "sodm .1 and ba%*0 e cer tepose, bat m s on eyg te Ibo m ele - limes a ltWc <ijicuit>', à sPott e e'x Cfestieus abd prueinelrtassaugmSU tise Ius wmu leies lmsw mdparla md 3greembl.- Twees.ah" iup, Isever, la the. neigesofýisl the thhuatbthmateu -ver. MMiiwome; for tiser. wea 15cm oui>' onevilla;.ia lb. saler ares las-i rtresabul and mcettoraaam tiret wra y t aiîanmd a ves>' pcv d. ise village of lasignol aumm sd~esb on mreof <1t h *osdmmte ofgbtm ia Z. ~Y.~P3~ttta1t struc, u cUC Nuetiofe te un. di > mm. kppr an md fil t authir remoesend t d'uelion- isedd»t alem protait tisem hme s5 exeelucim "Omes v. 111h, deiscm onaci- u MaIb"im. é 1 ieda 0 imle, lut I.v M'.,laiselleut basie AND CO1MERCIAL JOURNAL.b TEIMS-FIFTEEN SHILLINGS PER ANN ý, WIF.N PAIO Ix ADVANCE- S SEVENTEEN SHILLINGS AND SIXPIC WHEN NOT SO PAID KINGSTON. UPPER CANnA1PÂ, TUESDA-Y, NOVEMBER 14, 183?. '1 [T. Il. BzwrLmir, Printer & Proprie*tor.1 [.N uw E R F,76. q ____________________________ Chas anîOWieî ,»0'i& a s e dira Pi 194, Ne 7dwerie.ish d râa batMtb er Lmeoi"md Wltbebe ef ti*ats m etvnda 0e lefoi lia tyr St. aliemiïmd ce avu ta otsefmloime, tis evntst Ccd;sud M-ov dve th mgtb t sgki eusd laie, viis cU O e xe nm s1dm n et mindusete revelt W. lave, oq iairainmtu & nl, m&"dwc reisat ; becameare Prefer te sfiodeath rallier "e te intact il: Mis ideite ot tise chnlaia aOlld acq*usee mete, if ce remar ii Tatatlsssthmt tise>' yon deouent acifla le a-ber -le p--$ lab.dtheccamatedeclar teuieelves ememies t te t t. Tikmc 40did ezaap of etinviolsl,g1e a"Io cshicis chr'theaecuuiccae- *ssces otstsepncpet tiec Citstiai saligiea, coamsthce rér eofiaa.Who inttuattairiWU t4Ç lovqetfuabridled liberty, diront ail their culrte taim.udt tbe igisaOet uthoetY, " chilst, upon the peOPle, te entail one, slsvcry under tise nmsk et ieil>'. csc uettndeul f et Uc vii de- sgasaftbe Waee% or thle Beguaerds, of tise WiOblltS, .Md Of uhem is eaimt wvIse. the masi- tbernaiof thç -- "e Se. bave ticen aq troquent- [-Y direetailj and tise>' Who walk in their footiteps bave M:o1otie bject in vicv but te ioicat vilsLe- bher, liat tic>'M are faonesail centrai ef pesous aed cttbiage" "ku ce OnYOUr Part an ebtiptiuscf doly>"arde lie sautse Penitiraie'briet of Jul>' 185,to the blihop-» of Poîacd, " ît io on yeur part en Obligation of dut>' te vraIn with th iseltanemt caret let vi)- nindeol men, propaleof t (ie. doctrine, sprend ameng your locha the costegiaof et ein5n0t~g heois. Tises. ien, cuisticthepublice',lun 1 thaiermonthismpoaeon tiicredulit>' etsirnpVeen, Who blinoti>' ecome thtar teols in diaturbjng the Public race anti evertiirocing the catabîsiol sar- de ft'g.Fow thegcoi, and for the lner of tho Dirlpîts of Jeaus Claubat, it je flîting tiat theis felse rloctr.nea mionlil b. exposal : the falsenes et their priasciPtes muaI b.s stneby the brerutalsle mord et ths acreri Scripture, andl by the inrpu- table monumetsofthtie Traition of tihe Churi." Sari is tise doctrine eft ti. aupreene Pastor et uoie ofetta vecerable Poutiff mec asttseg on tise etermal chirj, in coojucclion citS the demrenof tise Chisuci in aIl anges and inai mt places. you min ncfeP4 tirer hetbsen, liat ce- ceulol ec, witbousslvieIaIs; our dut>', mmd enimmgperaag ou Perocsi ulvation n.ghesrt tedirect" ofetpo rsamceceincicnitnci e rîicl.Fors. a Catholic casacot pretemol le chooai chat peint et l'sth b. cul amit, muid chat point be viii r.- led: andi as St. Jasrsoyav, <Ep. c.2. v. jo.)inie Whoe " olsil nsmpointeiicbcoose çuitf c f a) 19 tie. penrt question amsuats ft aothicg .tas tbàhhse-tier yen wciicice te maintaie or clicher rou wcll <bosse te abandona the laîn cf pOsitreligos.Sbeald tb.m»Y oneviM e es- gage yen in m revolt egaicat l amet Geveca- ment, uneler lb. prettxit tiit y«' fer a part et the .$iseerp Poiç, sunfer 4& ~yoarselvm ta b. ince, tlieug obligeai te admait thse pa~~ ti t moeagt>fethlb. peee, becitese il vwu te rb. prci i.t a est ils existence, lotir gond rare te.caSidemis populmi jinrections, la>'inser- ti..g in ticeBcdrar<eieu <f Rlu. cuis earis &thse cccetitutien etf17Me that tise Bonerclgoty neides, ontinà part, PsM aven in tise majurit> cf thepe. pie, bot in th.enitha boryft>'h ie citizen; o artring <la me no idirUCl, fIe sePartial uniotn rof c(*à=i roa 'pctmmal toe sSovereigit>'. But cie rUt dare tesamy, fiati n tis rountr>'tise totalil>' of cit- izens deslres the overtIrrow et the Covermeetf W. concluais, dear iiuithreît, iy mppllmg te yoer soble *seu ceoashepte. lite >tu cver aerionaly relect on thc Serrera of civil va,?t iao yen ente represent te yesurelvea, yjoatnàt anmd tuu hau eigcsb uathblond, flacinnocent and tie ejî> res! oU b>' Uie came tille ef calamul>' mndvo Diol 'o ever -reflect osa chat exp.- rience teaciser, tit alreomt cithout excepton, c ver>' poputar recoltstion la a cork et Mcc? io yot0 entreeci bst enacthe Pisuophser of Ce- cceva,lhe eutbor of the ia-laC aunror, tic sagt uplaolde of tie Sovereigss f thtie peeplu, my-s hiself tisat a revoltiiesa ch s t o)>mal ro oftel2 wsould b. teonolcari> bosaglt?1 W. leave tisea importnt reelleins te >'our feelinggeef hu.- minit', end te yeur mctttiscias Mchritiai. " Tue rcs et our Lord JeasChrist, and! tb. chality oftGedmcd the comnmication «ftise Mo- l>' Giiost b. cîtisjon alL"-2 Cor. 13. 1&. 'Ibis cihgahi"ltund Me)alpetslien!aIt. Purecis e rPrincipal Mmf a e nisCisecis, In ciet. sanyce canimue ofOr Diiies, on the f S.Z orFestival elter lis reception. Civen at Montreal ticetIltSOct. M87. Jette JAMU S LTQuz a, iiop of Iliotreel. Irvles is aprovnces a"ehet e su tsred tone. Errer>'chers thse leralo vai IN, lit 'smastiest cea ratly strock bhl th. pe- prerliming csr; and! pistanmd culiarieofettise occupaton abu asmI e la dsse& c.tbe inisters cf trmpcs an d ttenm Tie'fidiecin bils ie ce vràls>jsitherulM siedriollire andmol aantthreagin Eurepe ai wa i wicislieitcanrced gobearof à; amis. Tise rondu ere almStcas. r "a a hammy," r. hevaiw" 1 mai. le imtetccliy troope of robbere. la Luisdue, 1is!-ainuitt te is hiod Miaues, cicisAntoine viitrin le .enouie n aIbis ulcilgIalntst in timî province, c. o'breta&ures, he tow4ni vii stonitiiasct, eh asta table atie, cAtIstise Magnifiicece ne- verse aroc, hedi>' pver!, cbcktd el hlcem% dtisisi msplicut>' *fuse ecrlcsaafcir- set iwarusti witisliices. Tise cil W. chèrnel, hoever, iaI il tb. cilo-fevl compoca etfrt>-fire men, wh.o oîy cautet i etier a lex, a ding, or sone oUier part. danger anedteirbsncc. "u 4 Why,'cred elicprlatc,. 4od-buesuîdly, Ever>' cher. vasmacudissstisafmi 'it <bas nDMlook Vcury elcgsr.t, imdccl;boit. e motion. Tise parisbn o f tise mcila mut ecusee cgreericesi r etauc*nc,.h ijtb cach ther; maid teligionas procris a fatvas erlviisg teht tb lit ef chat b.isiige' ng, cime ta blows for tise honour cf Uposbe4 ~informesi th5is a b atte mi lmit.y ive bernera. Tie tenossof dsffere ells b eWe,,va nxprsmieladesre ta b. e W macule cers seen ru tently engmî fored-of the. umuereof theit service; i " chic saitanmd ou the ici, risy'tIsaI Lui Ouar triend aeccerdingl>- complaco. eles o semal>'put bis kingdin niei "'tTis egle bauld tliaitnes in thse evit>r of eai«t Usnat l'Vcine icpa mmc Neg, steep rock; mnd chn tht pousit c le 'oF*eceesaut tit scoi lieove tise place, tisey percct a 111: but et, thee i, Utt',dite-et cf Notre Dame. lbc tWot e iprecbpice, viceethe>' May' scure $hin-. crties .tIitosul tishe kiogticus we stlives film the neattser, ad catch tillthtisebirda anrd Antoisne rouIr!net mes-e a bo teteb pre> t ier vounsg. Tise mroment tis. iticeat bcbng thes pectaf or of a duel, rlepoite tb. gamin an ier neata. Uic>'fi>'off i is Doegsand Miiarmeot, Antoine st tZ«d f ntmie*; and the.peasiaule, itatin tressabis quiet.vollte>' of Leag o. lRe il beensmua ais ctic rocka coth mtoiaing sllier. Hechit bannes) village, agilty su and u>'y sa e.>1epris, leavin; Mornetomas; -,flasheil iti mes.,,hbuhat iL entemuis of animale insteed, tiat tise pesita usy ot conqoerussg camp; su amiîeir, icplei te focakm n. agenerl, befor. h. pnanerers bc had A'ed Iiorigb&th. tnemy'm col reh tIse mi, lb.hecilor yuang eaçles have luté,bail seaueein lseTeq stage. etthe otgoup put a( the bird, or otar aniýmal, wch is r (pcn fl captive rnairl0 Sneciung for x tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ au resr sl> Iebeo' ixaiaappemueul ir. viciails.faetic theb.trmmphant queei se Mutiieated a atot. Tisequmasit>'et tht gSmmt,.detti or hflours b>' a ixnal o er iipvever, ampi>' compensates for amcciietirta, aasor aflas et brrIr yli . Mandati the lord mand lad>' sagls alwab-a cheve ue bet the brave ari a iventarosas,lire hart teen 1 bm.foe il l, alarsýl le raa aligtaing glauce ; Iscbal tr Ti trmpne t tht bie'hcp'm table, hsaever, lit- muset es etfie fdir, cool taîkeol and lie tiongit ht beas is cls hic b trr daissîbea love jn tise vening boiser. But ne, were provileil; and sîthesagi, soaetimes, no cmuterings, §ad hé ae a àgirl flike Joj dabt, in tioe cep, tse>' frît thcar humi whirt,and arelulthse roulu; of his tiiat eye, or1 cnjcysd thse deightfut sensation ut talling uoce a han plamicdli p, or tise encacet di procipie, il cmi more ociog ta indigestiun thanvaboin andàmibtios iearf, ban tic ci ta assyrpafb>' et imagination. The occupation, the mpri cf a #sile, cbici,eltstugt indeco, cmi looketi s"onansport Is>'the villagers lice lenhatf;bart set hjs seul on fic 1 themselves; but se aise is tager.botingo n' Jüiie iver! vithie hlm-ne mrei teliir dangerosi amusemeent, in thse quarter chere imae that, liketheis culpter oft*am il la practstd; m!ai 15thedate cf ouier>', More ibc bat wept lts innI sa ljfelesa andses thon one chisadlesmotbtr cas seen te treumble andl vas a tini of life, andl breath, anda turc pale ith.recollection, as thse signal vas giv- oulalie beauty cas ef the taiser en foe of cieexpelisiens et pluear te thea comipueu0f amle,, adlteurs, endi ope &iti isatel. et, mt reta. 5 ras a bing ta T.pr o the i.young wveis, whvis aua net arc. love a pictre, on secouait9 ]y' mcorepaunes! their fatissia ce brtheui, murer) lis deigas andthti gler>' of its culau gnomly' te the holbîs>'eharmetee et tic ace; ans! lie ettesal.nchais.meiat et ymîat iba aliser occa ntic separaion cf the sex- Ifopthis mretamorplnesim hati een 1 eus-as igioty Miaisl heul Uctimaivcuchalets b>'tic partc hicSb e Ihall cernientamItai loc. fer bhsa ovaces. In the milaI t fthe. mmli jn bstriplisg iert, it cointha vaie amnuit>,chSe fields of grain dis) col cilend The Mmsdevnc, l e scer et ru vac>' houdred y"salsround the village, it cas eeilwumortthle seul>'omeil ilrmt hi ta irejaomile for the. noaetae an oppotuulty rowalova,te b. e.Tic ide,»t for bus» .flae, wbieis the.culte o e iplace subetuine, eceted " b>'tic pere foreimla.te tnoy cpenly; but, isnug ntha cs »mebages ita lorre, andis tomc ii ans) preca 'cas ofthlIe gigaasic reountain. mi aUwospe. -iety Tise yoaeg girls opeoicolthc campaiqti Atoime rrivesi et tise vsilêy ot S>' darisg up tise more accessible parts ofete b mm* sescu eoftis eacr in ivlcrh mauartain, peruueifb> tIsir lovei; anti lu seni- ted if; and ti le raucýd41 kug for game, il happeneri freqsscnly that the>' obaerver tilaer i iugtro.6 teast huabea.- dmesbmntes ioetc-S*piri- louais>'hetic da oU.the»ronie,utsbis pi -ffla.a eauhalnti.jj«çMJ&si és lb la ebce on4m&iulmw~ tise= loiepreciieso; anit cas eheerceil tisat tb hnate c ùilbeaassytbis V Uieae ch. vere t ot mdfor moicis lents a? agii- drasu. Hua. on hobvet, tDy tly, lied maali>' the moet perfect forers. Tiisro M vinc*e bisa e t emlity of caser, se doub, iy thc pe>' of tiermuscles:! as- oansmm esgenly doesandedo f the eiaig sunddevelepisg mirte pe*etl>' tic plau cf hl conul taIl itl. te interest ot nater.; but yet chmn icea&at frusl y tiat the .11e>' ve. tili Iss>' ctisthe conniir Young rmen c ose tis aeeticants b>' their dexfe- ab Blae, undea Hlenri tic fourlis, fty the 1echas,itcas mt suspecten thtisi eao,, lar Ecelï oare tise terme; outhtenpromise ilstal e s tl,'.a Uctharnu».. even b>'tisaI prince te Mademisolle Wiscn the. parti rtmterltei village, a pub- Tic>' thought dotîlthe rnyor of Pari lic i ootek placenou ticepils nt de4eod fer tir of lilisaurbences n tUic kingit sal, id tier. tic jpke : mjate tseesot round ; Cardinal Richeeu c.pensecuteih] Mnatchs e e.coueted s cclias bries ; and ltIse tiateferlais religions opisnios* Ant botsrsumier.d, ilke thc pleaants, by tise brare. iç greal a h il ajentgainat hjm, Il mentInmotte suppose$ olbeveribhat eveu n lu er!-f btIignorance, surI isjheol ha ii an Arcadis likctIise, - tise vallap et Rossignols ciicre tise>' k " Ic avoue et tuaie I a ul id l aeotta." better chat vas dons.inatise colO, t Titre vonteyoung girl, calied Jolie,,vise, as b.d becsisctih e idt ismelves, cruel esriglh te have ds! cyd a choIe nation oet Bat IJolie!I Si e nasyear aldier. lovera. Sise vau tiese r b'atifuhcresîsise, il s had souk about te lise mlissah part oet said, tisaI ever ilkimmed 1 the surface of Ihis hrea- opes cere more ictensel>' blue; bel lbjn «M ved Her ligiiî hava Sait cas lîuminedi roended ile asa il Itbît mdeAntc le the teuila cf the corle, di geine rembing ignaastly, Fho h. ceuhavice ma thatchfeauburns; ansd il ramsenionsg amiss! tsriant ctirtbe0ut>'ta e cperfectiins. Was ahtwhn n tiardeur ut thoeblise, il become ~coda>' lovel>'? Tic village seid y usunou, a l col din <Iondlataound ber, Ilset toine score a greal outil le hîael?- seuicr jat tonchesi on tieî?golden mumils b>' ytrihutea et bis he iicJii. 1. sea vi,, lic vasc a.toked mrecike a hhing of air thaïs u n tic orieanaýt tIsAhie Ira ve of cranit. 1 blen as issa ngidtices. Herver News the iles'ion disipted, he fioing S(it5thinig of temdernema le bis lton 1cm>' vitis ier wcile oreshertondanttresmes,ibe cils) laugi mente his heurt quake ber tarieImmise) upc. tise gazer. 'Toacre vuce- d m ~ophere le chich it senti, tbiin i f Cat ticge ofemetl-for,limcre lsa fth nosnmerlidtiaie = fr theiought-w hich irlentifledt he love- a misr, tht, an ilIsera bas beau, t lieit ad buppistfaoeslvith moralil>'. Tistre cas der, fise yoasg sellier moostan ne Étiled.1 anelupesa ber dazzlsmg bow-ao wodi, te Ieate, if possiblesbuicaîlf tonds cof lender tieutgbt upon ber itinoflaeh, e- asiI fisc cxpluviee. yen cf hoe liber nrainteye. etIe r eer Ilethe imeantîmes e dey>'wu epp apee ilhe e ai ~ ad iefatr 'onitcteapedition tte eblackr meinsa. etCryo giveuemtes. $bec ma a thigof jndos i se pusa 'n jeco d irecieil t -Auto asdthe tdeva; cho excisase, as caelesd at> P' mte oo tfr" 'log ias., e 0b. lu ncascletushy as a fce the swcet soeeli of k«, gagicg vithis l former vigaur andi laautvor tihe boustile, otature, and peerces!the tic sport. Thse mticipatet ttampi ouit :eeaceis cltà ber mittul sons, flIse. mu- paieicIo le lmin terraes itter a thlebgl.th=ithe instnct et a isd. vaions Youncggil, WcohIall tonde = *&souei f viet wcnasentbinbe minI mIce ise departire,wcre pinteti i isso becna dol, t ebier jshyical nature. 55. badi satelittes fue ber cho ecota i ci1 tise maimeexaceoanimal fle wih aleS s lem ved t, ic cland is)relues a love as cols) s liua g Iioru;bt ssleten isr inscm- liai lacfoce aigrateioni te.gei9pla er Wlsen thse day came the prtymai ealh vitt a cesitiicg lasse., ou eenrema o b saie ofinetit>, mad fo spetdih e àa psy andl aaihli g : rlson li heà"loe yong girls, il in ties chedfiSI e lthisil*ie lt o e sw vet t'm.' Tht>' cere ecac out 0et lut clil a rhill intraecettfmusir Sic ouI- acrcrding ta imaremcial risotoreb) stripper! tihe ldes t fie jetus le ticchanes" tIe chihdcaiv, reaaim;tsaesictios shmdcol ire miee.phautcun-slsmp, amait th i ers n d m eov n tht>' bas! gainei trige et thcpiîe s aciies!caveuby thse ti-ser e lenctinue, tcis me.pu' nihd-goat with teur: umer! tekelaog w itI and the coisop caegt iselve careeijo>' floue ionacles ducs ;ngt.u7Lý te n an nsa, hiletise ne aurfllowc iglt oethteegWeibrongta the oir. eider, thc choie srt ftnt, siga1 Wli Mann eel MaImd aach acospiibMeuti, and ke'epug ltue wet Isbeir tel ab fr WtflouM d alime, b aoir emM s ugitcr anchsite tihe siaict. cet Jltq hve broe ! Jolie diuicnairakeue. I a rtln b~ i.'ttu Sic'ca adnural totdfe anvd ha a, milalais, cf the moention, BOtihng "sbat:us'tle air cîtis ler aaihof mutcal leugb- par iluit patis. 1icbutecua o êw Dw ailbN, sanau, moî& an o l intichene hetore tiema, lali, t so, tise Vouer padIe. m suionn cml' itia bis m li beth e menitiam* es!te At'tM eyns-ulaçuqa.#seie saiM ltbr aha a beSt ged Ti seesatkable rne eofsaeestaia SacS 'a =11>11,lIca vift~. fthemm tpart, o atttieun, ortg A y.a?%aâ,hiscrtsd lcm eyew&tf the 1>'vexeteticeeà 1" ,ubaieecte ffaM, visauv"sIaI te WiktpJpic. li e ,esCptisew*ld-rtsi o lare tas us>' eel"tcamtiep bar, et aast Iboc à.d le Ome ethlat, ai meatIpeinte Of oftedowlmae bra e b 0faitsl, clefnlcimatsi..bien Xatin ru*dW« a ein te o si UW tic Ctyo>' hedesert i., 'hlaasme Imulsmm, cr acet m l questioeui lc mnnlm.. lsaIr "in he saill. -Oas nn mastb igtelle Ib iee tfelof 'Rsiw-amd I;e cts cf bis Wverancheb bionm AS b ellriteolthat i Iteelels ' cewa ftcacha mid plons.c 0e laasMd deedte OqavIi.~ f 3han, jAtin, hoddtstu le cîls 1cm i amo ouvtrenaey"q kccwagnc:aadlk rif het11& miit is e ai'orla*e si , ;.r. "k , rs Ia mcrsen Figmtuldhmmmem-tu.-t! a ,as going about iambasadors, et teheadmof passable, and àparia itscif, i f bit adren- hait ths treets op vath filth ty wstch ewu yadded le the OSm and corn- nt>tella fenglit aions, in Pas- iur respec- cnt establish- ted, band 10 nis thse thir- rthe Probec. irliaiit and W pieeccdene epuhlick ier- çre in arma; indred yards sought aspin ehait haro aa gand sacked LAsted in the. Pu and aitone, Suntry. fie 'e condition, eiercy et the e, diapemeang white band, »me himseif, ic emark of tritled irn the id drearced cf 'Y? in allhit li.Never, rb tevows cf demaaof his 'oer forgotten gb colder than ra beanteous atique uved, scold. She* nd heart, and mortal aimE pie, and wi.h- 3b. loved- of the. art of ouring, but by prodnced on rosi with him in to inquire. .st; nor an3' àit il imbibe, a el a thse en et nature, into food--r bhe badquit- »m id rie h knots civil- ~a2"te rb teVillaets >r bi trayelm ved; but satiâty them. acy of, Mar- and dpbated oft*iage, ed'Estrignes. r as t &le- hytie1tesa- àic. a laii, ", vu amn- la mev left new n me cl tha thse Who Her re fa torse her er figure as etaic saklaei- isad be 'or- as abest ats yes; but n. ne. Th t- anex'ytult ry scorn ve-ujrk mi ce nd tre e lnd; snd c tsaof Po ram jute Ifbebinol, mnted or The. frterv aine, who w )h of Jlie w mocîer3 ; en *d lot* beaut osut sa Prope, b. rooeol by and unautistan- issemlolta i rf wtsbom rwon W olidev ces of thse vilage la a ctteîing ed a bMe o ak- iued a breati reg te btv I d in themame a ben fil Paet od rav$cg tthe* adknt*th Md qze ani w"e vie% tbh el destecytit; andth ie fiait part of the aiventaît, in viithtie feicales alica-,joined, cemmncel.- Tua couibaeri eta genersl rummege cf ttemoe accessible par,-- cf tht mucomimin; uriusg. ebinb tic Young giris tries thiaitspeçul pith ecciiotlir, ot r, pu th iemoeîvra timoer tic guidlance cf their leverserre ledl into tise cefteansd ohacutities, troo vitemse tisoir cacape cutl olyI>'te putchases) l'y cetatssin. On thil occaions, the hunters kppt mort in a body 11nbsc u utoman>'; for, altbouh PcrIshait hlm iUlividuval internat Itaatt-nd te, ohl were crons tow on iau'Antoine coolol ope& itb hbisfi- taetir mition. Joice'a spirit le lis îec te s pint whichî itt was neyer iriginer!that tva-n thte uhit attaiuu. Ber launh echonit sa fer aind'wldlty a- isccg tht racks, tiat thes tait!ed llnleneasi lonkei round arlsieif aee re sistants aloncet risen fret tisa liiserea of tise cliff, le cutain and repu-at tise amnst eeenthy swuns); ber chieksai tt ithl beaig4 ,'lier3bgMcsa-emied te dlate. and bt-r da faaicsi panlua cf ligts situe caltent octgtetsirâl to si mt. ler ccmel cn Icku a t ith WndercndunIadrnratlon;but lie oldeet ran ofthtIe part>', tiesaane nho N'-as tu give ties ignal, vas ta1 regard ber citb aa btratage expression ctnoncerc. se Antcine," nsid ise, aside, 44 #ol.; te Ju:a tu- dyIThere le tisat in hem eyn'a thît bodz-s ne 1oc. aever sac tIse expreoion but once b..- toe et I connut mistakre iL. Doyenn uel moc it -thi ar ntspot, or Itei, or nbatener it Mis>' e, that iljins.emidtof ligtst jnoedsmgr: short aIl thiron a la>'net lt#,for iis tmp, (air as il Occm,,cil) close je hhueden andstemo. Nec, us> childav,» continuel Ue id h)man alood, IlGel 1p1s y ] L tck le tht iset ans) love, ta li fautI I Aeay ! away ! a>' t"1 And ara>' ahe>' lie, likee aSerd et vilo-deer beltte c iuitera aI iteb.g;nning cf tise choei, wben, eranaclua cf tiseir avisfl.tnesa, thett. theju, prend! heats mitIs jo>'and) courage. Sonne u"eres cetronnie; up an &]Most porpcnir-ar preripice, scarcely toucbiag tic lichens et tht rock tea miat their ausent; and thest at.din,vitis tbeir bette on tise <iti>' iusitt anal bruag dccc tae Jettheir sioce comparins ibelo.- Soret esueit thierejastresses b>'te aIseclt, as lise>' nere aboutteb lt-sp ecrora achaSci, and bell thesn tlireateontgly oner the Misîpi, titi tht>' beugli their iseirerausceviti a kistu. More tirilcee- eai routented thenislvem citii brin; thse selertedi tait one le a distance troistise crue), wciit, wiUi etiing more ta sacu Ieretise nthc dealyilenitcce ..cd iolitude oenaaure, lie>re igist wisper liseir passion. Jule ru ec. gliingaop beigist afteti cight,sssd kimuipr cipl-a'ilet 1recipice, le ltse art et rid of ai Ir.angn cefî pottre. Her ehill anl laisetlelugieaI i#eeter tintly t' hbIe eut, antil anmd Ser love ee erveilbat se direl> au e atle scasie)>' icermles near the surait et s p=cale la tise bcgosd Ie>' ere seateel eaean el'tuetliin ici Ivo youssg orne cciv Iyicg, anai>'crailler! mmd alept. Antoimne iighed a% S e cet. "Julie,"sasid ol ."cat are Yeu gpairs;ut- Theit le et Pen a cleuci an tisat tar, Sltc ky, te irive Son ratter for a thca;bt. Loch bore I Oh 1 Julie, bose areetI>' îbesc littIe creatures ans leep- tig t Ytsslecp as tht>' are, eci kcecs tinat ai '.. 1 - F- thie! essc ie ether araires ! Even je etp, bIsc>n te! tise proasace ecri tbe; ald le tht enelna there la cousforte andl proection, and delîgisI. 1ev happy' muet b. the lite oftan* ongle 1 bou t eicious &. a efeehings, vies, Ieavtng tIse toihaseecorid b ehiol, bie sînka deuil in bis nusaI lepence 1 Hon aneeth>' Muat the certains cf darkew close round bire, utugl>' boule! ila rs irele, cilS th. partuser ans) pledges cf hie bappincas I Thc nirlnigist culmf ma tir alatenetie canad bihowl tbei ecas: ttic aloi. maa>mrmithzeugçis a rear>'andal il esmamin bW, unmrerd b'the oin vihisosa, b. dli ont>' en- jey more ecural>'thic calme vitWsn, nmuiclte cIe. esc te lkW Young one&and labis loe. 1l 'I t ie he t-il laS etM exolainseilJolie; ltek vissles h.cones, aiias; proudî>' thienaigbthe orcan et airiLlordo e diciesor euIadit sleller et tic lonci>'rock)1 happy', indacg io eu.>nr lot!t" "Loch, Jolie -the youug creaturesalareadv> fer] bis pproach; lise>'me uneesy-tisy flap, tisait bute nungsandten ptlir motatis lot the food bc bingi fhens. Diens not he, lac teed that he ile ccir ttein lie lovesf and le net bis heurt atiri'ed csthîncet and tumutttous ereetien, aslise ileacries tee. star hlm ors tyrar in lie clii 1"' 41A>', tirreo,"le id Julie-"mstirrad tte its la- rai cter; but cifis prirle snd te>', andia tPerce ccncrousucas of maj-st>'and might1I»I Loch e is aone-atonelinh h buïtd eu air I Thse carli la benitthi hmtfed, cilh alili adegraling lie@ of habit "d tneeasait'. He eal>' Ihicha atIhiesueo- ment, if caglas thilir, tIsat b. in itoe :inheritoi if the,#p"chocmrvtya; and he oly féelsthat be is tic lord mur! seveneige i u.elf.-a rigti l a heitage P' Antoinae mîgiseu. Tice momientas iupeopitaous flonbis mait ;bhot Ibis vrs ber sIla mnod, andl be coulti coulsin hlm passion ne longer. "Coet,» rejelJolie, stsrtisag p, uSe cas e- gisnn le apeah;14 cbilaen o f saithis n e are, ca inuet mt asuis).tic approlich ofthle lord of air. Oh 1 if 1Ihala how and auow. 1. uld trikecone blan orbtise love ethonenar Iefon. dyiig-it 1 ttbougli tmoold ol mlbhit in lie " Juge es.i Autine, seizagiser band, I"if ve inrcÎ lodr f aise outis vby dalo vacedespiac tIso lasftnceamnda elticus tIsaIaire thse badge ot on spec'e? Fou deull mtet coe tissapel ttihlyen gr hame; feril Itae nt ipeaeMYr m>'hcurtl Il Seit il, e " Spaak ce, theln,"sani Juie, calmî>'; "vtmt ii % it te hi abot?"e "A~-ebeal"Àmis!tic lover gpd- tj i:Cte peaiit i mthe t-loemg S loe de.Iagsltl i.rcarn &i les" crier) Aubine; laas hon, bail i same. bava evel jotaJolie, ine Iwuca ,by ; 1 havctVsusgltofl yaus, madrewdcs rt y-oubyust;Ili ats ded ollyonyim "iin, for youc naStijml 11pasul me; I hiv. toegiit rfor got4sedand ait4el>'ta le>' Ibesapoiah et ur (ee;Ila y " sc,1lisl'elaaesyou <rve." "Aoof r te)o, yen cenm st» medheribs oi bul;avehotlwsIca = 11.agisofetyan,the n iodIant yu e in t 1 MBae It idreamleil -i cr itentlias ed eghae5ts - O&& cepband ' adsléd Men mdtetam *tti eanmd usas' sSt eats *ck, bu « t isa es racet liait t'eo oul ldi, isec4lth l en stp'arsrlstbt a ne ilsul finpisesom and - liove tleu t y bese. ,satuelen.> I v _4 m v<tioe ~ veut het. y B esaewl cea mnitmeVcol4, *1 a lmttt loulees bine, io v <teciasaf lever tac.M"domu op"oma Dtbdeif Yumdc hies villa as otlla. VIMdte l t ebe Astlmoatii belei ar im ofpl 1ts i e~ C 'd matuuulnsr, Biuyl marez vomivrumavt.-As tise ferimer'. b*crk la Dov greisl>' ceunpletcot, imrIlebs OMbel îcnuedi, enmd Ilai te. Evea> fmrner ahomld.aam m buildingfe r hlm caits, p!ougiss fore" ms> hinig end fer,. ry thinin leiti place, la erder te pfteolio ig haIt a ddy et à irniè fer ret Ila. Tooe cl tat msccbloneril Peint- ed, eaundov ta s àond ime te de the vork. Wbeçeer prctîeahts., plessg4 the gaonsd fOr epis; remps. Lock tied for exl mpelg, er yeu vilî get in yer fed too lote. Kempl.>' leu"r. ime ai nep*situs tnces, te poe- vent laur>'nemi seianý. PreMerse mlH year refurse saples for e tediag heW #cd ctide den&aingntef. lia.$te ara thi more t*ss' pritca, ebas beris proveo by f tnmsm mmd vtighlug. T.essit pork ssrepfuy, it le eeentiol caltels-, bcd fthc piccv cempetel>' in sat. -Plane s0leje ùr au theii Iottemi, tem a layet ofporila ibe qmde mma«se t tise iste nw, end n-e- tin *9 win. llipse& e ieuet, of u»,l te vinondm Te csse bit», onsga tubel of etncd plt'aslb a pcamd sfoifte, it,"à bi, c lilb. w- .hW%-, aurl Mt 1"rla 6o1. loi bmenmsslei te* des t"Im11.>' tl' sh.btbe MXlt uemeves- t je i o el fous tead, <oaefI xpl m U Wwb ) asas lop sndtmgteyut - ee Ilte, pimmelmi mdmia,. dl At thse peot alludra t 1, a rudae andl grotesqlue- lrobkicg arths aept dooovfrein nt-Ar t4t um il- Itlap nu payeetly renstn,îrtrol 0I Ioa.inle, te- serchiiaig those wboch 1l-y in lî,ac, irregular mes ce, areinil the buof the tatulare rock, andl Lsd, ano roubt, brelà formeil arcidentaltm, in the (al 01 theve fupiseula (hem the top, durang bome convul- so o f nature. Tise aszh *tv' n aarmedmuidIs Surface ro pinteil anod irregulse, as tao fler acete ta thse rock cclv viecrimlsed uapon hands andl kneas ; and cten itl îrememubered tat thi, r,.cm- notus i p to mre places near!y perlaendscnlarb and on louAi1s aicprias lai a fîightftl1rcipiee vit at least six hernire eit o cc, it-cill rîadily Le imacsciad tisat tice idca cithtr cof ascecdng r oeqcecdiaar, tut pzrt ieu!srty thse latteri, musi bave isual roiething terrfir evenra arthet ist i ma&i- Thse feethadla'c p-rfarrsed en tisas nl»son formernccsaioshli Juie. and lher leyer, frein irn- ~~tany prospect cf sadvntaire ; Misîit>' vas leroi, iàtetht even thse eaglee s void"d tht e nely rock, l;K.r irai s dreany giritu;ii the vioc (rom the muin- mit, whirlà oprvesserl the hest. The tregion of cliffanil prert;aice extendei ns faasatise rye roulol reucis. Tije ccl> dive.-sity in tise sceni cea us thse fornci fthei cra o onu bich liot up Ihr bal heada arcatan;d i h agecf the abrupt Andl dizzy obe1ia, which hunz thresteninuly Over gasif. of daîkness tht witccivbotto.nlîrsate tlic vie- ion. A grgyinh, lrcen rolcur, with coe minet>' exrrpt of aliade, ova'rapread the picture. Thse silence, afIn tt'e Par Lad berouse mcustomedIn t the ceaselcs ighicg cf thse vind,, stemeol strarage andl rnystricuq ; uad il c.sîobserver! thel ne ene rested long ilpon th.t jolateol re'k, vitheut feeling a kinît cf heninr rreecpîrgthbrugh bis blaer. Julie aur! Antoine gazedr aroutiol them for semae tinue sithout spe.sking luit at tuaI the latter, el- theugis with s ome Apparent effart ta s anhue bis feelings, staried up. T ho western sky 'bail lmu ber-c covereat with tlirk casses ofc d, chir preventedit hlm frorne ssertoiciag the position cf thetcon; ,ti ne w, th, t btesac a dulI rmuni îýot cear the edge of the horizon, il cas cith surfprise andt anme alarm Le disaoireneol that thec day vas nearly eta s oc. The oýd nr'î prediction how- ever, reipeclin-thtie confier, was P vidently falme ; fer, exce plicg in that purticutor point, the air7 cia esaci-ar as it bad been in flic rocîninz; and An- toin@, avare cf tise exact distance tht>'Laat! le tra- vel, and tise time it wouli t tke, cas certain cf their b.lcg abie te pettorre the journey long betora m 4;eoeconaenti g te retenu,badl lingeti se lonig, Ihut s slight stmgpioin croaeidAntoine's mmnd, that, inspressaaeiy the atuinge feeldnge srbich veighed sîpon bis owc heant, Abeh b.dmie retmrtacce te deirend tht dangeimus arcs. but then, mise raîked se tearîcaut>' along the edge cf tise precipict, muid lookeil citb se earsmt en misi- ratienon Ia.hecee beyocd, 1h., the momneutey id.. 0 s. udilon ehadow, tienever, tisat at tise moment fell open the carths, as cwhen a thicir clois eol eus the mid.day suas, caused hure teat ansd mimeet tremble. Me rcmembered the olil màhlb' preoiction ; and lbe 1ev full ceilt tat a storrnenc tbtee untaines precedeil by ne gréater i.ara- icg ttsan the flash slhhciseraiota le rom? et tht "Cem-cq e.liebLescimd quinn',c lËft am ild tbscfansixrcls1 Let us try vise aheli gelfinitteothse botor." Jule turneil rou" and looketi et Sire grave l>. " It if tim," sail cIsc " te seturn. The air Io hemvy MmbOtW; tises. is a Oanageo ailîccas arng theae liâi, giere the cinri mtnayseîgbs se aud-, ly. If I ce!. neatluer-cWise, I Woald M >, inc sPite cf the hîmi ,kv miove ai, that a aiitm bO*t te huat.» Antulnc mcrcely heard chat iseb nfid, fee <se vas gszicg In ber eyes ; cher. Lie sac, or isaigrutie .sacr itntly. the darle spot posntesi ont taeisinmothse mernicg, 'in the misocffibea oit s recet upernatural hrigtatu. Impeltêti b> a aurden feeling, chicS psrteok as mucii et pity àn et deveut dmiziaa, L-ta.i..t hInte. h.-,sud, seizing ber band, preesd i4 te bit lips; am"in. výilbcut another vend, tbrew himmelf uposlb _1:12m11 ga es)1.fini g round insafet>'., 0e ooig, inates) cff Illuwing, lise cas stand.- iisg "pr tise cige of tIse epèêiplce, gazing Ulmstise t.bâtcr, black cleade, which, as it alppere, haut ce- verm l mnct imdaanulry the ky aise e. At lebegh, hocever, file but forth hier fuel te rosa- ienct thé desceat, Sbut ritbdrev il cillaàa hriek, ase a flash et lîgbtnbng threw ita aadolen glue apon thse rockis. Tise thhtder follm4ved l iii sèarcely tihe inteeval et a secondi; acd ils bolIer roui,t- peatool b> th. thousol eclaces cf lise tlg., soeis the air. lash folletned flash ; peall ce! ripos puai; ties ibm, Li if acakeneol frois t tifs uibra sccpt down upon tht ccitt like an asmeol icus l joi e s ttife of nature ; tise air rec thicir, mod dark, and beon>' i the ftasotic ridgea of the clilia, noec (aingin thc gîcen,,rmd noieetastisg ot is the reti glane o(tlii ligistîbng, tecked like the i- fernal grsi cf te place,rilledl frere tieir cochet- fil cales by sme veireiofe(power. Anteatr, as sme rightser flash revetes! tise choe cegi, fors moment, vittf the clesnneesof d4s, cuml itil e-, bis mitets tstanding ul'osahb <tige ct the precipice. lier beari vas unâcoveteol, mite ber arame exteoidei tocard beaven il e asnid- tidle cf enttaaait admluiration iepil easdmi&tend thré;taltI seau eotionla a, rîth her long hais, dhbicisbarleseaped fiesaits conîimeneat, clating upora thic atr.iAntoisseronld Mdeyrepe.ts th ide iletieh.bebeld p creetisce c or'C'= vorld- lis mether more.nt tise srch vas ,trtatk citis ilgis-. png and ortl&agigani ruie ne led arosdi.. (Ta b. coiscludedeor lor mtxt týoen = i A - N I il