Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 14 Nov 1837, p. 3

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THE UPPER CAi%&A AtEALD-TiUL>DAY NOVEMb;â14, 8, 3. laesen aê p le *0 am M « tIat4 'a0-cg mli s mm ed. mali tues. iai lmb, dt a w o ues ve>'c- amaimaltt lau-M Ée i ita" -tbe -_ à, kapi "p abs, aua"tom i ta esmise qgieultura te niucbq systei. Ail s pmouice paupee'ss, but ai->I. ite, ta esta"~ 0 te inluea eoIa, sai biorli mmostr as tise Igeuuoa f the 4a fi Iolai nase, a se cemt tisai eu boe maeaid, but do, MeCeekl vas, il sp. las smt Amnion aho alagei marier of Ca,. wu isemait atie A";. 86 lImalligeft i'd, a bee mariemd 'la cul asimet Auderro. Wii, 0 UMeeut va Cauant SaY, M. mFee se., c. benl of liti gitea b' ltae intil. à ou ileace" 'ta titerefset Cosud on Solsirda>' the te vex fiuai £12 «,,b fee ber ive w van ed £6 ttb, Utrfie! tie . 'lhe Nia1- enliser gace tbe accounl 01 e statuuce cf thte ptimoneru ial> âs tvu ita i u u r emuaaeed ta attend lu bu queae or Ihis htltsg lise IS akii net mate thet If tise imiit;als fises esees fox Isoe non.slemid.À y ta te Court ef Klst's tiîsa Il cwu lh. dol) ai ltse me for tise purpoae f aI l.- ishi advesed tae leeti Oeatsi acpe sud the is Jemmied ai . n Uent> d thal astitere veuid, beace- ais lhimar, ut vu asu ite. vooul tie agaitt exp-eienred. incressei, il voeu be c. tfo jetifta siEncod, a r for Oaa sot et Jeuas vis Loedlrp tise: ltiaike tihe te>' bai PMu ta tsir du- eni. . . e muelwnc lte Court rawds o, Mrn. EI-amdaaî, in tise ice ElGmeatl, -se«Ubi s aCei- ,Sentenice nft leetit rect, , felusi>, '2 Convictions,? 7 'rn peen'putt: au yraO. àu>' yexis do. a à ~ido,_ s6 60.eh o - s4 rem. do. Orruy, 2 yeans do. do, lYfaralo. de lYeudo. Md lt"I Williami Brasa ull bd > bie aslauc, lt% pelilios it et examiai! sud the cit A. GevraM u ncni. Mia simular spoieatien fretbe eqeai>' appliraitle toe Cam «A«er pianis i in la ider ltou- s msit te lai ta balie ta iéis, liet ltera vui -4al> n oive ta laIte but toa dictu is led- iwi fo .wtou lt Golumeal Bome, Toeoulu, &b Oct; .18- imemot te tohmovlei lie e* of lte Mut time, esclilag bait xesfltaq ta Lisute se&in llma lslet ltae W&s m of PttIc llsptick, l5 a laeiM latta trm,*mDb amut MbL iJpautle Mas mi a bu hiagadtbt oi 12 o'.lock uas Of lia ni "àl iteelieof 09 italCh saMM é lte mopa 0511, gt. mme balise lte 1lio- o lnrsdiataljy mei ltt t ih pal!wmg ta ~ OaeslWi 1 Wi es0 a smaulea b o é boql m ued Ja . mo m iaees , te ase; of iv~l tb » 2Ç ute ;bA t tu ~ ~ raais éo so la avril o -l lisdomj- oi base LA5Dnall, hi wlsyala st bol ises Vw vm vanan luc (i~fahlite ioti IiB~bq . 'di ai etai-t va Mla au oss huiTi FuS tisaCty »s sd Osti tAT@ fai aes le i)b. vu .IWCen utarge eu., lie li bp oir e tthos eveu0sui nu r t. .ilisc ttePeae, btMeae la me t.w Vc Pfaimte ti' se el On Cî.The em Uitesd abevsit ade es e Cla n e ni M ir0«S, itblu>' Oiuetered tu ft seici or ljyite éeccaat itiînlatclovia 5* is tI oinilaso ei sdae'dk a u Kfiit i. arauia vus sisad. Fran tue cai>'oles! aIl.ii2e»a5*,- d .e Soeiiimetpepti for iseocqiot te «j bisai'aido ei alt' iics p r ie mnt of ctCeVicîlc idtaI ai laloes!t thc eh'rsTebi(i ofb s daisIciten i tmon>fro aip soier toeir cs e healieiggladie lait seifrthe ocsrsion algng thelymo.n l oÀPuise reiaitires, as l l uises i.v Pnse bor te s àsoaey sesaliWd Pt. FuSus, es, u asit&Giat ata liter Ibs Companyal Rou evraftisa aull> ohe iletty aai ceaS; efleâty chcSlerfui- efatio oIfaIis tsel, un the.rosilieanoes oud jie t tier êtýissu et h. Cohe lutt -. Th ie sCrenwrAs e iot ssa dotse its Suis unie lis ue idS >'cse w s'sa sllh;ts ti sonl.bie, " etesuarle ueala-t'on r5 siissmigieteS.M8"mý ell Oti. tht iste Animaile" o t h'sl ie fond> sr temvstsb'i, tsien tre;ateIl ie tecidoi- kins.,Titis ls.sere le pa ectprrna ,t. Thie thre&portbout t e nd, lmeile odîe' mcci vose nu, i thiedishi.onnfpsenla ilseli tee Yelthn e ot>'uccitheta làas atetiedes!te. uri , hetuclcilt e r, tit it lstiui,ct lûse uricdineitirri tierompfiehit tise rm 4,s1ues: ansIt enirlistamenera ae hgsl'ion- ibit.cthe oin cTvaubeinslnittlluit duros.! X 1.Tisa thep1huies orndes I-.seitS aAihs- 5I rt ad CoCI)s t-rcation a lite lumesse"à Pa- r iteýn, rMent.pslyor 71. Tiâs thui%%intle siilatg fe e MI ntse Seciety bot>%0citieit sxyme 15d't ieclIas set ra>' evdcesn eseniti 1h. ete licn shii, M sintali h-" eM llait SaocNature 5hht hers Bc r i te ocet lptre Tisa er hanki ofl thoendfPiag bl;îrîssiel wh et ri .1 ited Chairpa a mohe Ctin ctai et-fo the rdps se f.W, Ceiins vas cemlis-d thhe, s Ilm ia nd taise m e in r bites a ir i i a- M1. er hero i ai, cniocintuctait'.Ïde 6thfimu mise ciepetresnd e pçocpate plece, lbhev uriez vstherd vils ryv Daiig lie ceis$hallsevenu idrs eeiede letisetid ca AnlitNa sud Otse bvet friisciusiillit ecudAe t s taks Nph ee talicet af tiesel eo eethion asel'aistecsse Th aisensfre thilea, f nie e! iterassie, Dh. Mabos v er. teairi itrio i"ug t ome e! lb e-solsMr- ,Coallie asce l s tereesstha cilu of she aeertiiwee ted e ita e Dr.55 paizerfe iperabmu leecndutin h Cae Allerth 'erniChi irtoinc aair teecie e ve themet r5c g as lsea.ug assesecMbrcs Duri, theav1leninies,cf choteend vie il>' t a e eira >'otS, mi aIie mu tainlenutO h reisqutsjebutke!, asi isaaa ocsg liiiY, afaiwtuS se> vit*o dprsndti niat. apaà- aitm c rasiit' at i pOttalu&pp e e! ceima h b"'fine ibut aof.mreaefth e mis, dtai alii nerf, uped hazna ie vhgof mm5ajthe r'ra.i, theoîIiaia sse p.ni e nviialste a as'y eeeu, Don thilol eteS efssse et lie Ia te « of is reliin l ts. li,5 l ofulY.ofcisnia1taltiaitoen et rtai W' i 14aly relais nhlu lîl u s ba ti tis spliai y"evenrS euta ooig ser s~îe snate e Ib of seck biag dtslsua aa chit 1pestlasemo hadr gmmd pmuintmlon. thu ffa s latheaie o t Use mae! >e f Isu, Me. ES1, , Aoni or au.aeovr theK.".dt4S onic C1utae efithnailhmb lee ere y otfisijsiepiean-Wnalupo "Yxcse.~ iis nue etn iebi f i, oula l net seaumllaed t a hee0 latte 'lie14meoe5pe .-.k- , . iti ni its In&«r l4 e Nb 4 aiI bmta U u av we-y itritaa d- 1'a .8" sUm a Jt ceicib> tie ouiCla4mea p us lsse kar.dsals gas-auIe' 'à , th~ e as i n £à9 B.eianginth e h4~iau a Moiie o! £2 Io .W lmtihmuemmt toefma foratha avine e, Soety IUuiPemba» asev, ltalr epnaïartle% su uit, mviy a ch r*waiog odulange aliw ter itsi.nb=Ydof iCmL4Çâtvealp.aigat siet -as; t as-v cas * aSiety udmeiag ise &rng hes Tisslite aeoftor std a tes, Koft.e ijcas d; tise omait Tuh5 -eve Wi.lis W" mmutur' tMIs a halsoecft£as1Wise evseoc e! tis ee >' .1pertue sof au mmd &edistuaislit maimU o heepwdbisi iilta obe Ml e Teaur& ' e- s eo Tb. ahailasmleegeastheuema (sals lu nylt the basz cas avW teesetsa aSoiete, as holaiot ttc cous ramenMt sintiieis lowerppa III. litrast et tas mesavisi e igtmeas sacd mai sra thei7 t pie tai litaisMI M", les ori f a o r epeiasm ai tse bjet Mss por ffct he et. oil.Tss a Tuid Coie la roqurotllurter acc, etfa ace smen lit Sothe Aie civiapiehlom!ail ee sua, su inienceand inte reMnahiatlf fite Sieu, -tiseea emrgllarl oeuateni>' rentii and to audaovenouagmeni e bitedlrpaverka rete t conist 'hsior peses itte niigitl 1ss wit esest eiseraIn te S ew d dectrs eust hiomel, Linr ter, ofiatilt em naotier sa fier elor eai, biety ia>'e acsai soel&dri ts ad r iete.itaiy uh past.neta 'ntyt eou Mdteta othef"àlier aa1ck iy Th oaa.!llite asha fre ndiviusvfo texel -ag esainraua>'latedtsiet ansi A.mst e*otrLon, enu)' g'aoei tie Mah cRnesl xcallMonra reseet. Srin; t »pLeCacuivamu toc, tsaI er.Slexeli fi N-,%. W it uie>' etev il aitniae iae ta8. B. Metsu».a., Ccnttee- àdoTIca &es, 7M Nov. 1837 Dear Sir, Tis asc'ampsoyieg ieraIs! l girl sanie itaidae&a ai lise dinsin l 'eve Ytstcil Iime nilis'n ini. hirs tise EtiseO!. Viutienlitse'l reitiis Mdul eaiea I anc Ameriosas armr, yviieafler nt bail %*y etpmthl s gond de eâLiwthse coolta f -h I otIe.,i touS itiiseit nesel>' borne Secs vitb it i etirf, sttta lise te Iday-rlie iote mosi ituveyer, lie Ifitnt smlf sealesinjean D-s but ii xen roue, h. egtoem race ilSb s.It thas :.-iaN if ranithtisai gencine Em *a,*s1 - bave lostMy aiet ut If 1amiaiy 0c massn u il&Hcrtieu, Iibave fouaniacarl."- ttce Docles, ce anivng at bisioffice tilens nom vilit e llet sinkt.if h. uls ijia eai touis!. O'Cslagtu, tisaI bis office la destru>es, bul î i Detor OInols orse>' otiser Docor le *Il c tion, he lias fooni prleling pr Md I>IMetu tien lmt. If te.comAiatuasItecostimua te ni lirouKh tisa Cil>' and ssuberb ante>' di ye de'alltieatnsnu t ait gs-Queep, eder l; ômwiadoor b encaspig Rad, Laid4G«" hurdtheueexacraliona ef citiatas eo tlai Mgatstwo of tise Radica gWatat% ho caui, 1itiel, moite a httes se tien f geMetlcte h. Comservatives of te1 lie pene. i a isst ti;.. te. a. ta.i theasuef s..' Il av je u - & a, ve g- ue- -- l . se toecleio,mtti eS etfdestruction vul tanugoi a~ssu, pnoe so uom bave gui.. on edpldly.- 11e principal stdutiuigtîîsutise ZrLiet.renerallyope&Wisg, Imou ver-" Upp aais foever?" ci 'id Fifi>y tire>'Zte sinforned ; th.ir amersare geier- pousuda for h. face o .e Reo1l t il ictbelievingtaitimhers bu o10,000 roope YeMsmila lest, iCadtaIlite goveoe leaê4miitez>' mue, IL JACKSON. i. s. siei tteif Use e»wmar icsecuMua- .L AUinsqu" sismt Pyp1a-s1?Tiey-nepioi,"'Owsreriervis Toetae Editor oethéI. .C. Borum. teeuagsaaa>-vooppos sée WaDmuuie ett,- as hIes lima Unio, ad pva oulioppose tai c Fiaissth eutmdRasi .ed ana"Leaving tisa otIte qeetieloie- TOTAL ROUTE 0F THE "î 3OFss M E g, ie>' tycontnud: diWe-vooldneecr axwi T.yP-au ; e uk nov liaI le tas asmeil the Demq gtise WvIofa.tïlsiy bu eauldoutsinanie eda Reformer, tut vce tnov liai hit h. ozeiseasi eitlc, ovi8 taeaàaspetl veilst tcay--4be veelipes l itma leewed iViu*be. ,>'gMeey 'ckceus iWtaitise seuuit.re ïc&u.aSo N Ad "a*aopumu caSa d1yimde"t e passée l ias etl u. svso mevpileprsle eo Uh@]a i e Ltere isi likel>' be a til. e k -i tu ni 'reu t ii oesl cilub. This eelmmvaensdda us ipui e aa~(-l .à o eseaingm -scomegmeacaet isfa.ghlala « imeva a Aae z'. eeee, aZâ h. eaUw,0aise4u- a ?Mfb. MOSpoealeeises u g - eotig=saam! c Jn*$ g e-surii iu. Ias Iues à#it al oe or eui lae7or ie*t16, e Ofa>'5 itespate elise Vesmet pLgdt. s. asela laar va pil? . it caise.Mo- iseselathe i.> il ierlu; I e D4,0 e Seec= ; the Sm dlàauwctase i - Y, asr eak o ft ke Ssii O t LsriV' glit a ple ws i m i ' sà gesuth>'05i Eeesru a asi mes%îAt <o -'ba i. nctakiw'tniteu hassrashe-7c5lleTem'dhtt 'reniaS,' ate si i e _&euQfie ar waed i. ,tt-e sas teiIlthelssOfi d *0 hVM »ci*sp-ug'a, o u S eoS"Wl.-. N*B eprabasha te 'sIgb ange te, ieuta ae mter uumbit* e 2qv<ýs- Bobintaseof Negiste>' Offis, hvitelaitne Chat.e - 9 W" M* M4 lehckoucit.duBw e- ifte ai W iaié du 1i"%l vnuli'aeasa'vous oositisiey>$* 'seba cees j ,* hii. 80i--~ abut ~ aexin arof tsi tCatea vuS lbim ,Ia.Wt austiboo secvet am-. ai tvUecdeb mate - allait- ï vihaIbod é4a 1 m uI @R6o4di sb- CW= 00t51t 1. apu m- laid .a; i t, i ilsaé* Comte - W là£u Ate m t Baud- Io êtr. e um tl aOas"bewml uu-eM.mt et'I adt- un aummoewr c Iodef, te inlo wa4 patU K 8 uiqsssititMm*,I. embut-e *il 'eu sitIut albi a lit 1m-voâaaSm e b. vasfd y "dàatbe ttwbeiWmkvU wb dkvdastIpDoei s JkaM Aadua ttmm l leha"ujtîm F:e it wteb eUi> Caesmoi act wet us k. cpuch u r sltw .. akusteïse ~ seveelp sk, ~is~p-yaasepostei d us teiag psse.' , cerl ý ý u1 t Tovhcmtseeiari1wsthual ivts t-if'c reu tKiu»i,-on " Sîurdlte Glu sacitets Hanbonmt, impe deys 12 o'cloc,MIL je h #bCisîs, r tru', TiittSaet Jnai> exalt hei richt, tille, ar.d'inter- CMN dois~~~~~~~~s Me~~ u lsrdSId.Id et oAie, c idelDaiald ii Lut No. 96l Totewn svs svgicy ond~ ai, Weda a .cb dlts lklise ad i redefoRedI Jadisnado f linsiton u, b>' virtu of au execrâlion l- e;e v e si'Mous>' id.,~~~~ ~ _arfec n in s! ot of te DisrictICourt fte Midland D'iW~'a .M ¶éýÔir*S*l lnIt e tii var et> attisesalsainemes 'es. et 12 o'clock M. do Naples, Siikt blhack Be. aietsml a x mlmbVîete; aele àpr- Sda'ei+e e 1 2 u'cnlrot e teM » i Chits ensd Tv'lloi Pints, - Rgettha, Pent *tsn a eitglstheala it issepu-ASay fi te a nd dgluuiiith r e st sisih am Siirinsam rniriabt'tiea PCR - 'e or my pan tiereotau #«eeutOub e passet lieB'e u ineas ouls vxS. CitTOncS, ad t41i1.4D'y tl, NIA Rth d MOt<OetbtdY0i. iuc n ideau Canai. 0 Fer Caps, Sncv Stockiegs, Lamb'&a c ONMIEN O el cgIor asag ppi le lb. pist sud Dmen vers, sia ts,<h s e u~, mine Lam e ie tMid. Di ce orta the l olirgoi e:Ifuttr scoutbCapo and la aauugW kwSertýu ctoitoc lm . . v iseIty ii- e i Colla. W Yasitsili- obit enilor P sle emiohl oaUwrusieIoate. e;9 Wl jILL B&î IiîtqeTo usé, le t4, ieIPre 1837p. . 1- Store Sreet, ijegel, No«. 14, 1837. elc g u lliit- b ijri 1 . kellae , nein- I ~ ~ ~ ~ «e MdtÇcssaas No. l, Stls Comeï$tioas o> lise MAJWLE LOST, ' . ?eT*ip of Fi«LYs and Lots Nus. 4 siS i 58titmt IUT EREAS, ELLENl iAAB, a I51e of < £ 1 M jýjP Tu m elp ed fisr te COoh$clltCtaPi aduli o f *a TêBesicit ofah rtlansseii ed >hy Z Dg'$sali , Tmeite'theitsuitsetipe- Wias@ -W -M ta r at $ e t' ltin; vies lime -anfm if lu 6'Me> Ail pc e vl lauis annt1.aroepo tZigt orllcia4 tisa EetfioiIbotliis se 1836, sdii t teiasg suppcsed bta ietebis ipye*yi lbaneefaeerthelvepro- *ab i e" athse Crsdig anti! tc#bu-av«eI. 'ns , v ii ladntoreise!!thee e arwod, t c iteuI ieo rhfle tl e - on th e t. Ball era>' hei rts <, t"~ ~Sole 1tM onlor l ers thedy' ofdà . Av*t. lgier s oilM-p0c prtn a mt e c dnigisiomeabas- tm tepeadyeuadelt oý ot,.ih ou f etput u 'a bea - 1lsitlmiet -ae d Oim? mit- A .jI 42 llà ndOefteflte â mi: lkv tets uftsie -. ,L J~)r~1Jits. e W Ca v!çiuuhc â wflaupe ose t edd ~ te> n toia4aïIbum uta& ta s! mlnlsgbroa a fvs~ tet tbo ~alitba*Ïbet Pr 1* sgmstt a qaep-esvie vu>'umesU 5 sIc si-I p. s. lii et Ah !U e; .1 c i ere~us loovt 999 i5.4aeseK Sp.xu I A% 08..et lit Ubetyr-buinvab-thy ec" e M ul. lth, Wli aen m >i te ,tî.t INCRENSED ATTlRACTIONS!!! TRUNK -%-l)(IIEST MISSING #èsqa t.onfrdilike gtcl aie li arS u Ebaae aug,[heard thtefoflowîngqtth;seA 111E ;PIIILAILPlâtA SATURO1AT lie Jn;o Fiids) 1he 201et. stduna;i wigitbmui oehir5ra ei m~hi iiwý Sevr dk, itlIan emthshsm . OURU se,1 p o f ind, lte Steamet United iei .is1 L hier, it auta"a1114-0101u1114aele; 4&"ord«ad" sud" Surceu a 11E veut petrouage hb.ee wrvleJ S swing Lîrd in aerg engu t is ~rep.calvdhathit~url ittptmeri re~j_ 1,a esî. thle cuiriez, icithe .,Ïfiumo'ts rp: aneeiiavatired le aMp.them WMt hit iluggige wutequ c ha tshodbeyq 0tuy, I . alt b h 'a î ý atin I t boerd ti ideuci' a. mr ii4aling iets.sclot Iled, *a is.itî11eI 19LGabriel Street, Novemler 7, 1837. country'. It la lte larpa7t ' rcselleiv , ritnfoboard ropthe, cd(l ai aw ýX-Newspapt ever isqrd inte Ucrited States, con .iebc e dc'e.îeludyie O~~"~C55 of ~ s.~mwae rVelve just bernrifocmed litaIl tétl4'O aiî;atcesl ieatrSîeer hui a*dli'ee oeflic ulu'-tfOO cdlnsulcuueler'. irAsi, aties llntu irinr, Siec d&athe , Vi: aTruck atout 12 fect kas ces'ered WU, rIWvieueta Iis, witle t s ud vu pig eiparesse linte sonlliem spadtltheix caufeil- cvery vatery of lepica mzuailiy trodoced ine.j"îad 1iekt na4dJhnG.i imbu g~easbotue1.0 Mre Dh.uell, srec% ýselliaci Csoutes, snd tht lu <>OELUtY2sendSr. pubic joual. Gîviii; f1143acroteo fa e< ud a Chit iut cul 3 fet (aïttcd in imitalici mixteet 8sp . d 1 1 -as4ê lealbyeura asiaz, severdlpnss. a vo bellescoupelkod I la sallt mtd riva s cfthe latesI ditte. ni, te.s l ..,hi_ d ut uteS.lep Iheir esmiocima. Wd . r.tinactsison Wilboh utu fing '%uj, lthe ua' V Àe ie ~ j ,~î,.r seij~sJjasrjwlb 0#"" iaaas1 .be16 ouv-iý -casl -'x-" eCa ' ir bau presented lvii volumes tof 'heuàsuel htuly ret-eiNtd t>' ir. 1).Fr et,r ùl ide ao 1wbîiet uqpwdtwiee. lthe -&yimai U - iesiote futrohrslt POWI 14taure Of the day viUiu tlie luit Year. iH en Id eOfce, Earyje thea alixoto e liaotart as bd sMd en t'ti, libet>'Si roà e>?bilte perrafi arrivesa olature pots mb . hands cf ils patrons lie t21hOî 3.3wp. lit loal egieutoessedoile arae lte maItie it e lulsu4e.=" Uactive sud decded in- jmod.àeatedabahîg and ipuslacurreuil *.terattire, - ____ - ________ el gls oc t h. szilIMe, nelhnafwbem lervention of te Goreeient vili hecomsei t o" amounslicati year sxl e ieprc dN O T IC E. wil*iequlre,as eCanadianawexeentWeymafr pouah!. ama necemsr>." Until thon, (and iti talc- fer aeleln-un addition ltalthe immense quani- LL ptsn îu&Led lu Mr. Psintp Wzra, Ir d 1eSiemlti id hi poru lafaetce ta Ilm e ensters are an lte tily oS aller meters which appear inils115coluin-r. &jofKnsntrL DI opeq ThJis lm' e rie h ie Sm u i-very peoint 7Z =9 tlit Icriis,") iwil yu h. 01 la lihe c.ss ipuatice od tiis fllure me aLl ent-Notes o nd ts, art rrqueslt3 ýale iaI.amesul .,, ý boe, e aci t i yte I l Sfoaeaailvale- "à Lte dstiarbedistricts aveu lu complaina; deavour le resesst eew ansipopular. vortea 'aiî!itteasubusitor en or isebare the iI lJ&numry eaux fhlxSteaul~le if vitat Ued of econijea lhey bue a dawe may lbe ared, tatxvlhelut tlritIelcirist soilextradition tia ithepublication ctamisai beu- vibasis, hit ccruaala ii hoie rt ll inte sn $ tg dm wli . atut ta haecst Miinig pust support and protetio wlsch tise laurs cndth icipJed incaliter sources,.lltefuture iuebel i Aterney' fur collection. of tht steta l e tesa Ha es' Uemlea.Mai Ovetement ongtlet;taalun ordtevery gond leojecet v"sQ i ras fiom te perte;cf sucds viater as f4JOHN JACOB RIEITTER. je" Vessgad sieaiug eante tncoqisat viicillavécue peste aud property'are invadostoon. vilii M Miss$Mltford, Cajul. Marryst.Leiti igae,3ctOtier &7 *te 484udiohe teactators a v eu Oi4OlY c l te afou-tari7 as t0 brave the remontint o f tieir - Latide,, J. P. Ruttestuise, Chaites i, dila>'ed: . . entames. luntese parts of te tourstry rue have Bearry Cornwmall, Corneliua webl>s ltiqi- 1IW L V ~ T S A I a About six ç'llck te loyalisea naclid uv: adleta, Ibinga have tome ta siscita pilcis, lIaiast e $ d, Titeodore Rouit, CnC elfle riers = W SAiS Booceora utl, nsiilwaawil-rat diiù »l ttagiinstei ciii even venture lue eceve a con- T.mC eel, Mm. S. C. liai I liIsty- . AT TE s41i oC vs i "lm aT'E, 9 tai lbey vero restrained franc aviking lr. plaid upmo ossromn eirjured part>'. But vere, 1 lysMis. Gote, Cûunlenseo! Bteuisau le Tc VIe- ZNST Papineao's bouse. 'Te Vtndicatceot e,fina-lte eas ethersise, hittvaie ltes. Magistratle ebralied 6"Ba," Andi, langtot, ficus nsleitale tB¶fe uuderm;il drtspectfully annnunto fluet jeever, fared'diterektly-the lypes, paper uve- execute vcarrants,gInst the perms ons insrange oa!Ilitetoireit htnoffl eo! EYu ritis ,.it.iîe ucaedathme fLttrt le rhm tvu oe irc iolt tree.-I cf t is petfectly etisen.lhul the influence and mIicht Our airangement iis MuFPIY Us ta. earlty Rres e~aus en îd Sli;hs, and have e1ened si 'ilteÉataisa on persans cnd prorl>'are t10h.eautbosily cf tlieuravmuaet hcre-eloablishos in te a montent es te>'crn hie oieil ini tire conetW. Liery Stable on lie. above prernises, wlsera ile là regretled ; hbtt irs e a lscertain exe,te "dlsuimdistictauder he immeainte auspices of Besiclesareshave te pleusrite of auinbrîg a- ,ptic usa, at s$iI i'ncs b. accnsnudaled teillit le relt e eysut ut lCE oir lndiutife. s smet lefore lthe coerclensts tan liebroughtl mong Our contnibLlors moi es> c-ths e swdistile, ~i1Horse~s, C.îtriljes ce Sleigis, with soberýand the-oulfeZmivsreane. ~;sd voirefniaut sm esaures are te cau- gtilabeu liriters ai aur country, troet. w"usepris fdriver,. Dr itemeyi>cheres by lteLoyalis. p= ancfor fulfilllug tise expeclation cf eve r>' Ope Tale'~s Puait ,, e, tret liled a Nf. B. T'ricisaddle RHomewill bh o find rer We amPliaI llreo magistrat., witit Ie ak salubject ia th Province an 11tit eai. Seles, wl couftltto add interest toItscol- É~ . CARMINDl à- ai edribr ccmurand, voe teaainerd ladsçt f, Monral Gazelle.] urne, . 1'lerGRO. MINIS. eta eace! lfte follvig laces- Steller's, tuait _______ Tise sciecturube.mtyoet inu>'of thse Pu' Ik t Kan.sr IV tIL et &LveceSsub iod', Pisee a' NzuvYoaX MàaxmL, Nov. 9 htiUWftg*e is ,city Id proverbial. Eellevieg il .t5ltOlhr 87 e. m.aaiusl',Quele:iSu-ýbri, beides cain 'FI.oA-Te artaelucag !ayvoth.eideepiablte luont nomserculspatrons a blh.NOTICE. la ud uinltrea iemin guard, je case cf au>' mnen t, c edt n iachofany e, preeîrdwtt A1tSSOLVTION of thse Copartlnessip here- e4 distaibece dev inte igit. nitaeo.ea 'de inue wqaisstCan S KortAVaiILLL'TWroxs.-Of firme edifihltt' , flestrexiçlung belw-een te uhscribe% is, . la $9 25i sounîhern tz89 tc Ryreur, $. 6 a vt are engages in binging out a complesesoties,detrefmcf er&Daeenes.iie. ad The Vid a s acpubliablesd lautnigb, and, 86 50.' Cornureala $5 50 vhich ili teerma collectiontihsât msy wmcllieh.and Palts-Y Harg-ns, harieglaIen place bhi litittu il expectieg as vs sud a quotet.of ies tegatlig Ga.AeN-lhereceipM»Ibisesie have lbore ex - ternira 7se Liois f P*Ioda . WIV erecil if Conscrtsai ai ccolinlalue h>'and Ilutlie Sauisi m te duot eo da, 0uulroesv e.t-tee> ih e e tiuias laId>' arrived; cie lient, tvo accompaisy tisa ougravingi ,ithwI I lieho attl.;d b> M;I. Dette tete lt' ma tsi~hbalanscer, "wsitls e ne ecpnftqutenl ti tuan>' transactions of suritdanjos e iesdtcse ltr' sHNTBK te dfetelh ois,. ieieio hlaigmoment report. le ses.very ss?.. andi ad- 'niahetsera.JMSDA te article. 'rit.NVinsituerSasys taI ine et vancuuig-sl,181 ut ltaDefg iie erg a r tt Corierhpusisearit s loy pri.ef iret Klu- ,ý:Tlon, 121h Olber, 1837. akowp.gs h be tirown iuto te ya*iwbete idSmof Liberty" ,ctsCnsacals continues w htiange.. olr.Fnttsui u uatbr e su a. h stc:egaîul cn egalt v5 er s semble, and tisat on tiseir bau-lut t hoeIhi. and CfleiiisXmalIer tarit veek racue bsuMnot siren tluthe sa. iln, sud icoulrespect- ho yard, tiey toue.féiallns .by a crovd of T'ries FIÉ!saComunot dook f To Hwsdred lard pJsl'; fulîy irioru te public tisaIlih.cotiue he Siit ,aWhit ay iva"t (fe te. v iiiout, and sllacked Ja l.Pagea and quailt lu îf>'TienVeisnaea yer ; netsiin ait ils branches na*lite sane als, iQuarry tilieulsin A a*elfurictiaroanier, vilhstaicks, atonme, At port tier, useTlsréasy,the 2Oiis Oct.ber, hy and chich is oat.sled t10lbe tens weetly, b>' ai strert, nru apposite Mr. John Mowat", and aW re- sudochier sorts cf veapesos. Tices. are hec deliib tie- t te Mime aCsKsir froartonl ls ,0iuers tusas olscteedl alliiaa outîunc f ier emne. ert e» folsehooda, es one of teir paty, te o!ly ()O"b ,s*. et mboeby île Riht Reverssd lthe parls cf lt ecuntry', fruitsMûie unoltFlorida, andI JAMES DE.NE. 1'resu>' iletomalon.e i it " ie vowa, cans testf'. Lord th$ ,f N istresi, EtisD. il. WilkinsFoliaireeftomulte ses board eilte lattes. - lie tai iceacaici tse "uns f Lberl"' oePUtace Cssdel ia. s. lO1ia Jesse Cop. Titis ripproveci Fantily Xw.Nesepr las srictl' ' SUBSCRIBER hegs te relues ber lie- e. tiuug el bave o tuoageoa, su hssen ari d Atgteita. C tie 2sh .sItmbi 1ev . oisril ieutrali iin uigiou ansd joliiral matn, eand te erre thanlrs lu lier Pstrnn.çansi Fiends fer eh al rausection vilS titrs, un accatnt of teit cl-'-itsgsrtit. Eeq. lte sa e a tac. lin Ba", -nOirii~ii pente qake teee h us spotst asecxine tneiei te cr41>' caeduct crn Mussais>in ataciing a feyrun- fai. bth iPmeat. kits!. sntIicemin iibusiness, aud visites lta istorum lte. oei sented poaceaitie citizena. To main . aends for a N ew York, ou the id is. ot tishe idle*o .*r.0it, OiJAs a lrfiiegexpresio n af mir regard, me tai site bts recr!ierd ber soîspi cf "Sn b Lhe- qbr.q. Beaosay. by the t 55..Dir. 3in%%s-. -hl rnth loesisofheEga FL AN WITRG O S In. fle tovariaedispls>'cd b>'ttee l S ns of ssbosset. . £-q ai the Rver Terni, U. Ca t- hl rults isJouieflt LgaeiIi s ÀL N>WNTRG OS sel, t>', vo areoinftera sost-nirre's Minerve mil hrisof utc. soals utt q. a e t tsaepIsc.. tratiiies, at their ce l elluisallais nle wlrtepsa- wit h ndtmndt ele h o tpu e_ rectalnesacmmtsnicztion signiesi hy tierty individ- 3îfier j us ieUii tyls-forming a besutiful collec- îilscjut-nne10e!onteIcalp. il is, defying an equal aurncber cf te invincible Itst ae ttredtlctsasi ,s a ion of Views aciiiprceul Ilcm tasFoc fcuir sibîe tem, fur cash payaitlt. Doresto emotal combat.. silbuse answer vili 60u a s bektTwl m cii. .! le.Aaiette kwés. sd 0courtij lwias uMa>'obligeui-hy as insertion C. C. LEACH. dochthoie a oism..Lttis. te str sve rtisement. .Brocte Street, ru- ~~ ~M). X---OO a Mc sâO ite 1ai. e ou ee.David Ras- sa~quire. Sm Philudelphiei, AsigusI S5, 1837. Kingston, Ocliber 23, 1837. en - - -------.«csu Na eDu .ri!Esqs K C. and voais. of tise M<issisatbar. sâ 67. _ ______________ Vind fe ieto ril «ie.Iuylits poceued t ç.} N ile Piere o Lieis, q. N. P. luof iMons- -NTI !N G ' SBENC FOR SALE. Tise Dietr-iso, sywas at tse loyalistSE ANDe l.Oai gnd h. INiTlagNIofENC- up IlcafmisiStreet lu etac thlie trilling bouses,(lut1is c 5 etal.s-terrsa datesof 83.- Nassaiel misilansiqY elelsisf a rtoA BOS AN .T>nhevlr fN. visertva ievnt up theeMain Street cf the SilassussleqM ptuaawî .a s ie.ladt of- TOCvît. . enIZ adta meteed u Pd ieHnea rm fhàse a 0,usd L t. s.ec.dias bas ilrtt-C frtdsquars thit îcien le thse test 15 Lhwuntte Suit, andI front theece forcs!d hAc Iis 0 sîtî0.fon iss,tat ý. -I liv d t . i seCe ourlt tBncsudrît dieofai fet y 8.A Ceuse 115eriseies,!e..Tish#tn Doei'ster Streu'ltht he onn ua fil. Tisere thi sasser itseslsug roste sslathe Prsovtnce. galsa lte estîle, as toit raIas personal. af vi-upesdttdplan ta btte lte Vîssiec-ot * i %William Potter, an aissretsuinor concraleide uIt a on esjual luasu> in trie village far a Mcrthant Olite or Rny'rifler prepeil>', but tise msclu l FAE TE ER i1hretvis la ta lisufy Psul Wriciet, for the &nul or sist>'pourid, ile, c FanrM i.C)Arsc isooe nolise reitrimel; reol>'exertion as utraacel1 r- Oficei have aciZ-etainontail4 titsefDe-ites d eala e ntso- sîs aout isnetiefos h.Ëla vent vilence, bulthe iinsi. ne ft meenb ofiIiF 1s irnifiCli<03 I o f ale!te aid Wlisusflotter, ail urileo lte saisd lqtai>, retie rmttvlae thu "oiseleent)for EXCAVTATION at the new cotte Williasm Pulte t'eluru uvtii te jutsidîli bo litî25 acres pail !'cles.restliait feeteil. faction txaspapoe1d thse l>aits. PinbtRHery, and i on rernviti the sait.., anditete si oforu utlsisiit 1.aton, unf erpe'cln p' uC .fe~r a. sunppîinr 1 y 1h.edes, HORSES, CARTS AND couailte sais i aimtlisediishar.ged vvitlin tiree pause, sorIte silscrilser. 1SYMPATHy FROR WITROUT. DRIIVERS as a u>'oie quesi b> te RoýyalEn- .ilna nt-altera n esnlett IOA IR e odie f the . ntl esld cralentiar mtentsal iera as esnitcl panee,Octaler i t IIOMAS DIER Ta.u tsh.el gseeÎlotar.e.of te sais WiiaîM Patter, or su mmch thereef as NaOieIi7 7. Sîa,-Muet, h:uabren pi abcit ths.Il >mps- aîao'rtd'sinl..sppiedasud tespe-- na>mecessaryswiii liitelsi hable for lte la'- t>"' andmaII h.' kits I cf lhitîg chic ieCsudclistonîs us>'aseau lie ou appsitclta bthis, andis Uulnnfecisaiftnie!lesiiti..JF.MADDOCESQ, s'u s te expersente aI lise bals of BrrthonJon- i te OfiSce cf tIse Comausndinsi Royal Engisee. îRICHARD )BULLOCK,g. Qôlicitor te Chincs'r>, Clisve>aner, Eqoil>' s.ths». Accordimitlusome accounlas, 000 Ver- Csmcral i eoSitoti.i DflabtaasCianerrv Aretl&c. . c e., rtt ab asoltera ver. te caltein Il ri nt acf" navuirWa 14à Novemben, 187.SierfitOàcê, Iitn , udel>' aPiartlnlcuer Iw ilis MecsIY'a IligieCeunIt lerof tusbeoteno bsaLfiss. Other peuiple mors meda- Octoher 16,.4837. Chantern t islandansd rneAttorney aoflte Sa- tbei tele neel ss thatbieyedraIta "55 a:GOODS., "a tCouts ofbaa et Wesh.uiista'r, bai s and ual .Papisscaaý Tise zjettasi ofBath, and cf ce- ______IN TI KXING'S BENCH. kcently asmittitda prsctice ilth.. Provi .rcesik ,tusai r>' otee r oatilatc retl Bitaliîiiet> pelul'ifrs1.midiasi Dis!rict, eYvru f ei fcmmfrsity' vsistihe 2Wi latis. oethle Act cala- ig; assaeeedftlst 15WA0OO fpulea ie l1SWH USEIE - vt DAI' achusl, issuesi onItlslisi!ng * Provincial Casl t fEqolity. at, ieo e litre 045 0,were e tes!,ta luide Cainsila - public tisai balhba r civfneilxstisiveoc!lies Court utfKg'ag-Benchg sud ta etdsirectelle Cheilo ,Buildigs, Kini tet fin- asenasltilirypaie a"osif . plened1lu sssoemta bof gcde direct fron Engiansi, b1rtieh spainal the astate, as velI osaI as poential, cf Teronto, Angîst, 187. 3970 mftqliai iýt the els.Havig lusre 1J"s to c li caee efauisvolAmos cavry naân'ln etae!dltr alndive te Erre, ut is e.lIvu jsr Ternu" b fe vu>,a ssomlugoratalt tel tiser ltal t(mm a visit te the Gren Meun'ase Stit, aenscd, 'seuinl ie us dtmielae f t it a stis!>' Aaron Whituer an C ites 11sf, for th3e J~3t 1S teelli>' ydot' te ecemmonsicaeluttvi1s siand ver>' luceit resdy Moupril iey falM nog auntu un.c lunùred andi tvenly-seveiipounds, ItAKE O l lnma id asimnng my rtc>'thore, us inludieg tas1 %tili fitrusarItcI lie.stt ite lins'preseitsbteiaitaeseize! ail the. tte, as vl rosi asirerseeAKEsa1;Tl 10 e. shei edeatour go ell a>' talede ntie siosi ngnties efeeli Y oftia its ?.n:~~> tisasisiAinos Ceveef>', sud tients tesaisi Aui fise *Meitd asupasale.h[nhelit iscinpee, 1ill v inieiel e ade isevli oflisr ge0ds 100Caveel>' relurn vîthin lise jurirdiclion e! the ii cri- aIdlle taI lie oaci teisent viick pr. 'la lint1 rillai>sdvantageous terme: Cci, and rut lu hait te the action, e cause lbe mua- lMgtnis»àidu euvéery pax floaiemnt, la 8 UPER FINE ÂND F1NE saiiclailaute bcdisitengerilvithinlthret al-ndssc fire m«vbe.N trne -ts. themnt:,aIit ecrétsI and pereasel esate cftte saisi THE NE W S TFAMICO4T arcS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~R6 NuIa aosevssa o laRrfui6 z,»GOI5811 Amus Caveri>', nesems it erefais! a m>'e ne- a a v« s a ~« w àose «h* calner lihe place vittoult elssg isterro- u As là»COLMae;Io à--av - Qsew 'a sab rer- galai Besvte titer net lite treoupe sud Papi- ' s ae cessry, ueiltliealat tiefr lte pa>'ntiblene.-_ eM BU eanue aefigitllu; ln h. e e e! ofMontrel; et Nari,, oBraesGreens~, Bines, Mi a ML apilsisatisfcaction of te sais] cieit... 3AaisocMS ,ietherorlnet lise Cagmon lin i St. Joites. on d Drésbe; Flow ings, Pilet Clutisu, Faut>' B lu- RICHARD BULLOCK,- W IILl sceradier maletehhee tripa Ç.be lte ove. tisaevitole village, la destrayei; aSu uer- O"lssexranatout plain sud anc>' Satisll i we vSbevif, tmes fflGSTON p:and elc. la- [Ma- tame et olsanie>' dozees of oes vertschai in L'- tei, green, sui>eluc Flanueltl, 6-4 green Bai 1 %Çriwt Ofice, inugston, toutisiual ciait lctrmeite Pprte rie (shows jt. Acadie. Thale questons, andniait>'siftlsera he-u Cambl-4s, Causiieterns, 3-4 sud 64 figunost Orteher i6, 183. côtrVis, publ- gaew4ner iI te asudaaof course »aiviesi plaieMctinees, Bunihazeîtes, andfacy 8; H RF'4SL. - el'siglueoyTeasTsri> i iiom>. atevrd olee!ines lseliteni A SLtalti AB5OfTà~tflT OS 1 sil ig ttu rosaturds>', et 6 worek A..i. ti onuCanadie cilties. as smuehVht hd- vkill oflisNAascv o!n 19. a uiw111 rBE, msi su et the'.osurt Bonne,,theis. tar... *d. sie lv. et ss.elsA. M. 1 IL IL W,

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