los TH UM 28AD I lutE8À NVNIS 1h7 arsd hy recuit eventsin aeslslailo et b. v1" 0 lnilf10 sinl thal, r Ia «fe~b that hl, sipva.tcetdby tbe àthss, thon, abe b.. .. 4 in tact an lh5uffaefse. usmet ami Parliament il, du.ibi te -aY. We kno, t, ey oughi ta fake lli. gLover Canada a Bitss eaca aise. Tiscy ou~ Ihe French, Iusuig lit legal .diegm, le remove tise feods1 se Anembly basrnune 1 "ithoet th-t hody neî,,î- On s isetter cYstemo than th, eniy 's nov Prestinkd to, r the tourse bitherta puriei Il The syitcm or rO,,riji1. 11a* I mtis eau S'iltsfy the Preme aiiihonlty bevh. &l Ne fallites orffhe pan ad prsscstt aileu iearr le tSe. leicbec nemi veek. Iyloua aette eemsi fo ha,, F. H. denjed tbat titre ex. jetlais ta a Union Of the Pro- .,. ih.. i la eh,.t 1i il glorY." He nov w i i do not entertainac&, tioc, and be tiseiethne ti.bt d c loue ; as if not t , ta deny thaf it eiets Zt .11 ne ttsiug. W. li eonside e gentlemen he refers inbiftor r dilerr train theis efirj3y.. ;eunded an visat th be ,d slY Years ago, mnort than on A cardinal erra, l cimaîted eated thse union. They tale e Canad iens are tihesi nn ýe; "d Ume have goar go Ivat snd favourable ciîn1e bmousg the hobions. Skc es ta th. dcierioration tisi ha anadian character. Ten yrs 8 susd viol..t appeaiu te ioery upt prejudcice have doc t,i, dians are no longer the people e evenfa of tise pa fee vet, and dissipated tbe fine lte. 1 opinions of Canadian iras- sud toyalty. We shallh br al jn futtur-. Thse Ihila,, people on.vhich politîcal agi- lst demoralizing irafluerce.- ssuPecting, mtuâted more by mn, tbey rearlily yield toIthe id say inflammctorywçalsîs ecoule Pl-si attb in lhe as- ud. The disloyai traiing îhey ai ten yeana bas priduced ils bave tlsrown off tiseir forner 1but a mall part ofthe sciait disaaection sud l.nrliiaed te tisa ich la sheer lioeotionsnesa. Tie lher avorte ta eny turtherpraise Néer paseing cieisances, aSud .3 are nat quite certain tisaI a "udbc darbi4. , - Muluers ta tlic rssllntiees of tihe if itutiojal Mlleetinc isso eur baiinmmn, *icisirsBulieci, Elq. ,isail jn t Chrunicle andt fia we eopy lb-mn. Montres!, Nov. 9, 1817. le honour ta acknowludZ' the %cd faveur ol th-t 4th inst ,1U tie infobrMation ot thse c=,s of Montreal, flic stries et RPas a very numerous anmd rellpertalde Il. ai Kingston, ie rela tien te tIl Lf cifairs in .owet Canadas ami wr corvictioas, thai thc me-iir t up ta tht spirit et ire resoietini b>' the Association ta eesn-Y 1 ,,tien ot the inhabitants if Kin1s. nits, fat thse praompt and esred- ler" ptl osd the 1111 -uind, andI tb. siecete achri' Assacoatica fer the sn'utaâcni0 t tibem. 1 tgugt, tiat lise alteinpts difle on ln thîs Plrovince vriStle spKf pmpede and tiretlihe wilý niai piue-eify of isclb Provieli arresteà i bat if, nfort'iistl, Mis et LoVer Canadi, shou!d W ejust tiepemidpece et the ,0i' isis c rown, the readint of th-' Kingtons tea ct vith thesD ii tbe thme protection of $base rimrifi, 0 1 &il Brimtis subjecis, Ivilie bcol" tIav b o afli lbe, widr -yoiir ohed1ieat *-eseit P. ieGiLt, Mons. Coshtioeal Ami.OCjiol Eeq. bberiffNldhlàd DWKriL MSema Home, tu Nov'. 18f 1 bais d the bernen geo 0 mot etied't haMhhe v>ot, 3. JOSPlff je St. Leeds, 141h Nov.Id ve eved 7 ieq5ibtw t i i hmavi lit semn pt s 1 e ngsdis t, Ilal afl __ rove -m Bsl eso the ti rqu8: is 'W a* leb ~ ap il qsv,'le rcomil 5, sud C-)ýq la ikr;Wmo lWb-ZLà"È lie fe d c" Mm l O-m'b.LvrPeIêI bsIwu*« ilakiuIt jue et t i socrta ronistilucodes l ais n a lndo i.liNua f fatioJae0, Z varthbamm,.y hteeUyth. -&et .âe . l' cla 9aioC vieff D rc . EseiTouai,.tb- 1837. w, à rei jvetlayaue hav thal &esteUIrnt 0( Ott hi ~ sr, - a stiMap lut et et me Laieettslm i-, la. p.pe. ,et 10sTor icv inatths u e s ev ant , attela BM L« b ar *0- N s ? sai ofN r *. c tr ali a'j" re nov. Ic Boy basf. Cans iot Tow , Waécip, M For âe letlintevasy ehs ai bal uay taFoeva-Oum acufiusMt N.aer.sa ille-ili sniti 1 , teCaafl' be phatharieefs M p-qtit.lyla b . 26 l. osl ceLit, e wiuv.N ?RNC'D 11< te, a.eroiaeIon saxecu t.apet uîtrea areUU iî cave. TeBybtt r y" etuaar ean.l mdeovu matiweîy ut a ieiuy, a uen, essean~i4l llsl , .gs We qbote belmli vlevtens Caaim lm arepoNrt, nsisaa trthe su Lh Otil iotI TCe-Isy htas i avay.per le. bide f;sou th e hm$975 a W. vie jprlasd;cbave eypte»edhe ,nteal aelaIib e" Ils emsock, beme w. » i b et ni aan ba S An sci dy e Baisani isaeando ehe mu. w tisas fiL n an Tie ges, lie m ilebtt bpe te sta l 5 pbu u, norbie. oaonlts a iJ sui tetlitenceantaiet ellwer ih tay m teilc ag.9 TisaIlblol rein Cle89t50rs.9 75 . Y . -T thlee Pori le,'ii of eanfatal il lot atar C 9u-v ; -vs orir La9iss a SI & onojs d b Amid ieTheOD. fitetbvifs la hnd dlthensi tsa raotstai, z .-ZtslyOgia Antf But ont on o w1 M y esrth Der t, u m n.. s , Slm hfi &M *a kour nAdoa lis semblera lie.,lie sMr.hing bi-s TA i tedilsofifil bai ond ls br emt 1o e ue t in e. m y 3117,Ze 41,91 bw lsa t he v is i o ilsandi the ner ba. fpineh n Cm t.I - - Mnre MuteéCourtae its loto$asrM AmdteTi fiib rek hCrat UosTZar-oT irgs, b y W. Wo Ar on da, Nb_ 0 lhoi s bweythe i y ng aida dau , CUc4Ies .-l'he ip. y r Migia sntoc a As ~ ~ Bu sar rcv ari vi an, cDeorbiue,-To -,-Fepmle ElectS % y s.,d osbi butthe letsmî of b Ma>' rsM ,.r es a C.ibe a y.- eEgma e yat seil i- Wha iu ! me -lHumai git o! mae.-TMy pLov ey . N M seÉth . vis i onsdrea e n di gv ai MJute .-cova1 * h y h a it, C. Bi soA.f Whi atun'i alleglate diel the M.Pr.ium A'Éitlci, b"Tom m o e t - Issu ~ T pltbor17 ous e test.y,» a Drsmmai hecab Hn .HaIgta teal is t ie t s o, g ta i t dW yda , Tise M @iii e 'i Test, .e luis s e T h TAsaes li ok i a itese r ielfMari taatm todbatehi dyoloo is 'ir Whnces-Toohcraai-Eegy, by. Dlae ,Andtuc teilouom, (e a ." M mT Pasis inC. y RufM a W atiuon, -Th WillotntTocasea uLagEnd o lIcrey, a tioe bld Ier set th iatThelel, gniJOnas B.PIihyLov-Tise tbr. Cous Oric matl t f il sodvq dingvese dles, Cusin ge, osin1w rgmo Custan-ar AÀns earlygrse sttaisetc. -, -talcrbsyW.T. oieEa Adbd The e o, Ba sRD OCrs ar, a r Th. e m o- y hTes n IishS lmoea Th sads lit na ndfote gie, . eiiee a-T ;anie.- Ps ,m Is mlo Fan if. Urgr CasduW ashingTu tnMaamler Ca o r-l ell , O. . L l.- A Ibst h aideys *iota th e Cl s .e lcasg. Bo ey h mlt7eei 0eca I .NÀ tiowe. Wtoo t oe ienl xamfil e u y l mTîwarlVhe, y Rut"sdmW.a li«-boteb siiîrneiilurs cah vo e aciuad . o- LîtHom e."b i eedftis e Roisa f or 8 n-ra'u tOr Rteoinea d dating suismef- Poe's-vcs J amaB.-Ernest Ml fIl Cous rusie a th r ke eartafd e ul ane t ur Eta Lou mss. ta a sn at- iseda ss fA An uheilu Lar nat engrathng-Muaice o 4I L-pcsed b>' Phgsn Ca tss ci tut.Butahtel1g cuuetlt> Msi. NOTW"iCE.T.MeffPa THE Bovs AdifRDncOFaTisE iesi prNTnoe themis.l.ail . aminmsc faut Frly on up ttise oI risesldeagaise, vso tei b> Uvthte<onTladtaiea-p.kiibe.agitb r F-h o teohitse U nC»d ob it.jcc TrCu- auiée aam fIs . i lions amGmnM. tbe To the tloyal ueo aitise oftrCausal llPadpigaIlmrth ee pcale- a col~~~~~~~~~~Vu Oiei ols Bienyrwllbsme~ l4 111111MLURCI4I Wra ~i we a" De nnbrataral oeriMaiit n y ' M eWTac-D.J awkaOhilM s lod is n ia n e o r Rh e uTiw n f i , t r e s O n Isa5C i a I i ssaeL o a s M r . Ax s - W . h a e i dIl~uIIrhoer ns ou ateretgtit O ura ul doug Iee lu t aoibsejetu temrsf r."n7 I en imes n dlybreg y mdta ins e tPps- Ptise Unoeabt. CaueA Ni assenit. avseb B"; a arnecd sai suncb as ilstane> ita Our ia. n tsHuamailviLasiett la fie, a t eeic rs, those nara IhessBritishofeeling tupizc 1 'oet isv vlav iesbtne nlý Of t hoe proae cf eddogerivaho os lod sscsf"te v eba* es.. ta fhelamai. uei a'i lis padot, ishea n ob dlne d, <thof otisrvla tiAon y sf lb. Mnrapi co ioa lî2raI staituo urt uatrym n sohaen eider hig t e as ilv.dmeIeds a 1 e ioft e Our c ounry i , teblond . Carid!b e te mlseheant Ilotadion vIsiol tiseIIig ac ulv tr w m loe.hem pard ioe, hea d mi , ncite allai prW. çienly withelostalmentthancouryuldtil Teu"bfopeleuPtS.hicu li- an1bsCi! quse,ha Bilos e veadeoscludairai-à poda S Dnia y alaWR Gi bl>'M . rbs nh se'5ta a.oo D e t c bisverasgaoi ei sse ri O 'lctl elvm Tuma trus nmn, r fi ble, wa niud vc lltis. Our e uou r efth.Mbavers kiled, a vae Otltu aIt itan urii ehruelclm dsat o S i n i edt"smgthis lar, Cp g Marua.,o ti. 1aeao basse brie te ppreiae lie piesuthdyatva upa Iimsycftarbl rh'ndite folaîmhent oufhesooabtein f ar.cf e islth e d. TMI I iney aroen ti. le aedyplce t-0;or sslrctrvile sthmeon l fa bot een c a - eg n-ao re ci, Ctin&eR the m blga e of vac l, te xcs o faod id g n lncteice-d sci.» fu etblwas hmtomine t and . pee al ist! I-ii.zouflant Ocued t zoturii e asee A il a o temlydv va m e« tIlle tis d s re WY and 1 othi taise isdi ufy oemoal coeurlatWvirebirSisel y alrdec t te rtihA" iaparstm Pa"e ppois 0aBill ai olif alêier loemid l, h.iriple à *umt l tcoutesosmli a as'.oafuuts nts t vse m t a" rigo r l a & C ef fiws oecsur etiont itssîitî,a desthinuities esscui b.ai- p ediet$sVt oefal u t ,ho al esamalseWo a o sts.t leir u-fl4ioe> toandccpihtir vile h irdo tim -o h 513 O.es. Lt httihol ahisnu reivning ant de$ . o ibs 1 crm si ar ai huorI a I e uls duH ný" oints ri o n neua nvvin e ou tus dai Ireo r [Oare fthid ee tori f baetiesa n b . alOie St. L w ill .od ya ni e th e id igaiol n - al woisyJriea g eIlr uJmea mua" »vrevi- 't o so e seolv w t a l i > ' é lc i a t e e r v u ; s i a i l T i s e y . I t j u st hl e m e u u h tigl i t Or halu' cTi rin, and trhed, a siti Cambl e ctbel.v taille e,,mi elm il vfil eraai tur m'l a"unry.ou rr nly i lsce b ma va s ma"i*iale, fi 0mti la m U baed leelt tiisrOEotan inulgActa auirnteief- u ba ve sllfti ccubeced p aee 'o e5 ift ri îsîn oh. srioO -tu-esSai0t-h ret av aelsteder ndstoa dlêfe Iero lseeve. 1l id rhOult havé theata eiit oal fageta-n oc-A a re i l dire e afilai u.allt ali ml oppse- t auit-asi labe pedgIt a i -. n u ea&mM 14'y st ct, sivi su h e ni more d o- lm i rosvoeIlg m lemmvrl 1 -f2 el MSti.ksu m'yiuvoiotr mt eeabvtle MOUlthie s tba ke ig las ' a,13 a inte'll t al cstais wea-tropa mi e ty mibjumeti itlll,5 vlu, nut ittei tiiemulisnth c ha is. e .v ns ~ arora 0 t aikusi et Gc ssaiten h5B es Ornd le d ers r irl in-te . o I rgesu ith S. Li Suý, n Fsi" au esinsoa rtRIt 5lSheret Cas .i aihaueliilq- pIrsuý- t'tora T ar s n ur Jou, Coliorne, v eli. y, ar l s riv e et ii .i mtpshoot enhotloI,,îty . tt e b. h.arm"y slesm"ino ates, h e mav cl h G. rlilitin o fskwtl orndsa, 0iC la sil a eviaci>' nid, lla rl an lap sig e ci f tubv fie s .s in te Pioct me diisth n 0 e f ect@ lsi d t0SW eY fi nta i'lîhte Y"ppt ao4 gigs, tok ave heMot ectileh" Wlu ii>'t, loiainliThe r mt ' ls tîtrdarc twIae indvise. liw e lleay, amistad i. sM duh reelle il o h alle hfi . u that oa,t w iý l ins tels a .t alei ~~le Fevel..ts ~ r,.a..so..F ait- tW btop t ie ra l m athebalyaiIf thsier, vlel Paailsi Xci, tise people eau ti ine j aed T- Il f J.av b (dure » 155. i Ul hmiiagis essisv. 8.. 05',sý,h -A rbbandTs Ovn mp a ndbv stte wt pls 0 i, i rir5 riuî. ts e reson-1the ilal ioete r rue.t ial Md hmlu jsimvR.- alu 1a d a ie s hunai tno oreg 01 jq~ts " ored the uctthsm PRi--à ntY. rel t~tvneno" aeelalpusa i thf M y » m .riaep eldug ie anui b el$ olp*zM ose.tt.te bti te - . i ù sau e c adi casi lbèttIesol 'l tn arv t i er«19ttCa * a mt henlii i " % u--, nd , he oeuOf he-M «U1 Im u . e.i~£ euiifnG mece, fUiI tc amomwLt NMRKS.Ta.nra f.~ uah.çeOnceMMi& ual âuili tegism* uL- - - - « P * aE kUScIEguià ag sd anume ring the ulkbale euu, anow req&Y t.em*»Votse l. not 6m lehstmaritleea nT. r e Wwwhey m mqulcilaouh e a i. AM. L à-$olefor smie, MO legs Bent nap oeSarn, at Metreal prlea. 20B*e Ranh bersub 101 aidNOM erHemiga, 4 Hhds. Coufitb, 2 TerneLong L Chen huice qualty. WALKER & DEANE. WNAXETAL, Ste, C&NWIAQa, CiAIL &AD SOUS£ PAIr4TERS, OU&s ee a.Puper H.".us,41 MRJ113 taubie iat lb.y have calerin-. Iro c uh= p in the ah.bue siwo, uhic bey,"= on t theprcuin, asQOUai kr.et, ,er - ecnpied hl Ben s& Due, d latoly by Ya. Deie, w ens they a- mou ne edte nocrive sort ies as mthel.My b. fa- pui uili; am fia. their long experieffe in be «hics theq hejps MIita glas salieac"ie tir'former cualomers, to wvhs.they wauld jidi dnlly rreudber siacer. ihsnks, Md "alla elainuace of their pdapg as Wel m lwi e .~mble gsculi. OI4N WALikEË, ShMESDEN. Kmame, 271hNoir. 187. INFORMATION WANTKrD--d Catharie JL Hcsly. Ber aister Budget, mow trnidinq ia wolhenloaim téesr ftoaber. "r-týf0.3, 1837. Sin-19 Editore wiih uho. vo excbèaigs wifl phaem Éjvc the above a few inerliaon. - MIL WOOD, DENTIBT, B EGS leste ta intdrun the lad' es ad Genile- "menof Kirnta t h lie vifi n a feu deys et the Commercial Hotel, in 1h. practice of >eats SW'rMsyin a&l ita braitches. Kingston, 201h Nov. 1837. rIRE FRONTENAC LIGIIT DRAGOONS AL ill ansemble for Training on Monday thse 11th day of December nexi, at Waterloo, at the bour of 9 n'dlock ie the forenoce. Àny young men wishieg ta joie th. Troc, vill apply ta Quar- ter Master Oea. ebsien previona ta, or enthe N. B. Tihe Traop, viii not ha required ta appeart in uiorin. Lix&ur. TIIOS. WILSON. Kingston, 21et No. 1837. Cainmanding. EDUCATION. PRPreaidmi and Tuidsofthe MidDil- gm-lt . A eiy gîte notice, ilat havie g se- nuai the servibes ofcaupeteist Teaches, lise Sem- enau> under tir supcrieîendcncc viii, on Il rimai- loy osai the 22d jeste le openea ina athdupant- meels, Meale analFercale, se tbst building cou- ziely Caled, a 7%e Lin Buua' 4s,»er instruc- iant1h. follouieg Branches nf Edocation. BOYS' SCHOOL, TEZ5 M unAMSLTov. ReïmamI rt, Wag, .AtewiueUcEngluA rmamoiw GIl'S' CROOL, !-adav, eE, rssmaki ssa 'T.Piduensd Truites« intitie u0~ olpramIs taetaistit"uti h l ect M"-Md lu, trnes il. ver, loiu rat. of .r, taelaou in thsé nach ofMailtPlirnfaburter limite@ tvier meas, iseopp t otfwsiaiing iaudrrctcfor Ier ede inui = t t depan tecfaudnui, Praclical Esineation. TIerrrngoesnt of Clams, tise rates eofl'e., aMd ethsr pedii.cusmm, t10h.lesmci m applicaties talle Teachis, akt fie Seuis m aonni afla lbgamn, tiNovember, 1887. U7 TUE NEW-YORK MIRROR. TH RE follint am tb. contents of fie New- JLYork Mirror, publialed ce Safaris>' lias - lovtetnolIlvember, vit.: 1.-Tie TIre. e le-llerla niteil dent le the tale of Mr. Ose. Eugiaftd by Alammm. IL-L»otes Wild Gàstae-Wniftm 17 'L"ur Percy-Part of the Méloiy in intimatieuon rC. De Deriei's PFil* Ai-Compi aamaged byS8. IPihon. UTE un T ftfli 11L- Mr. Gfea-a Tala.-gy ltse laie Rsbert C. SUaanie Cni rmOiur lwsI IV.-1te Speaking Leef' V.-Tîiam'saag o.By IR. S ne.c kemale. VI.-Goad Dinucra VIL-Potry -.-A New Version d au 01. vkIL-Anecdadai ird.-Dy captai,, X -'T rrlile Aclavment 'm-Ai-i'h ,.. IV-1ts azily Cirtele n-I. A Dragu;2. ibe C o lie i bcg ASotoil; 3.&enuw se;4 TheMisteus Cbip-A i-icadi> XVl1.-As I L-alcoelre. Gurjg.Jaige,uossfm 1 Mr. »%mI =sîleg, ami tic drf wn ,Mr. SgutA Wuod-, ~puieéNtZer ai the bledeit gv- viwe.tb ni à. Z nmoàl twr. X-dMe CsraniAUM XL Soatra le Gem..md elaid 1 Isa2. laveuad gr;3.m. tep ds aBeaultul»M; l& s= bd iinsSoflnas MUL-l> Fn A. Wei al*0w; M. Adue w teILças tea« o4~s dM v G sshe eut M ~ ~ ~ e the mi. smt oi4 et~ 1h.Asu W- ma.i - v«. Niagm7 -.Ras 5 JOliE 11'MILE j r-h et vtý. n w, iaI b ua iteu U e Sar feae l uch erie=s.h my h.se '* d vilbinl fie Tailormn, ls. : a"i b. e traeibwieaamw. hy Mitel attention te busincu te menit a ehabut f e parmg f a diacenning public. MN.B. Cuttiig doue et uhort notice.- Kingstoe, Blit Nov. 13. NOTICE. ALpemains sri hprebis rbisi purcînig of Lmy son Heuuy 3MeLein, tise veat bah o(Lal Ne. 19in tise lii concesion ni Erneat Toun. 1 bereby offer tise vIole ofthlb said Lot No. 19! bo oile, on wviicisÎ%s ected à gond ce 1sbsjn tint BRICK HOUSE ad olsrinuoe ment. 1 jOHN MeLEAN. 1 Erneet Toue, 1611 Nor. 1W. Svp. CAUTION. as 1 bave purchaaed and pid for nid JLand. . CLW FORD RANNY. Erestai owul, 20h Not.v . : 3vp. a? r »Z iLaUSIPous£aa, atomE ST=iE? V'EliI. udentagd edlflpéecttlly snommne tbat «I tb4 b ave pt.chaseed s oumbFr et liai rais Herses, Cariaged Sleighâ,an d bave openeri a Liver3r Statle on use above preusar s, tehere thse public may et ail Urnes he accommodàied witb gond HBosCarrnages or Steigbs, with suber snd careful drivurs. N. B. Tbeif saddle Horsts ill be fonivery superior. S. CARMINO. GEO. MINKS. T ESUISCRIBER beg tuoet ber sin- the hfind buptu te h as experienced sioce ber comn- mencement so business, cnd viahes to jnform ihem thai ahe bui received ber aupply af FALL AND WINTERL GOODS, whîcebe ia determined tu tell on the lowest pue- ible lerm , fol cash paymets. C .LAH Erack Street, ~lngatn Ociober 23, 1837. QSF.AlED TENDEP. wiieha ecîvod et Ibis OMa euntil Friday i snone 1- ey ofd jaiDo- cesnéer oez, fer EXCAVATION ai thse lieu vo Point ltenry, and for removing the'sm ansd fer -sor by the day, HORSES, CARfS AND> DÎfU';RS as may le requicd by the Royal En- gineer Department. Forme o!Tenders will ha supplied, and the spe- cifitetions msy seen bc on applicaton ta Ibis, snd thec Office of the Commndin Royal Engmeer. Comiuariat, Kiegafou,ý 141b November, 1837., NEW GOOIiS. Tpublic liaI he bu receivedau m exensive- enwimeM,,of godm direct bo~ns ld., b>'tG. asnea i . hdeteaiedi te offer g aoia mm tock h. moupe. oftrnb taB--* »cfie, ée coïdet tat iheare u molemau% ,ersesin is etruide v iii offer geedse op egrnaly advmnfsgeou terme: SUPERFINE AlND FINE lu BAstag, StdsADn C0Looza 8UcjoNrvev . brUounsGronneBine,, Mixtirs *0i Docks, FluàiÏuiegVlt loths, Fancy Bu*- alias, extra atout plainenad faney Sattinef.; wvii rai, goin, rsi y lpllneb,6.4grcen Bai4e CacMUlls, Camblctens 84»ami6-4 igure1d. plein Mnnelmaes nad faecy rw URA WL@, 16 uwbcthe sulmctibe-r peilad;" y invites atteni. finsc çemsingo( Plaid, Worstcd, Thibet wcl Ad*sllud an çus4red liide. Indhaana r itsslsSik andierohacfe, Rock ue do, lilibel dé., Giuze, Sik;sudmi 011r fsssry ciiend Baud- kecib m Riit- A -gualvsiely of Gros . . ,fLikBambainaes, rul Lendon C1iqUIS MidTilld Ptiais, Ue&ktbacsPetet Birfinc.. la.t reambrliy Ihiuap ACTORy COTIONS, il4&6-tNe ciiiBLANKETS, Fer Cams, 8.0vSfockilag, LstioelOIShirts ànd ii aei Bonets opt pbe4Mtten, Cattoas &WiiWoruhaa eia,pein and ttili d ag- opng Cancn, visite aMd celoca Itn.e. Woestd ed Coll asm; &W, aI excellefstk aiBosier, andRlriuey 8. YUM5ThE. 41.. teetKigeonPlt.14,1837. -FEMÂLE LOST. Wun1t&EAS, ELLEN H1AZIYAR, a teafs+e gr&cfilghitebfe«r, q ai et iii,. dimWmvd*ueboerbrolher j"s un Coety, f&e vlaber an fi w lebu 1806, and il bring eu1qcsd 11sf sic had trnote and lest bemff alevl, tin tseavc hWm b hy'u Ictiet amndelWihoubr .Wm olpelY ode treilt, u-veeb, witbeotled1a' -l.ua repUti*g c'nete ier Wbg«"% .lsg rbh.t*ae ba, by some wm ueaea*e~hls i ~dii1tablente pry n e gift fomation ita7t «ferlthe Ciels tise Guardi*p ; ced, aiilier rii" voeu OU fie offlteil <lieSse 1h. dm, b. ep my aMal, e,.oy 'U & ancy ltsimgd ils bb taf sllre cmit tbe len aiase la iniag u tuchwiaeuutsosndeymay poumon. Desrmptloil-buidlo m";i allUw ceueapk ; [log fics-jbtr*vuiir;çclOis. lb- <MM- n»V âm ti*ai na W-s denciiUaIlit 44 Jamm;" but l. * a u oy«'olde.teonWh tint pls auy psibly bave Mduedm lateboaipite nsom mber ove-cf ubipsy laRe es. T'aneïediols thc muer Pais latine4,~ initm a&m mbl ,vs u uvdaengc ib ooea# 4qTi c&M49 I1ICKifpt .ee ALL ptsfla loil e. Iss ~& sa~~lamama5 I ~la U> LBESOLD otG.Coul ,Baise, in lb. v low orva e Ka s, MI atdiy IMe 2Mis ulay dFebecaff ac m *,lG»ae sdl4 belo&- kgte Robert Paluoi, deÇisn, theG.bandaOf .aea se ,E chx r ied by tirtme Of dem b 4 onti liedat Of Rh .:,sY' Carnt ý bnhtthe suet of Peter UMeg b ÇcitWestQueaserof Lai number sm. iudsaiforty.eght in tho Town or Kibânmo. Saeti12 o'cloeh, ceeu. Mi >leihs having claie-es siriant the aboie landl er-aMy pr theriof, are reqniredi to pursenl tise mamete me nu or boltn tiseldmoftsale. 3011NN NcLEA'N, Laie SkeilIlid IOL. ketei s alNovemnber, 18M. SUERIFF'S SALE. lu Ta£ Rmxa's sacci. W LL.BE SOLD) et the Court Moiie la the IVTown of Kingston,aon Saturday th. 21«h day of February Dcxi, the fonUowing Lsdu be. loagig ta Richard Sitjier, seszd by virine cf ni elleCuion issued out of Ber Majesty's Court of King% Ben eh, ait the suit of George 'W ebser, viz : AUltiret tract or paneel of Land, siinated je lhe Towaip of Wolf Iand, and ioowh as apartof Feegumo'a Point, ije hnsid lnda, contaieing 2» mms of Land, mêré ta ls; aeindor. peti*- Iasy deeibed ie the decil ihereof frois tise Pro. = tretra nid Iuland, te the naid Richard Sithets, -eis date the MoZd day of Apmil, 1838 LOtt 12 o'c1ack,mnom. MI peusans having claimsa sinst the aboie Landor sy pat thrrof - eaueated te preaint thg m 1.rue n o befre te dy of sale. JOHN )McLEAN, - ~~Late iSierili, Mii.di. N~,2e ovemslr, 1837. SlIEKIFF's SALE. m Vii IE 1T8inTCOURT. ~~ILL BE SOLD ai the Court Blouse, in tbe W T of aingston, on Saturday ithe 21st day of October neit, the tilowing- Lands, beIoàý- iner te Jol. lutter sud Henry A*eril, sejard by virtne of se execution issued out of tb. District Ceuri of te Mdland District, et the suit of Clif. tee H.ilcColicis, viz :-Wesi hait Lot No. 28, 3rd cokeason of Adolphuetown; Lot Ne. 46, Gth cenceiofCaien, asud Lot No. 49 Ode con- cession of Camden. Sale at 12 o'clock lnoon. JOHN T$cLEAN, Laie SberiffMid. Disi. Sheriff's OMeie, Kington, lth July, 1837. T'he above ciela postpened until Satuiday the eleventh day of Navember neit, ei the samne heur and place. JOIIN MeLEAN, Lâte Sherigf Mid. Die. Kieogmon, 21st Octuher, 1837. The aboie sale is furtben postponcd unfil Satur- the 2d day of December Dcxi attheb.»aine our and pace.JOHIN McLEAN, Laie Sheiff Mid. Dut. Kingston, 21st Noveinher, 1831; IN THE KING'S BPFNCH., Midlaed Dislract, YBTvintis cof a vail of TO JT.Attachonelt, musucil on et lb. Ccmmt of Riug's Soucis, ud ta me direcledi etaandatfh.e esitoai vulI real as jiereotial, of WilliimPdtler, se sbucondicgor cilcealeai debtorf ta «wtslr ;%,l i nat, fai the uai sixty pannais, 1 hve aeizeic&U tbe estct, si wvellroi ns perbo- ng1lcf the naid William Patter, ama ndcu he snid William Plitter retnrn vilblu th. juridiction of the sasilCoul, u*ng put sa hailtctahie action, or cause tlisumd ciii. 101. doscisgd vif in liste. calenddf If Illeail fiereal sand pirumalosle of tlieWdiWilliamPatter, e t te mci fler.ctaw may h.eu.=, vilà bebellfiable orlotlie pa>'. ment, ienell a m nsaeticmeta< atic Idaims. RICHARD BULLOCK, -- - -- Bit Uumeetl's Dico, Kinguten, Octés. 14,1857. N T * É KilNG'8 BENCH.. 1154 D1igrt,1»TBY virtneetM a wnt of of the, Ceudi of jgaBeech, and te me diretedl, agpleti tiecalmae, a- ueil ruda n pessof mst of mc handrcd snd tweotysevst podedi, 1 have peized ait Ihe estate, as veiliresi au "1soe1 Court, and poile hall ta the* cfion am ea.he. "id .lsi. ta bdiaîbarged videin three ilers motIsan the raned peusmalconte of thse laid Amnes Cavcrly, or a- maris hereet aiu"ay hanec ce".sary, iib. hcld iablejo, lise paymeAt efle fit sMd saijatatio of tho naid classe. ICHARD BULLOV,. Ohrls fce, Kingstoc, OCt"er 18, 1MB. SHERIFF'd SA LE. m lTue ia cWsc cia IVJLL BE SOLD et tise Ceurt Bouseomm the V -V Tm of ang",on 8urdéy t e 611 da f ilusy ilxtaIt the rwght, qule, asd iter- et Alaznder MrDoc.ld in Lac No. % ,Touas Klmemh, msed hy virtue of an execullo a. il ttthe b. ttiit Cort tet M I dlaDio- »Ze avb etindgtidehe"pro- 1ri imf ire vqfistcd i prendet ime tiieeo abeletiedaiefftl. 1sf. ierif Mid. Diît L IE SM >alliýe Ced1i oéisein f4i metaIél -ah c~llres a là* onmn liofei cul cf Heme bajr r411 Be bn vacet e Mta te osàP~ ce ce he G.day Oc mIi LaIe Bssait, Mid. MdI. et tiec"d aie his int v lst a eet cl h. § liisBslueese luisee mee ode atu - NêIt1~Z. ,- I 16 3'?. LAKE 0O4TARlO: TUIENEWSTELNDOIT J. B. Aasm ,MAlTas. WUJILL hîreatter mate îbree tripe a weon, fVirceen RINrGSTON mît OSWEGOi ton. bi;S g nt anermeijiate Poru s cefollows: GO5>0 UIP, Leeaaes igston ercsy Tuesday, ThuMedy, asi $idey. ai 6 o'cjoc.k A. bd. PDexterspme diva, eai115 e'elok A. M. Sackets ilablour, cime des î12 cociM. Lestes Osego~ every Monday, Wednesday, s»à Fiidayat 8A. M. Dexwiesame deya-eti12 o'rlockM. Sackets Harbordo. 1-2 o'clocl, M. And arriive et Kingston in ltunt fer steac-boats no the Bay of Quinte snd dowe the Riter St. Law- retce antedeu sCanal. 0jjý- For teithi or paicage spply le lihe innust on boÂrd or tai the followiug Agents . J. Counier,> Lte.gton- M. Marsv, Dex Y; W. Buckli.y Ssekittg arborn; 3. 0. Dickey, & Co., osueRo. e:-onflure the sipment tofperty by fthe alsuve Bai Il Nusb. lait ith theAgents aithe difleenut Perta. sept. 1837, MARINE RAILWAYS; lVIE follcsing an thes JLrate* chaug,& for hsosing Vîmela on the siem Os,;Rst-On ai*sng ur'y, Dir ton- Fost±-eiï*t î outr allgoveeltise Béat frant 15k tin* -hi toticlats tise Craie untili se braves it. Tise chante for rern.iniug on lias Balvay atter lhe finit tom heurbaos yl he four pence per ton tcdi Sniy sgVae-OC oe u ondre an mai f'y taie sud 9tde,£2 ltO ia. and ue silling cui'cir, tor eveu>'tosn aSse e b unàredan sd ift>'. Furty. ciglot Wls ânillôees a io4e; aller tise expLrata theutof lise charge for rermaicstig on thne Ravy w!l ha tub pence peu ton eacis di>. No en for occupation on Sunelmys, on vheni liso uc ther reint§ iWr s gei g o na. Boata andi vessils vintering in the Basin vuî-f; ns iseretofont, ha admilteai fres of isaniâlir 'nate&, snd bave storage for saius, ntggiug, clst" vilîsot chàrge. 7imrnt -Caste. Tiserç are ccunette la ise Mlarine Railsea>, a Foundry, 1%1%cbesrith sop, andi siip.ys-rd, stock- ed vîiti every article nequisite ton huai ding ansi ne- e "Iin~ Steam-isoats, Eogines, andi Veseets, and tramthe j iof o!mecisanici coustanl>'emplny- md lus ihecé rtlablismenie, vemy great despaleciiia he .gl*eiîta Boastesad Vesmels cepairing in tiselBa- sin, or 4n tihe railvsy. Tise latter, froin the oeni- n-cm ofliseý river andi situation of tise place cse bu faisid, vilh the ecxceplion o! tise months of Jannary and Februar>', tisrongbont ilse viole yeau, ted, in most instansce, any repaire can isetoum leted on it vithîl uhe tory-sghi boutasaloved Toir haulleag mn4letting doue. e ideraiflise Directî-rs, D . L. COX, SeMrtarl. Office of tise NiamsHarboun mhd1 Dock Company', Sept. 6, 18V37 . 2m9w 1 . FOR SALE. A HOUSE AND LOT, in the iillsge cf Nsa- Ap ese. the Hontelunsa Frmme foto etc. feet by 18. A Cellar unsier lise vbolm. The situ - ation ;F ee&~'l in any la fthe village fùr à Mercisug or MgrpÉanlc. Als-A FA RM cf 100 Acres of lanid,*of éiel- fetit quahiiyt about iirce miles frentiseevilfigé- about 25 acres pauially cleured snd'fiond. n&allarsa G. H..De"li, Eaq., Na- -s -- -THOÏA8 DM&L Plp ,cet""e101, 1837. AN» 4àl D EST MISSIN4d. O X lte mouieg otf riday tlb. OGti lst. der a aeveng &aie it viod, tisa Steamer' =Ie Siateit havifagfâile4, lnlaodieg pesengen. eu ibis pors, cadesîcurosii aship'tisem ulih desr 1~g e. board lise Onela asteamer ibesa l~Yir ta.9 olîhe barburr. The feiloavig propert', »salt bave bocepslsiunpped, c c toanai iy tde *au- era, vus: aTrumik about 2 font long covermdiii bain akieanal brou nais, eContaignit eg vinmg sp-. pae l~n linepi, fie latter masked John Grumw* j amisÇlaet ab 8.Sfert loil psieted hia imitsi of mabog.sey. Amjr Information vcppi,ing snid propenty viii bd ee b>' Mn. D. Plreâtiu& t theb Kiegatan, »htbOct. 1837, Svp. BA1IK 6É BIITISIINORTH ÀSIERICA, z muulatian o!the an ifI refereeid dis, the3ai.hg tr h. e 1 L as viici ssci Depweçaiou in tiu lde heceivilh I Esau Rate of interosff (asa fofe.>viasr Oa àssu atIOO anal eçswsrdé 3 W et . psetnum. Oitç d »s<Ifw ai fîvo mentIs, ltcefcnuui lar*) esi witWr4at alà10 i gvre in sica. à"aIte"om in ltise USeR duing lic. e co.i »qmondes.. luat My e ebtaineaios ap pl te Nani et teBank. oer z e liiwad , asàèsl 'Ache1 gmanaser. ~E* 4eh~,bu reag finpe y.='- tic. iuelseq of the voafler or aither cen' ha 4is~.imsM base,-beg. leMin*= lbe e~~as-qnocivrtbe mm miuai u dheitaiemm " As'. eetnaa grtrefssn u pee --. *,trutm e As~~adets0ffcfaurhs a aDR~SSMAKL& AMtit.IIA MOUSNAJI eN, - si - c É - 4 1 A . . 1 1 ýli 01 »--- 0 .ý i wqï ýè 1 , 1 -.ý- 1 &f« m «410 "- 1 t twooi at 1 1