Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 2 Jan 1838, p. 2

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et' , 1 l 3 - - l 1 1 1 1od .111 ,1th icà 'i Y se ueiPO l II ET , 140 r bve.a 1u a - e - - - - , i " 1sý 1 î ý g u m a B s , ata- l le a o ove Mum u ; is an ailm uim a 'a m ae.P 2..-3 . t si r t tf u h e ein es 1 -, imaaIleuuj j vis" ..it m l si t dlga I -,arepoe u rasoa or iti- ar b o rte. A bua,;,. hlaelma-2 'ai, hLdema chm,.]~a bol. mm uo . ,. .o aoitI. a- bUwàïoaWCàI h tliaue.â1U t auî f - _,. cuiwii a bus" m e u w 'aaErhut h. h c avi r 01' 4 gara wa'dd;m a a Z: gmi itiose eun hu ilii e Pri r akleo erc, aa1Mler.1O IN OlZ"d'a lspicit ..p yard ag.uetI"cii as infere6ce, I feel hga u, bu - " biis ile- ZR L A KE, .4. ar c h erc la w' ot m,.1 aIN O b e u -e ae etipd 10 Ume a I bave..otii-l"Oba éf Mip e d.. o , p. Ame___ana m i C&lWBU m Les tiov a ti onr ht h ee *<si mum* fflte aBeOIS selossiaJfroie.., Inheti Walher, George ">'*".( igle 11 igd, p i gno a qpu l a u _ i rz »d . -,-ouerM W h ,b e ther, the 90eg baI nd s t1 n. hi " * w.ý r d:a the a ier abn fo t M b,,o. iju,,.4 -ay llhco l e i. abuu urtr rIbb i aa < a s1 .gb -r ..om le .e d = m 11110v , t e ai h * draa y M' u oi I afu, de w. S 'o esci pt o n a s e el ecr aau oi ike e go mdt lsîl a e& t*lt.M.vmg JIDWEL*" '.idiidel rcplse W ..Ae, o GViin g. M te , ad apai 2Kîterad amoued b lae e. O wiBuhci t. ealacihioa roiae av m l- ci.. lb fme, aianysI . uagraoni.. m ih. Ie rM a, au bdiur.f i bed; met gh ei li MAt h tor m" thug aS. i i am, Jaaie s obaoJae- J- . o ~ "< hotiaisa t? M m buwam" 4 h *$Etalibe a eta a i.river, i n te a a s Meal ambsat-ig a p rb t Ti i re pil ba naIim at1a m ome oflie s. f1I3C MIllU*tepeetauo hth rvnilLcsou, veauý apure mman, me. nbneteb" oiabavpTeauabe*a4mRcacnreaernte 1 eebibbuddocn Wmeia Do%,rohi Anier Laîelyp p111-Th .Ifld j h rlay n mo vdsII uen lu ivoliUg ter thaa Aici. d r<a~a muM.Bd e lomir alli o etsu aar $duboiicie, . s olom. iceuielatiee raien, ud Luiiravt.a- dii prte Css i th h e b liAey a li-M ola a l ite b u M i but ers uno e prl er.; aaad orrct t iiobynea eig . ab.- ,a "gtng r yn5 ot law Dnmoney, arua _____Jacob_____________ nu co mntr s a nda rd ei tasi d f bainti n rent, dmat d i i a , l_ -c Thom » u i s t b ve e. .g Em i'te lii fo6eflpuentae vuartaierm;ausitefo lado.ca n4o2,a a lasacera a ut f lasi dg o 7bind erv se j a noaiere sa dmantW 40feI19thOer i b iauai b onthe' i ayIa aceze utory ' b u ~ ~ ~ ~ lme- , ___JO&_______apeiil eclalyaprpitem frile r. the Ameicana larlaintOnLht laeîViciai. avngthirbue ai amlea a y ii. mi MlI ri, t plo rm et. e r »e llp stMla duit ai h faiy ue omc1 d wir.el e wa.teza seirprpxt..lyiavtis.pe litaIlbuforce et Myaote tiosse ha But ci- p ta John interanes aooesasada.loving"' ktliehe liu, sd beyi Ibthe wU W bacl- M .nfl el th a en at e f lb Iw As ahevCountrc e taoabeiaakfr om ouatanu1c n.atl- hi a ah tca yo . ik no . T e etti ol r a song o b e a rl i mel lily e atd by thb ave lrend rd he el lToron- ,i G.ir. moualci osigepa, ufa Bigla Ibeum.a hath. figée Tirerte maaendres]u; ing of atftl y moudenaiseroeil amis sa Tours, snbe tTtfi eetuo.H , i n btai inlw;-mdtr andere fuicuhad wtiah a 1 l*u MAR SHru uA mLhLae.IrunLosL.- b n ,os Jh mo.tseph Jonon, uica h mrelagrenel oefr osdOb maeie s an e ee~t t $ .provincecbave'ecte4by.... hi ilsanuitailo"ghorc . Four day. Ir.éUUbamTt gs" !- _ l1 at é acempneih. a i nly ls, aa oaimnH R ESNA R TVE >T EBt-h, aae onraasit, iplime7 WiiOCrece eio tEti a retit e uudiga mrdcaam W o nsEt iola il ls pec o1h. e opennAor h . b a i t i a t c af c o r e tito v e ,t st assi ina c e d oy - - at Zgr t t l a e a e d m an i theii g m t T uo o le o f 2a h e e u h i~t . W . < iT e tn go' s iti oy ang N r yl a i. u a l elatc E N G L o ma n . thS lm e nth h e ssm ao n o mh e o ni al d o, h 2ture ma o eb on par us A lb. ros th r its eIr ogc.-ap[SI.yt mbig pebu b bttween mmMy' el,,,Iy ffl &,«Wo,'.idebftlwdthermadeii i tha peintantesbaveelireeilsabi, edmaIlaase limiteursunieenzieQj taer-Ta re deat eandtuther givenl W.ilegdocment ude conmdtituîioPabill,"doin a in ohpbi- drn rae ( ia1h C he u leo ntere à sa m S i e ltt i mnd DIstrit a n, M . l i e llhe aiaiah thesma wmietr nsi7ib 8 0pm n,350 ofbliaTo all14g. 10155 outrage n oninbose terrasgAIl direct or itd1reortion of 0 wih «C oter i anumecmiý, MddWÀ #M _d abig ari -11eased rputtiM. In 83 e "lsse thetolfiay a a oporilion eh sktst nde bygang. toGe NERAL0CaVast flana-atynem f ciaiseDot dleg t neexraandee ly ithbere oMajealyto.«by e6 1 s. tre Q ee 1ar ;la l .cb .r #wm roanigm o f i p a t ie h l tos m c . c aimg u no n d A eri - e e e a h dt ue aipui a o t hme nait.disg s e nt berc e nima in die sfn ai Ated ol mhnte M knsata l é d b g h p e h s m g tha eb e x etd un cromci ithmesailaruri ni cco îrc . _ go- prit e mi con eactly dbave raed bier- mai ut, 4u I mentinabreaisqhand ersmcohe lar .mt Frm ncis & lue h e .mlqera ; alil b u y 1 e ey ercio A8ar m e o h u mope a rz thai f co I avu ei misl I e M emp tory rier 1c quit lhe tbuy ib ond larmeocok, hm M jal ma pmihi e m on tahoe eiguin d r ee, d sutpof sa i otrn of culo yi vei~. Tonceei hpa a aig lt e.bila nmlm l n ais Butc a ve m mtbug l Mde t fer eu ffirient srcte . the AaanmlaluesdascioocraI ber ervceeiburbOne thee' ilamyitBubpeintPlaetheme the. a risemo andlxpithey rsieaaontcatbuds abuCuse "cfe plangireeIl ye tlag t rommaot gîbd aire;'o c hountray'm$ uca uveeauh vehie, eulte Raiitscamat-Baco-m I l ung this dqu artr, if nly e t ia t l . ils- Party c um m e .ciaa -c Bspeec ~ "'i h e m e iary tatpopathy andhlpir rir,n by ii.prmeso h te Cabeine aaîCa o rumnder avemrmv. a Lande, iiee ienehlim athomtea iaimoiaPjeinWu. i au- ubciamak Ieirtforeni tabelentbn t cr pb h aeelieansuicthepanbtali theon tbeyali!lprehm nluitsfa areping ustil tanea t stli'au loiatBey n lc ptei landhobcvcathelî and gi ierfoi yte o rler. ia b- fbe c ila eso olin uTuali I atiehavaeelg tug foaimel! le aplaeiad-o W'îh t 1.55 Meill. uhssit$y GoSiFanis sacba e d i I bis villagconendu. ' s s m ammlnduer M teouga e, b aai<1bgi lugtrM h.ozn îi iictsdsoftdhrM jet chesa 7i aai bnte hv i ie kts u gre at n meu0teb, c'hoaitiaualyfou tegubiemaazneiadugry outrnf erlrbleprazels av aplcei'bi hollmo troug o n I n o ie dealm DasteicItebac ing Ihia rdP Ibs inccouîaag tn hat m bafver o fetei 'o cs ey'oa m tsne , l utite .,..m ofpt e nîada- mmdc li na DueBIB o i pebiueiietala .spidl e a a t ie ompl el p tW m -. iiMetisia d ra mc aunoot riv e seo f rli uata. im me c a. t e t ly us roie b t% i ffas m e er.again ts amy hase - a , er T 'a rs lce ma a vEg o lichae aut oeffyeurfIb o e nt-soi nt.ca a re - th efa lo m nIbeir y t n tiird . a mlto rta thepretat b.d bunig 10 a r - my a Ia eer uem peri 0 obi utofn lr. 'a ellu pmeIataycsulerie .by eK e i kin soy n y curoimilant t jee.> H u .a iI a f m ruelaa ea eey proro ooo suai. ~ i Coldel M caia r turm i breon Frmi nfme x e mbte ft eerb. As u. an s tene b. m teat ngfroe inhoemaalyAmecaled mIs baet enla L urr ie ant A B îIannsli r B fl fce a ae er g fmoment.y ime iythap u c etdte iabae rr dota, therebt dlesesî - taienag , anciaey aoedepouoruo etr. T t bmvrbiiorGalmt is b osbeteahvn mpl mc, bta by lslsneggd'nnakn 0 reee m e<e nalar W r h . ni tIr arn age roced i gt pea ta yw a i oeil mnis andfecly frri Tue ~ ý Kiuo rHmoeenlrs"aern tlite eli r ra aimtd ne cu h arac »élgt e timt a uios in 01 M aggeo4 s M i .le a tw o- pol u hartî d .ILza n aed b e suloyi la plint entknga Plae Ijaslc h bedgofertede'-dthoh f.e W rindtebl e uhafe el by heliom ci etaa e nt i tm r . B y I ' a y eA gbbmm gnBU - -Î Uaira. Ee n abandadt hes or bu isb t e ue uses! eveut.xttrac e blies adcaaiimd o:diersNith)c e a . S m Arrý -1 ý i l ac ompanid h m M fi ily tg he uss bot, ita, t eimicous c ugbgternb. o &t stwro ine a&* f specioral c pason . wildoei , tead bimsiln'orsatn fr àdoi aira e ssi ton. p o11 ,M soteuearneaI c on m dreaod by the ygali a oie e l i e u ccsa be pmnob e tammoreale aI at IS HO SZ- ou ; bvrea t; ic lti lei bao cb tra tpoIm I p u t h t to a o ,clu t i, o x ein e h iprv dlrIa001 flro t tcrti fem r triî u eojlemeul i t a.merecmof &Il7pTuemadof benlreala gabe-truopoature liey socs diacEersi h D. anaol mîlircco muhsevi.an Un-vt 0ide, rate b . e m r ci e t.'r m rica o. m ir sv r m lio m e hreouem a a tc bea e niec n prtablev se o th m e ae . i ei'sliig ,a le c in rhh e a uri b ya o hdiort. A rr w na lmh c o utriia i )'au i n té oolIah si ar nd e os R i fe* oa-ta. t ahs rit2 ae% mlou rn tinal.)eep a mueh supce ior fossrced 'a < bo es won g blm 'i f ian re Smila re s n is sarviclie mrt e ulCr, m setfyI N oi b lsm ioelime 8tviil dett e rmonine hrmsleve ushare b ase(;u tOEMea esamd nccior me ae beg it o e 1 i - s..21La Ci ai m o um evetay o ntru ,et notaIccierts be 1came. Ti tuaca.ul. stti e et heIln W l tseua Ioe u Q ts T e oteci-b ivn"lgal n cntttinly" ft Oes* 9 Sic u t yésa Mâ r oMh.benéirlle h temwran bi vsy oh lu nd uett hesri e an e. appeed fl i IlGon ae pm e re t umib ieUul Sttsobnlyorla trpo jlt lfi de he tio i h eee d otigbourg- sc o riue om n icti Goeuent Ro ta.. o men y zonra t hor artegnus.evAritydbirbct do-naibndiracciectdtan aail. «EW'samvehe aucrnmmg, bai a poi hetehictle iris roba signartiesofiloyaiatervister-'os-'lau OnJoha Greborne.ioI ofithomangorhatoytaherhais octhedgang ofNElimeanAman-caewslifa totethreuthrne. po- c'm lditbnaIlylihel ame -msnd a coute i ils SI. Tbserate angu ra" nt isera ietais r dwe n 1ac elisg uy e arciifecahof equre C ae= r, o er ap.uit theamp. mibe sb e freor b., md« le aedty wuorln Ç i eua sasneegidpedn falrsrit i n e yda r e mc e ,fa * -iai matia a ta ta a ofm y hi a ti o nly , c u p i l w ih t h e l ne su c âtea iys. a i~ g o f hitu é esAp u d ae l < a s c a i oh a p " : iSt. h n o i vi n e.ht th e gr e tnio o asMuIaaaFoere,-Ibatomlho uni aveif meetaiby flb Tts.nBsMM yefnter i teae soainmuntin laist ie im Coudeemmnîo 1ro laeolimatca aii le IpUuaarle aieirbd a Be Idiu t ms Tus iea Ie v'tllagandaami 'aie t tiey dervice it i. lie semagp .preligon andmausemofalngtegme. comeirequcat.e bh. a ve tm. iied eut r e n . W ba ea 'ssu lire ier s ileh tin as em il i uti tud se se h e nst ho a w uug e e ev y s a ri i n t M l an L esp ricipl a. ire c a eu ai d th0- m et i n fy aero n ce, am isao u t hory m l e e h m o e m 'g t h n po im t o the fesn m o edsa y aurhervný bv a r gn eH mlo, - t cead poiln i, ue ,ifBay a sr i ct the ll uoem drk the hoioug Pétrocm antar o d e of age ma n su vor am u O th'a be nidt eA sdmliipica b loatie tot ae eat of lelas de the Oreli anaotroe ' C.t-ei30samatei theeissiai dguuba e dniedietaonion listons ti n of ee L.t oMiti syin b thePr vineh. lieo - taryàgdaraitifnt sy tem ofaobbey. A m n W o beonc be, nd codingims bisful limethma- aren ghen.have libety!cT edeîbeave aend e a bo mii p ris ti s uso, eler is. ssin ,.soi e le gti l sne - e re i ste an ti d'a turbanc e n.mgt I oi'muta ihoent tri ag n t ba b. cing m as eir a egue olod an a in g e nd i atn amiib i cu s nt 'aaemr e ira inos hb.y~~ ~~~~ ar c m riycIaoredi benlugig t , t i . lb la tnL ao l.H r .' i a. yitrhta m o e , ut aelte u s.it u s t al t. te ig e derary al 1SYa t e Officc i n avethn st x e n y havFre i .he aes. ira, lia7 ere o - fe lac l a t Tue- , o por a ve pcru iai e. sva is t amciasge du- eIt utaoet feae e ts bey el vu rs tîe C Sty a te r n . e ' 8:yi WAt h gfeiig u lir e ie vainuee ia pciue emi1a araie, r. B r e a- loerpimer ly stapn epa d rIsehaa «« f, hot W a en wau mat ina DuebBillr.ethei îo O b . u.yhet lae be ali t o'a emaet l abm 1 c e s son t M tise Bri hiib Cr out "r. tis a timaev eentaWest er n hbuajtas rn s ek e ntnuh. ingad oin hat ae pe fteu.du pranue, mylvle C smADI R Lhmen1'a mss hisie o earie wci ig u:ll aeyuoflu hO n ae r ubiiaiie usmepioge eThec is nde cu. - w e ao t G mo e- Ai- sty r u um viddai *aé w5p*1,Ii a g i . p Ylac yle bu af idCp5la ttsli vo a bo s . Brownhhl% r mo'h Simca uriHteal, me baTaur;ieand itéoý n--1t, e - u t dfq e. h I à~ I ve gi a rti t a netisy o vev andour- tes o timrsh a agin e atRnay mod u e l'W ad f iers tyea el 'si p v .i s ~tinnent ouvent evemy urpse o . a na i ntir li . ami p tro ettIE, wla tnd i nreel e ureas - "Y lu s I rea, asd'm rlnvhe seri- am, C et lben B ffao e labeepisescptaHeaIaj dy er etanti usuciudevé aelmallklaa ad e muh sif\- aimes Colnel acnubretu ed ltre n Friny wre nirion tu alaithe ou: bt Bae W8 ta ie ilto at onfontcoutl au eumyscotectareuted aye app ndeteeniriilp u-eed i l nem m ti-tl' o ee e f r T u u te . r i sg lis ho yr bn l. ed ut el l w'acy tb*mm m e l l h oitir et os a recudamp n i e uasn te nl ar eM ia me m f airoin ls e e n p e d i n u - as .Bcka a i nghfa .m alac5 e . I fora i on of rsth v e a i edl u rsgi st nl y i pe ao s to be l a r>'of Bmneev er n de tio s dfingal te etité stamot deDr cii ralch s.harta i gh caen waggtes nd dslre te bein c itiia agsa ind .. sel mr.oae vu amif e Matel ty lim e u plicte coaaîe in-i lb eech upyighm ui I Yr 's, o Te a' nge al -rao evyui , sebyfi ireruc Ii ft raexecig vey oermandm.l pqut hut uc i xudh'ooy iep v hvest ec ai t seebas ninn e mt.Tiserermi ea l lemair. anal m tc h ta.......... .... iOni.Wedeuietisat, o. Méanie rreail ii ea efcutrssecs cui .,1le ik u a inlmy ammtted ohi "bit - ~ m eiss e nt os.eei nst rmsge îleusiay a t3m.G. P The" bl ib. t ia peime, anal lb cire ousixhan- t e ni e t m at l m ioma tio naof e naor- ce l nýv I"wic h an a tolie ma otia. i , m i M it ist e osi bea ibla.liait e o aou y einat i g p- cm ehie Libenlv±Ie Yorb, anal ine i e piie stoMestal: rmal "a bienen foerlloaitebes patrauelmt ore.s of tomlig meaecahoe iaica MGral eortoaerlaie lbesur in ausugbe x- Uniea Satu M rsallN.GurmEs.. rtue T oL . 'p a.habsliou0<al adooeimise c. oadtabelr wsqaieahrr; M md Fpirc ainverts pla edasautgr l u b UielSa e rs pl h tapmta hibaMecm eh o Chee De g am aitermin-arrme cl;ithe iierenciaitoSUta greaennumbas Ipioh.is tyaeaa eprndlia. pereoc oc t aubsmiey l ai outcaowls hmof i ms to ate. sBaid ssnutilsetcilce hy re ybii moryeI ar o s. moives, t m44s aleistha. iacisumlmhulPue«ds.O b Seasiami iantlie rocet ma noasrt aI o trirsevu ice.o âr t abalnsfettehmsmt ditewrat fteScety fSae he taa ala miide.er gana lsirpi,5 amt-lie o m biCcolIOae Levur ea e rb tii mo e mbu fctein te isminecdts e mdle i eit cr wemert m ls ye lbie. ddI i ogIIotih etsrota ' ntsbi otetrnn fdmcas hr In conIaobrobaiIstta becoka tseas l-uotisesta apearoiinluc.moi- a haraM tatuab Cimr clotaolaaUbmrisv 2Wu aum still eretaMine.dmu pcacia imirimz t fronier tsSucenîial checcksfaeohaeulongty& th atan on ndpeet o -dse rotl fusi belimcae.âTeumiwsmiaicia bactea Bl for ar an leuractve ad get Caus, sercollyecteSl abMt cuiterastme uni diboire watheurverrt areav ml- meecesibving 's s , w ridith mirleo .e.cmmnctelt ovr.n BueonM-a s,-» Ml rtem w'c1 movemen.t;aanaronelCap.iii t and the ely sO*ilbeotmou lmaIad on Iuipy vuaaIe -plof the nns r the Amerians, ticnvcugumptce cu h = amuona. clens ot . nte- aa m p s îa pes ft= or adlndavryptt e eumstebratis irat ensien.rmiioetrte hlteuuutr r nau son ceisileibM raaina mlthi il sn ie '~ ' coi, bpliliy ab u assinatet. JonId e r ate parcul co pelulisOlie cotmesils.. aacl et thie ent aO t ereigdwnt.hrG carfu prm t a te u eure$"ch fre..)d u ei', talarlhy be it im er a mmou T e bv I au. raid t, o Ie mas âi uo Y, =Iat tise of aera dou a t e measMIbe -au Pro otovi e. Ami lay e b t b ts alitp uaid a t cl he1Sal atrîu.t wulty aueic ete r If beg n ao antieer .cyarmiadbot5ecicU e a .rc ia cP lalat gada apliY* i>y requ" p rot ell aamm r inuc amvaer - r seiycitane o l leuter efug o raee lsdteiel ermadl. esue emrs.taltll ,eive lerlib 64M z aF imuaruehy ut on l N trtle!b h a d agb a d for mis al ae. I theefe . be a c motten t mue taietitaiee'toitsa M mentrollay mbbcb I28la wbuhm tin uili e e i gIl ugtalpo. t ns e, thltemt eu s.hlismmey,> bid t ia <and i thedep 56 il thmims peimamnitatt tesrmnoneatmal ppaaicad bu ebuiri h ab e o pe.ata lth ma c uly ie pesmer Iouticavor te=gl1i.j hsaly byapnsuda rosiiatyeliejeeteunt.ete alataanin elatiaof atheIs.mnll Suuiy acve dy. Tc havesetthp uep-ofdtdealuebL-hi mul eitud . te as . l ia a tarolpihe ba li fma out e- l imn m cle:xlru o oisI erJ aulseetoCar ode bai pand W eiv baoatc a ytbo al mai55vi asfts mm g id M t C- b 1ibue. . - ,30oandvinage onesiduidasii alsladlds!bot taeagetsio ly hitren emesxcmimlîbaieth peeinwllbave i'saapd tesei. e eqhsui ed t he ir- aZ a t t; l. ms.reluornte al l.leealalim e bauta.l elpimu rerig l e m W ai e son a mn ebelanle ime ita1 Pie uiROCL Au MiiT get eION.m adeA.rpiosrsisanup t he o im fiesa roa a s vyIinblcumyb ieîiti lala ir bar a b or e aigrt, ele, k"«g kàeiittl fia g s cm e mlii lgoet hlruc i ralsetbiJ"o .l ed te tie lm4 »a mla itmt hih. ee t1 tAiIy aaibiMDcaer 7 pnels! mya. am yaýtigbsraaiéglm icns fr ve i oe instoueioyns tali, lnsparecod l -1 ahmBot V.'iy b. as *iy * Irwn e lite» acu su«.L. W. Li.MARCY.ocd no acny-och n by Captis lote s ', Rilpi= ulthe b L« .Mg isa dcumeabane md *uy nai I sibly cauwsi b inth ereaydSttl ofc t et, iËselec SrFaci .Hed Dr.ly 1Cbbleummtaibues g mvteiplaideraspeinlb hune sheIoa, aoimctaons suot os ber lait tipimuau alo auou Mc e.'"but 1ibn the aay lie Iroise tbeb, mise 1of the coach, tire lie7 ya@meuloser bbheahonte, MysqVaellmai vlciO lfapairainiI BcIjs laaiherlcola ran oms.Canct Mt'uis hmhmt"YiyaeZu.! Wlittaca-Mies mohesu te ai ma hbretogh-1 lb.W vacala, ai- - r -ilve Lau tco~~, hat. tare, lahmoerjMMe'aues * Pm!-j1l2ed il the lervanteal.oi - lueraalt -mi Ti gmm LW"i B ea-&mx angm ainuauaa hMilmoare d~. iaalufn ajr asal li Isn. ~ ~ am istes M alaionl1uate a ndndli pilmelessetal e s t uilaha semba 1aulusN ,sgrnfet an W lle th. loy tPare ~.t euli u m iatsc lte ret qi-'t:: amet uetalles moiliiroa ca9leay b e i li An 500, bialuecopnis !tb 2W ami amyelboisa<mpemei lu wono medisiLE taa a , whomro theypimsoisyim vy, ilbienst Ptinaidiefilt ; t itra. ouille fauliefan tamseralieainomv e.. er iueitoeisrbu1.mpeviet1il mttou aile, rsiiy, Dcchave ner2fl 181 tisa merd.I aides! agivn, macuhtroub1of (ho Se.atesM8K4mma. tceaprovinceelb ul- oM aI Of bae. Mrllsslis the lwao pliaie ie.sEut Shor. 1,40 as is te feipma mt-riaiCai.u t..It iev l tcg l e Ir uuga e roent sl iti. nis Il al t Iin pmrty moelisa 20 a ict tmol iiu xéiinntserrssj n ard efseiodaGro ete p5aiesedo u r ayt Csipea iidaihr UU I.*. b.olysd eth.t l dei me .1 h ie li o f tha m iiheasa * .oets'ttaOsudor. aIm aI eha e iiubo uteabl yte uetin itiu . Tis ra G te r etcctesi 1, olot miNsy almi a urerr -,m'a, afon h ui 1e s.5.COTnkal7 1elte 11i111ia11ccttc Lolse M esit l t. cabhmrooi i hilaie miauaalals ~ *eculac, i ~l ere u là m reitabu en u d imL et ioato f. h m iéo f t e lava s b pa atto ath, ana lfgtheai BOB -ats. hofl emn entfouse ted tichanle As Mr G. P BuI" - bond h proestai. . Murs.Iole nd B li tte h i eacr o b apdte imeou aoffament tobme mi dm Ccaassuastwe IsbthKnoitalf GrUea Wofbnd h pinanerlll.he ssu I anyo uon T eah b M iî s bl rbth e bes. uoa -aelcm gm, précmuites taaqduta M dtauiy is. aisauaplb baimaalleMylac e 1t I mm udtatheis U ni ated Sue.9ta . 1beL < eptvuettoertisaI meus. 01i5d5 e - Unitemd ueat m e. li. as mwrEnc , a onived cSdctof uiAucstr riedsliga. .Wi1tês lsve!Batet poyuiObava» aiesc lisb , motC wteon heren, m ortuttitis u I r ho.y esgn emsseblb Gouel, nierlie ad<oausa, ais e asisut nle aIansue Reatebocs.%lb cg e , st m t CO5iWI lIste alleniance. fie hIcubeaie u Kng o F- Goa of an <Mceaie'm uitgClonrame Bai b u#,buut ma lShf1j*fur f. .wom p..jUpgmalbàypto. B e poiib,teda ellemd o t 00Cap-mm ait0uudNui, h em atiaii ot ocpireste m r. e %.1~id Wsa*imgtI t va oa a nd ilatth itien d ?bém ale ta o -o allauJonWhe e ci, o n ,oand ta h e il t wu cMati ose onie adofsécilte u He al mth mabeof he ali s eiai o l dca te. _ _ueah *tc Tvu his - lql* ilSdfWiUbYeu ofsupbisJmpei r-'----Mr. "'baba 8-P KtCH hroopu, mdci Item eapactlmu Cmuidtha"a pamadreinpeet.e*a résidentslti .eaiines ed rfur. mi i v s !un bo e nus 1 As t E »& useii - _ etts fSawn h ateot, liavindevei Patnil, Colo nel Wtu VMs- fasbaiti l eig md e k» ai u lm uti aiu î ircse.as a b ra uaatr AB yWbml -ruêeneosepOuri lb qout an a .e ol ct o cai anue roers ar a. bol, thea 0i19o hallkl and «o orc ab le oleuu taumal a aal ooftamethea msereumalai fihr ar - r w,.'a 'a, finipetang tuù- tw rnueubonbn 4 & w leint m - S * Whohm bso tn'he WIbraidaipthrtuat ferben tego I0 ta a ,etirefrntrinrfceeinh thesi . thé most i'repd ehn th dsI. ofwiam esJeWs ua.fvMli .tes aes pu1.l son y;,; IStcita 11 u rbhmd ttetaquitterolya d occP àUnd-' WProv.IID.W icsaJ. d. W 4-vid ne imv o ow u e ipascap j lnto ultli omt leatm elol]aceut tluierre flrhamurltk-~Iv ia sa iety i d om i e ur ebv fte4se br éal n e h ie i tit ur* sitefonir ft ain tnsieni eur p aici b sAoout0tlir hmnrs ot h. e c _ maidblte ta cIiy, smUi <auj tel pareete losi era ne i cu a d i psea mma -botU y ., Wlbom t alW. 1115.-Ilim i em b e rralgr aise u.undath e clousm n sjateeW i ag all im Fote , trllea gr yrtetfiglmliatpui là, - pe i cé bis1h1 . o ai e til mt bu -'a vo lb . l t1utïte (wua touleh a ld lin, largei au- W mi bus mcafor olthe. aise I . e a sa li u oninln .rnelul1 oimle a-m, s u ed e cj d t hé_ _ 4. - abw bis seti ea so hai Il _ l*" for<ar 5 bex mu .Iwsen adluei esla leor, tebri aatl la i ae utei.mtrbe t eh Colonel Maluemdtan stes, q.mt ivi v ave mll uam igavi udoe&b moh.afaeur tel- ÎIcei ait défeorcé MdinBeir beuema vuie n aourfg i n uthnmnat net t h a letamn n Rtlitn ordi ors0 o iie%àm .lu eh. tdsi Mbm. âty r4Or V 'O.Wt - 1uet Wu.hhsi me . *i <Biettaain md b7 nUure te s14551eQa.cm of the5 ttatloute counr,) a adisypeosmý lit ns . « ty i ns aplonger esusthe u aipe u. er hBsU1'Pa aoioptime, ami Balajei e imi uhlehfrl. . IiicaebeO m aginons Ticlàelme piB.aitas uug r e 'aos ai .<md Geore Iy »t mse.qforCatatae'aWe mmm as)tbpeon abtateahnoyeI be. made e Sunda ue n attea d y. ThediaoadeP RabL A d W m li Aies utl wNiab Jsledy- edth»gradst btmaenbig wtton, ai-,&NL sbtiisruiteann(rasieit iof, o bd pay &W e 4 gréât 9 eO&Mb, leIMM, 1 m s,.Tai oit oyalp-ol;b0 stionemaI e taniesl nd esvc mn wtutc lb XzWda ud e Reeil *i gior& agma t î a étone o bis- ____ laaise miià pusn noael b ecy, vIe <otey . ec., 4lie up0ke aayuthrte , u, i nt B.ISsflp d m.. l w oycusodb zpsteBit,'W .MA C . peesint hetu .ael,»de m% bs nbe u rpeadvle Wy on May' CbyMuor Aaitexou'pe"toet! .dong Mlemuuadaufsc hby MUlâ l IVbea,_"__ 1 ire d ahi, mine stucS otst Mmosretd eh-it pe r a lceteith m WBo &ehth wufon te onBe w lba.Auanmmet-fiot h ris aLu a u apan ethnwuter e pM bttWtta lui aespnteCiye n i t-a '1* To.î to u a iewliib*ai tmima iidJ f , ,Scoalo tt. medSun m ri ed e h iiâ_ftesiUerbleh iislne hi eaddsoin ..__Msaii arv~ kyaleartoumdurett". olmeM*mi, tous hat n ini Lu 1 Wth fl, em- ngleMM Igamb thrnh te wod% a- -1 4t4 ba Trii udL«".B SO QM uthilgit meut mnute. Tstb'iiiifmew - e Gnt okmm 1 isilitm nd l e V = fol f apur .MdNayIdd e itatd pth Ite a$bi La cbdmMjor A, "ý _ _ .i .. :ir- ý te ret ah-t eabutto pne= t.= evuZZge rot nmb4 t heNigrafrnte Irmtli lI ,.uMil, 9,;d., hueKi Y o«e, W" * a wpumtht o ok êriedntte rria IYOA I $asMY 1 hecae ndtbw endY 9 hIÙIC4 ba 51)11,baids wocmpnis f he2 . . - teg4»th___hesmetterel i apdw llIsen duo"* 1. biltsi uC", bâ t el e7J Ceparmitea C in a soati o ly dioUCISIXting 1a ut. e Me me tu tiie me t * taint~ intttobs alorsei i li1th.ece t ùicc an atCow sinIIm,1 teithrom lite th euej hall eppeeiioity taID Ifreely lom I Wh tbe Con moi blà te asMWl io tePuedaslilvli1 oh the romolitr*me latrictinI.the. provint! ceblu oaii . ts 0a em e i lb rat e r I f e ly e tah . la t 1U f asud<it sudalcruelty t e r s o h l it I s ' m r r rovel, texhibbi t di that in lb.he M of ers ctery oeevai umaJût ual lau,, analnsaplimg lb t undimisished by taxes uid be foumi millintulo1 e propnrty oh ibeir mimai dI le sihempl lIr e ifcai m whici lhey have ;eci ate objet oahbe conmp'o'm ltnons seccay ubicia 1 andl relyaoguaaplcill I enquime ista its ,Or 1a in bei amidaleep, mi mesengeror b map eroui boni foharasaca by their leader- lth teraif diitinctionaa ireay been comuli etc withmn an boue's lookeal for criais bai iaglv dehoocelasu and île*Militia et Upper Cas ment, sni lb.. couaide, esîhuam mhi t ir 'a tIle, tbi-y insaitly obe h 10,000 meo immedi. Capiti--andini the depi ,w'tlanomeclothes bai lb; Fm, sud genermly §Pei era ai met1 as Cantilut rwrtrd te defemi tbe evi ck itwu *&*inug Iolis ,and the plumier ohfaur (hac peopeiWaiorgul làl bueco-smry te 1 llng tlia.grealtesl ' et of samau iis 'els OM terMeot eipatchai taeba thcm laibellire amy parestilly sailsmp av" thceaenu r I reccived bm.o dtcby a Ngtina ua'at ti lt ôwle ,'tao M t Sy ab sa on as a" Ploutase, 1 lneai ù thou uic laW becS lm ai réelionil0metMrai 1 infrmaitbes.ithl rainent of lileQueen t; snd iatltg dviFn f . dipere. 1IeaibtaI Csumda tà udvafies, i baIle mu lie publie Va iticipated. iispraai lé allrecei ere aI Isera-Ilitiue ei. District, a asil lracticail Vw"cdr uimbde sF afir bo%~ arn segim rIsot Ouf li* tle r lia oM teBa.,l cvilt<0sjOWblueb Il record, i1alatieita tit afrepeuwickIl. juut letiathblitsr b bas beec. lIIof ru over aaarcbv.-Ofh1 50 ibea t le b gabded- b Povae. a

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