~JIfl&CÂKDA ERALD-TUM-tÂYJANUARY 2, E[a*- UU iDute~, ti mmbtF L anunlleed ieb e. IL- Loe" Net-Wsitteby ~ -C pu" dfor the luufoc aby E-iriy. L Au O mirI alr - biat IoçicfflW- O il OriginalLeftte tm Jk bad.- By Tbeo- dffl. P?#. HIL Oirn Ft.-Aa oei1tal Tale, 1-Y Il. 310,;=:-Te the CQueen sf Eglnd.--BJy V. Ralitg i. BninLadies VI. LtudeS coo-sopGîumer. VIT. Potry :._-1 Bell Song. VIIL The IPômolyCirle :-iý Churcb Muick R.%ttry - & Donu"tic - ire. -X. AuUaiuýy Nuhuber. i. ht. Da~tLf Ssuieckr..Lf- Ea-yJoousilea ldhc-l- .CIMifsm; 2% sin of Laedau ,.,tyl se4 lf.eiumfien; &. d vujty ; 6 Ï teIs et Wtt 7.Va- XII. Poery ;-The Shaker eud the Sboms- Au attrit alLync.-BY Grenvile malen. XI Oiginal Lctur su en hecauses Et Vft êe the Humas CutltIe-yPmkt- rAlla. G. g5*Mit. N Ve hl M; 2.i ndiien Voeu 3 F"i Air, £,Lewin e LU%'si; 4. Aglistioe d and Ova.Eznît ofutci ,»ud, 5. Lse of Spinous plues. 8.luterlsl iges 7. AtienîpIs Xie. Luters IrMM arodet~ XV. French Thusîgeal,. XVL M. Calin Lecturel. XVII. HelLy lsrescts. %l'Il[. Scrpi florte iiGunuai of Jean Pas! 1. Praine; 2. sodand W'y, 3. Tear; 4. Aio- thçr 5. Fsliuabe mn* 6. 10110rnlce;, 7. Strize théa Opportuity; B. Love; 9. Lite; 10. IVoma's XIX. Ta Reateis and Corerpmièet;t4. XX. Editorisit Remarks - Shuptates; 2. The pawneo Visits; 3. The Mi-i of the Wet; 4. A knosing COOL; 3. Talcs hem lbth Gemen. XPI. The ilenian" 5-9 et Bennton. XXIL MIscllsy :--1. R;espect foithe. Aged. 1 A Quietffl 3.. Remazhu'le Prieetiment; 4 Mcd- irai Courage; & An Invitaticq cosspiid wih; 6. Neat l'ans; 7. Englisih ClergYmen; B. KuOwin 1mow; 9. AMatheinatician'5 Ides a( Honour Iý A Faitiful Lover, Il. the Docte- and bis 'Lir CU19TEZXTS 07 M-N'LAII0' COUAUii0NFe&tDE- cesàgzi, 1837. Esttima Scbulci, by Mr%. Ann S. SePhens -illustrated. Ltues to a Jerish Shekel, hy N.ý than C.Baoks. The Fonken. "ýOur Adtora. -wiliiam B. Wood, o Pliladetphiz. Courtshiii. by W.L. 'Cilintock. To My Brother, hytiâ Syntbta Sfo. Shopping sth a Country L'an TheBDInh, bYblmn. Smith. Tic Piut4s' Re trest, by . R. Becket. Wom'4 EFrlm; Or t.he Duelliss. Song. C ale Gaden; a Dama tic Sketch, by bi H. L. Bets!y. Tse Widowe Bride, hy Mm. Ann &. Siepletus. Ta Il*' 1 * Virginie Dre; or, thse Lest ColOîîY Mri.Rn' Ms. Madison. MotIesuand Daughtffl,,l'y Mrs Una S. Stepheng. Thou hbut wooed nie wît trieas, Madame AUsun, MadamDe'Lacome, WIllis new romedy, Nlieual-VanIseuiicf, Aouudt Bronze Horse, Wreck Of tb. Medgsa. Vood worth'u Beneft-Addi555, by Jos B. PhilliPe.. A Idreu, hy S. Woodwoth. UtgterY Ry iew e a iresa Memoirs, Literary Souvenir, l83, lu GodPolow, Padra Scnap-Eaok, 1838% Opha Efie, The Sleeping lufant Eaesswaiuzwva.- siiflbulr,-a:ti. cngraiug. Mi-ic- two-Pagel. VýIVE HUNDIED PoUNYS REWARD. p ris Ercdmcy aitRAYAIMS BON IIEAIDp a5oud, buarenani Gornor of U per Canada, 4t. fi'Cý jIWlERF-4S Ilt upecars at DOMIros3OH1 RLH01Terouf o, ahscooded basil [tom bis reidesce on ihs heaking Out f the I surtectiolsa And wletei», front fades which baie come thse kowled&le of 111 Exceiley the Iicotena GavhrnaîtIltappeau111t a letbas«eccert-ai in the tr=ioios ttesupt. *bich bas bsppily le defeuied to subvert the Geemcat of thaIsP Vine, i&0 abo#e Rewrd orINPVE HUNDE POUND, la bereby offerd ta anY 0 Onewf apprebend the Miamd o a n d deiver hl op te Justice, in tise City of Toroto. lfihDcrcssber, 183. GEIdERAL ORDER. Toroto, 14111 Dec., 18F IL je liii Excelleney tbe Lieutenantf Govpre di.uie that »0o atier aretis hah hoiegmade hy1 ficers of the Miitia on dty, eicept in the ecau iiotOilOlS endemS Thse armaet the dissffected *te bowecr ta sernred ms beiroilolo; 221 I ail ofwens aijl cont un tea&et under the directions of tIse Civil Ma@ tilles, laraiieitiflg smaseconing the for w wammisnall bu liaed. By commarri, <Sigued> JONAS JONES, A. D. C 1 It December, 1837 NOTICE. ASPECIAL COMMIS-41ONbêts bous'et ,pKcoflpetdappoining tle 11o8.11- %3" Jiaumolg, Vice Chanceliensd alliers, ta san ,Il1PeMmasaccusei or litGH TREZ9OYN s.di paries icquirmu; « wising fagte e i suaio mpcting prisioous, -ra breby direc ta the Vices càassucîlorWi, oluspurpoae. casanw~l~Pe55d5fd '*M- ah Dmilmof fie lelels. ON£ THOUSAND POUNDSI WOARD Tut iss a u uB .VU u- II -!IUWe tUSTic le ~ ~ ~ et' u s, &cdseaugur hi.be er u inisat J" o f m a y fl" * U m m w ua u a clviai a u istî a t Î e u , prelleot a lst ««britle ansI ssegisbeusaas ben repuael m& b ~ SBSVRIBRS issgh Ie roou, iflut lnuiugber :-Né** 1 Tisepenaaejmsi cntIs.s upeaysciirepotbvhg coeete ber bioller' s ewWX* contaes osiolefMme" aise haï, by surne qunatoutable semeau0 - tiesslyinssdedluapulip apm es: -4 cds sd l au ittest r suiut-.i c i5t 55um&--ue «sÀ tfe As!, EduetWsa b"nsas is mtuaey sy is fat huas ifd Aqscutuu hrsa -Peoeeae e vgec u m lion ta thei e difo thifeaCl i ls NaratieaTalaSetcesUlphiloa, Posas, tien «adi; and, as herretuin would ho 111e La S-4,, Fereip MdsoitDaseilie s qof *0labwsithfe raenta cf onu roiaitic deui, le legs aiy and j4 ditf a su i u ceeenf thle sale, ark#fsit eeeMd = nue huewiag any tisg cf bis untMonate vie irans' y amlerss eesllr. ut contribute thear assiitance in givlog hlm " TIc nu fetoe urlic e nioîdaud si peso- sIllichfaormstion u tley may pcseu. bel fiml il. lest bocks ai the preat lifssttuse of tbie DeopinMidesize; sallose compleion; lu datas bens euienly escceartu. loug bote; rown bae; gey eyes. Tbc child la 1 % ,s=uldnsram aîle isoe range othe cuir- envi owshot io and s Isîf ycaru aId: Sb caiedil, so enul Metrie, ot urangemenfts n eisz asthe " James" but tibm cîsnsg incident tu ocuispe- as eailieat mmet tie u ho receivi au lie esOs- pie e uy poeihly av iduced her ta change ifslit tie iial the lest ptsidiale or uiju, ïI nin ad. rour--ot fwblb pisy take notice. dit ebaicatgeins f w7acl unit h balusys pgrata tel Ile edilees etftise éther Papens in the Province B thse riaai Is eCoudier tise finsf moiet ticy armuae umbly raqnesejaicsu aci aifIîumely, Ci cas bu disemiusted ou lsside ticeMA.latc' teoiesittIs a dverfseueut.M ENGLISH ANNUALS. e WC baveumade arangaements tarecelvu aary M RIIA ILWAU.Y. , tespi Ethîe E&ial Annuels, uag i mUm- SOL0.. dl..tey spread baise. sur reaiers al thce f e - A1.a YE'HEtoowingsic theiP ul,Wlch are uOntdMnsefupu. f10t c Eries arutS a *aeigfvsteon vin su=ICZ.auhg Vmeu!is tlh Ic s~aechamelier. I. Ibis srsy .54" 01 W- 8.llwy-Vri.- W atfl ctin triss nir ï lusa tSa *o at-one shilling, cm%5e tusr o chargei atheBoa tit betwen fft os carge or reaini f ntheRaiiway aiter île firotfP AýMERicAPN AJINUALS. torty-eight hoas will be four pence pur ton cach P W. have already iven se vocal articles tirm day» à fîe sa1 nid dbock, sud shall continuette unisb sd aiUg vesl-o oubondred sudf17ira tns soe anduer, £2 lo oui, snd one alllinK cur'c,ier fie cline" = emu mou-tîcr rS tons ebove one bunredan i sd S Fasîy- Thr cO1"ricaoneu of tihe Canfier, 3ae a veyy 9 iiy ofthe e ict riteis ai tic coutry. W~e bave ciglai Iours allwcd aes ave ; aiter the exp*iration L ai thrltueo rsn4gsoi istches or thereaf the charge for reminlinL en tise ilway0 lad he leasis f ptscusng sel bu tvia punie pur tot escb y. Misms foSewpesa a lMof S thnywi NO =chargelioccupation an Sundays, or aiheu liss aodwCak, Mis. C. L. H entz , .l e Iws tlrprevents repaire goiug an. isla dClrM . .Heny , Prof ss eirlies, Beats and Vessais wintering is the Basin iii, le migs mour, à.reoM'r, nrsdusited ics t lazboarmies l'ejsj. eW o. W. Bhmes, Grenville Mellen, sud e eeooe e ditdfe famrts Wm. . Bita. su numrou stiers wice p nd vihave torage tor rails,filgging, stores, 8hi. L vili continue tea sU intresitauaur co-lumus. Thoi r geàs. a- C.1 PT. ImARtyTT's SEA STOMMES. TIers are ccnnerted wifh tIe Marine *Raay 6, Aee s tosyq by Captain Maryatt, ila ie lu s Founidry, BIuskmih aboi, aud shiiva, stoc - cors o5:ee folblicafiou lu tise Usurier, in ddition to, d wvus every article reqoisita forbs nadr- th îlr~eai variety et éther esterfaining Muller, cml- pasumug Stesmn-boats, Engines, and Vessels, andI a. bre -i n a vasi end ;aurpaased vartiety; esel from fie nusuber of mechanics contantly emplOY-1 -.use eiicugh lta 511 aCommun hok Of twua e-à- ed in abesoe tablismcnis, veiy grai dsptecco ded ad tflty paes, sud equal te flfiy. fwo vluoIns le given te, Boasasnd Vessela repaiing in tIc Bn- ac teg n vhsactimaied to bu read, seeekly, sin,rotîe rilwsy. The latter, tro fIhe open- Liy at lhst thîebundred tboaaand Peo e, tst- nesa of thc river ant[ situation cf thse place can bu I.tead ina parts ofthtI constrY, trou *aine te, csd, vith fhe exception of the uontîs oflJanisary Flrd, n ru h aub-d af. ae. and February, ibroughout tfi vole year, and, in Ti eppresvit famiîy nevspapai ilstriciiyue- mot instances, siny repaira can lc compledi on il p' ltai in eilieious andl politil matics, and te an. witifn the torty-eiglstborsa llowed fer laaling lu. luS.By order of the Directis, ,e- Diig pocta uaki feer ld u eiigdsn . L COX, Secrelary. Nr Nnt'CCM rsS O CLUESrO." Office cf the Niagara Harhcur and Sý > A an addi:ional inducimtuc for tIc greit Dock Compny, Sept. 6, 1837. 5 21111M ed ldw arve received in exfendng the it ta an -O AE i. AsapeIm uayprsn vill Ien t Ae BOUSE AND LOT, in the cvallageofNa- 8 a Imsofîle pslibest tIs e dy Dolrsinr,-A.panles. Thse Honte lasa Frame of tva sto- kha- ýt h ubihr fteSu udyCuee res-28 feet iquare> vw it ichen lu thirra, 15 isNE vouazs or LAiT. MABEyAri. fot 18S. ACelaIudertheurIee. Ic sifu- t, Peter im>cJacob Faitiful, Fieste, Th-ceation ta equal lta sy in fhe village toc e Mrhent )d- Cutters, Fr:ank Mildmay, King's Osen, Newton or Mec-anic. -Forter, Paha cf Meny Tales, Japet la s555ii1.at Ao-A FARM of 100 Acres of land, ofecel- r:bi, Faiber. lent qiityq about firee mles tram inte village- In i£ E S Oax a s urss. .&bout 25 acres partially cleared sud tenced. lu Pei2 hatTcDsweDooeoFtlCi-foi partis-ulii pply tu G. B. Dotlla, Esq., Ne-r fordEu.ce ArmLeil>ysot'aOaseiIle>Xipane, ecrta ties ulsibr. rel .Ik..jpý.1THOMAS DIEU. -ci alîsou, Piguia atiselilumNapffleOctoben lti, 1137. -18 POPULAI NOVELS. or, any punan,oggentlencaro ay clubfe- TRUNK iND CHEST MISSING. netîcir) sfiowilltsend usnlire mohcriheris ani tfeu N<hN le marning ad Fridsy fie 211 Ilmt. duing â;oàll ite et posta lu e,. untitfl dethe Io 0 a severe gale of uind, fie Steamer United ND thea shove yods ot Capt. Msrryaft, or thosu cf Sates living Usled in laciding pemengers et fIla Vp- Bulwer, or asy of ils tollasesug- port, etadesvourcd tu slip tIens vîbh ticir Iuggage Tisa Christian Keepask, 183, editait hy 1ev. au bard fie Onueide steamer tIen lyiug aetu=cher UN M. Clark. ofthle 1arbosr. TIetaloewing proprty, ss Iot ti TIe Token, for 1838, udifeit by Mr. 'Goodi, blies beau se slippud, cea btousoi by the evu- yic TIe Litecary Souvenir, tor 1838, edted by Wm. cas, vil: a Trunir about 2 feet long ceveedwlish . Burton. bain akin sud bru ainls, souliing uearlug ip- téTise Pirivick Papiers cauplte, vitI illutfea parel and linen, ihe latter msuked John Gr*&asuu sunt iou i y tls celcbrated CrWikslank. indea CIst & bout 3 test long paiuted ui i alc §:J-g~ This gives gpuao inducemuls te Clnb,vIo ot mîhogeny.I pets les. e"valcable voila. leaittances, ioem Ayinomainrespectia nid prcpcrty rdJ4 ro- 'bruce full suvantages, shoulit ho made in $5, et $10 tîsuitully icuaiveill'y * 14 . risu, oor aI.1 E or larger nots. . ieruld Ofice. wil « eresfra yeasusbsriplon. pàymaIe in Kingstn. MSOcOst. 1837. hs dvauc, are------- - - - - - - - ----- 0FBITS NOT C TIre. copies, aiea payable in advasue,> - 5 BANK FBINENRHAEI . A Club aif u viii bu funialeitvitithe, MNRmL is»Axes. - puper for one yea, payable l ain c, o fer lilE "eiti«of ethfe Bankurithsrenreceto C.. cal mis« in- cted I O.1 e r, a tise MIlà FUIES! FURS!1 FURSI1 FOR SALE, Ai No. 2"4 St Nuli Street, a»M lis Ctj Din. à-4 REEN, TIlOMPSON & Co, Importersasd1 %.X* piaiple inamactarera ot ail bleds ofi FURShotu fhe Mr arnterial, would, Ufr ac- knewiedging ut PLeeure lIeïr gratui for the1 libursi order receqerd ths peutIsesmo, âad Pto remittacces geillly, infom ntheir firsud customnc, f bat tley ta-Ptan bud (eût ai a c- ion buti spedian ud seleufucu) a large sud me- erai omsimîent cd Ladies'andGCntemenFDS suited ta lhe fiade eot lb. ppur aud er roi- vinces vi.- FUCAS LustredOffer Su Offer 011r amd Iit~inu Os b CoasasliiSa Luntred EnglitiSou Ne.uaF~ls ai llalfatiou de Fitc, and muai irlcI N. Wet Martin De"kand agCMe Frenci ud Geras de Fisher &ARual LiaI Gentlemepn' fur 01.,.,sud OsunllgisLadie' aud Gndmei's vu ièhtE, Fer Colài. &c. A gencral saBefueniofiLadis'mab, Boas: Pelefiues, Tpufs, Fer BOseofs,&a. " .Made by experinçe , weesgaâ q ts fimrLaqfodm slip, ani., a l baics f*l Oiay r f ona aiusd a lareup suau d vr dec1 ,hiuh Mylhhpm sd on deuehtera fria, hell essq a rIe. Laies' MWdGeuficu m ursesm, r*pi- ed, aud maieeu i h sauner. . LCash Md tfie MhmIds ue plufor at i Mlotres, Septembr 2, 187.- irmw .VY TfU M =Cà ap i l us Rh.1 tc m ms0"I aIlsiCmpamo M s,1hmlts ?L IL hek «4 Umm illbe b"lh&ay t' bsuIV 1atlybetu aseived b tcColin. o- dos thiet0ioing are eterusnas is- mu teeit i n fuure bu ruscivedity*.Ft~ Rate afintserWs, (at butose) vis a Ou suMsof £100aMd upurards 3 per st. puffl"u oan mseundr £100 ....se' 21 tFifteadays (a tad oftvo mnbfi (as ten) notice ai v MW*rvate aeula il ca s"aiteomin btfs.Baa d-elsg fee asessin mentis. .Auniyftier palusmsy e siauio plis-ata (0the Ms1r aile BauL By oriciofis 0 an,, T. R. PETN ýActingMugla TO FARMEIS. ¶i iulieeEug>1rit freun7 lafateM tram loa»rmubjnes-esI tu <ousdeauble Wlmn. bicuce franithe sesafà a scomnmda«pac uein f. depmsisi flepodce, lan1.*'desS flelbeibue iot$ ahlle iaahclet eeWibj lieineu~q< fe ipeàâablorse a av* atstghfrpsp.etivb80%* mumSueI g»?sucu e bie d=7aisno t mub4fl .e b à pssussàalue& e Moruevefihe a If etse.ed4 gte uiui4o«wAis esatlama ey $a*aaad a& ol~f 2 ptto R& S.. LA wMe.eImu4smis4b ta T L Efellauinj LA4NDS :-al Laitnerte nes Egh 1 Ground, viti e a aU BlOUSE erecteit upon it, vth a god e s-e. Fart of Lot No. 12 un tsefir c. cei_ Louqlhorough, confainiug 100 acres of ercellen And a Lotiofainetyeacresvesferly puîtof0i» No. 5 in 12t1 concession of ttsbaargî. Empuire et fie Herald Office. Ilugafon, Qut Augnit, 183< - FOR SALE OR TO'LET. mip'of PUMt rgis, doiag thu Mifany Rame,, cotnnig 1lm acres, Dow aW.thesoccupation cf W ili a m F ur g u a iso Iba f p rf ac io n o ll a M a ta- ryemsveeLuisg sLcatona30reeIe-dèbY figO r- ums aDepesutSfatgColonel lUglhu*ix, Mt nov in poumn of ai Kiugp, tou <I annary 1837. CAPIAL FAIM FOR SALE-CBE*P1 A 100 ACRSfathe Si qsiy oai eIct 4 aes wufrocs Kuucon lelus i aou75 sciascleareitasd lu §elis drexcelant-ies sentI an exh"ssve D ELN 1E BAS, S1IEDS, sud OCARD. lt"i satias lu the Province Appie teas amodef eW NII O TIbCst uEfici$h Vu- llflamauhCa 0 0 1,iatbecas W*kathe ttentos et suih tta u himpmeeneucf those committfcd -cfl bnan*dcuiy bopesfor a $bhmuof PuhilICiupp5it 1h. Cices aucti if . ~d. Eigts~Nrmbu V&LUISLE PEOPEMT FOR SALE ICOPv,.] N.EW DISTRIcT 0F HA$T"NOS. IUPPER CND Pr u uceber o0&0i raSale bu ,veey Valsa- !VCTORIZ,b the Grace ý . vI r AL*be rmd, osiin fie Walnr Privi oflent lirit , a,. q 2 -e s T o n L o s s v m 1 O d D e ll 8 o o , d r (If th e F a ilh l, % r . . chla welcativaied Fsr,-a neur SaurMill, Ta oU ta Who"' îhrep,Sris 'wh th e f tw o f l n t a r i e s b ou l t o f S t e n m à n t en d e d f o r & 7 E E S e h i i t t T Fluuulng l..sStan.saBuilding cousasmng a Twenty-ninsls Dav of.Auua ,, Tnp Hammer sud Forgea, Lathead otier me- Roman Cathi l her h. ccy propelled by Water. fneblat MIr )', f 1 A . . in c e of U p pe r C a n a ,,, . - r . aE.ideso the motinisin ridge, or sumit level oiprea feFe c.TIche or a.part iîuryaaotage cmaoaiv ii. eWellund Canal, 3W50 tiaboyae le levof aisellbuSold or Lessed on ecs-ommodatin,3 ferma. I 1as'knouo pe hat arje %, j ý Lake Ontario, and la kncun ta bue Pcccltglk .MillwiigWl, Carpeasteis, and aller Meclanica wll DRED O UNSwiLler p. Tisereare seller maampis %c, s inuifsSu fils a favourible opportlanity ta become pur- lierro rt l'en, the atiai , ris-lity; snd if stands in the centre of a fol*tkclasasofiTown Lofa, t&c, as îley sl lhave fIe tvilo wjll gave scul' foa.î »W "ultctaîeatcsf u'eat countryj, in u direct Itou pieterence hn bis employ ta psy ton them. For aplîreîîension ac n ccc.tion out,,,,- ktwen te City ot the Falla d St. C &tUouenw, F ulte t particulars, sPPly, if l'y ltter ot pad) Inçerî t.ato nsaftIw sie tec is lic Niagara District. t h rpitr w-h But5 ycsras-aela bu drted ftram iti origin, sud Thc Pnapeaty Es vlally onincueas reul, sud in- Letters so be mide.I>dl'u,. , ' srapidly bas if pnagreased, that if nov coufains disauisl titis-s viii bu uven. ef Our aid Province ti,,'î a mmi than 400 sanie; twa Clsoacles, a SAciso1. THOMAS COLEMAN. NWitlseaaOur truSy.111"'Il Boan st, a office, sucerai good SIc andsa Me- West r rleville. Mars-h 27tb, 1837. Cia BOr liN ,latt &c.,Lieutenjat (6eer 1,t Ou r dical Estalliameut; an extensive p=o Smil, ati weteec"edI re ey, sd four Sasemihs, ith l & rmite', J. F. M A D D O C K, E S5Qý, t"'T e y eenl av. o i.týrtrs- Shem]W, er , etYear of Our Lord Oie TIe I lereuer',Sbomaor',arrmaker1',Tudas Q li-itoi un Clencery, Conevyan e, Equiiy dred and Tbirî-ee.adî1<F, _deveral eller Tnaesmcu's esallsiseuti, are &C 15!u Csîs Au ~s-~~-* uiRaî at aXi wSec. A neur Carding and Fouàia8mWi, udysa Practif lmr s ii sjeety'a Biga Court oi and Grisf miii, are nearly ready for weak, sMi a Clsucery lu Ensiasnd, andian Attorney ofthtIe Se- B)coananul et Hi'. Excelli, F. 8.1 peat~ ~~ umîa i sdtoal bouses are uusrly coin- preuse Courts oftLawr at Westminster, bus bue n B AEO, pletad-. receutiy adaitted to priacticu in this Province, in D. r-aERr1 TIere la a direct cemmunicatiou,ta Laie Outa- couformlty vil fhe 2Md cluse of fetb us OIE Tii, suit Lakee£Eie, by s constant mcesalpuai dliaIng e Provins-ial Court of Equiiy. Schoonrs sud Boits, affidluggicut ivafgs Cheuritt', Buildio, King Streef, ALLtrousa ndebted i >'. ro le ouesue t er-aulie uduuimlu- -Toroto, Auguat, 1837. 390 ot e Towna uî,,. 1. for the convyanteiofianecormuaedatdateutli 3m97 rai produce ta difrèent markets. The var bu__ s üly nomdtat as&Uo foteet, iépoure aan e meqettooI ESESRBRl a e rving sud c- 1cd Agent for lthe colleciaff hi.%' prunng mss-lineryfray mbt pur. JLpening bisezpuctrd stock ai accouits ; sud unIes,î'a Tneycould be voikedfte grettadv*ussge, noice unbei g sa assitobtained ironstirs iforests Of Itcompriaeaiu1part bestWestcfEngland CLOTHS'<. ChpeUadt6a ZadRiver. Double Milleit Casmeres, Bariagans, acBe The Saîhacriber, lu c*Mlig tise attention of verteens, Silk, Camief, Cassaneto, a ucy Kiei-aton, 201h Jaly,i&. Msufacturera ansd Mechsanics to ibis ingV- Cloths for sommer vuar ; an assorfmeut of HO- Lige, affura taeU ganse vuay salvantageans Lots, SIERY, prinled Cottons andt Calicoea. Has shso 1*0 THE PRINTERS 0FIltia a on madersiete ens, andt long credif, toasctual set- enl lad a eU lamsie tc fIAEIl tlerGROCERI ES, WINES, LIQUORS, CROCK- t h b0MONTmRE 'iL T i lE FtFLiî GEORGE IF E& ERY AND GLASSWARE,tisdt.Ifurrîoieai, Tbool, ciour ~ailotfselich seUl bue sold how toi Cash, or approveil ed t th fe proprietors, T. GUEitN& c. M TO DRY GOOD) MERCHANTS. niotes ai shortdates.1 The Suhacùr bua er i ae sessoncd Oak Dec. 29, î1836. Qlî RE SUBSCRIBER bugs ta ncti th e Trude sud Fine Tiashur, a qoutity' of sera plion, olsI Tibaf le les recuived hy the lait Packef slip, Spikes, sud SIeei Leal, vhsc lile viii dispose of 7EiONIAS GUERIN & Ce. TIPI i 4 vi.New York, invaices of Tbirfy Baies and Ca- lau, sud on good terus. E DERS, reSctslN nîuîîy th, f " DRY GOOD83 al of whichlile bope vil! bbulhure en or abutsthfe 1sf ni June. Tisse good e e inspet expressly ta biis mar- Ic a dspsi ti pubicAn-fad as seUlfinitthemule rlsr'd A tarller noification vWIigpear. Kingson, May 2511, 188. NOTICE aI figed e te slisitalien of '»suy T ot isfreds hn Uppur sud Lover Canada, bas buen iuduced to open, lu conjunction vifI su eminent Meccîst lu fila City, su Ageus-y Of- fide, for the frasscfien aofa&l ordera enuNewe Yonke tIat msy bu etiusted ta lIeun, sud ulicI, at e vey loua nomasaios, vil bue ecuted villa pue- !u ansd dispatel. Leites, pu aidjru te evoi sncaasvensesce, adircaseal fa fie undenslgncd, et 160 Nasma Street, NeweYok, seil ibc immediste- ly ttndd o.THOMAS HANDCOCK & Ce. Niew *;'ok, GlIApril, 1837. M4 TO BE SOLD OR LET. T CHMBER MILS i imTowusmP qaimudlacy, A HOUSE A»> 850F, wtI huIt ms ActeeofLUnd. TIc place 'te adsitahly adapfed iot a Merchant or Mechaic, nutua fu&in tnhîe cenftru of a flouriaiug to0uip, an& lu fie inîmediafe vicinity ofa iseansd Su ini, wsehs are in foulsud co-ufat eeato isugs out the year; and àsuif la remcotu rmuefw or village, itis surefteafref fIe ruaOfi othe suronding piulation. Thc sbop ia uel 16, Up ulîl She ves, Counters, Sbow.Glaues, Des, sud e=r fhiuag cquisite for condactiug busness. Fer trhr particvian apply ta fhe Subecîller. R. M. ROSE. Kingaton, Augut 3,1837. TWO O NE O- a4~ a boa -ha. AUX rame 1 sKi~ossafoed a( Qa5iM tu 1fruithme B IRFOR SALE, fIeSubstribur, 300 doz. VERY SUIE. B yt'RDUBLI PORTER, paît icularly r- commeoded for Stearo Boat use. Wholesaleprice,ýI 109, pur doz. A cboice seîucion o Glemn' London MJc I WEARING APPAIlEL, Consistinar of DressAr 'Frck Coafs, Summer Pan. talona, Vuss, &c. &c. Thse se il bu dispcsed of ai law pices. JOHN H. GREER. Kiagafon, May 25 b, 1837. MAPS FOR SALE, AT thc Cbronicle sud Gszefte office, Maps of .tE.tthe Midland and 'Prince Edward Districts, U. C., compreending a tract of Country of trm 90 fte9W miles in lenu$, being froin near Ganano- que, in fhe coanty o Leeds, ta, Brighton in the couuy fya Northaumberland shewmng at oae view the diffeieni Tounp, &Utsuaians, sud Lois or bth aides oifie inferesfing sud icturesque Bay o Qàinte, and Lundi not ourpassed min thse Proi mcc. Kingeic, Sept-ebr, l836 8 Su tuis chuiber la nou rbain ill healis Ptceevn, ied trfî aln rud the country tb collect, 'hoE u c s fo e ted ta h m fa call w itont Kinmiao, 2&fh Jan.BENAM837.OI' UNFORMATION is waut cd of JAMES MML- ALEN- a naütivef tIcparisbof Acnloe, couD- tyaf~ ~~ NerIetu.le srrived ai Qubec in tiseDe ryua re,aiudbýas'been remiding sincetisai iue souscuero lu Upper Canada. S heh sec Ibis notice buviii pieem C0omuicatefiitI is Motler andi Si@te,at preacot reiding in Mou- tics!, thmogi f h on Offi e tcMOssmagCanler. Edainl Upper Canada will piease give the ahove sun inertion. Montrel, Jue U2 TW E sbociber bas vou s.a 115 Acres Oi LAND in WEs? L-oosww5mi, NO-18i the Mf Concmon«. Wboevcr wMes ta PuraIsse viii plesus cou n lhis$aget ME- NichàllsWhI lives weillun 2 mifles ofisaid land. JAmS BORLAND. jane Q011,1837. 956 Baz OF BRITISH NORTHI AMERICA. ,Copa- otie ME slerbqa. pnvaawogiCommRtsfor couductlug th. allais of the Uai ai t NSTO. TEomAs a»XEW, 550 J~NGEMENTS uthe culy cmmenu MW nsein progrom4>am O.uuioumfromlhMtCssw of 'soe of TIo Wrf*r~ bu -ImmAIELla~, mie* SkesxâKd, Ott d m - rrIK 11t la adiltin la bus »~X p. lrel "in - -' - .~î ~saY. k Propriricra are noûw neady ta suppla i.a sehatever they naay requie io tpira laie,OL much lover tisais theycanppoure c dles tram the Unied *Sates. la cansequenccuof cvaiaîa'as into, île Prop ietu-as uli l e c 1. 9 Priltera on the ,hotýtoiîî' ;rané r ne vai ry drlay yllccurhebwvcuî tirr-ira;a ahi iadis î execuoaaa. . ' . EF ito rs e t p a p e r s u a ve h , r T y pie F usnuin adv t rise mnent, rt , U " liaI the aboie, aid tiiey w il aernîaîý vorth of Type ira paynent. KINGSTON & NAINE M AC AD A MIZ ED RO0 T BiS %WORK ilunc%%- cnpreir'.. IL LBOURE)IS willii rm e*ia p p ly irg t e M ur. C o l, îe Eagi re r, h , pr end of Store $tiret, KEmpia. Kiogsfon, May 13, 1837.' N&OTICE la lrr.by gi.en, chiàiir Il'beopeuseul aiQagoüde Hait, on i ýq 121ha daof Joue,istant, ai TaiR l.« Ou the sarne day, the 011vfile fb will bu a1uened, ct No. 5, en tie Baseaieti Laivy badety'r Btiiliin-,, therp mnWir bu rerelved sud ldIe, oeilte ceaissmr isiaud tîereon. Ofice heurs tro0ailit i WILLIAMi IILI, N. B.-The eiders of tIe Cort,mbdait s. uecessary for Solicifair le hsenefi lus-t of a suit op ta the hearlc, ýatepW are mou in course of publication authe Gara tice. C AP S-C APS, i U L. GREENE & Coý, lPdeaieet aLU. Fur Store, ant Cap MrateiaîN St. Paul Street, a fev deoras watb soâl mer Stare, on île opposie sie amIS were viii he tund, a ver> gecer a Oî FUIS, CAPS, t&c., tise nereeIoN'àeM Ai aidera viii mees witl i iavîedlia tw4 Do0 exertiooi ipred to give stisfacima FusDyCaCp$, Muffti appetubu Glovu, &c4,made ta aider, and repu N1 mail mdemu style, 25 per cria. la,, *Ilrb puas-is-e. Septembur 9. TO EMIG.RANTS. GENTLEMEN,-virote a fes eeetd western juas ai tîis Poic.W ned Kingston, veaicd teilvI suit erpandel their uoney, an tiinreoe fe Ibis peut of the Province. 1i av'e" of fhem beffer l.and3 for alurat bf t they la aive in the vesteraDiiî f im te Land cisalfo e ses feu moue y fer uat3sng. Any inslintion uanted Te9 6e eaub le id 51 my office in Storeto<tW Upper CanadsaD. 131> LW it10 FUBXLIS BE» EV EBl 11 13mola ou8tIc uie4e1 v ,bcea Ml ders villebctbrakfueec tdefafyatfeuded ta. if ueitae)ii pu i uvaude, aid s-T In ms x en i4 f.lîi, <6 Ail Casmausbons, to le te the Fais. Advetaseaeato and Lttris < siduese I faTic. H. BeutiLy, ,s »det aI gtît*. MIlUUd »&te, 2U.6,ysii ra5t u,4L dm - i. fo Mwsheao ets) ihper~ o peediqli da . imý tNKWid FOd c SW âmàr£*âwg de'mwo sisa9ghe 1 . t Adiédueub fw sep'o 1 Il ýil ý.t. li 1 ?, - , ý , 7 ý ý, 1;ýý 1 51. ý ý ý ýý 1 . 1 Z i IL M. ROSE. 1 957 Kingstm' Ist July,'IU7. lit 7 =77