Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 Jan 1838, p. 2

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u.À * Ibom ut goI.lle i < à 6 usbby lu.~au "Y $Wuiim 7mi a mim mba% dim me tSDAY IAJuAy 9,ialm ami*' e oe.. 14g sk *g. u& amq. m the àmed*0IvUfmm mofot piw llaéditabt %"a *0 s gr C si ti . é ea NM y mytmatit a»g, aie t u. uss se * *boso& w et &blà' tu*t umt ad" h fal'i e d6i»inl ie inmme bo, bd l .1. ldaeos ~~u..4-1...tsibatseilsm -_ 4 a @&v w« I*0 aet m àgora$;VNm â miy ,Ilt»1ppr smd abv 1as i h -7bm î *w0 miel- pape.t m dm-m u" les l tepatoft Bot, te Idi ZZI he llombb r. bM d » te *M e de m mb»14 wbu oérateVUe*0onYIm of Br idbà w 7obave hebutn fa b - Wu custx edd b ..m b p p m - MA s Wi1emm adoin i ui ad * 4 k 111ami& i. .m . SB 1 Ngyn* ua d , h a>om le papo u Omt the fro ner, c ar à WU wqm m die epu in *0 the attmeeus abnde prte hobv -.vestlmsr apelbg In*bnit III - Iyom m m mt myimWItboliA.im a M- m * e<k *BK .very a h ght, sa yet bingeilsiMfagip,. ~Itt~m.u stIlue.ey.myt *0 p. ï *<et à W * DUmrbubmoti lo. mt., --i 0-qee kddeeeyme a v a Ennsoir la 7 , léele -ll th*1 " I l 0 ei. y. * .ImdSas2;&8.V W h ?o.U t or "" u.aro end M-MPrcp À, - 1 t ~ 7 ? m i b af m y d er er . 1 0 P v l sW " - M e w i a : : 1 . d m lS .g e C m aY . u f n u s mW .,m m le S b " hmum m g y * * i . et 'f d ir i : ~ ~ < .à o e I *0?and bey VM bu ailis teey of the Unied Stac . vgam s.PIl, tS? mriil t .4mab vi*0Athilete i e vil5 atrerme a eai fthhebe, __ that..u *0i~. < à' non a u abie lti irdy ,qw USIWU L U n , .p. vilnvtuIm lums.*0U Se.st al-WII.vle m fitbeoapo-Ilseace t'i, lestely sdmaimiettheuie* tel~ le e .jem a ge W lJamr OdteGme-oe N de Im.mm 0 ilé m lh m e .euy iMg" » " v lèefrnc nbhl fte IJIPUUI xma y . tkat tàrh8r *UI&li* of Ur mi nit ad'i umsesme ta p.i1tm vils-i ir , j*w. voi un w * e umofebga uSu 1 MWIV tisvieO ndtr c e tc cprp i iti, dmfaqsImom m . imsjeuI§M tien~m .:vmymihh 1, Weicg he W".I ceemi 0 pigu m I eailv0a17 aile ca st e eriau f etrer m I,~, >~c,... ~ Eae iaito ple riumeige mu uvjmt b U Csoildie fa r eN o tbes.:. e mante bGv beiii tut <e a"USU hIp5aiq-mte.hm e a.acIm ~ ~ , glo-ou. io~ evne i uaor m w alyn e amam s oiny, m Venn sv anmt 1 p-tad 1 i t c, i mi * a e ai, fer *0 .1be aai aaiy bm7 lle maCeO 0Jea. 24 .m eiaisu 1rsh maiore mw-beau»Mm» rtaeme-it1 e teuie bmuhdnS aib;eîhod 4eow.d<eIene rogWenevurti dèslad mmile m id, *0 ntme isuth Wemahil r.mVI gz n bnDiohi f aHaemiÎytdga, 4 litmtth lis rgad a 1 8. i- lev erbe lmu-eel, & wupi»-0 *0ls a sdot m ces nii uj. 1 hiai gi» mmdci î ad maitde i e for ibs dtri el tl out. a 705 < M d ai hl!. oifti, cbe er <h and tart ofrthe 48*9 . lieus. miew omid....d& -e*"mld. Ilworatendu m te hev s- me, t ~ u rs; rhar haciteronia sm gorre U atY% .* m o tu es aieMser prid a - n We4tmgu0mfillélwgpium , lé,s situepagcimo-. i e rr b t vas asét Mybae etis <" . eur a - t*j pa la tearemeds<~2ee- indurai tm, les gooccuply %at.o ey1 lrt us Ofth Apleihee # »d Uiti ete% u e r leti m yer W 2%Ma b *0 mwýb y *niS . dtuin-- 0 ecitement in fa'..,rOf bi uumý bdAmiclg ffeiabei, u o o fa.u i "». a a thees - la . rme~?~!z:y....C 2l iaoretbjlcam w~ Calve, nIr4at,~~ i.us Dnh, bs; helar,~acmire mi luort mi'à ! h.mt-aIed aof.ir e. maas.o-id theW te of ainmceimippit-s-ot-i. utaie, me.~~et el~~~ve~le pi1?~~~c* lotibatailerMyob am au fled m s ari va lb Mc- ci- te Unliemd Soien e CLe' e MjmyaFr-o *Naam -aIes- hu .-itia 0"'a fale s h ent tg pr h eli od d m iile boutar i sea o, falsrlai ed th ale r, i ne W kr- " Ilmt. awaa aiwti a a, tic &C* as-. as- ba U u aI l-e or n!k e bm sr the emie .Iet rla~u aesarjM-Du14,SltmmlM-tni as-a, peio.ariti maiac m dciasair abat tc om-maîey im a rsiot , tba vtcu .<ilne;Ia iarra "à iFr mbm ogr i .. ls b vI lie- West in tis M 1- it I y s-mco pcfte stotteslo* UradUte! mifam Osiuc.Ib aem by -ali ena C fi o4rdum &,oug vaicite luger aabi o ie med mmd esenula @trod o ne aroinym-e. n e sIoi p- asics. e orcemtaat armai~ Vili *Wb rWulk gii -'-b actud&aabud,.ebt toutW Q el i a 'De G@w r «- UaeYyehas-s" hndsbtle ais ,7~ icdmcmg at .gii 1* -leta f'iseM,, tuetaseas mviii inete,-- CC d ol o hePira e dlom ibg u M . IglmRýof thme-ii mm ai.. mm dmwhitdepu tie .ae .v a alSo em*0aesle-7sy d , st fat don te fas-I e t ale ofie feIli < et =et ; o i p je' j .- b.bels.linOmarha. etbe umai ldd 1T omenra" n M AclailE .blt Y.Creor, eo )INriilirr 9 1y .Z s* , a ;. m a i me t mens cameitashe gary iame abrtir sw xmcsv m l A "terd*0 reic vrs dfett R pul Amoikeioflie, au ib s ms-fenig mas,à'fmm mesmeëlvc -as eéédoaarui, wi Ïk.. -MMÈ4 arkm-1042tuwaf lesDn asuiiArcup s.&s.ms. - 3*>t0h OL.the oai aom& ier. tbCa isat ma cs-e. tstemmpiie mtht ,Bait mbirdI e.o Ç eilp 1li - rairi- Cu, s-X Relursi utimmmus; rap bsl bas te. boat,-h&ttChie îei eenWo ou aamua i lmtaEImpam f 0l piope, tat it i mreablg auty*0 av ba mliiupaIsieIs-,o aa" . . oy ! «bd ie ieHeOfea t and dath 4 D r led cuor-180".lalo imdaairm Cp i e Dr.po C ota.-e at. ite-a . is-feNO at d e roaw 0; 'epa ik.pece uifi 54 IM*V<Js 1w . unlse. - ms- .'ua ty0<i. te M abi mt," & N*0gMi , da nd belmos à' i sha paeih fr a l.eae.* os sae. miluofJy od, w.Cmta, hi wa UpY,94-iC ean d fialm e i s etlet tea tihem fr 0 ..eilg, msh heveverberci m$aaët vbody, se s-as-cémus lI. witse .-. owiD s-. OP offl mo s-kW alta 0 iatneîrcioNau . ci p 1II.lre Muui.va=veo m tigi .mmg.l-«#Fm e i en leîan of b aleted r ea quaL" i efr4, dli.. i s-osht il ia«1.sooiw aa U7oI- ., i amiTon mthe br. Tm vt ria Stees aI s-v Tieuimoad e 1s n s i.vipdsmyimiio lsa urgoale hc atinril <tic vr r<?< I vaeethel P arwkgm.,. - ewjtst bd-t I egifrts. bàY. " ftis et>. S t egthac!A e en obfir.tne 8ua4bav thu.e c 0ym. l jepml ii sl n, v s- atie sIIts. rreeait eu.~îvWUd.1' t, e ne Vle dd,«186P - WIo NOemVuI Wood fnginer uïi .g o% iol metei te r s tbel vnmite ea intge. d adt S vas m mu eain, le or*0 m o la ri a. ris mlibat, b.The.dupe"aip.isai*hqm I mm t av at ~ . ill- mgt soi-m--a od.gtieneW O .J eWW *t, lot meed vu inî e p mt t 0 arui abla me.."te isl b out i V errabul i.'a*u 1umWâoe a * tob".1bb shmar lsL - mmele Fbw d P-Pam i eaui et o P l- dasy elhieg ne ims e mmed, bmema@ta Ctir a. s1,Uitmu 5lea- Wod"iiee enrca havad ml ebas -njtlM.bu t i.- la1.mmUGww-e ein bi esser ugep 'a mmte epm h0ase g amReesy t.. i. heerd *0 empdd fl-'taissth e .1.4Mte t uhp d5P vO a id. oiiAstirteq*am ror alui qSh«, an et a If th tut vne mottes rt i )ing ampl Marge -OM ýM Tue Frlilu t a-mithesasi. ù"latis roine.1 uei *0. aatcuar" iii tbe e u% ieu i llu e y ir UI t-ie . 0< l. la Of *dae AdWgh bu gi e fte - lz as cumucam Md r La sied Ww* ToW &&Wgebmmd ielmims fileraa the tu eWW vilc n i he r a mm. mi4", ho tst seaots mm a i seaoft havi m..ee, i adt rnsy n ormted yteb eladt4 eaie s, andefâ, eflond! ati elit odisLo bSaimi.,bViomeeeei eud.lm4t-yi àr potion w , , ' "' . sud Onge cm Adjoumid. Yeur bediest. #mbebon oti , cmotli afier tal em bl. àti»i. pd isa; utdhe vise ga anilr 4vid e u - . ooO h M kclii h t eafy bop tesient didea. 4lu hos an- a~ le boa.s-t <ebtots,,h&&b vs sn ly» dete yul.. thbtuive t ,de t als-mlaiua majus, b P. Whomy- D cta éogreTis A*0btnda rontgiy e ai 17 a - belleiruJ ,* m ut-i . Col.a mc 'ls-., ulTie mi . , a"SasMa, ndat-te ouie- ; . et d failà them fei 1*01. ata vagat raocmi m*0 ha limimila. ks-m pmm e qua talte ie.lis Y om ie m attf 8, Gur" aua . aaEhé MISslLL lms rm ma âhilt o v bui .dinamis us t iaressms-selu < im as mot *0* *s i e me efttedt st laig cmetc~iê - n lyCst.Euv0<0Ueyl Ls:. mymilS.y; <lutoe J.dh. u13.miW. 0pRegorge*0,ieeEsquiisve, ceesi. Ti prs-e - iseure . c 7 0ium.b oudpeUahel e m 's-ethie rL id Uigiv i*. Ceeotii~ a u àvie dfmdr! ey bas m um d Q= ,»i tlitehi lm selib et,- lesNWoe am , atiem et" late a t s *urptps-ts-îv imatitemdva mtly htde 7. Ms-et e C h-* m<1i5sitealt5lolr eéuislf. ai .îrmuamti o orei i-sammsed 0 agtui.-ECcaCi C bi) e aal;s rdeUss-scTre a Leks-at! i e r s-mal e r yni auus lessi L ".b rl *etIilard it w- arly hs i W viii emapty îceenaasa.-e <r -ofjj Nu:;g;;..ayceelmtvmamieb6t941v0.e CmaisabW4 vit-,iagrima movmiat ALLN millierui.te.acampsHavtâtesd*taei tusrIvctrmsiabumjecN quea pessailesavhcb <ls Rae istis-s-riltl Tis unabraf liaI-auêtbourvu a oIS 0y aie ot etaui crr0,p s-vaiias it:site# orNew YoC . i-nD I iestm 0tlin,à is udeet*0Umis- SalmYe t t hfa - eic -ii- iler*yble rmi fu eer pbat e u . m ieardIl hénd. thâi fib .1 Siun d'êteusteleIbm plie imd b-ns-,ee "isb e Cualo "wthg ei i mttieDcike 0 meagaOI cUhI. diI aiesi booytlefomvoplai * in-ointan opmis n-u. bet. .ve-ai. e* lmpe gispuy. lun eblgties f cisim rtaic ~ itr va ai Net*0Id&" u uetmiI;b " oit, p-, 1, 1 l<nim i liti Oise,» b the istem sA bars totod té BatalaIs- - Impifeaiene Trtaop ofCaîmhp. mts oeu tieceltîn b; b dla i xsIes- iI* iete pientt i*bu effti Mye . Cl. iml1si, 48ela* f, ba tei. Ms oatM- ~ t.:. pv, as lisny zat. néual. ai. aW b àem t Il m-ue plcue. h d»,itd ls cfiM i e ML *0r- Cmetai sCi e t .m enie F .4 mes heFemrasu e l the aiuw *Ia-i1e. iniserb asnsleyv ur* mm i ente ti em a lv uimie *011< h tati -Ami iey ecil et fel, bietqd&bg - b"Ibabe bâti but *0 smumdele te * Ispel aCeptai Ors theC*Utiahalld pubath uh the rân;peîwos-blond, and *esmiAM ut Np Caira deviensemma tam , < -sou M e e WW» lote l am, âi M I mem- i rot eacd v al p dC mslttif-uaoRP geuéera lan , a-t Crsu . js is UCe r* olsuebity 1mmi, d.q fy isq h aseta;1vbd oram er i h ohar mgl 1crai go a'doetliba ipi' .4<Gat.Waiemtae 1PortiSk Dess- bge . r Oser "sMaboltS bt e * pâefl5., miaoOïse îâgtdm.th,à ÎERKM ,. . 1 ieugntif"W Io'arg §»Frbo'0ef:r m ta i t ge et 06 4-d. aaell%îeIhjsud. telleei*t* I ve *0buse hitee1199111l'e dfnilImb TIllef .., lun logerBl ua ~ e ut te e b Dra.mi.ls ece -f f Cm. m Il*navyrtr mr ur.,n. m gwirtv*-.bal Vo e ies ïui in n - Iollua th t -iaera tewol àom aOPoam «evM , e t vaarm , (I.ami âI*5vbe. Jrsp eiý Mm C ietu am bd '- - i b* uybe utulll i asmsUl Wsl e 8bat<batargur» iomin l t thsettad&I m, adt -m" eu 1 mi e liPsa,1rv .tu lmvls-i sei. W- " "uasT-EI1OpIIIO UJM y 2 - 1er - a .4 1 AHI u5~u m.. h us.*0al ele Cm' daymmim *jsl as m De uA. it lILetpasl wgttsies m aîhe S Dam.,Sb US? «M Ib" oa.. imi if»lerm miswe s eOpa esmalles Liens. y; ;erma.7.C&iw fmv UnTMa. sbd . làl&e"eca tms mi mm.W e i-P in h,*,lu1t7h rwktmtub hiae' -a mi a W"a l et ib m i tub ei'0 lulte vassIRa y.reosolonelea. f AP. .Wm iS M eN1ab. o .0ak- & t0 i ata Pm tu0ulho"ie 0,.Wb Mhat itf.adi- ~ ~ nzius th 1a- *0cem ys q itre Wb% ôaumm . rer ca» as ha vitia m188a& P'5tm *0 -mi wfasebd*0 V mmin Bu ebbu- an sixs-mit tthai tk bi taI ng ag uni o" ed Jve he y b5 tuUaa imeaiwuv-, Il JU6slA u R e teater. ei d e telI*have DopaanCommis.u- Ilà smwe was-kb <Rr ilW bm s-il-g i0er f«, mgpWmu *mmspr,{WsESIZ bgmo ms- a adaha" MWàiar «i n - VM ad Uedy.andOntrvle, the1* < i un-.set I =%roti~e*#ii~ im »e~s-Ib 0e 0<tuezeemtty du miasse ioidaimm-ia0WAf à efour. ismi s %or bm e eeLdeyc l u .I- u ee Ww tme _o au. n b i le U"So i e i .opll ra- 5t tro* i m orainge el ji* abotes-' * 1 r @ndito5 utinndi Ilobo ea .o&t-emiesbelw - - 80 oramW-" -l -inlà Bu -wMd _- d ppr à" a - 0t hi . a th l. ice o th- eâgr- ip.-De. *0 ---- n G-11 V-à -M% -- - - - -e -tre& inOutlater m toi, àgMb *11W Ca oIt$ te ~~Lp~nsbkthe- W"bo& kwul, Mdau psu .TW in te aimmlo.t, th ai~lte -gls t Tic . vlb aimé - de tu 1.in e mistu.mm eir - *0 Afu eui psy lemr twa mlteepas gesmtsem tt. lae jbm m m ca luss d, par*0ili ' etii * ht s-aebtuewibsla ee usé eubgepS $phmii p hea, s his ..y éme, loâ Ime may.m bigitltStw*e pyqeumitei mm amy p nao à ileut. We*emlauq tket *anta«"- te. dlii de.. b hW0i. MigIbo Md <POIS.Moiace 000elm c*laiisa eom, Je at iedamzs SM auale; b t~sl m m~ A ms

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