£EE~ &<eg i. Dm p--si marame. coulTtm 0V Tus LA~W eASIalt r- ameuta, lsb L I¶'Oiitatok.Tlu7 ledue#D-' th~uae 4m Wa"uddMWé awâi Ama vbyk et,~ PiI~. uf1e:;ewb,,tsz&t; q iTel, iirhnm elS jl W 'a,=T619 rl' iiabycv iota » ol é. the lau, ai Me M, ~ W, lut fi asis b EmNeaty *Un YJtum at espaw deseratisais. BrotheobtSshah b. mua by.'. bd"ofldai. 1 - 7ai m%,. t is ce ta aet UMalt U 1t.cfise MM tig- iashsho af«- ia#'ami seCarsgtissu h miw" A. Dé C. "lt»edalmIS. te bOmT I V s. ùePOUND$ i a * MNWAR»à= Xl "M hoUa.appehultaif .Ls Ssieae las sheeIuse tasMaluom4 ,sasy MW M WAtDot»ÂmdI tid la 42l ' t isuufu iet rMsWdssn hem,, > tai bth. luises aaem LltB sauts I Tam aboeseiI8 a !"», 9~' .' « t ferhv 51784 UE! FU8FMI5 Ai 4. lm# st Pal trei &b B P T18 rad b. a scl ruý ,ale e = lltr:r for semltlaefl buersi e51t.1r s.~imetisi liy m oho - voascevol" 4M 2 pletsa a~s e i ta > Vltisa. la Fur e #ste.ai M. W ds Mila Isia n== sii ' FnE7à- w4 I.la Lthee.st5 ~s~tby£ tmdr.wtaf. fIhtipt- =a t tag ha- s. aii. 4 UMT UIUW«. shan ami led aa- MM4 l adqa aid rmg4a Ilta slSfi a s hasilabOt t li pltM. aimt Baux op mu S OItTi AUMRCA, me* is$e& nai ~~wiliTattnu ha tcalied by ltBtheFais- Oassusmd"o»el9 teem) mawi.tfw ilhltu t.Us wa ieS- baU eala l h p si caàutye sacadas pltlatboMa4qe eanIs. T. I. é( T.OU, abi îsk.btêdtits* ihe aa. tise avaet", l iWrs uod.esietiths e llgitmtlqp if aw or i bi ia luUer nd L»« Cmusdq ellum é Mmàatm "t* ityan Aaace,0 Mel, fho tàq Uap 4SU aI te os aw Y1«414 tbs.1 ay be btmb iiha>.Md asl1,k fou fàel Ied% pl,n h.oewgaleaifflcir Oe Co. 96.uisu, etuil hmada- cru at !UCWR.W w&ta aib lw4 -60 teeltb a md Sitw li4 *M, **O1AL. - Zu alu iof ug WMW* Omet suai ur~et"ssatlw* is*r1. xNfsnsiaatoisa gsiveum li ay mat bis Waih »W lLaiR ù» isoaa l.mh- à" uaea mc l U atua aff. W ~ ~ ~ ~ M owhipwfhsMs ri uisjuay 187- 4ase hms aatMals the tis. ram, 15 se* leta sllal ea ner extenenimae l.e mlvateed, andoome of the Dotded"e bsit.1 ha tW o emat 1 ltte? otsd LudAut. VALUABL FaRimI1 ofh CLUC Mua et~i ;;M Sai ed »ud mi eavare <hmutmia"t. - Aet ao&@saimla9é-ate aslk, Linde of FuM*. ciop aaatras.aSdp u ' awiila tstmw -Mo Aaal destws MMstisi, Septs-shr26,lITa=Msss02psena R s .iuo clamtrc.A*seU lste. ,AT vus landpua uat ____________________ T~th aigug&mml tue b rate ** - 40be pot Hm*% ww , vssaêé (1li.ly .58L,>epfga B I 15i011t1uM15la bow *4p domoq Oaalgep iè& nt asi d a.,L lMe snitwut.pws<a Iel4 **= matMINEm l PS*0.8. CAMIMO.vàL eo iei *0t ~ j; -. 0 UmeWR A* -Po DA 1I. B. ic, sul O*iMoo.q i(fi9 i~Ar~LOTr. lMe iwsehae#fa $M C Sit$ald ha etm Ibscaue, 1le cil! ysteo ouaauileeaiti ie molles ai(WW* tPrasal et dlà4ritsn 0- Ire!,thsais E' thu Jhas(agcaaaier. Balsa i.Up.,Cana&a ail!phase#ise tbe aDretla.. 29. 0_ M oAgn TCE Jiu bUSSOU M S S . lAI18lINOUTU AMERICA. msr u u ts. C~,te- One Ul thé . i ma Wsohtmk 1st ui!WI5 hdula l.a if lb. uaistu KN t.he - om mnieaom Àlm m, aso. d ueew= tbmte ha- lofflÂRTEI94 " *m*mwpm-e am a e Kinstaa li Jnaa,11 JOHNCOUNT& t WAWURoD*OOD .i*v P*fl. ~U'WR SalauvRis Semeuse le- ufflm CANA)A. % MtREAS ou thea night of Tuegdo.,, Tutoty-aînth Day of AU"« ,, n, slait So" s "GitCi e thrI, Stuata nt,; ýt OKlagaO%,iD the Mid1aond Disrcoo' iince 0f UePpr Canada, ais forciblycntered "'lm Rn sutage coOiitted therein. r. N.om ui thbt a ravard of O.NE Hiuý DRED POU ÏDS ailiha p*d te ianyPerso, Pers Dt heing thetanffender Ïor ofrn uho e au iv ucis information as maY Iead to apprehenuion 21d conviction of the perpetratertr epetoatOua Of tisa nid cflaence. le teatimooy ahereof we have cansed thm < Lettera ta he mande Paten, and! the Grlt Of (our aaid Province tu ha hereunto eOd Wltneaa Our trs'oy and aelI-helOved î S Fie 1BOsaRtND HzM,, Barnuiet, K. C. H . &. &c., Lieutenant tiovamrarOf Our %aid* Pro, thias Twenty-second dai, of Septembr , Year Of Ouar Lord One thow~and 1 , dred and Thity-seven, and in il Our Reigu. lt eo e 8) e.mmnmnd or HiExcellence,, B D. CAIMERL)N, seetr. NOTICÏE. - A LL persions indehted to Il. Jo'n Rutrr li -'M. Oftt eTMPOf Kingston, Batter ar, ec f:ul à*0*8 dthat the Suhscfiree j &£coamt; and unlesa payrneîil e Sai lutter% made, sauts warn ha CoIDoWred vss.lini u t notice.r TO THE PRUNTERS 0F BRITISU Nrpî AMERICA. Tl9 Subecribers have ceasrd te b0 .t, A. I. MONTREAL TY PE FOU.IDRiin this date. lu future, ail orsiere toust he aroImm edt th ie proprietors, T. GUERIN & Co. 29, lu&JO.NES & c. r T HO As GER'IN&Co.TYPE «N Of th,. Célonies, that the Agenev of Messr.L& rCLas i m , ceasesi on tise 28th oltmo. TN. Proprieters are now reasly to souply Pdt.rsv, ahater they m --eqirte à ie mahvoer taalaey cas procure the saue a- cleafrom the Uruted Statea. 18l canhequencéa ai'of eaarrangements eo',rsd 111to, the Propietes Ma il ie coablesi to lppil 71iltera bu the ahottat notice;, en 1 neo unsrrs. ýy "e!Y ail! acctrbetween the receipt ef theorfsr aand fItsexecetton. *Editors of papers ahi havre ptbliâi t - Tye Tsftdryadvertisemeit, are requestedao pb. eihtise boya and they ail receive tano ddlta wuetis cf Type i. payment. KINGSTON & NAPANEE MAC&DAMIZED ROAD. rr HflLqwoRK la now in proreuad oc A. L.IOIRRS il ohain emspoymaost 5 ampytog b un. Ccl, the F.Aegner, at the Dits. U» n f te. Strfet, Kingston. COURT 0F CHANCEIT. JÊi1cB a erisy hlguet, that this Ceurt r3 XI sijiefeai at Ock6éde Hli, ons Mônay, à IAhslMi dX»e,uarmat, at Tweliva .'.tec On, dwUme ,th Odku fthe Regiros oharv, o 4nas Stom LG1LEEN~ Co's hIelaehe vit niCp acft oc N. u St. hi DSss ett court, dacs eah ftoror b ie 'mlas =ti oobsreine cftm.si dortori bitte brinae a etin am ww e d ette reta- L Gimaneà Cole aUa." aWkt sMadCa ia«factor.% au ' it equa5%0rget.sfatiaton. eptemsar 9. .2 sg9 actiag Emigst.0 te oîa&sa bsProvince. Ihave go 5UU557 0finstaces inieh eaaigsbanIr~ saS 'upeèethein aa.Meyand tben retured1là te ta<rsac of the Proavince. I have us! ric of Lista botter La"difor dlut half of the 08 tb.ey ba ta &ive ia tht western DiKitUse hm e a alarge qusutity of culti'aed mslsId tivatal Lands toc ada; tbetarez, ! rme5~ tiss«B al!ied tet fartbethealves, andi oel 5 âdar aaaey for atnug. Ay linatota ated reipactiafW4 Fa» e bd a myeff inStore SteetJ'1 Id We CoudeS D. RUTM'N, îpIJD.LISED EVERY TUESDA, slue a mil ais,.al! ha lytvotes puaelsllyattdai ta. Tms F&edaml liaga pu Mra (tw oz klll Dot Pau peac ifa oi&' PM «Me iepooibt e awà 1et W.»m s~z, " liecem Mase gm!'ý e N, ssdiuratiued ot! iaim âd e- 4 t1p - d the u. sel osis ftea h:;;d(Pf tir atierueuntd Letters a bUiOO W Èeead tu, lÏme. a. Dealy, FNcf55. Md am StIstie i~~~~~~»e 4dbauimSaf. e r ut ur5 i~~t pu lrniaenkt, hîbo"s h,4 SitisuE, mi Od aM,60s5l' ~h..~4uE.011Uior moisis o - ~ ~ ~~- O a a&1vJ' p. 7~J UeIOAlPT >09 pOjMcA litsr msiaille S30<Un At ,ir~aiuiits si theudîn a&a as more t! ps$bSlitoiv ,eu sew on , SU*PPIY 1 t ther0 eWf t at isa eneaaesgupem eeAcrd edt àmpsaso nMd ai Lise Osan. lmehbol le sadersai tht aiseuuMd Un oi, that i it je ia ld angmil SPLElqDID0 YEU. byTilts aMd Sslel ir eUt71f Ioa, entiase tla tn aAwia. ehmbil yp cf redua iss h f ahMy m i conmdty, aen! ifs aMditliite a M a yu hit e, isa pesai comtl.a -cored fe1LePaulaigyeiar will rend, UTsma utisto petrio al. ITS LITERARY CRIARAC' fi!udteassi«deralsla chance, a rc f tla diWs Costpanian, in orale precimties0d tise pubiclsfaver aira s hii go I.berll%. bas secucea thae lmN S. Sr£Pli#N.laie Editorce land Moteaze," asud auth"o f a ai boathal ami 7alart Iaire?Prpm Atimcaiputise No lady possesie ety ai ltai, or better caleul.Latt atiue a ladW s'aCMaase, emid bel iii fr. is e galay of il<mata eais.a glr-y aIacemnsry. 9la dlsioa aleOs .f Ms.ialie %se, thtr pe.paW;I làa Lsa'Coupait. ue i lad ata i , ý AhtaîMacama.L L . ili a usat a rids ha ode ba&mto m C.i aalit ie eul ssnib M t huld lie, inoessisa moutive. THE MUSICAL DEPARTIII ýs under ;the supervim orofMR. i hase qualfcatiotu eIse tuait are te > eed our teiiimoa. Tiss depatistent « if thtLadies er commandes l s hge sisap re à au been lookied "miwua tis sti eadars and mmtegmpeislyl. li psahliaissr lala &thaiiia i dev. It ail! cealuata b a bat 18011131cars ta issu, atitaeho ler ahose uaperrialo' lla mas o.la fthe aagat du ittad sa iadesevin i f tie e rves or muaic. It.uee, leu .to bethe deore tetabave sil isS il un-r cififf ra.l THE WOaIN UPGE Opt «vpde0itmaul i sqallb e eapiadetares sedh id af h. caatiWm &%idthe eclidat ta aka the su opu for the iew a m mrdaoe arti sud ko one ofl iterai lend fitd*ftug,5f PICTORIAL EMBELLISHI lt a theaitio, al, ifthe pu <IataMaisttiala pcrio est adstg L de", ci tasata eh casais iar, e O 'lie ltim all e asl.2 the aI epuliSail d gy. T lit IE pM urCLît Late blim lAsr'n th e 8. pr,,is thé "«aU.1 - u se. j .&  : lé , - - fini 47 'w ý 1 à 1 Il R& ý Ij