ruë tr, "* Gad*Pm th* à ir camusm te *ia mur li"a. au fm h e la iromutr, andt ruiop"te a *ow tova imli cem n ew« [te. ept e la.1h bui .1béitb eith*. k4, Dhilau I - prei la deSait.*.1 lit as. mer -w I ekruaue . bomt lia lid 1". ou Admogbwa. ed km l mdl. a « the md d»ilut & mh i. 17lý Cape . H1 dtm a"dhe Ceuenlul mwq- ~ mu s.ë t inthav therk l« 0( eefLu". ppisI Aaewea~ Ciauu, B M*h »d Liverpoul te Bthe5M, ahar- eue 'am-e s m mig=rii* 1 of. dm Pe pvimo lbtheS e .5 Nvomber, 4t *~~~~~~~M un Aumsu oepea e smaa b i.vmwu i- taeltawe dmat tbe Mm tSdI #lmU.. titdeotoetmo~ va.inmva-l, uv i. ormafrteda A ler *m. asli mkr, d iLvaqumi ,lih!lva0.eBIBNawmierataa*et fuiéla e wu sél ou da(toa mau e ±*vhan d "~th tef h..cstsiatj th B 1i bag - .puuwbgdtm iiai.1 f« rcss , L d muau lu tIc isuat 0<1of tint lb.. aselie vii h t ,t i hlg on t, omculomte ith. - &MIWth. m*lit the . oiaurul tlieccaelgveu'aet th, lia. ech dLt l "id br t imas. Ny 1uste, £ avue o fltge Win mp.brûutl Il bai et Wdthe airm msouhà ccadlo. (B tblieftdi"m, lu matai e arvatm the epreoe h aei raisý, viael en 0qam oue.patof 1 oleS adm ft i<11. .. Har,heai ialy lrds, 1 mmrey cmgratlat Ébt i.. its Sabdocoasi g up v fa dirmad' ai timiwlte ma be milordtenl lm bat i.masionaf"y if. - 'te lob uais h en bain Zith. M.eèiels 20, g- hm i7a enlise Tm rIrL LIST. ait h e m uer ve iilaitIa e letrm roi si ito u ligl heincosiea men à boire, bes* abe e r hmloi g 1eft pes p art a im* bu ac flits SilTeig t IiOtM"ng, anaj a,: utles elli ap Ofieo&urable reductionsmasmif, nawgà.: tatirepriy Pone froin £I110ff0toi 4 06- in-iumii..m mait £10 &c. là eIu ia M.v Illerf- theLononIOOCorr bde Sýte :2BL « of 0 lei adans io, limoges ni eihl.d Masu ie in sluNew York, bas nt s demi actsa ap opioais, but bus tak's, tieamiisebu i. s àh 4e ,th their nameum &M- n"country. et We arpaidb'I M ad uben receion Fnidaey lest. ,,s <the WJi, twichllteoignn's de"efa limtvr.penct, vith their laies mmsis *-eof tbe distingoishedpe gla " ther Th Loiir apespfthe 23d colitain ti nr' Il Miam treaty oci eaft MWl cmmerce beîweeu Great Bli oWi gh bwtabla idthePeou-Bolivian conedeaii,a. 0. am of he aricles mipalatea on th. part of the coit en , t a l l c"erale wiîh Great hin h. like aaPVcUadaOf0the. 'ava treile. .latsfom the Cape of Good lope,Îlatrd f, 214dlii. mt~.en"omthe death of the GC-erîor, Sir &at.P.l L'Uim MeH.vas iddru over hi' a houenid WaihW.u kli tracteraicamoog big dath in 2'&W * I. 105,81 ~ W m taA Wgava Yetterdoy a sketch ie-e awo* lg e aim le lite in theIouie of Conme, ~ Se25*.1 .a. On r thetsiféDice: *ài d ami0 - br a ims i'Lover -caa sag~raisbruit bxrudils aivurd ir 8- ,t Mrt. L*iwished b luiow front the c«, ae ou- teeele.qù.whether, uithan the letais Moi m, mago J te. h .tjneemgamy incitaia Of troopo in uié «li~e-i 4( Lordaeior bas! applied for loy loch icrn Wabw apo- d b.e «««cfaitscb ripliation onc the partI« .aMsgoW .. limWIedslp. lie grisbi aisoo ast;wheîltr i sai: liaéti tara so mmceae ilthe amourr of dîri o la à up-%a. elàn 14mb te s taiooted in Loicer Carida. 6 I tb iiuW su ailay 11@vsasi go koow ichen the nle liî0 te, la auaver uaiaisle gfui formait bao cortilioq on mî0 siy froua eih. wllbboaist te lover Canada ? . jc-a»M eilber tord 1. Rugi ai he cagara ithe gl ïm ..ved bY ho lihasi aewoldl I t e tu . bave "thegi ory tea hicebo.. member. With rsi inte brisc * joe lrd-~oau».*bdtr the trio aiareceiirir bet been 51 flb. iuereg aad e Jwer Canetdq ; hie bi hjerir lier Majeutlisali an..sent fins NieraiBrunswick (0 L'wvr uolias mu-ai Canaidia, lard Goaford baving bren Ruaotod Rieur.) vihdttv tholo. ple ofhio>soia itlh resec 1to 0ary alppi iowhach hxi Ie. bas aoonp o de a ie iy ncreard force, he muris for thiri r. "a cther quai eut iqelkme aaienrg tht quaestuon A hirh lad le amaL.-beaisaput go bien <hear, hier>;enid with neeTi ordhf e t tkle deatîrtion of rolsdiers belonoîî o .r Iia. Md où tuer I a tagino luleoer Corada, lie cas rot îmort t. 1.r acq cniast thet effect had reacbed thi, ~aoe ordaipe uelraltongh hbuliraithat atterrti had berce hc hf rma- =u whi an. baai beau <alto, by eitiom vr- fla hylier- aaalulbeccoy (Intalcthieuram the oppostion) rastururi ujle*r prmtdmrtiou avaomg Her Majest '0 sa muaimom. tasqu. wUIreajit e ilthe lat questioai, flyasalW&lordsmala. celaymasaresmight le liraaaht'om* '.." v i «1.abhject, lhe cciiul etnoi suite ary, grtb1 llia Ive iiatiib. Hc could oiîly stase abat "itadrua 11hemausabspti.. of tb. 5ovemnmcssnt ceirhi oke. X at "soonvu o c. ureNble t. o evaried bh'r e"erMo- tiç ilahu e vhch roitlharecried lin Léwltue C4atiaIe uh. u ea. Ba Dt, chotrer>fy mia is ihar jil. u aisik h*eehw1 bai in lu Éti iâe a.Mv r Majasty's guverommeu .1deiprisaieuo *Wi aartt <h 4MltwsaI loidute ..uLi Canada the im o t< et .rpu odm paple U the Mf suodi iat gbeu5m4mh m v rsi for erait tC b ,ifl toh. s apath» lea t mu Ue ai'.U t *là oaqui M aiored by et lb. dl.tMW sbatlb OfL~ ei4mda. hy 1h4ou boarleuM fsaV1hel*mu"es, that làrcm- en. hebe. cuma0 au*Upsp-id by the Mal- of 1i 1. sI ythe lii aidtom orf de - - - p*I!$phl *a SS ~i mlty odbel cre, lad ai 'is uamdcfoeloeclt mita 15 rua. lia 1511 ai Da~f Ir4.0 11. Be usina. t B.4 ïà ah of ua iaii $0 aaiom.B lt O' wu- LUmIO1h w 9 IMv;. ÇÇ'!ei"t ltbe Rouir aCorrr souwB énolsla, the ahîcîîr prop ,,6etg, dwéo am ndtir m f.i*i 5itIBadfoi inattemptiolrte. i.l ée w. Ibo utlutary ccii ciel d5.uih le% âad tbey fbrid nouet OP . ccoreA st Od in WêSt!iteton, an sd tbhe lm" lIuPOMM td 4 EMM or CAsî.-!t vu ratit 8. m t lm t iItcembr, <bot lArd G. ait reeals, ma ta sir job w< lew bia u lie gaemuor groial 0t!à, et. Amale Ia 4flSdmg, if Il WrM abdiai10 i $tpi ..asty Mscilize, ik Meulais bat io tea .tr i ie. 1 %" vie Uawa (w) m- ci a ml ndi t f oP a e y le ll ybe in a i . 1 1 4 wbmw vu a a ces ,ta te e1h.iam WW*l Y ls cooo Oa R set b1 ir' atm b§gad gi, ayybody 4" :rtad iNi*a f w i m lli I c u a e a - à r IM.' OI r tz 9- POM C wa toc Mas 3t el s I ~2 -J' b t DL pet. E. Ut. t tdt b a ADUW* i iý NOS 7*-lt maTh Piat m~ aargI lu lheg 141. bai 01.060b ;;;ý'e do O*j a air&