Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Feb 1838, p. 3

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W tle d i W cr tha lMs, md iergeu lat'y ofthle pail Lrsi Dmben - e M"tl.poInce vill ot0 nti PMr yi Or IIPPEIt CANjADA lune, 1837. 7,f9 241«6 37,194 12M06 57,519 46,828 49,5&W 19,M9 10,00 City -f T.n 393,119 uMeti, trilleranmd Initiai, bfoeat ly a getlîmn '!""sy l1ai litih l ie e Dgie fttasa gang oftn ebonlb came day, and lb> v e extet omards lie1 kalin; e0 ane gfn ont iaute te Mackenzie, athnsi, 3i ti d uIiay M-iui th, lcs ida, but m bonr lad th Pare aruesteti anti placed in ca The Gewaes'ate d loIY Irels, ie ver faihionatk nu ukc placa anti tie prilsuierax ks ta haye been il Wadde hera h. intendedto b, in arangue the imoi on Canai thongil le is ai Fout cooju tc seel him Ivin iroliier in' lms joseph. Cornwall Observer, Fr1 8 biunteret ationeti in ttujs le id. Vankougnlaetli h xeucise ht ley hegi Vli tie foeiliiy oftan nid nmmber voulti have týees tIeu, bacc bouracke ieady w "Weet th le 3t1h regimnt and LIeutenan Las;, ra asi tiI ehleson, and Mac Valcastiei, wh ua b ir a (elle fioimudiMg tir treoia bmsent.-Qmcbec Gaz. Fnl puoft ti 2111i ReclmialI bar 'idy, an»4 ti t. 'Iu emn. 11. foIlovinz . y snd Stiediay a-bajor Ru , Ueutenpnta Harforu and cnd Quartet-Mistoer Dnhr. Il piocet t. Montrai, il i lia weel. [QSec Trancii mcmlt, Daval &U COukaren bar, osiers ta remale lien kext packel ticus Anrce, gobeancie, as to requîTes W«r. la â coauIr,aà It nnti ta Cork ta cenlî lit servie copara' emBa 2»dtiy Colonel eal expeemet biu approbil ringlen,-Iï.jpn hashpn. 16 Wcame, aim lbe clrrk, came kclscy ceuiacmi lapdO, on a aieatng el' ma a « she boltK iuw<ea. Onigueasi wre Dg lie negt, andi wic da e sont la aIl &dbrc ta * .a.YM. s - .-subd~ me on l hugu vet c e! âtT'a ai xaut 61 i mdWhmieu d tius t m, h dMiBetrDwmi, as nfimmil. 1epiper atultici. Aero»"L ndblis ap. conevlclad of de DraI. jb gINITO, TE8DYFERU 1Y3, ontFih evi comes downte the4tbofJi oIsu jUsti5tachIDV It vilf ha mes liaI 50 OtniO nee cmusO5Bat.Oudlb 2" iDs lepucbes w-utrecived tia " edofeu. BkJob. Cowbue'ditai lev'et. s h et levmb" ber, sanliuv oher quaieraaccusee ais à"hemure- aiedlate 461 cfDeceenier. Remthecelbmx sriets ruNw.York voulti informathlB. rili GorernCt od the. t-break in this Pro-isce, Md the trop id ulRcouquelely bhhub.od in liair prpmrtioeabembarkeng. SÙC L Aitlbai ta- kin leare, sud ws u thc pint of embesling ai lth ltetd&tu-, but it h astate i aINem-u tarl le bat cimegd isuroute, aoi ,oold eb n a sbpotfolUlfax« Iflouditiove.yprob. aile, las yul nt arre la tiiiProviffl #Dr s6se tise yet.%eieue h soîicigofmrent trucs lb cotinetdEurcpe. LATER FBOM EUROPE.. Fus, the Ceand ZamimRqte. The packet ship Sïire de Grase, CauLWlier.. buit, arrivatred terday morne; frott m u Silvie de Gnose, itileti trou Haviecte ola2d uit. lut vas obligeti ly leat ulitis te pet tnt, Tobair, <Enghand,) vici port aie loft on lbe Sti, W. aut indelted lti e owneranof lie ahip for a lon"e paeof the 4th Jan., obtaineiet 1Teibay, aid hae lades receeveti regelar fisci Pari papier ta lhISlt The disturbances vlici occurreti im Laver Can. ada form, a va b be expected, lie chief inobjeet fdiscunaînm le tie London papes. oia lae- sion of the inairgens at St. >is anti St. Chattes wss knosm Ithee, Lut intelligence of the rout- ot toeo vin collecîrd lugether ai Grand BruIe bid ontl yelber. receîrd. 0f course liey lad mt informnation cf lhe ridiculous etempt ot MeKenzie je Upper Canada. Wr pereire tiat ifi.Masd Cronicde, eridenly w ritlog by amticrit eav- .r laelypublic appre enio. nt iapaer say,, liat lie deaiteesrecel ,ed froam Mr Joux CoLBonur rpreae'eli lhe onlbreak m ase odgre. alarMsî, mad liaI le lad ol evenaketi (or te- intacemnt. Tie miii-stere hovever, mema de- teriierd oni sesdng them, as firoin varices quarter. we have accaînta n-1 miiteymovenme utheli hrla rvne.lii. Ronsuca, formserly aeat othte Frencha Cacadian "ut, vla in the «Basie of Camnone, ailadreaed a late, t. theaBdr"la public alesate cfi ais i ie~ CatisIn stich le boldy esarets "iathlbcaimssetcfIb cemory yl dock in ra i umsemthelbasis- lane f the French Canadian, anti iaIcaur Ger. cmmlent bai mal ia porrtae vntiti Not living a te l Ï ie c71oionpellera, me are nul able tlaPlace lrfore oui tandemsmach newi on the slae oftheie Mooey market liere ; it &p- peaun hoarner lo be ie a s"ieof tuanqullily. Thie Frrci Chaimbera lave orgnisetiand M. Dum bi tas been &gain electeti Preadet cf iae CG.îmrroftD-puies. On lie castofAfrica ast tijuuuiu, mremain fitistatu quo. Dû"iîCrlos Iaq re vetid a large body of roopa with ahcbe idalaagase about ta march is Cmi. iii prhapa attack Madrd. TecnieetOf tlic ihuiehopet Coau the icKing of Proaiacon mones tliafalStii led for cmment, paticlarly as the Pope io mi edde,, ta the Collego af Cardinal. lia approvad1 of te conduel of tat piete. Ai bovaver nee_ thet thu ocurrence, oir1i djiffeculties b"een Ut' ln;IIý of Honorer andth îe Prafeiscesof lb. ubiierity of Gottengen, vili hcatilende tb.id anf 'selocnarquences antiare cf mer. local in-1 lkrlt ne malte no extracts in relation tue thi!m, ENGLAND. .,Wi ida vnn, Jan.3, 2 Wclock. 1 tIIXY Maaa. -Tier. in littie i te c ai th' Cuosul mirket tlis mrning. lw e peie "' thieAccont 1, 92j, lu lie Foreige ma>sc k"t, raillai Bonds have îallied t. 72à 73, buti in Otiur er ouriies lttie la doing. Spmn"e Stock Ilcilui ads, lepr'ce beingîo1910. oce ,on leare ofamfnct(om reglmel Ca "Sen riîi ,i aada have lad thar taret , , Cledman ar eeredtu, lcprgeeit fiewiti, 9i et ok lsJa lhiu respetive cop,- im if al C al. Iathes, ioh hi.ato tilatiguaheti îIve r1 ta o 0Gezera Sir F. &. ,,,ral.idothertb co. Wcleral, ate Com- Ildui fleB isinILegion lu tpin.-jGiub,,ej iranLilée Loodo Sbsd.. of av5e been aieetta at th le trungli u eery Trient statiloud ln lie Canadas, Nevs s"61 t<an e rnswick, I capas, I anlaila, lenonti a prebiuliorae amie Olalu~0nmai.mdofficra; Madiber lMaestye dleuc oCoki e b mii o ilil aibe a dninta a o ei0 « enamte i 9 1 Mli ner. te oevi" mpo.8 Il s conaldentll7iuceila iae Guind, aJtQiand Y ed ltbdI L bdom&z 4(la a ucltauCanada in tiepricg, « sc» écosses tumber of h. upvà 0! 5A Ê bu' lii.fuaits tarde teGilltll v.yei. ebw le al aimd Camaj 80 tarinmdlerlicia theBomms M e th Grnade i Med @mm, toM- Un a l.me Place, i lau sqga he lme. lbJuata PlatP d al - Cue MduhIIeb.09 d. ye.tar.MM do b 4ue a.dl iliDn je itut thrnmie amicami l la Mais casna-iM P ul h lb Camadia lfz q-m.. oS lid"duopelilienqbvaU cu saieèr"Meaxle« t lhedeAuilaieo1II ép thit lbhe gg W"lu u m set _ai.- v11Z etietybu eü vm fl ie tlis W ',hlhilty of hbi, c. voenut aiiMiici cmu y seoeeskli mointae the= l -pMpinaseug aMd eget- le emleyauî f hitumupeennti macuwe Of lb 1ae The. vnefloe ceIbis amycotaimitlieam Ob Woati , boedaa rmpasli., "h grpga tifnlies of -ait an tri --" samauemaleriaaudbas= ha2 lylng alingilie 'et.msre &odeMti m iiemlrarIa clo& AUl sesed"IMtyOLTm.lie a sgui bu 6 à té man om bâi 1 P. IL.-5M30 = re *Mmti an M ou.eseeou. taim- talm. he. au aimeaoves vard A M Th,30 . v*"ie1-.W.Uesimileti nt £12O,00 or 8M0, Luvuiseos. a=-x, Dec. 23&-Nov Mestrcai 'Pote cootinsse Sm àet theo le ai.tvices a&8W Pe"r-2 a 3M0 "idcfotis sts ha,. bacc solti et 6di alvi.o U suSparcels. Tih e os Canadablad rendoret i lea very SÉM. W. menooia lait veel, lie a-couaI pana b, Mackenzie eoflbhlIst@rehaflon. Iun. mmliv., as v- hes isae, paes... te b. gives h idôr- raction 5d lb.e ciaunt mhici ie pubilbed etlthi Uie, lut yet, wiit sens. excaptionc, 1Meeoàeie detail of (acte dies but l1111. mbbua iud op with it ststmeu offseto are a"Ioba d Do- ,tions," or statameet flas<haqMoum me. l vole sau vt i enatecedeut anti anhaqeent ereank- stanceas, and 1 in a.« eOious ha, efcouoodhEen greally troumum-, bat bistsuralive et facto dom adot mb mmi oër uours Baas as> Is men Sviuw Uer in relatiug' ibe m e-eourne, ex»Utia mue poiala vb"ci v. aull mm nastice. Mackeszie strives bm"dte exP" ala a tyhl seoas cd hW abile, W drepremmtetalbt resmit 5d eoaAmdiiy- &»ovemeý et.,inabdnt covarzice ament bit aq ity in obel,pefa- aog hm My turD&snbs tisa thlb .- ram.oe- lia hlro Bjoablj e bpueph "es eeot& ose P"iy lr"g-ie PuovuaoaMM.e jqMeed$ ",iedhi ni ha mefabunteMsig Of < bthe, $w Dialuleleof lb pmbinesmly 1v, vue lat#aL ville bu.polmin, lieha m ic " isapiper Wl> cuaot. ne s."au 4wBeseru mterAimoa,- Wo metl (ai .eSuly 8600 copinsetofa' piwxom Ni siti uobrae 'battlbey .d match lies infimt m h ob bin isvaaliy at diatses suppuati, Of lb rebeos lbemplvewanY re lmetise lacue veluli.olsts, m*umoisete<lb mreitetit. Torqel le qMtlispr.b. Isilaen. Mausiek, it la true,sys Abatl Bey auisutta Tsom veUth.bue s a<$mim*fJWg bila, astivbeq lie> hbai b. v. defeetati, boy pretendet tt by Wdteina le pi>10 oin- ment. etIgo coplsmestaha Party flat- stkge liubeaie gnt onti deevom a, ha hiassglt a. eDit l b auti yUluaam rve bine;i hoemme *die rafomo staet lai - tianiebretieyMI seli aI aàlb*IIetr&itvu kusmia9liai la vaisfahatet, m i.,, la ft 14v. cooliicerat e ICY pglbl Bt hbu bid ueyo ct To .gj; cI lien lie>ala@MW iali (ieuli Of oppoag i"'Ws liaibdu op"ooim n~ a hesater-t.abtgo'Mlqga brte oca" of etde- Asti villa Maenzuie in tIII. so1 tises bas len to elil nv .b em et hfail -lre, b. &W om ts e "Autlu. thBe.isIdsedthlbtise, sad suites i la Sif,5 a»me aMModexalb.n quiaw eti li l thertal Mat b"labse of hae vrlllap% mdem hbugai ithsme- cous te brnafhswurtan Bel. a di0atent lutestila btao* -hmlIa eqtem h~~~~~~~ og'm p laA tm bui-uueit hIles au M aaiss, emid àru o papplies b aihmwmn*0~.M M*-*Mwm *bu M m à1,w ........ ,at..ai ecu.eogin nevee saets hmoi lb pirates lTe prosent force may bc su&- c&lqt tltea i.griot iupiga rerdein; itte lie lowet point milci nseeporion.sy U thle b. coudaisent mitu sately. At lbeommencement cf lie ver, va varcethelbpeople cf U. Canada sot i. tuita oAmeican gooti (.11,and if "is vin- 4ngbati Wu lakeaBa Province sould haa eu sp&aa rld tc oolaanti axpence, antiracme k flias e d. Ame soe.PSons out yet aeuflnl.. ]y ponishutifor tiiregaailns arrclea? -ANtughme ba"e prvlouly given unie se- laBo Wet à@-Ditri coui iead"a mIlha pta ida lmbie Waremout vl a baveu omosemaeutireaof evenla mtr b commpe- Mat leb 6 cIme of thecmpabgt i. a M îmé ast gim .. sin n9rsiag peelsua pseriay mmifa. lTb aveoy s nad emdadet cfel <em i tIast Awmslagb,sMd tleb basala basinscf tlb Aue*" mtanlaim aet lletot areW ieaia b plInad esuimctsg- mnr- 114gloy d he u end Babfmy oflb eier, ne »W -m oea f hbslyg,md ma t ce ua k,. b ind oau sbe mmage., Os-iluia la1h lit. Machezia mas tl d*be ga*g.Omosepauuna ie resmeuivsa emiUiy, *vr DmbuPm iaset u>.e1Vni sue .urslataee, aMti epl la 4el8mm mIgit. Men Mackiami.wuree. W*la saillithla lbe deom» a ta "Uulatt v.Jlffgel gétd'liat bhoti Wbablià i 11 Ami, "No! au' )<aeimxle, lpw u l1 ssn bit mulisvernISdo liamm tee. if Iluey&4 Me gsi,asmaai rnoea4drem ltepap OPUbig i..haumais iàIbd& hMe *te seeme tee cuseime - -w -P-sloucflaii muttasHaoa80 peten& le My B&tha ucas rv MagulllaCsmatdmde 510spaeumlune"ea pFace, e longs i. est s«Pung-a7tineut sepumPil-be ad"etiTub"e& Tb ta reloerds>ami lt blse iln < T là re~tailb retuin of J. W. Osmile, aq. atie Aaecf-,Ns. Glau n*%&lai MTu tm &W e mm et *aI bollm abe-" neesba, MWmameas-cf lathe eàtutlman Il MMrdsiamet uaâ dsgéq pi, basites Be - I ~ s t a h i h a t a s a m a i , S 1i i , j CONTENTSOF TUE LADIES' COMPANION The baâma oe, Iy mma. iras. s&km - e;iiits*. tra<a-T'h, OMdIacelw. by JolieNeL-nle Healier Bell by Roes amsZo,-Glyron thb tyil.Heflr ' Chpter Ithe ~ L f e .* ' l.e . S h s ; IV . &&.--Cptmmerce-fleTUeRUole aa'b Jtu. lw.. L Rei-Forgatten Foera, by3. .UÉq4-faey.-Lamect cd a Semale, by Làa.,-The pe.,a sketch intire. clapeM.-1 7%$., La s t Partlng.-Sketcheefs a Gos- i7i ---theIraMistes Trebltones, e4m,ýp"Valley of Silence, by JVl"n CuUst-Wamut.-Lettir lice.Waahigtoo, hi guikat»Ws , ilus*taive of Wuimgtcm 8oce iiierthva aMd Usthom pes;Vaj. Matr~Z~tbLeee tc. e; Mubioee. aosWubbw"n<to-Te Mieda.'.lave. orahe Membuanfa.a..A RaaL-p m iby MsaIýL lamdi hnAlbu.-%amoto.,, Thé ary Notice; Tales buthe. emms1Coohim La e B. 81W!GRi Lady Beigo ew 1o cupueAsthooi.- lti cal Revieor EawUmmns-Tho Liet Fond; a t Niais. rà~iblst n abgbdy, lbeliaI of Feb- M04. MML..Cmauei RL.'ioIoe-àa A aiiAUHLFv ie IVy A«telssa Kumt. WAit iL - -T.-Po IN* lIta Drasube Dylsap Pteebet atv-of bsplbiyrsdi m sr Sv. fty - TI-i oliéNUants. 114, We~aW Eli VpoM"862 sg.ai, Natines, u suw t D; Blakets oonteTpancs 1 Tartan and Murino Siiawlo,.Tart,u, Drggets; Scotch Bonnet$, lRed Caps, Comfortera.Gueraey Frcis,, Ligla nd Datk Cintua anM Calicoes,* Moleskioe, Factory Cottona, Shirting Stnipe Apo Checba, 70 od 4-4 Irish Linen, Lunen auJ cm ..Ticb, Oenahuughs, Sbcetine eto.. Yamn, Cotton Batting and Waddlng. BULAàN E T S fevery decription ; ande chéice otainet cfthe. mt fauboable FUR CAPS. .lls,-SOLE & UPPER LEATRER, of à w, amspr« çesaiy-Togetbsr with mazy other articles too nurneron. ta detuil, and tla vue C. H. & Cç, woeld Ç411 the attention of thk fMonde in thi.eootyatcLr wil bc a s ud,erraelim. uipton, rNovember9, 1837. R SAE BItheSuhecuier, 1M alle.uhigeir. Wikey, N aècansd Sinml Stove. AMSLINTON, rSvo% ec &IC.7 N 0UT 1 C J 'J RUW LLERT I ORSn r un JE Udeue.,& wbeaeadwmrmsdsa Afilht Wi Im deM b ouà f8ui Vci h ..ma day. cmmî SBER1FT#S 8A LI. kjrILL BEL 50LD l the Court Boa% jelbn go âlse'm ma,.acepe, aa bo é Mn dzeemIlenm uwed ont 0cf R11er M84114 CO 0( t ueslenb et l itofI fuàPntérMee. v :5uti We.t Qastar néLot mulsi s bhot an ix la ie T"of etElgr4el. Mi pesonbxvin; claies eçajnst li ie s dh omifl port leeee4 . s eidte pesnttth mue. m me hreLb. aie W b et~ ~ ut8ç m Umml 6 w1y e sawa té u 1tnIg or y bu-~f g lé~ el 23dos Pb*;, l és ~' dêtaU'erMai day efApei,183 AJtiau-eesm1autagealte mIna joug mi14, mil'âve wUbp If ixlsue Ilaet,.~rliC AKL 11l- 9 g a la MMUL - -DUdme pmttcim Te i m bc ow 0t s am hie Of1 e. 7& lia iule dee die Md ellihbdevmte.1yN ait . ad lin beeti imam*.M UAl 12 .elie b adnt nssv w«ailac% hurvd Ii s aaveïrU»ewU he&W m et At <hab" s e .nie. l1 avad MEETING of tie Slockholdes ld hebig ~~ ~ ~ *t~ ~ «*~,~,~ ~aad ich,. Uut,4~ba WIVff.lqmi Stemer Sir, James KempI %vinilaaut el 0 a. ~aMuletos ed . 'una l.-the 0Lof he i.Sebasciuher, onmlbmdy, mi, béIsckaej lta*mI 0*adh k- ïaMdMM *M <so laisuaMd l&0ave8.1 *.4.gwIJ&.ler12%~' h L ut aUmmo. itàdt, moidtaie l.the .1dmffMs, l* eur ue ameue " viSme.m Wibrevr, nd b.ha ICev EMNRY GMDIERULEVE ai~~~~~ <mdesedns bii' of &0 b""Md hy it fMay là km cmeld a amees tale auerby l*reltaV" e vu a touiem ida Minam thon ,,Mbintym.aa bl N.>!e Eagtslt Pb. 8 bi«d pui tebhopnt to detti, caudubg ohoe inarmai.. letahaBmege... Mâe Ou- <,$1ker aSU MdB tav.gmm. r'r~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rce If FmILs hin g b.raI mdj . Lusa.ura ..ct34.~ ser t bT ment, for a coubtant aupply cf WHISKEY a ie. monad vntoiug. 8d .veetelaqm Th Vlu o 0uhzeimose&i.e te i mny s he" .ýà%&. . c et. , the lomicat morkeince&.. neqaiy Unitd Stu u X8s oý mm Miwm a. bilG--d'@'be£slt %o- ' teacf the Whikey 1, uneulle in strenendth ua*. NbUSter det mlded i" Scpdm.- ie le117 millions in 1886, andi 141 millin m186.As ltiemed, ce lb. 19àau.it. utb. ,.du... ct or. Vet. M ou Mackenzie delilaanlaly pmà4t. i.. aMW-eaci., etryelJ mem.As, :a% *Ut*. .aer thealiésCash wili b.ajuid Ifur Rys asnd Bae etlM iltro hoW ta 8e1hndoctrinem vesd. qa~cke.~nzie, on mhci ho rues the %*fNew Yaek= 'F'. bi.si.toe. RN I te . iniica t b" 10410t7 daaigàif changes anî2 Ia hâbi juadeuti heîa tiaibulier imeaf ams sres t (hVe.u lam m ts yye t R. L . X àie a rsales la h piemlia h. hoexjesited ta utoof""ad md Itwu is qtn t.an getet"R* .es B 5RpreSof, t5ltMpre miianlwithoot aeddimg bi"sodMal hie - . * sa' hu cibiamsebwolTe 111White-mac, urjrea ntntiosve, avateasyl ml ,evance tuat Ibis province wuaas l flvete . te Z: - Bot14aId. est t l' oeilaa.A reeseariUm~ boy i heclrapet motlet, ,eini l te Unit- Veacaie tOe Nou. hor Reoga - . ~ u.. I ame s asaai.haeM"@ ea.u7 2~~ Tocs Long L Cbeese, ciaice qsaiiy. onsuBaotth m u ga*t l. m&mm. inrnbakat1th onats ru «.1111dw *uta W lite Yearty Meeting of the Stockhodeee of amok, smitlaina it w mie lsay - - t *W AaiBotneI tmrtth i. hqua, îe CalaraqulitiM Coman, el a s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ le emmky, la bboy lea il. Iw1anc-emie kw w MI 0_~ Kine tnasl~22d1 of Jai' insIfr i.pup Bat 69va dI bey ina cu e éwi c boosimg Divectoea, kt. lienugyer Id - Pea a lai Temnmbi ab t"e1wth. wna ie, exeeplsea,, au l il. îaoar, 183.' th. (mlwine gentlemen vase elected Direntora; cbsprwi an mvila th Amam& ]W àUntS* EXCELLENY i:,Lrxornurr Goy.- i e'l acoso 1AT ,»mmiigthir amre, 0 svM unhoamatc h t1d«.>. t. . "abc@& balialbac. epl.aed ta confer upon Allent Ka= b5 Tl hemnes wu emgey wvti a NMin,nd lha thereir lnetu""the &W iexcepgIons Ni KM-eJehoa S. Cautreglt, and Henry Dais, t a« ot hiebsblcd.'hronte5,for b.hog.wu ma, ud ttrod te.«zaIlcu-àuuzw,, aqireandi 'Iht. daofbRhQ luiesi'aCuses tel» IIPIAJeOîLGIM. e0ogba flmeh in nincigfl ithohWdscovred a migIt>' grievomm e _________Mijoa Lacec s ie-elered Prealdent. eb$wuni4 e "ae m ycà *!W sud KIfGSeON MARKET. the jl( yearèJig the lb31.1 Dec. 1837, payable malty vMaenz ie inawm by h. iéb dwcv .qî e~ ~ h ~ ..C~TDWMKLY.) at the oflice etJ. B,) Eeq. 0e Tressurer. allnme. Macenalela amne lia Ibisciavte i. lb the =W 4 brougbt 'gd«et m ny oret asMtosoflhe i iifore.la actualericThe i. aix160 . s.E Il. s.MAINERAd.A i teei.eul literaâeit W".viieacciet isdrwa M., Fent perbL .........30 0 a32 6 NTC~ au teS rp oterhiek W p-ýs lpar emit..........15 00a17 6 E: ALW& P aonu-pae hoMWutrmhe e Whmi 0O hvmngehotaasied as Act of Incorporation, 1 thmmlr 1185 iad.iâl .j,. of th. vlcates btw"hareelan orleW - .......... 3 0 ~ . 00ron aigcasgasinelb.heComnpany am' tut roweajaslâb narrative. De lslmeoai le ~de. do.......... 1 6 a 1 10 requestrd ta pretea.t tie îpme ut theeOffice of the cm tatf i.adi. hitbea m1 lilmiddhead, Ieavimg Juer hundred in serice. andi Bye, do. deo...........3 Q o0(I0OCaopatydpretiois, te ticSslription Souks iW the phffIlg ~~g~~~ lPls eglineut ne op liair vay t thelover Pes09 de. do. ...-...... 3 0 a 3 6 img apened fer thaetiklitional Stock, and lie liy- P"1 u"-- IL"0Vot a isb"., -ho, * es l ie lnarocuteera tae 115e li. Ai...........j O o 1 3 identi paid for the puat Jear%' operation.. reteti«eci t1et ralfected, thbc @à la ii8 um0eof b hot me tis.am.1avealuneefper lWUnh............ 22 6 ao25 0 J. COUNTE. maabtityl'@sa hig mpumlefoth vPok, do. do .............27 6 a30 0 Sec'y ond Treosner omesta t w doatiA; impossile frc natie llsuprieinhOsaIntIMontreàl aebglahlredWEutn", puslb. ..._..,. ....1)10 oao011 Kingston, 2ith I4n., 183& 987 tattdom acases iescaltae ., trtha »Il "Vth, Md sirJob.Comimue viohca t. gUad Metten, de ...... 1....... 3 a 0 4 egahl my ateml t rune ien.Put bektd.................O0 4 O 4 5 W aGSF7 g . thealtoneebidyon théberemers .eayd MolheP"vi terArUeyCoaUt epck el d............ O e 0 O COLLINSO, HAIRE@, &ce. smille.,vie «ori e d*q ngto tube Phalh" baWgtu eleTiostto, refurumedtu .IbePu andis, mouluRa,........... 10 aOo 0LO 0 sozmxv euaa Mondy lhe 4" Déec. haeati ofTussy the onî la .Col Maitianti oceupies Lo#M ndo , pa,............O08 a00 o" O OGo WISrILT MGTW h. Eut bec cnceals th- iel liat Un* chsange tsalà iomp ate fle32ad RegimentdPut Of Scaap..................0 4 :05 N E nov receing tliu FaItandi Wimlas a made betantise imilia mvere orderedti on tb IhauiS 5 S to 5. a, pr.is . .......... O1 o 0AL O O o adeyby i er P oi s te atijeve liàa e l op b. uec rWb "aagis l-Hay, pistn . .............45 0O«00 ZM MAM F2WMU mgdnedreveldt a trike oert a- hy ueungthe rce o Aevic o MIouatempt the puocdoord; ........... 8 0 ao9o0COS@isTrrcIPAaT OF elsed vs orey wWbaDM a ke petmat rbe as p~ts ta remeremiiu ioadi The. province lhas olmmn .... oSpriorDoubele nilled Cloths, Faeioy Casaimere bal wèe feedint afowd&ý9 pemaure"gmem.........go o0.a o a9dBu"kbna, Pilet Clotho, FlushiDga, Camblels, lhe actncf lie Government, andinr Macli < alroadyasuffoed by tlii petty polcy, tiIlpenny do.pie.......en0a Cble&s3-ad6-4Mros;RdWt» wîmo " patud âà uierseaniit..qM.hOdoa 8 1o, ellocw and,,Green Fi a, Seres, aizesi apecimacoof lù ai.(suty, bymi w habusatins ta isve liUWW it impueile for lb e fficers of lb. Gcvrnmuttdacythingtooppae bleu. is w"olaplun vu comatructeti on lbeauppoaltion liai tBey vcoid sand &a" w h m'le put li baller round Bar n.cks viit tmosing sa nges spinal iim. Th.e mats .ofmui ltiacicmzie complaimé, aid te miuic h. scrilas tlb (alle.of ils plan-ma lhe executive c insithe Fsotcoures-. pacok% ewilibbim udantibarel;imof theas" of lbe Town, a»d lie depeulur. ofthlb acrmgta-' Wams bu Twto -but set te jie n4a,- ara all expWameti ant accoutetid (rby lie resoimte beum d «" etitatio e bGcveems, b, vil ut wu oe vite t e vadulise Bthlb sebeaj cas wu bople Br. Rlpi 1lef h ie 01W Tmesdmy, iadihoe v etat s . cilefiff b.obai' retals eall.asthopa of ced.iq.s e btW a Tmudathe be vaw»dumpmnl, nalsbitsnae..g lbh tatfelbGoveummnt havisg oely 1lu mms md boyasitiadfeat be ly. liea scountof Andetsoos ,emlivais uid euabi i ffupevs l atiameulaBol oiim*i bet. ii coo màm âoiânnb~y, lii. 115 Dmall eaula sy .1 Aaiasem,asi lie wu e.somi.. tcet orme lulie séide, vbkei ecli-s»M have bos Matie b, Mr. Powel, bacAe omBathé eol ie la liai ossilW" b. vu Mukoasiu'.taetal thb ele" umpeaig bum Shefiff JaMrvi.'pqm4, on M rne îwa h-r ; s allagabk egSth mtisélu% s em o W*cv # la ilUmp.oyiibi. - W0,imled t<10 bh m IbeI Mot lasteg cm opi m; tiheir " pari oftarUet," v. e*l g sue;qi a"lmt Rats Emvmepa.OM » tboy bad no, Itheiw"a arr ou et be in a specimem of MeI"il.uDIl oa- islb en <aMWk4b U. hlme'i la" muid auuamenalssgePMm$iem" ie e ckyWb*s*. ismedu B is me idm 61 mtad e le Wou"milise,rIc-mib.am ha Iqo.hee( dme go lob &o.ood, a4d doelie4ea« go sOUldnath iom: OsaIw Ollausmelgi hag~tlain mim l er le teame lal lm un lite ieeoila at wu un at àJ.e 1 calife, séMe pem.B t e su « alb.1u ~Imiss1eebseithm hm.aqy Islls svm~bel ba lotIbmblCopim.b-It me. ki aïebDr luaeb. ef 10 eha, AOt.eàsBatIidptee>.-& los*~aBahle.lim aam es muesem 'l

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