Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Feb 1838, p. 4

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e,: '*! ~~glf cAADARAW.?UAT SIDAlài M&. Tu buqe ~coeàmPAIN IRB la me alu' dm Md bi=igly os ¶BnLAUWLLma I uw. havi. Us« oule tb.a qttios WItuu.F$ns. sji U ogcenaif~ . As*ii i mayuf ic ielyopuu UISU pum aS.ovrel Enli C~!&l41*1ms i~ .. b" hlesImm JRWqia8ý ~,l N C l b le_ l e bu,.~ ~ * p.u.dufmi wou i maoi m-uiu&deoloehaait»f ualsplii. i le .esoendliaviu .em kt tSipeni1,aEaanb .aaemiti sfi IF eg-it es vMd e pdal UR . 9cAgsd* vielvs uaii. ale im deulat.at-Narlime siSiSbB lef mi ieuspvbebsagi m rsaîs,mso, Ta. n d"~ ý<w u ain.; aiutli.mIa .1vryo o-dve qatmuqu cs.u#tIsIlseS nt Ma ly i01a1l11b1utIa~ cf eshwrrMd iu e b t essutfly t.« doubl i o er- i i i i a lasgvst viii wb miepAmouy uanIissl ia"M setv re.muiue ieoi siiS ule Vompmle, md a lin.W-- au bmsthe bw. p...tiodies.01 "uiyl "fMWwicbu ieIm.aI~~. i1lscfd1htu 4mmeAaee1aW*-- *hseb morepa dlm iibrlt u i ua .mni U mleyiieibie di* 0lm thsti as ios . i.IaiamaentuIlelebl a I%* a ouials "dit 1.e Aras bele - owii Ladius' Cempmybie s mtie fi t Ilsgdes , AehmoRCnt ANIU"mes liar bola00lu0 o i he iueta a siai matca « e szh byT* . Fa motter, ,Win eburosliejgdmà*uied lien ndi n the bleu iao.w. Ràiapme, mik lei gzm etbooc pber ula sui esafBerml u aa isuty mi izq miauat .rsu dm lafuITmmdssa r aim sie 'preuntet a Tb* isan uublla mS e ntaneç y q-_ *baeairv. 1T abely A E A V »W" hm d0% lag atelle.'duusmsoid isabucmuea cose cf pubmou , l b Vnniur>lM ijit &y" pa r trua l ulux e ssaeh e o« in ofvi Omo sulie l e 3r Ctvaict one*owsmiexm rsmgml, e- '44 amia ut M . Etpoiei& &t. *y thaaUi vsienoobte l a o sses bkm*y v e 04p yul~~~~~~~~~~hi ttcsrbt,,bCasoals iinm. ien mm iy e u autu0»i *tw OreleSu 1 ai lalne diabilu a ge as ub"- i~f a ib iebnia iss up. c MisofLIbo lissarasa,1v. Jise En. La»rte elu aylr isu etM c.Isa .estyhu NJa t Mn, iP of t u , fa u t C, E xtube,Nd . MWold , Dtrme. salmi at.lae vulma utIa leo sl aitimi udgathe ti a-s aieMle? .v dMa M8 dat iNspsu"»i dwttuT nees.omm Tana at Ne, buaIMdpoeJmg »ofe ,-ý iTa lrMA IU -F. . HarijOutr mtd am l.C. rinsu«*-E1 &rAeuaa scap"husi In&ulsa ferin R.a ao*e la", mtije, L miPi E. aei IVer aid vof inrl-l the is laadlieton e - bdWSitis ea liJ e mmvi e i oi malanml dm a theAu ven us I. aofmy preisebwos Ilm c Ue clot, t.fis pou e«tr la i n tdue be oe" k nases t MdSburlemi Twuiy DesÊh vueifi inbu uamde t te lia pbasiruweas, ss.b t nslse IRa SaMM iumnd.yof duh - , Irsdofai ekdeat .tho fas cmie iapslo lite er ue £ to i be cassnit ulsula bu iutreuiuguseul md l- Pte, in esPtiedt Fre, a tb adiu a sioveouc01 te'11109 !m ovea Yavr, M MdTaloI MUSIalnes of*0 411 T PWet sttrbnr, ah Mm ad aitlaseei lu# underJIo isenvluiam et E. .WATSON, ilsaPaier. f tete i -~~~~~~~~~Wi viaqnidain tcts laael.vlneu uom emaud ethesvlsm tneit oun t aaliZmony. PelbmmA..Di m e . .Duurcu- lam lý D. W d epMmen cfLb.L d'u arm oabas tle d~umo, L-aa oupel Hm bu ue Mooer, paa vîlimoo li bert hiuu ta is u maOsuvie radm ntmoeegeiiy ieLieomvonutAlNO e kU. glie pubilaisat i. la iii. ilg radesue mnos t. o auy in oa0 0! ge Itass0is u#TM a -%V pi1u. IL vicnte t. bu. a mbei'nmO& - - aM vuabuabe.. e tianiCe seNýM" ra tein, m Ml .lasPoEsse, s M - dat vieuaviai ea. t i ed, l as ii s~*~pa~ u .utle l 0%lon a ie: C.apalm J. w a .itta ,lee . vadis dapt otiy*0 asrem. Bule,,bu t l. fd ine5àl!KteIWrb Itahn va deuerL. etL. . eutneeMevtet. m .8pudl w e r * lav e sais.oas ewoavnusd vW sonda-cnoiý ai » MY »l a wobek e.sied thav i ue!d te o M.Cmi.s r ffr go"unTii ToisWLto, lUSrodileg, Me Md in- Peter prhudcrretl oafssfts ~~P5 ~ ~ tlit <a 11 edieu 1W smTRIWOK 5 ENRA. c antFrnk phoevUi ulealzltbye eessasiby la Eoora tc y l ceebelui uLsuMk tened ail apestmao uny lmruilb lb.miyf-.a gniv:ap%]ql biu.eht Pm r4, Maistovaim il of lie duie COpuii asar ii ld tienArv ,utileveek. Reaimme., . su *ve. oai d e acouln b riltis of acfhi nd ai ur lmuofstheallbu mdgga 1 th ubisaudeoai tfb4 dw eqaistied Tre cmao o payabenlelmdnvaeMyclob - pam.I i n Ctieet e ilas A CO I- lub te aii fuobll i Il su tic ImerssslWholvin vilielpmbil"erbte mu thu itusea. t malan te h.pe aP-f-bii u m- f US U!F1 A do L oedl "LsSsm bsoblapinard, uP"tt me tNoL445F e Sr.gn m e di t m hatio Of ste mg a sd ous.a sspieve -et -TR - 1 i .. 1 . iue ofM QÀi a iteu ve b e au hmp.ait i chlls G .uamuhctnClark. msa %aul Ls tc i t ieliaveLa ies opassi he on m. B , f orou i Mv m*isl, v »Oeu, a t u iaaTE r. hI EN RAI eri.irmcie i osaipâp oua li ete nt m vIt. paceul ia- t i Ure Itfl ckPies wubea. i enMul Iam LArrDES' C ti) ONemsa i vte ydîAil- cstioisyte la ia ue ui lt aa sea viil lb jaguoreBs.Lzs-Lsvhisel Si b tsacu mal uemutica a vog a bu owdasal on t t. ramer tic ubwi ua t silat. esai k. iUpr miL Po sb id of t i tribatois, andthoi e atmd Ce boa, uni vtulaîse Cossesu Zmalt Seo,$Ià sdedmathe siancfl LmiiVoa orth. q el.5i »MM.4a&Ilai i gias515tiOiri ilits Mr ttoe Ske N. e a Ia r% ~iYâbl.in Maoe~d ut dwl t Finciul erm- doFi- r - - iLia TRIWZ ARICE GnedlTh .eou rlev'cume d miUte, 5di ;lisewo is vAilub* Leur se taUlai iadidsluu "a On For DaasCours8d li ymnt EM MPMkear. 1bM Md m suLus oSe thé.nicLadiesr lau n i,. mes; s poey t bc- l ai ten u mat ha ve i iber pulieain fn w ,ihféomr bs rm eii h e.7Fro i tes I. N evEmpeirthaï the b ysatano ee ainforma, hiM an LAIE'WILIAN MbrW. s CYdePe, h- ___ ,lmibe ouoa - W a, <1u (Ectnias early eni oas lInceul',) i 1aa mieUR BCe AP& lieOfte v-L metd h Ouan milie blmiesi O çi p«* 's th im m # slb i ausse M Iblu FN W Ma" Mkhnd * o »6&Tua, vas isadOl ru dum.u mu w btmbr ei1u ublMiX=iA, TE5 mmtM Gntean itai 01 mwiSL& grlvl a be aded *theua1r. Eaaim- nd Gadmlauolob iaie tic*es Wi . = = amfflmna A W, tube. cfexpAmatviL l .iivireeupcu.w "disser* Y' * .amai - Wuab.byp) n«uvmu.d M ie. bar niai. erdileU My m. kmwsvl MS d mg iài = du èl d sruamSu hgint wil ty.le chUP». obe ufsgVol sB Bub d mi oih. Ellvuinan 0 heretdmb out pow dasi erteSvi idwtuseve n. kus nqe m ,Mt r inrtm ia i. Euam% ieu m aemm ectel vi lia teuss - lviii very aticle e» . me . in ite *Mle umaselbllomemsN'er gtaa Md igo o amiVml swu Ba atesd Bu rllvy. ie itttamB4pn uii1~lili esepDo.atle, 8omtle e ub.oadyMeimmcubt t vi.Bd s~ DO& ce. atts Leec0,M7 FOR SALE. nOUSE ANmLOT, l inte Yuhp d fi15- puhe. in a Fum et a Frou ie..- s utqua% i., vIl I im n la lb. ra,15 *me tuaa Myut i.. 8wfW bavi ma- bail 25 acre. puay lyamai mi um tïet puaih~ G. B. Daim 14.,Na *NuubeUlelt' TROUAS DIU. TRUNE »CRUST N~iàîlq.. *çý uMaiagufFidy lie ou0 la putt ealuviusu" sip liou i .ggapl M m* theBu mia usOt*l Img let 0960i hnbuor. Tiae bu-wmg puauly,-W b bav, bes. mi dmmsutbu ouaithlue oa as=v » Wai1. 2 feet l emo aai"i PM Nmmu, âliWW mlr ubI G.i. ami a Che.t bmkg ùfaut Bcg PdMedai aImita cfý»M Wmaga. lr.Piis i Amiafuoelm oc.pusM7.i ~nt i ruiacuthe. Uui viW6usfumme qu .supbs l.neivaily *0 dabu OR mmïu me ...ca-« Yate.ssayu <mw eai Metutes, h.e, 0 lana) noticeo gve mi oa t.aebc881, MÎÇ behp W AMfm9ioea dAihus mup T. IL ITN 0 a -Ii ~~a*q1mmabsMgelél 50~af litUhi:boaL.16 a, ni0ihlbl ~vil a qmfflN .ut limav sllsra oa .IU~WuUiCau13S z: be uleva e Labo ot mot a kWluit 'x " mh a te ni of a f>6* diàsyla daaIlim -6-A _é Cii- *0 FaiM d St cuiaslmes, inSbuhlommaim*lst1 furkilyIi peteod iÉil mev soataim mm OW41aMIs; lv Civulesa asabul- Ym usvuea gasiShep, nia Me. atfonvod tmlon. a m , -W* Ou% m -d vrew , S. i s ni fla te aoe ew dt Madocaa ilu we, ausels. lie vle pu te »mveia duak*dbLA fmsery esulil. vooite mpeativMia Citerne lae puW b, CMeast te =MshRier e . angVl lag, oe u e amna very mivaatm Ls, 4a modemeetoma md md lngcrdit, te utm ellmt- ils malGEORGE KEEPIE. TO DRY GOOD MERCHANTS. ,4 . Bdliy 1. WC.. via. yàv Tig avlas ubatylaeamC- oâlof wh he hcpowil be heu on « ÎbWfthe W eai d dJume. wim » mos vof . ce bpk iomoy- A ffaille, acea vii ar r 1 Mt-), May 2à11,1837 NOTICE k..~ i buwbdusou>m Ofihèi.viia ide, ( te t rmou mof àml m ----a------ ed e limaà vlhc ,l aies, ppou- tuii hsou7ivmeaemidassitlis uiudialat lu NUam ~ew .,Yàkvl a Imeilut- ratondte. RuIRN o 1; New Yi, SMlaAptli, Wr 90 70T SE SOJ.D O1 LET, T CHAXBRES M1ILS xm T Tuuix 44P ImemmmooA d m P viii i. qwbralu the bmuea". vlaliy dfa Gi »dSa 11 buMiouiatpntualsui ou rèWt do.amg limeu Riaguea, uguil3, W Fo u&1,u fm Iatl c" , .im -A ii ieob Al 4fl 7aUi 16yutiY ]tao* oms..ii& m*e-* twple.caMse. SM TObuàw sal I4ffiducs-24à 4ajulpelaiiga Le to"liiiol 'l W m d eria s- Sev" iRamdw 4 eu et lmAd, dtua "àava- wi* of Pb n mcu. 2Th "oera mt ils f«ieu. ver im sdacmabed, mdin- Wuutf evib ààgâai21M, W m 1 MA i DOc I, E sill,. lyvuWitla içà dt .Act ua I*opn___lapusbui*WeaioglmmiCLOTHS, Do"blaMuaow umerum, amaguu,Pn a " ede i, 11, Cam e t, C um et, m d m auy Ciob.Ibsflem ies;mm olstmt 16-1 SIE1V, p&WaICallm m mleais. Rasual on hu -s vol esutuit S-hah a GICEIESWUMESLIQUORS CROCK- lm AN"GaSSaffig a1e at om &dm'es lb. Nkmeibat bu m"..ferie emo.ud bai Slow, d m ilmLmiscih ups E"bi1eli Juy, 1887. ILIL 57I FOI SALE, esmnnusdudr Ste ltm e. '1'ieie s,i 1daprdor. A cleh..halisu1OWetiuoe'uLon"eMade WEA2ING APPAIEL, T"eu~Lm=adat 1ev Xà%ao% OWy M, »7 &T twuLwuae dom uu .hMata of a be El àd DaIndu, mmd Lotts .lQufeami isS jeas stieProince. -~*LAT ALL 11t te buis . aa Nag-à:s,ûgbQ la W '"dMA buN .hm*me uMtMU y .1hmuOe, h.à-uu atoii Ibit é*mwm u lara in lb. çà C-né- vU#b piun«sel . lit ]BIUTIEJINORTUAMCA w ot-Otteq sous -m aniot. à MÉOuvesrib usir, uS.m emr kî me. ou =t=mw s"m= we -.& la SaSm I ~ <~u~mm 's t * - ~ .êt ~ i.. t .r-4 ~ twe~s ,<êpu. sJ. B aij -- -- - - 4I~ W hUih* WfA*. M5 - 5,~eSvuah, Elaêul% 1~U b bit~ ~UVS4I*1ba~. 1 Ev.-. m aN,4~L- CANADA. ~ t>se YJCTORU, 17tA.Grec. Of Ccd,Iftane Zluior<.mst BMais oud Ireland egr il oIfiL4C.4m. dix. "Met gu.tlmopresnlh sha"corne, Gret. VkWRU ean the nigbt ef Tsseday, the TWiîy4*-i Da ofA si Dow lait poýthOe IIOB (btAlIt k, stuaIs in the r, «.Irmgsumin hie bidianit District of our I~ imu Oft IerCmn&d, asuforcibly Cnhered an .elhm.& m Z.mg conneitted thernin. p .kuv hata reward of 0ONE UUj:»DWM POUNMDS ilii hi aid to an). poono.o P ae mt beingtheacatuel offender or offen i.,> viaW vi ve uuch information as Mnay lead te th, mppobooU-%d conviction of thse pelpOtrater o peipilpons a mid effence. b efcia heveof wa have causeit thest 011 Letm a e ma sds Patent, and the (Great sra, et Ou amud Province to e hIereuinto affil.x- UlIne. Ou trusty and yve.fl.eloved' Sir Fa,., Csaea» M541, Baronat, IL C. H., &,.,' br., Llontemut Governor cf Ouir iaid Prevunc&ê t1à Tveny-aacond duy of Spobr in thé Yuaiof our Lord On. 'houane I ili; lied end Tity-seven, uud in the Firot bar e Ou lelgu. 3) mnu f a LsEceilencv, D. CAMERON, SemTtary. NOTICE. A ULLCzns a deted te Mr. JoittilRtter laie ofTo" of Kànguton, Ilailai re oIpot mmd.,unit vii bu ommeced ittieat lyin WIfSitutn'rti Klngtes, 90h Jly, 1836.No1,Cutio-e TO THE PEINTERS 0F BRITSHl NOitTII AMERICA. ÉUH ubwscibers have ceascd to eAz.ucIIts fi if tcMONTREAL TYPE FOUNItDRY lii. daté. la future, ail entera muet Ire adrirero. edteothsprpaelor, T. GUERIN & Ce. ~i Ui.JOINES & o be.29 MSGURN 4.T 3E1ON IM MCS UpEctfuly&o. TPE I>rier, 1) S, t rolonetayisa h nr tef sre. d thaà & tokmel stat ed onctio 2Sth ultim e. T reia" em ar ed o n e2ilt Pimo ite, whmleerstae naowr ree i theuýIirlie ne tm mahe~ver ha*ythe anprre inter ne oatrm- mclafronb.ted thes. prcrthsinali des front the nceSa es.rageen etr luta tise Prpees ofii ew ranene tere Pintersthse hoprtet ni e; une re oco rdeayon theoscurbst entce n o ie tlrknk ry dea if cl on.rewe terciteftir an * etiocn.pr is ae ulnlr ~ Type Fondrfyaleraementae rouetnhd rj Type téic a~ude viii nrecre ueteedit a vornh OfType lje paysuent. MIGSTON & NAPANEE MAC ADAMIZED ROAI). FOIHS WOlaisnov in progrees, nallareoJ 'I'L LBOURE1IS vill obtain empinyment t'y applying te Mr. Cml, ltheLingineer, lit thse Oulice. riper end of Store Street, Kingston; Kig ,My13, 1837. NWOTICE iu herebv gistan, ttisCourt ail 1%bi daY . Je, restant, ut TWe lvûo'lock. On thé same odu ythse Offici oetthic legirno vIl bujioud, et c,. 5, on thse mmt of th, Law Socsety'a Buildings, viner. proceedings si bu eeved assi61lie, un lie nshmypo immed tiereo. OfIKibus r o tly0 ,113 daili. WILLIAM HEPBURN, Registiso. N. B.-Thiejoua bi theCourt, visici it vit bu neetuuaryfor Sbrltm omabserve, ln the to- dUlet et a mui up t.aliheang, are prepared, and ms mevrin comm ait publaiation ait the Gazette Of- CAPS-CAP$, &C. UWLOIW<E & C otale <and Reti tV .Fwf tj ieJ C'a Marufectery, No. 86, 8L. P a met, - lev danm South of thmo fç. aut IN!!,-m.« hoppasite aide of the Suent, .hW b;.*vu l fu a "q yrygeneral muoriofe ~U~CMPS te, sa auerons to enin bi~ lfuet vitis immediate attentich, sand sau o1 te tp.e satisfaction. FuaDed;-C a, Mustsfý ppets, Bonnets, uimag ek, ma= h eder, and repaioed in the moldsum tyk» W pet cent. leu. nte se s EW1~~AMIN ro aafew rema âUnV M nmeu pi nepoilng EsnigoaW lso ik *01olsPenftu i leprovince. I have c5 Y of kiusD08 e ini emigrants havie aa wnesied bhemeinsdimt, NE ls tel*a orlsalsit balf of the »C' 8"q iii le v l ineheutmn irjboatd mvage quatslty ettabdalne- tvmtcilaiiia" ie;" t»iseeore, 1I cmi'a- amulee 98 mimi ef«Enmoelles,adiO 51 w le" wem utel resetif locti .:"b h.Wu et up-o&inlaStore Street, Kuiphai lifietCeunie. D. RUTtAN, Laud Agt wSm b . îWDyved la eyevi.li amd oeine w pmjtje5 j u pid n an suMber. nnptJ~ ai the r. ~t~uMnin,~.., ~is6t.sd i Ojr O F - - -e in*aa. ------------ 1 1 1 - ý 1. ý U bi. adZ >i*uyi Tissssm liP! o ell - unw» quai t 'at te 9,94 am yai Nat ber8la'e il*Pm ecord 1 ethe sici lit ic hemots @1 J» boii osntivé rixbt aideaofbis le aioilder. Tis v"m o îg custance dacews e '! sund. INe aponissgrâl isrfound tebua làpiagço elusls mmrosl,00iatjbddt.be fie usaueil' cuI5Wl %ut. re eirprite eofu@H prisent, aà Init, brokeli short attise ower part of oua cf ti11110 lie roue detiend mmseltls' hé iount fer il tsecioandl rery Plight'muriDunbils bacI, rtll accnaien ijiot tau ti carcmtof a eusse ef Novembe of tise pisent muise moier Dr. Ennne'a notice, "t r;~ portion of lia prougumaslaiouni 1 fd thse nec, bakiag votiedlhlf à ,rihisdoflse-buck. luei nd the uman socs racovernit. ha airveit bis ltiete nLedendei ,tis e very foM1 Blclyof tlimiite* pprentscabuy, viaavlsi vois ii aci, brutezsl bis ioà d tie Tiser. Mr. Sklpjaci, vie u iaractmr, isd a mfi" peits0 i îr'c truite; et Ine@e. it y mer y atsbiug thesag w t1r-1a poitl khit; in~Uu I he diii not, aleemd,mas ry prog reu, t v*és e,lmlm er with thse tt@M Oro. . h11alk *. hoishe $-t tisa typIul hou. Puit il sat te r sv y Atoucit bis fancy. e e mm i é n: cf m-t iabosut ii, jute lthe 1 coentactf the Case, À dove Stg AI is monkey fage. sîched 'te he 4 lorlar mînner. sppreàe n allba b avasçg8 ho nonieyo iscise 7 efi on s aI h, rouit eiully le apai l uth birndant rsomnfur hbu Utrec and teV On tise upper saut, voTi a coupt af type already oei the l.ni these te n.oiay uotimée ith H, cet notau lcaefilaident. Word al a line; on dlitiimsil tise alPiabii0t.hute icl*tr hi np by isiola isufuea ii tise Most prapogileemsam~ abut hlmt on au i isa u-ule went into Vi bit,aorDB salle r in howg&tst isanliere vuel iringlei t laetier. lçniywuubInna Word, the M«1 1aywul i cf tise Ivo gailya ui .1 acrnnplisbed in Sb i eutw t. 411814lelst h9e fmmr bieir dinet but"sho is jo,he Ibrev vMi *4tgta earlv fiseuîelà-ibl eu tuhoen S mt e arum rieter at woek. SOjckled vu tlia mu,in 0Pte wu dioinw. tliai bu atf adc du h.&l uiticout inenmeli oft tient Q canimeaut isUe lsite se, hl, tire fui or' tise lu Colanns, fypa, -e ,ara'0 wioe ai. duyt. ubon, letl bis "e iby t-"4 bdplioi strengli lisey bai alai a ite B-StîW",«atmet sa tise nudstrY I e iit qa ittogeter sati isIo v*6li dt hee m&b,-sI isof OIce e M s's inl, 1

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