Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 27 Mar 1838, p. 1

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1; I 4' -~ .4:~ ~ POLI mmj -air, .1O U JN. muet (bagaeeili aI, mmd the Great bnu ïa' aiWTte &,mib W.r ai.u .MtT N&roL iC tH'. WA. IL -M Mee to . A0cnts for YPE FOUNT>RY fi, rie,, mul be adi.e,. MJUN à C. JONIES à Co. 931 k C4. TYPE FoUN &fM the PriMero &e. ApacY of Maes. Le. Éie MSh ltime. Tii pte lb. arne wmtt 9. &nbàwM entervd b. mmable ge Mpply SUI »ai Me oneceRs. l lbe receipio et h. order Wh. bve Publishoi the NAPANE ZED ROAD. p in pre., cmd good ob(xl employ.nenî by Fegimer, et the Ofice. Kioplen 7. IIANCERY. e,4 Iht th" CcItt i c Hall*,casMmdy, ti. et Twelvc ecehek. Offic of lb. Reg"t one b.Bument of tic W"t Pemeesdip ciii [AU HEPDtWf, be Ciail, W - it ;ilI Bing, -r pmmw, mod mtIàet léb Guaette Of- IPa, 4La. c'a Wàorlk Md R&UEU pNue(.*p, Ne. 6, m Seonth el for- mite aie ofthe Stel y general essortaent oà ucreus te mention- muediate nll.elioc, Wo matifaui.. 90, 'Tippela, Mueota, r, and rpa 1, the :ect. les. tiaiiI uccal RANTS. whefv eni mmi tal~6c tl Wbi caigabhv U mmmli. a" ik P. 1 bami md evelmi u*m uIt pi te4pic fcmlllced o 1dmel Imeele. Inioal- emvea, sud rdl opa .8g TUESDAT. !em~m1awe' ;Jdl i de~ owt of tt P~fuflie<u mwu Ma n .ÀnAtthe faIb«iq exb muixc1(M té- C.. Nome pil bsPer0fiI0Bmmm o triito featlowiig0 <du t e fl .the à.ic auwc m 2b70 ote..117mgii b le Aehg o.glr. dam t 0111 à,* ti pef ifCVilme C'iz it ot feewIem4mmat b..e, .,it wbkb ~litci e mi mi.I tgtebreit of adq l1.ftwd.Dmeialo Oln htrettfli ltamie. muet e *0 m- n'fterbel .1Cb.en uid«tc l ~îî îlts im e mifo.ripn te= a"d lIlta elOenuk f-itheb.voai hzies, wu a ,l ofcruing thie Inke, anicvi oig îbeelvm i, tr camp of the disaected. tie~iher woi it lexcie oume noh6bwMCO10l j'eif ht larg squlnnitl es o1*i-arusb"i ben c1,factured i anduiiiiimo hippeell m l0rooo LrerOO fe mie evc-Aà» !theraTits, acceon eut cle eie ,introdin inflmthe De e dttmg.W. thtfi ceuli nt surprime us te lad, tW itlbémm Sbdtleplce;- beemne i bu bie blal- ioe fsotomvarico0 quareti Ilcat iIMth e oe iibe other m ttatt npofU ftete T. th- Editoe Of h. Uppor C" l.He. Sta'-Since every point of rommuniciatai a- thIbm Province anidilie Uetpd $SuIes h" loset. ectity op«visi',f, the sebels Oiheir o etttc agamuliu hbavi bleneo- àn»uiaOg bltlu t à.eýw routesarmues he t ,À o Ambrerg bwlai, Ïmeaie ce nhe font of Ie Ontai jo bao bec veoy gomthâ i. ut'- k n one gdsri', suipci-oiiht p ta toappr Itaenel.cighhuooo, r.m t , adeir onkth atarm, oxpetine ta Mac- kt ,taolj hL. ,,g would pae the a nvisit tcala~Ynotice %vas ent lé Kingasto,din pn iOtrme, evry on liu, teuci arm ns amerte land, mandsmembldIo e UO"nofh~a CVt or pwardoý, on the moti mue of tihe laanai, eteriscd te prvet Itîto WVîcor m»Y ofit 'ratés or Spies fro Flot uting il euth thcw nealm. dt teet. In the. conum: ci the. evctig Cptah Mrrsn aiord with tes Minces; soieswm ~Lâshed, and befmre "aie two p' pMii.peu, cou ,Kd V~P~U OAN*~k, ~4V~~ÂY, MAROR 27, ~ m.te alter du 4 a dhe '05b4 km.pom. ib eau 04 dmm sm, 6 ealai- -dur woeker b la ime w&t u1mi uo u wme le imy svulauimpl 4 la1 hivuec SMd m Vaw om = "p-i 1e dumtJmanted Md mlom l ."P meu O&ibm eue; içi Dr-. 1>e h.io@uelci *tre- J Puhtiuly as Ir maln Mimi »lxeMUC.IL CAM lepet Xsn va mly boh b~cI Menth méd- lau dd, t6ntbe hmbee ma tmt pu mW«4M 080"it m f tie gmpwo imintlioSfur, l-e .a s 6"uem eom, ~bmw. llouebt l.tains ouor ne a of Ice m'etbeym *Tcwe hluhI m bis 'M naM cl -bM.lf1, Vie pés, ilasiuedWO gy lium vmay. On ve vu et fint » ahe nieseicof mbis ia d- ~,linode, a bm mz ,ta tust lie Medicine. dei. ftE -îàýât scu"a m.àMn rb eli% bU ne the lismptimele rogceur tue lb.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. thémi il.aiea aeflm.egln~la <deffeu, ailii = àu Mi, mai t0 see im uaitd -îp 3tiiýiui t bau a anlg mt lv..lOre. ftbou.. ve'1Wou prel&tea, a duibmte eel ,.3*a eubllmm en tcmedal ellegu in *h0 ltbsp->it. at e 0 omo me4 b b etidwdadefrs tt c ternit ~oo lb. meonq= mav,et teàu d lii e: ueitut.ul lc iser,"eic aua the inedey tie 04er. The lmie=m r te lue g«7oui.lo biiI mnr*oag eumbui ele iai boob Î ely bape, i ye sec t te pu"lli iis roedttOmoe, 'ie'W c«ôuj g am. inle7eeslmili pmFr.il m"atimanoef - ee a tely iTeeet la litir ciàracter, yet e' caim e anu 7liee msy chers mppmrtehae eau, ,i. IlisqUit. a mtaeseMPPM liai le deulcu- t h effe*m et pui çcl. jt. bI.l. -ava *almamyIm o. b [ihe»Oi limbif Dr. vve uf uâ S"y 4 mimsss4etitlee.. ost ItemOsty, d tu Io" etualî, et ctedit mm eA une lier. if May the %W mb re pd!y e». teale e, m e.remiigalu0"e v«<y vacMhe lmu .Oi4dnw dbon. Jet et Deuralplute wmite ndeuthatintWi Maiesmc. plm1wJa4tl te ijet e*h Uoau* ge- oraily hia mm lited h m âta tnir umo. GxamitralkV.b.00,,18n83. hitfeuxmeis atreeeîing ce a preerotive te Ohurvn in lea laie*ar -be, .itàc86% ita W"hiabuhneme lii,, smd an thia 611cr la mrea- méejea cth. e al cf Dr. Iv%, fume. limaii d' Y lte long, b. repeelffly smoime iiaL . 40«4ie,, eMrla, (eeM.Muay lut e«nM0«17GOOD WILL. oue ltie doleeteuî,) 1 bie mmt'O e lite pr. ticeo f lie eue of agetmme o "Situep iigA mpkrefud tLaijhe Univ.mty of Eue- aCle m*we nlttaIe y..imedfd,4 . Nl fiienusl ati, gretly1 ba na perreett e, <teanl .pMsrpftd a et éit w wle oia cip of papet dic power o eiilein.enbsilffy md c d pccI .ingter a ianmationo f tlis ,beaet lut bocai mplu*. Ti= eiimi. "M ns. =miaisicvioed Ibait wueilier=oa f thim datk Lat-1 in the fore pmt' i411Iyiii dmth e le inpomages, te decypier chiai,,., 1th.ecilt of vu tocild imd maWW cuti Wnh U.oli.yccibaiv.le id rtuaIit vu ài bam. 17 U tie m *e cf Dr. Is tm iut aem at o in thloe ccm% wanteulb te#. au. net f eTMeirequenuae..Afliutbrhie. fdem e>smma=-- e Iriter of lieu ugudl mitw encnmcvceela tie momi mee t oueud p. On cf bis papilaInmeiiutil ru. (W. rbeeame4i.p w, gi lcutcf curethle sgiliet "w'a V meae ou 10mni th Prcfme. A fox rellef, i cuepiM'ct e e bmmmatimc i fîe;achet,,sit'le ue am.uc."A eypu pMiten, mei elai " csliii W afin- . hnei".Bs , . ci bybv mà,itrn in -y4vcyem M ~ mil. m.ue Pam m "d mo*ti. le lianrirs kept op a uficieut gnmai, bainlg ciiladiceEùd Pïd7q&i7*Gî- t*. mirai iosse odaalmiescOi Ml mtlY e.-ceef mnuaWcMfl i em -4 Wý ïfl . *. nition fia sun ar loWt1, mi csedà o i* wdnmaf0iue*m-t%,a wge McLod; mad cnicaqcsimtly aviag ehils mipt-aelmihanleir - lebecu unadai ue-ibw n w Z i ures and sImitioe froin lerM y' ai"ma*, rYag a tie, h-aleAmui mi in kinoto, miam-li a.. ., ot.Ocy me o! attack,,ace have catche-i iy trtte iaitl gbtMeet cuLhay oluaccbiiu-b,5âg~ (~1-a»timtll ceaming vigilance, uad bice laien mmv k ixe dltea cétm4 sr un ilb% m~ iet- y i eeasiîsin i adui ws. A piquet o! Cavatcy icqia mp a ewma- l P-~,ier »014bt blot,l&e.or.1b v-jhba)tih*. a mc.liremsgbu hW a ..uon b.twesn o. and Ki;golcm, cetint ce me."ltnai MA#"setrga.>1-"m mcusow eW, se- I.fai a lenr tike uicnes Oemnuellonnai iel, lnp.omln eSmie-e ,Dotimg lis lie aeMI4 Tm. mmi Iii. thei si,,rm cet--ly volcuary, ussclut eceve Remle elieenoae et lns e'.peli ,icoia b40s04emi mm~Iecy iY ar ruî e s ay bolIly, In tlie lsepuo.. of s5Se lis hvaknime, COIectout, id nlipetre fosc so r oceillerru ad ptriotl Goierner, 4"iltI" Mac intmsed la bemedy.Aiýfl ifm aet mieak." -ZP, ,.tia" 'aîe and Uri rrel, or Vin Er-nisceme nduni ive.aefte h,*ac, Sra a he ngUiSle j > ..'.u. ui nreu "cerne if hey dae. " Tiey viiifini the patient meamale eVai l etet m mcelalc"I Mi heati. odeil iliiîî, axpetenceol bands le skeleten, c* ahisfe nig el $a limsepci oît tie arcs cet rusîci teus, for lhe protectiom orcfdieadlufii hlmi Wlci . Uitetiim b.edhv el gutute a fouluet, mii.po, nigaiet adirdmirable Csi in ndteâKr fUm*o ie aiusgetireý.u 0 acuMt» blemi"d.IW r ýer Mýjesty' tbe'ici «w & iccn"é-in as o iN4o, htl Gt sreth uen!e a lbo bbis eit uaipbl ni_____________of _ à G. inquaetlient cciwed a 6ic*ky e.l kmlerst lilnns. 13t1 Mach, 113&ml. h-eb N kpla St W% k=litebeblt, ýiea PS.-! woa!d (miter emani ILti a si- c mthcretefgusb.cdmu.edr. y~~e ine Soue tre t-he s.. b ppls lepilai P,-AbewOs fébrle e aimon ceadurt of!»no f «Ymue ititnOie ebiMi. eivuct m.qeeely.ce 'lcyt h..l ua,-tet ed oronr thîe men very mmci ap liey deci mt fet iOiei icieiwr em.ccyleMds o. e4gn 8 etyAbmmi mroq forwatd ttfa iérnteue owa icîy.lceag dnq o"i elccas s smucliaWa ev,wijg tbb au" 7 b éiegueb Refty hii~ mLe' eoption of!te nén e le pcth iaidut7 eorh. qenutit h ariybaJ9, vb.a ~au . s ei e t. ad p baw la IL Il i etirely owvimg taothl oylîy &d ani-i oliml. ucn *ad eItm cIf -'d »- SI. P el 01bi OCU eociclb rtkrlirdmiubu ia I.cp.n efla tbd im<'M delayei. liarenmuc vcW âme cgmp es, iou.lebepiw*beegNit0i *m a krsiLtes the etwrtaly =o7e miuiusmtmeic a of ie.tsmgac w s nein, 'ýbeS iimon , , làSne ro moarret imete cf mvryaon.miou db., iaem i efilieiitsphî laiiy.btgn empdieneii -. -Dd exmeto veey ais.te olme." bis vite i l &-40uwole , vuiauig jit ILb4b.kfeeb »d«,MA *le Cbm bour, @ ae MbO'imwepbget ber mfe-rkmim.3 Tsrhos Esit.îsf t nIUppcCa addti.ll fms'ammutaeoe A.iislu iiILITAri.C mrTS-yocu »eoAx î. biprtll uge icliiaQiplcutbh 'imeuisanecnilydami;h lt vOutl, bvc iii bran expertuehidier w c hts<bal demmsiei b*% temmmsa, lou e gpo> b'l lm haigcmtebeaehes up @Be 'n", Yeenoncn tenid age. It is comy te bicci a mn .c hphe i ln;ltvmbueeugn eeQaal 1lei,, WP, ori acho il recinte Myn o rem. Il -lw' fIà f tOhCsOraIC offeci iil tladril a mme bm à@bo"S.. c*t l., tasqt t agu eroneoalie, crli c xpc e ci n o Y lcermN i iiêale6 fgmei e.lels I nrstte Qâk? I iil le tlb. Aiairai ls, *0 aiuusa dulthi-hseifli. l* ualiu rbr5Ide uciEnglish Archer cli mie tmu eth ahn ovois t= W14 , mitbewtit uIeIIwBeUdlhéum lieue Ole eli Cis pparently fae Atier , ciether ioacem 1 lake Mi "sgetem use y ciertertias. ut lt kt ooaRi gba. ireaib efrolereb~ a el bas <h imSait te -mer. in isei s Th remer bv(he Acir) bepc Itbeir &M Dr. 1;;,$; sta el 4e.i= o me w ~i 411lk ut m4Amp0 soe'.rry'.aînn(4 watt4pie ud-msa AIns f tiil Iele cane citi a privteî ce-.b$" aie4dm-eg*5 Iei i5r- -si i, tise te iot bt lin drill ; itlàtefumi eÇlia lse iLý.lb hti5lllq1ciIi1lit Ire 5 wl0 anoUlicer 1 m.,t~! ~~mo~..5 t< I oL en a n lo..- n ecomes aa veudi..nlteIU sU m ihadaaphlvfp. nCe îePoiis DiplineL bhomb104dU i-i tb* S1i'pi.~gj s:ri- the tenoee eficient ibc ee,- Uem" ,,,-~vilîiaro me njitiahlm fetiasai L.t-~ i e le b. p erra~ ~ mes te bar &PICohecb gOP1I m1tm.mm.. i ri-et [ aG lte owbse. AnSte IC tans l tri begelot t$«eismurpui"hi',e1a iadr*e upimue â aui o tilr do se; forr hoha$ notlit<cie e r du. l. '4 j>mpyiP!'the tcq-i4 Of r!is iiilary Scheel-bor.uhip 1ba longione os M q. 'Ib s in ~sce, hebisba!bilita iiay a. ill-ar & ezb;d»f*0ig b. him lis brait. Thei isernn3 econrny cf bAi _=buh *W ý,imntîis familiai te , andkis o ws iic Injaced ta cq =ie $Msai EtAle hing hunç liistmer n t ie, o ilcul cd te evw oç d' > ' liet'.s line ho e lamime ttcmup.enet hîtelv rinm 1ble doira open n ieon bédy-b to.* w le n'Ces Dt t tiaust is si oldiera alrengi9bjhy nea" cdettes or severiem; hbt e mouses v4 l > 'un minaimi< zen Ch foi tire balle fii, wudt kncingthict thlie eéqtilée>1 mriale hsainesof a cldier imte FIGI*T. & -pe jy r ai 15 iuecoem ain -es rt es ra ouisller b u dibi art immi a nd et H.k w Y ucture teIris soe gond d ap-nis Dlecinades i « -bop-e bia"baOle catgeeimtMoi- mm dlk oe e n t he AngaiUi be b hirc. - e veeeSa- hiriselfi and le isk bievin" à kveh d ~ lt-O t c«maDdj ce t Whi *. 1ite mmmvi ehngcf lie imtmil uumytt*, I. vt. He kuows a net mte deim *shs»- bis --MW" welIq., - rruit h kmsneim cet w" e i 1 andir,- s ~-. - 'e yE N= of Nez . -, w lyColonel NoIté emi in ci<be t cml) »d Me. Hait- a kee is mpcted pe . -Whou ley m ,a*mabout Iu ras ef= a» d nl iiecstfap 2! id a "el , md r.i.jbs Pstoes»Jid km k lae .cmr i i dier . eicid Me faveurit. Doer eue (wboi kciem eal35 jek 4 lthlb.WA) M[ai .ivamriag cclii aie 50 Md bc di beemcaed ier the bere. Eic - mml b cm deiidz ili' ecere-y a MdO Si flieb.deuiaeded Ihéir m'n, #ÎUA. ntmiei delver U MWt CIIOWN otPree order.d bîhimladiiCA fftAm 8î@fflr v sued, wchcab ecordingly di, aui the uCmt tain i"Fierrdi t op ilh greal tu ueq tia e Mcâge. 'The prij rs uere put iot th.elie mii cd4acveyei ote cgafficcli et Mq*L n theb. kulocing day lb.7 dir-re cent boïar m eoret emmaneded hy Captain Radyerd le Tomte. lAXIe, Faon yTU&5ZLtCT O5UJTTE OrTu* ým5.ATva GOSCIL or up151 CAIDÀ, ont TiCaS sTTE Or mm EpEOuyC. (C..d.tee.onlMr ut lot ce mut lremember that the lcoaptalion Io Qemon in levnim epéects. stoe,tIo aveud brhgiçthiegs Ici tbim ime> ty miieg *Dy pair!. hie satile: a thed b. buoif L»cvr Canda qiuxesbes 1w. maey imans where Ibis temple.. t.cl bu pitulc. 14o CemItulim tu esc ~nd loo g miost the as- sambta te h it i liaxposedcoder ub a yteci andit il he litirefal cfsss o f peomci, ce realyj5tllev thanthIeir ltocfGocveromentis r;zef. la mecure il igainst tho grcmtemt daot i.ZLaxpsdlt'o.byrevirng the Execctive Depmtneela fmoc a stite of ruinomna dependence oncekob. mbly. Tieg is anilier ecnt conoM@enteccf Ibis ie- pesdesce in thé laciptation le whicb it upc... lb. PabieOffice,, of tie Colonyo te ingratiale, thenoielcea cilb.theleaicis cf àfacfton -bo tie meacare cil te tiem, or witbiold tbir subsWetnce, as liii>-pleame. It ay be iuled periapo, tint hevever Oh- Vicc O;e cceslcns e.ay b. Io lice, vie MI otanîd Seul igitly on mutenamof Colo- niai rfflemont, X.t itthe iinulute cab neyer btaght te Zee.àncedge Ihein foer, amd dv go£, Loplarila cccoli fie biiummifmmete u cueiti.etwllou ehîiypar Ceemalttebhâvc expressei. le order te affSd ta- lietaglhinA rio efitnty, jer Corat- te iiaffend le li. rpen Pam c ages op" Mte fr. 11cm'a e.'. rLW]âuàtevie, ebu laie- l.~ cnai bs beimuceo sao l ta telsW tai Beé 4401 ict cliiuDclei i .Ym 6'100 mIfeunaiUnteoepami~burieJauni, at cimème e eme'o m ut ie tis m ce-cfSiliawe~ecahI f tb. ulieey,bu cteel e a iow =»teblternea ememica Toli Geeecasl ame <lie igrmiatiec Mdides- ýmoclmampaabh hm mh a syahis. hM boisiluslacLamcCiada are tregoaptetsed cli i hm oclio, isteNallmli t"l ,um.~c lie 0 Mior" <I i a thlb. Province esoclprome" cm tsu seflhange i.aemdein ils Conatiot.. set.t Bey e t Sm*abont emm.nce,ueiut am ausa.pumaten of ulismudvmat;mm esides liii, il. sai, iaItei" lacs-ai emsm aoe uanntaimnule laideacy, isithait haleig- Ptugbté Oad uio aime bd"van mepe orm a* it ew sr".I »sem"et qoie sca* 4i ad hey.Rpsmwby IieS bgs lb nMi g lusiemet L*Mc.Camnde, di cea,-kW cleuç~ e à"le-et Uppme saie, u c ml n.mmllbog mue a h mand1.pibeish;Bey H. fl Rwx.. Prial« ILP......i. 'l"?07 , -7 bm tctuetliit ibey haveapsa ofi lifeelte bela-lped itl ) "MUveIMM waa ilesibameté itl 1 ftce&b e0mue M."eca eb" . hve la'm lve aeic ep-p.,uc Bey bai. cquiy c 'e1 r w evn.~~ -a-.~.-.J iavu m~ -~ ~ &aiu ocila ieemoiaîflmtevol kidh le 1.ema ii tep teel aetia sai; ua p u% *1 s.ýi y r*miswpbt: o. mIlr ~ve ca f *n0betau. aigibme excia em edti remethauat m Wi* tolepveyfcimday . the. kec!- ing bcieeiiv ce aslIc m~ii lie Pr.m"t silse.ile libasimm*We tm* 4&i.e psml lemm e b"irvoe .1es teacies anMlmii<,j" liai ieCvenmedet ai ýuslit bueg ci&nl. (ies4, li ie md xmin mmtus y m m a m cb amie u dis" W» &" aneul % uM d t e ddefu mi beu ad a wi.a aheid" le altile ndlsgi 1up.*0 rr lemauhcim <etsns i 1 ieee, mia mic et :MP7 md I.eu Casa., citiuli Mu cet ~ ~ lb abs- mmtb *ee-- lb te- te summmbn' Jsâvémiý -L tbànue,, c t lvc mi ub. mdu- ntivn emVA» the ..bj.et 1Publie b Wl"c iwa i cinmercaly t. lie lIbolierw acluha f om f Ibe Pemple 4 enis triséermil pare,mmoltlie itelomezica cii O:eat itai, eu nde. fiel, pt-cavaICcmbli<.i, bccli b chiip cudmaielb. " e 'myb.up.nleileirldeenMuncthe luc.aieccf tli e MlesacUp mgauusua «rUm mule*aiab«i noionb e tausm ceuWti bu e e qoreanabb for thbb isthbaliw'c< iii Paec. f ictere conn- ftilm otfliep Pm etntecu*lliendmcprobable fu- t-ur tl- la e Lcr Ca"e,, meuh eece to tou- pe lic ImpeePn ialhmt te favour Ibat pro- ject, Iliumseau . e i alil that : e percnîty wiii b. asndita 1nie peupleci'obfthProvees w ofleicg oey uggedksrmm. Anotier micac. bat been psopemed, eameiY, theluedIet lbe limitae ofIbis Province e aste afcueteimai of Montreal, aldcetain parts cf the adiamt efi tciery. Mmeau bc ne deut tînt his ccclib.ueofsecilable adcaatet Upper Canada liy g obereaporl me faie the oce, asi lueabheg bette mmie n tevei- ne ceoctcnsarat. di ber cmntm. il ceeu laie fromu cder tbe Govemcunt of Locer Cabada tbat -Portionofc e titcpousle wiici bautai..lbth end mn b.lae riejlutmovemtet: miandcciiiplnce lfieu ureri= ealece cf thtr. lace and tr. legs, anýrbtu, tliir ove idvaetage, soi t)c the beneit et bah Iheme Colne,. 'The cenbry wcha >,#mui lie, thle ?revit«ceof 1owen Canadn *=Ild nelibem e lFily t laie. iiIf in mt ai- tiuia basilei.te lie Molier ýouutrY, net ccclditis beeliliy bumw femiiclendmoi cder Ibis son"- meets, Quebec mionbt cetllouas il o««Miste b. lb. remdeaceoet lb.r*vemrGeeerl. Tinte re mac7 adyemlaafvqe of thl Plan. chiai, in lhe opinio dceur Cooablee, sieuld recmeeu.d il Slrongly th«e l. ot ier etjety'a Ceue mout, T'ime f a yei nîoltb suestbce chiaideserv. at list tlebekeintuîur,n ttinasuei«cof lime InfiniNcmthAmeieCélca olu ieilegi perbpamog tumefediani asti Priece Edwé famd.Quebueluit b.e eavenratlly liýbe »sud Qnxtem -of smc aCoofeimncY; tie Lcilhcre Ufl nthe b.suscier; emch Col. ony m ipil cc L & tegl r , f er pmrp ee cia h el eci ffect Ibeir relation le G wm t itaim or te enci ather migit b.cmdulleite Unitd le îmfuc. 'liexn ec mmiybekeclo, cili imitfil uexpectedImhinmuch cange, ,and Ihe VouJ be obta.nei dtbaut dmnviolene la t ecyrodaim a chiéch h Frauci Cmadl= may b. alcoe <c hW e sie mi reut up m. pVI~ aMIit I. ases, iaI, im enreuece -" --.mufr dent meuau, *.p a featully Iakup »mco Mfidbly4c«i. tcne it hme pà tw .. , wkbwej bvephced i pai theo veaeb i ddanmser issu n.,MyMi itwmew have Iebrew uee but w. taem te Mr imie tiagear ' thaia h e ad it vcygeo csmequce.W. onet Zt leae eUpe nel~0 aB? - ns willlns, Wnu able, te d iiemal 4%x4 hnier. n ay aI17 leu bout ,ND a,. cener lie feceM enicmbeit i. .eur ih Ilion shcci4 le Ive ce lireeas ammmte eii tic, May resurt Tor assii.am mmeàli« uma cher, loy cclai ablle upu n «Jruid..,cal of Outy. Fer ceol cf tlie preeeatiocs th. ciel. ceS- erfs fronduer cf Ibis Pm'vecewufor a4Wffides. hie lime alon U lartedy cleiduv critical mireuma. The people midl numberi *u thc fone te umit el i mc.m as. sicn, but citbcoit arma in Ibeïr hak", « il ibmt th. means of pteccing "lie cea ey Minvu el the peint of lthe expeclni ultadi. 'lkie lvai., fromtlthe StaI ct i Mcbisa, tank pecrmuo et se biainje ieRives Detroit, and, d i an 4 Scicemr, banete ballf er l. ova et Aubki- iush, as ce have aleeaiy dtud. 11« ae doa mulet caver cf letgure, aa Iniieg vuIoehait been mae- wpon ou mane abe.. Zi lJ -Zi : hut ospe e.. mmeumilsi iabulm taome b.l haIvvr b t ara sed "y im@" Ib the epavnsfnef, liaIt bef, vu mbd a, eM- pieu. n ofY depiopin wcIlils eeràtht.. hua. ai lieu te cmqply Ihemelvea ith m&lltYQ a amst, by, M.hig s îry piand i uceiii laek opcanlicramnty, k lbahyeu Mes meb aile Ibsi sncb * ipeWm i pup Maie en ce, cesteci ru Iooiet asw" ha. sv im.dlately a vereinas ebcheblr t eacn. lait, sud magt have ici nev"mby tea a obual Yecr Cammuitteot connut avoi, on Ibseccue, rvtotiagta le fact»lhe lb mcl! gpan.m u c ic kt carensnbai beinisned sit IPt Nheg mazuit Aucbeulug, b lb. ie ut .gtv, et imue yens m f tlidgmcs: mman a llsm< litee hmmrei milles, betRd.n qMpm.a bPiig ceaetey, 18foiMrlie kM4 tisomiqat *aliepuuc of a «itié mlii. W. ibave lt liat tbin #tep un hîy ne mice a rpfecuf (bl eapm-.mi iee cemmnnis l s 240-s 7 .1 UA

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