Ci thie asasmesa C~os5 inèa fig aft. of tbe comaw Di. i od îbeb - *, oydta-4 digvtet as poVetetau 'liip nea ped ais 1ai pf",ao< 1 C% os (heJ iV.eM~ ~-4em ait tbe ,l iatint "u.à thetGarehubit aaisas Cess pll b ueai>' te Of . acslu lUmmiuadusutosh th* fi * o ra&uï. q. so i Ke-qormLc u " ,soathe, ceti-ole tu thltNvillde=s*iée oftou apte ii. i vmi!tiseScms. ot idi. qes itl sib-eleun mailida1ylajw wy 0eleIs. mmlqe~ti spts ban bt I ftt e v' A ltn b * i eOmaknl tvatnem t i «pmavait mgp 7%, vt- s y e variaen ce .a t h l a the t tlse di t àm iteirIah CaOLoss,. 1Vayut v"Mýwes*no v ea»Wo. f ,amho te tI>' mentr li a ' m - i". pelaciptos la- Mt theau, vW"IeOjlevi -sn tr v. îoil inthos e vos> mrtent elsegai luItl(bey 1 il, >'a- c ff1hni roeln sertae e pemel mgr ifete cmeticta', 4the: aorlmbeiam a *I4se' l Oleatitel ..ia'o la mch a rliaaqit etMl.ja iIt m lboil a lieal off em. te**a BdMl*011110-1, Prcrogatvor Mb. e ii ennhtheleand #W tm.s "1ehdlemandasi sppot--amI <behy- lais, »»gl)l 4 gtqWmétaihhae wriu fthcl orsa.1tMay nsiey iî h t u qqIiapalimth th Rc egret -t --dac,thlth ir12.~mnitc nriait i lia supot cu evei, uticaear f tria, b.te- ïtppaojaitadf 4h. seveuonsi;bolthMita- it denalhItem. * la is sotlcleaut 5050'fol a&rtOg.atel The inbabitata off C0ýa nas c nal bdlî've, tMAtLegWsatute mIa omiueda.nallcbeis atte jet gay> <Zoeramntmt ai sba Iboa triti rtepamiili- crma -sudel hi. 'oli> f mtling suc cceat' to !Y>i -ait h people aaI-m%31ad tf atlamaanitig Pnav- lsts acebdame .Wise tho anli tro e thechci lasiWhoe "omeoenpeveaa«aily Imelvu codut of an cileer, vis. hing oteteil mth hba bhandel Bai lu stop,;amd liey it; 1.4 I hte the lefence ofas otees, aoutit emplay "ficaî (0u0l lamie te e*0 diMPeï t!irli-ste naîM-ain tbektoi ,alUndùwum liatsi, la celer liaI tIer, migt *le aligiaet.ba8tlC>ta..a<nSt hi *himg loftlote na. 60 te Il@aprtethsusifthtet' tra ltise asi off Great ,Ntin;bosjet haies aild y jurCouaatiteetf Beltin orof tieuain. Wbcea"«il mue camte te pon tl b a eIof 41t p mepouti foW a Radical y ihe trial, tii>' km.. "thic>' ult aaba lefttet.chi;. isltai Costitution cf tic Canadien, miab 'o #t,t.$e 14 e fan. rtisaIlammiytho<es off hA- buina n yjltet d- tfite "-anud mhlit an aima-tic sens.0of ntisbonhus, uîlLalikmt ou-thI daeuoff the Ammbint>, l l Laer 'ov- 'W idfi 1,« h u.Lk-aIliifirlu-9ubjects t ainsmecas- fluespatc.laly, have isismd thiiithesatoutaI&a mo, sud *llLuactesls, tea ehoua tom ranI.0uhe umase valouc. W. mcailte uire te to Bitih s mpire uhleIlà lai utranasti taefeum aiethetLeglaîlulivaComdilman lectiave ba>'- he tieni. Forber naae ltheras moU -ietnr tàe SieceIl las .Dow become apparent t'baI thse Of pu- mioï ali 1tepele Mt me Prov nd rmfor tse ration frotte ttc Mottar,'CasaIt>' as ttc abjetth a -puceeof *bm uoil sui s tovei i "--w de lle -utici toccpeliica*-eseW lI qmIy ia vie , cà hhetLboteahud me logoanlaW usan4;aaitcmitus- il l tsorfpiust;t telr ointlshud bae" sibctp" tien uil armot. Tvety milomof manc. tnu anilv directa'd Ibgàesstn th ilitbat-t =1 'batse, là aa qMt f iMtecrn igl lteuiopbl, aier, uticttc Leglative Couicil nmate! rpp- ha î bodevatil ie ssai I3-lit * uho.lit adelption cntuIta ech treauoaalrlctrsieis mog ai lbs th Mý of teoctrai laaitantaoutber Wes laie a - menerasesieakheil by Iii C o tm mmii;th - ihfrIm alaI M'aave'-tsalbautor vas a temit layai utig et anti eupeCtâabie lbai- 'W *oae>'rte «A i mtrgtost b>'ta*. On. Ismtit off le. Col >'. le vaue of h1 $eni>th atalIsiapple, g tsmeteDuit*ell Wsdtln bu bat e it i iuoi .peaqreciate thecMla- th vi-Pemeeeiog te &MYpi>'I, t. yearsaago.ucud ainaofg il Ccdôvctnannt, al Who îk-sirc ltertail- , iseve secutela pester unter aofie sntaject f ai thle cesuxlon ueofto rofces viltI h ri S"s Wthe uB.Cacadasagaimt &ail hf M that Kmor. AhtiagIsit sumeviaeni, liaI ai'th voure bndag*te,.oict eboMaea -ef -foreili .lll.sdvised chage ou, liit roupccbade lu ont Co- nr oult, vête gro» n lui&iluldiregard e1l u uelitel>' te b.e eterdel Mtli tile 4eay i ilit5sere*tlms icis ut aecesur> la encrtelit..- ttc h tryeî tih ep le doffisProvioce l**it 4n .mmeves>' ohierbles iaidaotusc ot ,aro&Mluusuti ctjctcat o'i -id aoceh>'. *V~ sm iti iplemIsatsfaCtiet% l te optinion o YW ttmaltwo lia,. asa le4 ta eacn olteSeceiry o Mâfrtah& ieColones uon deci I mmcieahlarge tieso snlects wvnieh sugnu aïfen- dli' s ite tistnuiWUM a a:sma Ile.1w t peett thé, lte> aa>o dthast tlispropositionvilcarlt lanoatide "-a mores bis ds, te a ole d$nls csewvicn t IL W ilsÙe opi' edoitsidteil pMa lit te1. Wba t re lo spots qtecIM4te b ig aous. V s eOhqo~iiP d f.t5.i usl Ia.a.iUOteOtbor thesg th lite Pe"vA à% 6m b* -r leme M Baba.livrof«.a.Ia li tia lia q e fflé cihutene sl idm.geA unietieo «M lbs"an wkselbfeint os tal< ho! ippwy*ih s *deprspect oftà a i ÎtleïIs'rust, bave petît cet ar " gume$is, lai aMyp mdcl aU tmn>'fmer peclal. It ia ol surpateu; lA1»n dotictve a et Bu"s urtuo e>iovel I .il" crmg , r% iseu taldnrelu- ho rdopta4; toiIQ is oi> tale ismutel, tIali int e = hefatomlceyoucisg ~lta arot m las.slma>a omed dînmlaI>' do9 bin;liesquseuastW afaaluitry leiion, M aicraI tsIs in«-tiire eteine l- tbâtietrmaulptsv*re lita apttmg la juin famdesotritUraa,hisO*it iqimiativoCeenelté lhiahd.aonlale oatct liregis the iteyai fepemllac bf nidtLI . - l saapp"ie the ProvieclilLwigalaare for i la nt*itaitseap- toift!fflsby the Vsous atdthse ileaucogeet re e c&uraleloca *Wkile jeter OQeuttlcebasé, baenge b Imteas aboi'aawntu- ato aooIain tag h- ?saeag.Iile Bpe i mes o1t;Ilss cuit>'WU Ç pet!Z onovertisss,mai' li h ettre M biLeie i iris P"0- itPll pLàQC dtsi * hpieoffmur...Eutus~ICL11âtrIIb' c the Po in.lit Lba00dobes15 Bb. GOCimtl pwma l itePulç is on.,fu ais ethnies aenaaim rb.rlsiyonmee. csAWe tsiehtler cgîtoilci' bstLvaiug lalts tsjnâuayswlc themvIHaE ingidslle i b. abile ta mufer ss Urtisic- lemo>' is Joi Calboîm, wUBu Ita y - to-Copru. .*' asuned,sd nWla bat etaitkhnmli i .lafmeCommlthsobu, ag daaatittet tii. Lïiia- adeitration oithei Li 0svcmbM fl*,m t;Ve Coumeil mliii ahiier ies tati ersal ventien uenecte.msse% s. baveft agied Wtes, bylisatiuampnhintsali.t,4inteesieot iitte ser>rasinnes a dige î lathe ad&'14 I& mX"ile ttcciet r ir #ast*c$lar attention..aoa i aemlaoial te ee Gevcaie lit w a mgpcted 1>'r agIruelilt ,Pbli deloirais ofpemrvlgins b* one ion f ue a.> Lelatuhu ilolilai piiersoseeta;lis Cssi a the l L b.Ep. W. on. avWare ia l Le ovn, t Wdsll b. 'c a e rlic thelaga al t temthieneMUn oeffegin mmii t ti,9 ngh ota e mu . ~ qL~ sj o gmar;-but v u. i aae iisap à#eclsif don . B.Intii Salte-, 1 i -bao. v se pwaveis hbiNr.ttiothie Govemui ta.e t scwWdniliif licJudidal aminesaocinla.<liM dinOuiy, liaïn r l te umg the fit>' CoageMwrAllie gh t tp e tic cev- eMsaI masolti &Wfl mmlvo slitIof th.c "dor. Wu 0-t A. lepriveet lBer Mejoay oc trilis Iprisi i pértbw ud t ai - b ta ms*a <h llsuullsa Moodtit' -a 14là auiac . ia a, cx- tel- aiD 6mwm* e p *qmmoa fcO u s q u v Ils.m rIoSI gwu* na Co u dc tât Ê pfletl o e C loutb and aS idîpne tel vus oet tulod, a' hie Cute meIs dt h aidc ent, oramis, n o. l.<onad oaisime- rlag saen a CourtlMatil ber,sud te Mi> bosmu5ibc is lnoulrnrcesPt ai full.r>"Y iai *esjy'. seev. Ttecueunlgce oar sol te.cpeadIls.e Juge advccite ematonce et the oaidtiimaer. mot auslaimed b>' ticcourt Tse primaer accupied cosiidérable lime ln uta- âg Luibie W elant utjectimai andmmd lliua' atatrem utaoff leur, vIon etIeugth 1»=tr. COL.. JXPoP S wumas c lea, sud iut flecuepees, laI ou lte 1h lut., vIis uming Lbave Omitid about naif pust 4 o'rinel M. bceobserved tucojecta l>foancica.on tb 'e Witaupas lincompan>' mitb itpIë<lel nItMc. Haie">' -via ermlumdiuucn lai cm 0Pabe.ouay mpbfo& e, u..Cp h 1Dn. JonMailai mandoI- Tasy <lvei ýe jecta os tceio, mal soon dascovcr<. hi key va-eersmucamiyq algtssBtb amalaabOl smm lia.Mictiansa.Casciute el loterceplial;tbem. Tesrse, abeisg ied4, c>' ftahaatety melti sthOame ffrieadaon the Vho accommodutel tbea vila tara fesh hors idieigtm. Mr. liagcrty gaI isto ouMesd Vit- rels lme th tc ato. UapI. Girl>' heiOg tinand fa- mcle, emaincut lu bis aleigh hotie Ae bargi ea banca e.tutil hteir reliant. witu Ina rstt aIl lispeet. and Mc. fltY >'felluwea- Wicu the>' <cI ittia about 100 yards ait tce ai cotu ef their îiarjult ta nemdeairel is .drivert ( z p bis to ue, a mI tom i n t t che leig t u t ta taîe of 1h.. pistais. %Witness aise ieft a etous àakisnt lIse aeigha: fallamed theis' iears 0c rc mutlabis gotn, and lesia B agcrîy tt oIt doa with bii ga. '*%en bhey got min abIfal 50 yard. cfthem, ttc>' balledte1 tem te aIii thici liey lM, sel Pribue e id, 1-uwhattir aun want, we are Ametican citîi'rI iS ag at.î nauie. lso e p«»iZed Sutalicrisu and suidthtthtebal bren I;lociting for Wthem Witnau câscaveted thtsIt1wo pria, h. la( 6,raI, biL_ unater Ilicar cleas--te advsucet tsuards Peisoiser anIdltak hi$ amord fins tint- ho otjecttl ta give it tut manIe no prt. ulât tr mlace. Beaae Ibis bte pot lis tard ouaMlas nue nul threie e alta mI.cka*lnpc ia lget->' the' aàme ld npmmluresa tlIhim lata dmai swotaI tri the cicr, boie name ih Spencer- co diI mc, and Spencer gave it up vritlrotl Te. ance. Witsei es o aik 4 PNioner af cIlice icai l ifre sent., ti e>'plird mot, aui. irS ber deeai lmeanar, uhLneausideSaÏfie riita eaeang Ibeir poignet. Witaosatel brai talt thejmore bis prisms, sud .iilcr Isepa ta mahui th laeighi. Primoer charge seituea mIls taving taon themun Anteita gruand, mtem mituess doitsd primetu look the Aanesicau sud Canada stores, -a te heari minI, liaI lb.>'%sera mc more t t M a a ea msijeotam theltter utile lb.>' ers Ove orsr frèr the former. I'ni hon ien w . tit ccuailered b. lasia rigtavis aillte uat a desinel ob lac t te .comminlln e Ho aien errpreased s apet lhe-woael not bc aet. Witniesatul tai o hcobe Ina, botes. lhe cemanin affienstIal b. va 1ge.à buenoît eilI Mli. a1but cot b. ig-use lWstroa * vmbl ittalipe tel>'uadeitaelt# u ha w ei-ia piamer I> oejt liacam uda bail Ile.1 em. ieCmaatmIý gadietitba tof laitsEnoeta91"iblsg b.Briltih eentits, sud ti.«tioy'-were tes v i a lie Amerlas$sh. Thie avarIe uicit tisbe iamot à" $Pm r.were. 017cclet mespoa andso *"i *0 lb. a *tliu> mmes aa*y le. Wilso weos pevilsa mul sfoudélys alec tte emp MB. scorotAns etMDehtm; un dousd ý iMItas>'amoeu., ulibi.liI.ce omakllo là hm Isudm wtmil sbeleve.tâtâ -o h. Ban uses, l ise eue ffu "ce IMMi fe k#is lie kcO Allers lia posasles se Me a 0 siei<au, vitecosnad Ilgeet>' love Ibms o -'Ao. the fou tJs asiail, emad Nemi dayî (UMud> >COL bitid-tlol ivingo 10eàmasisdtnltew i.e .umd Whathei.prisa te ar Md h Sutlsedisstltise de>'batofla la2g sreula " e mase t. mms. c*mm**i lgrsse 10ar, miitem M- rith diiCaL. Mail t bcis « bIc. kbrouibel.hlm, (reitass Majr iclam mdCaI.GIrl>, ail Justi t. pesco fite iWestern Diatrict, mi bcle secerlng>'aeoght wbeinr eb.m ul" aid- lra se l heSeinwb v"s"eo te le ekpkeusente mo ossitla" gtien, Mmd thaï ie>' met. evW al>'te roetav but ta et atle ires me uieseP" Itaui'.til mi e 1ev 1tatmiesd" aer. tdualau . alaldWiti e o i ttefM leut, al teU seta tonfls venstitise efOc$d4.-Wl g",ipimueatiitbu bai eedaxced ils5mm ao*ta.sud resalebterl a a. Cifcis id.bc I l. Cems.twihI 71 "apipr emt-08u*oMti la M aie. A 1f thei ul lo.maqssts umt"6 w he x-lmeun " dMe icl tVois1ahlain t at ae. (Roe, ,rt.)ji *lm I im MrlaCa oirUl h ,I* bo Mi i i til> ', mICuader-if 1 did 1 would net undertake th,, lui. he<Leath Bumtaaomeu eà -«I -I doe mt c£"der thati gata Canada te 4 euWt bu m isa b.e kt aygt jiclIleconstitution;' I go Ihere toademe. lit" ýt'beUI 5ph &dend'liése, ~lebmr...fe- an xtraocdiaay ate of tliop, raduit, L he saw e u ie anm mce 69 al UTj D vela ue iaê j robts, utctai brenreudered te i -in.0 IN l ienb aou c@met ag oonatatuticm impracticable.(lHess.) Aci t,ý ~~ Ptiaa.v. 'h i t the time of bal d ecdl ae f i.eslats,00i0t h~tualsdd len, ddag,, l CE e ecltmas deptchcd umesgsa teTex.., the ii.purpsoe ejmi"-c-diffleuit and dangeronsUt'eanPu ....W oet m ' d iàdhoU5 Mluu t h. Tenansitwi ltla id, confdeMY m rutation-l implore ofr 'ur lrdstps ta, Ib m des e si, picho>'jis )taomi&t 10eîoDura m .meme OC 1mmi nL.m amk im uaxffleimnlis a. Mac atcvhif hle estdli*ment orff feeeiiesrttlreanî Of lieue Unfoctunate i!tierrt 'Igh Mnu stbae vos.éken 8P-"Fler'i gvemmnt cmblexima. arlom imaltor demut'.Ios lli prud!ee final rattmt it !fld nat1sf , P> aLd, t the time0the &j tu" io f publie feelinghuittaken place in Mher1 .cogai.1temssail ot c ciyur y met; f40?eramalm tins ubi U t~file% é,ai mreuiase thungesuathei. igitO f ttc crama and tac ru,îreglaccc c mît n iard, oîcettta airif la.u abmM t9.tqoemientlodftii. camtry w os uticipated. lu u liaa unr t eea ~1 1.evb~ aae tMe Rggefty wlb. hodc- Tla noeaanbameflfti500crOsdprosperity of une of tIre met mottr boff bbs agi ",c" Dcl i Speuest bavins amlstint mveral staîca, Zacatecuas mant the nia, possemsaiuns o1 GreàtaI Bt*î i. l uI1 oqy soz oe a eeceae. lmt, hbu declaei à% téver of the fedemial. ar em uPhatIbis gpeat ûýecauy tlà 1 a, Iaha r 1>ïIfmCi on ii.occmioa a tit w w g metwla-a pouciftl fbe.listing been test aider no personal sacrifice mo* ev en ia i r p" a mm an th<r ou Myt"e 11%NoVot mes *i0kiiOaamt eea Vs ot iti lttcmach (heat,> mi i c l iaet r i W àu net Uoduki'steil of Louver gowern ttitpo hal couleelot opemi>' forthe complish !it b>' the cordial aupport cf liec us a mBacdt litacsa-Lower cotemplated changes; that a lbaille bad falouedettieads b!ow mie, lIer lijesît 'a I Suimi>. Did Prignonevien reteItel wit- betwocaste two partiea. and th. ar.>' bal divi- 1 feet dtire that 1 sh 1 ne ' heaie~.. - maiti&tthy wre<ecugo salnoer tat al dd, those in favorof Unres coutimucd theirnmatch ration of parliimcnlwhich 1eprt~ le",elbuta. ie te ma about tut>' minet"sIca. i g ee orbee1îrcatr, rp, mLle, Mes ibsterved the impobahity oet Two Frfsnch ri.-sof uswr eaMoorea lin the. Ioaîily ail amy 11e, Mwtich I aa ain C h,.dItl t*wfeuWact, sit. schooner ustranid inathei c ien off Sacsticlosnluencoftem use ttheBaron riec taheY wl slvtwrme frora the at » dil wIatr a logdistancefracs iah..wltusent MY IDeffaudaa, minuster feunt France, Wo uiattleuI utichte catir and illustrinsaueat'Il î I1tn W siucafe sboard. fleuw ilaitanc MexiceadylnJamsaiy. Aaquad«oftell Mig- on this occasioni, es cnail tiier ccaionî.ý 4 1as lhatLctweeiqithhOfpersas nofee lmcs*aie *Bdsips ws sliy expected, tut ltvie sbe- the public inrests have hceir toc craed'.rA ybard? DidoaMzayho knew,Whrst vi "eumlieve tttver>' ttiiagwooldb.iesettled ami;aaly, noble rarl te,, sat (tr imariist l e-4ý ti her, lice a mantmltese took i for grui ttiere articularly ifthie aîystem proposel t>'Gomez Fa- fron bath aides of the Hacce.) Le trsouecsandhcienoue sayatast ila bis bIdiet i s sepursuei. aIheoaneanhtime the French FotcclrCoa lric bi lteft ere aie uenIroard. Wherctid iuelleorec ustette tnnaly l> b. th opulace. amd rmtelwyý am vrai, wihin tic Provin e ai U pp@tC slitltas continu el inlmho ade asces ta - hi et t>'aam W eineauemcd, Vcîcndv, ia ca, aical rul' ' tin jat hescoosrllu thae a ue Ba s ie tleir p-ism 13rendered gtly pet y thec TILL LATER ERO M NGIS) to motalwittio lie waters or ttc Uniled Stalm- sutlele. Ttc arrivai ci te qu anlaeatlytien, tte arrival ib Ieip Scciîd rmL B ou far wcrewe flosate ochemrhontth ti fn dein order te obviate %bccac;nle !tdx l uns c ct latlid, fjg ro 1tt eai? Atoutbalfa mile. DidiPrimooraia> e..pers. and itec fin, a Itý f(ire Carada Wi et athe lime oai tcars otu tic ichumr h oneo ors h dleereteugne? ;Mifess, and__________-t t uocarr,jil.Tr dî:ai ~i es*ti taeon Aaer,;;ang md'N 1C a- in. Wler wsu wtmeemwiieule fBraI savithe gem iste Coluier & Eqa'eea tter t fhIe 20th. f schoaner, ad utear wualbeta tor t Hofint ITRFO NLN N RJANCE Ttc atanrlocmet cf N. v, llan i 4 a î ,. re saw ber fin, the main land on ttcCanada aide,j cAE RMEGADADFalers mas kncwalain! aenia i1 , - when puig to g thc shore. Wus there more Our nams Satoner boasdel yesterday a(seci bad an effect cunttc. ~i~ hr b-than (ne scomaer frain oilutte ire therc?1 There jtuet>'y miles SSIi. of Saad>' Hok, the. paokol upwmnd implse. (0 waasnobter ç'but four miles below, clcoei lei1h. abSua.a, CapLI.Lme. Tentae are taete llieLondon rackets O11rii r, Tn . ce Caiadla shore, t tlie vcs li ain eTownship af Cd- jdate of th th it at. botta frontParis aéid Havre, atl ice-haund la St.K tIen ?, d ,ck.î' qtii , a- chester, and thoseam retIhe cal>'twW ultiiess aitw snd contà»in London ates oa f ttc 7ti. the e b m 1 Th in ellgen e rom Eng andisailwe indin £200 id bhem ifrreni furat tJi , % tlIai Du frozean thIat part oaitteclIste. Hal tserehi t aelu<mot. Eîî~~~i n t, tut nomcclii a ni 'Le, il. lil « amy alliteraoulaI uitmem ho likely toac tem ? ulacepapora tiat masofi nerest bore. Accounta t nal ials 2t-acl p t il If mathin a distance ci tiree.t or rrmiles l ia it ad been received ln Loul«ofcithe dealceaciton of die Ontariopasae l io i tr brV t t, viciiîy, witnegs wouhd have sien tem. Wu the s teanthoat Caroline, and laid csuscd peuit ex- emtarkin ILcrc. Tii ter n5r. la the ire soine laya before bruken arross frnl hsiCillement. The pr:i geneîafly apeaking la vau- caiattcictdi, rdheaaiar at ta store, aboya te schooner?1 Witnes casuel lent, and acoub he.lien.cofcigivamg satisfaction for leosel>' i rivette lafestdts zitecaa, i, 'say, es h ain usa ctteraISisdwach or Torontoeeaithtic t, alleging, liatitilotas f«Uli>juatilelty the a igabevts ec cz11 . tbaI ime. Sow matyi>'ieahelcu Ambietarst ecaal -oo t pte an tth rotior. la samer Ttc iran>'naive.rià ta ilii otin'ICLd n aàI., ad waa witoeaa wten lte tirt saw PronerT About 9 'te an enquir>' on thc aubject mal. af inuisteaa ihSseile. Itvas ftted taI six ,ai cf th ire or cciî eI sulteesautuau asiteeau judg~e frein mena?>'. Houthe Bouse ai Conxons, Logd PALuaav, the be pu in comamission in te pune:, ztl tii.! Ca -long ime ciapsed beloialb. pursstilPtisoser afler Miualter for Foreign AMaire, naiter atting tIsaI uDasteamer vmoulai Lecpleiced n i ali rariui.'! c- hiviongseon lm? tAbout twoaily minuti. Wu officiai scceount bad betasrecoivel of lie affair ofI LrdEudom'a vili w, nadi-r iroIrlte. Thppor. )rd witnema bovr ort elcu the Priscine t salathb.cils-te Cérollne, tincititésib>' say ing IlNothing coale! sonal propeitly alun-e vz ic r ±,!,:iatirtrr' ý, eti renit uen te lef thttcCanada shoiet Abo- ie.-homure .îaictory tissbm tomumunicationsm that dt> n tch mas>'Le càlcrl.t i mOl ,, l lis Were e m ot 'ittîn thre miles ofaIs laand Au hal aken place btalue r Majeely 1 Goiveh- te yîu > £l'CmO il £30, oa v ?,il 0,!î, -th vict>'aihum choer a htieine of temc--tuent and " aIof tc sUolel Bate, H. tlaag't £201000 £3W, on 130,M)t £450, an £Jfoa< la- rest 7No, a un iiasjnts kaow-knous no thaithtecbonm isimgt canbticol ilumotIhougb £M2S--and ce cn in regnilar pa sr 0 f islnseertan Bais Banc - uhlct la aven or thora mirtatbave heeu, o. b" taides, sets co- The cottata marlet liilhet aîn d mni mciiv anm ight miles front miiere thi.e chobaea la>'. Wt mitteaiPmatcoeisteat i ulîbtielaue, M ana ltviola..carseprevmntsraciires. Foi lire we a h . h cd wiate esrlpoint an the Ameicanoha thetina dtte Ijeities liat exliste-ha thuliita d0cou-Mthereewuma declime of à Pot I1?, and alaîitîn, ld place whcic Prisone was arrateill? Witncus As siderl n Ae unanimîl' ty ti l aded tel ia ckn citt n the meek eradieg the 16th. la: i rad met cnffierntly acquaintoti mihi tbe Aserlin tb" two cousries ttis e lobouse lghl.tet tht fallinig cf ln price. afil a I frinltire'f:nîçt l 'O rel store ta anime? poratively, tut thinka Gbraltar . othlagiebel laiton plso te preveut the friendI>' middlu ocf thse moart. At thele rrt bdatesheri la eu atout thc maret pint. 'bc sioequestion heing trelatieus ubiet ,exialsl belmeesIb bis country' sud bta arvante ut t te i. Thec nea ert aIe p ut asta the Cansîs shoret Wîtanetduacsnulthe Unied Sates., (Ctoons") fromi the lt ta uait wî, therelcie, Il a;. ibanaklmo an iu>'psr assinamfoc thcessaient stsore, !On isti tIarary, tlb Homudoorads uaseel U. S. Li'b stuc rie iuolcd in Ln[iJon, Fr laf but tbiakm ttc>' more ilhout hua or tirre miles frein 1h. aaBl, Mn. lUeiink baving previomir12h, st £25 lI. s 12& 6d. six Haffley's Point. adlrembscilwprmissIon, titI laumeA*ent fou The Bauk ai Eugiand realuced ils rates c£nt teh The Coud adjauroal aIt 4 o'clock. the Caaaias In tise deboato ns it Lord Gleni.g rceunt ou thclt cfr Fetruen, te 4 Pei cent, la 4w--_ lcme*l4ali theAct vmotllmaelately b letTIc Binis bsa recentl>' laund .ra itie dearrît cet. hlt.e xedmbmtion lCinnili, mihiiontaitiugfoth Moly wheairsofl$ecii bdL 1 il) a, snvsl oM Lard l>ochisa. We rc@îlentt am.,La t numta2l eurt, riL Oneegient nde Ç" a apft i tat M. EUC1484.Ludeasppier ofthe 111h say; 66Ameicara anar nu i0fssdmote vidil caon a mlssicaost eauqa- tc .lsrees oe nicof lIns iii ehé emmiodof U_ brelesireved iolutoue-emeit hmhte reisemature of(11 l atet aie oir2 pa breendusFob. 'ygWy mSo. h mi4»l osW ut a , doniJso 2pe cntOhi wrt on * ilm c Of s tii ehtiI G«ffd 055Terbui ~~~~~~bn ar àaedste ld il m,'vdsac iars' atdî,m g M. r thelycesdtl a ai ~ âIOOt~ t m isce i suir flots, ,te 2 paasent 92j sIe, s body de* so colod be o l5wd i psvm iclve fore Meef uezi -55? hal beah~ ce, mal conte>.si eu lu d o s i"fo ie 5the "Mula t.b. chalute he bêtube nes lse a t<IX , 2051 ;Ihdallsaoi, i26. lam esalerMd ru drouyl it fer thgmcssommel! dm aent ft Navy C«ax- BANK OF ENGL4IVD. 0u deld -xth tfr Ilivs l. i ne lus!.;M;= ioa 1,i M i (otiLrltttguc tis îstny vrsileuofîlemcely lab iites criao tb r ou teeà mt meb finer teatte ton. e ete ori Qset o e B s f[ontier 0 8emcaaommlucse4 aib ihspt-a(the Chusse] a srraw i87,tetheGiiar, m41 21«ai ol igeae.lou.- mt. Hral, ~ ~ ~ jslnaTI puas 87 .Is Il erirt si lu -ci.0. botte cmmiulaalc Kt lmtPerueusf«r île panpeem UITE a moi ÏVEW 1u,%swClm ~Oi-5»hhiUorf lapuetac illit hem DOiWtits 1ll,26,OCOBillion 940 tou Pieseu rWbe ocalsaUatlaol. a l IPma n e Si.A pemeasgen ilse i.Burgad>', , h lbsta is> tfernoema tIc foleOingiOW5zlcelu amysetl a i, <oatasaulolde masthe vey- welle movoll;COL ALLE thl.e 0dîlom o i o ag ut.go Hosuppéoi edho aa Fm"scau-1 Downing' atret, eb. 8,18j». the BDarmnsud %torteta te *.....= ï- izeO»Acoaaoa wt i ltaeaîtani (- avoneyeutetdsy, jsm t vloOute tie ,11190>1 Im-o ul, L.4-Tb* fîLe n t he ver hum W ihtelnt"On "w ztise tabl gplace; ani usi l l ic* l ae Itts t i m aItee Wl U t ctoe nathe nîrc»lsti'-a cf £Sli,90j î' an ii am th uum 1'-e ucit aoi dontOitultrereasela ttcbalIs adusanealuit o li :j t8ý, et. »»WO"oà&p . tb 0.- luth. depamils of £274,OWl; a decresame riita ea- aUSack»wWuhd tathe l. onef is x i Lame, FehinT -4qo* Emàmeqo1, dck- £4,0 owceleseyesitelemo flot lO hait. .coual aitWttoniais imorng, tana o sait -sDece mclck.--Cunuls for the acrntet,qIl 1ni hm h. pesent state of tic Amee.d m. q uotl li bys i> hv eFRANiCE. vu mlo.ftlpeaat oetCm9s#ms'14de çl l Msod as. aeur 91 &tel9. Exeheujuer IasNoasfiaaà Iis blsgdoanad lire ceOiS de, timcmiea t b.e tmebt a 1w bbSleMpak.teck0ItoOS. gvaerly,is ofiiteimpottare.-. Tîrfhod li i eugo it te seimit of1he e. mdl2 tui i rIOdlla f :Dputira bal Weng4gfed, seyrral i ayas __ g tep«nmo the Waa4asOul & cb'à« d eldt Il à- sbmrp dea otale vr rv od ut V4 '='- u btice puIsh-Isorciabouitint weil ài l te vma eov leahob-u Inons vai">'Yeevy l ite costume, au tii.> dit an tIre leiCilla se il,~dootna tale 0 FloJuas, km be t ak«£11D X.A voe o lafalî« oftIi. costuamrvas tabale le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 *e- il'Al"';hapemoto . ia o"g>'BhW.i& asa pSa h.aiM.iPt wate, CWtaLaa FLOD. t u5hdaagedmnspal o O mid, G»o*Ovar ueu~Lt t 55 b" 44i4rdItimt Lh. 1; m smneMn M Wla à M W tetese et a1Obc& O r edsM 2 leuad1villar Lt. Onvico doo BRIOes, iî IN * b.nt ofaeU !caMytas, 1hich la- uthe 4rt Mthe ogalatiacfvirerje».iiWb Pri. al sae mi M egmUeB" * a ouamliue ai-e aqituaioîmeêtei" tu ie-aetevensonlIc. xxasu uel. yyLlnllà l a pg MdloWlitheF xraFeb. 17b.a8 cents, iliAd haý t ome Cns~~vetuite saçu, c ln t m. dd5h0lavalln t ho lesos #l'bWb."ru w tmdas l io uM~l i.' ~ ~ ~ o auTIfITFILN IISZIZLLNCTSyE Ltieeioheofw"Y i uu.jmanitsfe 9m glastieulsofOtheaortie tw fille lb 4f - ii Ie hW*$* et t plae '>tow a aet Wte Cls hso tc3a ciaan esotian te oa ttPalo C400t lm l oleurlf /la tholie - m-t1 *-t1ltutailsavuu$ervieaha I 7 sdois alO et, MI b amaisf*~ssviitce uIe.teti lae iuoi p~oxetmn .-1fp t uB iS omuii te la f îe ft,î 1*5et t1ixt l cbomtte»Coudnmoe eae gvoommeThe cWm6di«tu#saufei 1 9- I1 ÉUUI>'IiiO f le senoblene the q.dct101110 ;k be hia buioM moule pmeWj 1 tus; ' 0-**% ~ = . ,M l n-1h. et as. li r m -t - cf 5v1theIMM " minteecl> Wo'o " Wtb sl Vla h < vas&u nd a i ,= me a ouet My uésom, WWMmet « oor t- Mgl, bu ad tint héb thet, femel hm &sm r opsiWb"iii mrtia goom; tww S" »d 'i nuean Cmtll te ale Hain e Onl th msu eada M à.~ ..- - b mtu la tu the 2 -b eb f OM e boeate Le ~~~jjada'tisàîseparatie Mi beunffemtac ital! uo dwtwngtOfl main tJ 4a Wro mltitary f WU iaugtnual te .là go~te bc MMo. ettled. i.p. dudc we bisfuit .9apw JIL P miuient. t&ai &« b.ssd hast if càrorw ; . was liabl bllyilat My =1 itak frocn lt .57 b.'N p erpohap, elou, m qid*àlioucbaract àl .âtpbles goffCanada, an al, wiI baw. e .sufficient re, ,berwkh. TIi. tros militry plos f the Contituation in .pq4moem tof Bari Durham aù seebtisiplopoweil with wtid alil idingeta correct perception laptaira of the coutrovery, Viserid spirit thii n ,W blcliy hv ong been tigeminluten bave clung to 9 btin ot by their lii.elal couer <lmatAnowr Canada they SAaiaZ' 001 descend, disarm eV := ,M!..4 aos bil oebly' tg nitin tl npaaacaiOng aigu ;w«o. Eveiy man Who à a 1 3 resatteapt te -"the tl Eog,» la te apposa eh* ii lsati. Ueo Canada; t.t they aide ottu eesn tIe alle ofail inteUgmeoS u s, a re aused tb. Ce... end the lote S>NOw t" *0 .Malter is fi baie B peelto va an'm au laBl a ult. co ar l vissa epubiuas oct WpMl&I~0 M an iai Peota tou. aimIt oeft o l &Wo ulabSmïeemcdthe iWmdUlalieerrdeadga, ~k. boaster id ofeh#'.au bd tju blatbmleotSfàaei a aaiaey as Ion e snder led m h libttt adb un e ub a.Vaâiuey d l.ey c *roeie,. n hem aMûteriurhe i ~psotao awvain nu ytgleoe.e eUaent «Ior i eeytbéae t.aa litilli b. viUIai, aplma1 **a k.doua s l bdme%, ot ffl 107 UV UuaImyd sa Chiot 1%,maie tb. traigt lt .hi i i* liionS amsa.l.ltmeaw>' î » dans" MulOb aciromat.Tbi lemi. nk raical, have cdaim, ttooe e ued to al theil ba u ejotCla iin, Md dei Wb& e&alNi sumdthe. meaur nueml e.mde t"insubeer, ÇRuetof«,eleu,mor "ne 94 grepWkOlef' r b. " Odtlah( liait biu Ie. lnM uertel by ItoUiOIIJ iaItpporMeet; bu 1 tan 2dbosd i. rbeltio, i para om so « ba ts t ,1P lie 1 lia ,a i 'Mabou .hl siaa 01 lia mk<%il O i un ta bod Oft uihbbd