SM m Imm thespaucy<, vi lm us1 mi tait seprm., o 4001 Mt elpie ofki ai t-ju th. u i.~ rbe avc'ed <Ti s a"Miaelud 0bern Rm ErGLAND. Mfr doe b xiite,. 1 aV ofte «Ceoe h Fe bsona meneii (Tb@ '" ltdtb 1dcaptaingc '0*~s oam. aI fris 11hîl ontie the ce»of ,_ 0 of~ia theu aili le Ottionad Toîntîo tce stbene Que dofk t ett 11h. ilsaaeani lîthen edi t e I E t h naia ck rigUici tbeth aS1ndh T.wather îrl doko th wi àfr a team tui tha cana, a Iroze c. bts stili ç ontasiaed on a large ,bat six sail of thse ine weel ini the. ,ring, scudt 'iai a wal ~cd en Lak Ontario. vas mnIer probate. The p'r was acir £2,0,00 th eê calcutatcil on the de~ ta t2 -£30, on £1O,O0O £2w0, £30»00 £4150, on£3 egtstar pto.on. tt hzdl cbsnged oaterially buce Fort he wtek enlice the ne of j pet lb., snl a failler mains thie 1611, makiag a tu à f romt the first te the At the las, datet there bad r &t à . Ie oeil derline va% tlletefore, à a 1. ai oed1i London, Fv1 "ad tedmacel !ta rate, o< ék teh y, tu 4 lier cent- îly tou r 1111e dem and l »Ata df unuifies ba alla ls uaualty £»0001»0. 1MIh ans " Ametican stu e, saift saie c1 hlim lia 1-1v« ini aich 92t, ai priset 004 Orbe,. 1 5'7; 1da isMàtI55 S- OF ENGýLAIE f be iet àablfsasa of Englaud ficomtheihhhî the 6ti Feb .ay, 1M9 î,00 Fseactie, i£m2,i9,C Pb. 6, lm38 LbS fi. lai account shows an Ù AU.« ect £396,Ml& ai lue&r 174,MO; a det*ceue ini lhes aomd je tic ballion Consola for the acconýi9 FRANCE. his kingdu!m, ami thec rOliartI li, I'mpot e. l'bc cIurl en aiged, seyfsul daY1, ini ve.ty grave qoution whethi et or âd net tsa a 11h54n ey did sa lbe reiUd Cbsl rM ofl th ee COM nl tatfl~ sderci aad fttmtm"W eMls Sici papul tem~ te EIiwut large dint ar~~aSui ar Fpi.eta o rge -l- sation of thi Jadich triba à.-Fie puetc lle, 035 MPIN. drap Ifs d»c Wg1hO i àihmih-4i su 0 the 51sf CI = en1i81 haat Fra aret. t1 Il lie l twg m Rpt ii ar ew W, * h é, iel ,Jek JanOredct n bdIs. Lsd fe AamaIeý. spp oid tupe Bebdat mlw *d b. « wVdsp "'mde mo as1~~l t e, s . aNOVT«kalI diabl. ;em ssl y- wCma -msen" bïm es* qw- f w.ibai issats li!d si sla uen-0 unf J'e2clrod- ai fie epiec :rss b. - - qisit. ne mt ee-ald l ~Thuoely, la tic Cout Doue, ai es. uZ elIWe da *U la liced nth mons- tici leq bas e ecitwi&Tw apel à" FsiaWa .sde f e 1fmth Saitita ia un ho i bcgdin i ts e SPl aslaia atea,é Sf la la fs.xtsb:soMde"afet tb JadiýsNe; ie Q l ielurFyoto S u, b&etmbà 1ib- bavehmrumplia; mad bDe*"usa " « odtaho MM pe0ilied patyae ensulimi su-%aal«wrwMcc1edt. >58a- dýomLi4 gauruuamnt fiat tlb Indimtimatle jotyuor 4geemfent. îa elaies tetse ba lbe lawastwitb a pMWl, le tiy iatâ, re yhil C ,Kism, ho smiE i t w I a' "W apaur plreeY 1lsf me uet le , tit pset j airethé <ierenuiect bcv ube a4' cbor L dee maisu%&i* te cmme, the Mth ier men aj; t S - a astsa e l vina ké stt minai lnomieuteulak It. j par acbeauhoi suç te &aml aisf, la miàWosrelaie, *elr country, ail defy sEaite -----ff[-tWbu laioeun se uguaftaises. lf sosm pnam poueataita îi Bu& tluay h eb i u «M a4P",P "ava -- hao. ebattesdrtaiaifhee'aduttjilosigut _____ For" Mnd, ae-MU yCeoýaeaeoheii>0(iti e t hlbBd"lléAuce, ifm e it bisTouaes etlm -O rth ifio of r I nd econdevic; miii lis&a ai rut ailisud 175 day igI. hsrhslg cm li thfeea«àlestt a- th ba., us bae uMM"ia ruIs obs ho tsei semit le #tht uuliailsetil Cils lhebutbai e it îw.TOTOIt. iii. ap. Thenctle sip ,,,,,jtb. T11h05 aitufm or ewh h isye au. Wbeofite*mi iie sed Cesat où pMdthliaButI, aid MitFrancsuap laddio.Au-! tre w bloben set Det a fiss eau-'a doota, adatera W1Uu. mef Rte huoa ce~- haut Ide, crced lic Bay te Bath, M acme ptteiem of te CLrE D na Ca naithi. as ntingepaiafi ira.tesviath<i u o-ies-erdotfa tbenci by laid. Eau7 Udt -aucrin ,piitu amp le mat mM Wie lialuInviRaîcle c ncrpslty ilusroing tise danger, bul raller ià Kacdeucmy aed ocr e tCape Vcent, percptin e th auem nd ierUM* evry ossblepreauton u emreOuraid wmonl reoeed, lis Waltefms m Ufica, ta onl indiite a correct pteti fti ititadfatytia rsypsibepeaato a uie Ailusand NewuYork.Il seiprobale fiat tlb impsrance ofle le cty, ani 10d j n Tù,U. C. Hsîald lu ni -«doubtful orgim;l o>udcicrsaould 1.eopernfhmnAbsy te Net ,lgour and spirit ta lbe iniaferial »s nttt", -as ftibbiand p irates ko o t afirtYork by tbeidînSnir Francs reschd fie former rijitheybaves-j -ieigh tdiet. Fortulong ft, W.e ie&MaIft p aeusuag .1 alb e stht, bc l.lmad taie Stabotd <lota the lime int5ilC5s hv baTt the fla eil Irtm ut of0< ýneàai" on Iis Toua iMd fes5aeu, l incirriver. Te Raison mua char of ie"cjPmitt abitlI by Ibeïr liera ecceniotac ppoer tetaplate tbe inhabila" on ce isr gperd. Troy and Albay, lest Fiday Ctac. kwereur n ouiCanad" lbey ooMl il eagli atl atheo ntie ira iteSpetim thnbs______ atseuouaHodppiihil iame% g lb al u t II"moiellousa" fiat tlb pets- mli haiebeu A ale ofMWied troushlbma*tM us Piay renoabl Ow«tio,, M brcg te bm ns my woted ?25abouti ho allowed ta 4ï Djolamkroe ap tli in e Iis c"anel meaistilly, emlgo tore in the ai o is fSUu i'$«t-atlqe I a s, i n h. t la àaid" iY b ai à a mu y uste river mas openofirme Gar eignp1wr- Y07M&MWhokt"11*121 a"ho Md tall e ohr sp e lbe, llut mede la bltni domotr anls« hel PadtIbo. abi.el aswelattmtt yteg ani fl luki fi mers. w5ledp beeta.le miolte iuicic op eaItlb Gap. A f15w day. m11tre6 usai DoS, m t alpisse tiheinatiable 40" Ot.* g suspiions agm a ta..jbut fley Veebce silaptheiedm1 h isay inid, and it lt. Lover Canada; bt theY Daideette êm, aid 01*«O<Ite b. large, liescée ltthiers aupoil Pmb5I fiat tlb 4teaBost Wmb. IV, ihiclas- s.rntle onthts~ba bste ~ "" tre goo~ Pil X. -YL . .v an lest lIais gonds vmcndeslaad, te. haie Ptmit for Tomste util ies Icîeden dalluestanmd pathy areStans disinctaioais brai..The penns ho *ee nid fêhiei 1et eLuis on fie lot oeimthsni jut iigoeous lifead ae roumine ta outoeltlb bos- mrist, ere nt IIk-"moto ahs o -uiratis tilt lad gso apCih1à%tnnLTti Laie aidiver ouf rîte Crown sud theiix stîpaty o eFm -ai.nîte eîsclih b tm at W aod, er 4ey 'tlii-uim -epethe ltu ain he Mid& ýpr. New tahut he ater je fairEy likî.tP and Wod net baveus ben it laro'veiy loug. A Mm d nnmiscnod li* "rïmit mas rmutln betten placel befre bbc Briti a Pslseit sad peOle, r=y bave a (anCovicion Ela ia oun mmDd Ma lalgar aid 1Toato. The river an barbotai et tre edso sjs1rhend thâit tiseiProrlaces Dcertain fat, anud yel net ho râle te a bstîfantiéteit swese mre ciapr cf lese n the21sf.On tie hi ary sare 1lu bin heir lâte defencelst conitio, in s Court of Justie. eheca»'m" alconvsico 111h reqls frotaemigt'liave teared QiOa usai shali risse repubican piniplisanad piacti. aga fIat positive hIrailedge u%."lsCou éropprt a *petit ealfdy. ces main idupteà anal sactionial as tIlothe le a'h.idi llae an _____ BitisisCî.listiuc "On bohli tebs imprtant Wc 'eX. y. Z."amsy peusby ho sbe 'to he ine eaelias produce gret .cltY uM poinslthîe t s.Io! thIe leelsansd icir pinatical eonspreienid atter a paefluatrial. TIse habmbug fthc steaus Dastait bave interead., f e pe- friends ba remoired lthi fim'y Veil bicl PartI' ontisie "Y tien lu aUit bom. 'Certain pelms spare lbm flu a spsedy epeniangof fie taapirsa olatutil iair slrrior Iciga, and nociaO min Weimli ma te, becamre f. thr Ci dsfspecidi jta TE roirvillao ri terd a tIloco* mesa- prelai tlobc ignorant or tii mluter, or ta nmitae rIet te <relaver ubhet fi.he uusins mers meil the. Mane Rla EWaY, beicig hlea t itIa V 'ita charabet andl trnlency. W. woad'aotlit crillE féuuà6d, and it lameil. t 11cm they bais fiub housPlaniiag-4il hiiang ia eut lhis Iehlai onr affaire ara nolm paCédil jaaule dilmed thflacto g@Pcc'& X- - %-le. , e *r m bttrbola "s*0 ,<,w* s safdactory tate, sm ta tende:r uumieipir-a" my isn ti« of sapioagebit veary i 'ireon s. i r gte 6abb ah"iaâ OM4 Pd, flait evilgilancnot porti; <firi n, 1 W.hbePar, bwtilb luryolaudi'1$et iE >5Jq - ..a i.ýàte .4h my * the-cm,î»W n e. .1m4s mm a te au ho cf at»' uê* sd 'é s alatatisSu or ~ b aodb 9biI~5t5C@5fl5Uf v -' lb *aflatWsy, MA tu iTravellec r i thiai natuses sd eretsi aid i. elese è U .0* je itu " immi tean irho, ethoalIishblIilo asaied pt. avbe al l b id â si eîy bhth 1.1inaIroold t usbacrstài ia- lcet y dmoaeig ftepeeaaim 1W Ufiat laissetbu gel nich ne ba0ime s a m àt lo f4 bta ala t p rb ov toupùuatat e ii J1io SOA 5 arc s turia i Cay of being utheal peope em mmrthaf lbcm W iamrDAaioroeglly remiraM l o it,%r fres r a li er the lb.nais bt hisy gà ie. biis ilt 5teB i suems flt hmlaadsr o sret tiller t, Fa aduaceliE s t gmedlte, ardem~ry, bvety lsppte lf iav.3pulsniveotea tmupfm tor yrtacea on s pesanct a haiesas tajt" abande iler it, th i cer grauiset lm .aore ie eaeg Iy usin bbg iduffeutieIthece ra. of eventu, rmiaais a mm oeneet kW 0*16i.Nidoisn or naleain carythlint tfalis foie. WC.maet k" day ~ bKlPSS ébO siiE be riilan, tri iaId nild---e<qualy rcsdy te obce itm aaiist au ," mos - pua'5 n%,0"us usai eilb O- < stikle dornanau lsissous le, or la *Veil oburshetrgse2ui.,eîttcsd ie 1ssâiwasiciihi o îvery mearuro tuit ralytendias te prouacte eot pace and prosprilyt, Tic brgand Suahlertaad mu pbwed o. ilbtaha Tu*tt IluSot 100 * E à 4en"51P e00' TIc appintmenofai at Daibim aM Cte as Torce, e Teelty l 811a, .oe'a e.dtlpeiaa 'lir4 in Che( s., on tle wble, s gond 'ne., it is CciiMartial ct 0f fthet Inomst l Wa i Tie. GitrtAM .-M"a isdLlua'.b (rme tht ho ula libera! teforri erbqrle.thi mont <icers: Ciesi. . PJarJa ý. Bm. lo ai6,~m. <sintit; Mt »"L *s lIbei amon thîe ai4terey ; yt mva éoiebend Boisua, Bro14 Crâfhs;byis i(itf mlt n daugeron lii. accoent. ThcKart lu eni rpub-s.soi, Fry; Cpl.J. P"m, VaL wuB tuipn en s, o Csmlsa lira. The rasiiesiabavse laime leM ssim.Amet.DtrmsrimiN mi CI-i is. Wllunsm' msohesml tagellet comumitici ho ail tt rMmaus utbcah Iern ar ii pyf ttihrea" blha, »*à mnsaalma a-isti ba rejerlil tihea , and denusnced theasSu the COuirIdjbuar!ei#9 aait d497-1'SIl.he n- est up tise pp6sias a a»M piauffl yeats tilà. viemde l, aid tic mCasart t hici th"y ing Ssuherlat àd ulite ho af840wl its et ela hfltam tet'"d *0issr.eau %rondl bave mid ionlmsbsevieut. Ne, 'the mrFtigmaMrs bot id i ufsr Ilsa bth lâtt. ifpeleat Joilsfeis asé tllstailma- coiroeeasy ina lss t a o ona nfeTb. qeeW teotablein édtti Mc nvua M, sslurliladuMpibly qai-sien oaIl tefrs,n oaIl ou.oru,'rin ut 04 lep, a xasd im a ipcx g fisthe ai l la g oditur. Aouwboq wa ' * ci'Pulieîrelor the 4 d" lulicettuul "This îbisarmam iI i ipftist élahytii lmm ,uuitls, EM. ~ liCea Lola i;ben Cairoti by blm yauad, the tIi ibaof cIdetmyimg limseff, amI paf bs cetuslu.D.Au ugarse « edw;o% te 4 dei-d bythieit oppoentn-,buot tIh e "al heu 1 ladin lbhlihmtir ta preamofei lbbleediog. &-'Esft b tu' Imad~ aea Funk andiieu'id ici rebselion, sad the fend ofal Tb.s5ria. mt oepla&M iii4 a th b e ruati -%l Mmed 1bt * ftasbellon, wua parusdemocrcy " bai mIntel op lenlb curawecugta amaisi tic atidsafA, mie forai ilmisear- tfini eAinY, iM#t -h.4maisifapm1f fish failiidigikass, as dSatan ten louchi by l y cîbsustie byl. of Leeébies fiel cuts.»-m. Gers garePausa drtsaFeau Ithiel', spa. 'li3nu ailb.tram gae 0fat" a21 einntmscBdasdhoaldsce hlis**ere telitsa b - fscl 4e aidleignso f patis cuit bine Ibiger ecoael ! reaOtAthr. os;t tiie pie>r wuo sAXmqiithgcat mcim ism ais fl.Creer th e lus tMé by plaasîte bt hlowaprofesalcng, te ec sothliff hateOMlmetho vasulard, sdtieCan d *araed*offt te»isel af, dMiWo a' i*0- ta drad in Lard Drhaia'aliberul polnfclplc-fiitadyl iE.D h a i ao rigloi se asd pd a.k pleus. Ons ieosn te iquestion liatI wcZ i, land e th. lb eemas i mmzrée- ~d a a1dt aui tike the sti, o the loyalite, ainiii aia!o Péic Spe.liIf s isl ie ià< theC t5StOil harateiici of bhe Britisha Couestianilier at dbef Scia Is. s.. tbb abe lu a adt eeli Mt o lati a iiithîe attacia o! democraçy. lcoR litaI hotitI lIl <s ataytolaU e-1ies-Tar hem5 te ispéifthe lbsatiue*letus.-, :j - eihr le deceii'edDuer bulliti jte oint Cnfierauuoqttmylhutismstê09tgea ke idltWed fe au .Aibk ai..?. . flieldahi1, aid coferiug remariâam pin uwie % iie tGvso'bbsit i la' t.ujw and Oe ire pate Wilîg *batthe fis a tesYd e 0Cify, ad *olis detieals bitf. Coulai Mr.Nc . L à*!. 01 lIn reformerai. net revalufiastlu, sbohogi"uueag iIln emsyglabg M.b~ ui & Mà ht lthe fun henefit et aoy prin..ipEes tht Leid Di"., b lb ahM006 t. u t theb tift* -*»li1 osay l in coarnon ith thbem. Ar la aspsiai the prupoSel mnety, ble9.inl exorcis h. pmssi M .si.skb fH niwe tue-,5 o1Im ~ Ut nritdisretion, atel niter pardon st oièhat i2. mteaimlg0é.aosf withnt ldue deiueniamudetquir. *a55i-ydw u 40ail. UuucJSu'lý ciLoluatapardon rail be oniuleu, fatal laas M. 30"4ioTulWWIS4 iad i'rininatus execuli=r; bht t ie ~ i4 s *ü&Î nff il able te juIlge fer flair!, andl a ai ladupb ,eaf Jôiy r e:NI*e<,e1h< j eimg an>' nals puppet s ,4, e of s b-Eg $a$~ , *0 bRéur. Oe : wI l saitut aibjthle Bi îjl CatitwitisUmbeEsawis~i, VtIa i wl le pslerI iîptiics. Th Aeeecisp~ta bc maig sasrm"t-là ia tIe pioipler a u"c nidmsMltareafiàel ku ~draI, itoa ouimdeiag SeiWg IonlIe inoit vis, ayla UaaVmtlisa " romp q ',bmlsahm* wf- battiaHuy . lntIe * ib Canualu ai fil M UMMi, t&8. y C.mgmmdi a mclanu u ucrà Tsa b. Z n i Met Lien. hmme la NErIL . M 81 ac twtiv m iiifece- uiMI~ Lient. 1. B. vlataIL Na........... 9er.t5 Lin.J" un arper, rais >Ja. To blit matapn.- 1': " DurPaiTayl, ea. ...N .. . 15 aul 1c ant Vl.........14 de. To b. ltdLieuteants- Wîa uuercMMW ...ý.........9 u.06 T»hmmuGorornaI ............ 15 de.. (k&est Ii% OSaI...... ....... 7de. ssirm os'ge .........9 de.6, heibeQuarterMaa- MaI Leut M. T. Renster, .....llDec.'37- PRICES tUUENîTugM KI4ON MARKET. ad. sd .........rbb ... 35 0 437 6 ""pr ewt...... 176 &20 0 e o.d ........110 22 g,,ýd& e .......8a0 3 6.. Pn%,de. de. ....3a0.84 Poaa±.410. du.... -1 3 e11 Reafpcl a ......... 25 @0.e27 P«%kde. d,......... »'0 0321 bMonBU, de ........0:4:0; Vea, do ............a4 lhaaspo& deo....... 0 C -desmsâW.........0,10 *:,U- 0 do. dip% ...... .' -- -........... .0a~ xg, per.......... 011 e1I t FowIN pu ceusple, ..... g e OU Ray, pgrton,......... 45 Oa.40 Q«, Woper tord,....... : a.0U-1 moe, au, pu ki...M 0-1s do. -.890 s d. p.0OJ ASl Uealig mslalaOc* a Piist At the Uaea-it- 5sDiv 15ra.60 blase Wili' s"i aiass ~~t~f*.ia Mme.P ~ a* *: laT*e-Oafy AL tR. 'lte Sbeis ml lit in 3TI AT VA« fi se mtie ai' ASTONE DWELL INQ NOUS£ Mud tue et li, l'bc*Pha.i 9-m0%. tefi i ftSp5U l pa IN THfmi E *1*1â -t amu uier v a b md, ai t et le psCt- 00ID3 Mr à* -M i mo. j? euh abope ai eLuah dayaMW hé iW" ubs wi,aet Io "edock,A. IL '1 L8. LUMT, iii WOOiDrI~TST. 14âL tsu tL lm AT fi<abmsihf udet .1mokbw*dn mtbe 810uemf t DocktwWe4 1.1<1 asi iBd"l A, §WsaBoe bdyttf11woGea*lmen jumisM*çwos.x., £sM,, Gmaaue, Jaus ftgm En, Khjben, jquum 5-m, Fsq..Plçto. Sm= a Sw.ssT ,Kiîgstoa au Itm'fom trsting m em hoat My writbm eder, *a daul Iis. u. me inubt.dIo me uig puy Iii.saniet. né ou but myseif. IOETC»IG WatulooMarch 17t§4 1938 LAND TO LET. .»" t) mv RMOI4 w To e, mid> Tbs un isbit rutati.andin lu* ereowsa, ;atablf-i akWndf la mlabedt litme. mr. "àe si, 10W els s a eetse pwp m1ie .4 7u esuul. Kisphe th AidMmtiss Wm be IiseepAt lcl hepsausfst.hom aeli1ZiaO sT esm 46mi Teta yh IL IL, gsfeifig ueL elfltby:a 0. t % =sa CuiAOLa con Il. Te.ia SBEUIP'8 SALI. usa tuf ~ auncu. - to idIawiu L26AcrMdy Site sttU..'tlc, bien. Aul peinaài icin " ts ## 'q Lua s-y uttheueCo4 m-s-u«Wtb =sat IC1IARD SULLOCE, 0.1 he11fgm, dinDset SHERIF'S ISALE. #bau «eWpic lTvruî.of a Strs "» sd r4%Lg' Mait . A~als.U Z. le fis mm-s . =of the hidi ~~CstdÇan.j auj m*d e fi RAMsa- 1 bset se dât is. et -f *5i4 1* i t .TeWasf ke Lot. No. 16,2d.Co. de. do. s4t ne ou& la&or front 4of Lot No. 16U S. Co. de. do. 28 de. Fad the Yu"Ot cLot No. M - ad. Cou. d...Àdu. 34de- fýiahoLobie16.J.oà.o.2 do.2SIwU ocooed Rýj " W acoûtineain th. e d" ib t jccn ord bte emaid ebee*uet Uun sicLads 1 "sté dit b"dae9iltise Ces It . ahIcili own of Kingstob, on Weda" 1~ làimb 14&h dayjeu Jaisaet st (b. lit o eldeki à,hd flc soR, fa te on oR belo te idàv .ofs-le. JOhN ItCLEANi okrth'bic KNrisates, 12!b Maté, 182.w 1* tuaras vulcrCour. t es u dlRm , bu gi e hwias sid by vrtu ig &à.exeva lb 1 oy m is et un sM-1oe Ra', et 31~"0 John itee, Darie. 5âe112 bc4 aas AU thoebr <ms qle"aaitie ahew. ia dû tb tarol aralcfdt ad SslsOies, Kingtb, ka ebay5188 SilERilFF SALE. VLL B I atbç Coud Rnise 40 Wbpeift L d ims shnf bue.---~ aeyfI iia unme ceuje.hfd b osattd =CO~mee etu behfe buw =.4da t ho mbsoi R .,etb m Tuf MusWcZcomw t m zwoo».oct 24 lBah q If l, «&ýl 1-1 boýttbw"e& lu leu* wçwtmyolf - el. -j