Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 3 Apr 1838, p. 2

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usd ai v.~*.avlhelmg~t5meftià i.Z~ roMum~y~eluiiue- hovover, la BU Aaeulote ~ simaemiila< a eloea.elauoa *W4a iw-4~ media WM~ 1h. NI ~nhimms~ bê ugome te lises ai t. ... - da <P lêyMtOJO5hd tbth~Uiu WotCh, Om(~adndP aI..i5.& ai..I~ifrJ m'ait- "Mlai rê' a L.. leahutimu c bappWiWUatO s.u., wiaog. IfGemaal &Ithe Ii is ~ bfemat tle iiaaoe,.m lm i~a bi Cty en the2a' bdtst lais ao »tr*MUti ewbeI h adta tomo M S n Umêume t!t of me1- 4uatp 0fSeM~aio,1ad c1ia.oivI viiCIas. S te moe. go aluobae s la me soote.100 a m $«ge m be ousgot %i ic itu, - BtE= Kemno'maffuairabthlié ade miChe uveou the DaM omffasl-tglaaio4 upon h. Iai w 1 od45 a >il- tlent, hofeitheY dtoMW tw if bo aidattoleàt IO auli powntM oe *0 N l..... .b ****IyU&a f 1 authritm e e.t me oCh.ayo=h tat ftia ca ha th emo kau t ou bê e go iaaîouatg. 1 reo ouniçat ih yj Ldu, - m'O te u i.taivsetelmsl mis It i - owta. ol dub 8UjWII! KC10* h e vea lm e gbs is a9à ru w» »Witt; W e of the* by-tht!mtu ffl dmýo . liaîed the noble mil learneil lord <~Broughas bW lit en biý consent ta the Pan O t jT ! S I M M& w hM d h Sasd hat eC h reL n stIl Nier lm *C MW- ahuddDlehoabrogated, and hat th, S IU7 putt oix -u; eethm Ac abouti! Dm le repealoil without due rei.% in tb* hoiighW t anl eaisting Ctales. The subi, 4beAu- leaned lord allso vchanteered bis advice ,u ~ uç oef ~aubetai fthse LogW&ltive Canord, and aha,c, aatg~4~~~JIPs. Ml.:. lia iiami Went out wtts the vin joi Mm"& «M. Ib à O*" establashangmn elective Legisl4tire con - o a i b a 1& A m U 7 f i g h a s a w e ll ta j a it h o m e , h a t hc M igh t ~~Lat-mi ~ j ~..Aberdeen) wcmîd volunteer an opinion on tt *Mt motiab va ject, and would saythét, ifthnol ý pp ma *arma soij O*m ta aatablish an elective Legislative (0u,~ 1Iconu . c.w < mgmta mutClho pripared to orvert he PTOiuceesof Ca Ou od.udy, *0 akuO oip~Od e lb -InmCmcoat Tley nigst Make the e ~sn * sut»- 'a~éamn !at='a.frtYstiy plea"d, but Canada, ut is aié a allother British Colonies, rnust bh ot, crat Ma !U " amachical prniples. le womid le iroasi oublis~ establasI the electivc principle in h eù Couuscil withoust preduing the resuit to 4 ba dverted. lt wu ruec hat in the COUs ,.em~w ogreseparation was certain: the Saturai at quence cf the frowcrng seahh and power 01 stum uau u nta vM OOIU s lcoloniesautatead ta hat very resalit »gý,jm lmU gutZOuOUalA ould lbe si unwise tb forget tisas fct onTua li Es se iW tuu. K. ne sd ap qdaips, becanse tlaev tere in a state 'of L MW-".tiusii andu vigour, toforget that he timne raussic' * Bu-M vciai. they must die. He Irtute,!, howe,er. bc ïïaii Ni &gdlêhebà. "k fiepd <Ch.lacdoe waa ftu remoed ubru separatmsou a J~0f a.> ps. iilac. lua d ae sbmw no rea3on why the canada1 %) tw8L~lb >k bi, .Uat Ca.aêgoglmu ahoulil iot go on for înzg rota fa Mo.' -ue.. . aimytans la a date cf mutuat happines and pro"~, R- le e«Wa 4 lm M*' O cla.agavui< Lxilid BD.OVOIAm.-A governnr (sr F# %ts ou.aiAaomba boi téhf Rend) uao appointeil tc adminioter the i..- * ~ ~ ~ ~ §Q Oi>. ei-uw4Mt ta exerejue power-a pa. enidi Mi ci abfé i, mil a fm Ci Ceý,ç,issc.-to eduiisterjustîce as merrlt-. a, Ue 1112d *M *0tbd Otf pjiated, aboe a!! mankind, ta prevai 4 1 i eobiu b U l I O S U an a o m a b. m ; m m itte d , a d o n ly in the ard eal luge the ett tce- teçu bpaishcrm. I cht a bweqo <mmiouiups d J. ea9 il ty tedotorChusa e of p-aefor the sale r«S mh eilml itula ekMaSe> d nisbecaus auill eWtht e rrfirsiand lit euh poverCha là ,sshgi*i Mil e omittedis C ucarge l'Y thse Sorer,' a t- à hdadale ie CbM had 1 H iudsU »Jaebien theTe for the pete, the hap,%. a Caaada fia. tat fiie u s Thi.e 4a9tPYO a tbeprotectioa-the fatherly prottction-.eu ewoxwhieh oyway the plèdm 04&aiisifellow-mnlaet, the oubjecs t f thf Crownnoc, ~ ~eOvostaomttbpqU0 g~a~diibY asa? i e avowed-and it sas loso teîl deIipsis~ata!uaeument-he avawed in tus deoPsit t e-Im *IM46W 'cet 5Slenhplaer-he hragged of il ini his speech tt Îu D *l<In y ai M ý.pe tac haailsemuch nmistversel and am Nd qIiheiMtubithatehe àm oetou--ebo hasted that atiiubhe hm starcuajia glb. Golueuuaai.wkht Chat rpepration wamakilut fr crme-ib IOmgot UuOOf7 l ut4 aili -m-1<s hbcvwu veiliawrare-thouzh tbe was acot*l ed' M uM 9 tpideadnsa4 Ia0 O <faMie~d Citrebetlicon was hatelhing--thuatWf tbaQwemammto4ob.. Sbh usa Otibie"$ eb. e 1usuintbhat trdituts vere 4à JM&saI ;t wuby Mta IuIa fbéCh. Itipif Q*teà 0 a-ChRt he ljsarected acre fia di Ch. *ePomplesaibybaqW«m m1 lh, â UP et aï i4adceilmore and more by the tuarl - W% 4111It-il trastcia-umd hat every tisur cas briarlaram '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~r mgà ah unisa ..iop5s tiao uton IlCose reasosahie plan-Cea las: aaxuho mCu.taiIs.aah **eWa wr-he deemed it tus dulto Iia 'a beoSola id I ato tpreven< the perpet ration of ci i i OlpOO 1aUU Iê~I~It~tU 90 VMila iii btsceot aubjerctafrom heping deiudrl M0W 04 - t letk y by twt .ro ns Goî! d Chfrusdbpa~~ o sieaa0lo cha ormrahere, the motlier coq 1kiitih>9a4s1 *1e0;hirhwas to foster, ta o Ed b»pt emiOIm*CêO5d iWllt gmer, mil particularly to guide 4ha bOt h *I*~~B»-O4~ aml4mt peai lealmtvo c atroather couati etêêi OiOtBh 3 I be », q l étatule of h. Atlantic, and did it, fie L'fo webuegm> be u UaUO W - te*.oui Ct we hoard of -1isaffutios,ahirh0 Nha' e4 Vk me Ma i it W bine WPUUuf 4bcoull pmtdcvii -We iid sot seaid tsnlt Iuiho lis b Cm$40, oitail ka' go W. 1='»acm . hat an auing fore atutld M. $ Ch. sp._4WrIf Cho disaffected oaat t ~ IP 'mi i'» ?iiO la1h.JwP- veïo lasà conditlcus In which their atiempts1 odms.utlif~ UM utM S 8" ls nWnot*nce~, fiey al'ouildreturst n to kd OOV4IIBSI IL obi G ds aicoco f -Eettheoataal ject semd abcts > pc#tic M ÇWWWoSIfi<mb*On t fls à* Ci-0 < dfte arerot, and lite ta ar asa tSdai, e aa o tdhia lq-uipd »Mcamtit blod had beni de la etdot." 1W a bçugb ho i sibiaa. 1W li»1110 b &d amaa %of oy of the disaffected Oasîlt Omo** -.w liet -emeseitkn thon, and sut liii t M911Y4 lab. ew1lk'laiptace tirbuilcyt,! Cu berttstd Plus 'a aloi eluisis Vo.tihie csch uf bisbi It as"dktte officeaof a lie ftima blesn that if tme .. 2'wus 'ai. ......... - lettl *da. At the tim t.break ct.4«1Staie th l: eku po-i iformers, asBd the Te scull, forfcritu aint q sud me Sir judiciai c. li e ata mâWu ie hqbontd Caexpre-1 th e reiip MY 'sçl k<t»Wbmids 00 ottes as hîy sasp aloé fiéaes l, t.iformation, prsesai milUOtYe.t, att this hait b"esam Gas or Um~Canada, Who lad k Sdette tg ug it ilbis despuCche ta but, lie" ".sd le hufit e the P-1opI' sehûm pu- *oply rfttop* a Ion ou f lire whîrh Wt1 ~ n. Iwlleerhim temake thà 1 __ g avÉtIe Ofethe C:gallant Ctii lm' dx ie axmptomthens, bailfaites i -3 l~jbut-if hebail not sent aw4y tbf sot~ ~~ ~b Of bniatm a aving the sa" Le =,» thie afterthaogbt f & h .iset llyc eria ,ei h.hat ad a Sufficienttq dit Sp peovscsprdetiet *e it Ibave butfoeCr -iaI *~ ~ ~tj 1h o1e cet i i hebravele ~ tluufuE, be isb aveha! t 4dirél pbld whlch any 1steTai1 ~~~Od Wpvailrfiy-tbe timfb d la jébi4 imia heing ha :5. Liai ~sea.utaL-He her feffif *tiU g- LeedI>arhai. Huiam __~~~~v lea~UiOt Canada, rsjcyd ~~~~~hm d .~ cpiuc fbis felteo- thSm e tpitCh cof bSu " &j M &M iC5 d elit - ~ ~ ~ g iamtcfrmterYPM Numhadp oî ledub oie eum ofit l .,,d ith lm FiVsmi ja 0bal Md tapf' v vriouy010 t'idfrU1 rutiflabi st-d v-sbdd ko9m uw-'

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