833 di tit, auw mli l tild tacs tmoT bée.Theachéit t bis at 'aiucl IS oyg. thé ,he b», f . Su molet b@ wv e og a uocî "ever thse provincm oi. Ney, miga mals thegss sle '.s ta CaMada90% oi, mut b. geved M, it WO*sh mp.1111 Speintilesin tbe Legàaa ilmengt liirMuit e cai iM t-u 'lu lne ennuîi Scertaim:» the clai c lit Maeitta anti pover If îb%- te lhaï ve es,'iuit; and cl fouget lisi as for any5 ~ e, e.in a stale of lcW tIat tise time me!tome ah, i isumect, bOW5osvr, ihat th di ubeà sepsesittica ahulà msuVii, the. Csnatu a, so ou fer a longrene1 âinai haianem and prolpeuu [-A govsrnor (Sir PeaM eft atiminisethé i.slw-,, )owey-.m& Parentaliller5e ni"tr justice in mercy.wl macni, laJrvetci di ouli'th. bard ceein t ame4. Beu t blait th Exu thia porpos, féit it bis d i oiPeate, fer hb@sable or g l of the. culeey-.a a ai1 bey Vers Sut anti foffl apb,' thc soyersut, 'at r ioa pente, thse bspper..ss, U 1 fatiiiry proiecîlon-of n mabjcts l f the Crocs in Cal -and i t wsa hoated ofhy t roveti in bis despiteh to gd of itin bis speech tal air i«.evenedant i moi astati thaI aithongh lis kn a maluing for crimne-sihuc --thcugit he vas accuatelyi ms vws atciig--thîî sditi aeng-hait traitera vere lâyý e tifcieti vers rin lay anti mues b' the arta et veiy beaur vas bringingto ta tei reircasosle plans-hIl deemeti it bis duty le tlc.s e perpeiration of crimp, and Mets iront being delatd ic itou. Gracions Get! dM Scivirizeti country 1 Wua b ie haee the mother cosury. la vas te floter, te pruel paricuiariy te guide hmy a retrol, anotiier country sn iilmete, anti didit, au, ee tard of.dsatution, whichi i -vi diti net senti any tno bai an swing force shlit be ae dissfecieti saleat lIai w. in vlicii thet atisispis an by . nîI retussa te lIer oi ýe&t oect seeseti ta le ta i oit, s lisco to ene à tuntil hlot hati hecnshii y cf the dlaffected, andthe 1l :en-t nia anti not lI tle§h teise allowed te rtorril. enerable iiencb of ishoe~p b cnsciencele anti te refifecîi , andithe office cf s9 Chi id tihe mneaniec pserecl str te bit led auto tic ibatit aI evereiiedgesif tile lanil vth respect gte lmàtmialee and informiera, lerd tise scly scretfer it5 la etuil irjodicia eys. BRe asket eixprs thse fieii 1 Ilt0io m0 oin as they sac pM le iniornatioti pctioes 'et, ail tbmis hé been doe bi e Ciguada, viroe badthe t1 bilin bis tiespatniiet tii lis es f lu te thse peploe vhOm hl gla lm d lifo uhicbli 0 il f«hl bitut mals ibis Pin" haIb loi the palliani Colanle Mt ollers, iati fallen in eth' as lad net sent ave' tleh steati of b tvh- Ui fuc s ne tise after-thongbt Ifa1 ha isad hait a aiflicieat PPP vince, perativeitllrs the ici - birnt iortb-iufCi1 ru of sîct, anti, luiteail ai d nt inccfiSistl la1' lot offcet anti bis brave Cispo 51b Icb any govern"e il cjoy-it@ triomrb af Mr Mad»rbu i noble*t outte Caiada, e inila âm~e of bis fel"ICOltl <Ils rali la f hb iialé .s luaufd te the celebrati Soi . IM hito lite" vgautsle m wàw d *des 1« azii m'atamc id htmdPb ±c bi moif is similsL bressn MMr ct, cr hé 'O se adscis acri m i a 1lo uhst oi seu âe estil 187,Su irsbai e W si Wa-a is I pmasme ms5wvd bacs lad sitfse e l Webi w5t bi appt e cti.lma vc u (Melbmorne) la rferum ics te Usaiejci,umd *ais te tas, ithaïceglS iteirmalhs lbobesem ai lin or Ivet, deyso metir eu ps u adei the tioverar f Su IJppcv Pt5'5i viIl a 4,td pmeeetY i' ieitng q il Wih rspect tea e.thcr Polint b a âiliecumi idcdtihe hatll ' s mt it touam ia lie Wbats innfoml! by nataziun srs l lene si e hance f an u lever ý~ CUSmt.1 -dehal býW erylairl, sdba ltrnietle .4 lieS, tiai Seth 'cas tSu opinineif Suhe settal1 l~~a aseon, tlirompitte vsiile te itat lopii,'c a tes ia tdrjetgmea llan me,'ofier iatdbielis th e Of Csotid u e fore tus rcimclioo tek place, epmems n5 OOie bat tuer Doa lmienof ci m.uraeic i- n ot laCanada.iAtlbhe n eticmebus. rénaay thaï, previos te tils 2»ofI i-Novcmbs, bt, 1 e1 ieard tht cOmUganil officr ln Lover Csada. hllstimae arrangimenlsic b ioitties-i be ex pectei a rebofibisetobreak e ut, an (ti he b.Dk of Wellngoni) vus vçr tis ucb ered te lad that on hou,.genleman san tiseotbe beamu, là île dehtea. ths aUdres, aludet te those estampa- aent, andi ashedt oi misiera bey 'bey usant te pt h vister. '£lsaisley siiovredt tisaie malbas'. been a communiatinbitues, ibis conry' andt Iose ie a dteto f dimaifection in Lavw- Pr Cnada. The rebclioc migit nv riasps le queeied but lie antreated ibe nim,.tr net ta thpoeua it vas aompletehy glrotrle. cm tucaetibe bpoceti vit héIbalu 1iepasitlcn asti tea semble bu Canada eatlb he at>marbl perio t ie arges force tie reom o if liecun- ti,' cuitiadmit of Be repiateti, Su t reelt bie for tia country n uchsii-btag ma ittile -vat; (her) sunti ie begged tise noble lord te observe, tha le isc he2ed f Dscenboi-,thinit day on vhbcii intelligence CE tbéconilawnae transacions iu Canada vert recei vetimotleiu thau four lpr. tant eveuls liaitine rretia cib of sellis vu cal- j, cuistedte isexcite lite deepesu attention cf lthe gor- crament. NORTH EAST BOUNDA. Frou hicuebszti iat. The Joint Commitue cf the Mainc, Legiibatàre rade a long report, ou lhe 13th isýLtit, su, tise Narth Eatern Boundar,', anathte arrst cf Ôr.ey TIses'recommnt-Is, an 6"carnual duati Ilte lime Genera Coverasmeni ta Il put tanentIl te the. janlaiction f tue Britishs Goveuntin the dis ptaei tlr,. ilad-that til. nid Geneimi Gev. ersemenu sboul Il"rase anti ertahieh t i île.i crdisg te the Trealy ni 1783., I WPsciuuuo. etîima thorou Afare andi encampest cf.3dillis rops seilhia the terier,'a"la beeu." II 41-TIsaI bh. Exiscuive cf M ine elt le laie pomp anti efectual meaurea" te arr efe. feidere in the distirbe t lrrilory, ManI causetem ta le bru-i telutrial Ilhefore ont o*e ailal tri- buas." No declicu bs ilaen bWton tUs ire- pot Our itigisiours ln Mulnet bave bons Me=~tlg wth * forme p ate las. w. ' longer poicetseeing tha ld ,'jm Sec. iii tent s long. It is s a itere7en fUbIimas toevierybodyle Moine tfiaI ca of c 1763,1 ?ae ,raoeosre uf h lacnins osessiona of Get 1B A . ment file- IY thâtnIshe ilI 5,affr bermif te le e na mov l' as,' lacpVeii pies oratinai trinqpan. fiss scI a tempi in I"i-iie anti stablihathe lie" withouber cogent, or te tale os1teg-Ctual aa-, ctires" fae iî bn-of ber pomemaon, i" avm Tue NoaRTi .îr Esan IBoU»us..-I&m havi rectiredth îe Mèsgage of lise loveimr c f Main. toilee Legislaliure f mia Siata vhi-b conspa- rid a eornnxiu"icatlan atidrema i10 hlmb,' t Secreuîry of 9Mte, on thesealiaet oaiZlite eet Elin Ba'dir,. Thsis commanicsgo*. -s.Forsylh, il spé.as, ans.unces t il.. -i5, Icîce e e e adar c est M d< at h'tl ct U Itain lhave arivcd tia atap inl:evbuii PFrcsilleol thiqua ht disa te tihe Bia of Maine a"i secesar,'te titi. Intlig'nt si-ion of the Gemter, Gloenment, ta laie tîlenms&a-of tai state jI ezaai te lhe expeuiefl,c f el seing a <diet ne. tonidtion for tuee saabliment f a mèratiionr line, anti if Maine shioi dreu as aiM mpt taed- jalt tle matter i cotauversy linlia form ativias ble, lIe tensaibmhe noent of MaIme tate is aae. This ides of a conyentiliaal inc ui ot iiu ti te mnet mui- favourinlufaceyea of tus G-avernaaî scI a sys 4l if a direct popositilat!btonce .tatas th0tagli tIe g'seral gevenmeni fer a specîle a me ef tainliry, yielaiug tanmstrio,'ocrpesvilat tf naigation equivalent tilchemsettield teriuory which ce rauglt clmete fie., ià vulti <call lave pîcentedthelb que'aio ijea dfergntasc But tse questiuon ntar laas 1I ntmad 114 wlaeIl etwe salli te tii. bcad lu aandocir utra aildselinteer proposition for acemnvres à Ui Thc Presiden, ievever, la5atc tle t if ti cînventi,<s,.llime le nal agée tea te bsvillu t bis dl,' te subil achtet r itute eth C.ovmeni of Great Britinbtg w he j b ,,dici ofl îlequeston ta a tisi psy.s<euIras Faquier) 'r a. a t s I a e a y y L. 'p rI Iii e id ]KINGSTON, TUESDAY, APRIL ~ Vve have grec sererai extsadaftmihpel- es in theeflouse of Lords <on theaffait i fCaUd In thte exract flom the speech metitheK£W OfAbW eren, it wil ic Secs uit bigo OF Mu 0* COrrecîiy representeti hy the ComasecllmVêasi ser in the sh'or notice pohieiA vu il, Th noble Earl's npipuions respetiag the>e aueu c e 'Can% la froin the irother Cousty, & m mt and guirrdd s tIolie i ne cioijc"se.k. In Sverai successecnhera of ow pIpi, lIve ronnenVd ion th unpriacipid presed à1 of Oir democratjz neighour, SM. hissé ms 2'c eItreme fol, andi siceti,.. of Suhle a and their îîratial allie. The. sae i oulram 'Ilc have been cmmitited om thsipeupl, i f Province by the, demoray-of tbmesudsliagStr reqlirtifrom ns ithe lanXuagiet inadguatr- lIu&e, andt he expresioin of vam md fuapeti ensure. HO, richly uey have boom unit&# the peopi. f Upper Cu"ada 1ev lS ie e %iii long' renember. A M m af, 'Illich vas neyer haf go impomtor daugesé a' th viols in New York anti Babiemei5 b m mate 9 Preert for repeatet invmymauof the îtPuy ince, in order t lanleiaan mauiis Su huai. lanis b,' mole of tuiess"e mdct4k"b hm bds States, sshich moi,. vere umùbmied, eupw ius courdgeti anti appiModtib,'griot mgumii " ePd"bliPart of th e opis ain sefaise %&m. Ten . suln 'attempts tn popuism eflaiytà b,'lre6d -a là 17Tque, juvs m vil & signal timict, andtS he W uâs fludsV* 3 Wi p bu micadeilMû e tigm. se hastver id id lad ttem dtOerhg utpe -"- Çams &0*Su là e m tsucin ma lIem ahauaisie ftmet lave ', v40M tls ImilguisiV"emim l tpeuple, esmav Ou 4.uuby-41W ami-bud owu'I. â fisemi Su uaise1ppesafct te pilute il atee touli it l y leir mpe Seyleguta v e,' t n os f th ile Amencas i s u 9 l e m t c u i u u c b u v a d o . fe i t u b y fiý lIe, ts- P d m cll sm 'a lepsve ui lm W be s irae M1 ek àajsleis'aIbw @MW eerlaimem malglboua i ft ioddtiap, waltib a W, do ml u, tiag u lic V. S. militaiy ccen. Mommva,tieabout tSu vhis buae.itr, a wv waïdefty et eveaiscsee talabiu"cm hv leargl,'uniiswt ilsbuiagaela mIeis lu"ateu iqi Mbuier ndey, emou amihabien e rgau. izsfimd cqem et4dat ru dfe isuitlsyri.- civet issutfe reqmetablsud viiu,'Putm 4 Sue communil,'. 'Tih ier M«supple fan&s ..t messofWrSuth e elum cf tSu Mermer, md a«W Ta Jfsum eisf, o-e.,about. UOMe veaS an tisl butlr 6Su att a ILiaKlmtn, andi meclyett aubuvribeti:auêltre ere epect&Vdeple itbs mebipdUli-ud it u5taou-pep woulti havee. u aeiMe esld Suhau.mbum revermet. Tise. uao uge bis plu bmv9fiat la fsam -Bave oupeuple ruhteti ou &aeabsaud organizeeapfftus e.ta titheSu Itain laFloul das fYetSuthe r fuel aàtimPeaym-poi , 1fer lb. latter le tlcir Plat atiggWesW 'kesp is coutryis,'visci Su' meietbav e d tboui 'anestosa.OBave ou peuple aitiel the deepi'or .piessiatraes cf the.moutber Staes t.a mis freedoutt t BeiWefe'O ecu o « ympa, f. 'fias ne 6vanapet tba caseoafa Neim 1 I be,' py es tt aiJuba Bel aRwuMibarg ;a-teâ - Juomîbasu mdéfe;a.Wlate Su eu e- ' veimst. Nadti ue,'det on noêhadmol Smcoul 9 e sisagl,'Or ln aquab Wtenit an inarrection dual l. ic p eiais" Ont,lset abOd outt etba .isad mnucb cauie cf coemplainin tbal. Botl lb. .baye donc amclmmi. TIey acrenomeedti coItstiuer it bat hein coepleaely pultov,ar, ,bacc mmee it unAmerlean leu»imMeins ae Cm"nadsenvolt,1,tb le liaI moi*fteinu aleta evsai Americane, oa n t ek lwtbsueq,40W f. v ar fin tise amenalt of tSu States. Noaac Fsutif mem conilavbore Mîbeti ouapublicaes semsirpnt,', latewverâSu pwefece migat be lm JuInBule dominions, Ibievie aunIreatet -thicyca shSuitibl no math- wiiaîpriteece ia '-oaceti ds«polricfa" Ipannetheir oefatim cabl v itji ne bntenptiee nc v m?" le ai .0eane sabd 101ev,' saramd commit rapli anti murder en theur peuellesigbbca& .Au yet se.of ithc Amu aapapte'. peendtu te pml '*aie tisss otrages, and affrate v-oudecieaioi ceujalaimiaadeteareml1 W* oSlubie 4q t.servedt i fte, ellaI bm,' lotaded for w,- ebMrine sduveta lbg deaoi ieoaeiS t-lad ent hutetd dsn pu tle tlee lu'tsÎ ao 11 teneoncetii at i mli s&Uebo aidi t bea à Ifvilest of tSu vile. If tSu Amerians bhaveu anuaycd la,'ucor vord,bv wmmy t.umd tin Inamot havi va bue m ameodi d eed b,' i Wats teeLt t tise auaI, vIlle ve tme t- auciisusajecL te Hav*mg wat&& ta otmi uedI,' asti tceaih<e ou apnigboustSue ondsmeationer vblebai Femeriteld, vs ba** mev anoiai- andi %0imare in te rtant dua,' te psfiru-4isaI , te give a"al R-corriat sialmemt îai lbelai& e ebln ndaluahi M teoe mir,'fu-m ammihen d mmcb moredaagi ever,'gi-al missppacbe mmi m evilnmgqaaclg lii aclmalsroogll cfSu betlleele pr,,Mdnili eueai mlapprh âos aru sloeee lps »Ciou- tssdteti>ad mdasI. thesc S u ead cf vem- ment a heme e a i.héCle.,,tSuesixlypat d nxA ite viiimmean luths, lsasetlosmmci bter planmed »id orguaixet flan Subou, meal elt ebtensvol,' dilaset, anti stlasti:b,'m &ateafrci irorea diulng Siaainvlg h Plrimes.ai vaiesue poits ai ou exetavQ . .allttm i upm membc lai.. bathin Englantàilt S ieontry', depuia cf aimesen ammuniiom vii be (armet edthé S smmer in vaiausp"ut f i SIlt bemiinm .Canada, ae arapueek vI le mdi fer a grand co- - itimovem, efpefi le%*#, Mdli0ie su gaopovcrfut amistce. vitl le s»"gM an "adi, amd0dmiperb *s anmt 'vialbu moie ta ret Sas Proviu s m uthe l#* zemos- To &Mdrs!apiama *sean stsmp t i4na seuqi, ti"eetlte the Ss.Ps.*édslnupdm bue i' orimùsalivideniy seM ill aillii >tiel,'bm& . mwiï S sapimuisoýýt f jibel ire a tet au smalteb.cmatape mcb mcl fi. 1WsR*-MWusuitit if mil bv i it 0 e iompi whitvi <w ,ma I àeit Ï dsibie %eimiu u bgve1.. It hm bsm emmi *'f Ni 0 buéwtbmc A 1 b.P S boniev odedom i al se. ili om O ur Afb i mail' tpils flans 4u 10 vmisia un, palmoe aye- ire~ ~ W ile mâSugebeaabsbe emer et Il. cmbitmi l 1 Anslai.we la *0 mdi4m& et basW"- P. 1-90n WCs mir i e se Maan ant lrder,laeiug no ocuisithoBm Rfou. J csnom bal regre thUat utierSuaee ctcivan- ces an,'portioaille lehabitants ofibisCil, shobId bava feliti seSwet t hismoment I0 prent Ibsumiles »uote uchatctet Of Edar- misa, as -adistleel ais. of Sue flueOf Ibis Pst- ana..F. he g oo ia sentiuate asear4n excitsuint, tio 4alteobeSu umit,' ut a pmis vbeneey anme lable tembe calltpumte tahta parth Suadmiitiaimece5t an shcW ale sa,- Iflalsair it, bordt, ipli -»s d upeuis.yenutl mrver, be &yWon sf adlvloloy',asyi ai- jclsfetlit'Youam lte te the pï- welmttgiuhbp e lanclitue lillami qion iltelo easM,'addtio' W-m cisitingtSueu es u uOWtt r- -ac le sehou Y'.bave alledetilea,'mur Adaest lea gris. iat ecneemce 'lt &0u Exbee Gsmm. inlg regardte jusiee es wiýns umro'm"billave ne Msgbism SttheveseMW$ as'peahl'cacir *C a oe"alof éSu dlgraeifu mua Su Cul ,se muh.mayiimet ie u- me. s-y eh pam d4si ituvaste- .PusaMm s no»ver la jusltblv resortee ne anant crengiab iCeil holf toue e6tas. ad uresce cemoe,' eaa o wc mtb u moe. u te «Wcrime seifiadte, m lai ve licI maitolvatit i lam Ofn aiÏape livMi llueim Stims a Ithe F sel G ui N st elu ui y, l es. 'thelsm -à * , .Md.iL SwLiam, h. oese'.'i e W Um*mlpmdlk, Md C. A*Ulatteolà lap- :smet io'ia m mmid faità-blé ~4sTint aotrmsvu s.il.obilp a&* et,ýgamm d'diig émUsufl umemp tuèkeimi1a mrk w m Oaksu &0e essui se A .bala* lgwbl ~a ifl l u SI îii.i'SuKbalai isC i fN %id tiem eai ds vsmtwe m é*eM h v uI eas inNVPLM*fOI, ad wàgR, NST ON rUN MENS SOCIET. MessIen cf tbis Iuslitufioo are isiociet itpOps »Wmevte seUme i11. weekly aic"- k ie*, , MedutIi telumu e uau. m ek s,«t. limemik bva adae. a't"umi alleodameje ...oméinge msasdý mTfy evemhg meut t Ie4m Ïbèo1~~ie ftsieIwingvoslt *questo ap ed w *Ieinea diuwm. Are aul Me=tr êPil, mental capUbiltie X INGSTON bMARMINELU.IWAY. A T Met;n ofbeStochblies cf he iK v ton atie Rikwy bld ai tbe ut. A. lZ- mi m titre day, for pr o f eiectms Ive Direc- WW' îsaaable teLb. Adc f incoqsemmtisthe. H.Gî.ga.:a J. StuM&Os, A. MCNÂÎa, a. Oàir T ii.Drectoua hsvmnj adjoumed 611i5 oUocekî 09 t i Ui bouseof 1Mr. Coenier, wlacoIf. Gii. *SLEYE . u lecto.i Premdent, J. Ceuni-sa Treamtrr, antWA.Mcuts esecreta,' A. pNIBB, Kinoto, Aril~ ~Secretar'. - Irinpt, &pe 2, l ,r UPPER CANADA IHk.RAL)-TUE.SIAY MUARII 3, lb&SS Tullm ,Pieaa.Wbreca b oe amiat teiue M<e b.potti ii b ils obili -macesuni i u sumgcfl ri bul« iae cfSCnm CouM W ,te . les**" als u Suisca%, but luthspiogueei in fltrumofi aas& il Ps .-pmaid that lmeu ubes elpose,. M e theSuwoklm a'. e vWii Clark 1ae mw. .ti*ifor partie.s"der Ibo etsant mal- la ? i»t in &» l of u fexéesadhg M m t a" e tId direct publie attmntio tetheb. m 4 the pelons..Tae -Molming iin & skrmsa vIsiht ilaenterpelsi ba s epublic uiPctt.ý vilJIEnelhme,. ip,'.LSibelad egas cary dffcctils i h ilci theeumspa W lis 4463« bdas 21lusda'Jemteeti bave bae. cusiatti, thI RilWav To I rc$lmcjy tSe, Oc sxmvo vm,*, 4Y. plaed ndei- excellent maaguets »adl tia I"uufo cees==r nue prSpect ob the É I beouiappmdily saV"fte 19V$il psser ourExcec: prltale .oe. api. Gldeshcevs la tilPsi- tOl W% n Mý*yIs att i dloyal subect, demt, anti bis ixpeitnecetiaklitviii escalit fàe uudbssimed ailanlauietiasCii,' aiT»càtea&ailthe Cm.pyan,"s airs ahal hi U»a&O4*l 5ppumch Vis, Euoqà e cell citet y« ou c -anc,','gowm athbi ti tjàafg'ent. draUlahn nyoe1 pieiemynmtu <.m -i*@ Mr. Lke Shea, an etperienced anti ail idul shI ussi mi Uppa Camidakmai upes journsietatheaOf cifter l* <aIM& psitead oyge Ai iis lcs uits"r'iMm.m, sa is et i uuol sit nms. cf Su a. W. rqud't our Ex- ing depatsti, vhiteoues ihat ai yul &W cdi fl l v Ccep nlIais o-Ccauithe I reohrsai, d"b execuet ia jIa eetm mentien1atd Il "m of Mrs a.ac<eeaifacimest Ilieu Meut C«mla cieu *js,"s p=suand Gi rmelt. t- vh&Upaisihble dsatcb. About forfy staeas-Ir hochaieunt ia ere an ti.voted ex tSut culbeetaib" Md jati Vi5elivireplairidtie i ail Way tlhvam, masueydifer vtbme.lein in tiimens- 'l5stymr, and me bebevi SuMthelsgiateafsallafai- orm cCcmmmiatmiisralon AV d iOlsp lon u ve l al ana.laemveisociSu r.achralli slofcnc,'::te Cimpei' f the a, EsyiWa,'ia mut saluable adition to thelbaale Irin sra*lelérf yenilai as ip" . efoto, md eutToiasmen mandevîgbhoui a lto i4 wthe b.expurienuce etailaot =imvil7bi eceuniry' canuot latter server boula Sumlv. ofiaabis yooa Exellemcy ita pdg. ai the ree&'s md ite Tawn, tdmnb,' taking up tSu remaiim bliest itise objecte cf refoualios.for mmm,' toea, ed rtiog thiuteW or the ceru h jsumllJecté lu ibis Proncr e. D Ws a viimnton Ia, Istats oftbo.counoty villpeobl,',fertpr me, bma e elUenin,,'# a tise setrain i expresialo cf Public opinn,4ant l i fvoleWrm ladt year, a tradngComaq in le itz- 1 do aM dbaise ta revive duacusmeufor vhiais meu% itoula,'matie a divitieti of 50 pet cent, bealitie ms! auMaItpreeit ebiemmy unfit. Ie are, peevnacmiirboaottc alat x a owelve, preapsuedte umureuoua Excelie ese,', onieu mo fpoft oe *in theslo. f plulaeetc, Mmd tSu ap- tendatheSubêSai. ten us. a m fr thepmatio cf e h l onr,' it ien Iwulbavs liie "r 4e i igéeesupport o f A splentaUlsihi fhg wv u esadnlte t ille - Itise loyal, PatriIle m d oetimcaslRelormnrivilla Voluteer RiieCsupey o e l81t; m 1- af the Province.% e ia*f, ciscefl t vuhfeti- yMus.,. M. Badwrin, aM behaif cf the Loyali me&W pa t e ti plaan a se e tis u m i mi s ti L am es or B e iicyhie. M us.B e uasc e i . m m m luace allhamelSutesaaycr a ipuctathen2ieugt sbsld al bu inlictea«etheo S mflotusts par-~ li ceel raottafal taliie mtou co g i e l aie lametble tabellon, and litatings Millel. cuatli e if«erie teil"a uvesal feeling, andia in cbciacnce te théo dicmta of Ber «» iet rs- ise Eection foc the. Couo f Genville, te cious Md Amialei tiapolt et sa Maje u aappi,' tis, place oiW. B. Wells, cupeltd, vouit me A lelt Ped te samhteiisete-ebsaion ~of &commence yesterday aI Merrickvii!c. i pneral ammmci,' fer peitiatofles l crr ogrR.Houitler, %.bui-.. tme fthe Fe ng iti eetlisdugracions inclinationas Eof. as eumet -Mtis e. jesty ie tilaprc'vh'se, TourExiclleca,' iii have Cai,' cf Oxford, in pis.. cf Dr. Duncombe, ex- as tile mblestgblcafwor M f evuetimd, tse pc&.d. ïaksounemnt of padon te lthe mlseeimd,(uil- au. t, antdva enloie te amur yo lI aadmw The. liver bas icen opu to lte Lao siucas re fratice tt" belon, viff bu lalleet u m n- WThamay, btet l*a. tili rmains la oui ty mncemnenof a]Mug coSsai of genesl cunltdnc, bé peaiantiprospsrl7end w m one y d 1 hlatisoi r. TIc SmcaanBout TransIbus isen cut Dd = 2mbbnne lace ebl ot, wetiove lu Sf.J" 1. Ibis mormlig,& vili. a = te, Z7 orbàe te HBer Majet, Md the icae tiersfor Toroto ad tle. batiof tSu Laie asolle Etaipereovia ui-h eeprobmsseas00roshlli, tomorrtllemerninet s9 c'cloak. flac WS. IV. sr e REPLY. e4meiOp cmSaturday. Lake Erie isfr« fraomu. rot 7" jonfor pur cetgmandta gsou The Asmeric a mi reiclst Iis moeag bas my appointmenttIo tise Govelmest céiIbisPtv. bosghta emi from 1frace. te tle 201h of Feîeusr, *. lce. bubotitsigàif en& M a m mu iaisgiamedlà rectite fins y70 exr Bk- Ia nch HRendiarriseet N w YorkToi-nc Wed- *y mo f i crm e ttacsette Rai J>II'Bnsta'mrcnmae«migbe raetay SPimson and G.vuerentut. vhb, vitboutanseo a omn s avgbe retd y e. tneadi*iocoeap wvici Ido net deire te SueCommercial MI'elt, «&visereaM fla ise 1 amv aivi e I tal umiemad M- vatknovm, viiiail tSu respialdus te bis char- Squi"l.K1 amPMMIo C7 5(7en 5I5tU etid gtfttieu.'e Be villii nheSupacbui if w yor avlli. aemt renelv éitcal diacus id =osasifi M1.:= Ibil c I out i i ate be a tSu La De. MOMpauinul aubjealIlme etlIbis i-oment, vises se mv of H« Msjsi'e su-bju is plId u - a..10t... SHER!FF'S SALE. jtnft 1IAt. JLL BC SOLD at lIt ta wira U Cout Hoicon othe To0"noi Krogglon, agiSaturday Su ail dayof Juame nýt b. foilouhmg IMdM ehbenfUi ù d m Exee.izs imamsd z of ma js Coon oefKximeà BrEels,aet be soit. 9 mornitpi épgau theii. Lande d ,T m onm f E Fib dh Hilenry licMl.m, i::-AdIta enatTract or jsrcel .1L ki, sum nla# llm rlvn,uitt" svrub tz or"cl <Ieunaip of Rasetini.the i.idiotd Disrit. [Sais et 12 'ciok, noce. Ail Pe s o ving i-ima agdfiit seiau»li~ Landi or Boy part thre-ol'.m aueaI~sled m île aie Io e on or Nbfft e d of PUCHAJU LLMS UcI".1eKing"tu, *Ui IIIuci, IM SHR E IIOa EU luviii Ru-esLÙsmi Md On WLc. ILLustSlloues vum c Wknat. 1 w Satura, s smn4 Zen. oei efcowglatsaid ,vro.p joE.ue istscd cfitur cflansie d cl'. Cein agmins ibe L.aî ntTetemente of David, Leuh,', 1 .-A bat canait taict or Pàracaî lan, rwp ofthe Bzedet Fusai orf4 N6 % i à;e*>Cutcession if the. Tow"hp alto, Lot. No. 18 hin . f.Mi Concaeo c f tSu -nof 14içng leurDai .. A ,'.ç"o Ail pesnbaing Iesi igal stM ab#, Landioras»y pasttbcrof#aie roqc..t.d t.eii= thesamneto ni horljeiore hied$yst cf m JOHN ?&LEAN1 - ringito,, 8M. arie, 1M3s. mi Te 3e as cf Tf Of c tl le; 9 Kiv ;.M. WANT.. l A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN vso u- der#th'e Gnroey be.iaeu-A laberai T salai, vi i g ve& - um n n ui apply cale as secl JI Eatqniet ibis Oâfie, e11 Ierato%, 3diApdil 1838. Il COPARTNEESHJP FORME». E ~'IJKESitture rtres "tbatbis frira&isrc .U.mmdanaonirsb, cnembfor Ibm ver,' lîberml i .o-eae ed couse . P Po ,m -am et . I aurail. est fIrtiW ahdo. W i, fI, eutb' u Binem Tuet U m tflause ta Wn stmoebss. 4 gem. sud attcmtion to businenseam he Sumnu au» ph«s. iinad u. e soufft as lrnteore.so lber- hf WW1e4~a Ibo M5. bi e m. e.us M. alal'éncdt OS omrminmse.. cru esimPtiep a I4 ai.~WILLIAM à&JOSEPH WILSN la bIle% Tosi u elt. .05m e .a<sN. B. As làà -ber it aemauIoe las.mm Osmpm J ss.- brsfo aimaf morthié=aior eitcilest htiia~alh2tb. a. LbaiÉldi 'I slci% neyment ai ail ont stnding acéieteop te PlOCAMA1OIi~ jWr.. WILSON. vIcTOusuig 0, OfreO (2D, cf Ils U-4j l«W TAILORINiG E5bABLlSBMENT.j irq',fa flJrb*b at Idl dQuest, VRSUBSCRIRE1 seouldti rptcf@Uy sea-1 JiijOmiur <f Su F.it,;4t. 4-. 4-4ple lk'Iabitantu of Khwnganmd the à Teomlle tovfousue Ptesentfaaall cotm- Ivcnc' iatlI.ja om,nnse*q.ti ce'ts OBEETNS: boqam thi tlmh~e srre, p iugr. Iftcab'. te- UWUiRAS Webaiseeaupsmsed te]Kud"el 8 ent i store &ieet, vicre b.sehlifolil en tcrt ad v tlel-bloviet AM&;7aGasU èsilin la iUe of bom iapea sali esem niad Ms it GVOUé ~E A U, xw4iai ctmsotss da"eho, anti bolli-is tbe patonage of tle pab- of heb oyal liameverila Gnclpbac Orttue s#c bhuileTétan andiCaoutv. URAET ýmGovxua itor utProvince o m , ps L ». BROWN- Canada, ilte umsf ix mFatiectBomro litais, Kae<tôna, marasch i, 88 Bauono, IEigit Commander of fie Eo,'alB»mu-,&IL R.eTs ubiisi ocwi tate tis oppo.1 oveulag t Omeialert, Md Kngbt of thm Pres. . wau' ifIreitmkW a SaimIoth ie Islalats fci dum Mlltai,'Order of dalW aeIogt tlmthl eunr'giisl,'for bib es fa. 1 5t3Mmd tailu avle'fcuaExantve Cu-jvmQas andi bhocMM al a e caelv lir mal,' tiIe tIis eut loyal Pm"" *"loSu-al 5oport 1 pe0enbaie duismot ta. 'cmiiiZ;,' gsveu '* Cocass lmeanouheu aofest meice.1 elu 3vsaeedmi' . q our Luttera te b. mai*fes u A"mtsd lNust ML.WOMOf flS. re 41s ousa it Poic e b aaib~1Be Ls >ag.a ita-tiqisaiet theCmevi-l a MrwiiUU, ulamq Mi,' 11* ,ww .thpactis etifDuNM seu,"I *GEoRGE ARRIIL, L C. B. LMWeuklsesII.8 uehchs Govueidont siai ProvinceId MjesGem. Kheo.141 Mmb.m. 0 us vu" OliMI mbla hey$e 4 SPRO NT XESV AtÉ' mu lm awomm agubt dasidl 'o eigba, Mlfa thelutyr of Mrmfip». z C. A.RAOIE0. A. D!Laâi nOei «>»me adms~iS pi, i. e t' I. I. * i b - Ëi'- i~kç opei ~~~~~~8~~~~ Emm4ùfflsitmp. ~'ev' * jr e <s-s u lespleutlisppitLielstu à 9 tàusse Agu.,m t 0041, maSu. adianti DiaIneL UJ !LL BE SOLD aet1 70 Wlr. . ) ,Court BHuge, intiU rowe à X ingston,.on Sïýturday 10e iitb dey o( ne oeil, thie iollowiýng Landis seci db,'virtos.of mEcecutiont iaiùûed.sit of Rer Ms>aty'a Co4 dKing'& Bencii, et ite suit of Isaac Batiger amPq rhom. BaugPr, aainit the Lands andT*nemsnls W Thoasu Prd,', ail those.certain pien.' or :el of Land, being Lots sniniar 20, ui hési& >ncesaton, ard Lots naimber Figtteun Md im.- Weû, in the. Sevenili Concession mll et the Towmr dp of J.0ughlorOnýuh- in te idi m dad DIsil .ilonsing 10 the îlad jupMas Hary. Sale at 12 o'dioc o. ., Ail perlnsha:clcg clamaagalcast il bwolad or any'part thiereo, p red te prmnt S wiata me aor betoe a cM sle l.HADBULLOCK.; Sh.brla ,Mdlan Ditrict. Shîrufl'. Oafce, in -ton, Eah Marcb,183. in TEE atfli "5ECU. lidsabi District. UUEUiLL BE EWL» pIt TeVU. Court Houseau Ae. Town of Kingston, on Satirdàj Mhénchdmp d June %ttheb.folo ' qLaà a igied b viutup pf an Execuliou, aaavd ont cf lii. 1sm*l'. cort d Kinals Brocis, Met iti ui f tbosssium irec" udmtiCsi,.,y cfoie;»... cf uppq Canmaisainatthe 4 q4# s1nd Temmantset 1halid Leaibad a" es Hol, vis.- AUl Oie. 'catit.~~ aiic-prclc id knoWn m th.seu uen rit ofLq Mém bar 29, i. lu qi Concsion cf d p fKing"o, cng Pour AéreÏ seà jisie rods lie 1Lt n tise lii tr+rpîios f ImTwnbp<i 1147: o~dc, estei 126 Aefi%, im hl.mng te 811 Mar02, 1Me0 Sil E-R 1I 8. ; Moe *Mtriamd Of i uhm< xzk Ketaca F. i4it 9, id- iii u im m I q, beil Egecuisam of ~ridwè, IgiOtttI15. d. mW 1liet ma. 1 Ibave esail *e pw'of Su 1ma ta Poil Ed cfLet. Né. lat'0, . auj i iYo9 Xkt of 1 -O aMdPart of thesa.a oftae West Tula Seuil Rpg w fientjg dLet No. JESd. Con.io do., 28 Pitof ithe Pptlho LoiÈs.Ne.1, -'sa d oi aid lbaine %t1p duo tqo> ( te '" a formien ai. Su Bse, in b o * ed*ot Kingston, en Wcd.t *a 139btay ifliic e t, et thbeur o g é ma.,theeI "A"W the: Lvug cifte aiSu*às L m. r e,'pai Srm', estoli94 ~si ftl., tliausbbe 'W ... 2lrMardc[ = a =. &0 te IM lE.IFf A E wbeise «W. L- à cri! -à à Co CD 0.5 se nij5EImm8~ ~t a W~ i . ~ F-w- the d ta. ais ae a!- ;et- 1 1