'mrug timCANADA gigWTEDTARL~,lS - 7"'" VI*oe.IWO8LDOC.UbgérêJUM S ALE By the 3a&.ailier, LCpj, E ouaIid a~ri 8 O .* éé, *0 s X85 et lo,100Gall. SuptiioU,1. V.Whiskys UPPER CANADA. tOwd=W qEqs dmtdth-lawkVICTORIA, %the CoeqCd flVii IiiUl lrel' ý , - e t B r U .» , a d re lm nd , Q » -J .en oe ..... f atilé <K".glec CSak tg andland lb th Oka nd OfWinofe »WLaslou . C*ed .,,h iut the Faux Md 7 OutCa" itu Dm beaitî- lisai ecm 4t halt , it »WhWigWai.a o. kuo a& haMreartohO e H - - gailxst" oi Ia arbe biai taer lot'& e dlaà.i,'.M; tu ready botu k,.md ajj87I tif <. Î0""1Zm % in the h; kad Dst or o lils ï 10(ce» aen, Mèdý».«Ysoi as â .;%- . ieoam M ivj8 ction eg J8 the 1838.u koi & ataid rovne < b reof at t;d.. 'y *4 etobthed"0Pltent,&anoftteeGrrat a le a blieit dilyiumttiI q. lète - eethe fumuthe de ha bpgyml dSSul@hï uem dIpAW t o - oh *x pm " -'elw I;.. heata ffne r fedu pâled*M oitoiboad E MW ethoume& 8MW . 1 M d ONTUETOW 0 WN? ijjlm, 18 Til c l..M RE »,Briaonts, MyK. C. h.,& . <k 3 US. ém eiorai t ol hl eu cd i h . mmdUcahaiva t" U.WROP tY o, SA. l El. ttU fui te m st c el-eo ed S, F indm ." mW* m i '" ut u6 thmo M wwa tuif- frteP J NMELitc.,utrat aofthoer Ofnrcf u ad .vl put " sienuiis ai bu acebe k leeTe M s .an aoIllitie..s ,a eieiigel th.WatofPii* r d Prvicet e ee n teaFfix or" Wb" the "Mo'vo uMW uli t»U mi a Ï4yem OU : man$cfiei mâtaienry Bv6ramiEavhm the a wfl cincidtentantemstockawpas- ,of te Unad 6 «avem« o bei» Md paz10wnIe Bu IRLLKUimg ecm cru -1>HEADE, ecreja1K..H 0 IrlM haeinE KAIbuWaY, O.cv.ute F [ksmd tetm -__________ In<h qu fl et gad o m reaéjnlBa C . it hm NEW - CTOP 18u&t,, .-Tazaa-- AL Vainc. i l f<oMr oS ut te e camtmaaê~ Tm simienoairftheneatonlHa inrthee respect. Siu- Gr Uytgh~S aBi. held c am *ver8 1. Poicedie ehele or a r niàf" V C.in cwmgtheattntio MdFiglagmu-- SttteBmlin oM@ g aD. AMERN. éviari peuWbil mmi uner, I"Wi Oi amicpssritin£cà.'vofltthe Ne Tota, mysme e Thity RlusmaiC- t.<k roputor ad in radio..m ie WuatfulItvILu:tach27th 1867 miein léut. hoams lcvf a DUo h mabcveaterthe g D Y G O O » B, AMilý su es. a.2 Tb La ITERApéIosttioa a re ut-frAC yu4%wV UKNt2 <icbouchar four eme peUS lmb u heTri fèncinbsmpo tapyfrte.Fr c. i ofairgoa d m tr htt mgesbeh ini - A E tvreuvag<ktPa leW. e il ay <oP. -Pt 1ci 7 1c1vhc e ce vi o se M% or about ___________ i____________t pïd) . B conty M isinel i dot gIelNOa rgVed>e fr cup<lun Sadmmanfruea i t cfi J a l eeie yte1POre. J .F. p<h. MON ut. Lm .Lds aCcoupaul " ut muitio t alet =<kM a = Wa ter py vale s repdau offl g n. fr lsa. oYork ivekes i -- i---Bit. i<kCL't- cth.r>' CosvemmtrEqit> < d te. Jn*ftr, 1ail .o-der , mAut u sieb. cf rd u the . imu-er alrndu ave.xte mdêrd to élim ou bndirat anduelsy alq-vu, Mncheser -i 01-p The iopery is <al u umabnd, ad in .cueadtbnn llwd sabv i&ie teD arl 0D9 4NeAS.O mmdTOTE RNTR O aIIH - ,dc c ga pe*o O L 6 x u.m n u NwA v q o, nCa. - h aditaifrt shaboprite, t.a'. '.le Zt b . i tles w i v a pu c r.R. o. ~ < h ?p eos .G E I e ANN8 ~ r ltb il'iss '<vg. ails iimgLakmacWestl ar f4 Chancu'laEarlaanM, At18e37. <kSu Dc.29,186.I ITSdM»amElAuT Het ICTE 1 ruluxe muamu.8" omw.<&Mle» herdtcave urIcuii te m ..mrypattotz LMjet' ii or iiNE olilmeenm . me iiie"'-le eTam. an %ta secharge. Aerkt noccupantion Mi poea.rciLa.Ytetaoràrbeibia IIO ASaURIof o.TYPeu.N orhftm ut i pointr al. utrm udle dt. sm s flO Ce t hFU1I the vnilier peehi . . on n.Tee éarreir iOIIJ.E E rtetY .amt ibpmAD ticu l t E ovc, b lU Rthec TfuhL Y Pf ote PIRin t, Amentam juuhh. No ldr'qsIyumg ibisermv- Canhlttale, mmd 1-4 Usuati; Wblte, qeru are cenadate.vilau <tMaint ailisa Laptomustayieffib, 1817 IM 6000%_____________________ Mdvy pu<lu ut c. c .oaiol k At - c-sitthe pColoieor, <atThe GUeRN & oer.I -eiaient t, b tia a titeb d - la- Ttta.naminGrhues Fnawaeka, te!ha âmelof;YaBIusieyElmebadoasth ah.p, mmd shir, dmclugahm' aalscs av u ie.StlatWlh.Cth lk5S.IUid I&an ttwuey licl eaite fr bour rmam t- NO TIC lE Gonslbyau m a Pcvatoc a MIl Cou ge uI.Hium &Jiia c.a d n t e ,2& hm . pvu'Sgagàrmt tbesieu< Vmm ARTCeor ua n > n av ieff fu sihuafcieuimrea se Lad i" ot"omooe*uo e" iai haeSUinBnCRIBanda ttocvrneyvofgtami o- muc. 2o9r, be ca1pocre.hesa 931i thu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýC-- LalTCspte u i< u unsln ~Ce~- m -1bLnmLm at .,o u<ktal. VG«iMMttamoultuS thetepee ins, fePro<knceo-ancticu cf mli «LiaCo.n N.. York, salu tim PM& uloue, 1 8 dy oieTch .auus hetau imTiandW t m cf <k e rivertiedmit thea cf <bu le emab a taMay cii b e u.o a iu. ,am 6(i J~ ~~Lato, <h. Ppriettra ii b.eabie rs &C. siL lO , Cin md ddmRaison, th<haexeiocfth sMda#tac Of y vr'lscgaumevi ettutvtl u. topteiprbetetlalnC lHPitera on pth at te not;faNa! e unel't. Mrci.galde AW , oibv ele& mduoï.N k TbS oIuveuydeecr pa;Mcd m i lxqbu ieeoe er i n t~ i iqi< 6.Ltte i u vl ble Ma rincilCouutea ait agaism, yot<.- à Jouea s ii ceweeonthe 2rcultmo. <lacoie, D. WeB, .. B.ihi, ». ~ iiieauetumm «<kmutlubàuahi FU tostlaes, yarepaie for bel cmg ed ct e fast*let tNi rinW" t0TtMdal4,.T Îoiewgdula-cgeh i s 1a mcdl teim-g dccc. n si wkStr et h erk vib.i mmdau-Cohafrseaurvet n memat. H . d oiit s amnop eatycu vohavePubteritba a lothetui lsoé te * uueab' ]W Micf< Dxetusmiteii S T«mlilt% e st ,o,1897. iiua.Buaio y e Fo ay dequein , ireestenr<ojo laubaau tla*athdHrtu Otbil O hm ce mer ofh e NaaiHirtc mmd NeeA.of iser,9h il, 1 n OBOERpS WlESLand CR CKLvr<hciTyeCuapusét tac"utrJ.Iul _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ MdKIKUSTinON &etblseu-e esa NeAhPiA4 pesaNEEfi i*a a ddr= omibw*d rotircikoi% ty eJr .ruttJab ve e Bouts and VouaisDoc >',Spt4lS17. in te u- ocetO BEwla l hsOLD OR L AE.ni- L piMabshexeahubstco cles MaC&thI)tedatIes. R th LM*m te v a utrrison Choc ii a *n44l I làneu. ___dsi,_onh ______Teate_ réathpe-_____frth____tiodi *un w ncosqene o ewarar en etn an ake Dg8oubNq d he ds, Eb-agLrCl ______rinofherieransitutioFo 1 pacNcmlietAT CRAMie nrS MeilLI M To mnR Ir a0 M0 to te ror tes inm nov us pio u a Mir.L. ba eof <kW ami uir cousu In dOR@TWPNWAJTE.tOhe ecptoaonheuntsofecatl A H EO uiibeVeilris l viia rnes nth hrt otai e n; a o uaent CAPMSIALDPATEN . ibu cu e adu .vit hn c. _____but_____f____16_asa_____NwokMhameite loh franUom(uçwo ae ulibd h WatsJ unii cm .9.iia W. .WTUN . té qb-lu ta-__ Mc-AFAv .100Aces lair. weI-vb<h u.u Ni am camtls opretcuhHo-i ' -r- J and 8 let , aout<ts ilsfe.B 'l I t<ten ; atas uie rmtietrou mayowaCollansMd-ALE, CnuOUWr atrieT,0 C arCe reqet . ib,1 .am le, .à m.gea. gtrslce a mc t M 4 a a 1de oute'DretinsTU A$t. Atteset <k &e Co.«k theSou .,Stoc e RT199 the N ima hebv il ea <batwi, Cur i Vt e quahfm tl. é. tha ut v uzcE.uwu l t tht8 .a -t C Lï o - u h -in . -C X ert Imm meai 4 ou CiAsti uaima1> friAils i the cuntyEa.dw Na. e f the iagaialHorbur a i gemiïaihe9s <.,. JWpeu* eB M LFth di JLoat, bitaitivorTv of Tpeoiclinent Ibsdeà tuu cfhfLdw gaihe dzM;*î0 i s blieuu.mue a mmt froed<&iib Bu. of . ieh sDlbe »Melaits< for Cacha miq Ilciata ILu muiOh UphSU mata mtpêFOR>'u* 1A - CHAMBERS___________S T TwsiLr (>S etshdS. hs MA tc A 1A M E EpRo A D ris, MMithae hwl>' <k ,i":u«Mai- AIren_____h________Ib____________u_*b__ tIti emmhouas t il e s -aa mla 1INIOBMATION WANTED- 1*1<1 ANDB UTiH nIthila d eB-A, Ulfte, uua 8117 "APAE , k IS .Kl owi rgtt n e bu e UA ofvho wtt ,Md elb mah <aAnUs pnrIe riulTie «B~Ris vmitha rte b-! trt iem: t. ale te .4 rIM)JU IXOali but 3lain e-8htqarva ceiin the u, 15 S 1M l pln LRD iacel diby!ko n e e4:ýhh wl ips f" AORRivi ban mloyanthl~ v tha vr eerle 16 -tc M W of. ylLhUWItakilJr.evi .e é6 mry CrUu t o n w. LBO SEttatdupisitush goi<st. Kngto, a tfftb a, ovi cure f ubictonatriaitce C lo uyé" i«etoverniellai.. ~ Md le-bave1111_ ile m i mc boatmw" Se uat. d nem, * llo in thevage ata eruuuglM h ent fmamg10asc xa- eei, andtavinc&ILAMSMi uitOf i up t K ingtreon paei,; sirlactire. gié asse lapt e mulaits Md d188,8. Dpaita W».1i ' rcie b kE the iPaitet alleu to f. l < tid avcaM 4 bi pltJien87 5 nt- 3 97 me té b. <lue imeirs t. bave ail piocus ciuin_1011_Md________________________ WpoUKINGENRAL. lentOmuty siupa sped.Ateluand it eyawb s -My tr<y,-FOXcAL.E, rrTiF"vet m<R bo a pk ofaut P"aaabouemim m« frms nce <bat Sdor them sbltlyserctIêb BEdtau5n Oi e WM imtat f<f2 ~, or viB l uitmete atraid0e h o. o te tinhsue ubseraiMO"Cai. <bouM ,I. 1W. EN erer& Co'5a tts ortv a"dMl ot7 tsi 5 t xmyeèrdM «. n <kle aittd I0 flDULNPRZlei, h. e est "Ca nMomafaclNo ----ppeaaigue ob. Se.il>' MORSES. vithraval bob. pvaa uofail c -____At_______________ ba.tc~aifui<a<be4ou n alk pthlâetwtmon ILo Umeaemak t.hei001vi, mlts. <. Dopeit - 4,mhmb n % a DM si ome u ,et A- iiiyPsIÈtilî kbom Sm i 5 id, <k-e '.TM - T pt, ene PICTORTA EMRELLsIIMILTSICL ROB& A "ce-rylhseea>. Saui ofGeeeisi hy ntio, te ImA oitra ye,2pr et lu<m ' ni »#&sMlu ite*34 cothele lih.eban Kueut > leteafSimnS4 W *I0asCmDeXsuem < CmulLi petitess ~~ on a bhs Mgd.the the ,blbi. aia' <<Ii ~t ~ P tFOR ALE.-VtEA onnai,.u Veste, i <li tart. OMM-=aIlaIn pieutai %y inttheaucns1st<w ateefr<kAiIMJ*Smithe teucmlaetIrIHNIHAE portoS fute t - A-i-AL _, - 'OI H*GR<R o ette frLEntics tor iatbailvecinthe con. th Pu Ae; m m eetim e~ei gIliub sostleimmi me uecoi vid hy b< 1wL àlG 90158E,»4 wih ms t"devem et<u uitte tendrlke s u M e ta«< Ii &âd euUsmeeu'ipon li, Evh gelèc..KngsWnMay251<,k *ey b ofa sit b ta e nar<k eostuoDar,ic adt an taho te dam te w» l pie of iU = le .e by h. E tob art eL otNeva tehe concession o 'pP are wi turopummlitcfutiai he aette (X <linaiabs y Baa>' ,vfy cuuamupmry (oselbalaie vit>-vAniaiLt ofidmt at Wil ot et uLot vgtof lande for ushi;o<kieforeAI ricimUin <UEsiStta m INa faRtmm> . on mm URCAS.V...£IM in.d %i& u et. -per @mm.CAPIS-CAPS, &c fl. cf <kAtteav e s<routv austaN <kLTk1iOCaK .ona titansL-ule ..... à e. 5 in ls ÈeI- b eu IBL of l ât e 1a 'Bobe migsic i aitet»aiai s kilis a i i pet «<b. pubalie bgyexursdWa delaàs uteW oLf two Emenéb8ma thelbaw M 0 Fur Mo", and Gap Ill___ Issiet a mNoai86e and igoura iruieaadagesl rbusaMenSt mtlm aiai tahTlc 4ari) o ice of it ma ue Svsi i e n. oeIi aiie cWn c eoct aubcfpi N uT il. R Ub IME.eawu U,-A Md invsi.< w siwoev a islz FAIMS$«th o t 8AUf r TUE "Ir getAKthCe pubuub«,mmi SconsNeilogeritmtanb LieF*A M ien Che r.. 1k- _ 1- à ,Mx1 -M heI. Lesie ftuui t WII i 1b. .«W ca drampa~a _à- _A w- ov34WXL- e..a - May ad T hrede1s t he=tT ais t " m ir i = ta m ND ppm s Lmlefes5 te Otan att M Id CA", &C.2 te vo. uit a etin --e --,- Be elb "OejsO lu erA.lt i n té alpmhho -e - h ith e d &. tet,~ ~ ion, su hy d B aexerdbians a te ;ire satisfaction.a PICTRTALFUBLLISUENT. ,ob e.-1 Apbmua- si17m ) M. son momam stletb luit eu trethewm. amm te remmh i m»* *à Ci ,u 65eý i.w<c la PM-am No. 10the deternanati<ts et the pui - te MUiruirgobetu les lu& usm l 1ty remciUm4lNé là ofhhu testhe essoies Olie ceu tYT Dy nirmi. a emma ofa ste@*uit1 t Thée- be4g os~ Gs.-. ' mimaaaeaB **L1Itfta GaiDNJU_ 7. Nl U il ~ __dite_________ - iiL Ieu;at. aia gt àg« «<k PaablisbeBAK-t0 ffsod 10da.iaftflauP .Mnamuk miLs. shMaNt< est ceutes t uglIb' n101 et àrOILITIC osÂl!US vii. Oit.t epolee <h. tloé ai~-u.sEiha nmber wbie $bed Ba n Cuca tri «emI blons ,for amoetime =a aa i Se> o.hai retrea : n1T ov carr 40a0% iDMM t. toe m fsuhr fmiug gachbut <bat <k>' migta te 6euSiy tZ;cstem. 1< va t our c'alck la <k uin veiid, ami b>'<sxu <k iOum@%patu<h augh.s SIiI~.veniR ali>' thelus e 1 omeilw ihm le utte majorepat chmliet bbe < bey umie cr&e .taire hý tp,vhstai adtd Captain B over <k ipitmu haes i vih Omoee. thse balt dock reniera teMus'>', <t t b mingle pere _4 mi, le liait mulglt b. ascribi eb prviied mdi ý_L3J belote oaa <ird of tt d"esedtb>'tha item tlaider-tha o! the statsviw se ith a vielen rou it thtaid, "to efvvid i seuemahi ft o he v%sal, roamtin el a biew «pepcint thet mre <la bordi <braglu au thieaciter Ports of .-and <home remainimg ohardfil encircied vidtIrs su aeamtai vand maieppM ti lt heee bai beartceiiug <1 mm'n to ak b alai u the beitfmsm5 avie<s g ceBa tlbe ihed as I fion thum,e a ly ver. cae Cloutni cf as, vhich bld fetta oiU rme" g t he<kdock c 4< attempte teb quai te <haison bu mot se= . A ment, cf Confusionuil taàddinarailgosof Rit. The i -èlé t'o*bc ihatd firttera byju. or__- there eau t <beyam" m i <i .ulpw h te lue,,,bave ot onae thiovo tbe ses, <ho men in the bouai oere CRI f heiau mien 4,Was down,<hey mitht bmv degcned but the rcorcbimo;thcf <ulitnes wl theto, ini <le saffocation trai the nch, and monof tble oldieria <affri iat once,cet as ncaay no as "01seqacc vs, <at han veute i. h tjOce at tht ,nemeu, a, as hoatedin; et il vB& uppailitu the batrraweg <m as i t am te ecto s eaaShrwq manIo tabu et . l :m.R ingaseavonab.dte Id muthor, cUmm d earts mser Who.wu V"gu vlhy1 ingma h irnggud w mhonia ,eigbty amn ver. ele tuS 1 < Tieravasabu 1Wev il ewh e * jmiba bolitt Pall *«aMama n <koue <tow MM or te ivé me le mwmai u. um~ ~ a i th thuaa~ag >' l,~cm thaï< <b <tM m inteuhi f ths tse abet E:. Y. mi. " - lpA~~t usaiS e, asqa. h*adur1R. T. N