me CANAÂ EEALDUEDLYAP IL 10 1808 me. h ct prclrfylllliqid fum .la cairdvleagaUlliem i4 ig a-ýa -,sea &me inuhsi-oe rt in peng»re - tirai amiUaigeialia rbdrth e nxnariew at iiVUelOU ce le ara liti(lasmi ta- ee .cpus 1- te afmui ues*cpe apDt. *0mn af m e% l>-le- i m od XR menagay af s ai ifbaildbe,, lite.Ibm repd, istavta .aaluedm-w" bersOsbM, auatlm a- a ut Ala, ci f e a àc.evaauag J.M..ati i e welir aise aade*iaam la la arlue bock e W5alf4be tbmkw fk lb.whou mme, I crulihaI la1usa d - eu.i mm, t iêuasQmlb*els .#- aa in twcAklp iedii, o-eaqe Ipam a rlulgs acar Maueal, nMd IuiifsIqdei cSui is, vi pi aider i*mme-hn a f-c aaye foc @avvc imiralusgaid i"àIi aauaéu-to Chi-y, meun Lake Champlais, laeb.u eaaila utian Jalsl'Ico P. y. ascller ltuhcultip, for ce aspicthe rad iSl ieu, and peared the piula for flar rais-pio. Wp shabo forlier Ctaanl17 i aodias. lau la 11gh icria for eamp-juia and mihava eiglt-il basily feure a id lt. We modeisai tuai a lttrcmrvu ib> teo liM mail, ramsaa cetiemaioftklbuSt cee- mutait respcuahhllin la oe ahm paitisea in fila Province, in ehici h. mealiaiulfiale, upu R ameaile Edeurd Elle. slemab ltela the FIet niDtaui tuemt dam-di.ited a impele -cf gentleme a8eaaat-é cifi ut traile 01 Camsai. te meut bita.. rIgEadl eas vrry frami aid dis- commaelfteely aracmteaffiiuu itie Provinsce, a" the policyr b istemuisto pua ne a cadai intratîsiuof <ovemuent sanalu h. aaljus fi aur dffrecei Ti ios aietanad lstjhIe Noble Lord arte sai le bave benIuvcr alic M tinoa wi lîlb. the iooict cf Eua LXcul. iy la lie rduasimisioa lu e oieseuI-- Eppet eas a a. uY Psu ilo pa"ilt. Frnasdl.Naofeaeu iw Who M*ar.!ar Voutrarn the.caammion, mada Co ijul l Hmoiroble b t Al. teîi, PaW iet af. uoa il és ime.- llroSosteiandîni aatue au etebsu ce ea AsiiutCtizen fra. i.fIIcfNe 'ar in aimer aicut 14M, u airnay et cwa'ha bain on Nary l 161111B406% ula e1'ls P ho, wliceaitaiiableiil l0uce, 1sa tu ais is uredila; au i. XTuebilieufif henbon. ftalais, m oidlg wbbSymaulehiw M*làa5iipasna al thlaeuutu *i.s ahumae. Tey 019el- l "ata*i Thlly hmdWb a ap oiMe flacldei inlue .htila la lui Bse be. ata ît e ._cfýcr miai"ciseti&iae«l befrie *1 yev du7 fie 2hUtire pi fie Situt fiay -ca fi umpriasa aiMd ils ileccle, cnfieemt 19weli. baltiaf.- Os le, in foholg di ly 'cphcred - brai guntlemian oseui Wiol ,ÉloInWidCocii lji, cIao hall go.e, ile . cIfia doubl- iaue eigi a tealt te rrooa la fe aayt "ad fey isîprisi M- e-jidnig pe--u and teSibmliid nhiar leigis sud hasra one ie clday tiey fred alat a ieen mmiie bals le tMiser raWit ad bhas-, tua cilcesor Ca iRuayerd'i ccMP7, 10 a i a gliad rauiteer lu rd tai arcfonateib'ist- aisd. Tic> reaîird 'qeuao - - is- lia-la- Ikbtlrtola clanu aleieiit.hem W Isrlse 2h Febtury, enef! Saurd&:r Iba mdMarrié wetoiiy carei uid pa ti. b italtastli r lisai tay lie froiapnd tai mnutaeaeýsUdr letiu mana of C lait lndm. - Daiag fiat peridtbe coatitiee.j pr lu or ecca. Tbay killIiedlie hie, caffe, abee, ani pilhrj on lhe I.lmIi,-ieY slai e cor cbucb tay la store, aid chatlmyidwgufeAm liey sali anidcnt ay ai(0t li- t emi diégracia ba if i) thfi eloefaSSandiy an lhée Penilisufa oupoate came wulha8e101,14aai l0 meray a oin ofShe t. osdu,csuisiset l. 30 la. Taaise »"a aay a lare mms-r 0s baeca ani oilerbtidmi.Ticy acud ail astir d ai a moallor -lieterimidli U bsa ciütiel kres, sleigh, inecaaul yeuscucbae ragia te the tldammn; ic eïdhuracamulere egiboa oue oie mnaisuie 0(f.upeardi of £1000 ceeu id pro pelj idfevirlallîy pahal fa s lavel r ee i =adsya bil cf upeaindeoriS$0, c>'ice i iii cosîretici fr lii<or aiti e l iv m him tome barffl .vctb bible lie aost -Tii marecrenr arriei ai tb. e rWcloi adiolapabita I'awy's lit-hisai ce liea u. finai iaweu donc ailier tie Iptetc(ilitu 'Libarty mai Freaica" , bÇ,," ePP4"ca Canadians.- Steamer Dolpis tb i n labti li vae aMisyho li»Whi h ie lie#u amuir. Their Lieut PenI i lcsbaagie- pairai«englurm meumgeaIfex- Tia leaii. - pisi the Casat i l It I eW* et IilaiM4 Mdag aerty tirabuses clf tr-ioleGiMdlau'%e teuoamp fie arideirn. -Ti uy ocla = d o y s b a i r a s e i d cI b e M m é e rco f e . i ii e.iacruyiaailed Tiihe.M l*a W-& or fat «la, àail.miaiopwe.e0elii m*îe u fi be "sif uebai ici dir Miai~t b usamihhij.Mebs mmais. l" mac ba a devemeazcthlee. * jofa imagiaar liai e ca mpia ippm« ithe i gilmuemrm. acsfl be e l fow Cmtr dvanig oeUpaluaLfLe eb1tndac*Gei tie vet, m mmaoam Cliv- e1% Ibo 4w CoIi mbée - -- . -- - -i v m gîl aet y , l a Adbemil e"g h.Mr euÎttd1 id oppiji idaluéid-al* aile ga By a aior f eiasleat ai tfbe et N au W@fsée wdetcthel se s..01e4 .as frvelt adaathel lauafi Oleeeiirlhv eufml cgil tyreellmet er ed êdUêddiaiac Vptiw ofC W £oa hav te ais n e e b*s §aci- o. &wd eSlic hiohg mdi dlldaira-w it coluw Md aPau--- II pAobaluai cf mi mm i Procemae, Mthe iraledbMg2. bi a m a rvMye almir ia valpmetii 1 , Tupo y Apintientordl et i èce le o ancre gim é iqeefiDer As rFR"Bond ie lapai cf linte Vi f ToçaIs, la *. ca1 iba teiais anpresericenip4rdievee -diip of iis atoft JbtOHN Wopi L, 6ayar o deiv i mier, 11h" fMaté, 3l iMyiee eI sui hjasaaverady fa jai MWl aTie eam, 1 aiae s laen tel ai i@ Iistorao c.,a f le weru at.e ffesubd d, h *mbav eti.f. y aimyae,. sami. e MMaill Zia t i m anappalumm i at ria.le ua"dIalia- g lbiau salite ai; rdcae id0 bd ac-.P W" bu t. est yammmculIE cmmitl cflgI Rer je i s mndhailata cf lercts pe, l dllth at peneMarbre aaetpaird fie vla mauua '*Migialac t, bilSulyrtelmyalc ti lue judy auhighly e. Sb ThoI iuii@ lflu, et _ , eotb p.. lIslye t leluaeW hrra b1611 ad f lp » e Iledielt e lem, la fiërâebpunally i k- iiçate ierS alterebatfi 1 .ab 'Puhibeauaeajtmal IfIest bit trhiieebulclyealfair be be u a fisemaly, , lu, a fu&i bdie * imd maulitmis lalIa er, haeiàuaillrarf4f vvayet mbara id hler, cher.MojAUliee d mmy t, e .farndh in voue, dae lal oaUtes. d7ppv»,ew né velea w.wmrcbe d Lcszibé alasisOu ad eiireu.imand iey ltadgeend tos . - lom aamppma ided esede ieaav y "type pa leelaalu i al~Oellqd or lsiiflu Mtulaief givu. sai Il. u "' lt fTorontoftast 1la flu et U fi mi ans n If iyendmgqeat lcte cci ii bintclySin e haer ao csI~ a bi fli tmaoie tralo airc i- ro vm clem t eapa-hi o e nl. P riy a de t a i e th e w- vas.yga llaifr d e ipiimil Teru fa Ch ehaia(uan ADDRESS 0F THE RONOURAILECIEF JUIITIC- - ROBtIN$ON; ON .ýPASSING SENTENCE OFM>ATHUPNAML Lo11NT AND PETER- TIIW& Oa ~ 9901 ail ht,$aem LonjauT mail!vi2mMW" Wce eca diags Mim*y hipemmiv#Ls.l~lw.p men raei get lieu. ft HO-hmu canae etala placa a be thie iaAnu "cetiealit em s msi~1&ba i h. Li, pe eelyIo Ibcis Adalmai:- *81 1 argll ci ieaacéue <u mauby aelv alï liebteq lu.. a t eiial' s~fhedîu flaimlaialpu càe aiepaMbelae calog, 1 le* ép*nl aue~ by Moi ele.% Sre- li uu. a 1 iamibeanii <idi Jabi d iili iamt.emeu lac idercla rage i inC- v~saebagt asv ee M M te on pbme ffle, tedB u it . ray ea Ilà h&cdiecavd. Yla ta lu ~¶chy&ae~lmlecd .ya eaur ccif! lisaccla hieMae.gam eetc a ~b~4 ynraidat ai 1W auuqapeaabave ti Y-eu4 , odiefyeu, llviaiç in a* the enicyment 0f healli and liberty, uider tir-In am*bmu ai faveurable, peéahaIpie , 111 se h. coilon efbuma nature amt railaf iiWIté bc onyplie il 10 aeu; iw * a îftoutra ia 4peat .jàaty et t.- mtuWb4aus4%râUmO liape ai sdi, make flela ivlg h hhut cacilla.N. f.aigavera- b mifi om db aay citb Mia mcoi; ais tihàt *M b. lbed mm, adele. Unite aatfacI a aImm labourer, qchu estuy ri. m biesibo i liaitucia lie lieahinsk= IdItUn l d t e i lb. em1 1 édM aim 0A-lad 16% i, eswe, b" h of u niwd abbealiaietcd. l à )mP hg = .mdb ael&wà; y" l m vt .a taes 1 WadleSttin fliai »l Sa ta bagmgaia'ym ft Fo 0» VAM £n teiic. bMg.iad msbu 'ut h ik e iav$ .16lm ana.! laer elpan hade; butilis mm caahliifl ,ildhvacudr 0 fi1 aiilmu ls ey alliadtjealaeey ai .VI a" vr Mle* .iâuma aamr uNo mai Ufe, Wlini l d at tuahises WopUM t b"ui pa aivastagea, are net by Mam sthle it a whn ean raied, as yon cen, abava lia dager cf aci, aid aboya lie ae o f pruuty1 aid depeaadmace, thei hawouin (o fr tm ot1 par a in eir cci power. It dependaii i h*Ia- puliuo f tbe mind &ad bh.t, upon tha esunpisg Iuatefrul and coatetted, lapDn tbtir M'cn jay 1éw*io MMre and warkrNghummbl 'Intîî Efi.calamie bappinte. W ititheM, mîlliota ie conttoueil and hippy, clii bave fat Le telia tbmili o ban ad Çallen ta jar lot Youliv- ed la a Co" her ie oves7mimeni et lacs ai sche ta lm prt<of lifé, liberty, and griuycdet a Mam cf govemminet, cutih bas binua dirto c i Wud f1r-g«.se N Mai caquIà deprive Yom, i7 force or Iraad, of lie emallat podicnacft e fruit of yout labour, but yen accu apjual ta a Jiry of ypur country for redren, ci* the ceutalay that yen wcod have tfieMuine paities i fite .=. ý«%le,1dme my, aeeiaed l a lai e lapnviklotcfdiseulmgjuece t tii oip, $9 Ilour 00 îpuuile budiam- or so huble fiat lid Cccld mal a&W*' liicei "0t teprt cti f lthe lac, la sait, ycu '~r ,lçlfin'h eîjàymnt-ot J fuil a aeCUlY *MWt iu O fsvety klaâWaiamy peopk inathe *~$;and cii vnty miad Va agf bj rbal aie .ppoaued Iby the laabufamls cf "mut c- ~CquWoeu , aim&eyen etcira a leuecirca.- 1)ane, hbac auj ticeaids cf peuias have coine je fia Provincea dmui pt euîles, &rd, cllbout lisp ielp cf rfaiemor Irieads, bah a,, m d fem- ualve cgtrmuby fiait honetit laditvy ti joitp , idenceind comfcrt aMd ia O mcc ecaed *peB4ects if or Quia,3 living la cheeril aie- 'lier ce o otfesaimae lace chici yen bave beai ei- *èéairm la iverturc. Conaider uap,i the flier &biscm onny tlmuaads liera r*te 1igil 4 oie, f the ale«î e ;a«ne Q .wucbile e bu"aaiprilep oftad- jppl ,Ch iyen did iceterjoy, bataasuj Utbihea lic.chd ouaie free, aoa laber- lai hidamriou @bd uckly «otionso ~in a mai~ ~ ~ mv aiblesa ror ami lb.te Strmn et fielii ca" lp d etsanl, id -ia f dratyý cold d wcit, gleaiixla. coutemtiedt àa aidy imhalteffn, by fat grestl xe ciie ioai cm wue- cfla e ybpkçe >ic,ia Iisifasébrti ceînir,ld a piate eft aui amàciufitafilpechap cf eau- i;ectéé sria lie condilic .i hii ivide te Gà aced y«4 , ail -copareil rWlot Iwll o~l f lia mînt.! pilui ciof7vcntfellogr creutut ybu cieid bavi eaeuraig;ca thât cieÏe *liter v2à p4o,>pleadtkbtdpore Io ha tbasa!Wti liatt younj#ea, tl er, ia hoeads cho c"id b-ave ayied your.nasdima, and cho coi.! bae tiaugit tblwvaa-hipt.iadlPUa5A. hmi a pitjollniff .*Piedalaifuti je vàeata* flo wiay. lot "hpeL ftircaives, anikae a lWthegtuly, pajeit inacLubjeu virbme:e aaaih»a, ugit disapaceaaMd 5iSqs L o y e Mto fabmv aliccidiscucterMWbw I 'late plaW of t lifaheis; bd Wcile jeut 5Cin B wBUaI1Boijaei fl ie fil- m a* IUt'Md juih y a nom taeaifibeauuy, perulilsi j aa i- * Du .g~boies tu asail tirir fiviunmi fi WhUGcvelumeM*Miliedpise- hXi laeivaleBr ler country acheu 'ae inl mi e1 u bai Jor etia ro i Mg i t Iediahd"a juicoaecieacte rie. wl ecsgiermap bve faniale99.2 ilu fe mpuiiut, l *ai ypi lad gain aoilg th le- uig L-lut yeu ecalibave iaciiianai W au àpmemLfu1qut- aon Tam cieadmalsalisidhocever, ciii icerl.y a killuclag ir mmcicie; pou muet ta"-&tu il ajal -i aeeaasia a iviim1ta UO..*,O hat ceetiiptor m hiiiW Olii flerllti-gti a mdon riyhvi aafaipeliii* 6" ccemla ath s 4% sap, wlissfcomîtlmga se"ieaof crime@ ai le nid ye mamur a boua ave revoilai. Y«thmi ulght baeinea t fai a samiamof iuty couid ai Irae W wyek-d dpennealt out l *ep, " fudplac iselutea in a sêti .tace-il ualemmu<ieiteexuflea,ami j.. ii4M_.-B ;à i *o i ,cilci I baetal i .h nue gi uaaailutly vRrer ied et lisgeatra end go but a luei. cy cift laivelvlg tlhs- selvei aassy oles m auetvey ibei 4.; mulhtieObbmaisk mipaur tumes pauah Coswieïr ao, a= thmese i.slshbb ame qheuw&lmalave folauni pa aaio. Ici% Bdoeriffapua id > e. W i,i uvlll dm. long-,* i toym-,la l; ýàV- eur bas e-, jabut avU acugi*0 Mury ludealleaa »e.iPommeaspses %bmess e iai ailmupi if re! bas beaii eseI tha d lu em, if »MetMer iestruction.. 1%j gtibave lenteacrumvi«aipaie *dapm1baitjy« ikscurtt tiis moment iemdieisifu o eiauami ua7ace-au'aalliai a- kira« a i lsl es egltvesfe ul et Ms MWee.ffinsailaPls, dihie dcaf 'pue btiteui leu olh.lg iuag »-dpsocbu- ... 4w" tbeay muitamae t lt iai& sein casse Wéd eir aalft &IL Thean la »ciuulu cbiü e csuuaiaibae peut cimuàf-9 getflfui f y*n aiuiy tapeur Creue, amathfi fegui ehi l iecwubeeloced SPOISYO.- !ietiaifiifehambly timaitelfa iiii Puri- là ctila jied li t iS fiee»ad2 ~~ceml 1 1aes er, lt gai hatred bocarda ont rolei-cwbic vaastre le uidemiue every jusl aid generaase niment, and tà Ira in e ri o thi. mii cfyjur happltara and 115to* oe cf tie mistiaita consaqueaces of the abusa cf liberty, fiat a lireatioas proul essattei to puisai the paubiecmini citi the miel alsad ai ckriaimiarajresenatioos, etaic thefiell-ipoaed, cIthcalrqoury, recel'. ana!-act "mpaàc itie. Il la, la hi sure, la tie power ni the lace tote- atraimi fi eivil la a certainetxtumtq orgae leask, Ibey may attmpttflic ai; Wbu anthle perverseitsea of a graut portion if mamini, liai wvicatrir it la eniaavourred fi cxeii Ibi pucer, fie eltemmupi l, fr11, aid riamatai, as en lafniagemeat rnon fbi-> ly. Tiw vi1air mntappllp la cieulisdi tle -- accutifiset urc, il *iVa$ the deudly tiag;! audmiè lifla aS'ciaocleie, cvia l -utoc laie,. fhi i ouldihvei hor ucj mat te bave sare.!1 WIê respect fip.,n jSmul Loun,-Pu i>, km"eW ls ave9teMSfationbeila lia Pituviae, ),i eu nmmmi accbis, aid prdblly en "aide u nc ic aeila i, bemle cati te b S ' e illgtiua i fat Severeip igahil homl mr cevce-ruli a pea u' - fIP<e Jus laîte aoc mu senne if lie eggravatid ell a Lautva cn taich yvne bai bae siMlfedlu ,riilahe oai miiing lactsfa-hlm i ,euîfalew a ta, itceas dpi em peule dal"a 1tu -e e ilt iet aiW l of biccu niaung suer.4e itm ci- mute ta ve lrctic Gcreraumt yffur van ig,uadtola icI leaaeaideiance, ytu s dul bave bamuaita remet sari ai atteslpi y everyaacteofliraecr pretuy. Tometoc 1ia lb t i a aa mc s ur dclv. Tii Pic lae f iumlerattion aiycar ovte cca Iluahere camau.rta fordoottas tc t .pri ick lbcaepil atuacl, asa Mar., anaanut*ec adsi ea Cra Iai. ¶'iu bave su a fall dimUld tram- fit âtcourse muet ovst fc t ta- sien of bitter remorse to jenretîf, ci I bava mu »deait li eccasiaorn c la omcii, ificet ail, ai tlrcac cicvarcee expoaita dager froce li wciai rehehll a vuLslcta, 1 feur!UMuai437, ~ losai a veiy prumialent part. Wita regard tu yen, PelaI Hvihteceil h aIt -uaïaomatume tiat la cue peinaioi*yan lifnysm proved )>amramt illting fi rendetrtasefuul service ta «defancoif ypi cuntry. Yeu araeî.ntslly aeý lggmaaf«tbt doly cf allèglanca el"-ticaa vaiject ta bia Ssveiig; aidise labedeplicat liti MiiI dhtiafalalybave iaetMap4 lt.,g fel CPot tihe tin jnoanst mte 1 bone b yeniâ he lits ais rae vbÉ a, v0al fato cctuspaceoutae lc amie e upaaafiat jyou _t_ ___ - i ai tenv c f lie.e ISl rchic%,iif ou bed ici castamseail YangU, 1lave liii laid balie s lmry-qpeu yeon , i lavai bév i i sioet scssuba&* pm rtissus y lc leaiseauso ice ctlucteacet51 uh mm lavyen conviction. hiBU letba acrbr l.u "ca uy l ian yecaa 'lgailf p d e yeé u-fweel iltcuard e le..omQ pahm talle daty teg u t ~ egpe~aqe lad S Pat -'se. é~d huai me. iqM usielie b. daI~jr ielered bmaiamslsst, hsill fleflhsme ~ at KINGSTON~, TUESDAY, APIIIL 10, ]K$ lao bd laiBomber ore itimated ourin leD df reviecing somi of tht circumâlances corn-i- adit theliclaie rebilli, in order fiat the sMl difnm in fiia Province may tc correcty mât- "la, aid tii neqiqalile measres a cuoted. If l iniut itle credîltale tb the cormerrLtr the i lughtel premonitli of the R hello. ppearsdinla filpipera. If the pie' meatulept,to did the prisa: iflie firrcnus Sieralina ttcmuaisp, tic latter vwu iqma rBat*lag tel in lalmeligce, cr ianltheadotil' But spiritli b i ac mary fi ce.sîsuki* I poalaeabla halls. ne mmi cbdced hàha' odga of ie ulule cf the Province smlely f-e à cSmuarire peu, cmiii *ver bave W04ii prevcu fathlIe ie that iaimc0sane wus et koud. This <cIelibae i 19al uqs* lafcigllcsos i e a.bjecf cii ldd&W9 Ipaimeof "b.fits, if« lbej uen e &smby thelb.mdliiipres: bWtil Oe tf .miehm M laep.ity t fi « I le lt mai kidewocf tien t« 0 4"« Po aetlals.Whofaws Cimt bimpae apelvu ii ialouai sauf61PM uma i allug eute piieii itw neti apCuh~caw.uthie jcat slaIl ihiiglliW.vU n haa hataabut0& bo» î po u i te il au e-l"-' tesv it li mqmq ofcfi,*** ~ ~iepq4ss4 iie &- a Ira. eàsup«meiOf ithe Awmid -wqo ë ~ * 9lapole, sud a filaefuia uha~atli perneeat- n a.~Ia~eec hic ava e e eemitied os lainalie&*Ile wnialllesudiii cici, if weu gaulai asifleir aluemea ramored ir Ia4,u, emaie tbee miert ii W~ ai.ujbealtb Ag s, tu b5 cciii l 484i Wde1 thear hu i itoiin' whIêâ.ncamIf tue tebehu uo* bal' *À illE fiaimsber$ln a&fsniU5* alWs~.e*euugava-h ii y . te O o» ti u heisjg so#tilg ea ited fWtbybd ai 4si~4iliaidPa#Wulaiof oiiU tai tev ii ceie go",u M cpiudrmp-lée lasse b ciaes itY on Lord elioarnt' elsrplv. ai in li 0,Malcolm joaaisAda.mWiruagariia, ler wý fltOou-aid acvu merIIon,. !Afetungtao Wkmegandeea, William Ticammmlriitpace ers,-and ttuf t cas £ntne Clapie, Phllip Henry, (Gergoe Rcbùa ic fii iathainyoirajc ur 9lItit, Wlliam Wiaegartd ,ami flimry Parihamet. îe d tIsatimgnorance '%e eîliberated ounbal, Lord Melbourne replied, and i h cus '-tae bs taai uflasutA omi=rafor hit remaria iaed ai raPreasbon whicîLrLn uiltofcmoc B l puaoalybiai heuaet itelan suimpeachmen.t oftais iîncr* MzCt- iiiCco sir-ties lanf500 aci. D r. cf chicihlie deriandemi ai exr3iati an. ýmth ami Dàaiet Ledff, Esq. bacs. tais paua, Lord Melbourne col aîeuaking, Lord Lr 1111 ltera. ar et10 es - a-tht Houti., but tseau -te tais te pna.viy i ain, by Lord Btroughamn. S7. rl 4iciba u cibita upceaed, !o Lord Lyndborit hilsse, on kiawing uîe, dfte Cauri mcc aitfigat Tcont, as a cif. Lord Melbourne inlrnded tu question hi. tatimr jw -the- ieron, l in eues aof Parker am" Lord Mlbourne tjirn duadlaimed iDN surhil S Darea, againet bto i.btilla for tiutlioa-and Lord Lydaumt dec lar;d imw. ý-triascabave bea 40"mA. siiu. Theie turcm mviilofor Wci<lira ardered. ortIuai of M. loeIpo&o spteilu a-la Inte HaomeofiCcmmeonteliafutai sujet au mbo4-«uri» VTdk,»'ookpièet roe t P'Lord Joli Russeill tid liat le te Mursva Tommy estsin prutic, o a m- tOU.tubeuetr7 tlb iitcut foinalij u aît tr tuicomef iea¶ie.We aimlenufd tirait bmqaarysiulieb.maie.r cEt la elegatly liIt, and Iasses ,î... t odMf eoatr iugffradtîm itherto lainched in tue lalautisaise .5mer- g bh a it otainreipectiag Mr. O0a,î bld refaicts greai creil oaj liabhudler, Mn. eit litemberr mse and maie a long speechr. isse. We have aie baen iafermei fiatibis leraiag ilarg agaiast fit tory coraa-' Botuteteb.e emmaaied hy Capt. .fIMâ and Trauerfiig tala ballef lIaI il cws ue lats of tie Rzpariomeds and *alia inin- tfiai,tirag fat uu eulilia,, tht dlec.. i fe butaiof tua Laie traie.-llaisi, ta h. _. ei cithdrec. -Lord bMaàdos. tie en cvitu-o recîim, _________________ iidliatheiarcewa falea eandkîî imtaflap nsalie memesaof h ut,, lut ga à us aiit MrH. O'Cacarlt curgu.lty afme2dleur Ir teennemI, lie reault if uhici vu lu 7" bo* OIctI isatissetiiiy bidwy e a oum f. elas nad luâtea A m os . t b n u g. al" es T OaIU lA iha ulasi'm t i O ~ me, avubcl~cdhfl eeaue.iae ~.yLor Radicinee.!-îîthet Mr.aroîl liby 1111 = in a b iM el ca cal foi .l îi acting uttedeatu w6c mi1 bcamuaI 1 - - wa. aTt le imant cfO Th totaia ti on ay ientio aÊ repuona Melk %ma bav catonMc d"li. faits c s 1«eae.-ceaLora oi at endade rpiade 4t ele asEailaii' tec&% bt insta thecrdeh.of th villaaaea as f. calit, ad mo ss devil. Oa tu 71,allrLr liie tontiLr, irra iu 14tb «tu rup e a nla udli se r *a<aayOa cut tins. Onchiure. tn sp eagart. Lordse, rs uuai-iebuiacie tuc t ea scnelvet 'iheaOnl liale artemtionfea iClat, W"s. m t7st but! 1%: -11R1 fu arier!by mcotdry 2; n ars.0-u cr ua la i cuafirage dflRe c cOmeU iiaa fa2oraafe hire lrae vuéioshmcb otoeMdFMl;:vt- Ont e "ainte Had o u f tre Ceaue m i bu op eo tl o the a &iOf êY; r. e buti the j A re on iîe tap. orrld M I oun. tirais im ockag t einc teu ifriil s- Extat atter fîrtheaero n f2 dli m nf u Xyetl iOiiiiC hbosdl, o tt- fu Lé iecionsipack bly in herinl b ta lie m l, cSc le hybe to u r 'tha e nt.efia r f ichet il en t i asnot r s hrlital h ktememaimdncetytm glapo 0.m taeutie i coais de aInd , et-ri i t. ai iseeal dengd ia oes- mâtcf twc ea wieBo, ba et o tlhel, ar' ons wc oral uifiw pe f1b Agr. amiy lau oflncolib tti fiat vc tsarA , sele . Enggerrars ponr o nf sen estiatueo comu i iof eeyin g aied ute maecir.dl a vdd a e o Reoneauhaur diiacmpieav e8uEtalofa lCerflint, hi l f oane on th allnl cran su mci alîiortaa suea i - laLmatî irra'cke t Si nsthir paa of aule ty ttngogrespctan od- iiocgtb atie aaa1 cy ut tie.sudapiontivtay Ihitivua n a poers[ o fm -spra-i acut, eaIn-tefj y by lian ifndu at! duaal e odieeadiseOh-un efasua ltta cubict iti aricleeillafb- ur anvaom. iaxBosro, Marerii tsIS r c. uiis la ralty and fie Law§flin hey avmi su quat ulresr.chotgagremrents ourevia 'nrîatite t sm c holy t ihibe tar l ~ ba t mdtlies cout- ae . pvo r e . eA Sec huandiry al pîrc y diue o m$lsaIltie a i psiof eeyilly osi en ered alaudlagil rhe r al'. o mm-fo atis N iaI mn bi hart he packnrir- d iai, . Vanmi ]meer ahaccolai lae auida Din hllwi- McheftNe Yrkonth aube aI iaeatesu m disuric e anmi s- isti Pe ,ar rva iofScly nth 6 ,adpsé thr-at aueailathiu e-seei s he ob>aysera o ni y lu ionis tesubea fI bsac rtl, i ilrt5u-tifii ittL Mi, la Idt-Se, n a l isi utpliu la pnaen ee e îions c Tra. ieb aie eaallorwhâtfle tsmd foin bdha ra o hav Sle bae le t, are6miiistGofareabil t tcinreo-d bave b ufre, Jîmereecnarae 1 i r -0 lainignaiothleues mo BltO a s a uchi jr il Rwi,;iliefud e vpha ute bqaaite wa ipar W aet-leucmo aRlistir IedTrrr f 76el. uIeleai lb « 'h cIiiu"aP" d 1i11111efor CIii.Ticr-melsdeaau- i raea4uore velaityt e n laam ltaeraititiis %eutfiack S'Ïurayeian- ami ~ su dotonr ifintfi elgie irteey 4b Ïrsfb ircck enlie ru-d li il pu "re4=dtaep,-i(ful trujc lof leSsnhey leftbue or imec fad, ad thesehia fat inite1. W elbmh lepi lua bela Iervin btinal. bllt M atr90uifi ëDy ilaS Osl aniger. 0i1*8lia elsli Pu lia sappie be a tforiirs apeaesia liisute Uad ihall ny id lla n gPftmast dai .imuiiueri. la Ma impeci 6aWsiDs@an 108b, gnvlag ain vauleinbep: «aultbea, aàà as#e0d lipopb et Uppe fuaaiMi. àMsebmaie aiberar MiqàaW-,*gleiiaflfi-a au~hil6iuou ogf i uhagVis lis usssllia eflae sifwm&lit grIwoa ami pue mabasâtleetmle shui aopt em U5'tthe impresi'" eu in a fiisre met i i i tMckezie. J DM eldo i lDr. Upi's" demkeid une ssio, uIli Pm"i"espet al in.e Md Iituiàiy (fiat la, unlil ther ci"i, fer il cas icidei aIi1 Tbareisp,>the goerimentthall at Dr. 304pi ad Mn. BuvaI', vair li fihe cturmers, andi it i or Iau Dames tual irougiltih riefi le rms for tbe govciiumani 4bey bidanoconfitence. Tht *vmai dbusi nfiuence ouf cf il 'Circle. ic efora slion hiai bul litle ccndiue ale eu in leiat» rftma o l 'lutkeat; ani cli. fbey ila aid Mr. Bidwell cere ppost. latter cas la faci flrcuuicot>J bai the aide of lie governneli 4h. sopposei opinions and action Ule7 aiImplicitecofidence. 1 eitier to Sir Franci Igeo or tala led tbe reformera ta isupport tlieu ie, but rallier a detilerate piCer suppusei taibe laiula y Rolph liat taica the iaraie la. Bul fe #base Ico Dames, Sin Francis nrigi long enougi iefnre any rtour &Il wotl albrve joinýte. lcrebls hthe Iai ra ly stanod; but mîny cf tiai cold lace doue ceauli bava ramalned couinraI. gave a cuions ipicime ofai t ai sspmntl Ibl le rfurmuo. cea uap regard ae tab, la paui, i!W4 '0aa dacta i i lïom aid v"riai taichedi luthsR laiiph iuti 1 duicin-*Il efaeule <o lai teine. ime. Befcre. thq Pee clas knountle coatrei al Au gomery's. To erWnate corne utreump fth i ie lu-epmrtie, iona (rom Use gavcruua-at iale nearly and iii maye itr. Ies titheop Deaving art rgit tliS met er, im been a pretty genetal mlaftake, a noitice aireraI itnrs commtf ed I olive in relation la lb. rebellion. Tiefiri cardinal errer, w ct 'came cf a:Donl t chwai iclocii, vileing lie annsal igtbeof ith cal Pary. àfternte lb.ecîensinla 1836,l Saerns la bave coneedrei Ibit fi Caaphtelp bruien aidpcre liait and flair menatsci Yti balthJi"lsnRed:jociln -m ui" sa an k Psiy biai onty lieyurllonsue tycoftheLa nas.;isu lisfuMllehe" eW V- isia ildéaice ae-limrtii ii ab elu-aDee-IMPi of lié au" ftir e .*%pMd y lie roi aire haso mua" ta fwa oasebas Sait ae * " eah .Lasý jUm "ain li bkuà4twà e, y lit til li, isa u iné ul~luaé±~m LATER PROU ENGLAND. Il y lb.epacetot iip mtz M am*%ll fou Llverpul, ce have car Lodinpens la lie 911h of Febray, and lverpocli let1sf c Macboth mccîo -Tbaetpapota coýtIfalnofhig ufmomuentlrela- ble th fe Canaien affaire. T ilect emi» ave itsila erit. 1Tic latest advîcesfa. Nec k Tit eaof tbelitof eraa ndi li lprli 5tclargents il lai "- Âclject of omach mor iferteat aprarsO le lae fhe Lefeui of mlisteueoena moisi, ta ,epi miii Mr. OCoaael, fart"ingtal ipublicgdnez fbst ceehua memisti cfelWctW committeus hai iealed, Ilb. the ouipi ota pelhia for fhe te ebbfuu W àdbip nu idai fiatee- y cf lia 1.-Ir O et Ph.m eie f acm me bltairs bêlsf a"Ma.. mptapa te coea vIs elei sigvo ieseai I. f ejr of lap a ea a ««Mhihig ai li ayêeihlireuiie