v. s'? m~ t'?tgR LÂNADA R4 BtfnnSUU.mad wati*0 b ouaein*a Cd iaam ,t ii,. re ______________ Si am*$tatu um hlt NOUimwýt i. - na'i5vBSIth5m he C;nitsicf < l DISBBU# 4 t ,!'TUL Soi" mi titi tad, m ab osa a oyer n.! GenrmGan raser, the ibo ta a" a&M4 tt0 edL5lBadiiPis esdf.oa.lie jeet il le mi I mîsl nW.jOf r rtionamravi >**it b flor- bklbh dutagiL ditst "*ou 0( hm, I tbinok4eeser go lilas al.'I ~~ ~m 9~O .. jm.camms9 , esot ab ylit thirbe ui I Ewit'U I mas ti w in grbasat ulnteer*cf4 *4 Md l n vesmmy. .if y1s Isir JF e conos et Nla tht mmlt medWin fouà ia- a" *IMMftu, myatimiein I ~ cf , mirmiib een & a"0 1 Of e a des i .th on e e , m a a the a n té» a d inle f mqutsfiy tewee ' W. 1 lie suon . m asolves tepome tiL 7h07Stais'ebae Of mi a eïlcU.i mi ptm*teo étuandcl .l~theS ai es olnevsi,; binI e.t g," Ribos, j a jipmwee, *Î,&, W àtdenUksiig ddYdeved une i fer W9114ff t m oPespr= : lt in ibis particdaï liad1 flu'nj l tint 0- coojee lai t mis banfg li<sanqua l.tbe foelatiesy. Te aielmfaplu n pl ite metn ntb Dtg4a'MU6 %Nie Of buat ssdbalfuntdObmdl; mitm Ze l..< 4,Z 4 frt the marne prep"ey I miegOMMsa he ithoorY, tîsiogli, bus voia Ii ce a dqay.vm- >e2.414 <h fM e=rcmi iidrb oiginx ilinmabotmi o r,thatis bbetlc, mth le 'tCr ansnic cehy . auit tth fau is banW huriles par sectel tviti a uscth uonndhb msm, Mbt ~~ ~I belire1W5litt twfmmci ocîî oui cmfe socnsmtlmanin.OLDE UCKA. F sankey ma. foults eaie for imtton, FehîIUSy 18, 1837. AICh Md caIle arnfat at ansvegeUbalta.k.. ouyltinofaitgstu fodecomeuse-i u ý tp exoqute u e l<eseri . ei.aK> 'y marc. Tis diurnse mayb.e mobsth il a cranch, ont day, bt bhsm hep nul .. * . . . ,0 c aimaiismigint doten il& les., uhicli eteaa vailahte or baig te. Stie muetPas pa .8 >0Mm avilnmia hio n.piatiotl dfthe beat, bli-tethe, or docSleg il serp? val Rt. peak 4 a ~~gacigsetion nivscsd iatterita lise eyes, toRr no eug lieoboa dlbw ,mun'lthe th"5, tang~ue dyand iltirnig . Paua long m»d dolimt led3Ohs nC T Ca.-Gve a cu or ex1co s1ual#PO" ao coace.ina a vente1.as.iU mpe- u n jtco ote scbon c u-lpctu fur of at, andl . 0Ho," MaWd lk, lukm matle. e t '- wmwt; d a apn dSiriand Ipeur il dote vitia a hoille or he. Th is ltt.d8Y <ie I T- - u aniymoring sud evenuq. Let tise NEW TAILORING ESABSIIMFNT- ' ps S s sIm drmik. ais <e, ith about haï! m gallon o r~E5~~îE udsotel c tu waei nicouse o ibeday, kep tie'emn- T qEtaint 'he uloliallanCOLLINSmmdtlie O ild vais mmidîy, feediug tithammalsof %vsent viinty,tliathbe bIssaj RWW u r lanmoitI bove CLIS ANS bransan.! olecati, titis a it P*-t Of îtmîtL in irainisu leths ue MO Mv inBmlc' e-3u11nuiLt0s smisasTcnna ec d o.. Gise hediicime ene a day, unlil lablibment l in estot t,'Asme bar V a" ast rcciin; theit F&O and Wlmlerlo0 a decdel irvemeltlttes piac, andi thet d- SU «inai s lehnulmeo bautiraml ss continue I it et itesala, alieheute ay reluiro'. dp.tavend jaujisb e *upettb'ias Inai tessuence et colon, bl( is tquaitityWÇet lic bth in Toula m»d Cbay. W101%An nc tk n'a h as Tise second nidut atibi . BOWN. la ?rnnunWA=Toeh da » 'a cd. iugstnm, Maicli 411 MorD"mila lto , AXE m @ cad bo 19s1.V1-'sriumo ronrat leetieg gerdiiy N.B. 'FlicSiahet wdtoe b hlà4p.,sldClbFme ammeu cf std cloves or aithor vegetallemcontal.song asargitaii of ietesuing bt Ibuks Io fIe lubmb ialof n1ab.A~Itm C=221., 'N, 1 ibr iadrd umepifi g- Tbe5 sIon" Bath ii islS» c Mnnleur dncasiyfr ulpst C-a"S ad tadlto rtetc, caminiaatbe aniitmltaansmd h e us soin rSe brftu ady y antdGn IsI% e!e% suen ta mnuenons au e inamàrt tires. le 1 ' e a .et% mdFUh5owBis. cr!as imel is demIs is cettaiu n se sl&Ceimi t h e bsomit e ca. aa mdM C C Lai,=smIne. Cam s ns ily emeved. Diolve am cncoe t *J ILB. coUb iBassete, a mpu eGmrey' oalinla aquart f tater, an!d o t iti, --______ I .B rocis, Uglit md OLkCmnemu len ia, haîf a plt a loneinthelabsenT i YsryM '«cd tise StIolodeas of A"Chokn ccim 7-8 u bilnriL f ha minute, ntit relef o0 Prdtsed. itel Tabe e. 1.11 Ad Aet ChookIt7-8Mmd4- kb ati,Llem an.! of potasi, pematli, aiert«94 r itecn'IMpM ocf]K'gaton on tue p c 2 u o JSA, pariItsear ash. h nala tiseeKs flue Calitqu Cotte. s tt »Ilautug mlklicvlatile gurni tiaontt se t ofcbfl< Diecetois,&CI te meetng 7 19 L A N E T SdM evcry depmi.; a a sara. qoaotly,,f wtlr. A quart c ongl ief olcle91101e voe19ealDaoras c11117sntem i u mi tm.omia tns frcstodacs irn the Cme quittof, Tie Venmhe AMMcsr£coal ilutT, CP. mSOLE a UPPER LF.ATHER l tilitomliins miett fle pr~soe. plo ~ uas amatof aw a oryspervquaity-Togetbei viimm sutet ait, titis tiese lme quantity <f nelfed laid N s u iirsUce uvrSt etiM e.,% ' ce butter, hait l amine instances <'yen relicf- Ma.C.s. DIUi tra Cio toc ati tero tt etio n! te i heef au fresh, beige lasemetime ued. Fions tise bMsa . nÂni3a . C H. & itendry i htattntin f tei nature of.thecLause, ikalMis are tise afuit huady m sLoo*as. titudala li ccutîy paticiary Tisedlsense ii qîste Sa cstonmus aW not red.i MsaLal ar-oetdPisde. N. B. As tiei tarmsameC ASH, tir pices HoaisDI$rTneR.-It maY Ibe keoun by a A divideat.! ta then declare.! of 4 pet cent. for wnh aOR xrýj m delnescfcouteancslotcmotion, a lmo Phite laif irear ondl'ng the illut Dec. , tpayabioullie tS5I turnaeg o oin'. 9187 dalers o cmstnaceaithe office dl. LR.Mark, Emq. flic T-em-re. rite, siakng f tihem.!a, n maint fdiezaleem, WNaD qent 1ien; dote, f&c. Ta dolsoouine titi 1iN--T 1NF3OrmiMAION WAni craint irhi Scth ai-t, bore thse bNOTICE. dp TROMAS DiBN, a ladabras mrs hi aimblo%t oilree ich"oes taho head, if yccA he»a eeigO 8-1110iets4gsqpo it UaA.eiupo oa wt necld, il n s e houndialemper. Then bore I Steaimr Beckvil, beate B A-have lie a ieth 5<t boat 'Flvellm ero seobo bae n iseoposte aid., ijecl$srcng e.loanMotel dire day, thé folIwing Ocatleen la !1 cf l eg ls , mm imcarliclidfneeIII viesegat an.!Sts fe'atmcfcaPhs, 0ce maltan!vine--yen apinte.!td C IJfo c sama o ba smat lieenheu.!cf Lutid by bai me uIsens <mumI <ote ,ur<tle 91md le htmimeai 1tt5 yeur hoballa rtot ik pemtlb.,afuta"iaCkt o godiia ite dsu stsuit M i cài <fj SuE its .qErcs, nabSrumcap. Meshmi&saW cm me Of bis ce rce mSo ag ieles,'sa1tcit s lon.McOÂiE~Onnu1 be . 1oh talio las dia i mne h. e &ADysi Mmnecesma i s akarllclo"s.Pr evtht ani> lÂE FtmuTm,,ameto, ucmo ect hm nlutie . lankfuly vau-s Ientr e eM oln.MILLE£% Faq., P'sctom. -ceivenl ly blili ote se 1(ioploe teKo Mainsha ostitout 10 loiu. i on- sa,," BAaTL, 11, Klngmftou. ELIZA DIXON. i Oud te Younogcainustise pa and! causea a Kington, lai March, lu& _- Kine atoIn. 25, 1838 luq! mptite. eTisentmmeis uîdily diceo- H IBCIE aigmd U NOMTO ATD cd. -"lif th tONt, fthe test at ctd fee W spongy, I USRBRb,. M -0 NOR TO ATD rtle jorsppeurm a le de tnto«tt;dtise cure 'aisments fer a contant supply ci Wlu«IY F &ARGAllET CLAREF, vlimtltilUld smuple. SomeculaiEth une mferiair m dieas.duriag the vinte semsailis novi WY4te e±actte 0 letiso mumet cf 1wmsa vben luhWlimad mi' but mths roe ratnar e c f lie ornemens oer dits t.louet mater~tiaasO. ll" w f tu De"om? Moctml. Amy lafermatien anpect- andotrat tram h. b.mmaty md the asnia, Pre- of the 'N hiakey tea mtsinc"g*h m04 A- i' 10,1111lie ha mkftily recived lybi "el fteisftovinx metiscd. Bfiluepat ,0td oI.sis W CLARE, ýAt s.Sao' t, tet tentltie iflia epnke lleay ie equat quasi- Cash vili e pull for Rye mmd Kngfos înaq3018 meghws al laI,& Knso uy0, o'o u . t1i moe . elmoSra(imrb eqa tille. f ai at si t%mUc, l'beat t -dr.I-M W Th luipflWnCsirarvnrb P- tise,md Slndit np vlfa-cWatllRePot ths, - L . B. dwfors piamloeothmeidO da, mon tisa fouischil 1Kegs Beut out n, AtMeluucO da>'hour on bt lti sud tallotl; a cure L certain: DVjThWuIb Soa-Thia dises. takes th ie ilifrouesca- i21 rire 8bOUEOIII"' , lie vili molsiag r&e&dy. il 'rproduce.! 3ya ; chance qeality. .RTILERT liORSES. dharmnlmtio c fI. momali n.!funtieom f 2Tou L~< 1 Cieom, E.~sya haing ORSES fil for net -M digestio, atsuslefaie Vaions Caeuses. - AetiUeic.tcmedsiiofpmgi Cva.-Te mcSurgte a piat f crish*b6SjeuP, NFORMATION WANTED ci »SIAH of" ts vi aisthelefor àlmpcuSoto one ouate orf lnd mmd a OC09sl,A y Sp rlà aokaOmdteou Ifge.CfmadiByi niltau oias or 1w.dai,tinlc the bancs of 9 and aih im aZMfor UpserCani. a î%Wb« d olsa"plx- ue&o-lPuaidy. meat cfDet, miti aftIrauiol iuey nlt, ri .ab. lbeaBei,, i de*. hp stst.- e"luyjask, dy.gte os f od 3,lt s powiamfnl areet&", fao.! sgfboft dbuk vItal lim. g*se camdean aIy, md hlieno we'on.He arswutWbai ofet À AmputaILC-_ rmim dea stise cotais geueeferat d. A ratof mot 1ise, ltul lie M efa% . i> lte'o es KsstoJÉ n. 16,1'F8I8. 38 MIS , oill t itis coe Mmd tue spoonoful fICiViie, tilt b. <jusfll uilrctcge h_ _ reet lheallayisîeve aise alesEditWof NWmi à ji eCennoa At Ne. 244'St PW LStas e, nemitre Cdiy EBu&- duo skhutanthiagele.wd4ý4ra aa W ieut tsee e oroff EN IMUN à CO, isportecaMd Ymuota cOR ParAMs.-Tsisdise -a my b.ieticinotir alacé (uak G i à w kmoue by a yellow atler nader filp, mun- tticc le thciu respective boumaIt. aingo f th e., vriiic eic a otia,2t iad,13. lIOata émmat alialte i,.r Os lia ith am t e ormnt t i.isdis., 0ho a.tdgog rll lasSlIr*sadehe ibm sersaon sumd experlence copelme adif'awth j eLAST CIALLII DermleedmevedsitwitSa~P th .M thu gm rebetifu.ly set fo A e ie ctastth metrht a 8S ohtt gIWà m m banahfl (W ni inte ytise t, t3 leloheperucrs Aci'd f of »» h. cmstry e ellero isn' bdBiseautiam 7 mei li fie le ad Ducesient olloscs, or as @oreacetlhe is e requcutiseme e aèb te ute nm u oeitliut i uîg.i'cnm eaJIS pucunce! iy tse nisaC8 eta. mod olle th 'smjmcla mesans, it.! d te tmi seocf tdiaUe U md L~vero- msmecnaian.! 1 consder li bbc sacipiot agags If. tlureliy ave the meeemua" eflcdls. abaiss irt- tâisa dmss. Atalevet%, tise et emedyila (c BENJAMIN "-jc'z4 FUR CAPS. use lb. saine meditina, oly about ismf tise quai- mg4u, ibmn 91.LsadIi *SaO tity. la lithisemos, itl is dvsabte te gisera,__ _ attMd mm riawmedo amasma ai saI popueflcatiaetac th Secondl an.! ifti dtom, conais- FOR SAME utidRgE ei wuamu a"sIOml ut.! cf a quartes of an auna. of gem ac.tn lUEAI LT efe.te. ia itrwe. do l'al1111111,e1b89MOc9 Pentofcf eR oapBone pnt aofeMolasses, titis a uitieIt enr.Te m;iaaPm f: b .WA irts b"M ao Oxen ;le in tergoth year, ie cien boat- Ise-Eotqfêvl lae ah tr1 amlmdGamd Ibs&~.a adb et L aatedpil Tisa fot hyl A Coli.UIr lt vIola. lIe tu' GmàÏaimatlF«erGisatmarand ets, Lmdl.mW eo ere.oti ng e, a Stoppage of atio es equal 1ta&"'n thaïi&%pstuna limeslsmtnqm ieam Fo Mats, F-er Voilan, liuetcltuaclaxatuanof thoise, mal5asor IMocbmisc. a pemenlo.cf enpupto a ecdang encerai de- Aise-A AIM ( 10 et eseiwp, deitaltonna tr1 mdans fprstamiriu.s, ieaitd l diet quaity, alict "Ihersmitelm fI sige- Fo ainmt4, _&fC- "-MM miL. m~~~F uiacitiacte.potlm emi.! eB. hseed. pnsum.iàTa-.y Coa.-oeCquast af gScutrmmnor gineiu 1Fr alciasmph't . . tij. à FPIt ooful et cayenne p pr, if <ieu i lssé,tandme.! -Ï -le 'ie sissce. s- -4 isti = J "l itaI ta rast, féeoifuewitla a mt 'THOM"5 >DU& ecl pza;»4mIIJIf DaYmebigi Im of sbt be ar i nd atnsesmae ion mat,! vi o Napano, Octaints0&h, 1lm. m autmlU.su ton pe.foim a cure. A man tisaI vidi over-4iive a*"'"'"V* , â i. a xhsid l! imwcf lie put l is e Bkc ANK 0F ENtM "Oà AERC, ~ taeh c. Mànoc.-Tnis la a diseuse pro«cgnSoms là~aELomt- au. ~. catectie.! 0by impure hlo..Gaveeroc soa ~HigIt.me Spnlshet S *0el.inomde h b.l womsS. m& afulet p wrt c uof sueliepsuar ai t hasuug. y b9" la mni tup.loeoe a,-t* ls theo n- aQ Yeatheclvuis' I u q-b gtemSptmm -,UI N. 5 in llu e mieouon cf Pitltdmeg. C phf is fl i Sering. o-s Ta OS. I. BENS asv, Enquie eathec Boni.!Of=.e 11585lt5s 2» uul ot, 183. pevtsanlCommitlee for couducting the afains At bilsoffice, ian Store Su" f. 'er', M. t ofh an s INSO.Manalon House intel, Knss pct' FoR SALE OR TO LM. acu »Qmns a. we alodrwl b ta .le <Sit n m ltMay noif, joUImUAisO lE sçti>.. punetuaîly attendalta. liait oûbf Lot. leffer A. ile t eva- eoal mtis»Q. mn.Fftesuligirr...su, mlup of thlnrhajluiale Milmiy Raseecf oa Xe fpai i d ali sce, teld u-itme tonfiian< 100 tcie%.M nthel Ucualas n RANGEMENTS for the earty coamoaece- puga.! six p ence if not paiti in Aance. W lliam F " au i se thealpootonm fthteMiit- .l5.uet f business mie net isn rore- ,an! Any persn .u lo e1ctlcfiit ryRcevuleeg at»Z;7«80 =icivmcd by ticeOr.!- Communications mly, le tise meaiotiine, lie a&!-ment cf ton papeut, ,hati recuise cne giata-i mnwme Dep1 te Cconel Lgbtflsfmail w mots e he lememis ofthticCounutt,". linlISe.propoition for a greater srla la eemmSo aut I uel 1 Aggtg aROET CA RTER, *.*No popentscaitinuod uril atTefls rapm - TH1OMASRKAeC. Cuaisoef- Ou ieCotaicf DrmctO- e xcept eaItlieoptio f fie Pubisher. limg'tco Otl Jmmary 581.lIgoait,101hlmnney, 037.AUl Counifiteu ,te lie ddeaed (PWitp ________te__h e Edtor. 0 capITAL FAM FOR SALE-MRiAP! WTR OY OECP. AdllrSe endalLoet sosnliuùmIsté wu 'of at aoJiudealI < ~ESohactilimi tuth ucl lhmliormn. cexpem ddremîmulo l'Ho. .Betey, Piop"Wti KUAVRI cf Il ftbiMt U1mIyasàlaboutA mlias aea llatiammuâfctnro cW _________ 4 Maelau ro thle tuamybm e73 5 mOFCLOM lCAPS, wI"hlhateieoltt let g baiolus5. men'lené ai e .1 mde eeelmtfmoaOn*hs VCAP FACTOBO le t comh. &ms 'mdl aizemose DELLîO NÇIE,'reao Iesalsa WsIiEud ~~L i ph odmoqent imsrtieo. Teenlicetsfad5W 3AlARES, SH MdIIiOIRa»S. 'f. ,Md . i. iinltit tatuainUlsslme. ~. c1moet,<&Mi id pt Une foi r eey nn ta ANEL~TTIr, nis1flI Wj s omi Ib eeli ~ ~ j'L TOVALEABLE tous FOI S"LE ~let 29ie a In be ' a. ou a dth 10 *a C~KhisO5Lhd U; Tflèýopwb4k U* ~ti;--'~ .'a'e~- e- a. MI..UEW. II~mml, FésumyS. - --- --- WKAUOII WAISm - 1M54aMom~ I 'Sou ui 'r'-- WItALD)-TUESDA, APRIL 10. 1838.E £VI.AEv~H8Wet$cio~DE OIE. OTIIF I'RlNTLRýs v m i-i flaamtAT nnmps wr manies in its resuested te prezey.t tht eat tite f fthse Iis date, Infuture, ail (erri ujust f c mmd l sand ii th cetreof fuileCoampanyvens te lhe Sut*coilcc I3<ibu-be.! tethe proprietors, T. (A: FEIN &t Lc»tuiasiui theceuntre ofl admtlime ing oMse for the dItom tci m i.dv~E e ~ the Fails and S!. CM#tmtimti3, làde. paid for the Pumt year's aitwC. D-c 29, 1S36.3 yeffl en bo date.! floueits migî, andt Sy endTrtwrer IMSCEI ç.r~ IIOdy milPfl ë, hMi M K"Ietosn,mb Jan.lm 9k7 ER$S Îvpectfully nformth ines a .1 lof se Colonies, that the Agenev of Mlentl.. PO$40, itvtsIpoilhp>adal VALUABLE PIIOPERTY FOR SALEIE£&~CL~Ol h & lio~1 lm = auxteit"rewl rnevom n ç OPO ~ ~ ~ T~~~WiII sud J. = .1th Blé- kI"i, î baIStICOFATIG. e th Y raeque in ttiru ne, on leins ~~s'ShouaakCeCmtiWk'TeInt', ESmucmahes frSae is oVO? e ca ecu e the saine arti. e Mt, U rom Subezib ofers or Sit bs vey l le osseouthe Veste.!States. iwsk AmaCudiliand . ,ieii%, ty e oesimtieo"g f fle Watex Prvi- le comqemesof eew arrantgements entered am deme y for and a 1 T 1" tL.e~rd gond! Dwelimg BoustI e% i> tht Poprietersilleenbe i a e a ai o a y f r y c, m.! i D7to i e u M o f a i - a m ei ev 8 mudw d fn li, P in te rs o n th e sh o rte st n o ti e .; an d! n o n eî , ~ b us . ie m e rl c n- i b t w o af f i m e tnitd iviesy del y v ili ccuri etw oen th e e rr f htr e ru is adio Lake Geta mmaMig Jlil-a Sbu sBuilig cOutaMlmg &and its exteutioe. ~ c hie id~~~~~~ Toby tmoceuie r anddlieYmae% EdItoas of papers Who have putiished the moa Lake Bro a costnt ucessonOf 1 . ---à-idhtlfd adytatisement, are reqluested b put,. ,noeaBut,4greaof ------*t tolhcf aboieantd they wilI receitiv îwu al trdue o digèent markets. The t-tae bu '~Protvisce. fMwiboit or a pt T3 pet aiet ff .nty foot, m-a pewt.s ta etnit e4t 1 on Part-' th Le.onact0dtU is Ding i for anmnrf.tn.n&par- WM e olgtuscrpea mui cuher Moancavi HE MONTREAL TYPE FOUNDRy, ~~~~~~~~~~~" _ , emjislscm ea.A]R Os~ .ietntyt tCtoP~YA~ING undergomoadditions and impem. TammeY ecalditttht" 10 - bahera orTcwulm,&L tp.as y «Mti he U.menée, aide. foimy descai lion of typj beiag go amIoltain il from the, «b t 0< al bu ploytpMyI o f trus. or «yul ehcutcd wstltht etmoet ïl"pseh, asW SSIi1bCII1Ir, in cdlilng the attention dcfute atd lfb ut Pu "tct8t lestsato.Te ufctflflliMehacae bIWl*g'~U-to the Pepidotorwill boe ww, ifnoilwer,than thweeOf Newïoü sinemuen Mchricsteths mI i Te perty .à vlsliý ttlcnmbeie d Md-; a" six mSths credit will lie gises paiput m d e ao i e i ta d l o n g « t d f , t e a c t um i e t - T H O M A S L M . -T H S G U R N ouIy. CÉ1G Wes Eufav. Marcli 2Tth, 167. lhot% lfeVb. 941h, 1838 mo us. b c . w . - - T'h.Q e " if 9MnwyQuebec G zetie, H mIQ U SUBflOt flin ITU mmm Md 0' Gent, BrOknUo Statusan, King$,"n lieeaL DRYGOO MECBA'l8 A. eaimg hm apecte.! stock 0< 4Toeto Patriot, and ui e- wSBoC IER beita à% LtOT" iM , 1__tbnlies, mmd taitrecuis e twt doUlais Weth d 1 uD Sb u h . h g kstb. h i tcm .p __iis em paatbo W otof b w lManevt uendaeka G iy màcw Veibu, Sat, Cvsumw, C'Luet n y<<>JT0FCFNCly oems ov c t e s mnme ur M i i * -t r -W u T F CciC » 'G 0o01) 0 y SlEfty, pld dCtt~an Mdcalice. m .M N1OCE i rby given, that this Curtla [ ofwUe ho quewil bu ett - t dgWIN S LqUOR Co lt_12h day cf Jue, Instant, at Twele o'cîiî. t d Joue. UOIS» CRMt Ou the tmmm day, the Offic i fthe RBege L..m .&.n i*btbBf~ U i A Jà » sv llebm s No. 05,0o the Buoemutu mmdu teS bb.u5110W foe mé,i a pev LI.v a t yss B ildine, there procoedhnps t e a » W etus 1" d ". b.e ived a"d M d, and th e necemary promu M& ba- 4clibubus &Ws.f« aiege ue.!Oak t à" therem. Ofico houas feue 10 fldi A tanther nllaisyd mdlieYsbs oqatt f D.cp Ira% ou 1 WILLIAM HEPBURN, JO N pide, mdieetLedjwhebha *i d4spo et, Regeîtr. KIngato, May 9501, 1617. U«,md e<cdfis N. B.-The orders of the Court, wtici, t aili ILE . ROB& lia n cesmary for Soliciton' ta observe, inUte tcm. NOIClinmlm a l ny, le». déectot a sou toathe hearing, are prppai-'d, ani BllE tmdecigna, et the MilCWMatcd <.m i efothlacourse of plication at the Guic Ie hi. a lote imdta fopta, se coqoactiome ualBa1y fthe Sokmbiir, 300doz. VERY SUPL, minent Ilezclusetij this City an Agency Of- UP ROR DUBLIN PORTER, ufTicnlmriy tt- C! A P S-C A P S, &c. ,, for the iramtienof a im us n New York, coandfor Steme Bu eWhoeieripcei L REE&C' n fa bat m ay hae e ten ted Io thor a d thiii, tam 1<)..p r dcx . . F rG re ,E & C ap a nvfaruJe I INo.%, ,e og-Sagiaion i be executo.!tub onc--A:Uo- ,eadCaMnfmrpNit ~ Loteu, pt poi t avt.! A chaice selection cf Gentlemnon's London M*de St. Pava Street, a fet doors South of iiîh rt an ipth ete eun Pdrigt.at ER APIEmer Store, on the opposite site of the trce, neveneonce addrtssed t h ReO t2etWÏIGAPRL hon wililibe forind, a vers' geacralassortniîu [6 N ssa u Stre t, Ne w Yeahcwllà b e li edite' C ns ilng f rtesa e Frck Co ts, Summ r P an-l j FURS , C A PS, tijtee num r ù o t u ia yattende.! to. ta wsns, V et, l8c. &c. Ail arders vill meet tfl immettiate ~¶,l .t THOMAS8 HANDOOCIK & Ce. These tii hoe dispose.! ofat lot wce no exertions tspore.! te give satisfaction. N e w «tc rk , 9 t h A p rjj, 1 8 .9 4 JO H N H . a R E E R . F r y d a s u f , T j p ý Li ý ________________________ Kingston, May 2Sti, 1837. Goie, &Dmd; Cat, Muifa ý1,, q tig 111, TO B i SOL DO iOR LET. - -. oe m syle, P e te dr nti 's ird tufX'i A T CHAM BRES M ILLS n T UE Towm sni NFORM ATION la Îanted et JAM ES M UL- Pmot me tl,2 e et.ksttnd-ac or Fszcaaomsuan lund! a; hoeteteredKLE.a uvie 0<he parish of Ahonloet côiiut- ptlic . 2 piumediatel A HOUSk AND »HP, vifu 'Lc» , Ielmd. Ho miveil at. Qume etebin9 mE nAr IcfId . i. lace habawkiiy eu MI, admmd b imn reiiding @mmcfuai adm Ir e et or Meehmc, beiag siu- tise momevbam l ip per Cmnada. ithoul.! ho OEeRNS . tis la eca i nuiliu timmladan is ectice, ho vii plomcomenucate titi d-1ENTLEMEN,-1 trote a &w tretuarb tar te iuseslavicanlty of a GrM d au MMi bis Mother and Bicter, et prment reding in Mou- XW monthe mgo, respeeting Emigrttiuo to di ý «@t% oertin : -tsemllbacglitho Office cf thte MoIiitg CoUru. wternparts cf tliProvince. i have '5m t wbch onm in Eau endi1 gl idtsmn ppcî Canada tin plommo <ive tho numer cf ieataacesin thicli emigîuantsfate M- Otteyer; aMd M it in rasante henm ytoma ort ib fmo .cuac the è.»M icr s oition. ne. Çgston, veatie! ahemselves nirii fr, n meleh. %Sbo" la wâvit te.! Montooml, Jute U an.!expenule.!tbeir mo nmd lien ieturne e.r 'p vltSJCtf5ShtOmisDo, __- _- te thit port of thteroince. I have soud errent u Mde ytBL cust orcmdelg iios.TAXE NOTICE. offisoan bettcr Lands for aimant hliofutthe 'oie nidoe fu af reuics ayta eflue le TUB sPWHatbstrier bas fou sALEIls Ates of tliey ha.! ta <ive le ticwestern 1tux' i Fo f ,;:LiR.oy I M. ROSE. LAND in WZsi Lortnncaouro, No- 18 in bave umcw alatge quantityfaaltivaied au~u Klagmicto, Magnat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~S 7. tic 6th concession. Whoeve tahs t edsetvld pd c ae iif., cru tW9-awll pliome eMion hmbis tMi Nch who them toÉU anI md tee foi themselves, and sot îptd FOR SALE. lvp lithin 2 miles of sudd land. AlifrmaytioneCan, loai J.tMES BORLAND. Ay naate atdr .cupacir ~~KIioliLANDS :-ALot ne4r lic new Joie Mh, 1837. 955c bcmba.! at oey offce in Stor' sî,reet, Kineta, .Englisb Burylmg Groan.!, t a sou _______ - Upper Canada. D. lilTIN, BIOUSE erecto.! 'open it, ustlia goild--BfonceLndAgnt part of Lot No. 1in itihe tl.!concession 0N 0 Le ahbocg, contsiing 100 actes cf excelicai BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. - - t ca.1 ETABLImafET) INLONDON-. t ~ lm t liza'00 FOR mi' jkUIKY m APOLITI( STORE SNTR VOLVNm XX.] TUE PRANTO Bir C&An AiS NaA cnma ithe sarun0 Th ttm be etAdmirai îymeî ,uvs oudercut te pnneeed to thte Es. Fwabmm ut, ttomgltise SIcai iIOthe PaciieOcoa-nt bavng 1 en U ntttbtmmdie previacas fai mants &ffeotdfacufll.sewhieh mi, pmase tetrsa BcIslansi,. Thé Cessa he fileet 'd foty4(MI=r<s auUg lie Adi D)ort Of tIliydE<8#814 titi Il -den ooetvwnby; lie Young saae a( cffour "ne, calo.! i lu trewof *0 eV..,Kaleries Ist 9ten ietuiIt ai ism; il meul,Z »to oinqo e.! ,îi w l'e dosugn &W itig u voeeat op »Iluttiespsr dm70 tbey voien i by htl victimta tse <soi ntrý.awe boar d fflp'm vestel. bMany ttoiute ouahard, an.! otheistm 7h. oetly appoinled Coin vu Avembe, vsent ou hoard report the atel cf tisevasai, Nliphmijnpoi tbie, bism tbe coul o Soth America, »Il brillon or force, t t1 1.ai sjtle tutu in a bi rnt s c a t iv e s . B t t. W"ooh et tsn. Ho tsan imp olatinate Îna% oct tu lie pensua4e sai slb li tittia ltetinnfertie uff Teomciccs of b.ing sdvised, Se i jected a proposition. thics, ha.! it iment!, toul.! probalyhave Se acted upcn, an.!tise Ccomeodore ri lis vesel, net cmly dioappoit e.!,1: lihe lmgsage umcd tevarda ie. IlWht are wefto dc, Caplalu Yod bIse tonee eliOr situain- ive cau contine long et ses; Il v roi b. uirftng £1 tise Mercy o! th, the crot die. fie lawtcbede&th muip.At pi'estebrue lissefor tondm7 morue e sha probably i -!Ifoidasn tha lbr eccoss more lires lincumbaI villa tiese pmm ble robla e p?"il Admirai u inl a ile mme.a coupany uluilog flienigisb, mIl I aI jmtify myttoif te tht Dij 4Do etroteamy1i-agrash-reai bS day hlieds hlm tnove i!aip'i weakenel, lie tii msoectise nncess *iIui advilc. A wekbld passoutàtay aftur io, se.! 1h.enled llmade lîtt ais slip the ravages of the, fatal mnont serions,mid-s tflicCommode ise lia.! lit ftcnir men really able Nior li e lcAdsoratsasip an.!tib sufimut le-lia comodtroa, beu.! te reiterale hi, proposition. Admirui]RYinelmmdt wusa caf en rifidictive man. lie Ws sture 9 cf the suggestion made liy hie toe fut, liaving refuend lb, b. woold ;.nti h. felt ieoungefld laiet t f seiscet counsel lie iaI ciller adi ng, lie pieventeui trois table t .Si the ibie Srtiosiof misa "80, of is voyage. Tm. pesai juneifle ria, auagdid li.ei ho Commode.veuilSt a gois E Cre thon ulitiîn tht. lapis of~ bthse W«bsulisd Worthe its.II ta olght, aRe, PIuIIp haut ro,-t cumodm e von udocanMW f the Truelto ster led !mmin caftari..Thc igt wvesryd. sate ieoly uiip titicit ei tisItishe pariig Company et 1he erceire.! by île Adeiffl on.! tie i hoin Plsîlip wont on deck lthe Ie: id fiat tiseir cenier were itot boul attise carnpasn, and perce lyet tsi mterai, inquire.! aIt hz hledirecticcsa. Fimding that it, cor, lie Of Coeteai.! eothing. 1 odot came on dock, ht tated 10 Il himeif vadmmfed lan nt camp d mml'$y Ocrets., a1 Il oul.! have e uint't sbip'm Compay. ITii e. le 'Vo uisPs h.aeY tise Ian.! tb theaslaue, pauceiveul a large t 1 Oh tise beacit. Thy chorru the river, ad houslmleut e;tsh Camee acr tu aik tl Ilhat odo<tha rodI <ruatbmthe kcwmlelm niéa tej i t i m b f kb e y l 's t vaneWU ut illeab ti; tatassdbt ressatr 4y Md t a IJI5US5p5 #, " p~ Ir course Io I*M coomu thta e ft14bt7~ 1