Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 17 Apr 1838, p. 3

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m8 t~l ppIR CAN4ADA JIERALD-TUESDAT, APRIL' Il. 1836. tvo. Tt ha Sid that il"1 harncE.. frona Wb-»metta r vwà ith rSlt. Lawrence, for th,. eo d hal frigatais expect. lift, APMi 7.1 ar he. diErrnt tale. ait proce-de la li. id. fsplli. 2h. telegraul r ; but th. vitarve. art c ic- tbat bun h.en todg. Mr laeCoasiderahly belme' i. va May ho-vr n; ai ihonu. Therfni Witt "ai on Suoday or 13.1 om Lachine for thé Cas. aconaing-Lib.1 waior vitie h.t i mi the a a.It vCk. A con. date, uhaielly flesur, tlat ,mayh. lokedfor hy sIe te c luardsà ho b ha t benu frel mne $Ore other repaira, ierei il neceuary tu de. it raJI. AY, APRIL 17, 1888. BSCRIBERS. f tihe llerai colplew. roet propririorthip, ard New Serres, an we %hal the 01.) Srries contain. pant whomi the preprielor retoa hie thanko for the bey have in grurrat coin- y payinp. thrir subecrip- tai La mvnce; and) asbs tioce, and ust be mrt, t h. dinappointed in h.- Maien of th. contstitut ion- in ibis expenaive uodertd. e taua t iace, in fâi ba-i ary pince inI consrat'ion clans of bis seuscrihcrs; aofn cessary com-)nsatLoO bestowd on the E-ltial Y, ini aIuording tu the read- rrgate of original and se- any semi.weekly papier in aciple, on which (lie lier- the magner in which they itedg ineet with publie ap- revince.) by the fart, tht nce ,ubscribers have bers e ltse paper came inlo the 'rtetor. Sostaine.) hy this public faveurf, hle Wrld obis importaibt dlulies, and n.) inereaàe.) support whicl dcserve. ih.rs aliove Kingston, wbs hcrptions, are reguotrd ta conva nienre, either tbraouh rnto, a tet of vhom i c ingatos vii~c ued i Apîgtits willlie appoinleo sn les a macha larger circul8tirs 01n palier, il Witt be round a for ADVERTISING,-2-f an opportunily of COuavein7 Lgunmo and) elblioslretl villaes of the PrOvin"I' 'là ,ders; tbe mont deslirahîr. r lait le, the mistake c1ia- i in it estimait Of lie "*I cal party ia tbis Provinc.- charr.cter wan ne leis "r Lardl Gletieli umoler date of "I kacor petferly Wel lubt ifmen in th10 provine, abO Ment prePer~Y Onder the pro- thoritîca 01 Torento,J en, 1 t mitlL. guard would presui, aurh an o1e-q wwh il raiier thbn ta dt."Al a abody of»n in bisrCI Prepariti Ie attm'1, nrt '#'y ty,"$ but lb. (4 GOvriumetý çà afler hie penDed the abOl' ation cf the plans andt in- ,,, =,uanicated tu Sir Fzr ar.)... en the lOtI Of Noir. ,aohefrfO lhe acilual rotrenia, aIe.) with 1h. rebel 00'l,"" 0i ef the peule wti hs tceated the igf"ornlO iîtoSo the cbîn tar 0fthl sa ianf in hi estirnîf d on of te Party* l!a F. Lord Glat1IM0 Decr. 1lMwý1 Xie:.6 "Fer a MM; tie el b . ny bilD ? tyi<a >9 but b avik iF~ hWen1 reh ta lrit ,it ~ ~ i esi6 .p ~- l«t h.à cm*t aitma MM&emebugela * i 'Rbc*a. e glu i n l rMW , N" b nmi,' fatal- s* te t *lsmaek ht.. U* SW et hi e paunlo. as, su .onirmed il 00 uaay InnU ame d s ii é iutaae ircent e«'ce' t'ienti l bc t" etahin-ne-- B.eeetd1 isimiermeaj 364u d ioin tsi pbilcs Md var. Divin. Pewduie and .stffl :-M *. d t11. M htom ro the Prvice. uy e i ~hlt uOk i y a a rrir&uc icac-têt vhjch n esh Ni ,Ubave aisestfessa lOrw toli. Wmi.. .~ ah ehv .u àiU gPerilesbut ira have MuSE ..E the ilquestion bai hem. mursin .favoisr of the bis- . eaoahb M mmi ttat eugInletésest -the as.iCiiitiilith. vol, in mun puoaitiy, bae J'y «oaty of atig m baler peimeple Or *Mbr.y en h- Juis b rve Wihe inpliet Ca. mec- a ot îrhremt miut h. batioM a cumulN x"- die, a-d Englaud Sat ie have lu coaqw ra 5mai ..,a ait ilezi"g fat, amidJ4k appicationof " pat le Provrince liasu. lml ie tb opeaim tht he,' iaqustlh. put, giteristenmisevin thelb.codoct eo! liiEx.caiv. in bavWa mai." Il1fatsir F. Head was etd in is efiiem.<of a Prmîatiom teanhime ,emlt, i OMM tehb.bellt tle rpepiay bcasenini bis drop" teISir 'op, an ve etm otasavra w oatanotce gg job ol uîee ,reqoee tls h.remordaof the %211 itle"s. lie,. fronntKigston. Il, bave Ume e, B.4 lb aheardlty eai daager .ofrtug , v ,4thr alghleal occsion fo the, pulclaul,'in tu lie chepter of aceisiente for thé euppression tisan ,bat diectio, abers lu a'e tiiugbut Ioyaly.n 1-e9 preparesi revoit, the pit,'et Sir F. Demsi i Il di nt requir hlieb lt. it iet iuerrectios disi net requine liat bn Pffliscn saboula)lh. lefg au- i in ti D31inct te sew ltant thrr. le yalty in ierl,'defeaeel Si.na wiu anby hie..If vlirert b ujdrct5on." Evrry im"u horitenta.bisv, go sdi;ttt lit vwu is te svth.e Qesn e Pr Io~M-Bidwell' inlueine hW -bece paramoat h. dcied b, vager of baili ti., heuh i yahin là in bs aehhoqrb oold bc h.preparel toexpnctoUgt 10kv. bd foupis,'.. miibaeh.pW lanit ,oîodilYîîY~in sla ,d aatdeodprepasaiiMte. eil eh ThisigLOKaueor ithe oroalite o! thn country, Cize 'Atiibt .?-Hedge poîa,' rwlleuo.hl Sud lharrugh cotempt of the radical part, led t>te-dg nuppssi io10have heen fit andai igl, vu Iotd -bc neli gteteroroemuufeâ by thse ecmuta..teni away the regainrouepe. HM a .den 1151, bc in aigau prep8tdttion whatverrte rentI oaidsud then .calieotlandiraniser! thei. ul:l, oppreso rehelion. Sir Francis in bis iespaches thn question of prefrenca ha.)il tes toule lu a offerts go jotify himself la tlie, l araains that if passage o! ales, voils).titi bave ben Iscidi b,' th tbd lanjtrfèretd il-q 1a1 ivsith thka e'o<peaple of Up,.. Canda, loti te lhefe.ivue5 V brfore tb. cutbrsea, h.o i ae an mach en, in facilite l tu ai gl c".bam .1w mi, T praDduceol more evii that gods hy gvrgccno litia arc the peope themeeleens, aqdl" ha. i ,been icr a aicai ouiry agaundtbhem for mailing the C5.ied cut and drilie.) an mmunmanthet" oow ere Iirty af tie press &c. And Ivo or thi.e lfeeble wvitisdravn, tht,' vouli nelt .m bave laneaplacedP attmpts a lve been mad in the Province ta defegond an -equanifootiug viti tii rehel, for lb. laterT trenaduO aie Executive on tie.saime gpoum. bai ben drialiogfor mtbi peioaaty. Dsot a c Mo Mhis lfent. paces thse cuoma aei. a.)a Sr F. Demi'.polît, van in iteet!, tise ie- t ilisas ret asy premataire laterfereace vitshanu- tetiOn O! Il wvaeti voua., Ssait e l ahelb kerrie thatt asa o.ated, thouh lhe ougit te have Province te danger vhieis the. peicy dii am er- A hi ro stpptd in bis carter before tise sutbreak o- quutte. Ever,' considerallom o! prudeote,juee, oird lut Ihere shoul.) bave been ans adeqat 1h01011, andi lateteat, ieeanded tbat tIe loyatistes pprotio for inerfeing vîth decielve eleet if talle.)le decide the quiestioa b,' ightinr, aboti .bnit w as reqisite. Aduitting for thte ake of meet th. fgeoS eqiil terme, aussi obh expoei ,rimaent, ibat it van proper tole tMackenieut etilso~. meisclly yb praecldntrbd, yet l it anthe heietilO md- nurparise.) and overcoineiefbretic,' bid Ue.Iote a,,$ ta lok on"i, itfolde.) rran aSir Fil-àatyor Iv o ekilow tisai lhey vr.reuii. n ,, sayo le di, sud uake no preparatioa vhatleer oteni for <b.d.r ghi. Ther. vs. ne Mdeesith o essi force hy force. The rebels ver. prepa. auhJlec leyast t lesncb a despenate trial. I hast ing fur sx months, and vira tht ins. fur actions enogistu heir vithoug hin; renderi boîplea, rare, tle goverumet hlld nt a inca reaiy t10 an.) then set op-an a mark for the lue thougb=ua- c seetthe1f. Ilir ncw vadmittesi on al banda, ihai bI. teretura lia lire.G tfr th îe dail o Anderson, Toronto voulu have We choit reume our remanis nert veet. ai ben aoc1ried and Sir F. Headm.)urderd in bis a bed orte nighi o Monday the 4th Dcr. The -Tie New Yark Commercial Advertiier cf tIse111 s,'crai of the rebels there wauld have dscour- &th boul pubilaes th. lut despatch Of Sir F. Hetad 0 azed te loyal and animale.) the disafecied te Mr. Foi, an.) maits, cetao reinarbi, on tba I trroi;hout tle Provinîce, an.) the pmbabiity e, document wbich ettirely uinepresche lb.Suslein rîàt a greni par. of the country would have fallen v-hi.h il referia Tht Commercial terni Sir F. i ui i the relels' lattds.If a int o(conduct ubc, HBts' remarias en thse Caroineaeffair, sispecial i hi ti aciccmalnce intcool) nl hae h e idirg;" but until th. Ansuicans are pepared j lr,,se, vouli.)have erdedl ln lie ieolb of the b slsavo,,retraci ansi repuail itthat Geni. Ja&I- Leut. Gaerait on.) a lm, at liat foc a lime, o! son di.) in Ploida, tie,'vil Dot h.clble emale fi, Province, anay nt b.c barariterized as the ont a eue. on lb. Caroline, Dt 10 aniver tisp its ica o lv, me kî,am nol ia what it consista. 6'l tpOcil Ipleadin; '" vitisout et the saine lime an-la Bt ai saitts Sir Francis van trying an ex- g an;titmaelves. las an aiiaaapt te sefendai v1rinet, orrrubouliiog a proli ns ta the people of Commercial fiste ceasgrof miancppe, Upiier Canada, miether, vien lefI b Ithem- Cmeca all noa-os itks, e elves, tbey moisi. cheose the British Monaat hy ndled, tisa we tan oly actabe il tea lips e, or Dmocay,;and he soya that th proiie, i mensor,'. Sir F. Headi complaitied tbat, thoegh hor brun ,lnîd in Faveof ie J.former. iGenl. Scott be, bat the -tieaaboat Bareescia - s bai nepart of thesNavy hlaIna i ediie ma I No, agiist tIai poirY,' e enter eu; mut de- t cdo rit.Wbat ;la Upper Càuaatobe mae hard, hc di.) noi g,, ihat Lfemmtiiotate11W0&ed- thevicimoepimets?%1iu4 Îkt1becer co'aaandlmg eut Sch.m.ra hicl *1ým 0, 9 le rir i o rmendta? ah etth .e a le h. a choresiin t leiaarsriver te Lmtrtept th en -0 pltcraIt.)ar ea liedo ayd.ah e m0cy biaet. Mr Francis niho!..front Iis oemiaion, thal polîticl San'ra" o n ema,' cho 1. a 'Geai. ScOtt van villia;, if nt deiroun, te bheloe hîrotîs hn'"or het? re . l jebac Ion a colliinaetoreeniàhe British forte canditiea ai île mfancy of Soie, vlan poliical questitolna nt. tao rooune ascnsat i wrrv dr-ride.) by the peopdila tiPlobicpe nal oula; the Britisihvene ltolire on an empi, bat, qLîîtir ahi-lerîlepeote ! tis rovncepre mer thn supposition that il cotained part, nt 41tr le Biloi stanb istonla Dsaotheraesj? hat test,of h. Na,'][glandera. N'Ju ays theughM th, ' rYevidtre c -tdandleappy n tînt'tishaï.Cotial(bat Ihia vans ali comtrectiqun o! Geat. Scot's iltionan lire ntrnea. apyadrtatCui condect, vhicb nos,'ad" ofe!àa atisfactory expia-b titniv. lve eturus-a House O! Ansemi'h lu nation fr an,'IY th i han asyt appearri ta tiseb t4our of il? That la thet ovidente of reason luin dethndeatv exvriv; bal t cruet b sopetaidesi b,'cotrar,'. That exptanala.ei, bovever, mis lb.te îlýe "eni ofbtefrc e rgd.yp"a ne guvet' b,'the Commercial. Il ys atthtier. i if rue orn ugsib, paeons vin- vas no ime foa menge lob. a.nt. 2h. Steas letly ilamvd! Yet the repreentative o i of t vU an nt hnd, mol migih lifrai iota d il lirihl Srveeigan uolersau appuit front lb. for- settover te lb. li1k lb. Caroine. Nov disy tuelt deoce bte elaterand bisa affering Iisabua exaeon aiilmeemloeeraiaie Ice., trmel a i"gmster troke o!ti,.ticy 1t" Wha! Theefvawat ont,' ue loe t -a a iae a tf ti, ebels vers ismairosaoft Irggnthe questien a eae wu vntuay ime'Io m tasaget.s btt1 ta thai decisien, vas the. CoveRnaut te îisntte tha message w cmmaulsiMe eo et. Aco te tI-r, an prote greter footsthanis he, b,'ad- thae ge, tntcom m at f t e ar ircu Andia e rrto fo amomnttha l. question wum doubi- fui, ani musilhe put te that decision t Ia tbe an,' indtiMalis Ithie Barcalona wan e.oey- rare af comun sena, and o! British te la; ngtise Naiy, laandea, luihh. ee.i lagiage il tîlecaoiry' vefar, vo freiet, vicb ventt eeonfirme the opposite Opinion. Ba- kn' t cuntY' wlfare lreproteal against tb. mg nentiooed th. ilsexpesisit se font aglmt Up. GoneMcilnLiever mauin; il eveta adebateei. gndt c mon t ea, tiat h Save his Perît. rwhoiler the peoptetfIhis Province prefer"pste e i.am vsta eueei<l. 14 EirLiLîl Costtution tu Deuorny,On ltnga; anBitlasc thce &>Maches...) i. cor v tvib liýV mvince lIai prefrence b,' lieir peaceable tie rhalsle iemmssts l eapn u twe, pith "~r, d the exercise o! their eteciore franchie. saniag iictuMe mm ana., m 2hu claum Tic la, th le detroyers, mc,' make tim ques bciv av u aLalceoaa , m 0L ltadelateahie rue, butthle.Gaveroanut mut hl.Brco.vapett"I4pdiog, 'iinnrr ,as4bing esLablishe. .Admit tha,-ad lii the BmevIsai. t ni or 1amul1 rit at liE BlîiiIContiution ion ttablanbeolici the vr, raiera. 0 o b. he fatal ev henme te Ui- aa.,nid it iî.volvea the dut,'4 mal - ed. a.nmessiage ian um'up vbickwentolj.ectiy la i J4Lint en Cie atleupt 10 ubver tise Coagilgs oatamibnu i aunotisaus-m"a tion !,yfore. gicides, ia ne govirneray put caIlâ.esandi»e a. t th cisse of Ma alloaghimi tthe qLleatiLrlan tis vo,' ietween lb. Coasiitu- evotelsiais i,'be rIovathii in amas" sii tan1annd Drincrar,', aoother uay betweea th ts huyboiretr.eedi.h.oessaim ptd Cmtttion snd )eom.otimsn.)thua the Province ib, end Sir Y. Rond hb u blis W&i.A# li Xiii be victimized 1,' a sericsofo!exprmenta on have mnid, the omission cosy h.oelievh.eglpk the irai PrinciPlen Of ! gralsieim., Swq orpoiietlqckryw icat -e* d, but R appeeusl acom ta t vii iieinx loipolilalqackeyhic vnuauhllie preme b,' GiL BS"lei<auoeu eeelnti quetios hi l bave lon% spa te-n detemw t vuc at<igip1 i i~ l the satisfacion of evel,' bonestiand ratiUine b i.t vupt men a b 4 lboul 1,bAvi».saetk Bat, if we acre ta allow tat tim qasetodet len. mie bur oiti malmI abmueIi v* il prtrieuce wSRpraper tulbe po&, and) put le smch aid'ten le enuran le te n m i. lMbdUe i* lavo n ---- neecseso va linbcha o thistrabenocee,'. - *Vi." im budmipt,' mbsa u W1 601h 18i,', W " a 10n*9--Iivaiiha ma b,' the aivaugwo.mW B ff Psubk*i, a ohm . N. Rule, fq.B% adgo& lttaI .ihiiabânmnt efeSr Feuinl- dethé liDmia or lie umw tnl Uaiu d,pu. aeel..Mas, baiatital ph"a nm MW in émi t.miaplsaimy e bi vkeva5ndotim lancs, amm£ lita a 1ev plantm"Md Ensu wbis B"a aMW ithsais of PLiiedeiphia cil aima. Tbhe euistlm "cl"e avezaI icb ait oeuntil lb.e date of tesen is, wo*m- éd ame vauhea aii a vil mabe t r a- li. 2h iievYul t i n t. u t. viii baM.- ic M eas otemplts Iheir beaullea viii h.oa ly -maVithout Plildelphla tow n l*lea ient plani;recrealioia. Theb.Nevw ok pspers teeei <is aorcag We cap,' tront lb. Toraeon to &d b bg n-fanter ast-atefoc.Europe. The Cil,' buimso, le Sullac n oui. g e et &a« " eporaea delect-oainsem;on, ndaioccap,' omatdasiatheva. IbiseapectodtbatTiellr, aIl atteetîon. indeus aM"@$ ~,a"i paul' My IY The Prescott Sentilasmaya tht angamgorvit- yulRi hah .xecutd; but Ssqtieud itisjeuhotaln, haded b,'eaLiteil, came att.. fie the nu emscpe on pcaas d MLav. John G. Par l and oft sypohy tte ehousa Mr. aWa imsne i d tb heretprisueshave PUta « P a iles h.iev Priecott,nd gavahisa nmarchbent- a the terra s!d lb.Stalute, lhe pebtWeanbaveie lanmd sali, Ivo vrda. T're. or fouir dragioc n.m~~~~~~ ~~~~ reevi m h c. oa Iavi er. sleeping; in the upper part et the houa. bot haeh tigesi ù tuUnqaiott5l.Md OI <t06 sas-eh.-<ey vere amt iakel tilt thse rogue& bal decampesi placmeat for a lime. W. bave givait a ccp,' of ____ the Act amthiig tic Lieutenant Coe Io 8:g> 'nie lu!msaom ou the ArcisdeacSc' ir"- neonlullual pardon in cettaine - 'tas Sermom n . Oco ida,» la ur aît. .1,' jesi bais». buitrial ve as cea; lar - ker petitimo. W s mdeuns t at ase e! Lcmsi'n Cntrai Jaces« ou tk gram cradit te binm.lt dangiiers, on beria; ber f4thees sentence, vent for reieviDagtisaPea pin atmNalicuait ebI li 1Van Buain focs.) b. Repuhlie vitha Sorpsua casse d.nPly &aifemaland) ba& duce sieos. Ne vithisetdi fomsth. Statea saeMMLLIONS liai EXECUTION. bai heen eint.. tdau-isnt. lRe van authorîned Tbis .aoraing, at 8o'cloek, tise laent ence of te h.urov $10,000,G0more. This van Dot i- the Law van pubta in ."cubn atainst SAMUEL rnassict. and b. nov anirs for an aiditional grant of LOUNT ami PETER MAT!HEWVS, for Jl i: O00,OtlO. Rer. lasnsemthing 111e $10,000 Jrem The, valIsai vit a lire. tepl e lb. 000 ove rand aivve tIse accruing revenue ! ret- rai, an.) aimer an improie prsyer b,' the tyocsrh for a Demacialit e.) Administration. Rev'd. Mr. Richardso, the,' vere launcise.)loto EN. Y. Cearlor.] ire.sn' vho- lb.area i edeums utere fad sqar inro f faat avh iam. Ons e tEh aIt. in Caltais, by lb*er. A. N. B-. advnee. ,vnrcnt i b' b.vo s lect- ho.Caini JAhc ely, oS lie lcwiwhip ai-taldimcd carps of Provrincial Militia, bov matiouel ln To- tîc.1n.. 1 inoohN.oevd", W of dmek"Mr. Caen ronto. i f cîc. . 1h S mi.. .- -u_ n 2..~ziso ena~ emsvn ymmm AN AICT leeminaék Me octrsundof 11hProu- mca t...ociu etn »i*i" olPfflés, in Certain tom., te pffrseadhaehe M en o-Adssal ie loie Insurrection. (Pm5sed 11h marth, 1886. W HEItEAS iber. is raisontu believe tisaI amen; the persoan toscemed in lhe brIe treaaonmble insurrectiin ta hsProvince, ltere are anme ta vhom bthe brait,'uteth1e Gaverement' mn flimpropeilb' te itad, on accouai of bhe asitilicesAnuad b,'desperule amd ianprincpled ersoa <oumardues thèsi.m r. eir allegiace: Re Lt Mmft«ae e«"ra4-c., That apan lb. pellitoa a! an,' persanchargeaI vith Higis Trea coin- aitied inlu iis Province, preforeteithe Lieutenant Gove-mor belote lb. arrai;nnsent o!fauCh peia, and pra,'img te b. -uedfor bis alfentie, it $alml and ay bch lavfat for tas Lieutenant Govermor of Ibis Provlace, ta, ans i vth tise ndvice and ca.se t a! tise Executve Conilt îbreot, le granti if lu shail attin lit, a pardon tu sncb PoninLa er Mn. jesty's saule, upea suh terras and coaditionsasa mal' qppenr proper, whieh pardon bei; g ganteal uner lb.Great Sad of thia Praovince, ani reditmng in aubstancte .pemer e!fsinch pelitionsialal bave the same effottan an attainder of the peran ltier.. in nanse.)for lh. crime o! lligh Treaes, o. far a regaris the fodrsiture etflois eslate adtropert, real and personal - Prop" iiedmpy, ibuolacane a parion sa aîtot h. grant..) opensan,' soclipetlîmsui ne evidente sImd h. given of mn,' nomimion or sualemeot liseralnca clnrd, cpenan,' btailta h. altprcarda hasi. 2. .*.sbe itfaferWenaed by theanthoiruly qjliresoidTbatinaeue ce, ptooa hah be peru"- e1 uaiet imAct, upm eedliom e! hein; Irans- potet er of banisia; bima.lf trou hsProvince, Maaerflirtablt fuwnr eMiof ymaaeh Par- mbis =fh mniaftervardi voloalabi,'retura 10 wsPolacvthoutliavfül ~eucse, Coet.iY ta tie se oditins etbis pardon, ishahliec eaei guiltyM f fron,', ct i u ife&r ieali Anla taces et te Y. 3. Asnd be it fortMrenceinetby line fikorbp .fbrseoi4 Tlaai ah.provismi o! Ibis Act shahut extend, or h.c caisruesi te cîeni tu mch peusu as haie led, snd are eliti absent trIte isProviisce ander n charge a! BigIs Trea, Mdanifor cho appesenaiom a ramas i be.au otfre& - Win. Ktchiîns, Enqr. cose ividet uMont- aemery's trial le givrate taa,,bavin; renier..) bii laIfblse te animdittenl for Higis Trepsa b,' bis previesnconcentunent et lire tacts le visich, ha lie. gave lentimnes',bu resigafli thet alie of Preadentof lb. Fimer' anmIsansi dicapgeed trout Too, a Bill fer RgiTteneos aviti; brun foai agminal hm. The 1HonJohn Elmil.,' ha beeu cbaaeu Prmenat o! tisePaumer'. Bankinl plues of Ut. Ketcham. We are gimi le perceive "thahuities af LaverCwMadabave refusea l&Dlow naeallio and treaasoucble paper callesi lb. Esaofeta le h carcutesi b,' Mail Ibe psper*»spulalishs i et Nev, York he '.Frenchs laquage, andiwon de- mgwest. continueslb. ame ajataus o!fahehaci smoag lin Cainnaawitb les ta e i eb ellie, »AnIdo.uleu y hle &-air rilets vi nalo49 spoti laUmm in lie Miiaev.adV imsiea-. T'.,' vie pieU,' impdcI enttltova te aopffle tlai tise Gcaemomenf'wcutd, ilow île muile te h. ma boi the parposor o ihrrlasg .p a.otsorebelLoo. T'. ,ami ceurn viilaltu vL whMsckenie'& papier, shoulcsa .nccieain oealabllsbing eue- Butlw ve. h.eau h..tw asin la ntl stNev Yo14,bl e aéit te Of OM ovin; bihm tu Mr- Bru e type-foualet. Be wva n aliberatel on bail. 1But ont nuthonities muai vctch Ibis Proint. c lns lse Lov»er mae, ér tut rlabeur vil b la vais. TmasNîv»samoa-Tbe anapmeanai sut tie R8s.h aBamumta5sLakeBu steftn uin t rge, Vb-% , mi Coauojsu lump. clWhm " a 607 ,' lien <U. Sle ue*+) buivnra hIO.m mithe bc of et iaLaie, tu an, mmiRMar Bouts enntn he nblaifront KlgaOe t t lis unW th l LMe uIt. fIe Co.n armeir, Omp" iei Rrciner, le reci.; ivn tsips par vaeite ent., mi undvitl ave for lam Pn « -68 sus me ang 21 lagaleo Csptâà Z&Wl.u% ami lie Sir Jours Kewl% Cipt. Sivl, e c.eiqg et*m ies eonei d amih bai lis" basb"mabid - the 19 CMPu l vi plss iâ FX Ut haséts Iri, à" t*,0 vi. 1itw boom -m -"amo 4 b 2h e~Ie*anc.p- m«. tt-ti M'e. #4.DO».sedP. Co0pv.. Coq. reh.*lies etCar- & . fWmda.. hMhats ta Main Mayt dran oghter Miienry Car»roe. io!f LW 4.ah Mu day, at Sandwich. by teev. Mr. Ne- Dcl.Alfeed. ame uof Francois b. Coq of lhie sn placte .,AnmeCanai, dacgbwofene!.ry Catan, Coq. ci Wmdscr. la Sandich, «.on Btîdaymaaglest.Riceai go.nt Aleeader Civet»,Wl h.Oty.rnbj- ae. Thme ieecu.tane htmboit etIs is es acheea nte heorneiPrents. As ha wunst croîit. smlig h"ef iohe guen. hmie oOat<af tr ted t. MM e .%mable rtnerem.sbutz imésnt P a.. e hieh, vtitmumblr m y pers... b. letmtna.la ch. saur.. of a cpetof isai hae lei ryti hao. ,4ield. hie epeehuippkd, end àhieh .aaad ipeitrier mle. A Physie.n u-m msediady eil .an.md pwmm.aun thde h lîd ta h. in mod.ad l f te*0M.earM a u" a evWthés;d h0g ossy eenlie. van metdethatsoienie aid hcomui- :jn«d omoest-Cbepetr tintelalm eii ea Vielles la jea merwe, MaSer cidarmnt theot auieeeuin se-cv fer shunt Swoy bonr- iSmdviejtesluL tl Ni.&a4o. che 2bai Mi. U.JcuuFiairchild, Nqed "J'ý.Jmsld oh. Uritiel Olamdddorlag th. Ili- vo.tusimuy War. itoua"I m r eew iay-.vof m q. 0. b.n haea lant3vemm.nemept.Y vet ie-foc amoy y«ean aIndin luteretr. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, UPPER END 01? -STORE STREET. ]B ENJAMIN OLCOIT liaving talion th* Brick Houa.Meierly eccue W by h. 1*. DmucaaVaenobtrte, vbich, with lbe vooden addi- tiou h bua Ittesi opilb thetMomfotablo man- er, he isneno prepara tioccommodate Boardeen on rmspbto terom. Prou-bis havi; eena n long accuatomnesita previde for horilcu, h. only desusiin.ceeway ta any tIsaI ho vm»dohbis et umt te, make ibm, eufoeable. Irinton, 1711 Api, 18M8 ROYAL SALOON a CONSERVATORY. *"TIFUruL VAIOF VALVuILEPLAIfl5 ILOWI.#aae, GAnDiN sagie,, &. &C. thet pat patronag,and) ep leave ta o foru bm thallebtaopelbhnConiervatres for ithe sale ci a splendid ausorltment of th. inst plants, both exotic and naive, andi n erent variety of lover andi garden, serdis, jusi ar.) dfrom New York- Th is amenit ia mach largeribtan taît year, eund lacluoles .pwarda of vonas ?UovuAl TuOarO ,antamcog lb.., bmdea many rare aotia,. a greal v4i.Iy of superb Carnations, a.vnty- voistie of G etaniun,& aixty of Boa, wiih th. whole of vbiçh tb. Floritandai.)Bobanisavili h. itrhly deligbted. ** Visiterareceivesi on Wednesays and Sat- ardany; îolamditg 1'rchaiersat iany ias.- Prit.. ondernie. K inatn, Apil I7ih, 1836 J. BELONGE. 98 NUPERIOR A2ND EXTENSIVE SALE BY J. LINTO&. THIS DAY, WILI. abielellhe, bai Br a, o»4mte stock in traieo MtalTekein, rtirla; tria boim- e,)l = V"i Wbi bch.foud, sas exmtelt an abaieaorflaaaof STAPLE AND PANCY à00DBý, .id'" o1« f'r le oia a.a. For f»at," pr ticcl*sm pluete ..hanbillsea.aftir Ceaiin fSde-Under M25cue",av £258 eni. at, b,'frih;apevt n d0mai mtes. - Sî.oeaa MMitheunll li v.Iis»14 at 10 gclcci, A. M.LINON, A. IL à C.IL NOTICE. ameni Qý u m0lie PrI% m i 9h- ta. i . ;oért à la ingeift, o. iae. day the »à daen1Apaflhmigu tihe àm0 te tbaei. Stseei5'a t - mmiv PRM CCREqTKIIGMTN MAEE. a.. . nd. ];eFtnupnsbbL.. .......8339 435 t> *9 " purcwt ......... 170 a19 0 Wemhg.bia........6 a O00 BrIy,tlu. do.......3 6 a39 Cel1% de. do ............ 110.922 1,'., 4c. do..........830.a3 6 Pe% do. do..........830.a836 Poime.do........I 3,a1 6 UNtp.r M Ibo h.............27 6 a 800 Pr, d. d. .............30 0Oa.32 i -ButeperIL ......... .....O 9 a 010 Ma«», eio . .-..........04.a0 5 yom, de .............. 04 a05à Rauma, do.......0 7 a0 8 CADil.a, nouids ...........010 e 0 O PiNc, po, ......... 0 aaO0o Egg4,pet.. ........... 50uSa 1 FW.i% peetouple..........920 a 0 O pwk, mecm,petrbbi.......185es 0eaO0O de. prime, ...........80 0 s 8 6 de ptl............o07j a O le. -Z ar barrel .... 6580Oa O '40. Piamem, do ........ k) e aO0O lanion, 101h Apei, 183. QVMTENDUS, addressed ta Aonitutn SMCoasnueary Generat CLaie, will h. rrceiv- ai b 05.., vnil Frucdq Me 20(à ,aatmmt, ai mm e W it ibe Ii r eein May, On@ Hqgbdd mw ifty res of the brai qualiy of o;aRto iaapccied and hrar-dcd by a aveiiee loipçior, and warranted ta kep SVeert adnd for a period of six mtit from theb r aiyrequired fer the performance of 1h ATalieeiagof the Soekbol0 :'ýof the Ki 1g- .tou Marin. Ralway held et tha'Dr. A. Ho- tel au h. day, toer 'o eectiwmg ive Direc- bui apecélete 4h. Ad oincorportio; th folowing peoios ver. duly elecied H.GILDESSLEEiZ, A. McN,&aa, J. Coeaarta, Tbe Directoc elving adjomrned titiS5 o'clocl, met atithlboua. of Mr. Caenter, viseu H. Gir.- nencana,, van eleçtpd Preident, J. Co«7Roa Treaurer, and A. McNans Secrtary. A. Mc NA!38, Kingston, April I,186 SCeLY a- à -0 ri~ ilas5'; Z..OP-.. A Id CGo heCOM mme M d theStearo Bout IROCKILLE, viii h. bel e he i.BriiébaIAaaericaa Rc4 t i Kbsa- to, on Thwraiy the lOti la*. . e» ciaWuie Treaneer. Ki.getw4 , 4tb Apil,18a8 1COPARTNESUIP FORUME. S'EuE BuhselbereutmambIo iin bs riemols L ai com.bommig eWeMIfor the ver,' liberul aspM hob bu rectini, m"ce ii beesmme a rama- Ne nu, heràiai0<oti lieu, tust eh ba uen WOPtwuT bberjSr1 athe? busines «mmnes olatentioet.bulnetmthie tame li = esind ma appeat a m reoor*tlbr- 4"l te tshteesb e ur .t...ves aloue. WILLIAM àJOSEpU WILSONq KIL 6.As he aubseiâm. intmndteble me be bsouin et oor.pm d info kfot iooainuiîa; acconl m C tYjliu Wl.' CAtITION. U~ homme - iionbyeuthni SHEE-IFFFS SALE. lu Tu£ aKwU t 811 Midland District. IU'LL BE 8SM aethob Tiu wr. VVCo.*tH... hain he Twa dfKinguton, om %tway the iiah sy a Junnext heiL ifolowisag Lm&da.ized hy imnd. ani Rixotutto. hed ouint MejeAte% Comet utKn'g'a Beach, aIt the soit of ",Mun, Ta ag.ss.t the Lanide and To.menb of Elwi Fidiar ani Heury tMcM,'Ilen, ,in:-AiI t*t crtfain t' T aor pastel of Landi hnom m Lot Nuigiber Etevm, n, liekSeveuitliCone-4.nim d th. Towaahp of Rawdoo, ii lb.. adtahd District. Sale eai 12 o'sock, »M. Ail pesha'sitc1Ug dant "i htbffl land or amy part taied s ae equmted lopésàm the same 10 me i inor h. h, ÎICHAR;D Sherifi" Oie, King4aia, b<h Mami,185 SHERtIFIS BAL&. m Us e £r1o'Sa acal. Mtina Ditrict. IUTLL BE SOLD ai the IV WI?. 1VW Court Houa.n he h Town ut Kingston, on Raturday the. math dey of Joue oeil, tht follovhg laroda a.ized ley virluof 0 au Executioa isaoed oui of Her MaLestysa Court of lin;'s gench5 met the Suit of WZlim Wilson, againsi. the Lands and Tebemente of David Leahyo viz ,-AIIi hai certailo tract or portai 0t tenid, knocn as paît of the Broken Front of Lotl No. 20t in 1he FiiConcession of telb. wofhp Of Kintts, ot *ing rfour Acresand i bre. iodas a., Lo.N.1 the litConcession oft tIs Townahlp o! Huntiingdon, cotainini 126 actent gd bro o thesaird David lmuby. Sale ai Il.o'clorl, Bnn. lit peraeo, JtlIg ulalou againsitheb abo,. Lau.) or ay ">mthîbreof, *ait requeted le ptesent th. same le ma on 0or befre the dar ofsale. :011N McLRAN, Lait.Shetit, Mi. b"* Xinustor, 8th Mtc,1838. SHERIPP'S SALI. JU -rue xiltneacci MI&Jdniflisnet. IUUJLL BE SOLDaet tb. 70 WI?. W Court Home, ils the. TownofM Kingalon, on Saturday the zaih day of lune eil, lthe toiléiiigLands neized hy tirtiée.of an tiecutien, ioud oui of lier Maetty0a Cobrt of Kng's Benrh, at the suit of Isaac Bdger and Thoman Bairr, agalinst the Lande aud Tenemnnla of Thoas Hardy, ail those certain piecea or, pa- tela of Ijdd§ hîbeloioWànenmber 2D, ini th. Si Conceusion, nid Lois ettmber Eighleen and Niae.. teennt',e l.teveonhConcessioni lm i fte Tuo- ship of Loughtorough. ini the Midîai District, belning tb the san..) '!haaaHardy. Sole ai 12 'clock, nana. Ail persona havin5 chai, s inat the aoy anda or any part thref are reqnîred te prenent th. aime tl e uionor heture the dayof eau. RICHARD BULLOCK, Shengf, Midiand DiatieL. Sherif'le Office, KinleAO, Bihblarch, 1838. 1- SHERIFF'S SALE. Midiabd District. 'jjILL BE F OLD ai the TO W?. 1 W Court Houa, au the Town ai Kingston, oa Saiurdey the ainth day dt Jue neit, the following Lants aeized by virtue et an Execation, leoued out of lier Maj.oty'n cout of Lang'. Brach, ai the suit of the Presideni, Direciorsanad Companiy o! the BàkI of Upper Canada, apani the Laude andi Tenementa of David Leahy aei JauwsEa horteli, vi:- Mlitie certan tract or parcel of Land known an pat of th. Broken 1Fronti ofLot Namber %), lathé,e Fuet Ceor.eunmof et bTownship of Kingston, restais' ia; Four Ares and lhre roda, alsno Lot. No%, 18 id th.e MhConcession of thé IOwnehp ofIjunt- oiao, «m"nto xIm2a liAres, and helooFo, lse the .aid vi&%A.hYi Siteeetais eck, cone Land or y paitthe eo4ar. 1teopeene lte sau. tome mi orbeforn h1 < al.. RICHARD ELLOCK Sherill, Midimiitit Sherit1là offi., Kitguoa, ah Match, 188$ f SEUtilppiÊSAL SmithBardt, Pif. yvifrlueor a *rit of iMi . B at, B Feri Tmciaa}'id John Stffages anusscdi tseCout= I. ug' Mecer F. white-. >. D.ucbé a id cne . IoMe beai, Eîecutmof Idreet,' again thlb.tai" Robert Cemano j Mi tenemestmgsf uicb th. - .lceasd. J aniRbert Cohan is,îl Meît; Ibave atîzel anidltkent patb o! eB.ear or Norti Endsi motLot. Ne.Mt 2d. Ceas. Tovushi, Of Kingalsto, 5 Acre. ied Penote t r ar ot e West à of Loi. No. 16, Si. Cen. 0-de 2d. M 14 lPh Tb. bhEnter ftntl à e!Lo N& 16, à& Con. dludft 2 de Puof thIimai et Lut No. 16 M. Cme. u.e.s1i d Deundel an.)desadied m antaainedinla liasde@* ti.çt-.-«e r eb10h mi Robait -colme;t cia L"ndaI saM" . oui r u1%M stl*0 Ce" Houa, la lhe Tovc cf KingAto, Mn Wdtneiaj lhe I» yofade, ut asl, tleur c.fM12 Ail peromubarnga; menagalaiat tise sa" Isso an,'fory tn it , aie t tumi th ib lahdui m r M b" thd 1 8"tam Lot fthiWIMIdDwi. 121hMg, 8$ nt VUE r«n Émopb id th. %VTo» BEof K D.Col> veý*I nt Oo ie g lup- g I a.oa

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