ms EElABITIR SII NORIT m&cà. TYp Ti tlii ttho bc~ tà «Malice a e iPPIyst GUMUe& ce. M . reccm cfM lieciN "Mc bte Plabed fii,ar ret ave e e9 ente% Cty wicire te me ri u., OWt egm'tsù dot!,4, iandlasud uue,,,. tnractaiitf teOrle bc bavt'Je patii, ad the eyla, teue twoe dollar Qa mc Oftt Hajo lie P*imi audh andi h Ction. Tvt, prie' 1ýnvm teo New orkn rwlgiven oen tits ssy wtd debe Gutte, n m *n5,n il,- aI Twi o'eleck. blte "ovfca fe 'eint. ,- lte dolasi of theI me, where Procecuingi; will 'Id th1e neccasary protens boum froa 10 tilt 3 dsiy. LLIAM HEPBURN, f the Court, Wiià;i tort to observe, in the ctin. heamnng, are îarepaeed, end )ticati t the Gazette 0f. CAPS, rCo'i Wldeie MWl RetU Cgp Ma-ufacîor, Ne. - 86 dom South cf tbeir for- spste ite. of the Sureet, very geern assoirtent ef ý IOOO tri mention- lb inmuediate attention, snd ire satisfaction. Mu, ippets, Bonnets, !dec, sd repa il in the er cent. leu. lha the instal 1IGRANTS. 1 wrote a fs-w renais srre ectisg E.rigr t n th, Prane. lse seen a whi -h emigrants haye pas- 1 thininelvea and faîp.ilios, ns-y, snd tien returned back inrce. 1 have salt seveusi fût alost haif of the poie be western mviefo and 1 lity of cultvatid and uncni- 1; 1ne.e ! recosrnaes- r ihemstves, Mn metspn. inted! resppefî ng locations in store Street Kingalco, D>. RtuTeAN, Land Agent. VFRT TUF.IIAYK, M5. nm5UTLdct, 1 Kiaignfoif Upper Canada, le«gs pet anmem <exclus" rance and sevienteen &Ïal- ci paad in ailvace. r e@ponnuible for the py- ai receive ont gratis-cwo grester tuimben. outid until sites, M, the Pubtiaer. to lie addred Q»posced Lettera ons business ta ba lentkty, Propniet or. . ;'fnto insertion, and 1 Id mn. Tais lisses and ndcr sd losî. "ech 5ghfliOt es, 4d. pet lice for the first ýe for evecy gubSqOil in. rut wnjitten dwiaccOon, ouagod meer1ailY or ma.eton' tae eYlis in- the dasy a o uCtW J. fel -yi Dg.Pqil 1 . -19lnk~ oY .~? ~. KI Ta lu Vitsse Cs.am4Ar E U R7uR Ir ý0 ernrthFR A-M . AC"FecFm u - . kegi& u ise r, zoaits qhuUiro S 2d r e . Cod Vn'ay, Am i1 13, of u i e ss~t C . a j s 2 e.ugeg-s ikutUMelilla. rJ -- ,~ ~* - MAI ST PMae uahcgoiv. W, 11111 M*-%4e' uumad loyal *nie th 'oas uMmje @ m l b. Nte inimea ald swnftise t . $yofte a 3q, oata ala i.t de Livi« 1mui. moo,, uncr fithe cd et Canada,:- o.n .1o "Ta pet7gotlft me Vo xeflrncy con Your spgaintm soi -wertamm fier eý Ilethc oVasnetofubus Patt" go, sud oour e, , , mlie se l.. bossele tivtaI aoflqui. late al Miady-y-. eai l e eb it, ecran n »«dter,ias e 015cm lea d te ales we« 7 thO5C e.Gavear a f.. ercso ial blsehio s iauendmees'". evvry re s but iarnstemw veor ecenu- acutr a-ue!- ; lO lad adi.. te foi, IJ lo ties v sWi .aa t Lik- orm-i an Pflis obe Ieab smpires"atdea liar th en lut A.ild tt smsmd *JUS ses Oer.a. D canno-pt bdoq; eaior s w tae usai.. le, iswp a i r - »fil 3lha ty' veames. bbra nt as vie torteosgmoiided .la wille Providence in tisu p. eue ilé 94.0# b« PW[84 '-. PO$tmeat Iothic9oacof lhefMagistqrat.haire, ten J'vcfimelai M l s corme whaéerterive riexîventce iaiCcli ar- bel ai a lesdorlistat nomLeIP-auW tdtrying stuatons itamthe Mo My <toieasi»'« eu aail, 11129 troudbta halte tiat for wal, cder iCcd, Le tu --Wep.nulierme» AiitllY défu inUpper Canada. b Ssi.! joe hspa~ A~îW. fnihl b cassinlbeing abe ta congat-t 4mme!vieile ytr hffl @ Ant ew. *"Ymen. geloy mth ie reslccatior ccivil vu 1 i ae teojuis jufr ayej. otradouit sha, atjp i Ita.saiaigLosai A&U thms sy Ijia<belb t "..asiom s bf lui fcile.à*hode. e AdI»d o ' eaté mdapin alucti..a dail that i. valu"Leancr adiuios Eiesity of paisé. as lt sutlufery nain thse tutureLaelaOai he "Wart, at se .»s.' lingt4Cou.. And whit. e wmuld a ovr-th 'rte De .pos ouait. look thimea u t ba mlbuen eip!ayed, yet s r ' e u elle t cOgui», itis ieofloutidlitd Ta he Àuo o th UronJ*oooJL i%&m dcisud 9geodzaos. cf Ccd as safested in P& To le Edtor ! fi Unin JfOI onturlaie deliverurnoe. A -Q»YACE.Nue dot-ait aawd moi suait Cplifiestion ta ho 6 14-1M n, in Ibe Upçer Canadiens nse, bllesoy 7 Lbét thse people witLwho. we stàand 'A ereoice Mger." t1îbubave conrtad, fenago, atbp u àcajare Po"- ton b w a i àln; bea* Waller à sery gat gile. lc ppuéation, bave bns, »douine doulte net, wl thel onze anid 1 thinît i a fr iSta t. ti *l in. cue goefor,à a la i -atroul alcii 1freili oftil restais portion of tihe laetiat li& a t theConstitution ucatrwhicb winliva. eil ver Vieanne nfmir iadgatiella ittget eeolflrsgh ftady te n appait a Goveramcmt cf Law Mdsorcf l t4 Creter of tic Prs. the.. l A lm unbt pieusuali, 1as eNoith of aiai,5 1bMt ar Exteelicny asy lue mablemi lta di.!O Ward nitatin Mmoe religios uomiele%,t a dits cieorge lie. bigla fonctionsa 0< pense e.anas e l lace, lie pepekterre >»Aklv y i n, bir u. svanco IL.tet intercala sfiasyofig Md blghly it ixlemporsry poyes. m a nse lg a bletit oigeic it illat là d«4 by jyta vt himielf, bar walli any di %Is réally teïiesm syL a.wlhts swta clantu hs eiaI tasait.c-, sud um.aovr fmuan; il inb*" ra<sdhs9dr ife,er «ont pry-h ec tio iy peuaco<icei a. Toa tf Dosne ut T klwhbsEluatis d a &adl,58 hiaself a ltat e aiility of the cure h_= OneTL aZÎ gt lU»dremd Tifly. at bisnlaioiidumde ajcarnctelsettersebai o e ansol, lea s01ppins ai l at4dande sides! bWen be cause i is the# Pm*)boku foal& te enrlar -quired lIb-ILer t. bad Mm<on et the. M ES IleOrGE, Md-aur. tlc-t? sOiyelîsaud ie, um4wag jeirm aýmjoe-wtieoIsIlscY ba ls.. tie»a"4e i eas. - Apumalt»rd a lkpoua Màecbligniwm .-d Sirnte ë f *IiikiWaupaed ; se. i lhne. iatocie meitai lu ra ma_ leu indci pr) ing pjiepM e ta ak, and Is pieeoa eur reuafidnc yeeu jie pu lnesnOfte puai 'ne'a tr*sioirs risaiegond uhiae i staeb ofibi implildpesfiait o te l"I respair, do- srie.zitbîhabrt bis juias» sapa"Ini. Brlib Empir,altl m1 i ti* buL Naîsitd l, dhai hà. roiin iihttc ida i ot ise cotrestin; The moagaecou. ir. sme ha..Ic Mile rlatta d:I;b.raîis tai 'I I s Gisai CQui, foidt-il mt top, with saLa. yen stand ructeal bave horairean,! If!t lhrw italte forr, ils-n huseled donua ou t, wili rCabilOU, ta Le saImtaI preepale, simougly' a-'t- ii and1 vi itted nt the tup o! bis vuace "4Ne tced Wtller Ce"s itutis aier wbte tb<Ly lier. chai eré*s Pt yoa'titiI orijug!" andievrrtready ta support sda ulent of aw do A11 il îthe i olIls ixntini Pi t mollt a pro. filialJaiie, t reastil hense: snd amsjersaaieilMay èlRc. umrt imi.tAy ii a rixs-tir meioisg ; crliat t uhalli t-cee <om thia-a, ;ri ýOMMOaswth cieail aiIîr. oîgsisîl.l g.ntry,.:5'Ileoire arc e iiesfloyal an.!d eited 5siljcts otour %:overeizn,. crn riîsiii-i f lciyr. peuple cul cf ~ ihiq~proviure, sof whatevveîdeuomnaaio, alit,- A rsjr.-rîinathe smlince gset tto thev atituded . a -i P.r-i!i suutî-.nsîi My ny a s tua nain ZOu sestlr>n-srlroy! Pu'Iisnall ai"ngrl is ylr po ead @aieu, wbîcb aone cao tise pc-carr thre larrî-r e 1'i m g viaiendt in<ayer, b. ipestdIvand btelapiesi Of ally fpe-ule te fouul il ari îss'.t -1 Teeagae ai ail, toc the smomîentt e - Th ealausim"o f trtsqeltitv, and l cem-h ci fic ;s li, iris- a tic <rftst tîh et h-r WinbOt.,l.ttaf~pgicu.~p u hb-?' 'Fle Leuýrr are banlOflw"1bltb&5tktrsbve,,ian0of U tbM i irait ard emtlanl%104nz ullose thse srninaian etýl aotIe ilur csociél EconamvJ 1W .. ymuaoa isai. asssslss, V, aisdtiry tîemelveauer tbink ?ahjs-ct cf tIsamfl coqouIaliou: and mobile we thi of Ir in<eha,ta. ! 1jtv appreci.tethe mUic WinbchbLavè bteniaura! raya lsie., ba a. -an si t ai. f y extem fercwka h tri â -oreneýf xpes.orclrciig Uc lln,..IaelY mode 4 h> tiu fepe-uns!deizuint mariateu nain uiaosuoa y n ce nons cs-îyWtn, -,aid art rcry mes-in4,? Auii I this ,bspjsy Pacisces, 1. c.asialy concuu atiyu rs inw >lie (ei daad l pas preuple aîlioai. that ae ase.esperialirtobal 411,caçîb.9aittiesi illssi hiry d.o nunue ltheamme scprae,3expt, P eÇn rtitul!e tli gmraesuiteplto iai AI- me ic.îroyait thiser uàafaeesth o~ i n. o*'nt Cod ia cur ctp ~tese ~ t, sind ptfops usily. si lvare rîrrî n-ot shoolinen vsy, ner do 1 'e-- itrd tIroir -îimâtic lIs..rt bta tii tsey dir,,îc prsry- f . lleN s-. T ie Pt, r-saj *anc iuthse lsreer ts e i f orS llaEcxars t [Ire cord, &asAsoj slndmlling sdnas slis uotiy o eaor nbttt-r nieyan te " Lki&Z euhiî irss wprr-inuiit feattir . 1 d oit laing vay , ho LeLieffy .caurreted se fol-mair e mari p lit prer io mesOoI n gis re e, nov aloua:peit S- ao i rTt of tIre Lion, in Slin-elise Atumut'Iich aNunhlAmnem-Vm*rnlaUPPert lAe4 ei 'y! sICala ! whhs emosld eIalrc Jar mer. i New Malmlrk, Nota SMaiota ance EVA- 4 'sas li C 111111 dre; île to bave bis Mtentiondirreeil s-i le, cm" liavtadsud ea*iltand a r«s Thu exrl.lif - tltie Pras -d sn trellon.j43,Olisjo mit,-.M eoriC$W c7zesi 'coie ilsa f1lors aaie" of !sw-sok.Uen'lime pea i. gene oh 1uettalretcone- lic praisM sil Oly pendent d U. 1b egeH lsgDs igt.aiturs and hi- sIarila iiatoutt l onalbt io tela. l6"eiLAmnea-.Dnsecr ofseuoMr air rio r , ta teoas ne a long pra>-ein buice, Hliona aid the lkodhle ec>In aI r. l'ars lt hë ba sffitce.îto. -Tise 165DW00 eqUtt ile, e1 U 00 cas Ils us lrira (î es, -fte toê'-c ivr intendeiltttia i 5platren a «I gSis the reen iifiit liuer oi!lie gaie throuAt oaim inc t R 9nWt riulal, T has, line. fi .as isucî t tic sljoiideiljetatoreac, Go, Grois, Ne:t t'It~ Lrs io rrl'Iro ele ersatel ett dfreait »e. -tNvii i.révÏ toms dal tIrs- an udifferent t ssy..Thils pn..!t,tt . Gc i, toepreverrileri(Ie the iiOi"a.!"atincaai thaelaVEêthen c~lOlriiî. artion dptieneOfl, ep iL. Dea odslthes;' #a3P19 - 1$L G;iiill.,cryem. Yvud a obtIlrn ve ppt-tite <e bleauogy h e a"lale .iO0sns ogltiîoo ra trowhit le00w ,lacrssalrl, liîîe oin 8îLe, 7 Ahioa.; iVpefGosfluNusguh 1i dle-lase t~rtoltie ocr ice, la shot , l ecls-IIEalI S. *re et% Fae ea cin.. b avcn4regat,0ê. Aualade Sech elles, Oq d*IBas, IW aluo Ions ro)-sîl cch ir 1 1=eP R Iro thauvie o"tir., reeîiabe l DiY f .irl be Dcipimpt ra rLi l pate. 10 AMrallul S"i im M- climat theif.ý he or eleu sqit ual Me Sa iel5wU li ingGei a%~ppl~in y". ind re ory race! rsil t i cojleor9 ailielsls o , CM"ýioaertenu!.jfi'>1 loi<îtht-i ploddîng ila JOO-...Sh,,.-quei slQh I eacîo k, protes that itil sith b thme ilocek.s a Faim, as 'lbats'pqols-s.RJIOb "Fs-su -C iltireai raitont i r ~ rI~L~.,o ta$ehNf Nt.ipboddn2- at ag, oett sosi paopare, C5ie *t*t* lia itr,,0 mîiand.pu% b lu ansgmlit uI aiss.-$mm the m-ýtis ii~iit. lsaeir eeasi55J attentio lit ai ft e re Intir of-th- lhions. egTi e m atm NllGuTorN UPPER CAWADÀA-TtJlD-AY, APIL t4, ISSE laissevasî M r n ca so-Ezcuz B]uss A a. isat ui a ecetly bho uaidledo o. dary modes ef construcetion lan artbittare; lis is abat bas tee ssieatly teadrnonisated 69 th Wclbeant." R a entia idfra ta hy VarintsPMaI ctois, LpJua a matilseule, sud the .nsoi. fAVC enceuragemenuteatay ils ponter 0< ras imug incasîuituu e i pui* sa4e amale. FI tbis, p*airpae, s «ot e; l si ecalird, ors con stucteil liariste aodiretiflon f jMu,-I. scà and Sorts, opiosite te liscir Rainais 'Centrent Mau atry, at Niace £fox$ cear Vaus-aiil bridge, Moitt iide.....Tis wmi as romnpmas t i tcex. Prbtutal brick Leams alitude.! te; itsbdilifroî Mie gouMdte ffe as 5a litîe". euroeh. eelt,auPPaOtd* the ridaslopen brick ptiz q@# kW sixty aoé ori feu ; front tsh e &t teio Oftbebeau avu ratber score than îa i act, ai 'rs &-adet ith 19 course 01 bond,, laideteal tha.r voas,, rnIs a f. k bd f Roman eId"n th brick lieris as, for one tutu cf orsiseùighol cbri dches bler han lthe cher twa-*liiids; ir i." fira an.! tickea portion ver- laid eight or oiue pieraOf new bcapirsiuýextenaJinC the viole aRgt, aeaey 22 fetansd imbedded l inanaxsi wéck iutecioely. Noelicer 'alenUial, aire uses oit gi-d od ilgoy stock tide, Roainstenent uahiocd tbIS aln«10111ipoiliof taend, ans he buaip IrMan aboe,; Ibis 64 brik beau" blis ten crecteilneaity tac tea stu ic,, and ar mlils expoasi te lise veatier; aud, about eight conflt oi eiling prMely dry, vis salijecied reana oracgitaf serop trouon f 10tocs 14 mdesd veight, cequarter san orponds. eis enseos aishiwvasplaerd in a suaie viie vu MeP5aOred et lb.é-corners by vyMstiang brou sa'rl a utheL.crt.eby Joug Iranbotta des. -dbog fions hcng tituber traneoue acee mleeu h. tels of lb. Leaus çxaely ceutia. 1la be Ual. juI descoinui il baireseaineil ver since bc latter cefAng" th thoe lcligbtecat aa e ervalurs e ng ehe-rable bu IL. lerel ai thse Iet.-On Wedoucsla final experbe eullck dcecen a i et acourse or litesiry andlsiemi. ibe. gentleumen sueublel te abtnuagIbis nee pecies of tienne, sud ils capatllbties for seaniu mmuacsepressur c sltatanuliag ils Icieaa a- M sud iiMy usterialAbut be &sa.pisi 12 bc arsu eammesladlsng te tint vuigat afraily Strou iuss fma .ils of abnout 3Seat 2 qm .21 s. At mo'eicrk, lise Wright vas Ifemra, sI 0apipesiaie sideporture front thte horizontal lin., s-;L MÎ- siltueâ iay addl.g thc hors ouitilt Ibie; p ke. by wbicb fiie E5hltben addled lte mec acighnt; s aas e toeckplirer, in a ia doute the centre cftIse soIct griulualiy Lecasie <Ilyt, cerveil doavards, vunlil il as. about an wb octm o bSLe in i diretius ,WuLant4-e chk boasMMpitan sedoan s. e pnd aoK bou botet ailisu. The - s io iat silvan ad aceocruabel sq trends, Lut hiserie vas»P e«at ie Or., "yi ay ppaue of .paio i,*e votk, uà« 411 my put o a u el tout Ibo gramui; lhe alasto aela licatheba Abi Ment vus22 tom nds a s d a ety t e Tieseseitf c sen expsameunoircla lite rest, Asieugat ecmopes dhnLai. iardae -l, Usij8aaca. Ulu ad,a ne, Le. .-scspe vuexiiteil bt AIT. A. mci, l. aus -f Ispsepniter; il in acommun dit- alt la dcl and tirkk nmdeat.fn tew0 b r u mull.aceda set comn is vre .tbigh s, and peoais Isbab&g 0% onasibuhexor airîtirelereîcl tuthe iden, a pliorms pb- tout <rom tlisebb, aon. meoir mo.pieras 3Y lafeIY slcPP mb he Liabs ndLe lowveoin l. atlY colt Perfect sofetY-jLoahn Paper.) t Bou 'sacs..BstUDaL.-4>c Tuosdar, lia kh cor., Mr. Ja.e& ihres% Vitae oclisans 't'en ftramDuufsra tue Aas, unik u"lbimiel vif., iunlise essan cf ias iniuldaie« tsmair %Vos Bi' .. Bac-o'lL.-Wîaoil, Csareseh, seW d Whto, l1ithe cstlg of a al au ler, .IW&tic idy ccuRpation et ge. alac l. As IL.ccleiet- 9pariares, -Wil cansieate.sbrly trcmeiseil, it fraitasatsead sron tiratans ilet, sud a valcade-if aav&akideft enau Ladledi her ail i net houaes- accotepaabilte bddiceo..(taMM oa,4 resu-tb ijpen ou>s suai cas, siuert. c f theiutiles lime. At ithoup oesese ai, 4fiitelt oeuiigCslerslaCes-],71bot th ic r Wet aa eeMao anid- thec fa $ t Precryr tic eParty miglt Ihavi 'j'ppa ià rigit estl ne oka' ure Ptaaotintlar - ie mus l- tebatha! ne ineaseso f gttnag fie bien ofý Tae'-tmd lmagazin. cf ketls,trapscup c 1teca; -,bt ltr e ewu MM aiabondant, andIa- teS, ics longuy haret sadpicitu t. çisng reeze of te Seay, sendt Lavjre neld uné gi lt. nantitWie eifl e ml Isae ecî -aim en*%11,%ls.pi; tty use a dcccl;î salit-ad teins; the 'ausaciaus are, talcpenad- JYcf am*ateur Ait!, John Wylte <cns )mfiei, a yfung asns M ari l iiareoIbh Wbmai"e "semMir cfciiicele cri A tntistae pau- fiLaItm#Z fson laa. tc isrela(Mthdae.Aus laIle"pv jetr h as ansvea.d by a stàve la N"iaaah.aufilisu Mbentirait thrir ie4y ibu seMOas esmapeltiont Ic densimens of thlis,. ùIe élcatis aMel avoy tli Lécil! a..ien boit Altgac erls " bridai remisaie e f Itilis s lwke sofihéeto isme, behon, 64 if fnie agpLe and, l i euldsgpesqu udicrà*#*l ogtumrfewl-iree or fosse., dga t. hdeei, il l te iueila ieas. f éësSla. Mraniaewel * ego rpace onIl etsng r a- a, t ie tetdbw ""14use eéh cianIreaaed1 sd 0< hit ea» i eulemi Ê utupts )&"onut Acemnug o va'ltau ui à» resea.Lii*ALod 1. & = , Ithu - Tise état .nd! fint carrnage iuselie train cotliîg Tais: I.av'DELAY- - Anatice .iipcauinsthfoia ad adru lea lie Qaeen,ilcclsrbsg Chas thle.Co- br- passngers vws spet, tend tisainoow n iaidsse -Gazec f Tuesay>, tise M3h iar.L ta the, oSeses I iciuooSvcrntaly, Lardltiret-, drs m t aJoy the is upon- thse raida ultt, na eil)cnate relatée, ci-' sud Company o f lier Majeauy'a abip Sp-..-ew, h,tuonfililiice ofitheslion&-tarof the cauctiy e uer lie pssu sie, i eru'mme, o tcgiant pon th.e-Chbase v - ctal o oard ai thse ca{ t» f Th aie a ucr olatcliiM octi-slikhs vau a, top, Whoiaqai ble.!ic ailtan; bifoth- dibg ,ho- theFbbc h rvte, fueuL= u eoie yM.Lse- nàse c onaute we lws sstaned ey 0jur; te.nunermpadet- ienthe 0thufJue7 797,<upwa-dsof fmaIy )Pais) .11e Jengii, wseîerin lie revicail aitle iii b s-geuaam the Otisnr vfbicie relainai tisei seat', sud may mtretitei resîsacli*v e Liesaci eê.d otiatae-t f Giect Bait, sud coctcndcd 01 -beYPM Ithe abôtci, sud atous, a..! eloy-sue- uSqy cmi btlcf Peiuaay. Fi;ra.tIlie £249 tIsai six of tkus-s tirait bal hou i t iauEs I r, itae nt-ine nenecssse. A fey ubstEa *ber làs; lth cIan, lie saine nomncofaisbmiaisni but ryinrcîijfflcuaies b. h ie m uageueit cf tic :s the. bcrideut the Idalfstrom Liresiate!carne op, - ne p ocina! c-omalsiprsa.The.Axtoabbicsho erem 1- but ire aced by siginais in tinte ta provociutisai -are Nev liotioWabe,Ne, Zeajacil, Sculle Mý Po nmaug dowealÎr onlirtunate piecos, abici Aàmcv pt aizudi 'ebu iabeen -iciupag teica, Si- iraLuon', sud L'prand Lover Ciaadio Ostrayi li ve. l cci rta gl m lie cdicaliuthe Bahn.nt of thugh.lm Nthing Lorud paiirn-iu nrpliésl, conteudie tisi tich *Ch ite iti, ¶s if bbatilte retrace the. gratinu a nesu a Chlut dirction. alaofttctes <Lard t;lrslg bad bacc vise a«u i * Woverhamptou, and lt-re, viailat in tise et of el4u-.i ~ cleial illaceltice giW" 4 jamg frema ine o atic ofisea, ovin; te 9,sem 1 bàe*ýftusiiauéavetodiadaiéerho5Ylt4Oc pdseglseent e-ithé Movealale palais lcf iter*mer- - . = eiiasg îrioir lan hie accechaan (a thse Oake-. sd!im tofbth -il, thecs epe and! tender rai effilathe-- -flssPyt aIthe mtha.e cabinet Wa qlîrep. Ilit wil abu sviolence wlîicaraatdi li rasiosn e -uTi sVoi ConsieclAdvereetr-. isiltu;ý;tbLord] GIlant; balof very porioan f i ti ;tetrain. Tisi elgine na.!taioen àa tiîng leap NIN£ DAYS LATER PRO.M FNGLAND. s-us otdat brlIitoln rerievedilei tfrein utfftie entbnirent, a..d vas gandin; toit Byb.pacet stmp M«erelopiffgca;asiiîmafsirtion oftahe sets-àcolceiues l;a dets$ in aprigltit i ie feli elca, ta it clia uc airer- a <oca,01"es ave are ourezuî:rn filssof papa-ae niste looririy ut il ordabip saisI ii cmlou )r leaceil ndec-theblon of ils v'i stil Wai tronmlmetI atats îti fAlii, n:laav' iadâ.ts ansi hetier North Améeric» leoir- le and rechia; icrstb ils tasatis. On every nbdc ails £1opdaLa, c i.Mitclis aa s ere Vs 'ldalîoa.rae.tauaunr,-t i le is iesa c cil ollar us bu e o i . Ibi.lrt. ltnpeeeidtaCnd td brohen malle, hlood sud duatIf h ta a airece o cI nidthmn olasi pe,a Suya1 be usA- .y, thou!zi he coii.! cot complimelil icngctotiob ChtIsIonsiy ane huanelite vas lot- Par""A*DRTAN.hîro itbe runthe effectisas- nemaociblaseefcior eus i tFei. 25.1 RA RTI.h ]T udnei i hwdi h e Ào o t . ,~Tise istesi alvires frein thv Feonhiu-îrex4ed rre i$ gnootI uslrtss %v as aometi iib ie ei ks Novam«s. rPaox; acII&tucin Lodon 'Aerecif te usovomenla cîder Stier- (s ic ylitio suasnsCatti;ba t i l; àt Cuuaos.Cîcs.eî17.-A souievisal ov-landlsadMeLvoad,iu is e nieiuciotd cf Detsoit, iniociier i1s wttc otaie ntaitbetaia iel mod celîpeifibintei imacîbage c*eemula>,basandlte arrivai of toi. Worth ai liaI eity,aboarcut i otono bsre;andey i b ai 4 talon pisetsatundreil miles front thiltplace.-th Lbi Ieotslto,. The liapeca mate ne rensaci t es-ienliaI lât imaexpisualacua the GOcreliotat 9. A haight of tlie plane hbovi arciy oveisaept than thes ubjecl, evidetrrsly cotsiderin.gthie troubles liad ivle bi nuliheun ettirely tiroavu Aas, b rus ocf lic liipersanset-iciciSuaday aigiataitan end.- - tle lit n arcee. 1htleîre, tee tamac an a i lc; "eUs bond tepay a viit ta thesrvan~t ls- News of the arrvai cf Laudy, Head bu this cita', pitinnu'4i-b f ie wo est heailevindicalbon of Çao ailaIit fier, after being probibgite onpain cf lise demis cf &aeola, sud tu- lfsu et Mr. Cockers tiecoclocnill iiy at te Goernmt-àt hoa W" W attla male the aflkst Irespas enlihe gsl- estuostibsuetabiiiniatni Baltimosre, bal ilao ntion tic caàis-of Canîada. [Lauglaler liasu ti r-, tant gentlemana s rerlv Tise tomanteso e 1 tie bens cceeved. appoitinn henciex an.!et-rs irouttichemÎila cbonasetl bing i itabfin e bdre tereacbel ,t ise literaI papera are fuit of rjaiig- etattle î r]'Vithoi.! arrend? Why, itlauj sue gplaire, tise et bI ita dsire bh a.! ho ire l ad .- mniiteciatvictry> oh te mutionantf Si William s - -a iymnsigontasilànw emaîtence lJoigettmng fuily iressedansdh laviàig Molesasosfis. Ttec niai. nuanher ofi anmerneso. htteililfsii aaasi. cntuaIl gk u=îa kWapicot ieuR the passage, Le vas saut et tic votewans only 249 of aviorn5Iiae eosb- rii.iui ~the ptîi!ilae mlrd lenelg tutl by thecaptan, haited ri is -rsncg- -vsevs end 9sa. S igP. Tirs-e of lie srosicol offliý a d Ignre, wiIlu:a.rd inhi$banssush, i aatslîy de- mesasera, Sic Wsn. à: oies-oitlh nu-JMasrs. Grule m- - Tic 7leeverls a or t m uimn ded of rl e y u rg m an bihe purpo cl of bis M i s- and L eader lid ua-vote , m nthi i .n a ia prove . in t ie m a t i conte tilit d aln sdms asrri, siurii a um. Tsepprsarear leaeniIcl- .~u munuse, tic avisU tthifle ad mnialrsstion of ber omm luaw-eg urea ssie, Teples Coneth et f . h tIriojeut 's Goremrnrt tbnre. LaulhIec, mil htdil vas sservnt-mal.! vi entLwas inquasi Gale Joics, iseaclafore of cosnierable note as a gla oooi teopicio ioo h a f ire dha o otyjestieeputthe question ta bati ' ucauanaprotaineul ais-ocate for reteint 1e. rateol ciocste po:i lIeole 1parties If tbs'y acre aiirig l taole eaecitchier inan tainelit. IV mI, hast ten s revoit snd Loyw i 1Ihe biné a' vedîocc; ho. au answeci b ai- Thene vas somouisnng utsa dcc on ticheum ; 0< . of t aa tUpîmi iss-c1 Sale bute Frenchhla efiratnlbr, "b'5 e în tstiv lcaîleil fn.m Char Maril 616, in thc rxirrsaVe range of iîbuigiL,,,,os rCansta tuck tp ainse, sud acre theysur éasmbots cliii, et his es'.sbliahmcent ta leS leus- lunowai"tise Temple. About fealy lais-ets pfits-iinî heuir Wuraeelab th tic aimimai ON vWaho mneOart lime ta prépiare Marriae are turucilout, asaong lutoinacre lise aorne- tise Frenchs làs th oin renîr l conucm, sesse ud Itremctibo;bride. Ttc pillantucar Tii: MdFr. as Call thein Lonou e lartin th'y Doteui tnanit Ofismanilloyal tb.Chor soi- taie immuliely vent tuiSrgb tic marîbage, neaPgre-CfletinLndn esewlul ,iglu, s and nct thkýt&proof tisaI tbcp feltina ray,-ighlthisng in bic bac.!tise fcorlul ncapn ".' 'comusittei suide on the 5t î y tlc hi u îeîî~e cîc abbla ostyvs e sud bha iasiusb4ed bis eo.lion itr osLsIsaitilh5iwsg-;e;,,e. .ýleiablme tiha separnl'en ? luLis. jguieul'h mord ti.e teiai-.!. - Mr. dion, lMa. P. fuiKi lerinsîcbal Pubi- lion. barciel bau!utlr-rly ai la sunluucing auy fli.heo-ameofith epeors lie 1ioirlg conmpte- grounul onvrirlic t1e couaisîpropoea theIL. oua A làs ut asWostxnuasc-A wdh hensirc ntelcro 25 hacleaien aoidtti'eemuen r essiîtnc ssueasiitse ovxngI BaoCaIKierCnf, vea sirnulîni bdtieon gvie ngCor acusc-aho ure propnietara cf a pro- Spealoti sot Gtieclidoto. i f!emla 0"slyL OfIL psiiiag isagistatue o e icpolicel. ebucial journal inu vus, Lia characîcr n-gos 5OStfl. wosacia hatisa u frisai Ieir conitasrju MarytLame eins foubim n ta le et desttution; l Lrlejidl C ea -Yoa have doute me an>, peof int hetli ysicus cf atdomIM2tEn a ms aei'of-a Notren>ir,ia lb.theissaglon agieuy tilta a Mal lihel uosy tais e-sifanly, il f s&laul auerla evidenceto bIZt I P " .bon. ie C d ce t ie 2 0h s !. g t- i mn ie s- a -ater , in our ne a-s a ci f th . b e e nv i s andil rpepar etlo 17 Î!, Wiii £W t he.cbaity (<leiseWiao u,> itia.l.Ri lii, face e tc o li an e hya tise aoîsIlumvoeaeepcpb. £10tletdsgtab1aaafr btCt 5m ii eScsl,îeur and iranapoi, als the si ie le c n eaidat dbseidaMuaaer r7onishmMs ensujadeor cs- ies 3-u ou hls ie s, uvonbave aose ýthe Ni, A Cbo sb?ý. tfi. Broc »i" daseCbasiosBancaicnnlf, bnbgdir-en- la iad lm Lb esehteiLoard Iccr cf Duair nor hlr CraL> rI1n, hâi, oupetiior asmite cofaiaeealte111 aulmdSi alelaf au anZud Lyai anith. bai 81 vtes-Loti e'tiated in Canadla. fltw-th* Aiitou hmau? W" the hls ai sice im aprtaiono aLlainiiBronani .Tieyrveto jsenrstIy atiale&Wselpefettlspal O«uqsoa enosubLas .u mide t te.plat e< t t atedat tai l b. tLlood canferceil on (Ileart, ira; iear.> fie, Ibmeneoela Lotnura., crgoefle,, iebaeslpcilaiCohue oLacet L'auewusgitan aitte arguaibbche ry Lminseis cfIthelBont. Dalous- *0 rosy Mae.,miai aivagesumials asti,, si1.d -moda t e i mpnativ . eo«0-o M re heI îe " t a Spin. intance lie bluo&u.ttdfuo . a um ' lut ges mtérel. A iporaton f ronUm me e rimsMd.!Chansie arme a isueaCat Mr. mincihiimadecit- te lie.-10b.alon as eidame Jas-se Wbai aew a ir i cosmmerdel enter- Chadosu npoiniation et Sir Giles Ossneisc. a&aifi. PeM ain eclipa. titTh e mercafat ta., oftheticmueeut erctpie C.sLi à sq mvdsmedn<tl il- c et ni-the latter aficui tuatilitasas»trates licin Moliaai SatiPm", eteigw lia eslk» A aiqmlirfeaiWall plswdm &a*"dy. A Ut. Ç%Vs acifal teckleai intilerlevea more nalice cf lise ceolal fané? 1t la a"s etii yqq mm nu d a meibyutoh mueedl in ahiit »sc[ulfly lisa bie liamiet sund Richard. -aLida wvreerivel rwi* Pont;ebosabgiton épat e ttmm -gifrbief at ler T1is eIre t. AtolsfddCe the d a of h" tkm e ii- te tu-e bn~les dhImI qj' Whiàwo .Ciii., brdge, a iialme.,"aluiag dp d ir a ihr molher danot "eilfm assrCt ii dlie lilion alibis a Msundmetvs ui bittelLevan"m. îbeiiogof<about 30 miles. Thi aiail, Weire fotuslIY'uengl ijgalrcumisbont a. Cuir wue"nlefuifr a Lait>, ne sites ratfomdiasitoveetnsg., ITcy bad lete 1%tl budt ofti l bpiy<lie cuamenJs-epg) aceocoqaellera's macaurae t. vils inea r,awsbci.vasuuin. bu-te-pgiph acrîtons. mlChiur eetu*i. orneefm i ishs.h era s s d p I . e y s li p" er d a te f th ic ie , o in g Li ý f W a l , v i n s m e o f a e c i e 2 u s o f c t e c 5 f i l a q s t g t t r f s a lo& teçpary bIsav. Main,l maie Preprvîausfor lie eeleirationCu , énmu .n Celç, i d 411i14wghA ic - ofi~~t he e*anhbis eimig, the cet0of beishwess is bior ltin lu ùitit Li grrl D>tn theliaptt ear ni les tisa, 35 ewipincien oon!>4' 4. alai. Tbla yeauggéýen l ,u participateil0 ai fer ai't.- at iiIh isu ebve o ga osic e ina latimoclydneb. Ru bougies rlhesoth Or lie3-mu aeatia u mcpivahoi vaso oi irs; lad iI SVi eto e pe an i on r o~a o- se-----l--utiqngibtaui loteehé z i UictheCorernueal te bisa i i. s ci ofauosa ppu1.N u se goimanuer ycaulp, asanidaems m i a ýé:Cmea yt.d uin a exlae.lbedet aid aW ,;= - facete doCiehs of mencta0teeter the serie. NOW, enu"sblsim epiaJ I wie -i u ireentlcliaun tie par Ibo *O NI the biiii"i, ilftrt Zu mii d îl ho elbi4ged t rgnï C Iosoualcr Ptixsania-A mot gtifying lu- 0 tiseapal'Ie < « spo-berleul hacl."s- sitoa'ocsl bâktiiiid chiea) i i ti a n e o f ea i u t a g e r e t e i v b g c o d i g n a n a l p - T b y w ç e p re t > , d e a Y , i c e i e$ OyM t i A s P , < P l s ..t o nm ) l i P j* W . i 4 ~ s q u b i puepont uuslaint ceed ornouWedeaa Che e e mk h p vian sissucfss t Iretit pnailyalaeellasecsyoalahli emnnis, la VutUlà-ioit, S editeis. A luste oi cecs4 bus bien glcec aI is pu a dby, nos.ighth i nîi t .l(sir . fe) sd*0sinhm ,o hina fell ais v u s e r. le rin % ac b éte ra nd l rip e o tele, *ih ce ,. bâ r i m l cit 4 * ean..b - i u p e m u p .y ns* lehiet, b.dassembied ul i hiails ç,oanres atrlienofup"bin tiere sM icLe ~ tr rsound a 'Iwatrprug, viseanse of lien> psuasl Pa.ANa7Av- bnOe*rlt piseri iacsf aisheii voy aislady adigge , _n e i ejbaaa ol ie eN uaba..ruillbi tbl ch ee pil îli l sIcfate i eorcteeslIagh a t sici oitie ocfaintéseis it, e' 9 , nlema . mute p fiJPati i ey utres i. t~setlnasiIL .svir li tkpeeic avrpattli adcy'o pmaki Ti. gean-d ma~sciscst aeli sa iea e ~ ~ érui wit, aBrléo is ilttiàa pai fleter ose r ChM *9 W inandt theolou' a tabuo t lac ls op nle u t. C sp ez iý & * e u s n.! e i nfim P * M dtcs- im e il ,cf i unlo lem m e CLlrm he" ' Ws - li fBa p L nti elLu ai fce e = 1isé n.ea ai tWoUt e od in lgsa 0<poul, i hicaepen dan wile a tnabidr i ng»4 ata etonitn m M i t h on t Ciris p htheati* edC b - sdll atc b éhli-d appearent L aistesnbl I& - disieo, a y aI~e iined of eiss etie l uihashatuldin t c lesia id ! Pýof &4uteiip cefti S>péiion ! o iL. si«" e M« aaasI~~i4u the psuls,- aises.énalruiseitsirilélekoe iCcuis4and'.b _e fuse ia .~7sa toinpnt is aIfscv mU~ ain fore h *t to t Ieâil, Out Vtlasqlshitu e v i gesu f h blé , ile As er WM -- the CgSla -n he a plabgdw&uCi<eth 13usu gl tb>o bis bruit madere the plmiahieee ho we " la imiem id 10% téa)My, >4 4n4sus. ote 7 O'mM ANI) COtUt1EItCIilj JOURNAL iTEMS-Izrr£N SHILLING~S PER .4N!VM, WJIffN PA ID SSEVNTEEN SHLLINGS ANlD SIX PEiCE WIIEN Nm [ T. H. BrxT Ltz , Prifter & Popreer.J o . 1 via Th*eCi n a Tbg. iibw~ f a las im ur O uct bL a m ews e hu is.t b MrecfPaslase, eimoeicofoq g IWya belsenhlensbrlketua eeetWipbtoi unagteut eti4raml dller*W-Wiivi gir.ai6d wati - çi!tz k ai Jhid t# ý uein . %ý-.ik lar , am la lcw, tf. Ne vu am mmemivi ale rls ie tab lac, t i L bal itl t i a ce i a e e ts p p d~ l ea *, a MIN e A cdmSsaCu~~,, KIRi Per ! lmi pietxema' a Mi