Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 24 Apr 1838, p. 4

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us tom 1W pë"mu 1 y *W*. mdwl- 106, u imo me<hs Im~~B my le useata& t mb auri *WM'hIci'e * s. t e ams4ie 1 bseorlod.Ille *Meert§. ohod« et be mm ti e sboit am ut, xap in omw Éu jft 1lnt 41bad (h ms ae i*- se i h g . . eaia m ,O urlhe lias est api be ou mqh.esb awrlest, sud di; aCollng- t.epawa..iefi ameset te w» is,<mcWi *0 Xemifr l lie ayie e 0u me ther li' tles au 1» 0-1-mat n! te.! ilasr a s.sy clu. ll; tbs,.. Tbey s ~ mmjilàmat; ptuy o lad u i et utatesIgimutliste.- I'pibt lims l~wo et lms~asl~mftr ls. veaibor- 04mw.lie csir7le w.siin; tIlt ilsîtaà re »V teoisotimrîsud (hep ane on thetlartiesrd tao,~dmliurn 1tebMd aur bocet ahips Iée*t 'Yç IralVeSatlins. W dram uarer U~l.lb. thrcd.n'a'ti Santisumma Trinideu, asbrte i pun; (liera h Burrni'iute, mhIf'~lluede-ti liave, the devrtd Villinesi- fs'é-b. unive, bat not un-sinmule<l, (le car. olagee!tIhedur, trmet aLsteî peripsfor ever liscets. la myai'vy. Thr.itblI ruideiltbl, 110w *bM..ttplsae et y t isaue, tie f4al misle, aswgiobad tutouttnte lt.rth!y cxstcnca kiilgismmun-ti esubrama irigttly R tl imepct. of f&" and (im0 haeses cW Il! 6e cr em sels. OR the rýtaulbiebritlab = ,» yi sovrelg, lioey qaling tete ltuua ! lil;aimulJ, snme, Îa nt outta *e Icly bairbor. But si8n82%, aa me at.qg ,p @à - iu l*ary t Word by "M thîe fice- fiall.misaela note.! do, exalîlc- jemvr am uil do.bis duly." .The lest itiseoîtplta, sit (tie purpart eomnmnictmed fil 66 éteul. gfklée lthundpring c-er <the vésw% th î l'ii cenemy bia itte..'DUl a-e OW1 ,dt-he alrjle rellîn; foth froua î'oe pbO U lm hs o iaicoans, iaarn ent i mIs ibaniu, ils vdce lacreais e la lesandmaint- 10114 mit iut rées"pthîe earý witle telra. d'M~Imbsplsuh*st!Nc.leVremiedimr âaI.martaialsmd te thé !maic before Iut bave dma. .Up Sm theabs ille -n of ,t Vfemi.. heiv bvmduoWpru;mte desîtte ubewpr "aIMetitter Sud leait 1SQ, dI'ently anti atead- @dsVamec th BrillIt tlieet.daeter; $tie pirrers làit &tmtd by t"-botiibosnue-'a twàrg pi -ibee loo lb.tem of thre.nUAit- Î4 *0b. ahen ita tIhe aiu of te Fou-,4r.- lweeuulnt it eieaise utn l. ethir cun s9mêei bt à"the Og f CollingWooul ja duui- besa, ml te §sabresof te cannon gliinmer IMY7*WmuIdtIJt. At thbelis.!of the lartord @Wltisus h lranegtqmsie Omît la **p, muretbsa2E> pliera 4< eacy emlnauc .n-es.'u.ut , W; ofetber ' lna re dem.! ie e m s meOmsamiaded tue i a, but feu o- I* éïes i.'d w am tYot'retnted s gît.- da-u e ide crashra IMoe ticsra aiti. Bucentaure, andI ber laruinard is heuse il iito tbe RL.dsebt*mhe. The cncny ClO onn a the i 9i<li.BritisIt ednmrs bth(le Tenterait, h a.t "ta*dI supuatber. The. etrifi. la becmini eftc. mtmsedeàly. &Haly uihy liane duns f« m*ut allt, My bach belle is'el týtecuth - Re u.m wsayitbt-beWe dntaitetyborne bilum. -Tih.lat!,la i t s huightm t tlmtriish rea ashv ael, the eamtr a.re îîuling ei their licucp pus;î1mw ite mtt cf death sis aboî-iu,, sad diictery muél b. tame.! b y tUic aeat of the item ma welias the bleu!o t fîhe ati; (nr te- lireon g pm end bislet mititpow.!c-, anti their hagaPiÇWSIhsIamgl"av er their naked shomldera; f« MIuaSY of timblas. Ilivoicf(li upper elebig, OINS hav, boien.! trinbluet aiVs neeker- ehif"smdlhir loines pirplation la -treantîimg foe e.y par, an.!thie alàmspiera Su inipregmnan ted Iaii,, 1 etet cpir.bic h talna n'ltvwitt -5< t, lita ca naio, or,eas ia me.uul.es cmfde tli-tu - 16 îI vai ofle ilIl5ajigab' ç bï*bov a rai-et jeu thé, d b k seumm or Line sýsd Um baiea a iseing su bul e s o àad0s e ab itbg slbth f re(hber er.blls O norime b ne BIs ritshcli is ae,>smo W'Pt'knÇo4ireaibuin.ut anttt tai fb#a t t laurc.is-te.s. oime <i filan Qm taffi,t e " ber inlumrig tee sbm*fel buusialf Imth le ses, sud mbIn. rapsmd ama lIc les lies eacîcti the. ms';axinbe I Ou nluitWWteae vivid dame shoota ty; ilX su n- 8w4 t .esb ac ote, Lt it StI litinl-. teolsa vuii pi"tengframenta; (le' bumra le prc6.pleeminentty dLtlghsble i ibai 1u,1[1111 rekatlt iteaimeuabigluda lust ap fr *tseven conds, te tee et:in ài* OtIMséeSIO1Yris" fi" thela m lanllmspta4r mm oe eobai*th*a i, is MMl; lb 6blies,et, but t&'t. fâfl cmb.-tUmedu" aieOuIe Tilst aïm!see!lut*usi~~ ver, "baipa mlm fl octdm'pd roirefflmo -ml th6,e foule a tîa "" îuh esagaf bpln éots. Pj is. l, as npô theib. 4s m-us a Ilej., mie m1. soaaifeame , dusi 0 me, W. uses i*sitea; >rm'i e~shu e, ioemI veecbMo m ve lbte 1.* et te«zarfaehae.' sel * utlCI" uatrca v»e"m, *ad sàslgh telu.tititallet *0 mM"dum c f aiek, av"% ail lIadcei. b. aserie! jtetr <Ia-4t desemvg m iae t <"qimlly saed fier iu a neuema eàc., in ro'py te o!veltlaemeuts- e ebhl wmumoa9pla tha lam cet 5. men'ir i 1.s bo catalil tgivee i. zmsam. !;;IUgr= ;~ u e pbnq.mân miib. Catie lIMe eun&*"et t"ia mhie,"saleMmy nm.'4 amoagleaL8~s theli-X. W'.." tbe -P. Q's,.&e.utau moe 4-Catlisuieï. Ilmtuealmg, u m V~rddte misadveutioctagrt the h4ura* taeicbu manawer. waeld. j maoser 4e0ma lit." " MW Îrm ache. d&y...iat*le t Thte yexwsc 'i csuIno mlvuea à ;t'u- .m.setly soppuhs« thlairtrOpsteen,é We s tan i ce LWba tmf bi, sludreds be- fore haitdoue, mitatra a oce fer lb. Pastlf- fice, ait.!the iaule rWenvas (be t he tillr thici me bail $emo menat, bhefère sent hum eue letter hi*x ta tl Ïth ie Pest 015e. . " le bus set tritten, (lien,salît Caîewnrn, la a low vaice, euideuti net iul.-aided foue eut car. "lima-h. moy haie tetru" " lThen mlirv'albh Inter V cI n a1ses lotking Amd me tort Cathergm.e by the and and lcd lier Io the. do«, sMtporrcd Cet (lie way te the Post "Futil uast atheb.wnso l "nid are bult ash Ue Ive are ymepg meo, Yeu need Dot tell (hem nt ewhoiniyen expert the etY " Net 1ar th. e rle" niu teloo"kig jua oMr face mitla s glane* (bt smmcm..! to sy(ltre fri BO flM lutellng mW. W cms bave mcd 1lm thau ntueusul pnrisiaon .ftdlreclium-Cauerm tea.a sPuaI Office sqite bat! au #est afier*ws, ubes viiing t f;lae me acteslier nt th. wiadnm,,recriving tIse cange d a letterf(mm eueof the lerts, andt eie hps- 4ience, ahail we saY of eansor of love, iod *Cath.îsiw iu break alie sea[ ui tlie door A. gow of pleasure mas on the chec f the 'iiry girl. W. vomi.! voM bave ivri a prnny tgbitàb.mua thl4 Thoas wes Wil, mu.! wl. eoudle inthe osai pactet. We feitanxotas taknewuhe-tter Thont a§ Wcetîlrouie, but the names o ue nb Persous rarelv , re:ng the pa.sengers «theb.Liver- PMoI vectet, bcbg eemotty tcindrîl in thet corn- lqee$ve-liae, "and l" tibudred inl the steer- Sa e gave top 411 bopeia f tnowini viea Thomn- -iud arrive, bot caludeil thât w. wmld 5;ee the .Rame wtb abat or Catberine inuth, Mar-. iage lia, ta nbilac.haldettrnsined -9 &tep s .ateady lot. Il w. a lohm+.aitinte sair rd th'i w ri laeisiee te Di.famre of Tholisa in the paprs.- Ht W .%o. eef tii. îlsaseceintathe alip casl a wv bclawl'lec Tort, cf mhunq nradjy very Maul periaie., andi Tliîma* inona tht et.' We lai never sen Thomas buot liaI! sob erfiswad aciauith eti in a s a lp f.r<it a se veil. Mollit aiMt « rsti-a iMau ilisse a e là,the eeins4irCiof us suie mmst bae Iove, s&M jllg (muuy as the !imaI bave bett.,*Wm bciIave bler feelings? Wc paused a fias weetsalletittcmaîtîhe vOnc gras, âlîrcing, green and xilei, ina Roîml.!- sona grave yard, andil e se"> lb.uds sie!liiig on Ilie brdnches efthae Items tbst>d«scuethal ivrîî- Iotas city of te ilcaî, heq a (mura,nmereusly sitrtided,wgsid roussi lb coaer of the Buete, and pqede !itheîleccheue. ,la was the faraim ol amitIt peweo-we ie nw4.y île aorîlarst teodei, ti d as l the Ien ivere.! the raile dwha iite theimew houa,tht plme ppinted for 311 Ile living, Wv aw teengraved aupen s smple plte, 7Ile te alora sa lem.. The.peaitsîcoin cf uenr> ; bhih C9ataine loaitdeo"te.di lte asviug [und, rte gse a litîle rouseq. ace (o ber inanie4e frsti- valiait bts'. il.ldeau-u gte ier deceut banial. Z4EVW TAILMING ESTARIISHMENT. 9 fi I SZSCIlER wa*" riupe*uy sîr- quaîl limhe Isîhbuaul ýf iagloi ad he vaintt II .bas jst eumce"â Uic' alove in t'. e cH*uR iion" bTr M. Hatch% ne- laWbhastfa Sin 8 1;red, w te vitt(Ii . aljedr. lle iii Uneof lubas ai tIi aluesad despîcl, sud lie olIb'tic pauoalge of ah. imb- in bt Tutua i d Ceunley Kî-acMatch R4tt, 188. N. M . 'eSsile Sn Sul. tae iàii.oappel.- ttaly( frtmi 140 suita Iotlb ataitt ef Bath sMW the efer îr"bb aurfWlléir put <W v4avsud b tuia iILuxtC5'yet ed *a Cmtu. doue on te lb. shut 009Mo N 0 TlCS.E A T th ansuetmeeing of StecuboldejIti u i Steamw> BEcksie, belîlihe Britih-A- meiracan 11.1.1 ta sday, t.efolevrig Geàtlaurm, tee, inswa th(b emmU o f Nana meaUm th. yeaz -1 Sitt rJou, Eeq., Uctiltc, J1nvMar-,sl',m 1... WUIRCRIIER isiuaag mmI '0 teetuli for e eauaIArsiaup~mly et WI~ ulutlsmp dia mInier acama, me onu re-sdy hee~i*p .snrde#s allie temasi suartet osiers. .llc'qIlrg if lis Wblotep as uqaujuslld iv stinuspit. auduhin soe.' Cdu~îllb.psMbc tygi.asi B.nleyatbla duo.. - LM.I0U~ LN.*ersk~ lIss Jeu la~qme SauU~ut Uhésel joie. Mi - ii.viAI5tIISSqk0i~ ~Paê EliuAsb, S b' i um . . e - . . . 4~ i. ~ n - . - o i. n *~I~ lp'~!ua'tae.3~2o.oe ~ a ~ Cc...~ e ~ pi ~ r r:~~~u a~-e. a. s5u.. or' .. o p ,~ un dgt~a ". 'i -. 1' - - E. Cni,~, '*1 ~ '-N e a 5 ~ n COLLIEIS, HAINES, A V.. oeKkali.CSAL ilSlLDiiteS, tTOBE arasa., £ti(OuTt~. ARE nom vcreiviog their bu sud Wintar airpply cf DRY S@OP, AN» GRO3UD, c05<siaTrirai lH FASI Or Saperior Doble fitijîfri Clotts, Fanel Casthme aut. Buchakinsi, Pilt o ita, Foahmiîaa, tVamlitt«, Cambleteej», 0.4 and f6 4 Merinues Red, Whitfe, YcIl.w and Green Flanisels, SerÇeN, Bsrze; Stttinets, Foulle Clotli; Blanks-ts, Ceunterp.nea; Taitan and! Merin. ShslarsTatUt, Dtggts; Scotch Borinets, Red! Caps ofnes, Gueînsey Frotta,Lîglit roc Daik Chicters sud! Cttijws, Moleskine, Factory Coions, sblrliîîgSttiloia Apion Checls,78 as.! 4-4 Irish L*Ivrai,%Lm and! Cc lon Iick, 0-.nat.urcb;, Shettiagi, Cotton t'ain, Cotton Battilig poil Wadding. BLANKETSof eery deaiption; Mai. chice sc.f enflime ,' fashionahlp FIJR CAPS. Also,-SOLE & UPPEC LEA'TIIER, of a Vrg utpcrîor quality.-Togetler wtlInIn other afticlea tocn unircus te cdet4il, end (o ýti-Cï C. H. & Coq woold Cali tbe. struion of (heir frienda in(lhe couint.y paiticul.rly. N. B. As thaïf trnes are C tS H, ihrir prizes wiU b. as gmial, oeltsimei'y Ict. Ki. galon, Novgsîiber 9, 1837 INFOIMATION WANFEII. OF THOMAS DlXSON, atadiabit l3j2ieaTs oPfme, t iiLùht hait, who L.%i M O Iqo. oI bave lefi ineatoinin (lie tairn hut TrmneUer on thtelStli cf Decrmher 1,tai, ati doreu Li1o n h.e bas <jet liera ble: id cf. Scid Lay bhWl1on1vhîm lie let apgire! saîk prntâtoons aftin.île, and a hioan tcq'. me Ilis a tirat 0(1V în4i% cheeka. flii fatherliai t ied t'Ince hg I. ,Ar.y Informiation re 3*ctiniChin, wîtl lie ihamîkfi4 t e- teilud by big mý9ietVà woclein sEi$A. -t, Khoiln e.25, 18:8. i»lt01i ATION -WAXNTW. 0 <F MARGARET LIK.dktrlw in tire smmer of 1837, atc! Plien lsu 4-Jr of waa near ltl'nleuî. Any infuotiin rampe- itb ler will 1wthanktilly gmcsivrd t.> ber ifro ANN CLARKE, .al Mr$. Slaven' 9St" strits. Kiitgttn, jamîoaly 30, l838 The MeuiesiVaaFu i i ci a av~e" rby capp lte ab,,. l[ERSON1S bavinir RORSES fit fer lir of (lent, ail plre.e tate (hem tee ims"îrlim, Io Arillerie Patt, <ing tbe bouta cf 9 sW I l o'etc aih dov. S Comarisaltici, Kioç4c, Ian. 16, l678. 1ýý -1 ' FURSI F1RS! FURS! ,FUR SAU&, Ai NO. Sm it Psu! Stn et, near lte Ciy Batik FUIns, fietyi Ie raw mateleul, el,àfe. #.moWlent giag1h Pli wntttheir gialifu"rt e litrat oder receler.! the- lu*tse"lo, s reuip renitusiicez gnmettinImfkrta'tei tmaw ors surmct t adke i'sud GW qiseîs 1S suiýte.!ti t IrsidEe lu per tL=14 .ge FUR ClAME %.a Otter Lutant gial Seul McttaYiemalsSabl Imttel dé,s 1"iui mi. tt Flicl 7tmcbsui GG" el aud Getmamea.as, kNlth>:-W twu Ietlai eV m tem*i4ow am iio La d adof.SPu lsauc, o t . M' . an Ilmum tspuIeb6î U . - ~-i M-- j7m' »L"tW ff» V âîiX4 Lakte QuWaiu, «Mui tktn**lebe ~us ii Md 24 eithcri. theps w s aueras a vi auditstandsrl t i a dieet Il>*ê tw C it cf4 the Fa% a iSt. Catbad"cs ]W$ erseau b. date! fo t *alsadim il sa s. i pre4reurd, lit »W m Ccontairis îîa lI a ~tni; tIe Churcelsa sSeuoo- leiea r gnd %PIa.d a Me- 2'5SI1UUI; au rtensive Fleur m ail Carpeulaf s', Shoeiasiero', C=irratees' Tailesa, snd sevelal otber Trsdesme'L-estab'balnts, aUe atfll at t.A new Cawlrng and Falling mihi, adi Geis mMi, ane neaoly rezdy for workt c.!a 'test bmbler of asdhtrus asalbues are mearly cocm- pleted,. Thee s am direct ccanricziion to Lakte Ontàr- il., £e!Iefrit, lysa constant successi or Scho nud Boets, stfloriling greut advsnlagsa for the couveyance of Merchmuiîdze an.! atlrculte- rat "rdce te difftent markets. The niter lia s ai Z f lcrty feet, and! pover te an raient eqital ta pvopelling maclainery <cie£Mty marntfactummg pur- pane, faer ubicla ehlhl iN!"tUes c cru lWli. A geond Tanaacry could be woi ked ta grei'tsdvautage. Sart b.ing sa ca ivotmeal fin ie ufoauta of CIippews ant Lb raditRiver. The qbscribet incafing tlie attention of Mnvçutacoere tud beciamict ta tis rising Vil- tages affama tii adi sceau very aslsantageons Lots, on moîlerate terms, andi long credat, to actuel Set- GEORGE KEEFEII. Thorolîl, Oîitolier, 1835. 3 TO DRY GOOD MERCHANTS. p['HE SUBSCRIRER legs ta nolify (le Tr-ude .rthtlie buareceive.! lv the Ir; Pactt ahi1', via. New York, invoieao! Tlity ly es and Ca- tei, Manchesr and Glasgow TO BE SOLD OR LET.- TCHAIBE S ILLS ix TrmaTownîtris orFtcii anscassucRGI, ai.! M8tVIe entered tupon immatdi.tvt>, A 110115E AN.D SHOP, with li.lf au, Acre of Lamnd. Thi, place la admiraily adaiteîl 1cr a Mersihaml or Mfeclanir,iering inua- lerI mus tle ceiliýtfs aflouieihilm townsitant in- the immedl.atî- victnity of a litist anti Sat Mil, tehich,2re i (tilian.! constant oepral.on throsm'gt- cnt ahe yecr; anti asilt is rennote (rose ay touwn or village, 'i as uite-altrecte l i utonci- sirrcue<lifimg 1Ipuluttio1. Theb. op i. leelI up tbeti rs e, Couftîmes, Show>(lt..a.a amu.i evrry thînterequisite for cidiu ttg For ftitlbe pariettîsa aply le tue Seter* Kingston, Auguat 3, 1837. FOR SALE. T llFdfoUowinz LAIÇ 05--àLot te.r thc tm JI'En;llsh Bmayinqg Groucid, tith a mmili IIOUSE creclti tipon it, viith àgnoctfence. Part of Lai No. 12 ile ls (ird concessio Lotel6î~lat cnt'h hat(1&0 c «ascf umcle Amisa LoI t fieety acre, wetelypupat et Lut No. 5 i l I-2a1, î-o crocf Pittsburgh. £cmqure t the Herald iVice,. Kington, 204d Avu1u'Is186 FOR SALE ORt TO LEt. IÇDm.smontob. griven an lot 10Y nemi, .M h etbal f o . latter A. sin tice(aiea- ahio ePliurgb, adjin e leMilitasy taeso, cortcinint 100 acres foýin tehle ccupztimon f WliMM"FergusSn', I6<i (lai portion of the Mitita- Yryie,14ing about3acreslrafcd by the. Ont- nante Depagmnt- to Colon-] Lîitiltot, ubd u.w thi P.Dsesaçueof lianefs FIamo li %]plta Kingiîami. ftbJsiàaty 18937. !rAFEFAL FAIM? FOR SALE- CHEAP! rpO be. et talumes t Jiamfle çta FAIM dt Elm ACRES of the lirai ejaaliiy e! ail, abut 4 milesfient tugetn, nn he lurnliU endî, 75 acres cleaetitîsl in fieldis #iîtr excellealnt~ s m;ti! ari *a#tf»easie D EWG IqUS, BARNlS, SUX"h, sud ORCIIARDS. Tiifpaa iv tîettwitem endl euote pii. ct 4arablcit-l Apl4kioIn fé b. made.«lier patpall) Ster Sýt, x. tn, In.! Aien -"0 VALUABLE FARUS FOR SALE. M 4Ea ?BAcres amj*mivgr lIe village se imaitfu ataln ul. ate aide, 'ig <ram Kngale il end of llth t 1 utI.sjeng i.me dauiee4tmaclos, Ia. lie wt.nu u lIfruit &eq Ampicctm u I b. oiete DAILiUTN - TOFPAIMEES. Dm mm tiwm .aljedeutta eoam&*ienlimeeVe. t*eRce rm tb. àmottUa':riaatdmloýes ,. dis aseteey if &. i wnics ile au me 'Oýdw f *0 maie*lnsêteemmi i m e ditp mnisee r b . e dmbae A* 1w ( twtmaou d soit Wi AI*p liStNgsbaiifIh* nbi.*puisA ý77 YU (le Subçrriher, 3(0 do.:. VERYWSPE *3RIOR DUBLIN FORTERpait tclaly re- c.mtaae for Steam Boat usr. Wbole»als pne, lù a. pez doz.. A ehoi ce selecine of Gentlenicn's Londau Ra.de .WEA RINÇG 4PPAI.EL, Comditl-mof Dreas & ruck Coat., Sumoer Pan- taincos, -Vepis,&. c Tii.e,,dwl ble disimoed of et low prices. JOHIN H. GREER. Kingston, May Ztb, 1837. CAPS-CAPS, &L. M. LGSl e, i!?A&CosJIurî ndR1, St. P*aid Siret, s fi-w riols it .uu'4, mer 'Stue, on (lie oppoFite e n s4iiuiSt' wliere ml ibe AuunJt a ëyn' uiiueyc' ý5It '-.' 'fui FUJRS9 CAPS, dC., toc nit M' tus ii iluo Al ortieme ntii Merr vtît lemt ,iite ar(llui udn no exerllousaparrî tu gine s; lislbiiui. 20 IV t, &c, Mode to caler, adl r in t, rnI aimod tle, 25 petr ceiit. 1Irai th;, n tutà n ][NFORJIITION i s atante.! cf JAMES.WUL- 'î.-Ple;. 9 KLEN- s native othle patocf Ahtsiloe, coitif-___________________ iy cf D-rry Iretanît., lie atrivei ut Qucire ln TO EMIGRANTS. thie year MSI, sudblas bere reilg ir; aer tlrt 1INTLEMEN,-I 'oî. mutui cirý, tume me-wiert. iu Upper C'.tadsa. 5hotid he 1- 2N .mînego, rcspcirling Li i g'uýien lu i sec- Ibis notie, he mit lema. roaicomunicatîle it *'ivaerm Patolf ! Iis Prnvince, t LV, i-ut hiei blo(lir an.! tttaler,a pnes'snt miilin M lts- ntnhr of instancssin mbich ý-i;.- hirct,, tresl, tbrc te îOfficercf the iI.mlig Ou te.a-.! ingaton, utraticîl lIrinelvt. .ýîîdii. FIlenWlu UterCanada mvili peuee 'acthle antd rxpended ttiieeyendllIen retoined ii bvt an lmema. îtn tih Patof tme Pre'eimueN I liau.! i ,m ~moolscgl, pu. cf tent ter Laruli h. aismet lut! if the jîn -- '~"tlwy bai iie gise ithdumeult-ruDîstflrf,im Ta4XE NOTICE.à&" a.a lmw qstity fexdvattse i.i X ~ lEas"niblas FOR cAi.4115 Acres of tivatrd Landa fer "th ; ti,e, .1 ttmied- ..LAND inla sv otr ocaus.Ne. 18 l ien t elu ai enId -.fotenaahmuveii,asenaipalve the <lb Coscem. Wbce'sr me c uachsfun oi l at îmg mrn pleaswCRcl U n is agentIt M. Nieiltolia, Who Amy luforMsai ltediteil rrqeing incisa live*t mitbie u "ilsof sai.! flas. cem% l'ebsat t 3'Offite in Stor &r ' etnsi JAME$ BOR.LAND lippet Cu 1 ).bmN lune SOt, 1M3. stUDOLand! Agent BANK Of 2lf(TI ?0ROTII AMERICA. Prtsuml cuttc e oi "aucuset ra in faa dthe Dul utXIPîGSTO4.' viUA5 uStE*, 1Q zesmi asaauseu 51351TU, KIlt. IUMAI emm,, "E54 AUMGRF.NJitS for tbe esrly aummece mcam aof isuinenart5YCDow in propeansid coetuiuucatiama .iy, li ttc nteantiute, b adl-, mtesedstotlae uewbe'a.fuhe Cnmswitt. ROIIEB.T CARTR jmm riit tr!ofDrcea WA&TIeepSCoirCLOTS]X CAPS9. --fIE»Sakiver wu *tbmuh labour and epàse v. bucieeMadin ltwe mzoufstone oIWÂTI.R. 9180)0F CLOTH CJAF4, whlchlu . comseetloni math bis vIE CAP FACTIT, hawill cetiue, te mast tu* tbç West QIEO*lU»d ClclW-he.u PontÇk*tbC;odui eeenltle muitiesansd cuiua, it s if., îgacurbhmoiot sud 1 ccfeey, ivale vs eeitcuc Zp cc mai sltehe e -*gltbeiagaiseéletv àb rm#i t banIý i. cap ta pnftctty mb hé e s. tl"tIMatas b 'For Cie, or ut hst il. ud teecas*ihy ofether. ef Icshve Caps iii b. sca le »%adý et peuin4M& "a« e opëaFbeacyi2so h I5.FOVEATION WJQTED 0P*EILfl~KA1~,,t~iugms. shi lu Meuleent. Ijipmlfca.4 tu, chiNas,1 foc uhus h. test, q. nom ta m~1t.., mmd. ay Imlamstium ftspel3l.3 hlm WlUIetbgatfdlly luecapsîl by A. ~A14A1lA74 ~itt~p4su,. lUth AigasI, 1331. £04STIU* .dgni Il asallb.pcsiseuorabp t. UBhIit.fttNlC h PUDLISHED EVE RY TUESDlT Bl UT T. . EUNeTnEY, At bis eofilç., in Store Strec t, nPr.î-prv oi ne t Mansion Heua. Icatel, Kn fieL j tC ;. wl;sre adl <cera vsi!b. tliankio1iy recevté;l poumtually attenfe.! ta. TtUi.- Fifteen shillings per annum, <elo of Patage)if pal.! ie advamîs e, f ol it vfiitaiui îL. ingsend ix pence if rot pzid in ;i ;ncr. EAvp!co betcem±nt rP EOIeIFle for tFe ~ meut of ten ppperim. tiàà reccît e oti ri- in Bite proçoiteon for a Veiarr rîtint. '~Ncç p2ra îisccntieued ou nirici . exeept at the option of thee ibliehr. 411 Cummunic&tionç, (telie r.î!irssand (flqol tç ibe Edilor. *Âlrelësootntg 08(f Letters ton basines i t adîlnessd te Tlic. H. Btroi>, Plirtluir. eia tUbbtteling. $i2 romes md urîder, 2s. 6, fr't îrlal ratI tvlsqurtitieretion. Titiines l ui 5tiioek-n aotO tan ines, 4d1. pert e Ici lithe U Irimyo, snd Id ptUe for rveTY eutsiÇ.rflt .tdvcrtisesiemta witlceîmr writtco di ttti i iusetted til lothlil n.!char. cil aa~'l' 0 dernt, t rdiaonaimîunmg advri[Luarhl1 tIo AdtentimmeniLt fruteioselion 10lie bc ai!cI the moinrgPrectedlng ttc .!y of pubiactli AG! fTS. Ot m.A.llmvt, F-q. PM BJseiebt. Joi îtr.itti s. PLuit.P Iile........%P. rou,tiik, q. Pl. M Dseestin -..JohT. Derrmot, Fs. FM a SO *us'g J. . BMrwn, Lq P. M. s~ ~ Ssevi J. M. Bterken, Lq. P' a Raloalts,. B. Fiat, E-q. * Ts-mtlut, Wnt. Rali-rfl, Eq. Pttceob. ... bit. Love, Baiglamu - .-L.ChueSî, E«I P Cotme,.. Kreter,£E-.P. Il. ......J. Taylor, E.iq. P ?A J* HBeall-, Lt.P. y- a Ilallgis.. R.Fsisbu'n, Duq. P. M Wb*, y........ BiremaFrt' pAir. Osterne, ,,i Aval 1meu~h...... .rP.Clarke. Poi W bbM uOlsin. WJas;CSiclair, E-P. l ......... I., R. lJ ~a, Euq- W. uRicbtéan Eq- Pa -~Jelsfq. P. m- 2' Nlegusa. . Aecar. lPiWq. P% ...... PAL Q r. u;tus«lust w r " uttoaro, ~ wt.. ~f UEI----------- 0ti' -otI,44t :1 FO M NOTICE. TO TUE PRUINTERS OF BRITIÇH Mi rr" ««MTNAR"INE RAILWAY E JL bvMg bbi* hia, A t - b»Mm" a ElSub"ercs bave cead t, ' le nw s gau. tt e.uir vuar N1 ttsMONTRE&L TYIiEFou pelea.tm e theam t telaus c O ~ e Yf te ma date. le future, ail curers titI i Comopsny presuemas 10 Ile Suk.srlpdm ooka b.l- c..otbeproprietorsT. GUEIIN&Cc. ln eu. fet lb. esluitiul Rwok1end thtediv- JDec. &9ç, pdea ïd («fo t thet year's arfi Dc.2e.136 J. uOamTI*naum PWTiIOMlAS GLERIN & ci0 TV iluI:î rmmg<ougai Secy o.! necs%7 E.lERS, re;recuHyuîili-mthei V&U#L RPRYFOR SALE JDmiîrirt.raare n otealyt4o nut1l îun ans TE rîiWsiOF WXST 5ELLEViLLIE, MIII s uhohrevers reoiery m ay cr l.i 1îî~ NEW DISTRICT OF HASTINGS. i<h lrwettla lh Ie aipn tiucn i HESbeIber offera for Spie bia very vlu-I lnie rnt lr Uniteti St,, is. T Lierote corisalo f (lie lvater Pivi- lit onequentes cf ieue art'azu-l teîî ~~~ ~~into, te(lric 'nîritt(rs %til lie s.ic tc uo l ih a mdil cmltinmt-d Faruu-s otite Saw 11411,4 Fititets on te sLitt't t'tjip. ,; ro 11P thc twue uscaI oesthault of -teue imuentlcîtfor a mKY îleluv itili cccurltetween the rmcqi i,cs Fleurie; )ulit-a SInise Bnildinag ccntamnling a und iseeuiii ' ci. Ttip liammer unit Forgest Lathes and'cller eu- ** Eîtîou'.of pc.pers Whui hane pi j-, , cheery propelied by Wster. Ty;p Fciimiy alvvîl li t. onuiuiu< làalthîe 'l'oie, andl liev Sceal Hundri.! >sree et' Lamai ated in vari-,worth of TypeC in pa> île ni. ii ans# pattao! the. Province. The ubole or s parti wiîi b. Sold or Lesed en accommeoîhtiog tein . THEl NRm TT 0-ýIIj MdillwriglilsCar1mnter, anti other Mechanica mil INIEl ir:FIMii lied thii a favourableepoitueity to beconte pur- 11/VtNG umidurgone P.,2,itiuî, a chemin ocf Toui Lots, &c. as (bey ulifihave ---- l cin, ietr ' l se, Ti prf cc e i ie aploy (o psy for tileul. 0 twllexcît îh ieIîn î.,a,, userpanlirials;a apply, if liy leiter (post paiti) a macer certain Iozw t ti.uii.'tr ta tlie Proprielor. - ill 1w orici.,t lfuicrnir Iii iS u 1 The Prop.r(y ha uluully onincumhetede and in- anti six mentis clmiji ~l iutunir ji dibptiablstiltca ili b. del paper. * THOMAS COLEMAN.Tîi. i weat 1 qei lie. Ranch gitb, 1837. Montrep.1, Fel'. 2ulO. _____________________________________ lte Qiidiec A PM. - ii (1 ,*(1)e. 1 Il cooltn.iecominpart hu tai t o f EegmantiCLOTHS, Tyl-e DtîbeheilIctiCasineea, Barragans, Fancy Ble- veiles, Silk, Cameta, Caan.ls, andI ]îtcy' COURT OFct.s Ili Clotiafor sitanmer n'est; au aniaetof <HU'- OTICE is tberichy pist ucîuu SIERY, pilote.! Collon% anti Calicoca.liaussn N Ie openei t IOolm lIi, î ixa' on han.! a wetlascted Stock of - 121h day cfJtine,wirsîit, tTsu GROCERIES, IINES, LIQUORS, CROCK- On tlhesainie da', th- Ofc,ýI. ulit, - ERY AND GLASSWA4F., wilir'be ieti, ai 'Ne. 5, ac iiI t îcl at] of which nl liesolil loi. for Cal,or approsel Lite Socity's Buiii %Iti, lre lne isn ntes ait short data. blie teeivec d ed iu, -idiilî,'i(, irpu The Stmliciher bas alan orIsesamsone.! Ok iaued thereon.Oteluucîni14.3 - enti Pies Tumber, a qicantity' of scrap Ion, ci!Wl.li lIit'lSpitta, and! SuirciLes.!, mhiclt leutil dispose of icl rom, anti on gooti termes. N. B.-The order; of lii'Ccoul, Ssi il 1R. M. ROSE. bc e nceamaryfor 5c'liniîoit in c is.i he i Kintgson, lItJuily, 1837i. W7 dactcf a suit op %0 the hain, tre i 45-. - - . - stae note lucourue ofpublic.tuiu naitic Gulo't i. ýl MEnT» AND PUBI M TOESTREE OL sutoýVOL. XX. riEwsm,Saavot.Il. TuE O GEENWOOD brwmtt h.ss»k*tât bd A dag Meus. A valut uveaal *m enlse.mati.' dos 06«bisue t ber'am tim a e bal accesams As in isarrefllni an t Ami fut Md struass' mi.die h And.op e &raised a A" emi pot brasag te dîcicw Wtmb aà1h«. saup ciuadally gaz '-Will ho mot coma! joit t.tie.lapartial botagim bc À ade iE sd,. liglit forsvwu as Ai bremeahtea v Aai, fmisg ecos.,sa mesn (à peilymata lookaPouâ, Whl ld as liega "-]go"ar r' iie 6(.mad.itcri or ra ae bsruchai liswmna'@ ai bfflease lintlestana isusmi te qley told nsbasis o i thi tbmp suotot smau TA"bébws . met-y Laibt biab»l4n.Mdun -1 titel UtmvY« diksa AndtmoIt se lea Poucs swsy Watotie smiwh 1 beggd bien, fee tsar Chriutlab liée, ai! mbtsatu it ta b 19oit eWa"m l «li, dtb y tsa r iesblit 1 ves buit. fut a auf tou lus Te cous a&pie te y A" b«44 chas by. tbie quirsl Who sunt ent it) tataus Ad Whoa 1 toit hi 'God soude ans tet (iadytsg b.. Whiis tiast6tleait. u Pt t 16 ssus. blés taet et se Tas brda bis sSe s8 Pr qiesse.!ds t<svsrnos jaff. seul pasot Ile, vils lisu.pâlu" Lis5d a1vi .«am bis ""un; m sis ouwit " hat à se rus. b Prs.shad-"CLUil îwt vise i il; meel T.asstiowutblWu viii aàvio il. ateppitate vis A"., tsss lown, tou st over Ms g~ioaa i"te- Niy aittlites@ Pi Advell,. mutisqmcboorsa (cos VU&mVemas paontgas b lista th. iyiag car 3s betat, ys 't mes ma Tétlpas.Mme lice aiiez li <sA"mo ba4dt l Hoeop* d bt easm butess 0tia us loramu is Whta sm se saza m il as.- .1 or eile, panmae Enstusi butât sItUa k la psllmas.o BtaGmin Oms aiIwo esabwpolesse Tis sa ie qaâa bési nes"" iiMs but ut synast Astlie l ep le aï t Wsrs bnd. - shey hnast e. Clcos sass is nez *0~ Whomiaitaie fmi cUalamit Mgst Who 1le b out or 06»liai fB @Umise a ilasii1 Andt taiea tsVe de At liu s a Psr t tti ine Waw Am unedo " 37OM. ial U ,«a DRY GOODS, ail of which he hopes wil ble here on or atout tlhe These (ods were imiborted e;Prrcsly to is mat- ket to he d Mmoed of by public Aurtion, Etil' as they are a nelection ofcboice,-t.ple Goods, loy-er widfind themeelIvea weil serve. à father notification wili a par JOHN Fri.tEEL KingaSton, May 25th, 183. NOTICE T HOE endersignh.!, ai the slicitation of ",n bas Iteen in.!uctil ta open, in conjunction with an ernmnt blrch.a n t ha City, an Aeerncy Oi* ggfe, 1r the triînsactir'nof aI ordersauo NewYork, thait may bce entrusted te (hein. tnd %chicdl i a veert lm eormisai, wil l e execnted witli pone- tuauty and! dispath. LetteronpW pgW td o avoid ilicorvenmere, addretsed to the' oderaagned,cta NO1 ýNmau Street, New York, will b. liamediats- y attended te. THIOMAS HANDCOCIL & Cé. New aork, 9uh Apil, 1837. 948

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