uiai ttmdiim a fuhiUa ' sIt., w*k MM S'a mtii O 11doc, Dell ,$Oo" i 'u, hW. "d <mmd £tty o<1 *lbatday. Whla maismad 1o,,& a wui, and hbui trauch rifles a h, im m é b otn.,,mto " se. swol, Io hue cb a it p t i - gS, hrtn esca P~ iambup of ivdouce. if a stand 1w bacctaielia ics ot et f fr.disc=j,o, , ti*oeI ihe7, sud if the goveommeat aifr1hgW aic of a line ofs' luhad" uuy uil l ot SR~Ct a MUR h civdb bij*amtk u Wofldca,. hen haif M 411%w bem a «M As iVU inéua, a jèpm .W* bea th$( thore are boste persoleo pav tw 1iiibe-ploed uitht â llaeigrai. fe Fle p., an d ,svajet (heu, ge uttan ma v...A âne theic dece witk bettet lUatt," Such po i.ithrreby display their ignoeaice aM incapcrý ly4eo mve. ou Witt lbe.7 luNdi thtpiaej lima wt, gotwemgrationfront obie. Bi ~reelin itht home Dis"uetmote tsa h la~ batiOldountry, u- (bat un sha lo Ç" ittW&Y. laittrot kaoua tbg d rm wich em7igrte trouhomre oat ait c( -dvân. d 6uill1h.masse of fiai peconin, is', ii<4hW~ ttbe g~vea m t arIf thon, they hI là Ma ïnygpo aed bert, we atotje lasb@Ulotbd t ler gorme kt heir company. = =19 'Tma ms-wsytomeet thcetue in to adai âh*I d b qwwemiie maysteo f govemrme, b4 ~y sg~m'Îjn~ecUv. T ibi ! ialla, dieuc tuaaions euldeace, hing and retain ncoea mcIw oe~uE nd aeithe setw, ~bs tituge above, us <mad (bat the C. 1» Ssiost M.IPG facs r te sq -ès h fie hmnwy oftheticgovrnmmeoh7Tu Spebljr abvurd,, as thic e ~pgppo~ ~ tict the emigration is thcre f enntamareand tte Toz 4 c miwi , eý1, j l son Sau F. iead',admai.. ensm.bua perpetrated tas <cad m~hodd of folly. H.3, , m- e ts.g 00 the attack as iun am & à -ri %seotumed mua mwW!li. qua littie foeig PsM% frtlb3 a medu a tctimiuta ~~i1.séisathoo.u ai uwbt h 01 bg d leu kt.kW ris,. -sois *V"uSti ftt*eei ain ibdkct zFat 1 -am- tàg ahuuay'uw%.4 IA h-d UeA 7, w ut ~ au et