TILIPPER CANAD~A IIERALD -TUESDAY, b'O&OAER t. IMS. a vli- Lpe tig u Off sain biculuna 0f the inst the". m nuafsd iuamtigg or Lieutenant Goqumau t, veme depiâfîd le aia irusunîcir wai feliov «. heItUHour"ol jai -&% t. &c.4r EXCELLIWCY: duhifol and loyal aulajecla, ly Of Toronfo, reefa<lip Sticy Vifla reeewet eate. attaclimant t. Hae Maljmfyet renmtitt tud griysng rereemseanc e ftcepfion &Iven (0 Vou uamaulat ai tis rit, sud vi. ?.xeellency's couifeous snd tiecog altory idies uSlidencS in Youe Licel. b em"tadainb tbst addres, ~apoemrnu on Gavc. ns, npolecirumstancu Îhe 't u tability sas osai ranchfi ta <oh Pua. mou ,etcl, raeaouiq Xg fie ind moti, and enterp, 't d vih feuli,'. You Excellent- ls* namet off aluaI Ntb ,- bie calsmly. > unprecudieutrrt dilin' Iratis A'eni'a uere mavoii iency assumead thre doemn s*t liSeral causrortise0and fa; fie. hIe cordial anal m- ail thoné ivis. ae. leereafci aperity off tlue coisott mai s Briîtish 'Emnpiri-aid m-P, sa it lLreal caecm., as weil of appirciension, tir usato t aaeay ta assume lu rie- liouoiisrtirn. .edhiyei, tnte en tsm' 1h Iartofyout Ezcsieey uracicus imperaflvely calirit tgexprass pqbICIu Mr cma- tisury,aS Sale <oBtendierho' 1 mneutve Mdio cordial sur aute ps. map devis. se adupu .S. lis benoîtof ai la cf d Ibis expression ontau reia-m integait>' cf pour L-ondabia' i fecia a concitron tuât par wiul h. direetud to the ails ul coesfftsooil nigits of Br eco in loti provinces, Rud es llen teretad b, oppmr- linntii. pat ai tuaie via' irli the f re inherati a! lis dta the acco uhient Il youi mussss-flu iraqÎ" lonfli Ameracad uth lbea mural peouperity. amer oucaan, that the crds District, in 'Upper CassA » et Pak,had ved isa e 7, iuprleg a091thelate e in v k CmAii. We 98 Wirn& tebor .-[mon. dslt hieil Excelat aji. aila Matso't FIâ moi dutllu , yisd di- a Grand >qo AOr 1*9Db- p1u I»Ybowo o rfun pto I- us àif h a' i mi zmpares ilB r usioca off n alse omnera ofYu Map Msusy'a tses our ~~V4 t Emupire l hW .dt burisof joyti se o luusu a ai deuplO! ' ici, fo, . t. eabtgii Job.nIM Danel loba 7 John IM Amcb.! John là Jelt5 l& Jouluma Gruid Jwy ,tb,niDistiC14 A& rJI iri' ,Ve r P-151, ', 0W air ebbl jiaved Qui , k t PeLbyge-ci Tise ysiiot i âcre as the huat oMi cadtIricbibif si 'd toit apuaras of le niuin, lneliong catil la pur it uumeri Lord Duram11 081419 ,t'illsta a ie lr lie lapeisi Paians ba bis lordslup,h5bas a.d viii liane Quesec t thie course offfeu or1 dribtiesofiels fiat il Hajeayia ministres a sa gond la liii rosau btues, bis meascnea tbe 1î5y pluas hat Lu thea werfatu cf <the en rt aide y lise ignor uho tari baut itle au or the contry for mil Iisa ttluorty la alto a gare lu tbtt moin îs ilsexerci. Hou 'rilb atari babas t ticr in bis decisioas w bhl e reie se der4"tuncriodlrfisa aay erefl is tCeoc gul degfee tiseP"ni te patir «v Canada, thit woild etfbayyrate su te vilci bis aveu hir!y bMmeu11cm sa ahlei, mafias! of eni Tisv bsn. italuena il milldawt from bieia1 rosI id bliniroraldlab order te carry bis dei Uni.: Ibruecircula tut Lored Durama l ¶re ileeplregret theu lai rtam rapedient,i l a sarmcent in torsil ngage thuas Durtham bat icld ? emerleîey, isstt yl WoPrize 1 Wr fesi nia! snremsil falut lits te ffrar, cf Cu inay b, excutf for a in dapai. But suppse liat a aotbrr caupetent pe r.jtarn; peace and1 conidrrile tinte mu aragemets ceci b. a île imte'?nla tt reent rnstlter t at 'aton tt ff in mni reueduhetIgr -the valuf laudeit '-'ijr's mnait, cauhîr frai ilier obr ur un exctemleh cof Poiti roîRVY havns1 tuana POSifol Case fat te 111t'tcled bt a *astlj depresaona lina. annier yre, or thrm thse Ie a! oftii ac ie,waesCOaspareu 1 "rates pieen analpeu Rah h 'eaupraceedi a thir 4c tYmpaîiý 4Yp t inOunr pisi( tes anter dellzrmat, 1lIr shah bute ry bhs Xe are (nved , t« hi S11bem aisteres!,il mnr-d0. nE tise Hosi e'rs,0fmelpainai Rtie u a 'lent 5 if in hicientic Irie bern grima tht Peoc, acbenw nucbwwewmh"t iltf Los. isse mm swsrm iiaru" eo d t r mw, u ftbTue N<*y fr e ax aLaid Duba'ia murs, use of u>*oI= Md " 'bateiiy bi m rothillata hdýpée fr fr-.4 hat qqa- .loniy ieveif au> 51*îl, llm ladP88- w, fieriyai bid is0 leyl eerPmfthélieu 1Ld, d-Z7, J. P. 'ri ulotiat tyi 'by dnaseb iÀiigtut F s . P. etr au.Ld m iibçps OCsmy reljef b.tt î.pi, L quart«,,ofueprubsbuli j tkiti theVmens o(, iuo., J. P. à tie'dis la.fs viiim atottriai ai #& lag~alG.J. ld if Ni.j du,, it i li tbo cuii ld. pleays et M, ffNebsi,3. P. 0. hv is etoso îqaJ.reP. - 4- %b W a d"tuimnrai ýbonpsor,G. J.ire â s iiPslcts. avWa b . At. py Leslie, ;. P. raettl -ie%%wujmïm I'lNauglton, 1. P. *'ata1eautre,. *W9ioihhiueaatý leLeach, J. P.,mga o h . tSaasi iti t Pis JP. l! lio~',ieL~usfpabt *18 a Adteist, J. P. ~pmbs< àdEphaop aCui laa- lm& 1»véýàd illard-ai% M sd pftdaloap béod as'ev.g Md battu tu a pleaf .'tr.t listé ied Mausifeate abSeâm% Buepaemsa May tiibk th9we taie te. lss. ba, 'e mes1ilac 'lfi.p> wô tia. enduia w- iu'ime. eau te lier ifajool4a Prirncipul *etfii.amettz. Tiie tacts are her liseâe,ur»d bis danger, limkd ef lieh1sae*.Isudm as he timé <sellema.> ' à p~ar., amY i lbtea fatca,' ui"ot wnlja.ani ti)A, OTQIE ~Z l~8 a .y o g irtrgqmal »Ydanser. P.e. AIR dbssomîtmsui au sue ebold nf b llectfndtmPmufti s agi sUMOeta" oulcae; Atsloce. ipevd faidest atrfiéa hawnti? uns. fiai d the âwt1 5D rtcle menVmsorm" watbstrilirnt td~ a l Ruwtie l.muihi lie ac.and alhwsiste. s.nssrtuiti.clr &jut, eaeep.1 le,&Cdone of charactar id 0,91 m, sa u l u made. 1 w. ezpremcd a hope 11sf cf s et i sini d ho misas ofuusm-*»t continue in bis gorerrunnt, mqe m b ael eeh j sernt icidai pesaçeeringa in have beau mala a tdel4asm ai t.'eey eut. rifappeara, however, shatd uc4be llqa se worib detaitlon. 0f thatg leaded on etuutang homeeen lé#ltiiige A l "Ob ta bel b, lg ýfor Ilaghtui lthe Malabar 09ittiot and bluedsingMWud ieouctb. cilsii twecedaa.lia LrdMpi as # mteta cure, va have seo. enugi; but1 if fit i4 net seppaiteil hy be tu ftht t e4 Wtib ai re pqustp ta <ose- sd lb. pauliM*eot, ar rtioerafaea, Sbd ao<iapeelallp eqaiilte har t leu ry, as his anoveeleaotsviliib. e buit~SOiitgliowb. more or leu dlacrcdtlcJmi'Y17 Ët ile. WhOa b is aint floup* 1 amay jodge emust essentiel te utrj rmuméfa-aM4ubut umetMa mor 0117y may b. ceieindwA fiasmere bravey must h. eli go« a i( suce sud » tke f ue VO l P- Wtu afad dliroe. Te a. rquantance uli th e peope- som ff oitbfs 5'5 im l aere«,hu lic the7 profesa ta lgsae O 1dslp,"iesea#ýrva fbhe» aobit fnbOO weaklail vu., fis.e u@ ls ps 100ea"le metle .Of la liu cbbabmIot,.Ti itv taie capiainezospfiion"0i.fttl,- Mne. brasuiould znougA b lible r a.i the t biêtromée poti. f e il. etthu«W "if, à"n«assnes ilie. q- *kdee tt .- tiI. it. Sercila til bivu e t dsby a? 1nes poitondtutst- 5i >1 5etstamtsaalu-lequeutes o hiaieif uithout pmdmaiag dciedby tli.wloutseise uat i laMr.pMI sxsry, or puimoing ta -tan>' ubaev e ceatd uttitihe 4 issrfes.- liii ini., Ha . le quesion eclil us, ofcourse, lthéosa &king that bis jmet h f oume d lh ag h mb, s pend fLir judgsmewas ab1 1tit5..thtI,.Es.huesa oures and <ellfrjf5gjel e a, apia:separafua. sud repolalivre.su. id flic. jugé 4flimV a ~ ~ '" rilisg at defacisi .pdo.W. mg e aij Asit, d At ti iffereat me"it sh, . aqifo ulua. fia I6 mjectUS b. am,, W.val fle support, tmugbis t < civ.a m--a- é ovS' OWh4tO55 le geen bhl m lrequsid mâ ad-Wd taoifste maby the caladdleb lshe b gi and theia lont .fliict. eupa'a.r fagse.Tiicandidates . moj 1t uaw sitances are solu tris#ed 9Pmll fpqotteopea",sd usete 1gong ta retura bonntMdiss t a li'.I.dblue lectisu. enfa liaIhivé ,éudft.sî . adrous.uf ewm*.ullc. uiua if eut aMusupi. ïFo rbie d fiS lee" ndi é rltlls*bibeuiiéd Who ftla crampeleu At 4 ieb e ,aSai. Bless ol, MWuse u b. rompisi tha al h iMLord $slat aele. ute lb. Ceiw auv, qonolmi, There are meneqlulal t i , amut C"I" ludcspsoffthlt fiat quse" vu *-ý 1 he is tîsir ti<aco de m" d " goulu thefie esperor mpae 1 kopelss, even deaperate ce-. tué..Aà F.titohi ua t net. Tirehave bai ecsbti.quoo *er daovwaude o . rea le ths atteaupta te.u s- ~(3- 3. C5tss gbê4> )Me feinlits male, thet thc D(tacot*agàins aSSise thi e tmId.f.. Osi eunmé MfLfl bandon3 ail foettfel cist a"S AMim- @'5Tist l.uî & duciqdedie. -f she Ognïuueee ,v , mèai tq UeBl u notie: attempt l aà uacd fecteH aly.aesd b, iss-imstuntis_ > etron la fournitaho cegae is Neost ta b. sppsogelite *outa iffli V"roperitv ta Canada; et agaous lautetlc i fi h e ,eaIuIsý' ««-t met lapse hefore tlb. riqaisîte M. C. iis vusnet th.re Z Point t. tsi Smd, snduwht ietWU ibas %bslcierb iiajn Ib6addrwis the country ta b. epio a titg Tu nazmert "MUFA@tesale bether te fr another p e? Emi%-.snete bave Bniob st .up"oretbpudls Prvementsrnaspekded ;-bia- s'hd'*""h~i à%W maraliâsd élis saie sappi, orf pressnasm& taet u l*et a8lul , , *se a r ef a ise.eauegw «oAlldtes . tii. faima naiiiY agitated, sud ilives'ti tisralttubve ueuir, at of buinesta Ifleua suaag iteserve5555s et latst*fts iral trife ;-ani tise *baie te lie mons eteesa#oU. . . 4?I adt fro enir th.lmae ai f s s dom t liaau*t yI te aielceasly veilleg t. hlu.saaspE.uttlu nighly send. la this Wai A ~mi",-ea -1ébsilt ad incraasuog j"a<oe. WiisI ticlbuiL ' , even langer if Lardse.a)tW seorsrp iq is.4a 4 Lords ai dtenimi - "'Wati ieiuêuuurmu~~I l colonies if a f ie".th'* hs h.badue- mitauw M. nsh uty pass& ion.LV .* * lOIffob 'or couaaueraf ion is tcet Iii. « *84,tp*iJFe*9A uUS in. ailI have ne the siulibEkua,àtsig.lsa~gse izn&" friesa~. ~, aem theis bqIat* 'alahMm lpie-3t io, lhe retnencs vlw a. cit* b" 4Sb5b*u*<.1i itruggie in boA.Nb ,8fje.ebtii @W_,ls are( Ippy ho fini fiel vâssuue <5w Jm but we gpeatly feriiie9éi~%~.oWmmWo ata clis lait bard, S*J«d Wbv acen ioii 4» f lt 1atlY caudiy CdNETO#0U* eof Lords. T. &à..; T« hbsi âtmosndaâÏs aikW. L . .'mpe Io dé tà* o sii . * Maltheb, vol*E h bthey h1baSai sijý@cti@@r anfih ,,ather tus. tir e ti .et7, ~I1 .busoff chat th" yregardedas»ses eous 'ioen-fce. flou t " havielueure war*vc"' ueed Mt derlms. Thyic, yteb.vise n rtte. MaleUC MING ON LonAIDtiRIAws, RESiGNATZON. ., In parsusureot a requistion siduýgeâ intaie iag s hifth 'inab"tes , uiclebois e. ysterutéy staooo in the (:Dort Homse, and vu'as umaiy la#meieile eid er ta consid er thi oe iett aofai- ieslg bisorshipi ani requesting hum talre-. imals i ltie Gorcinat off ILese .alocie,. INe Mecli ses.ganizrd by lamli.gtbe Mai- ort ie chair, and appoinfieg A. MaPlb, 14q 'lÏ fleRs.katieu *as. mred liy J.& i-i teoht Emn->-ad seonded by Anhon M-aihau and in os Ilulova 'Ravheiý-TW the .Cesrgy, MawI~as d i éther iuabtaets off to Traof! M Klegtwrnles., va re mba in Emcllenc "flc tM«rii laaida lataretire imasditel, rtrm 1h Caruecu ai Ettia aNorth Ameérlo , au oeent ~eiiriqcossIei:Vil! léia roueia itsacasse. V4rCs*ewtgliîre akdt balfishelate pcaséed- CP ine inoss o r " bailcamaS pgra is- qssfi.ufis oto-hfLerd Diau hbe mef là 11 ogmoly sir« ,bru off psrtop uaes-.~a1 mii aquoat clupao efoi- 'elu hart , onecein bialaasiahipl bdl* asd'frla1iém TWfatesalgesovaibbMsLoS- a oui lprui; efem m qgsiul y ble1 uiiowsg tnt va seust tobdcpsed aith Doas. ishd exceeded is paots, hlacuJad- visevert.mmntho lm ibahoair.s, huai lb. nîdiennsce rplineil ai via aimrcifoilson, aud ti. cours puruu by fhe Provincial pvrrnents in bath Pravinces wu merclfal, sud suglt te bacc b. au mmade aheilotisacensurs. Thatlflic camuseacastopan Lord Duimma'a ordance wu fotrouss a- neparue. off indspoadet aieS cotit! accept the govammesnt aller is Locdabilh' resig- natio erdeuocinwàudace.. M: Csiwrlgbt, md me m Aeesmab s Ile n e i.resletion, whici veto ellruclved by tia meeting. Ils epuomi Rem*" olo. MOvaithe'B l oa. ým4 Elh ses&boic> a nsd sua- oaoW b Ju. Macterhans, Eq. ; and s laUmmil: 5em-Tbat nuL rom:;: viti o loal fol W 'i uhs he >,PaLe odymi opfdtiaiflas, ý- . Exceilerna the. eminenly calculatsd taaW.&U animostei, te ru- mmoa pesos and @WeailinI u'esgthee and per- p«uotaie ouemalo*vb fe Moher Ceuehry, te ::" 4M mosd~aam cpu omerpial sud as- prtumal resource sud antagea,*34theyls . traductio of tbesp uuwî..dsa.ti todnda ui /of th. MM.Fua-Coq.sty mmrel b>' A. !tdl , 4, serodat t. Amaslmqi Vai, plui c vut ta coniemate semu- Mty thaï;fâbi ea bva le iii rabeis leLover TWmuMdmestpgaise e mma Sa- paf, m if. Mnsin ami' e e ho . Poqieof lu e m sladcem . l.». 00i remarii bah uma inas eOhmae tfiePerde.of the. rsais, mon bepft talok em thti f. nm fivourablo ey.,nou fiat ficit exciei foelleg. b. onawo.: la Fimec, wbaes éseolfleese atirab sa"d atak i6 gg cocu, as, fes- quadulet cee, feu have @@oued mOuhfis ecatiu P.lui theouftwy, smnsfty suramis i-ui"d fl alt oeuiet vers aoahedy aslal spisi of cleasacy. The. ameadmoat vu vilsu- iaevn,'cua verbal allaraflo. binlg maeihelb rosoltio, *a»i t a gilvcautov. 1%8 liard lsule. unmoved bp 16. mmn- 0isauucmjlsby Mr. C. Ànusrouýg: lb. siject off 48ee a'fs_ uamlP" Iesl cei mo opersla unsuediot of amolli' ktpe *M.y, lu"a uit -ua eeoisd ialtI ff ohmemy, bu firv.uraAiste lie jmlly li 'flus et "li distor - essriliihdwes5t m assanutre Lgismarseff tia illnsun du, ubllt isu vilecuaaldgmdtts is as. hvebée uekesi e.le biahalusul aOm ta tie mlsfs mm, as rdiance woâjusUl hibtolispesest s ut' Thé huath Uesoi«us v" ouSb, Mm. Cash, *uighleefd b, iaopIà4 n8 - J.1e5-batvial.veforisatuiaor 1w6 eilatdiataloâ ithe ewee4 làaiwilor WMOO Moments 0111til. »W latom vo 6ksseuse 1 le, les àwr. 14 wlso1m -m f"boe &ita*~IeusMd .dBnVssi s. *.arl Ukil a tuethée làs, ..;Oe pindatig'éldat'ha BdU' , . C 411W t~eS afi-doé usk mI5.tu#talPS4Nu4 el s <se- piq mullatel =I emaie publie. Ata otet uhn bc wu about t. iesmpwof thom plans ubici bb eeatu moa, pa rit b": ikqmdbe it iberî ¶baud, anS ai 411;à fr tî b. Cmusdu.lie ~Émae peest, liaitb. rirent lllio en M rqsaah anf. pd.e more lepii-F lu m, gi ixeot mi , 1101 k li taa>sul 9iisjrmah-.tb.s. cus.de- tttre ad r4,in bulais e c~apSa, Wmesue. PiOg t t ~5frapui ,.I« laro ilts tàà*%ju 'dfI tii -4le a isb. ' oieu sa ue Ofqetye selou. .putbn = red aUluiliî ihoislivif be mie, ms (. i ag flamCpe- M1îcidicos -i orm trem uge huine. Tatlesulfd Yvsas.là E ie ua et 7 oa>Sko i'tb a psqOe fio Mtaud lsth. dm mgo op ta-el1it e Caoadaaodwillvbhl tWoff Nswtck, visathee Psu. .1 ski t I r a hWairaumber of bigbj 9 egctablePem= M mité. cafutt, aSla o#"me .aimidiou iaaptablé *szeuc in cbmut5,et lisogecaument stfu un. ilpeia i t k frpsp-sinaBo Zîý t the bwtt, 1 - &W usUef.e.sa bass issuiu,and lb. aou- lus f tat liouai atuml W be *em r a xesrand saIt ifto Ci 6 taUki. >a li émlât fcfb psu es.have agashde pie W BM% t iés uheid ~ s.eslue, nsefmut , aii u rsmsk vIsaeta vâuIBt wed mousM .# riMW ý iaisa N JWeè >cdj Ef t" funaid fi.bad Eeily,'uU b. geai- rifiau ;sso examine i<eth fe pa"WiitY, ma ~domi jauclstl b OesoEsM N La fer budaeis s AsnMUIa.Sud ticfUor piiless~ia.~t Isuslégmees M.77p h At et Tssny te tà,. um* L I bS boa#. bej. * At eld hs m ~iL 41 wuile FA. iN RPYJR, Legato, 28tiSepfembet, lUS 21 X BFI.r blD ABSOW»?rTrNTO> .~EWGO ODS JUST RECEIVED. ¶'ffab.albc, beg fa mfom tus cate..: am h olegeneusil,, fla h ey bhaver.- reiueS ti Fa.11sma Wsater auppy off FAWCY send STAPLE 000DS, uhici regelad f a lfe OM. rs, a mnt-twellà uuleMib* r isse- Iu~eâsrlrîud.y inam ldlth mtiiinih, uUe elM imison ibo bealc1 tirais, thb., oce- liaS la dci tisu ta bo p t ca pr.bdteui- W»àly lm auhcaijua lae« ddsfot tiir tey ia;setithfi WbWipadesWareb.u luFin t .4 set rmemlp occupleu l r. MoNablu, mau j urg fis Gui- cecq stamo r. .Chate.Is uhir fie7 par- WHL~ LE BUSINESS; meet.bing wvu "eai * f Subduc ltàiii, "Sd attehd" bb bpslitiesl p"e~s, itbwae- tils wse pmd aile .....osé a In- sfimet ______ Ta. foiwbtm m eanof tad jlubnc'a :spy lk tii. delekIOa f.m theLester Ptgiace% , us ce 7f¶oMe Is 01Spsudence of the V.uueWa «Alla'té, omsasserbail lues gs a >tii.dete- ptes, J'ffd Durhamu> poke t.ti hin he oiiut d;lueres mner tise mm..teS iu.,apu lis setimenammrsfally B"ahaliesdd e lebobis writtebanswer. ne ttaaked ftit titis ptouptness i n MPl>-i»Sgwutb bwis matakteo mP i~ethm, fer the pulpoteof cortulg m the lfst4 f e i.seuerai province& lic un bop- py t. id that but orne sentiment ltevaill.d--a de. t.rmIios smm Obc np.obud ftou FÂ.doei- the. hôme of th.l father.Ilia lordiip sMid tiat apid a&l the ierplexities wbic ad ssnoo.dd ttMI ,c a! fitend cosolation sand plemu., in 1-l&forraid inothe prospect off a settleus-a1 of 'fi mdimicultije whicb prefented theauaves çvel t tp, Tii.colliez tqedicv 'fis duoe14q f he .lower ravinesawas, a sth4ect un u b Wbuat eoe a gondl dcii of Ibougit, and lh artente . tord l as that sous plsancorn bo ad.pted wba a wutd ast *atb posm, r suiiremgibei <i.bonda of the wb ,tola. elie;mît 9bu lqry ofuthe g world. a Eze Y Wiéohrked that M mga hi,. nt.d theusoleeinîtbi arran;si tt0 aisbat lhos.nred the delegatfat bis?' aasewosld hbile . btii. m of the . wàl ab St h,1rlst9thpt oth eadd h umnU ave buS Wtb attentio sy buut Wi mhave ebutsUhroit foawaiLmai * dthat whtaaevr ludid I belLadobe. o,ee. 4y ad I ygk i>avur wnld hlu make ns.nd 4. <s teCna»y Point ; 6sfu thfe.lauigeag bcie tuss htb. Enpenr of PAW14 wbeu hliesp siao*ta tuât court, aid thîttcours."d Lote ia 81. m"ilsthogh 11fr. shnluded lo the Cseadss-add ti.y Wse v.ey iaperfutY ieown by flics.at hou.e. Hlsea.very lattA, abont Moiuulhle in EugIan. le camne out, luopsu, pot te gratify bis mme pauntalfeeliqgsbut le obey thecom-. maiaoff bis savereigts. Mi vies off Ibis coun- ftry ici psfl>changud mes.h.bouaomaquin- ted With iber emrur..,»d githa i btler anabs.;sd wbermer lu:iit 2 euIled, suad houssemcpl',ho.s"Iud alwaye cluuisii au ident ulsb for tbe pêMu>t7 Of tua voit County. 14 waibesahisaiu Md B60desiet bject of blilalsboNta be able te.infsba hie t 1 beru& 'U s. uIow le Briisbh l Ameiica mugit h. ce ued sme oif tb. richut <&-a01 ber domiimo-tba thei.otiu.Ppulation ws.in M" pe i bA.off- harmet7 jaud fidsip, sW t1ai *eh Party vasma SFg wuhCi ruimod = a utehe gond oetthe ubol Me licham nefst feougit inte actie.on m.ualu us h"VegslW tended for lhé gond offthecoutry, but i.i...Of FRElpSILARRI VALS. 3 tbe particatr attends. off bisecuslaucr tevariat sudnhep»m aof bis freah aqpisf«rthe sUTr" e PftuClothu, van vcatiugs, &uped Clotho sud Casmernes, Panay PriaseMd Drsses of the suai . eleflt omma~e îfs bgt Blifflesud £gueâ Ska, iefs, gsud't nhdatlswlarsaa% ths asicisimbushm fls.esr a thh. Market *A4a ALT, Boêtsud ufper LEATH #s~~WNEAt, FOTA8H sud P.OuIL 1a , se AUCIWIEU& CNZZjSION ue!Ê~ Ur M bd cW. Mm vEn Sï Rlin Jip~mva, le enc tuf'~I smlyuoh . boPa iwCEthi M.ps~. ~nuu.AC....i. lba s.4 k lmanas. hUsae. N WaI *VolWuma( ta imam»a ~ s of i ICI M4 ARNII'CONTRtACT FOR STRAw. fo w aimais. Lrgataow lias..Ilusacet i tdeh .Poab Oe Luge- tert lioul , LSuick, .d Deponde.- osas, 18,000 li.,iedff &ea,;.119 Mi. sci, h b. delycei tir aie Cootor ai à" i ime »d pwlae - &a lre4,ifiri ly lb.eDaak Master. .1 e Ténte&' goeé Iite in luc.ray foi 'thicli pecàaatSo f li;b. iijl M e uovo,& -*Qe il*dfor tii. pe-formtnS of -ti COKIt PARLOR STOVE.S- Ofraro, pattem adZ n d or ç~e~ soaperiorosa- ing. 110. Clm ib yes foil hc.4 complet.. I eg ivhIIE "L"ÈA», Î1Ibo. eacb., * Nagls,28a~t. S. MOidLEY; fo Blài!tsIm ý THERS.. - FIEOlmNQ'sCOLEOZ " m 1r~oe.p5 aud aukiffcitSuretiel INIrthe dq'çp2e. formauce of hie onrmtor Cprc :nd te "Y .çn rfacéiCohlm-çt ta ho umbrcl. n irectcd ès abue dc cribed. -_: Tiie Cotincil rewetv t.t> alà Vc thecright of dccidinS w chçraq ofib, Teiiders iiic macïh as tIç1cwi and flic7 do n in ac M&st the lowcut Tendéki 'had thé± .4 put isfid of *0 omp*«Ct fw1 ;ro1 )~rordi dhèColege 4!149 bift eotch fl eettam;~fa.. -2j9 ;trI ' i'I g~r v-.- - - - - - - - - - oseo Fm mmum 10 mmuntm 10 MIc AuxOSSU wo IAV, el ý *L a 1 -4T Tbýsén Upe. 0, lS. them **»-nmdv emeloted and-woold al«M im- 1 A- fi. . 1 ami m - ý ý'o - m. 2! ýe».« i ibl - ile-1 "a ë*ÀW14 ý 1 - 1 a 1 - 1, commu 1, t 1