4 I IflC L, ÂUICILTUR.AL p Jg N D NO Pt U MLiSuE r T ~ I ~ L U I T K T B S M ANU C91WECIItCi L oIJkNvAI 'tERS-FPTEN MITLU<CS PR ANNUM WHYN 1PAIX)IN AUVANCE- ~IOrJ INIBONUPPER CANADA, TUEBDAY, OCTOBER 9, ][m[aH.&z. PWee Poriîr. Nw Swa«U, Va&. IL achobt hihIr ia Il seti enUre, $et ut 'V PRILADICpg,, 0%4~ 61kw Tcenîy Of 'ln ndPéi 11, d of<te CUsier la euh!ma *i7ej P'mlsunumt Bot arr ola & HOLDEN Nos. 7&r Dock 8trce' 'TO CLoras. i lT- CopIas af thcCre r 'rIs a1 Osp. ARYAt and M, vu'lo e -Yopie tiC5. da ithe 0<MT Cjit M aa Filai, salue m and i hllinga cucseacy. d&. payabls in 4 o<lIL au ive de for the S pl . H. SMITHI. X VERy TUESDAY, Wu. a. M ET ai. Street, neariljeppeahd amlcingf4os Uppecals clU bs lthWâyreceveM~ galilllapecannum, (exluamt a aioc, andi seventeesasliâ s iftat pai in admvance. Mmea seapomaible fac Use psy. j ah"i receiv mue gra"-a or a greater numtber. aintimnueil mmlii amran axe pWd n of the PoblIsher. iont, m b adefre" <poi tlt ail Lette,, on buiessn to bu H. Beitie>, Praprletar. et obbewtelug. r, Um 6, lirst insertion, eud 'y1 m"tij. Tom liaa ad ami 114 and! 10à. emeii solteu a lin, d. per lime bo tlai fi Il Unae flac every aubiqeî il whtkict criticu irection i dag; miv.iti.uea tu b. e- u imston e be deiesclà ieg the iay ofF"uioolm AGENTS. A. loaamu, Eg .M W. J. ifica', Esg. P. M. àW. EsecIe»B. . m. Johu. Aleua. aM. P. IL .Johnia , I.~P. IL j. MsMazrays, hiq. P. M .1. 13. Biao"e, Fsq, P'. .-3 IeN viq. .W.M . . LBaIin. P. 15.~ Il.- .. .1.t Dr v-ae irls Mr. DmlU5 W.S.CiIWO 1. -w W ,- xm a? c1 m ST4NZAS ouI OTAL mSILIY u 41.4y "F-~ os euluI« ilbA~ m yîr VCasset miety% lIflOsipeunw int 4p~gvmiuÀ1 jun,iwug sM 46m!sRWif bY Me', T. biop er bmuteaes e dbaserada - , dde~' I sévut . a$ a eu.4 py@ L.e anduibuu idt.?o Ile am dam! Lbemw.oWStaOd gme& ibrbli jac e-i i h b.spuaI. t,ii!lisM fl#W'bona WIfie, WW bgledthie dwludg.ont f dr-éli A.!ad i n&te"SéIiy. 4» le pabm" TOhe l dUfridt.-Toul vd arai utr et J~8 pneinte weamaket. e -mvbea u- go u t ..lmeavu ie.mi "I be blelg iman à Jeuaistgam i a uitle fo te Mmet li!iiorh . Mld.a. Iloisttsa del bA Thbe pEuhm ud, M> ricsdai aouM Wgi a of toaexellet "loty. If a.moto " . danro oury lawbereteau a pt. cl ta in. ai- tato re aig ent wheooinhfâteta nthiî e"nom er"pl', bugame s fueiet he rftsiag rams Lbin. Rocheater N.Y. Whocrm a dmsmm whete. oodtooDIinl.mzwSS n orc fil n he art reva aýot e t u-m dis, l t lntens daffectboiS.the imiiemm <rantfrait e &. e orgyinsme plfue ix.u ceptd o mAt lieu"otheqmliy i temc.Mera lie ae rand erop inere a b. pinil bukso o ilporlm, ur ve aboill ie a e.rtion cof t.o Nvttce cli vu Kobave Wnmuagme.(ya lag. red yteay if.Povidene.looo e out aiesmioatarnsan nut atieou liitet chr tock s o ihaiand cor.tsnd a1IVe- 4o fet oef i, te ttc (mageij.re o t mloh- ded, an stdelf aea neve wicihe ihavb.eaude sorti suilagnas t piset, foriuropt.e bucbeau itrata bsas, <t, &c. <rlegmnfcly a..pm Ot. 1 wîi lcs,s tic7 veieceian porton . onr theionur o e.plgbg nhat hr Upoe ae bele . balti Yeatmcls bac* a treart ny hgtbtcout c rovdn. Look a f4 hada, y toka f wet faditt ad beau ela- feJt trito iare da e by <iedOOgdtlytnu and> ant wth ereons, avîill rdbthe m hveobch à&péch isesbruýadae o ur1eabusiea tina thlyes a toa cm ulyfond fcule, ha sor bâlb tcidem anohtepfir oel e it*isMd. loe aére ed, lavwe le1tWla yemea4aont goftePn aie touigo-mda ts'.mach e auml, evRth e reld otfa1ttec "agi iene' laeit lmatmttdvuatfy ea. Iva M eriY hm hdeilmeu' dm7le twclIm tingt ld lstoa gu otand c uoie thud tewwith caen en, Ih< lMac. m ttstty isu pitcsmey fnd0<cth", me (11d Yti'acoideattent fmti ra. th ela <sy oi. I'l 0'd aIaf stmed, h iiu iemb let àtmtk hog C nefec ntui go ta efa aur sahlt, a lie" tIi grunita m lan he toateliag ttc inIp erîc£, adfaiole daPe. Ictel fY i rrye atail pu t t h n o to li. pe. - ,vez thmgtî '1aite vrlMW Og3Oci al atMele m5 .tt dtymtm. Iaavpe aie. tlate P<tenttJean mga) fmtsa em issnglyhe, lol. iFor Rte gouramay isete blee tae cet rtat.6nmd oc vrytene. li lrite pub uiteeltya Ouc pdrtu»%L-(Psm ougoM. lireds whiC il ot imax e owUme * dtf are tsiedai od ewng adepiikyfuuea 41tpzmtiang il a,ni s h er Imh e laid eit-ahilaoutoissa lIe antiran fcat mmd lbcAdelimei. àiOrrlic ytu raDiave ther t eu ava- 011,ttllW o rcal mgchr hueuodpea" do titis; ail ncee..igt ste ~ratimg eh. of t.. r o 0 le, rin the R aenermutaion muartier ohf a m. me e oull a 01out ailyi prove imathe qq$eu* "tbo rd a' leur, but eveua if Wmilmi 0 Ctjged, Weall ret cru i e ilto gOmaa te W canotorhfoer ttA .1 of" 'a r ae ush e have bot ornasutthIL. Oscmcga- a.v7j oMi~ %0 g e~m u be 'd; n cia.eeusImle l WAWImy, ~ te oemmy bliiu*MW j l e gmalv et 1bm la4hm,. vd Zmsui"Y mà.ri 0A mseb4, plat s * MWs il% - È!y- -b-u -à * nijotml hi vitul U mulMil.a t i tas etlahl b i àbeq nta *eVb.,hive elb a tlatip a~j~w i.lb tgad .M wuàb d i s e n me * & l a d l'ho Wachu.. euoghte sisetm ebWub. oeh -jusb risomas..et . FAouker]- me" »d hie M<r.SÉlha hrdI tîs n Atte mem i *f!.it hl 0<aqtI m di thi 0b ete.ti ib ai b~m ui lb. =ru ans h*ui, With àse aMoj mtiem sa lbfstmy. b UdM-ipi. pl. wy mv. qimiit- sdi7 lb hm» istca bb bU oi f art; ci 1h7bail snformed by iii. emomut of <lb. . aaaqa m lysadisllhulsab gmdo. glat4 "t (Wuc Pm mbhEkcbc, Vo @Kr, lb.wud am e b. hcsptd in lb Perftt rsgaiaty in ubicsti tri &Mlaid--boiagfoud laid, likse he ditof a ciccle or lith pbs t wheel, vItiatheir t eth e taaira mail 'bia huadi outvmiian md tht. pad.dop, lier tm û«1ev vihlacat he isme nohule. Tisen»er.aoc ca Votiona-o, mmm .ouwhleh t» dirt wtt takeft; but he DWCme i wu scrad p ciMfthéemaufa lbe w 0i sarurr"mng _Cogn. Te iIluar4te tii ha relmiai tatact vi mâmby amsesmapqoin in Alextadrlinu£grpt Ome of the chie&s t. itbond aite bu"ais Imen in tb MiJalof aam, onres c lu il«oe. ta bCil Mmd, clé- - 9 t. deepen lb dcm i oscus ar thé aren wu t e miii froua tA. dock@; am$i toc<hapuro.. <mpelslb tépoor vamesu and chsli rsa te fom M-huin he"me styl a ltbwe hutlm et miiau Mer te »W r.guus, ad tbmstbLirpaesleaSg lhasrend lit moimil pila TIse Irmailan maUy emicti in <loir uame liebatesa~puuy vsn nbit f* Bd. As beola qsaâ. iti. Aufnltaa SMO et thlb.m ppemr tbhave lias mia*de- feote lbIwevWOemit uthé peue'ucs<ie- lem.Se . â ara elmg04Mb»mèsi" ix l eecmteceu, mai«ceau-bomilest big4a daw- Ver cby aeneipu by me" e bainr, vhich msgbtb ldwm %q., lMMeutie.in Tensmme) e>avcy mwmicet MWihelts th &-e .0eu - pumltkruumý F ift i ass a ie< eioeu. Neàrmime < hmem ionm pieo tem. imi pitb mm.0" exacta at.ep~ecl aote n mi W- la b"o,«t» n.tuuus Mid «ete. l. heaÀeki bt ho.89%,&ibevwu et lamdcd in F"Mchmaontes. htmdgci jeanbelo lb etteaa et liié ma to<mcin chicis wua tummucu wilbsdaekçie fence. liw pet uduirlsb y be biasemon ore.tcmea la.., ver, a msviére, euley iEcuInMr ld.. bvsu joosummgim I v:rcqi ed bj sme0 lb eeuntr toft me l abs ermi buadrel B witAUIo<SwUU dancâ&&W l oo afflyoaoeu hbu be nexeavete in le Vmut, amimau4mjl imttumm<bonsd, tA& of0<boas-s emrrios*#e or a hablé, crvsdla Ivesy-mlret ae suate, tc. as the assf-i i. smyl ~ in mcol 104 Mn.lt Oram Iet$ i : empea. w m a le sudm >430nfau e C bMCu> Iit lgOma u"; busme attbu fl aeit 4 apmi là"i tva sb~li4bi. epo mmautaems t S Sb X-. 1 tIl mou" eIt.~ lbv 1 ut hobut h* ip * ,s I Usmmi or** $l Mbumcmsa éwmài A seI h M, Sleb *kmn valbee-b my Ofuai 0am-i, 84 sba bsiM bilé <117.alii 1 s cm et lb $dt("= a biel aigu- " m va1 bw--mi ble" OMM" e.biuem e mms *a, spor" ldmOIWà<l amisel et i usu bbW mImm-bb eai~ ea élaci la o e I'~i1 *. omes, sag uo, vilcmm uruNl vl ri WeeeS" bq u a)Bb ix qeaotisy iooehetd tiommil two ndrsi Mai thrtj'-tco ldo., of chicb there vme.slip. nP direclta Esglanit 20,7.3 hua., te S'olland 1901% ani te Gibraltar 404k9 ; te the Heie iourai i other pate et Gstmamny 2,8AUlié., b fot- bld .2730 hd&, ta Fccucbposa 1M; ad go Deigue i%138; lb e nidue bseg ipewaed to forw an sw.v the vriai. Thtexpert 0<mmeas- t4",ai $Iseluma;ofamconîthe.la calimalui. (ii. wu tniO a te 'mcltla rth Amer- in the lb.chltr. Tii. Brut paer eai W!é *WcdlWugrticmdtAs prn im ,unavnstle Great bd"tAi.md itam, by tii. 1ev.fil. . Juan, li. A., tâte Pilow ocf Magimie,.. College, Cumkidpe. TIc paper w mtae.piw dfiOas the bs4cPi ivt. mu wms bite documents 2 CeUomrhw de- lapett b lbr acmues a. K. 2,1 fi" m d itth t.vuue ahipe wlUo £tw ; 199 cellege innawith £1 5,M'<; 885 bandlea and lacawbeous wilh £136,MD; colége'revenues, £152,"1 , and ce- ceipts for sent of céemb,£11 730 ii. eveuffl of Cambrige, containing iï cotiegem, la for ut awalnumber of heanis, £1%650; 431 felloet £13M; 179 eollege o6&ena ith £17,760- 232 priu of he vneOf ý;591 beelcanmd ameumbomp with £, £,.r rent o<rassi., £15,- M0- md ëlesla- ti th,&Z f iiay éu mcia £%» - 0 5 £I5w,MS 0 t>M£%»; 0010 calti.g oies,,,£10$fl; e2 beeeflces Md imeumbents, £9,M ; vntlof men., £2,«G; mmd college mv- Colonel B. Potilimi, lb. DrllaMrister in Cach, writes le, afrienain muLondon tIti . Mm- unj buw eothcutm±bmis ni, and ila fowarding te.Ip fommCa"« absrt40,M1>0Iode-Scythic cmoNlýwhien Ibm l.dhâajk researche of Mr. Muason hbave broug bou1<t it man; fi Cmbas> W Immd d . ii a H~kemamy -8eyth ucaing,, usit~duugdyauties of 7we.Umliaedanet il.uwm ha.-Mo l ptad t M ew amusa which t origiotea, a&idego n is **y reing., But lbe viewu' ch th iise mera ibave tokacd0 te mailer, sdte recepaoam Ch b si4w m a b AU l at ig t met wtuh in lathe. N" se -of Csut mais, aOamo ol fuIte, luoduce fait ,rnnfecféliwra Isas tent e lcbas a deerve.! freu snmd tanh A stilb deerne.! w mi steutai ia e -ag- - Sb" e&àfate de s, andico«iuuAleho a ut bia p sik datoc «W att l it A ciippit i Bactis, ip- Mosasof retgmag indig u, A. uilIl el " 61à in, the w retig4m sM4 Ahi strag beoMir, 'b. Tisa tender vida ilue wi tb a""eo, am a i= eme ater igs feelngs, iluadeisisoteaié soe t my'm ccm ly fo c <la., bill a n m Wm. ea u s by d bi te v e , aM diC te irte'a aie B at as ra m a foc iti la etabiis"inlatheaspeecha et Lord Jehi Basset. hat . i ae.v.aeltubl in f.sll ndai n I.arg m et; and lbe sd ae s ofthea At ýOalr iQatee l e SvlimmIllleub; mi ISOLA NU. 101S Edrc!frm Mr. 0'Cvsmdts apecctic/là' Cco. Etchage, DeM1i%, ugUasdIr?, 111 comaenoW te lb (Atmda questiona. -Ijoisae e ilhheb Cuiddcala, aod I ppoeesiLaci lM, 1 uIl sael m brat cokftuim tlaeisi tlbpover 0 i p osug et tleir Ou . m o ey, b t We,ïk a bq & eut ilto ata of violouce,mas« that bt i<dve tIZi!, gave op au iitestat thea s 'mtia lLoli Dur- beau wet ot mmougfanu. hâbae oftq Pt- çcimmed (bt am tea me oelof a cura"et; i <IÈ on'umamtecbile opinion Pitj <bat itm Isdvo cipA m ain sdl eit blà tia " q ls libechies thst annmgluandin a eesi ft E , ta cher.<btheeg"le hava suaiuc;; t. ic Violence, "hand miebetionry hey incariabl> la- jure tiscir auset ad put l thèeeijc * ceee& aIs Oe rigîr. Wiiericcene ttendia iia fcx- gie for fcacidoos aa nlltry ducipotiab t.l«i>,vcie caicà iesfihand sI iuîia losik itA iL. Wb.a ansacaofl m ms rcml an '1", mImlae d pu.. it of ru 1 . rrus and taaguinary fgo <f MlaW ty a no<baer fellow-cculitrymeni are tet bote uP" am<teiople, sa i a atinotritcm th. sala' Criseanmui atttuates uticli Iilla. I a 37i notleitlaywilig the talat sauise stoft £564 bUrksM mipla. cf peae ; and, by:Ibcma,,ia' IteiCI~aeb- tr cla aui alsbrdty cliclo sac~ ~ ~ ~ U ce.celi7 tui>'o h c ti.! asf Con- 1. . .. fS omem o moom o r ~i m mO& 1I - 1I 1 l # 1 -T , . 1 F ' I ': ~FI~ 4i~c 8pp~'v &irnz~ia t~evtzi~L -a r 0. or Vbt. 251 Fe 'raz Taux à» tis -ua EMojs~AM Xcse latquint vhm bu avelled exteuivJy nm- OMEMita.tRzwa g aiai b e4m> ien Fh - E ntr Uari-,u e .iywZcalhIlICEonPR gag a s.~~~~ bookpuiaiî lior fbal is sbsmzvi mMd oh- à ationm mter breakfasts b. parclmei a lab se 114 18 sm clie " aiOselb ina meioms.1 lup dsbe4Ih ai tt bomle, villa directiost "-a ellbtcm otaiu.o TarI, mai lagliti " bit vi. t awoseeéidner. As Au pus --Amgu oraliethe lAsinteg t UM alai sditcoekaug il tt pwbei,SIb et fmdaioiitae -Ter ,kU th Otý a -A01emr a ceil k that, cheilser à.sehaît* dlu t t he iAL A ssitem.: T it el l ateb a eila a " 1 i a m mil ioa at e b o vier, lb erhu bm w t vern h aia ,uC Ams; tt Tul hawiat u maibar eb«h u le bashse. lut Abs e sl,* s, etilaat citAm, 0a Aies. 4aavie lb eju "m a..if Pomes.,Mai bretdOCAPI id âr% ,we âimmia fm a brook et tiie bck 0( UN ÉPU-M- -- *tpê ond essésued Ib in enr ms%-bbW wit ell hW oe, sud i plpi i tc thse pOt a des 16 l«A àmu" avesitîîtirl. mtna, mi .ber bilsami caissue-eaw is overed 9. <hm h.W hv thelr% w . *smm am te. pmdmulbhetables , uak lovolg, Ma. ~ mlsl. iIMg tt vmeu&i iAuv.bv le r.am ué, k&th mody immn cosamencesi tb. <me co1nte. a'~s th blli Te .Iuiiea yîn jo hae puesSte ge W» n tlean; l ues 00>', mi.e. i Turkeyugathkim eualaad wàWis W :cauea knuw heI jileu <q ilu L-oiteheemu lie.Iehla see.,yita., ein a mtihogtyou bv id sctfc&W me7,Mmai <b. gsals.ek aimetheeCaret.) taemm. a& W ltb a g tla.cemt dnlo <A s.; i o id' 111m incitui; asbs ses, nd hemuail.tiutimesuhy,; cdertA1tBonn yl aoebit bes fP a caltavi. ma wintot.ours i Lha teruikmv ? - s Uz 66My i ens, te limtvssaunbai fresb ice ,yo <bovc ra a, V it. 0( MWe ra vutbsat kscm 1mevgisie isud aiyou sai jai tibtilit but r lege; in Bogud hei ecrc eila ln ui o Ibv nli aems. b ceecss.i4oioa lmaciç.WB u imai Bat1 ave oiemalo il aoi am bthemi staette o itededeIp i vla. sthlbcoit, cei boidait, lve.metly ilepues. *~ ~ ~~~-i" <bt b ~et <steépuappsentIi s t . ié-mi:z et wiels voalilbave "ad ieffacet>'. WI'b suslthest " serapau< epêcure cejoce, but ch a ol>'addecitIotAs th lb daty a < l 1uamt;elththe Pl testil-utm, iebts I sabu1atysftes uclaeWthpei, a at et Md p=-lde.If jeu bi not been - u isslbe! iybepgac3ed bchpei;" ies of<11%Ma t pluf manand je oulilm ftih, scbtqui criluura bimg ietdâe Iiami 1<inub4 choseder." fe b uueTeicllrs bav, b n-BRis patientviteuiha ~mlle, lmmediatty r Amu Me mtn o r Îe achat.sE c his. aed a ttrero befor. it roaaainiîg an excellent rants; inTaimte arr an cinqct ct v t hecicbouder. mhferi ofa; ntuce .-ca iqar l "'b tMy den, sesai athe, I was risolveil le chaécerof uatei.We coriider dancing a Wo- pi yog. Tiier. je leur diorlle d"l." 'r it tetaiur<scsmudsc iam gmcfret mm- '4Faveite dm1, inadesit 1"graumi cdi calic Mgix"Ute r <tý cmtd hustn 1e slai.ay il laun ualma- -politicisl taxe.; in Eugtmud, the ggevernaneot ut- ,clti fog sub en.1t o ss f ' t." C et poMcataxes for celigiln. la Engiathe brelgon u nauuoaapemdno u mdbi aI l. aato atc litiens flou etaria..; Iem mmuticlpeed i y bis elfe. A M 0asitlb ioTrky tohe, t tAcmlgs <l au pratecasthl efeec uepereelaos. ag ptdemt utaeesu1a um atgsonn"*t ta0x isais nmmmcb uoman; tise.wu e a ge bol Cellu the a"iet af pubhe eccrudlie a Thkey ilbthe imgf eogEa. ss ar dtaA iii 0.1,auau s fe huribileraiot. l'h. fr senbIs im nota iltie fnightensui aI mo t;ldcspla luw Tu-d-0 ethébatve m buaig rue.afti ameitiou. stabouIaeba Palmira Mys;dm Tek att b.suji in h a. Modeentrent- asaode t ps a in laEmgits,au ts.pesA 1 . 'iLe..vos ill k'mI hb e*I the cleu" lleac ee. 1T TunicUlwomk -mm.aif-r lnl . iel - A carment ea boearied aunIth diva.. m i.smntl.Iisi'mo de l@i. fnllama cii but belle" n.Ivve~.c~ ... e,~b laMr - 4î--mmdhé ces ereog, md mlrimta '7ls.sAa&à5ClIm exIilt ta ol oe-var ug.mi abaacmm btill Enou maab'kosiic~ i ~ uc lbd e a is atebar me Pgéu hi l u i m l a r m iaÀ< J n l m i e . l *'0 ~ tI h - a d-l , MuL m WraI est ies. jwapety, ih TarA1y Aàcora , aauci-lrn Steuei 1h0<orat dunegMiamt vaiee; lbhe meu oiïaàihe lb sliogutéremftlaanecdote et tBat cela- laidr pcsrty, au Eoglnd, locun gMeumalIlae-.brues!ci Moill ubef,~lciotocme Ti stcui cc cm bbai lavyc jIb itle hb. an gulolg in liagitdaim miaglia lac .a . aiimitaca; e mcnd *usu mer' tlb faubiio eAi.srclle. of tii.metrapuia: TA. Sau voAb.ma#ate wm ais <aesil s eatAy Jel àadoe, a gradfancy bag siplo LA. central govecam ct; lb. secondi cmiiilm tht a elattymd ge bamialbu »» mnte 7 oatrdOovr thé balcl t udga aduibltrtiee. wse omot e.e As t y. C9"tl c. u btatn. Eli c' 17 le lb Pliiples et lb itate Mec wu cmaisape C dciljieu file lbtow ceii-bsig; bey cAnaot ceeeica Wb"0 kato, ea a ai.but jsMWa Saufsumd jat in capable cf change. SAlethbis ie. l1 alnaa upcul 11. Eogilmlammm liestesit <LTW*u iblie- f '"Pai tisOns> t a 1uswoa bsireitFr t7 Iscue hu W-me public mea a ~e cumi rtitougla bis valus, mni bia tsa" k l cii aMalbsmembqsail uwhica. enllà atbb giitalIi e ual ilier.lei mumbb t ~. Vahoam M Jt; libllesli thé pandigudant tbsonq,ms mAte aTuriras detitile oftsta.leaaummb e u m, ew bW ttanaea Oopmed by muteesteat wc. '.essd h uuh fers ambma mI11 djem nfiw mucc b>' Of feelk ing ilis bis db. gu of aét@îPi. gmIlte oglustofbe: 0,kWe sahestthempmmttnle ég-s-- tEagllshuat pljgey. Theti.iRo fi=nw* u dqpàtgaitas t orba <nalunt r ongbut élis, ce hois molle> ou infetirac; tlii. mece il li ce lt the par~ . tro gla ,êmaeaan d gqs, theceuvas, t. séate of daus. ley vin "sepcmedm l el «"4y mu scan ipithr w, otetfmttc ruiis-nas.,h1 é..-- sa<l Mmilclhm, Ae charcerme pct.- clseyi ibt- ate ibmýtl oe aot b pm lmsei mimai utmiey'mtovh ie e - i <~ lgtur b as bsvse bgm uék'as e nb Ivesudaulb;&t=9 aMissa litacklmitae b Uscof etemltI ss l I'jto m Psl hlib> aen. riamet muse ai blblut, g Ast, Bam Ce"ba EU@"a i r-oI. E. ud gi ligfbi basaion l stiudskI uisuiii £1 pS MYs bAil <se anibm 111.01. ibr. Abat n. iimcr-iasitlem améi lusm&W iumu.uksas mtv eumi ilvWva tie uclsdt. Ne iagldmieb% sd luli a toeaam Ose assélmui") éctie.émsrêba.bas eaime ite li, la a mmaIs rt, Coa eur li lseunmoul as <Ism it, u "a ot ceieved frou- à, t.ar -eab- B C5the*h ekfn he. AU tugl-Alb msm ecack ma e t f<ml.k lb e mpbea" nIimdaBAstu .enesowa e <bw o.g eftes;mibiakia lul, mMc" a rias. aI utabnues <Beù - abi »W uste-,ite Wa m nute bmom, Ca la b usetaiseAnd liseg lme btu . Rmsqp e i et cl eIlhum.l t it mMW at ide m do < te, a als,âtays fmi.l i<rmblaver utaill b emule m mnTU lÎli" t it mlkçC.lés mm RIsi be u a laal, sens ai east- Yi- iem i dSpoisai a Fcm>' -lu u*ma- LIaut * m fmsuimtaS<16Sn1~ b. talla.,eev;me o .tia, mm SU * M iiai b dis. siedC "r fu b ons i d-41umi a S lliti wu,' aml uoki ia1, ile .. Unla àae.l 11% ai 51C hn- aur v* U Opow *mie allibtteliessimcmthte .eusu uvmm puaI..!1#W slàuil9y Ic ai b* gWMis.tseOcuImiae a m A uit w aimaremetst teaktam thé MW t 6 di ettheï ea al sc 2P lU bà sire, - l *6%uL= luet )0*Bedm t q«M IsM£ IM 1 etmab.tis cm BSpI . -- 1 dU a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~q, %%ep èrrma.1 l.~ ee it mU abuB atr I wum *wm ~ aêWUtztm maaBe . i a bt. LsA.«. sa #~L'~mai, u kl'>d &**abWMomm»4sme s ~ba liéea---%- h- a, i:,-»ei . su baéaetm bm.o-iesait i1 bd~,~~Jblce usi I' is A"t "à". UiN&M Se"uhà" e.li pino,. - - 1- - - -. - - -.-z 1 1 No triseliealviantis ma ytie Iinm etw the ja~oetIse tteerraste" utare Lai eue 'oh&uco. sxpremed ie t . wu ss ag0 vu ,ma 0 OV t Be et dsaitthémW et ualalsrai," *ebW Ebn»tyj, wn bise mut hmi «'. ver"sa g hsrnaseg 5t < 5a l tàmo pasat . (ouW r, aih t ealt cilla w bt.deei degusi 'uctbis plbâitisle .1 be gmmetm- y "di lim4.e 1 n iii o6 thei cch iu ce iediebfu c ihits an'au[een o ascb" e utbiwd osuuia lad&UMaiee Mt-nca.t oupsis 4 e cgtly aWa ~ c andora hterc of marteb&a, amofpIleai eu-taodael.a' timi wi , pcbabiedia0< f",euilhl,5tRpet.iae W4«mIlapfi"W"- Mdchat lai e Accat 1 i W. gýa taetmmotcesd im la duaabnla . pe>' ti a ,anr. bdov sîli sa t ohn Idwic i ilo "cm eg m i Buboies 0ô l Binvctve D b- 1be i anyilà ftîma 4 Vlm ut»ecm. A tc ' ca, ac lasof mar ee dforveoin ce f »isu- petM eeilu ite m r mu>' ma vh*-ampos tr ern i een fuiu lou pW b u e uml ptocshprr e..pAnstll *bats% bad ou, ofsv ai yd, tu A S 4 g lasd-cblt lbu b heraiut. b tf sfeIsuiues<Freiithp etos f teau hs» m- W ,, Mc, tCas aidt, mmit<le-""0& 11 upoar mebb b "bveserre ifof W o« <-Xoo poiât mn,- h mrjo f beutoef m ctlgctiphRd e o ub u " PriKe the I<uu' ut Wssucet"=lasls Lent" bu aey dtvered lih pt. eeel ut imiese rcapl m e i frïM»ueI cw m aXl artslimerp mt asai en isesd" usvut e hn b ai the lgo allém maillémaganaauaity MiUywert ac-itbeesi inicetutl Slesbtusarlja Ii m vpi;a"s i a ut blbqed e ai om.i -Ct«.ssCanial thusi e r isue ttealai aiamWbe tt rer <hat âm e uflemlira ", p»Wjmral c miuL. Ai l. ltouiIt isaI t mt re Léuittyme bathckhm ami el himbsep cdlu-abpm, ta el$t'b* O Gremrdmtau A et lemperjt - hieso bfiilo" Fmabot"" g4 ,u aelot ie morei npaa rth.e is, Mmwevugmite i m 1demmet i<j, lae ' aibeiesc matv I! b i hej eto M léi uni~~~~~~M BSb<5vbtoafe5ca.tlb coq met aslvima si, andpeÉp ufttiimi si.. heau i i utalm onb heehe omebMd nagt ll, !, a eo i" a laul t ait anmeogu est li40laie gbisatu" r semitithe WWmsmt y Btih<5a the rm 5 o i e M d a ivcoe, Ibmmtcpld mit a eleaid i m ei c.sasiu te -veii u'lar b m f mîxic<y. If bis mt*t ieus berala etterde ul1v.Iubalert oseilUM k&a tdti ftem.g flg 0bde lue leatI abatoni Mofi DuebsuaQvend tA. te. a vod lerM hep;i Md"l -» é m&0c W" h aeamout MW eut i«Ml liv- méisitwbasumie tèl"die 8c iebmm4N39e milb. thé lbumor i ma£ b t.sec 1* oeluanlofit u<ei. - -tI mie nup.< bmsad'l~ôh~t lb ceae utcilslt. ama.ButlAitAO1etIogt taM* eile lb txs )I&al do a rit atqm em muy a is i ng la elat vé b 'Maeo h lptitatibe o" l Ag the M"lb Teées lors, vet»M "0<batMlfe>1 1 odàté "lbMatou e ta Dsgmi tp bue a bm ifiuhgmiis i Ii 0<mesktia" 6an iwy., Il id m«Ol lime Sesvoulab aeai-am e Ele Mism a sogtafhiuai a -f utsi l sa~ gea .tlemesulof" Luet cdi ee.taosa imait .= n lkte binod toom"» ic bu Gooem le eid4wpi baasIm îqq hdg 4«fit Ie.~ - Lii fur amara < wu middm vicci, lei let1çes tu eIMt IM U«*bigk elie i'ieMiya M lBcuda la im . eiy<wvu ilqeeslu tisem" lo ait 10'aute cahachft e ta o <mèu iodta« rbs the ause 0 eub eie-iBat " b"pramptea ambmiB.ftetcÏwn. apauli Med *Wfi piLleat sb " "Wa hw_ ë( a e ivis, aena'5 dh. u tab~ e szeu __ac __ eeeimge mm* Smuc tid h mi>' fbis mL- a&MdicillMachaQbIf delltZsa a tm idai.! lgoLit édp le baci ci..mi hou? meI te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~lbi Wbm bs l l îlo..1 it. 1"a ce l mal sase sapetus.11 br Id" et.-em loîe mimaefnl.- tdim«tàx 'F1% s* odeedof' hiémomiedmOsMub ouxe ba dt Io t0o< tead ci1 lepas> ma<BMure diaa bis ordé>4 bamUW an pkm te m w*t lerlÏ11 the N06eMd 4 él lbidiièmedi # ,Uý 1 -1.1ý ýîý