Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 9 Oct 1838, p. 2

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a'~f lb hag~b m~ir nE -Uns ko m* ,Qu- *~~~Io - -- . -i--- - Ce. 1ç - r 0 .7, WowLwodas- WtWkic..f & avait .. Clrise Ichml Fesinat1*16 , W.ra, ie v O àL 4 - Lii, * im lck, Isasilis -à 00 . N oWmi et M ILC96tChe Whm I. BI & Ca. emus tsaa liéoMe l ilagIimg &*0b"dtSa ampsele Vas ~' tisa ustguit Ooeu eti« bue fli Cod lm ee acqhSe Alsinlaiofo!tSe Goveruor Gm.- -1wt ToutL.iaàpmitcame Se aileutt.« -~---'- Seasaf tw a uwii bptamdlte hEifsc Lais!D.ana le Ibm enSlif 7"11WIL. (re ~ ~Yeç.iUisba iwua.Of MoisslmOks.1. ~ ~taluatbSa lutoma*0Se tatimi Nien..dl ~ '---A. tili 'M NDiTER AIT «% UWAIT et w Fp, 4léS ffhiidmaet eme m eçfom etU.botori n- S, .veyBUsumM tbtt usbe epemd Io ýýbflW.1meuPai mas .luore Il oie Iibeaatsi»iPUmti poIicy, m»d t»"i~ thuir ouimd oppm e hamy .4r. Tii: bu afIn bee a<hcléWedmmdismin vaouwsys,7E mmnst. LZavi b« lt 111.o.aUsd. 1Ibo" me" akPMUa sp clue&wibo VoMit 6«"W thlvcontintMyqdem i g.ve 0"& St a ils iak ud wMa » upp. $â omnt en mai.ecula ai uan ie Nufa .memom * futs a fabe ssont, mui C~ i* a doepfil va e t be ioue of M Sii tiatab ouse.. Tb* piikpheami peq rau daptel .51 =eapêie insd VSqvery noue. uSdesmad t k bé IIEUS Spbt.pteN or tonis lestai a Vs e *me:, ldL »iit b l e m eâ le sZo o<seas Fiviose s ae a 5 tbe 1.populatio iewoaid e4a sumppot. le"ai paiaanmd mttbont mis - a~saiwfacioanogeiem*vl! baveaune kchanc, of being permeam4Tha> bavae miy1 Scqy NeuF. Heed% uiao, mlstad wM à »Y ina uy ddwevutsim Pifitbt iPo emêmeutt. Ie"aPI4 camaI5MW ela * pogadlytomawhbaie .i te Ut iahm bes%, mi the .u caltb aquqeiaIf I pepleha,yucon ,,.v4I.lel.ifh ,I»t, beycmut ommgb oin mthobdi aâdm#4w aylibthieO5tbl 5y eoyd Co , ~ ~ aimti auhsujt . .hwd "M.1 go'mibatàm7bf1 Sudel pi @W- ed mm w hesaame iae.Pym ~ Sq<PmZ b 4.e à lié t"liaImem iyautleptwtt4 mIu.:: = ~ ~ ~Et775!et w bu dtm pdutamot& fIn Ua5e le mt aPaePrjis Ib M a0 te oppiw msaiespaty i la a =' 1,119 pi.et tbh* Ssw- 10 uUat.apsla> l eml use P eply oire miUê '5shto Ibokybn-S ep .~ém i.S 5loi omse q. f sMmaISeUhW dia etam theï fam coble. iat Sein in Tom of ai Ingsliaa. A iwar rnotice ij, pvtn foi samUgbm.l~ seiuwsbm theibmTemuof Borkvile. ami es, of heintav »16b « si et oi ta- The.Gauete alto asmuncithlieppointment of la limev S t Ny ard Aexander Tuciser, Esq., A. M., to 4 bsVsummt et kI <1,5.4 lbe. s- erataiy al ilgiatar of Ibis Province, vice th, ~ u g , l$ , 1 M b a . M on. D C a mu rio n d ec e a i ea l; n d alto the }i n . *-bjw bM4 aolay tu be leupector G.neril ofPublic à sti un.d Santl n in qb t.Sa piMuloos Poviaal Accounts, vice the Hon. G Mrlad ~ iatuta ai ai t po le. k eiju a t bath appumalmtents asecuntil Rer Majesît 'oPicasure Seuieam fag Se@Mt priea t liiis- g el- A nuiober of tb. BOTîruîCo-M.oCAL unorarmet lesaeswe, a0 *Wb gaiest t Sep- E.esMa, puiuiabet miCohtmbus, Ohio, lias 4e~, Tb* avoq J&Mhfflbamon W» t le "e tte t is offices adicu e Gris. Jôsaýpil DIi Î"e e aplctflirL0viAW do t i bom sncb s Peron ire pet bspalSfrvla'. ifnamtest a toumnd, ilmnsEse to bien or ny of bis friends. pesaeduilsu, lut la nus I lb.& fems. W.cspy fro the Londonti Wkhrin o f Ai Ii 1 iu , Tis 1, iwam eusu li te- 159, Se llowiog sceoitnt of the increase inth l" She cosiphiet th, bm iiuga Mab showWedet.yà ethodiai Socieilca the past year: iWAU i &.ioe ,s.-îsa teso re. la sladito ih.eti incnease in Great llritaj, tslalam nybsv ~, of* 1,108; incrai 2 21; -il-on the Frrý. Statons, el - -Toal, 5,130 )-there Were o wbu P** q se â *SO Mdi, e o n thse Pa- Se Zo*hia ndau cotch Ichedules, at ilsie ' pI~,.d <EaIboîwèin emasua ud lI u <tmil, iy.considerstity above 0lon tial eta ïsa ft h i bse &sra m iemd by . allong Sbemi"t.,.A greai meeting waa lad at Nonireal yesterday wee, in ordrto expreus the publie conidence in Tbi',mo- gamo bas capl.d ýdi articisoaLord Darham.'sadministration, a.-diîst the steti 5.51a.pallie CI.igyeSuv.al.i uainouthei.Houm.ofLordsa. Wè have lot rooui, fura r e» 105 pofgorvisomipr- fulireport of the proceedirgs, but w. wiIl gse li leCU ni aS, - th« " Amusnby. V'7h Exals thi e teaolntlmasud acese of the speeches, cojai :*@4.d bayre -tkW lisat mWO -M et fpvln;«« Othn le ulgHEsàd. e* o u *uabmta bda nyt S4 hélestefMIY e tganiO'cloclr, the pobtfie iel. a equ~pas diobwlrm eY irigo rpreas confIence in silteAdmnistra. te tms *.u atw obhhsjmtetaoay, 0'Wb.-ion OfaIse Était Of DutbsesVins beld la the t ea i " " "si S t w . M a s s s~ g d s e S i. A u c t sM a r tel, SiI, sa e p red icted , ia as * M W U * _ _ qtiie m o at nuoeeroim sly am ue ded n u i b.e M o st alis t udiY WUatts..-aM4uet, t bals P -eI amiao.of atmy meeting vue have seen lu bu tqOnnmm et ua.ii,, >UmIiesIpis 00" ibis Cty. We have Dot aPace Io priaite ,tisa forml Se toueb4m e ieecadOW4 e, ecb.sntdllseared on the occasion, in 1ibis day', * mm tie trai; pont i S miai. lacirna"-payer,bai wwmii do our best Lu lay a report mtht I.miag pee ammadIIthiee w vo jcI tenbefemOuirTenders eo-morruw. Tbe rmgWm e tsetwcas va0bhlowiog anatibm Teaolulioflapassed ja iromed v wae br a s.faefla te ealreme aMoe by 8. GmastaDs, sq., seosded by J. a, .i.bit alislef-au7lepesmIe&sss Ilges inua oart, Fq., *ut mauay farMt go ibaquematan vI- 5esoid, ist-Thatbi a nceesiizis desiroui th « & M pgl m u env rlusIII fo. led5 b t wa e apecifu nyi n 10Coovel tIfls Ezcellency the lIertha aptiflWU ari of Duaban ia flrm Pesusona lini îgMqcWtt misÏIe ntwbirb thsae Zisias tea. ,a of ithe arduus dues of!ts ta b faen, 4 W;& ie w àd m aïiceIdebihpad ii.'us,, iblfice, hlia tsbeen son-. Waalsi, bait eascame l that Eau asms esd hp an egrnest desire to îrcompliblitheb 1- îg Un &et ffl tpmd. S aa p s.gvý obje-eta of his important mission; uand to ei. ,. ~timaeyuct.bessevo ave "àaiend" prsais a dam'p regret taibe proreedinucsie Mi She mmn. W. bave ame b tha*p.W4 ied th f"btsummd inefficien% support receved omibdila itMd i Se W hahW by bisen sasiier Majesiy'a Minisîcrs, by lm- * gupa mi .avesti~me lmtssu' a finn t te moral force of bie (,overrneni, * ben apemhla;of l. Chaeijussas bsia pit ameo1 isi the hope of ls succell m lb dipsel 4f contalrsy >et. n Ilene, am uiagered the vmelfare uoBriîush Sâ oOmaiso f tSe paOPI% m vo NUaIaI le s Moe by T. Ptiem, Eeq., aeconded uy W. Il mtedoua, i m AeAmoiby mmse bMgua a hW iBàAoLe,Esq, as. Je M»dasi sa s iapod"lofa"Se UVe5, -olsud &»Wd, d-That ihis meeting lumeoasi ~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~ if~O.is.etni is u ai.RsEcalts'adeiermination lu resiguo te s- ~ ~ ~ 8 mi a eme aatla blusS o aGis mmuz t siese Provinces aiai nte eten soinbe »s,*sî f I.o* ou&ldem ls aare entersained, %bat by Ilii Éleami mdosse of tiiWpplî îçw'rm ,o IEiseWk4. s sidence smoig oslbe ba$ arqu III~ ~ ~ ~h thl lmgili e MSigr.A.1 U.red sccurie informnimon asta0 lie truc cama *,~,cjo-acmiitsa cUpmsmpmir*e lun il, of be tigmlîies mbuch exlis; aid thâi 'he.u sly diim uewoeU dbc met by corne comprelles- . beeo~dl1Mub Ibpessat RSe tf aie ut seîslatedin ta lie fronti le tc goulé qe~~a m -»a »a"iil17s ' fSe0luisi amd i iaafied ils. Potier of using lhecf a ýjq"5 oQjfntdl»4oflw -a Mbdcmligbit ga lb. ioJaeY ofte Peaicabli xk ffxa Tm SMJI&l mà" loyal jobabiletau. ~~~~~s- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ « ~ e.N~~swa ~ ~ ms l oeby O. Moffa, F.Aq., ceeoided bi C. D. l«o_ »sa* WiDayEsquire; ~ e " 1 Ito " o ..1'h ot ibis m etingreiiie ifu lII ntSa!V~ k. ~ampkmss mule * iseIw»f Wbimr thitfuture gomentni0 sca ieLegialative nmi u fthle tis«ir pecifictation aid of perpe. b ~ ~ ~ em tvisao5o itb ibm Empire, ad rifederation of te iBriish smiColoneasa-colt, in ibe OMi jetirtit i" gib. inadequaie for the ai- t caa pL . f the* %m poran t ent, an dt m ultîply ~ b tasuirmtjatitof tscrd. C iu $ APireEsq., accoodet by lH. si Jbst Iis eingiuilgoi en yHErrellcey mle " eetg a oi9i wama.itwaald b. Famîile si *m'omimuiof wi qutayotrieffurf ail ta dimacargue ie t n. ods. m aaner 8ulul tai nMM tfia1t0a Oar ga r e suad ibe jet p*1 t Iii é« os5ý me sice.. The oua la il ti5e sei. bit bi Ses the heîate Potet pIigI vplitofià&,, -Mi. Uthevewoit ktsgil gaspii he da'a i.4 aslb % Ug iMumort le th t bPeille, ta i 00 neih e bus laif , Kmett e. 1his 10P pup ~elay i iUId 0 havi an sd i mn.a ver tutagus tmead appas lsd. Tb* s y w bau; Wu Wes.aI o,tAst tho w ait li oSts, siesn, the red be ave bren gieh mie have Wb ie oiae ao oed, witi b. mnd Issureit yhp hm« »Da iu a mai uf Luerlthai bp is varneai 9 ,mmsd lo uap aIlio-a, h ii juIîesltili -- oosinexion 'o ",ber tsa, fw cybas liai]1 igialid snd cor FW4ihe fture go, oet t& aB tprt~ie 18 i a -- i riU1< sîmaslanmd i ibissha mntU4ai ,1 e. hall outa ia m-O, jetp. âge. o«op*wpqpION. a atOreîl asiaeotWd.si5I sS te oe bav breso ami oi 411bu dgfai DihIsvbsealo i tdat f bis dslssfa tationb ibe ta lI eacu dsbe of .Plltsb;lt ad g decideol pare 1 tre pta ll a it le iraithaâVb l mmd, pittest$ am philoCbi alete MatafisglstmUy amp ~ *M ofouu*yivili craw, vieseliaabisMW: liswilal,«0 ur ito i ibisg 8MSlos #" fi . . n §ces e an , SIalc ', cet gasememlolsgh 110 lbe &Fcuau jIma~qi ieitsoiosopphi cielb politisai es ou baqe, t lpià rdigueë* w ul.i, fwt«'yi.nmmseyva ra ýh e omus al is nT ISionr laOf u ont Siersa n0fC -SIarliice is, u #0e 'ee; cu emeeb oelMM h ooib irei ofen dii ltilh I pei bd t 'iaia u labu ei n>' te m~tu am m f flee -iaaileomat hat Mdi'smpasiaIl;u bInt 10 l mi maPiw, Sefleti 16.0.0 in il, m 'kti.n peulit . ele >t.Se~I5 udeata

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