Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 30 Oct 1838, p. 3

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ld siraende et rtSeiInie- e ebe 1 o111W W)ce in ZOHlite -itpe eb, bee v utao lit lie l d t l e tn n is Znti e Juy .lm 9s Ince, Jb, aiaher, Jae.,l' Iiuttlire, JeU aei, Gerg 1, 1olnt ian-ot altzontee isim in tn Loirnt ,Rd Jufi o th, mitio,, titren G- Lons Dn.tt lur .n atat M"OGerge Aie. IaLgreu iI oftebr Losd Se;stid ofr aheil asmedn Diese -ltaion, îberm-f Lo.lan Dtittsi h, theuisi t Ilintitg Trato 'hi me inuffer an, 5siila toil F"lteand :i Jy f truu roti, and it afiai, teris hylit Sineniff.s andîftrirt TIts n lihtretsoni 'h l I thi- Serin fýqs-irs ttus ti irns id y lt he a'- oreIt. mti o brou na siomir nd !est. by eae 'rell soune atm, ogingto thes S Cotnrert $Omo mie profit. spert, but, l and Ou. nian jed an lthe ci fer dit lut 'a sailli"sal, fi..m Ossassur 0 1911 an,) atay. iti" op tiseLae 4i ose bsird camis bace sctsfub prseat accu Johne Me tirg stabl 0 larcin, aieS se in lit. .cr taon. Wood, bad a y lsy groat ex ,itamals, inu pUI brasetini VA os$ taI liy tee- tigit, af ight, the sai horst% air Shi of tsI, SI Scerai vene in te a ete sou. ki pm-tS wa%5 t »..sd lit jaset. %it tita mtirS% laI aitu, - ast- ~I< i Otbr 88 by - . ----gm-eu-a 1 àEacell..y lite Lieutenanti Colernor hbu îw e@4 W teasit s asm 'Wus HUrIceive,) certain isdntiatain <bt an etg. lréms it e ay ai.« C555$ lus l biei- faved, by Ue-am- .r cssvamrsssd Ile p-" inita itals of ta,.aeimit. rdes W is- hm t al viese tunfarce spots MMsiy-mon Pbeiiql saissatmoofet h.aideWrà te bu,-d b P~ inktekie'Ml iatnts of ispr,. ;r-U. t t.rnle, b7- p»« l'M. salé is %ri sat-itiadut- moi de-vasation. goute3 . i 1cu1 80 l5 i l.LkWekl Gorcer, i n lcipaI ot an 111f~ ~go..ts3~.... h.1dnu cae *tI* et *force, »mattiviy on ite LC" t, cL &1 IMM l; G-' i5Ust Of tie United) Bltes, seit rEr. 1CdSiuta t*@ es t*-'dt jujas à 'Bs" iee,)lydiuspoition 101rae Z4LgM isaa TRI eea* Utl BsiiiO, bu (fbore lg cati lupon Va £ M hetLj i iatto Up Canais , le prer 26SeUbrOWe 'a à> 'at - *e ' usittiuos, ta -it-familles, issldgbj dilie b beu e a t" tîr-as;butl e. Letelmnt Govîntor Of Asbu e- ct 'à* -envi canftive, ttstheaatisseaie corsa titisil seali r fet nd aey uiti-Ibo mi-W u Her MjetYea loYal people, to riat ~~~tfreçutt ani maey ol ti- ldieqqnÇc Ofa fLilura on titepart otîbe îs-~lys illia isue, eomâedle f'as einaitfrio(oerrtî upaav la d"iotîspplies fiau lb. 'Mt puomaeesit.ti o hnatosealistes. Colonies;- moi Wb May noietlie que i t33.a -Ibirefoari,for te Parpose aifprevening tae sppce. fif degran bu e ite «fr banaisa itit iilittnalurdliy arise amongt a ~ tttia ils av hsemse fpearaeppuain ite vi itity of s rapaciaus ,wrbesalîeser; a fin neti y te Lieutenant Covernor i itducei lW ca!I 9 e d. ideun-e;of ine a ot oncemure a portiasn of the iallîal t illa orc d.m'ainna4cDngleitaç,$. Upper Canada, as a 'tOluntier F ores, in te fal ta tece con fteconfieni ndcertainty, tisaI te icketi an,) law. ates Bread bluff&in G treat les, i deigno f te- puliceenemy sesU h. met by a a metIb atrtket, as lthe earrtaponding exitibit.on of tite loyal ant ielnt sdfâlrît and Freigit ondfi-feeling seitirths aiwa)sistngouistet Uppe-sCan. ,À. P*c,t or aoy qoasttty haiaý adaywben 'engoged ilegarwasvils F a-jen rre it certatittbatthe wieth irel- net iLhagrl; w r, piat eI san <0sa lie.stîstaiieti fer a con.- Bigantîs. IW inch -3 IîeîY d-1btftil- The,,Lieutenanat GtIoernor sill therefore font. detni oîtunUt teadyy foril isuutiers la nonne ilitinzeuisitetiOfilcers, 0raîýII unti it Ylam ttu.- laril Out a portion ctfte Militta of te p.l'- wtil ot c atialliaîn t»1icp. ior plinota Nll»ss; anti$9a $) lTe Lietlenant Goverrior assures tht loyal ta- .,, le bluntu rive ay. ~habitants ofithe Province,tatite ie in fulposte-sa- isl maijeof luit. trreiso utNewaPrite ion cf te-desigoisoteen yitnhvtna- tiLard i siiiiî scarce. A cosidera -nalIY amonÇt te-rt m«an y %ito have not forgottuan 'Il tnBtera d.ltir alegianace l0 Hi-r .Majeîy, or tteir dut, la pssi.c, l i, nacivd, antherCatiadian lretitrer., andîl oy appear in tîa andthIe market is flisn ai ranksliaf tht Brigandsl ut present, lo save titemseices atieS liittiî u EildlmutBy Commandi or Hia Exce Ilency ~utîy:ne~l-'atnrIRICHARD BULLOCM, Ed iD4nl Lily Coliore, lber siler .1djuisnt Genet, i Jia. rit Mse Ci bun L.gnCalluorne Carne innet n,svi anîlpro-strsTGNEI' O-t rat mriotri0 Net York, froina iticit Toronto, 2-ti Octouer, îtrl&- gia:Ii forEtinglaun-. MILI TI GENERAL ORDER. M nI. aI lieaI!, Ur S] xcaIieicy te Lieutenant Goiertior hll pv CaaaialIdaîtiae Ot. -à I iobeen pltie a a lprove of tae tollowiaag tllatiuns, e egatiâ the Pay anti Alloseaices LAE 11710-'qEUROPE t) lbc tocuet ia ufutuire o theitltili aishen, calleti ,àfnui o hepe-1arl.t si1î Brtatndy, Ontt 1antiai srvice, ant i el reatapomuIicîed ýej1l,nIiinsinî re sehave terei-cveti forgi-net-ai ntî,riitta,on. Pai,sPRPirots oth'e"'sniiug of Ociniter I.-FP -Tît. ocf Ofilcers,,Non-Commis. or. c'Pl. R. .Sii, in tc 2td jsonei O lcr rtiaipeter, Bugier, Diunims om,ostiu Londaun d.tesoaf the CtC. aid Privaet, of Cavalrv anti Infattory, is a the it jalom" r 2ý[1i. aiC ne îathotest4l.îiseitterioaileta orresp>oud4ng tanks ittaliral inurs-ninees ltadrafts 'o ail Of lier Mjealy's Regular Trocips. , Jnnnicaanj.iithet Winmiard andI 2 Rationsanid Fosutg.-Tite Officers anti Men lnlmu. annnoîîllgasii o lr i andti» O f Cayalry ant filhytsas, tilt teceive te n'uai ta tie be-att aid-red Io holul thein- iaty Ration Of PrOatatons, and of Forage toi- Item 'vtiller, and cib,rk as %ant as mte-ins Hords, as esîtabîtosieti fur Hec Majetty'a Regular eatitta ri îe-i. 1t id suppose-iTrcoup- alitenna (to te làte naudia force are 3. Alleuratsce is lieu f Rations.-The Ofilcers tastiCna-la. ono Mass 0faiC4valry an lotantry, varit-ontpail. o the Wimbledonaduel ihnve be taeaoons ta labe tunable to irmse IbeirRatitans tram te ae boeive sotb inpionmen-OteCo.maissat ala.i tsallaoed the-sum of 71d. la aituii. Curreney, pe-sRtion, in lieu thereof; anti la. caler r te uee-k ending St-pt. 2W bal Curaiory, tit halie ae,)ta caci taSiu Nn M 9Wr-y, for tomae toiles urLoi) ..t. CorUnisiani Ott'en-r and Private, titan smilal liestains"not .,înaelcoîne. sattaate,) on tli ariha. I.d tkenacîe, ais lie Great West. 4. Allotiance insliesauof Forage and . taisg.- 1-caaied te a titicua ig-mn thicia Olficers anti Men of Ccaft, sni Fiel,) OMiclers ir, b'tvd anta persos svas hurt. andei osmt lOlicers cof imaattLay, will te alloseai atout £th.Is. 9il. Currency, for eaeit îsenty-Jamîr toars,wset ionc \Nea-1 i-nIo I' Sth o! Se.plem- Forage anti Stdblitig cunmbt î h proviJei; ansi un- état !e' intediiiLontlain,I> te Bosco tder itiilar rircuinstancta on lte March, te, gil tnennîa.re-eiva 2S. Curreocy. Lsges Curer msatat issorse-a4otqte- «. Nars hoaouo.-s.msno - cWic'racp efoit:ca i-rieMr. Van iters andîlMen cf Cdvdity, t-yl receir te bain t ît.ic a'i-ao %% itlin te royal Ligeri 25. 6-1. Curr,-nry, a isy, ian constieraticn cf ltte c o Lt'a.n ir lie- place. use-cf titeir Host, anti llorue-iurniture, ariicit àk:l 1 01. " etn nsli riat auical inettine Suot is al-o astentie,) ta caver ail expesases of so. of ..s-n th? lp'ir, gay iler tu, veterinat-y attnlaace, L.; and no aai ifor l'li,îj tspee s , -ere .compilensationa will lia adinitîtatifor njury or loa& of d..,. in.1,n ttnr în at iite tof lite-, tintess arisia3 fron trouais receriveai in ait- t-C nac li te- meeting aS,. i off loi.. %u' sul. uslt' e, titi. of 2,umatt6. Lodgiag Alloznnce.-Tite Officers of Cavalry ant ilnf.îsaîry, are uIo bc alosed thie Lodging t-on. k tin, Yan'nnltin ~lSiltrîasi ey nifllîir several Ranlis,, ir the bane proportion ti. oiltditnta w-itiurawat of a-t granted ta Olcero of Hic blajmsty',, Rel or ldîior,. laJolid tam l c- -tfor Filand, lof-tForces ; andtievei-y 0Olicer onite Match Winlieta tit e t. n-nînnt of Titurgamu bis alloiei the dtliasl rpurtioo of tearirl Ite.v htict.,încrîsn. ance of Lotiug SMoney granlaitaibis Ratpoaitletle 'te. entti oran oe ine a an ~privaète quasta-raL inii rtîanei, a t reacbiog - 7. CosnansadMosist.-1Évery Oice-r cmmand- 0 ,oît allui; tie filurer proaentamaunitg iter a colai of iuatlegs ttan ta-o ituotrcsl .ut ru i,,vennii by te inlensity o!r ranit moi file, or *Dy nuiserot Casipanies, seititie beETctin,-671 belot9 bite frneuz- lrengtbamoats ata iioh untrei mot ant ilie, sltbret.uviati raceive teenouai uiney of 39. 6d. Cur- ~P'ldbel ensrwiidat Paris, f rote rmre, ay, as grenteti te Ofleera cammnonmlgg tailoir, Alîx la) lai dafigh it ibth e-giintILan') Dr-pots iùnHeu Mîje-ty's eiuior adieu deivtlt, aititcosiderable tam. ast-vice ;-hat i lata te unsiemtsL'ô, glIaiDot mare 'unal a ictoon theita o Se p ~ t.- ta on. Oliler of a Regiment camat retis' thiia eutartnsisy i llieeÉCailin talns.- mlavance ita tiUre. 111Cbtiaiiocî hi, been succuedin the 8 Repar of Ar1,n.-ln cases ise tre Arts have a te r., aofte centrce h oaeia.J beç t-ningaion actual service, oroDy taroia- - oitranttvihtbe.Rbiabts,- hl be accidents, te neccutary ex'bestor te repaur ofhqicsle mieu ofte saine viii h.e sanclioned'.,tapatit ealbser- Uth,201b,gtie iankersadaieclg 50 cveuOf te filsifi g rles itaàri, t nble nstaîmenaiot 10 mii_ 1ha(C5pliit arO0&.c.rcomtoandig tae Trc-opai tu - - rCompaninissuI a la r rittem order 1tate r-6 hs5ercîl ce.netio ta bie alh mour-irarnatljag thelrete ththename ofîtue mari *base bI B n -'lits, 'rit i ssaUta de.'Atras quire repair; te natureaifte tejair rn-l MSil, Iron t Le prohibitive. systela. ail ; d.emi ltnasu hy shicit tht araas itcame' elnere. 1. - jîfCti; .rich a odara muât lie tralsmilieti, titi6 tinteletsal iinrm go ,q te. Armalret's accoat, ita tripicate, every qua. 'Gtardif i ,laobt i' go'ncaaaa. r, foc .examnatinandsoirp-mea-Ite aecou F ~iaîtIEpîncîna tusosofFrace. Iting supporta yte certitcaleof tht office3, lOtlhidi avsltItle Pacha ai' tit te repaira iirccted hy*bit have been iuff innen iene w comutacial performed ; anti 518, ty a ceaiflemle fronlra B a iio lCr* . - Ft-àce andcampaIent anti diinlerenteti enoo, Ihat themole ait~ 0',hà 11,nnCO' oiai-ni ft ti -bas __t ctargei for sncb repaira are fi u!reasotoloe. eternîntt:nnî tInoclains lai in, $. Siaians ,.officei-s amnanting Corps"crA "e n-D,ni.ltiîl Indepenittît Ttoops or Conipaties, Winlite re-in- or D. Fnnci, tse uc-bariolai, et ransoîiting acenuits in tripicale, shese- Y' lit ~ ~ b aOnltcn l ct-, uog ir aletami aie articles ut Statiouery lba., L, nn , lunbln'ldt' Wrj, byit bin, loge-ter tittebillia)ta ce afh.ean tii rcLtnr wvas ng.ooi Trateisnen frrin titoantlise rticleas ecte î'or*illa. Y'Ini- nn( tthal se, qWas- cd , andt ta-y shooli -titi their certiicate t'O lhes1" ?0, ., î'i-mte.accouatl, tcate effectitat teaticîta vers actu4 n'cte dealln cf tbe ally requtreti andirageai for te pubics service. ~ Il ' thteLdaugiter cf the Io.. Pologe.-The expe-ose- of Postage tilt bie d el.rfuntidta i OlSera czmsnandiag .t-p is, or Itise- ne ',in t ilnins bite FrenichtpentlaailTtoopsorCotipaniesupon regularaciouiil, 'Ji~L- Ppeaters au Coi- btilt te asueint ipeaît 4the in Wits oifte 1 f the crý%v Care eias «s-trysu Stnxaonexr, per it, tca oct p ni :lic a p a er p il - ad t e ti c o b v ingF u el tiiedL agith e ansi t t os la 'fitd "it t lfît îînoo e pofCotg e s i-saii uie o eteso thLnimpein the i i G the par fodi srice l.-I ae faslt ces -a. - tri-i rtu mrie >ear,- Ianti tnliernlajcslv's Srervicdte r pl aeras, 1,11St filre. S anh n ila tyCvunttTrnpntOfieî o SIS.inîsh ' i ainote alissie n fe-trul ilteor n P - ~~ ~ ~esIi.-oru.tia D-pc -sesmayhap.cidrà n sthune orh *'Isre aocsclose,) !jý -T apeted t ara-wit.tbcovall edteasaosa.l.snint eeiind, 2d.; ist i-Ini c~c:nimins cn rie Frdrin ier a petnAn For eBot-sersan5s iG.l ttoo ttcriorsa i lCtrd rni-y. erin his buss>.ih ao L* <m- coml-ck-Thre f n a ver Fuel ond i t nd Hrtshe1use ta 9 frt V fCrr enp- sy. po lir ta .oroinrn lit6PtyA'ào aesof&c. ett . a ti y, l Lae n "t Y n,- 7amrding . sitepicplsli) aen R t.nasl n(112%evhten ie Cvi- alSr;vtriol a ary. Il, iLue.S I diLerando yn. P 15 11t.Aciv SlnOffs te lUCta rasot iiesinAlDBL C m. s. 37 . B TUE LPPER CANADA_)à HEKALD-1...TLD.%Y OCOULR 30,__ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ »k.EXTENSIVE CREDIT SALE VO 3=02M Alit1H045B£-13-4L& --à'4 %-ue. a. m.. .1sa . ey,<t he C...BY AUCTIOx, Orrice or KsuCOLLEG1£, la~q.., s eu. Orf Liàue,, Ormes,, Tobano, Siore,Sad Lo Nitdtasdr,,iatv, IL L E 8%LDAth OSe 2».ca5m ison e m .u . b th. a tirge aend frea sacrti.i.cf Oui Sit." To COlE i &2. "" Beuslit W't t1os lsd xa. toia M.w OPPOSITE. w.E c..ji.o ttt rUt. ; n la 01 o o slton, ion S.turd.îY lte secndldii uto of aE l.aihb .Pbas, se 0lt4;..1 .. . ýi, 83,the toi ttwtt. prop. rty,ses*irdlq P. Es' 7"Yth W' iddlwig ayts MINUTE Or TTuE COUNCIL aillasu-lacsià.,ued ot.îutîîee PJ.jisLva laMsstosa unteM aeit. la, byth..,a. UC,J i..les.-,wibu rl-O, t(ltSole -obtr 13. 183& Cooït u of 'â inis e.tb, sait of Aisa n..td,N t M : M ,of K 1;s... Frisaitatract# tasse. M. teea,o esilelbdsof Tào.sanc.Xi za, Eq, rS SEreî TRONG repretienîauion! htbv j,,1 been aE£erit, sx.inst the lands aod e rat o <M aa. IsD ieu. LEoi 1 2 lldi.rihthiacor do Siar, made la âeveral ,t istncline] v,%t-r HRumen, vit: thtp vt liairalt d se .$, 2 Pipà*eaveogi. Braln$Cristi..onîraci for the Buildings intended ew« ce Md M1gs o upt. Gai, Esthaltap ot o. Slhbvoit; L t of 6, ami .t r Vsit a î~ U o. o L gd oh ift e - . F. 12 do. Poil do. 1 t ouMQb.Oho Mte 6h ith,.'. .1- d. C Fk ait ei . W ,the First of -Nareinber rias loo early a Cloiressosf the Townshîip of L.sttgbomssgi; ls et *4î o f Be.leo. a . . osth, î 2 Pipes Lizbtî Site-y, day ta aWTrt hem sufficierit finie to isIl 400 Atres, l*sssK an .Xrel.îtfatal, 141) ase Il tlest, INr, Ephrions mile.,«, 9 ý, ahe, 4 Ca"enLiquor, Supeiini, es 1 tua. forrn (leie-i . isaes- clreart, .ndAtliay:irtba Iarcstrfhame borit, N&eu.ot, là. Ref. bu Pl- bi-1«, lte.fret.tei., . Case Ant. LutWee. fa 1f ;z Lhetper.d .,ci. 9 uedt Ith ealr t.Jeph 1 oyotma i e, gl,,olied 4 C iasie ,.t it Ltenu Reuoled,Io exend (e e rdConcrssion of fieTuvtwsbop uf Louîçtbotoucl A th c3e J hL.csof Eeag.. sied C -eoVî .Weat!er, ra 1 iedz. to Friday file First of Felruarl~,Sît .tHi dLtN.2i do siii l ,.a~ îîr-. d.uh aeutes;) y m- aiela 4 CaseesEFan Verte, ta 1 doz. r,1,9 SutElo .fofLtN.2,an!nodid «odculsdothe 22d instllihav.;.g th&lt tua oser* 4 CisosEl- de Va. ' Aici, ea 1I o. end Ilint thài, Not"ce Le inserîcîl in all rd ttir hirdt of Lots Nus. t. O nd231 in te by s ess,) b ne&.c.iTierce Rie, te Journalsal iniwhicla ftic Building Ad- ToiOn of Kings~tonî, 'lital builditngs, situatsj on Tb* caleter siedi tndausrsarorlk ist, di).edt 12 CîltY Baxs,Supetior 7»w kiaTes ta v tie tnt iBrociLtramt. Aie: Lot No. 7, 6îlaConcespio! bis cacula IL.theier D. te.., ooauLit Bd îetaaî. l 13at pere.tie Townshaip of l .~~o;belonging tag te à 2 do. do. Jmp-ial 011 HcD,(.1 truie Cop,.) sai Sylvester Hoiden. AUCTION SAILI OF 12 è Chests YOuog- Ilysont JOS9EPII WVELLS, Sale et 12 ociuck, aroon. DRY 0001il, ItOlcaRY, ..0 REALI lMADE COI..2 Chesis do. t.or Rypat ts-rrfaar liretî-Etoresetlb NUST RECEl VED, andi wi!lliea sdihy &c- 2 qr. Cuka SPerîn Oi:. 1 C Rgsior4u s r ailny patss t.rêng f ore eula nlted aboie ta lon aut.J. Littin's Rueaus, on This tdav oei 2U liones Windotw Gi.soatt i no Woeted f è lot Noîenber, about 10 cases supenriar D4 GUJS gs Sdal)pe-,' 4 do. Etinistoue FTIESII ARRIVALS. dC RD ULC, &C c a.4 jp mSUBSCRIBERlitens 10 rail the attention 1.st,. Sheif Mid. Dat Forpericuars sî BUs 2tla Saiitc,, 0iii hcobis Clîstlnmeiss enithe Patlir, , acliete By 1R.J. IIOPRINS, For aruula. l ea a. 21a- l IiSft, i6 boxes Cavendish du. arttoeiltof F.til and initer Dry Gonds ,wl achDp.Sa. S ~ ~ 1 A L aTelveo'.o59 is o ieegt gi'.le 1. 0 lCaele8 Dbowreciving par tit* lati! a.rivat, itloin Shetiff's Orlfie, Linton, J. INON 5 Sle Soe eî!ir, 10boxes so.p', G~aqýw end i Lverpool, and wlîich vrlawita i re- Odtober 2tht, 183&. Kingston, 29th Oct. 163. - 10 boxes Vali-otia IloîSin.' 50 doz. FIoatiti Ligbto, aient stoçk %i!i he sold tenarkanly rheap for Cash. - .-_______________ 3 rass 3JalHy's lies"' 2 câblea ,atet, aand JQIIN H. GREER. SltRIF 'SSALE TFEE SFOR SoCTPEEv iDher 4basTet.idord.j Octoscr lOtb, 1S38. b.kesdo1o. 4dozei let P its aIl,,2Xc 0FFE FO SAE, y ~sx Ptc, aItitir6blts.'N lts, 6 neStoie loos 3 1. t.'MAURICE AND TI'IREE RIVERS MliddDist'ic. et ILLBE ÏOLD atthi 0 Ws1OLEOÀLE aA àaxuuocin FRONST J0&T, 1()ke-,s ine drawn Nis 6 du.d- .30 .1I*CA TN S f -owt ~ V OIIHoetlt 160 PIECES BROAID CLUT]us, As.T.~E) .*5ýted .îze., 8J. Ï10 Of dodo o. . ~ I IE.1 Aeî o h rpîlr T wif* W tCourh .- t H it eone aie t (Superficie, Finte andi Commutn); 6d. 6 Dlitibli. do. 30 in. iUO the-Stg.bldurtce at iare Rivera ounr 1s, fabg. i kt~fblowitîg Londa, staZed lie 100 literies Cassamneres, esela and Bsitars '2 dz. Shorris, ý200 biais. Oiotdt-a Sait, I wg le noti4y the poh!ic Ibat !îe siii have can-ti-stnoa 'o ion tt U flrMjoty's i Tiania t-aes,' 10 d. Lveroolant ' tsniy n bnd ltheinte descripgtions 0f%%V-ire £oairit l.es Bench1atIflitc tuit of G. %%'s- Ymi. 100 pieces Grey Canadian Clotits, Beoîtîand W'egits. Lithos do. fj tncnlactaired ett lm heaore etabliîbtoîeiàss tel'Ci- ler, aaost tte jansasnd tenlenîs aaOf Jose-ph 100 il Pilot Cloutandît Fiushîings, A L S 0 , i Oitittg of te filowin.- lizs: Loi.; NS. 13 and lit, 6th Concosisu Of 500 Pairs BLANXEETS, aSOttat, (4 plis, 5 poainte The illowoiag czensioe asSo Sot ~ Ctoi tandobsaPansSoîdrStoetti. lairtr Laitilp1of6,o'ithe owla ; ofatig atoar-l and %Vbtoy. DRv Goutis, comprtsiicg Dark and Ligot Pited SoeSad niPnt uo eîa.1rn o a 53 nteTw fKn.tl 200 pirces White, Red and Yeilow FLAN.'5L, Calicots, <Newe.t Stvles,) Stripeil and i nwn Pol Aille Cocalere, Doztliens, Wa"g.rt Boxes, te M;iiiiitid 1itmt .eo teis theltsaisi Jào,91 100 Il Serge, astd Baize, Cotton.Shirtings, Book Foli do., Blai.!.astd Culot- A»e Ironsnmaaittetido., Sock Plactes &c. t 20 W "61 6-1 M.riros, Ddoask and iNMoreetta oit Roled Cacoics, lBook IMslîno, Jacustett. and iN. B. Tte abatte articles aecwarraritted lieb Sale ai 12 eoebck, sinon. 10W) ci FdctorvCotons and Sheetings, Chedietido.,lRegattîa SitîgGseîm&CI &CI o the et3 lebt description, and will b. diaposet Aliliais-tonhariniîclcaimsaintth&avepro- "M a Stehfnl.oomn Cotton, Moluîs4elinc de Lane Dresseâ, Glas, de Naplesot ofat1 reaonable Pt'tcev. î"eîy, or asv part ltreéol, are requecled ta psist 500 ' Prititeti C isColoîireti and Bc lac i o, Biî,bazetteR and lOtit Oceobe ri, 1838.thei sslae neon air li-ort te day oi sale. 100 " ileietî Clirrai, Lustriiga, TarîtanSiawls, v.riotîta izes, FIslled RlICHARD IJULLOCK, 100 14 MoasIojs, Barraitans and Faitiaito, S!iawls aodNtiiaîilees, Printteî,-tao andi Tiibet POT ASI KETTL1ÈS yLIeSte ul, l . t. 100 " 3-4 and 6-4 Becl ritbs, Shawlis; aira ait fBakat oiueiJORSale by the Suibsiber, et te Mçntrea i R. J. H4OPKINS, 50 " Scotch ant iXl-lernîittsîer Carpeing, Ribtoît,(cns,, alndatiGauzes,> Siik pittse, fletilct addei. Dep. Sbs.rtf. (aidle piy), Itandansta llan.ik--rcitiefs,a rarietv of îbustery anti 20 Sulirrior Pot Asla MaIles, wtigiteu. tfosui 7 Sher;fl's Offce Kinetua), Ans excellenti assorbnient of Ladies' li'îrs, Glovns, Plîlt CloIts, Cassiteres, -Plait and inrai ettbt 12 cwr. rob 29t1t, 1838. .AIuJ~,Tspee ad Bas, Cioths, Fluarivis of varicius coinitrs, Fncy Tîow- JOHN IL. CIlER. _____________________ .4us ipi n os ertgs, Tartans, of dtflrent pAlteros ansd colinots, KiGgston, Oct. 131h, 1838. SIIERIFF'S SALE. AiLSO,-Tritî min,,for Cloaiks, anitIFur Cao,, Scihc- Cati, anîd a gict variety cf otiter articlesINTr NÈgaze. Creauer anti Ccniît Shins, ssati; a ireat vaiietyo ol'tstheîr tlitesatn. I11FS IlA R itI VA Uas. R iEEaQ5alcO SEASONAULE DIRY GOODS. As te srbo!o aitite above Gonds are nevly or- - Madiant District. ý W ILL Ùf SOLD etaite l..ftl ae, rlnlent ts'ortmenl of direct in tlitis Market, endtf ethte latest ly nt;tion, ÇU-11 b WcA Q~DUI'1a TQ cltT. VICourt blouse, inthlie tZà l1r. ercliatis andi lCounîtry Dealers bave a tavostrale Kngto, n harslast e ade o ATTUIRRL.tL ToR., oi a-orte Cs o ppoiy of pîrchaitîn- tltirFaci Stock ta ad- l iavariety ani citeipta of bis fresi Noaertbermn't iefoUlos*iti< rpet - b ATT tYa RE 5IL TRFE ('l ssortedC mocr- aitaîce. Izaccînliberàai ti made bnown aI lthe suplt>esfor thte Peol Tri-le, vrine oan Ex ulotln isuedotitofH11r Sls"ty s MY, B THE JRAS. WISON se c' Sale. tONOtOTsNîJ or Court cf King's Beacht, elihe suit of Alfredi Kington 29tt Otobr, 138. 4w28 Sal tooio'eslc atil ~citk, .M.preeoeî. ~Hnoker, agaiit lie latisast.itenemetttotlasnoel W M . & O S W L S N . S al t c o m e c e u t I l U G H Cx-k A . r sLD E . P i l o t C l o l s , I 'a tc y V e t i r tg s , D u lm a g e , ii : ' A illi t h dI c e r ta in tr a c t n r p a r é é l e t Kigtn 9 O cHVNTobers. .i1838. Ocîher20,IIUG C. M Tr-otarer Stuffa, Flnnnels, Blanketï, land,, bing compostai ofte Westa ni Esat 41r« T« ZngatnOtn5e 2,13 Broad Cloîhs and Cassimnert-s, of LW No. 23, in lte 6(h Concesion of teTàwa. th uàrbr aelargo erdarafIr li ath aFSmulDln AS »O E r v s, .}u~WY,,,c"Prantanad Dresses of themtse ha iP Oi Madot, inCte flidiistd District, beloog. OX S E FUR . w e ail 6100<1ss elegant Patterns, Mtt 0lme a me aims e Sncll as MENK, MARTIN, OTTER, BE4 VER, 'HE SUBSCRIBFR wouii vri repecfaîly Shistla and IiandikercbaefsReat a lAWIoe 10commeat-. a 12 0'c Oc, the0aboi FrisIER, FOX, $4c,-titty leel il Itlil ti t7li u bez ta anforcr, tie citazens of Kinton taaand ' Sri .Lucide or smny patitroreetesdtpeet imagoiatbtho ese4C*o:tSw seilure tieir breai itjtviciniay tia otal t snoterrecsiiig a very etensive Plain and figtsred Silks, Satins, and theilte mai ncé osor belte ts h. dayf ailemi, Heslàtng andTi reppîng, tBt they raii native a assortiment of Fait ant i Wmter DRY GOODS,i Gros de Napit-s, RICHIARD BtILLOCK, fur comiwri.ation o.r titeir labour, b brngbog titetia hicti bas balco electdilba ugi-tCcave, and 1Lt>,nj 1.D Te McDO WALL'S 'tV5OLESAI.E aud RzTAIL Raoely for cuit, and isel l W disposait af et a vit-y 1lerinos,Boitbazelîeand Scotch Plaids,, aI He-et!M. ]M A » G AP XANVWAOTORT. sIIvatai avance ne Montent prces foa h ct mly. DonseiicCottoasi, Sîripes and Checks, S R J Hp. INIJ, 1 B resfotteCutywl reieAction.- is pretunt stock aof Gooeil el b. fatnd &CI &CI Sheuil',Office, Kingetona, Dp hh pousua Ortedernt it Cno, wliàee si nosien Want eisèleeîe-,l assorient ai Saper ALes 0-9M&Octaber, 1838 pacla atedne ne tfine BROAD0CLOTHS l A I ER 3) pies B russels CAItPEING we i basalh FURS DYED, ALTERED àNOREPAIRED, Pilate lotito, Fînuhnga, Fluosel,, Srge, Sti .' e etrfgr iat h ril uba liiiF' Bv A. & J. McDOWALL. nets, plain andti guri 6-4 Maria.,, P-iltesiSax- salt i a lwrfo~renthi altke n ie mi II lÈ 's 8am l . Kingaton, SOt October, 1838. 6sm28 caties, MaliskiteLaiit eDeain, Shall7 Dete-m,, ltiea fr-dfrjttsuîe.OUUEKNaCmi. Plioleti Ca@a Dr.tie De. .. spap__h.. isaA"«cstiSALT, Sale and Urpr LLITHER IflM D isatrlgie ; W LL SE SOL» et lh. Branch of the Batik of DIlUis .Norlh Irints of lte latéait)asles i bbed ad trrieosn 1TEA-8, SUCdARS, WI!Ç4E, SPIIt?, &bc . ~VO1Iis, la 11111 Afi« Sbirting moi Sheebang CI flou, salataipe- bne,1j. M. scre, hi, couturiers bat t, ls detatenyia-Toanà "M bideS&érday lb. nMath cdsy u MING T .Rtatta Shirtings, do. do. lwiiie-d do. vers, coer~, ti el ele h oet osberrcueatfcpie iliAe t iait, 1 Mh of wtîg PAnsltaci Coyuvt-t.e KI GSTON lain Jaconft<Mulimns, bhll, Bartt-i ndoik<,ék Câbae-la5 ited f eposbe - HETF TvS nde-rstIse aies5 s nje ers iet theail of rMielt' o Dziaom,. plain andi figure-i Bobitnettx, Blond Net Qumiliins, ahpufo laT OTS u LUE fRoçs ecmlte qtf~ maTuppr JOHN IlR. pontsvrus snd Hlgini, Tiresi, Me--klin lit.Cotton Eiginegs, L5,gotonr Sepletebre 183f. gaitaî t 1h Jeuasies sniTe-pni- t ds-asa mwa IIAM Wua,, £noires. Lalies' Frenschimodfait Musliti and,)Net Cales & sall, an rsct r var(a. Osi.an, mvi:Aias s.a Tasocaa .ggw Esqwhtite kibu m n ourait i nvéi ,limosi dfur trim'd LAT£erLIeCOMMmnlitCIeALttMCOTeELo , tIhe To, AuPllrsdo. Lambs wool iase moi Haif-Home, ctli,, o OOX5SL MTL Ta*naiof Rasion ift thla islriài. Tite -daave Brancht a iti h. aptaci furthelbtrans.- 'tee-nsantinae SiIk Valette ciecledtifancy Si - 5 Ail paraos aIavimag chsifrs&gainât lt e allali action o alaieis aen Mamday te 5hMay af No jeIvet Vesinga, plain hi;uif tamere Vesîint-s, EHE SUBSCRIIIER be-giolainformattinhobli. Land odssty part ttreot, anerequeste-dté lpjsuaet vecoitet next. black Frent4s Bombiazines, Ladin' white Satin 1U tarifs of Ksingston andtheitersveliung con,-the fasae to me ona or betore te dai fpie- Naol"sfat Dmconat nader caer btaieaAalduae-i Slips, Ladies' black antm)loire-i Prune-lia Bots, mufitY autlarge, fltI ie hatfaisan titis estalliai- RICIAPI) D ILLOCt ta lte snag.c n lb da prcîdig tti iys bilren's Barrs asd Shta, Ladies' Carpe-I Bootsmnet, aeni that lie- bas re-openedillen a vyit, ue-.StrMdsd1ssc ai dijiîatat. and Sitsscaffr fricati,Filid Thit lasti Tartan iratyli. Thte Iouse ibasi-teen llarotiglaut refît. Bheient', lice, IKingston, Day etiiaaatt, eiesiy mi Slur28.f Woaie Shswulit sui]Haodkerthiefs, genlemn,#'s& tedtanti ornateiited, anti furauishe-ti tunesa end 81). Matcrh 18,83 Kingston, Oct. 29th, 18w,28f ladies WooilertGllttes, thlirett'a do.; whiite Mer- splendid lurniture, combininiç utility anti clearance Tht maboit sale la pestpisted ûntil Sattirse tite STO MI R B RAY D. ,.llrnQusitme anti Coulserpnei Mairias, Bank. iatihe Iigitet degree. ThteIluhscriher tg avare 4t day of Aoa.st 0e.Ntt te aesmhtortae; ID OLCte1tSIR TE . vs, s very sape-inos article , Petersitan Bining, titat te dter succesifily for the publicirequises RICHARD BULLOCf U'f Ite Snlscriber, an the aligitt of te 18ttj Cap and lettmr Paprs Metlillie Wriîing P-n,- nuce discrimnimnaion, unwearsi e ertion, i abiî- Lse8sif.Nd t U~ Itsian, s toat lbre- var ci COr-tw F an r j-ti se-t Wok-lloxcs, a reat earitvr aigens: bitaviour, aso ite flattet hgmt bait haticLI ueiI.Jtf biniai legs seliea *faite tripe- dow fi s tarteai, ladie'W'aiat Buckles, peiri Pen-Holiers ii '- expeierenfn a~s deparîmaent itsvqsaliied lahmtinB InJ. lOl eli, en arenniaricil bback t on te rneurfore hie.pe-nv,. es, lating Ho<'ks an,) Pearf hardie Sce- sassutot thetdtsk veil every prospect oi, gi ' g Kingston, 9th Jonc, 1A38. Whoeîe-r selrelarma the saisi Colt .aIliesoslver Tiitles, i&c. u&CI. U, saifilo ath os rfnd TeT- The abie Roie is ftrtiter pdpne-d til Salura JOHN BURI.E A LU oda.D Hut ill iehareislariy oStilide sit ail icli- ly he2i day o)Februariy1,- l~ait e "a JOHN DURLEY. Ar.00I cios in sesson; te iieciand iqtonis are- ju o t d ac. Kingston, "tOctber, 1119- 3v28 Laies' Chinchilla Bonnets, Mut aent iaou, gr-elotlaid ini and of lte llest quality ;cuitrafilant i olli- RICHARantiplace. N--VGOO tn Sqiiril Mof. and Bos, Squirrcl hark end belli ging servants are enguged ; tend every attetio-lattaIfMi.Dit D.N YEW& Co. hveDnS.~Moils anti Boas, do Tippt,Jancet and Ernviine wilit hegiverbtu nture te consfoat of ail svila May , Y IL j. HOPINifDS, J. ch.i BYCE Co.bavetouton hnd aMur&% asniiCapes, Linx Mou.,and,!Capoc, Mock itonacfi vrili ttei r patronage. Flis intientionie.thrf Sche. asotment or Stapte and Faai-y Dry NMutn tcars andl P-lie-n-,, white ita msne Vitoria is tittravaillertsshah initinthia Boisastht citarmesi sl Goodi, su.- tale for te aeaetonit. .plain andoi il tr- C..greY acquirtei Victorias, marlin os.,) fo-tail of Hoas se i enit athe sîvantages of e public -Kingston' 4Ih Auguit 88 hrf ait Gros de Naples, blauktstud alourc i Sutk Vel- Bons, wh-ite anti erey Ituffs, ladies' fur Mille, esalaisment. If titis lie desirable, thopeste vet, plain and fancy itibitons, M-ack anti coloure,) gentlemcais fur Claves an,) Cauntiels, S. S. S. public faour sieale atihn, la carry bis inten- IN -TH E K tNO-' É E Xq C H. 6 4 Metirno, ,Indianaanti Saxony, Ssik iandicoi-net sha1ae Capta, inijti, nulia saan d attodifu- tionan ldu ellite situation laj inte centre ai Midiîsd District. E Y viie of saseritof M. Witollen losiery, Furs, a litautitl assortant of' lotit Caps tritotiei wit Russia lamit; togetiter busness. In Wr. -E11 tachmnt, iourtes]onl ut liillei Shawsi, Fancy Vestiogs, 1Dmas-1Clotiti,' etitoultm aticles usually fourni in a dry gitai Caviaes, Weittbu.ileffteuleta ealsypustite lier Majeity's Couit of King's* Bench, adso ie a Pilot do., Casimeres and Troseser Slufli in grmeat ,eâtalisbment, ail of sehici thlitpraprietor fePls siseraips ta st Mdfia. lthe &Isambeau. dtîcte-î agaita ite- estle, frai anti peusonal, or variety, aoi ,Flanne-Is,,. Sergeo, Plaiingq,,confident ite cait Bell as [ose asany ther retailer ,A UVERY STABLE,. oasssetrefati.) s e tasbi- JoitnStevenso, an absconding or concelsi deblto BruseaCarpeting, superfine, fiacre laid comnmot la towîî, anti sould bal; 1a oay titat pasans wtriait- " sebtr enu taiCsvau y.ei a s aslIdyMiatau JBeigelte ounagers ferthe clan do. &c. &c. ' ing a la prcitase would inIltil mivastageous ta cautitui'"' E, WM . o lyptni,1bves8e i h taesu ALOO, . . .anti examine for temselves beinre ituying aise- KiaEaIaco, 17t1 ýs slm "",18!2* of ersrpona tfhave- seize J lohn atevnsal large stpply ai COTT'ON YARN amtilNo. 2,8 t-e. No second price setîllbe asked. as sJÊ-uneas esi- on f trenstai uron wSlav e - Rai 4 BLEACHED CAN VAS. - N. J. COONS. & COMPLETEAEOTMENTiC theDîcileied. taR Ie- the ai,) J eluit- n rt i ailitate TiteirGCosfariegoaoyos sleetp4 vrillt, grei 'Lsgson, Bmock Street, 23Ji Oct. 1838. .t11îctiicint-s;klatatcoostantty on ban,,ndmoirfjaction tiitifi Tlree tieodar montits, o ale eb tare hyon of themueltwc, inite Britisht 11t, e- Jêi& he l e t tSore ofi Mr.cJamres M. mai Iintu bld iciargedi il lietàcad au p<q toi tar ir 'h, they cau te mre conlid4hst- 'f' ST PUBLINHErJD .7à. 6<d. un banai L, ttreltct eniabo, - C A aigstleb im lejasiaMe f l4sy min, JuitsIean a vih. acIs)é i-wttieiiisumeroRa trientisanti te lubtl:NPtiéca, Qict-oe';IL.thr.Os, Toronto ; andi J. Gpjrioir lte mpeedy Reliefw<icbia l brala, I""'idda, zenerai. bMAdrARLANIC. Kingotoît :- , 41 of Éai loeraCholerm Morba,Relai Dïsn. .RICHARD BULLOCti Kingston, l 6th Oct., 183. a&P E R .S ON A L EM O IR S tery, soi; pain ite Stonait amed Bavett. 'T ' LaIe Sberiff 1ild. Diu. Commssarat, t-' eiiço<as wtratted ta cura limesabete mention- Kinugaoui luI Joue, IStia o mm,7issaritl, 1o38 SSST Net on,1MISSAnbrG, RALMAORRII'AReu! ~ Comtplairas, smiiare il le gaveauit li ai ap- SSISANT OiISSAÎ GNb.RL MJOR ICHRDSO ;"aranceof theicSiame-, nd lte directions strielly IN uTIIE'KINd'S flÉeCUc, CLARKE heretiy gives notice, tita wicsel Astibarof'4 A Canadian Campaiig," tauTecu"ehti cah,' editfita.Thoaecubetorse labuatra oser hds- àln int Yviteo vi ( sot lie responsable for te payacat' o! aay Accouant ci lEcatte, ' IlaeiiâtsaY.tIlMovmern ft u teeae oflng àasngstîiiio marascr ilaiDsnl EYvmu tirtl sîtatever, un!es an aider cea lbe -raduret1in BritshtLegion in Spamn," &.Le. it. .unlii.hfey bave- givea trie Bolanie LRmediez a ratge 10 tT, yENt tchment, siutt of PUNk Usl COFOUM OetF MPWTOGL44M EsOM TO PLU£ cmC OrnCE. FM Pusm SSO 0 PROoIJCI APHY TO RWIJCAtaOIVI. OTTAWA. 1715 8 .c'p. oi 6 v F p Vi B di A ai ci pi 94 ni w c e p F m B 0 R p p B p B v H c E F H m

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