TUE UPPER CANAILlA IIERALD-TUESDAY, OCTOIIER 30, 18"8. B A L D N E ls S VALUABLE PRE EHOLD MXUW -TOZKEAM ZMRO PAGENMTS. -PI.S,&c FFAT's 1ýi1F 'ElcA EEUTIVUL BHKiAD àPRO IER YLiverpool have souangeri foc tisir saitrng trainitaris Poit en tise Id, laLMOR H I S C ' stingwesetortaerentbeIo -e thi bla O SLE oceta LET on Lase foraîterni cf l3th, 19LI, and 2k6 cf sveuy nmaris; tise 5Sips ta succeed caci other inOCREN AT Ye'ats, the 14uliowing arder, vi:-NOCRNOPY ebsages the ceuleuance, M trmtureiy tringt WATERLOO, MIDLAND DISTRICT, 1 afa. cAPrALMIS. OAY OF SAILI4G FAUX2INEW OCKIDAI.Oet'SÂIUNG rionLitvES L PRICE $1. ,,,,,*. t.e apecse fc wlidi causes mauY PartoetLut Ne. 14, in the 2dconcession of Eingatan, y i . Kvr7 Mrh 5Drr'IAY.S LNiE T . d,4, kT., i be i cg éovete ,soil smetimcs eveu 25-acres, and Uic South rust quar the tisfrant Peuésylvania .... ib ..07 N îI7Mtc ..ýur. 2 ectý- prî* *25 n v ,Il ,, .tI.5,ýo, ~ éity taoed Ucicjad sîcs tiseir issifof Lot No. 14,10 ic he3d1concession, 28sae., Saint Andrew. .. Tismpoo..I 3 1 3Sp~ r~ ia oFcîx-hset.odnr ierlci-~"P th te mailrtftheir livrélis cou- on whicis tiee ts a snai Framue Houte snd Stable, Orpiseus..........Bsailcy ... 19 19 19 7 7 7 îpsiion tise resuit of science and tise inven- je il Iî.as *T U apeut in reiremne:t. lu Short, net aveu istely in thse occupation of Mu. Wnye Roucillé, (Neuni. ... Collins .... 25 25 ' :5 13 13 13 tien of era elebrated naedical man, tise introduction eue.. ,î ' IlThOT lms uf rorn Sthe entrostisk £oPtofLIN. 6 n h cooual.nCmrsge Brly Aug. Ap5î cf iichofa t-ed rqe a ic anr erli.uitTi,o t ;«ais-e, Cambridgne .... ...t c Lo No.16,a. ise.... 1 Dec r 1 A ii 1 19 19 19 'owict nhepbic wus nvestediwitis tise o- Sé,"r îltoLi ..«I T,,I 7d itis that ieavy inhiag glanias dis'es Siacrea. idependence ..Ne. .ý 7 7 225 ycth.. 1rnlý bIrTiTj , a fssbi.To avetsttia-eunîiteauntcir- aiPantof tberear part of the Westhatf ofLot Virginitan..... rr.. 13 13 l3Oct'r 1 Feby 1 Juncie 1a reputation unpauallelsad, fully susîtairîmogthîe cor- riabr.vl aiTdd euitcaOLDR[DGESBALNI OF COLUJII. No. 16, in thse2d coceuioo, 2acresanud Oxford ........... Rathisone 19 19 19 7 7 7 uectnets-sof thse lamentesi Dr. Grid!e>% laFt cou. I.1Yrsti' DIA stops theeliair riilinif iltefnta-1 echzSdos.. ...Bitn.. j 2 -525 1 31 etinta 4ledrdno i aletgvn t e-"n ota iaitada fwbute e tof ise ira. :c' And p erchesotNZ, in tis3 esion, 2Noth meSid...donsBit.... 25 5ep' Jnv1Ma 9 9 1 otei:ntheeiat of skot duon tili :o r.di t, volte-t âtihar roit urning gsy, maires i i Frfrhrpariclnsusof thetic adprprt ShefiSeld ... .....Allen... 13 13 13 Nov'r 1 Marrtch1Juy17 Iasd attendant, Solotrion -as, tise secret cf biss '."t STo. beaulittlly, sud frreci lfromr nacuf. Numerous Inquire (if hy letter, post paid) cf CiusrorneîaEntoile........as P 91 9 icvr.O.hi certificatsof tise OraL re, pectabiity in support cf AatiLiaoNc, Esq. Kingston, or ta tise Subsciber, Sheridan -------Peirce ... 25 t!5 25 13 13 13 It 5 110w used ir tise principal hosptals, and 'd.1 Gis-a I t Ta. thse virtues of OidrtImge's lBain are showiî by theio n Belleville. Columbus .... Crappr. Octr 1 Fein'yit Julie t 19 19 19 tise privatle rece ini our country, firs-t and most ma. r, propi Reas. leotiseahintoi.lolrrig. 1 77725 525 certainly for tise cure of tisePiles. n i-osne-phvîi,. ~d t: end t he oiow. .TUE BELLEVILLE MILLS United States oden 13 13 13 DeceIr 1April I1 .îugust 1 tensively andi effectriaIIyas ta baille creduly', seCea..ii TT ROBERT WHIARTON, Esq. Lte Mayor of!14iét£ E 1W n STEirT c V HI, &éT 1 ca 9 Sentis Aerica ..Barlo. 19 19 19 7 7 7 unie" witere ils effects ait wilnessed. Extrrcl pel'obi.i. l-IL.' PiiWeiplia, bas certiiesi as may lise SatubelosCOnistingoet a FLOURING MILLGaruick.... . .ý.me... 25 25 ~ 5 1 31 y1 iefioiîcmlit 5b bTLI.~ 0te hébiischaracter tof thse followiog getiemen: MI . n aSAW MILL, te which L" oIbc IFnglmnl. ....... Waaite .....rIN Maui a l 1 9 19 ore'traordi,,ar3aho"p Tis netge d eeyctit tw ae yWater-with about TwoAÀcres of Tisese ships aue ail o! tise finit cî,s-s, andi îhî cemmandit, Ii lcjnt tlarcimodaIions for a-tien, nt once. uaeal théiseHaaof Culuimbi % liîcavered by J. Olsi.La-,onwiich there i ssegra Tsepuc c pssgefoc Nw or e ivrpoll txe a $4, ns <omLvepc t- P.41 Ses-RAcuwoirnic gmvnqscka, T ridile, and bave founi it Iiighiy serviceale iaint atesi near theu centre of tse Townothe East aide 'New York ai 35 giineas, including wine,,store.* andi beddinig. iNeitiier tise capLatîlîs ,ou:neis alI ane v,,i',,r', I r, gvin qulit,, enty auas peventative againt thse fadling off of of tise River Mira.lirwns l ar baie butaisea cetainreatrîtve, z.se la ise aonscf Wat eUeule, nesy berespnha ie orsayoleterleparfur aipalalattaisreguparcebiscfordunasuesiges, lsereor. s VsoollBy anceiluseofor clIs. Iflareî,iî,î i 0 ihe-,,,.hs: WM HTH e rce A IL ihAgents for shiîe Oxford, Nortis Amenica, Europe, Ceitimbus. Soth Amer, Engiand, OrpiseusIi 'loup and 9l7u>oîîîîg Cough-Eýxterna l( vai I lTilTT T.TT, Mbo6 iitri GoachreLoscn bcznyding,4tr lie Iwo0fit nd amrdgGOODHUE & CO.,or N......0vte ule h-St. 1,C ldco bT*i ~I Motioua Mnite inStGerg careo a oeBu ldeingy0 Wat y60tise toin-tsu azbisC. H. MARSHALL. 'l U Bruses, Spraaess andi Bsns-Curing in aa oduO TITT TTe1T JOHN P. ING(LIS, 331 Arcis st. tendes forse Flouring Mail, or Forlery; witis s BARING, BROTHIERS & CO. .-_Liverpool wher. ad TnTjýT.TiTnnrTTT s OND.TO SMD.11Race st ncsly crecteal Frame DwELLIssc Hc>sî. Like-! Agents for tise ships, St. Anews, Vrginian, Sheffield andi Unitedl Sates-SrsniVZer-stle fresis ou long stnd- -IliCe ahiUT,:ICC, JOHN D.FURTH O Spust. 16ea Stone Building, in sisic inerte is an AXE ROBERT KERM.IT------------..New York. ing, ansi lever soirs. W"i",TîmTTCs-, T JH -4US.cFURRY, 101 Spui. sL MauatrLts, u te m.....,po gnsfuT. &1. SANDS & CO---------..Liverpool. Ils opr~Ii tipon adulta andi chilsiren in ut- e.lt si uilaC TT T JOHN GARD, jr., 123 Arcb et.peliesi L'visiter poser, witis a Stone buitding for doiPnnîaildpnee.RocenlGog Tsmro-<rit rieuin.tIic selnd smIlosening coughs %Ys l" Ci t .k T the érillaent, sud froos bsn te ten ocres of Landi. GRINNELL, MINTURN & CO.. New York. andi ligstuesni ethtie chiot by relaxatîion cf Ihe T rTI.lIT i uSITCI Tt wili certainly raseits viergesiS h sîTs ioe raprwl u iio eai aiiaSaierWILDES, PIC! ERSGII.L & CO ,Lîverpool. pats n n urprisingmrtt 04, ritoo Ie olr hwi akontsateti-he woe ralinwl ieSd rLat gnsfor sisSaser Sillons, heian ndGarrk Tp ortamiss rema-cnt c w oeptediion-aî TCiaTi i TT I j moino h ubiwu sknw httre y persan of capital, desirouof makîn pog gnsSseîa eau- t'e iohv ueiu nd"ii T Or1 T il- ITU' I ofthe aboyé satinsera ore honwatyrpwcfr'l E. K. COLLINS & CO..... New York. tise Ps'es, is-e4it acts like a charîn?' eihaiTOTi.s cfr n teohr art eumrthan 0. aa fmentlastirelre isan almost unliosited umerpoe-. OTi1iT ITT age so th oUcr mî Ie tisa 0.An excellent TAvîîii STOS, wilh Stattes, Shseds, 20 WM. & JAS. BIROWN & CO_. - LiverPOOl. THE PILES.-The Iite $1 is refunîîII.dt Y i-rlIOC TTITT iTTT, [from tise bMyr &c. at lise Soethtis.st corner of tire Bridge, uics 007 peruon wi su UTCa5 olîle cf Hae's Lin-. OiarST 'TIti TII~-lu,- COMEsz ALTH vieOr PiîO<SYLI, in tise occupation cf James Dile§--and a gondi TA-* R I VER S ti. L.1I F IlE VCLiment for the Piles, indsi uttuthte nîty bol- T h.s ii C.. fl--T, T ' City cf Piiadeipiia. S vsriés-rSTà4 on Front Street, EFut Bellevile,,in ticTTTT*TT TiTi uT n tCTITTTT.Tare the .TTT T ARAGMNTS FO 1838. -t 9, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of soiaii it ytlieOccuopation of John Adldison, auul souniber of, ordens cf (lie peopnrietor to tis Agents;j 41uT1 ouit rTTCliTa Ti hT.TTT.., of Piiidelphia, iniereby certify that 1 am seelb Towen Lots in East and West Belleville, with Two of7S htwe n tbousaunolsi, netoe b as 'Sec u su-c- :lMTC TITCii~, T T aequauated witis Me lrs. J. P. laflis, Jeohn S. Fu. Dwetliumg Houtes. Watsr privilégies may be con- 1 7['IE PUBLIC are respectfully informel tisat a DAILY LINE of :STEMBAS ewe cessful.. lf tilToTTo Io thse abcvê certilleate, tisaIt tey are genlemen pirpse. Tis affords tise merchsant ansi mecissuir and will ply as folles; caliing aitie intermediate ports, viz : prefer lisat tîjose siso seI tise articlo, slioild .X- fTrc-T -i,TIIT Ts, of cissiacter ansi respec.taiiiîy, snd as suris îuîî an eligible opbirtunity ta Laconie purcisasers or i î LuW DS iit tire original ta porchasers. %1 e OiiTiT l,-TTTTTu* crédit aboula lbe given ta tieséail certihicate. tenants ; as they sili bave tise pefreoce cf tish )CUIN-oecnb îie i thitra 1 i t.CCCIdCI î, I,, Ia witness ssereof, I have hereunto set os, Subscriber's cutaien ansi emptoy toas payment. The splendid andifuts! ilang Steam Bout The fast oailing Sican Boat sple Indideiîrae sribPtTer nuLcsin iv ane1int C" l1 .mlein T,;II bua, and conseel the seal cf tisé city taobo fHe sise cfera for sale or loaue bis present resu- enna aise thsaï îif the Agents. - Ii~C.iiW iTTnCCLCT. Th miixes iIbis sixtis day cf Decemiser. . ilenrs, BELLEVILLE PARK, with about One SOLONION HAYS. I.'s hîec'COICITiITTTT c Huindred Acres cf Lendit on which Lieré làsaisani- IT DTR,&.Aicîue pe hiC~.T.f Ti L- UIsTTTTC O iII ICyETTmiRSnu&ciMITTC ntlTTiT l'tl'n tIT y a- ROBER S.]RONayor saine Frame, DWELLING HOUSE, Cacbisme, ti l nai - te hv'ýmnts nrsi on 'sortsaro .le TITilh.l ROBERWHARONMycr. Bains, Stables sud Shseds, witis s au"ilParmi n1o9EIL N, K aN 9 T Olu, numbr ta tiseagents shalha eeptitîrd ta cne doz- eand u- lmeTC iTL....... (j, C'iimT' CAUTION.--Oisseve tist esci boiecf theé fouse;- a gondiGarden ansi Orcisaudo, containing smrnaBniCPANLw.ss nc ieLnmn n seIî, I dil'i. . hI TTT, géuié al bs sledi egrvl eape, psrd u Tue Hodel besring Apple Tree,, SalIsisotesale and retail by COMSTOCK, & fii, ratoiItir. ,o, CI iile,T, t on whicis la repréeattise Falla of Niagaza, 18. sud a cisice selection of other Fruit Trees-weil WiIl lea,. Kingston every Monday, Wemnesday, WîhI teave Kinîgston every Tuevalay, Tisursdayi CO., s-oie Arents, 2 Fletcher street, nI-su ]3d, laic sieemd-Ti'eCî CT'TCTT agentls iane, S&c. 'adaptasi for aGentlemoan's faoily desirous of resid- andsi Fiday élorings St 7 o'cclc, aso l arive aLi dSatsrday morningsais17 o'c.ock, sol arrive Lane, erre lier belosPearl streel. Ne .11od,, y -triibiI'd (t .It l Ta Editar, &c.-AIi country palera Whoa silI ngnethoe. icHead of tise Long Sanlt sainieevenings. at tis eliadcf tise Long Sanît saine eveiiug. sait by 0ne DrugSiat iuneery tosen lu the Cao- ' inseut tise stuve oceas week Il menthe, and tendi IN THE NEWCASTLE DISTRICT! ad, Obt-ICi TTTi.T MbTTT one nuniuurb taie agents, obnl lie entitted taoene Thit vert' desiîaise TAvKIO< SmaoJ, camsiontyLng U PW A RDS. aellcftieLos.aut v AlA1N U déeret of Daim. cslled "Fan1 1 Tave1>" yen miles froin Port Will leave tise Headi of tiseLn Saul ev.ryW;i leaeteHa fte ogSli vt Soease tise ad rtgi ryCOMT ^a ae 11FEDACHI-E .I4 ~ 1 l'T- ,eSCIîUITTTI l Solshlsaésu etb byCOSOCK & fHope-,on tisé orontoealdos aet l Uic hepossession Tuesday, Tisusday andi Saturday mrninu, Mý, Onday, Welnesday, andi Fniiay mornings, CO, Sole Agents for América, 2 Fletcher sîreet, cf Win. WelIer, asa Stage Houe ; thaleeare ex- bmeiîly alLer lise arrivaicfteMnra immediateiy &fier tise arrivaI ef tise Mentuesi "RLE- SPOIIN, a Germa, pisirian cf tnacti inarI pu rlie 'ICTT.ATT mwar Maiden Laue, 0 on nrbelon, Pein t. New celeot Stables, Shseds andi tier cut cffices, a Cap- Stages. IlStages. -WLe note, isavuuîg devotesibisafteniton for saine iin a lectuCd ural e.te l CiTTo York, and hv one or more druggists in nearly every ta] Garden, wei socekesi siti cisoice Fruit Tracé, a___t__tecuread________o(_thecuses___tr_.__laT ieNo býlP-1 h bosin itise Canada..ad butTn-ceso Ln; aw sc ay bNERVOUS AND SICK IIEADACIIE, Las lseth e v. ,y aee Ci vitb-ial Il,, , I hadl 75 Acre-s cf Landi, partly iosprovedl, sîtiin .8D.IIL YLINE f Lakte Menaiools lenme Kingstonin ns tnnerlion wth thte abre Bouts, vrix: satisfacticn taomoite kncwo tisat le ba% a ueincuIlynlsIeaa l;n hî TCTIeCLT I t> *THE LAT£ MAYOR of Philadelphie han ie f h mvu.Tise GREAT BRITAIN Iesveli every Wedncslay and Satnrmlsy mounings for Lewiaton, calling shicis by reninvinz tUicacuses cures eflircîîally s ce, and,, so l ait pICi,.aiCmmI,visC ectitled muller seai of the city la tise ciararter cf lAse, a very valuable Lot, on shicis bLeue are a seoas igrsdarvsi sitneuyo iefleon iri< niefuTaeir nipraetyii itmsii opan. baiiii. ilmidTia.nTCsîuT several Divine,,Phyiicisus, ansi gensuemen cf Lwo Frisse Dwetiing Hanses, nostin tise occupa- te taise aRail Itoad cars andi Stages fer Niagara F allsanmd Buffalo. Passeu'gîrs leaving, Montreal There are maîmy familiamtue have ccnsaieresi Rerinju.Is. bigis Standing élite, déclare positvely Initier tiseir ion f -. McDonnsclansi Widow Waiker. eltua- On Mondays ansi Tisusdsys, ansi tsking the Brockviîte on Tîeslsy, ansi the Kingston eu Frissy at Sick Ileadaclie a consîbtutis-nal incurabîle family JOSI LII1 Iil osaN bands <sai of tbitchmaylise étensIaise tplace tllnear lise centre cf tise Town, on tise Tuota otise Long Suit, wilt arrive in ime te take tise Great Britain on Sednesday ansi Saiti ray mornings; compligit. Dr.. S. assure% thes that tisey are DeOie, i's-b î5TTLÏk. lo osmes hlont) that tise B-ibm cf Columbisnaeot Rossi, sis bsecother Lots of àAcre ooneo f sdprasmosgy ie etîlini iî ottis th expdiîîusasacnfrtbeconveyance mstken, and bsbouio uimter istress shichth iey D' bsf. u C IU il ît1 sY acertain pee tvbut poSitavely s resto- i hicistbelle lis agrnd Fraoime H slckssp euDcsPasnesHîe alWgen;iengetniv0nicovnetbPsegeslaintiit n u ystvatbtaculyerdct tni,-n d îiCI -sIi lC" rative cf tise humiaihiait; aise, a sure.cur feransi a Lot cf about 9 acres in tise precîncts of thé Le iston- dNaase edasas iurîy b hsiosl ris Mnri o ednesday by tLi se éof lus uemely. The oreify,o, O 1%li taia, In Dandrnff. Whb itildispute, ce sha go bisaiif- TOFno.For futiser parlicutaa, eoquire (if tsy lot- aolSsturay eeint.Il stersl fsinii eerh n 5e-ss ePe a Tis clytrc av sépendsistelplteenua- :be, utpal>cfM.F. Wia-crEnaiEsq. Port TseCO7 OOEyARIEanv, veyMola.adTgnrdl ig a TéCOBOURG, tireiy cf a diffrent cisaracter troun sdvertis-ed pz- afier inbîaî- C Ci, TIC I qTihe ttse la ioy trLucL NDh.afve tsearivI c tseBotfrostiesoneSelt jplagte isreorcanprcel mselieelsu. REAACESIE OplaidT)eatieOfB ia-n. li Ts- TI" G'ITT i silBele ile.uhccunatda teda tise.. ran ed fuu trd n o m 'un tbox o- i amuu P a], -bi T lnie os -iT j", T ad wrappr with (ils of Nagara, & . eneil Ela H bs- Ir thmif iS a t ailvCTfit t ileTni Oî. tas 1i" a ii UT Tloc sa DETLU, Rosion hicsWIueL L gNoSi m5lee. Ise irs .a iih in . gr haias ~smAt gse.bute. hIi. rtrstS. nos , EA amresisKO e Rpulitsatai r.- siie. isba. B i ri, iiili T.lîI stee I odrAcres isufllrcevulad in hTonsi p ofChahMmWesern a bar d th berAW I Ba cuIsýdopi-aint, isesi calikHeois er nbaillr the Bites i 1'îî 25niTît f punctmaily attendel ta. 200sAreictIl.2, 3 cnheétn tatirgis, ffal, masae LanPoght h in.a are the m Siete BOatsNroi edce rssPo ie.bliriaimeb f ' TT.m. Wetr badDy laNi 2MGOODAR, 83. 8acmenO1U O OR A E ~ ti a-toeso hféin tsy bave isteraiuIl trauda tim.e aTua s..CiT pTLT Tla PULSfD V R pctgeiEpiSiDAYace lii 10AcresiLte. ownshio ynaionaThis, d o g' ialataydsoeyo nelrulpe vnl i elnni sud.9LotNoe1endcocesio, N rt 0(th S EAOBO TN.IC .eativcu mreastrua sue l ofsatht i rgr , t aeîay . Id, c i bae fCii-hi IT b m, a iaé~ muai six pnce if not paionu alvanclitM.ie leunargéaasLiogiUnira.ia7r qmmbm ar Slliiabaapublue.aisanPs .arassIvL cmmenceabcrsreguardTridiran Mon t Drma S.sois aise urrsitratine bliatttise suyst a rem re- nYmiilaiton uiCk' aus- inlîlilTidiTfilCàlel, ii Atbmufic, ing Sreetonsihlpforte psy. 200 Acres,Lt Nco.cession tie th oNo. 3, e a" neut md= nuiiatbnksri. (min f-,trp Vdynxtse21is. evn hapaedyas e tsesiordventeiseui irogi tie toincs, C55 Ifer 5.110w..,i ro71-,T Lît- m in of & aeis olingecston er Cnaa atst- mict l D .ist t. bmeu aiCeiiOCili-ipenirI NnnnAST ,14 ittrse-i illSeroplorrt i fubsgrter nunibur. ird av. 0 crïShc o. , onuLNo36 vo gw"qorcelti.Tepnidsoenhi iat relte.,fbr pun tu ll ate dai torutW IM.i.imet 40 A l a are iyn enl , . i. ... p e.a rtri1 aio -Il fise n a luasitt at isaibisAhy ýI,1hrre'l ýý e:1 I or r . le lle ra 1 enem bini o fami-TI,,l, pitm 200 ndinCa CarsNo. 26) 10th concession Pittsburgh»ise , p osit aion esantoot bu cenrorth sdeimn t obemhTe TT î,lb- lrisoetlLlleradsixonceifne uid in vnem . b ihM. xcpinsse iID.Aplcton1 I ae t ile . m usI d.rintrd sV)thebic thee Pm. ILLPP omence0FbeTre STIETris o. bstocrasthfntcf use tts..Spos pemeab sTitC rbiCTiamCT il"'. iTWTf-f arei dtiehs. . B nPuibeor.h Sutu20 cibaiLut No.e8,line. Ifcpn. Hper, peut psriii.anemiL.cu li u. Cmiunaminis h. e-cSnCo. e ciYah. W ENAMINe OLOtTe 23d in g t l aen esp fetioa l eptsi, nthi ar.Tsredy nstn s uhe iNl ai. al g Centable.. is.. o i l a e Wm mie,.tIytut . er, exLe is nosot f h ntra nd ba s Noues ds u ines 6fntinsrtian r ii'mPuil de r al 71d I te- anp Lai ila----teos,. Fos tthehîavin buenTsiE. SPHN, Dr. llymiselé hulSCl -TN-I ,-î ýpifl 1, T ce. tii.Ufliiiaaslui, aasope,~ Newcastlejvn, Dort.Tirs aa e s-ci ass ai. -ni is- aii elya nd ts.a na,.-sunime rvaearsules n o Deer o.t D l - i: 1b- itrL IlIc RireclsbLy 7s-e,, i ..unw sitis thse eeasia. ii su fiumd ib'iTS "aY oeIie mi iiil we-Cnne.cd ti.iiY,-,, L.CL Pillea.dnlPbie,, imî8C1era1 I I-9 ,a loc aMd i-.box tiiPnbba 1 fosmim mmi n-C pal usai u bM., nmgb- ,e,ubs-ild ..Ch. a dRdCd«= - SacS Seing Ch.ii, nil i-.dh I * bené aM th.iecil. eîn m eibei 1,a«blltaymummie tc t be-midy a IIf ia aoâ effet. vota"Ti, CtThiI i"ucî iuil "' Mr. Ibiolft-ire: .i.n. ..... ibaîi YT0 thea eiectis-aMy$.,(mfu sC T làaseul v y »diossa,;tS c.--.5il il Mr.t W.B. Myafut CeIC crfl1C s..aof.te rr.é.»C. asl.ntiy yCL, ,:= Odtn abeu. -Il. 1TR tiebni. 3,s-ný Meyw. W . le..e hi n Sa eaaed a tC CI bIy. 1 dtie Mrssa s b pablîmCI.ce li! pflaeniée th,iamlmSai 0 c.e1 terva «e, eds,.siigb naua bel 11 "Millotf.&@a. e,, it f- i.11lb, Lula a.d Beealloe Iiiiayli- a' niInCCI- 1a= il, ombnabiI, ,aaf étistséeé. tt"urIC sIAn esc d irsset insetan . To@&ehans une insertion: ab"eeten lunes, 4d. lpeu lin. e ir Uic irst insertion, and Id pcr Une for ever subsequcot in acîtion. Ailvertîsementas itiscut wuitten dircctioris are inserted tili Pri, and chirgel accordnbgt. Ou dems for uisconiusiog advertta--enets o lbu i. writing. Alverttsenienta for insertion tebe la eiveucd on bisa uuonimg preceeding Lise day cf publicatio. AGENTS. Napaee,......A. bMcPissono e.q. P. M. Xhui.......::. .W. J. MCKtY, Ei.q. P. lAI. Yreubrcknhurgis,- J. W. Anderson, E i.P.M. Adlph ustowo- S. G riSis, Esq. P.M Hallosell-....Win. Rearke, Eaq. P. M. Alileo'nli -John Alen, Es,~ .Ii Bioonfield,.....John Tiirkell, Laq. P. M. HuIliery- "'-------J. P. Browin, F.sq. P. M. Deéoretville ...- T. Deosoreilt, Figq. P. M. Saphisburgh- ..J. MeMarrsy,EL4- P. AI. Shauouvilic ....J.- H. Blscker,, &4. P. M. Belleville,-....B. Flint, Eaq. Trent Pert - ...Win. Rohersan, Eéq. Port Hope-.... . Smnart, Esq. P. MI. Peterborough,.. ..Mr. Love, Brighto,......Josis. Lockwaoul, Eaq. P. M. Coborne - .. .J. A. Keeler, Eaq. P. AI. Graft ..........J. Taylor, E.- P M. Cobourg,------.R. HallL Esq .. Clarke..-- ....--J. Beavié, Ïs.P.. 1sr ........R. Fairburo, Esq. P. DI,. Whs........ J. S. lemtmaninEaq. P. M. TUOmtO........ r. Osborne, Land Agent, t Mr. P. Clarke, Pust Olâce. RichondolHill, . . Jas. Sinclair, Esq. P. JI. OakviIie - ....Win. Chistsolis, Eaq. P. M. %Veiliuuton Square, Hirami Smiths, Eiq. P. Mf. flmlion - R ....PL sn, Esq. Dunda,---------.J. Larkin, Esq. Amter - ...J. Cisep, Esq. P. JI. Si. Gearge,.G.. . Stanton, Esq. P. M. Brntfrd, .....Win. Ricisauitii, E.q. P. M. St. Catierines, . . .. J. R. ensoi, Esq. Gutméiy--------..H. Neitis, Eeq. P'. 31. Niagara ..........Alear. Davaisco, Esq. P. M. Gausucque - ...John MeDonall, Eq. P. Mt Drcisvlle-..... Joues, Faq. P. At Xil.y-.-.......Jo"BreDieusa, Esq. Preuect .... Aipises Joncs, Eeq. P. M. Cocsali ... .Mr. Dunean IdrOonal, P. . KéuiiCellc W . H. oltoas Eaq. P. AL - -.kite. * * LE.Witétarsi, U 1 . P. N. pastis--------- FrancisAlgen, Esq. Pe M. £VtRY DESCutIPTIo.jNg COMMISSIONMERCILINTIAPPR.IISE, OPPOSITE TIE COMUZISCIAL HOTEL, STORE STRET, KIXGBUO.1 UZAIG ltted up thse premiées on the Norths AKEsat, corner of Store andi Rear Streets, for the porposea of au AUCTION BOOM 'and C<)MMISS1ON 8 70ORE, he wouid repectfiiIiy advertise thse publie that lie ién w fuit7 pepsred to enter utipon tic above lises cf busnem, having provided hiosacif with extensive wasre isce and ZoTlés As an Auctioneer andi Comunsion re~h t,bhe in determined to lie ponctuai in bis renittances; and will be fathfui ta bis employ~er, in everv respect. Hie alto contnues thse J .W- ELRY lJUSINESS t the sanie stand, where repairing wili be donc on tse shortest tnotice. Old, Goid andSilvuer bougt.i e::. OUT DOOR SALES cf Forniture, &c.,1 panctuefy andi faidsfully stlended te on the Méat reoansieterni&s.I S A L E S of FuRmTrax, Dav Gucas, &r. on biondays and Thbils, ut il A. ?Ji. Lixsaox, 101h May, 1838. DANDRUFF AND BALDNESS. 0 LDR[DGES BALM 0F COLUMBIA.- DANDRUFF AND BALDNES8- Thse artaci- nanied abusec t, a che.nacai combina- tion of suri ingtedlientsaç b ave proved thensaeivcs efficaciquinleassating the na:ural growth of tise ismansa bairnsd refaring ail obstacle, tu ils per- fect develepment-la commendinx t Iis article tu tise paricular notice of a discerning public, Uic piaptietor is but recapitutating Uic cft expressedl stntilnenta of socné of Uic many hundreda,«ho haie aucceaafuily tested its efficacy and vionderful quates- i cmpun ainacurdfrtcf a chrae o inla."'eut nd value. It is usei y ldss asigenleengeneraiiy, te Ieep is L ai oa asib muifu, s d tiahe hadtfre s Wrm.bnlrI isiics dus ainsiperfectly, and thus preventa Baldaen. ~>Catiu.-Observe tisat caci boueof thse miîne oasu f Columbia bha a pleisdid en- gavcd wapr, on wich la eprented thse Faili o'igFor sale, whelesalle ce retal, by COUSTOCK & Co., New Yod[. Tise ah,. asediciaeare Fu @sae by S. Ple aatel d aebaaies tinElagélcu lise Cama KEPT CONSTANTLY FOR BAIX NDA if= t,* 8@4Day étetlai ofesa whYiemibad-y M si M aili Sa s r aenoemsasa é5 A is e fo r S a l é a s a b o v e , lie O r la T o o t is W ssi, a supericu aricle for tisa Teetis aod Guos. Ts concurrent testiseony cf tise molt eninent Dentist uni ,,uflua of theiMi dicalF.. . . . .are ..s-e iog ca iL esar ta say tisat he seill do bis ut-j ut. k t .etiencouf'tbe Kingston, I7tis Apritl, 18m. NOTICE. irn favour of tissarticle. jT HE ( 5uibn v i e Poluli e gs leavela mcuint Lié frienuis andIts ulcgnrIy JUST RECEIVED, andi fou Sale thé 1al10s- tisat hé bas Loases tise large ansi csmodlaus ing aticies-Jobaos Poiising Powdeua suprier Wharf aod Warehonses at foot cf Store Street, article forclcauing Brass,Copper ansi cther meta3a-- iately occuped by Menait, Truax & Philiipe, sud Messis Geoiline Anti Dyépeptic Pilla Snoos by tise naine cf the Morriaons Hygean do* Sanlé Sait Riseum Reuedy-a sure cure foi @ O R3c& j W uHaE that ceuplaint- 'siere ha tenders bis services Iotisosiswo us, Dr. Judk*Ins Ointoent-s munt effIions bu pcased to smpley hii in the Forwausiing andi remdyfo tsecue c vsie setigé,sea eg Cnuiasion Busiiesun. Tise extentcf the prauises snd ulcere-Gisudular Ttimors, Fellons, Risetuma enablel i e1b n sî c i isrhu tr in pain-Sprein«, Braises, Boras ansi Scaida--in- Hiuaes tote ic s knewn Firm cf hlesan. Honker fammatiens in Woeo'e breas-Rinlgsorisand Hendeeo f Prescoi, siso are te carry cn a Ciilbinis, Erupliens of long standing andi acre trench o! their fersearding business un ibis pace; Eys.an a iletotu Mr. H. Fraser Agent for Meurs Ee. PERFUMERY. A. H. Vasa SiCe. cf Montresi, aspart of thé spa. cieus Stone Store Ilouse in rean cf tise sharf foi Fsr.nans genuins Eau de Cologne, thc purpose et carrying on a Besi Londio Lovender, Reece's veizetaisie Hair Oit, genuine, ilholesale Groa Estalilussses. Canadian Beumr's Ou, wocrrai genoine, Thon tise Commercial Whasrf of'ere ta tise publie Rose, Aimod, Jesainine, & other fancy Scapu, the fscility of buying ou Selling gSd nosud treos- MilS of Poses, pcting ties 1u 507 part o! theire Provinces ericf Raile Antigua sasRose a Paris, tic United States. Smeliing Sats-Presuong Tise sobeciber aitishe soliritation of minie cf his Rase Pemstum, friendsbasé buen instuced ta, LiSe ont Coals Cresain lrgoa. dmI oteAUCTIONEERS' LICENSE, Bear'aGrass in do sic.forthéeup f diapoin. cf ucis consignaient Toeikcr strühon uatrmnlof as.'sy u enesita bcsolà by Publie Anction Beét l'orcupine flair Brushes, and bas establisisesi s egular rorrespondence sitli Nai& Tooti do. respectable Mercantile HRenn10svers, atso Supeiior Totose Siscîl Conibs, andi etier ati- tishec oProvinces, whisuoi il enabie hlm te give cles tee numerous to deuail. corect information uespeciing tise stata cf Uic diffeent arkesoindtise cuirent pices of producé N. B. Tise Ceugb Syuup andi Tcotis Wasis sue 1&. &C. anîy tc bu bail genutue aithtie Store cf JOHN COD O DFRST MBAT. MEAGHER, Apotbccary à&Diuggist, next dont ýCR ODFRSEMBAS ta Mms Toiien'., snd tisie doma buios Plr. qisifor Toitnconsuoption, sili bu Sept J4 aIl Foster's. BoSSuét agtoitMsy1 e8 s on the Wharf sud a con1dentWalpemo 5111l __________________________________ lty attend to, abip en receive freli ansi ~otItestengr's bagage. T HiE UNDERSIGNEI> ha, ataishaheihbir. the suest reasoable terme; freigisbMsud ermegc self in ibis esce aen a COMMISSION gondsiseft subject Iburto, sili becollecldms IMENCRANT, GENERAL AGENTmnd elivery.mal nd etualy pi. Poroetymce n ACCOUNTANT, as- c. i. griment silt bctaken charge ocfhec cf Stotage Ce,éavuaussJouaT STOCK Co5Wig casel i Wlasfage, if sodI. ImaivENt Eosta, SIsuBoàî Accours 1a H. CALDER. and ail ther sentiers relating Io Commnercal a -< Kingston, 2lst May, 1lm& fasireattened t-by D NOU30 eS. RESUmua&, liait F FR011 THE MIL4lier csale bythse officse.M Cossw t 'a ue, a fu, laure t the shuibr's waeioms. u.te.on Ree rae« I . M.ROSE. 9 arîmeSh osie 1l% 1h Augusb, lMun. PILES. SRO P SY. SWE LLING S. RHEUMATISM.î It is absolutcly asseutesi en tise most poitive tirooi, that tiesehaore comiplainte are arrested sndà uresi bv tise imeiy oie cf Ilay'a Linmment. Il as impasifie tua ins rumpini tis apaper ta imsent t'tce proofs shîcis are conclusive and convincing j lhymay bie seen at lengtli abelow. 'Tise truc article bas a bplendid engravesi wrap- pa.ith agents and proprieter'o naime. Catit e te raggtsa in Kingston sehere tise srtcle lé écisi Tise above medicine, are for sale hy N. Palmer lad ail Drug **ta sud Apotisecaries in Kingston, I thse Canadas and Uic Unîtedl States. FORWARDING, 183. VIA OTTAWVA AND RIDEAU. ¶ qu Suurtieushsigmd anent fer TOWING titir EARGE'S by STEAIJ DOATS, tisucugis the Rideau Route lu, Kingston, and Mrprd teafr-i*ve *Bd Yoewanl GOODS sud p RD CE tc nd freini Vpr Canada with eq cal deapalcis and ocmaslavouruhie termeista oher For- warders.t E. HACKETT&Cc. blMAîL. W. DICKINSON & Co. KsUsvloa & PazaoiT. Lacinie Canal, May 3, 1838 FOR SALE. A 1 flUETAN.D LOT, in tisevillagecfNs- pec. Tie Ho.e . aFra2 f t.sc rie&-28 feet square, wîtb Kitehen b icrheares, 15 Pet1bIl18& A Celar cadertishe shole. Tise situ atLo .,eq ta any in tue village for a Marchenot Mie-A FARM cf 100 Acres cf land, cf excel- lent quaWiy, about tiree miles rom tise village- "but 25 acres partially cleared andi fepced. Fur pazlluam applye teG. H. Detio, Eiq.,Na. pinep or ta tis bscniber. " lA I Napante, October 101h, 1lm. PÂDIDlmWIIEAT, BARLE, RYE &OATS, etteStas f ts uhcier traSre Kingston, 13t8 Aéguit, 1lu& N. I. WEYSKEY aetisbe lovelpr" asy kef>l on bsad. I.>. 170's- ;l~i * 'T - As- - -e~ 11j',ijl.C-Tunesi fo ait ii OF 'Céa a roeld. qy àSEL F. - ede éYslf," .V '7beauliPtîl 1w ,,,j:Met My ,frotme; wow ez g?" lléa ails it l foi $tif ise Masse- , sdugn ' - Il.'I é r a ly t uulu tsa s la ?"in vé aria part, l~45d ah1, éUctati t.ette.eram Iri iL hal mete jeans gigot tiywsy aPc à- raamtiat I at l sones mm éolmenC. wti1satIy fsg évermoe, D'raatly inr Tise, ont, suditM thua caebily frime, à ail templle lIo., siii tbf spirit *ver oMay hli pieece Ob»é divine, l lery, bénnir, proime sud 1ev@ Deur iard tie ever Vine. JE LIIGRANT AND THtE INI à lAct. himvetyesn5g&go rmn of ti Ipia sativa et Ar emsaiira, siso lt UpprCaumaisaîles yets halaf lia in Scetîsusi, givimg an acte usi tiske seortI, and îmong coli it te malle haonuale Md X rat I. fwn tilsugty remontaic bnci, naiAgletare b the r, sas 101 ipstu ésibooth, by bbcasbuhpis te msien on the toile; asid Dushoiappemel ta bu onbise la; lavas ériveul, W4 . e mocis t1 anre gigot le cebleceed tise r w uiuao,A iis ready ta vouct L4on Mleimgux ur Canails 'lémase tise étai s iésmàtyl éqilau, ad en tebise trema von b ais i. Im cane su Ugoostruct iln ie lîi, sud thîs tuai fsin" f ine, esnly andiot, luatgs libe aigbt a few @cmesagi bdmu a stock of caILle, ée: , fimisa amI on th ise d.1 Mmh is tnilsts cir ad, qgbly becs..m ntouaMitase à enas cmperesi .118 bie élsdel t basse. Ris gusabut ilitsc.tm éebours, the che W t's th Mil ; sd a sRais le, 01éfther the. elsicymeuta»W' dui.e, of thon endeaemg che lien sAins leind mi a àcisar bcaleé depslued histUicneit tis îtle trsining netiarni If thir nmiss-accord, pari uai 84- Connee occ.uion, ?McDau est tas gginsi, sait asth isiit, »al, and tise mals sergecf lisei tIMaIt Baty could ina,libu pprfi ai ghtistso, gmd returninc t i lité a""-.libis absence lise c; Isslved Onsit laspose, sud se the 86lt but ertise careful mitron etailez. Beuuéd ils;mte nuls tShulere neultu in t he IMM ot tigese 1r, sad Suis Dg, 1111éé laie ley, ltlemo tbi 06 'soidtei loxngdolsauy M Làk [mis e s é AlpI ius huisPi seéreis Bise derscl I iigh e oib.te it sas et ime. lisc'wM mach ate, bimait dang WMsusosea 5 vudoliis for louts,@bal 'e$ taIsclien amd' *lwe u iw-tae signtée«tgo onst res.afer magay mial la Isndluienubutr*etmod lie ' N tOrg h s étma a iliou a bsAb a-ish-blalever jers gîé,(gmii5 uns m q Vker a, eor en udactuétgese amaSse n5,fl'ec naitu ~ Iw e s ceiseewetd 5à51 ho Am ewI;ks hb iso ,re kcasrpeisemdlier mi s*p5 di, Th, SaniertiéC re Sec»appb»t- msg tise ssab»*sseetisél lielute, b "Wéno mi b h i ha5eueu i sléa.lenmI ratDryg. aR BLANKS FORS. gEDS sMd 1.EMGRIAILSî A A Rqeslé ssaiibe B L A N vagiety foi m=et tis e radOfl - KisgstoiOcsow. Ozaula4~r47"/ fmasOmISSONTO UOOUCLANLY TOPWLICAMMaOIv.OfAWA. - -i 1 -i 1 l -$1 - 1 1 - ges