Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Nov 1838, p. 2

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mis Eztenlhcy &Ç Joan Cosasme <o.k th 2 =rd, edvt fmauk h .%ls&M belecq- tire »W4 àrnde ACcusit te whib t.hei o< he fomer EKB.III. Veiaiwer. ufbaa4. wus bel in It is f:LDW Hlhmas suend Cl ta A teruet utMmeail Bii ast.t.(QnhecGazea, Nor. -Li aBY Hits V*e.l.ey sic Josie Cuiheama, Kalit GrauidiCrois, cf the ola lottmrste Mil"Ita- rit Ucter orihe Bathi, Adincstrtalo cfte (J.vemetof ahe Peovinre.of Lamer Caina- da, Lieutenant Genem ru ni Cawmutdei eni Chiairaoflier ftajetyl Fors-es ici.îte sait l'ratinee a. dc,. & e. APRIOCLAMiATION. I'lp,«EÂ,S ubere azîs;t& in tht District of bionmureal aanaaiàuspee,.yanuushac cf pesona. aImletysulang themehves patriote, fur the subversion of mIbo Auttsucmîy cf Hec Ni e- 1-11>, andtha eescio. et thiss aistaed cunsi<ution sot Goveramnancnidatthu-sait Pro. siluce; mutdsubeeas Ibos sel nimotOUS canspi- "IIracp baîliroieak ousi ie a-as of nhe ,osr d-ring ani epenachaollion; astidmiterus I saiti Iettellinabath ver, cusnderislp aeiatie ilf, in 80 ifuart, thirt'ige humes ofarmeti tratars bave 0openhp azrruet aheaieives, aud hae mode, anti do seial malle, aaeks talon ligr i4plesty's subjecîs, aut havaecttnîtet the.onst horeiti cacessa sand çvaela es; anti ulieccas in the pacie cf &<ha < Dsîti )srict in w ich tha asil c hîn aitliai eus. pu rhu-- l e*M ut in ee ealct sciq amhars cf hpasons, sacu iltîa iaemseivs Paîciots, for tihe axecurion oh suaisflair viket disagns, haveq planuemi mesus of open venlace. anti farini ati susgemeais fec massai t nd aine au org.snized anti discitalaneti <oce, ant inlafuc- tbergnce of ihear purpuses,, iave feaquenilp as- sembleil lu acest sud unttma jnumîers; anti utîc reas thie exertiaus of <lie Civilpumser are ineffectusl fui ha sulaprtssicn ofahehaaftrasaiti rattoitous ant icueeti Uuspiuatp ant bi la-. liun, 'anti fuc the protectionti cf the.litres f:j'tl 1roperies cf Har Majescy's loyal nubl!iibota;nsd suhareas tbo Courts&t-f Ja.ue C'a-;-fise sit Disa griet f ounrcaailtea rtnsll; ceasadt exaisa, fdittI itsspo.,Oi1tf of eXeîru<mug soy legal pracais ce marrentcf aines tiiereit; anti mWcrcas ta. public aèft> requires thair SMatial Lteshoulti ha xciese: NOVn I*HEREIORE, I bavc thrîugtfil, by snd siîb the adeice sud consentaofilr acla- jesry' Etteuttve Counei cf ibis Piovance, ta Issue Ibis I'ucclamaaion ta tIsaeaa aht 1L Mode Maléifast, îthat shall aret anti pUn- jet',satdccaase <a lia arraîti sud punistiter, *Il Parsions svho taîve laeau bherie, or Who nom sre O trhcafian uîay ha anpsibecting, aidang anti sssising in the s-ti Conspuosacy anal Ra. hellicu, ansot uloercaften mii) h. nu an)y mise adao, aiaing, or sai4<,ni in sel oIher Con- spigacy anti Rebellion strin nue a'iti Disrrict n<Maiceal> ccucdaaag teuSMARTIAL LAW, eittaetsy teath au-rcteruçae, as su me shal seeLai ighliesd capadient, for uNe punaebmant Ocf sIIrabalinlthle saiti Ditrict. 1 G~IVEN titillermy 1Ilantanti Seat ai Ar, nt lts Goversusiena fouse, lutise Ciyor Mentreat, in ihe Prvin" ofLomer Cana- ta, tNe faucah day cf Notenaher. ln the yeau of Ou Lord One Thousinti Eighr Hundreti aud l*1îiuîyEigist,,snd lun<lue Second pe4r cf trer Mjasayts #eign. riios. LEIGti OLDJE, âcictug Sertery o<SAc Proncne Vras tise maesg CauierEste. oft tish luit. Wa meutiolledtha ethea day, aur certainahll cf th. Cana&tan Rafaigeas and Froctlc sccaunirels ong&niaunta asmaka ferayt on plundeciiauu .Mor iio <is Province. Tiseanais of to-day rom St. Johns, proese<bat <bey ser. very spcedily to po thu spart cf tiiir plana anlo executian. il mu aeastaanet yetertiay <bat there sustc hema preliainary meeting last igt ofMs test of flb bouding rebhais mN. batescap a hsugteslt in. Lu, i sont. nafigugees frnt ha othersida cf <hi lieu 4% atha notorious Gtaoea',s residanca, Pois a le aa, aboaut 6 miles front St. Johns. A parti of the 15th Regt, b a utar, anti a lecm of <ht Dro4oonGîtants, lissa bnly, mane secccaIy dis. pmtchd stith aMagistrale ta capture the concaIs, alule in thea c< cf ploling tha testruction cf t«a lires sud paneny o loyal suîJets lu <bat neugh bouainstd.Wrobave jut lemrnuat front Col. Tavios. that sevon cf tisntm ene taken, anti among hanf the son cf Guias, but ha fathai mas not teotb foantiW. siso uttrrtaist <ats trestansta serq mailaent SI. Johassad bat Dr. LAcaix,wsbc lasnlated aIt laîtt mntan in tise geti cf is city 'at bila expeuneas unraremouionusly failis ioc cf l bed lat night. The hyeocrite sua,cf cours very machi astonluhd tatti5<<lusapparent mantto coartasy ettise bande cf a Gavansuaait front sior éh,4bilpriavioual>' Tceiveti surb ibajat tueat- mun. The o assraly of traitera mare armi, sadtit n4w on. cf beir muskti in Colonel TAnvam pobsssion, stith bavonet, scahisacti cartaurhboha c pite, sud about <enty lroundsocf all cirtritigi It mua aa mrcan pace. Tbis little afair Wilyvie hope, contince a' loyalit anti traitoes tocn<bt Govamment in mai infiermed of evecy <ing o o , sn is mieilarmac et ant pointa ta seat evcly OZmanacy. Ib lia. vantyhat<ing ha Gavmeanut ca o dIl st <e VeotntaantiLaoystiingcaad batt ai, huacr, la ta procetti a once ils httraliocf <N csptgWe rabas; andt, stsauld tht oedimny tribunal ofteCoool be deamet imltolimtl,letSirJoRI C.awn *Mw sPechli comm isn, ordeclar Us iiLaw ,mith0ut aia5oie!<m l We tee conieal <Wi t Lrd DuRAX w Molie 'Ollesa hl I am i esainth e acoonry, in lu bis reply b ana ddrmfront <lie LPrinters Di Qnhac, ha closs.: by iný-m shbald hep (he reblailestew succet au produtitsg <is lanttahtle vasat, il thns hea mutI egPaoa*ilitY W mice-by <bai <lie haavlest puaiabanent stitlic tsaaurved.5' Le javelatoutrsge and c.heii be hA t edisflalslis b wintir and net Ot a po-eium 0Il s"1< taiistandi su shail very bave hava nOti0g Bscre M <ha blusti W.Biais <bat tha es- erf a Canadien mb' ceade, lit ointea ala Maie, vmc teratil IOasih sace b1 a paty cf saskeut malntisho reeveahi" of il lita spare Mo-Ti, sanuuinte bousctS2 il liard cash. Tbey tc bimet the iet<bat il mu ocateibu<ica In the Patriot catise. A ltI.&hiaulen c.ceived lun<e ltiiimoret ;a 'atci-«poit St. Peter, (asapa> Oct. 20ti.' micstiays: a W. bave just racivedit iWneeo f a Iarg B art,'boàadte<oQsetice .btiug mreckem uc VAu- su Gsacc, Bay Chlaleur, about fow «Îst flou Ibis, vmitua scab go cf blaSaTaltosu, dc., sut £7, M ~in Spacie. Thte ptioimate, and 40ljpersan vireradcwlecd, cl 12 Of the aCu suere svedl- Shs megt asisortet t hea 1urt whewe êSals mras src u- I lasia <thetihe l'arkWhos-,sbca'aalsi lisbu hoanalrus, t<cho, &cc aud OPOiueI, sud aI qhesioeeofplate "lwaici o ha<iarseted te Cd-i - aefW&naac. by thaejatobit Baisof ?Mcmrta Bar cargo jeasimatatfuonas 25000 <M£UMil0 Tise meather vras caisbtifl-dsyrià q i _____________THE UPPEIR CANADA__IILERALD-TLIS»A.4y NOVEMBER 13, ISOR. >'c eUlt ca a iMe t u e, 5eae. JJUX CaLsoss, it là Sed b0c«4«.Dof t1 h. ro- Jbsistesuspend! Spei. aU Po ia iuMa ilaetts roa alifax up.le ttQUe, ai boh ' ?Asisiss amdbei u ,éofti~smt. Cht eledpe bave be.a cuaserid te go dw4 v.orwih <iu Ms£x.thap-cy t U9hUie.b Cu t .a.soas udtermine W ine re wier- FauanâayAr,:aNuo. rd, <o carry the Province tbrou.gh its praset ti&l- 1 heas that Mr. DcYAL bas tendered bis tasigi- cutbe.-[Ib.1 nation as Queell's Cagliari, and <at it bas! beau Yetteiayaornng, iît-Aligence readl'ad Coun acceisted by Lord DumuÂs. Chat Mr. John McDunetI, attvacate of tIt, iscty, A ochaomqav ard thia morning, fis Gaopas ad been captured i StSt. Gregoire, arly.ap=te veploabts h<le vcu weced ai Say Chlaleur, ta Tuoee ivers, enï tavourinX Insriue t<be in the àîrk Cissbrsie, alsdthat the a pseageassintitant in <bat part 0of<lthecoo"r. lie deseribed prt cfh rw, 42 au nmber, mare drwne- iassaîf as an American Genersi, and statet <bat T seof <eacreur tnved werae mpioyed ini saving thse Amaricana bati riaes nmaeeIa asalatt heasou- thei cargo ad thay eapeatedIoget et the pecie. fering CsltadianL Sorne loyalistatkhnmpria.. Thse nnoa.. cs f théi. aegenare Mot yt khome.osnar, andl detvered ics op tes the regimant of Ive bave hsd sàtu7le fait of sote<i moaing, Gsards titatioased at Three Rivers. On bis person but the weatber in mild to-day. werie foarbit saine Impers addreuued te tics us bMa-L à. ]I. S. Aaadrcsga/ salled <is mominq with jor G.neral of the Pattiot Ariny, and a tricoloured a liglt breeze fris haeaet.- [Quebac Carres- fllg mas tount in lis poss.ession. Hie was breughst jodesce of the Mont. Courier.] cistes tcwn )esterdsay in the Steamer Canada, wbich had aise Sir James .lcDo:ielI and the reg- The rebais at Beauharnais, baving evsny <ing ment of Guards from Three Rayer'. As sooni as itn Cheir ewn way, beoke loto the stores of the loyal- vras knowustat tlie rebel cf the Saine satue mas t jesta, and got se gWeutloly cimun, <bat <bey were on leard, there wws a great seilsatio,î in the city,a roln bout lu heafields. A, man nameti Vitre and immense numbers tbrongcd thc suîaves.- , arrMinl towna yesterday front L'Acadie, wbn %%'ien hae landei,- han icuffed to az'ottaer tr;iitor, bailt on rubi hit ae, snd icceived lise woonds andi underra guard of saldjierâ, the crom J gaoaîed francl.ttre ci misketry which was sent cfter and &hou<ed and 3yelled, and suile on bis viay ta hira. He says <bat Chaie mas an indlisobinate the aid gacl, alonil the beach sa fuiai t ho New t erder cf tNelo y allis, sud lu one ince, a MaLket, lit wa6 palteti vitl atocies alid inuti, mas .cild was stabbed ta the hearl h inls mothet atra. siwt Spontonnha face, anad iiîaltd in evety <ossi- i al tseuaspstga old"M Makg aflerdeserter,, hle way. 1< mas mth rxlciordinary duticalty thaatM am erte b. ha urd.red, but me camat stablelbhe more highly axcited portion Of Vie cramil masc wbetiiattha eot l triac or ont. Col. Catheost, restrasned ro aying viOI-nt bands on blan, anda baarioig <bat a nouerons force vras advanciug an eecaing is punishmiat on <ha Spot, andth<e f<cl-a Sorel, took witb bics a large detachrissnt cf Dra- ing <bt lNe would cartaanly ha tnied saamiaaily hla goan Guarda, ta enclose hem, saas <o cet offtheir martial law, and inimediately tbereafter ttaiugad, retnaat, snd, sMiter baving scoured the ccun<r1, re- alone saved thnm rom the aafnriated lîoluace.- 10 turisdilmithout having met with the rebela. AI . The disclosurs matie y sanmeut the rriSoners earn. John M'Deasftd, hom uisa re<sled lin O extrao, vary precise andi very important. I< apî.eoe Is I as~~~~~~~~~~~~ haigbasuadrd entted tlel chedule of tha prtaperto f each loyalit jt r<hea3' trnuucadrtilly wunded. aWe at !0city waa drawu up, and on ha rebalsts <ing the haa <oda cfth mOeains cf <ha mitary îin Ci", 1< mas irtede bt< a e r~astaould de- the dosaffactedl distncts, and cf ha ealtiion iýeing irer ap their property as a ra:,som, wbale ancitero suprased, if net totrilly stabdied. cia.s sas not <o ceceive easy mercy, inait h w il m Yfsterday tâonenais a detarlimen t cf <ha 24tb hava <hael'.tnounof Iguing. Ail the Jema, alun, i Regrcent mtet wth saine sppstion frin the rebats eé ta ha massacreti. Ve heard that a copy Ofe ai Cote St. Pitre, but Iller snrcaaded lu disperiog lne tiat wax Couns!inluMeDantill's possession, butc Choir appants. and bhumai six hauses. On cannot vouch for hafaet. le hadti enpudenice. Thutudsy Ict, Mr. Craig of the Royal Regitnent oa ak Sir James MeDonetlIo<eattow bilm te go taoi who wax ha hearer of despachaa <o Ilatiryvilla, Fpienta in s caleche, but Sir James refused it, tel-i narrowly eruiped vritb bis life, as a paaty was ing hlm <bat ha osas a disgraca <o bis nanie andta<r formesd in taire hlm prisast:, mn'e. of Cce, attadi- Sctotlan. DOnreachcg <Ne hacranko$, bis -gtuae i pacbh tmcsas Lieutenant ',cir Wds murdered. A parceiveil<t ha emaalItkel-e to be saac'iùIce.ý 'te marrant mas yestete .y issued forthalà<aiarhssion the fury, cf ha populace, an! hae ais vety proper- of an tindiv;-'uat at Point a lt Trembles, a est ly t3ken ns fauther. IVa onat reiriêmben <taae muile, fiin <li. city,bnt <Ne contables mura una- sean Suib an excitembiut sirice the lth Of Noavet-. t1e lu -.:rcute i, as thc Canadiana maere ait anm- ber ltst ear. blcDQUeît la of Scotch anti Casa- ad. On Suuday morn.ng <ha CaiadiansaiatLcn- dian extraction, h<àr almays associated witN Cana- gueil dastroyeai l <le c-ans an tbe beach, anti aians, andti .aged to stear cdear of any overt set cnt off ttae tidders of teabhutsebhat, ta prevaut any of treason last year. Ha is cf a prrpossüssin. ap- commnni -aticn between Montreal and <ha stouth of prar.tnca andi cf very geiitmaoty mnoers. Ai tht: Si. Lawtrence. M. J. F. M'Donald ha* ta- ait ativocate ha hsd a very gondi prctice ai the ceived autlîorîty to frm sa volunteer corpsin tai<at Moatreal Bar, anti osa alitician*hlie as liais village, vhere thelai ' tls t anuyr about tbirty. wsrking for th , gallous auring <he lau: ekeven [Mont. Hl-rsd, Nov, .1 y ears. 1< uas ai bis lieuse iii the St. Antoine suh'îrh <bat ha secret rmeetings were ie:!sr belti We have very little intelligeo f an autlsentic snd the cathsa aimiiistered.--1Mont. lierald,Nov.9 nature ta coisrtunia ,cenceningrebelisovemco<s in Lamer Canada, ia titioilot,, t:<he detaila me The rabels on the River Richilieu, havc ris-n in gave un Moaaday tlut. 'Filie aergetie action of atm,, but me do oot Itear that they bave corait- the Govrumsent, indeed, promises ta confissa he <cd any outrage on tie loyalists, usho, Iniacrer, rebetlousi explosiosn, as regard taoits affects, wthin are lu contant dreati. llany have madtireas- very narrow bsumîds, andi ta linit ia doration to a cape <o <bis city, leaving evary thiîîg ex iosed to vary oboat perioti. The entira acheme coîtreive t eiranemies. A gentleman uho laf<atsidniglat an a spirit cf the g"oeat and ti alf.iufcietit on Mlonday, States that the nu'oher annird is about ignorance, anti attemptedta tbe executeti by ha six or savt<homsuennt, but hi, la evitdmn<.y a mis- Most bopelesly stupid instruments, that it is pou- takle. A correspondent at St. Ours, States <ha sible to imagine, promisi rom the <ra, absoluta- mnsmber ut <bat placa te be roirs even to ciglat ly îcthia<t but fallure. The idiots iniaginsei, as hundredi, and tui t<ey ara in posession ef faiout tappea S front the confession of prsoners, that by a s bundreti anti <lIly Ameritan rausirets, mîtepes- sudatan anti simullaneous iing bey cuit! hecome dent of the arma ournei by the habitas%,,Raidlanhse uncontralad casters of he couatry btweeu <ha wbo hadl na mnskats were armedti hi long ajicars Chateaugay sud Richelieu Rive, <bat lty tint or pikes. They left Si. Ours en Saturday tfler- f destroying ha Lîprainle Steamer andt ha Here- sion, mith <he intention ci takin.- Soral <y sur- -Boat, Sac. aithela ferry belnte, suilfcient tisse coutît prisa, auj hoping to enlst etry man et, thair way hab gainati belore Crops couti rearb <hein fraisdcown. Thinkisg discretion the bettar part of I Monstreal, ta enabla hem to deal, as <bsey pleasea, vlurbey proceaded no fartNer tbnn St. Denis, wi<h <ha loyalist, scatteoed tirer ha country, ad fou hc hyrtreio Sna feuc, wi<h the çarrisoni et Laprairie, St. Johns C hais- bauds of tesn sud twenty, mnsy of wbo~~ converti leataIFat0steaisO.Wie. <bis a ga.,-whilêaothe-rssaid <battha uraitre arderedta< grai d Bbadal concaptaons of takini paasesisaa cf alvait reinforcements. Wa i not bear news <ha ctîryeof eapelling or murdeag <le loyal. yes<ardoy f<tom <ha Couuty of L'Acadie, but saine ista, snd of roastlug tise troopas and caPturif1g their qullanneas who have longer nases <bus their <-munitions of war had ba'% tibfar<ori[y 'eacateul, seigîilseurs, distir.ctly susett tie, anti others said than C~rAeiDS.r<IuciPEaNDENce was 10 budaclat- 'beyîsaw emokte bayond Lapraiie.- [1b.] 19 d, andt h rabhla cf sympattizers taLa civitei as C.allias te aid lu draviug frean <bae Province thetsuis-. Tu£ Asat.-Yesterday morning ai seven '- siportais f British mupremacy. Sncb is a sketch cf dlock, <hae'71st Regiment anarchei tbreugh <he the plan mhiab saome wiseacra had concocteai fo a ltai, and esabarked on board tha Princeas Victo- ota arcel cf remsat<o exacute. ria steamer for Laprairie, fracm whence il mwilI pro- leBut now fer the littlIl nCh <at ils goiaig. The ceeti ta fight tha battles cforir country. Althougb 1. raba apy.ar ta have cougrega<edl in thý greatest ha bour was esrly, a considerable cremd vrais as- se numbers in th villages cf Naîierville pli Cha- Featbled on thaesuharves, andi white <ha 7hst pase. ni teamgay, muaera <bhey are reprasenteti as prallowing ed by a ccnpasy of tha gallant 93d about <n cm- Iv lu excosa cf taaing sud arinkiug, sud share <bey bark togethar, he soldiers cf heat we ragiments 1e ail remain only sa long as te stata oftha tmaiss ent the, air uitb their daters, in wbicb thcy mare retards the advance af Croups ta pnniah tha villains. hesrtily joaneal by tha aivil'ans. The baud of <ha SMr. Yoonç, Ilunkeepar, ai Cba<eangay, mho liaiti lyasotrheiat<a oa f -<ha71s< along mth u, beau detasued s rascu= r matie laisescape >ea- ifs amas band, t<haformer ptaying I Vis ad mu Cotrday, d-srissg ha can in nthe robot camp, Clhantsa' iVillie," "IlNeit Gaw'e Farewel <oWhis- ROCCassometilit intelligence <bat he Indiana frenky, dc., snd the pipars cesp-nded ith "tTht nCaughnawaga mavre ad eaacbg upas ha vllage. ,apals ae camin'"&dc. We hope <ber may a)a lt or JVhop iii ha ail <at as requinedt isd- taon have te sing Il The ahat are inin, cio, su lodira th ellomo. clu, rinnin." The 71st lis a favorite regimant, su The Village of St. Pierra hayonal Laprairie s and vua ses bas madtiar<atan quate fasislonable eî<irely degasbd hy ita caNal iuhabitaîts4, andt heasmoug tha ladies. tbouses uaf ha Most ualied edoced ta actecs. Tmo compinies cf Ihe Grenadier Guar!s arrîveti ,a Culonal CàTiOcAK-T, with bas Dragoue" bas lu <Ne Charlevoix yestectiay, andt ha remaluader of of sconrad ha cauntry ta a comasdersbt distaance the cagiment arrivadnth eh steamer Canada about M< round Chamly, andi coulti meet stithr no rebal for- <mco' clock in tha afternooon. Six laisse poinders cms The mail camrier fron Ste. Marie Malles, with, a suitable suply cf arumunition andi artil- <at betireen <bhat place Sad Longuailt<he country lerymen, ment ta prairie in tha teamer Charle- ea aeed daserted. I1<ils to ba poaamed Chat vox. 14ila reportadt <bt Sic John Coîbamne anti th Mtauen, ifrcnlt<ha %vomcns have loiied <ha amis- Sic James MaDanail, with their respactiva suites, ni.b assemblages at Napiciville aud Châteauguay. milI pnoceed taet<hascene cf action to-morrow, aaîd Thac a bhen no iin t St. Casainea yt.- put san endt Io ihis second riehellion. Th abi sle ttiasmbei <St hatsae Tura aqadrona iof <Ne 7th liusais are under cr- 11 sail ta bavaetiersedl again, lu coassequence cf,' tiers ta leste thaîr baraeks <is moring ai seven il thir promisedl leader having deamed lit prudent ,o'clork fec Lepriri.-[Ib.] ti ontta oiatbis apmsisance. The <clow ms(a hae bsdi ona grain smcra cf sense t<bhia dsp'î. The Uppar Canada stage svhich laft touvo yes- ta Late accourus <rean ha Grande ifrue S"it St ertiay moring, mas detainedtireitatu t St. .d Thecoas, dc., capreseut <bat stc*àon cf the coun- Annc'u, lu cansreqaiesce cf saieareporta mbicb le try as perfecily quiat, altheagla hreatening mes- ceached that ptace, of the rabais bavinsg ntentiet a saasbave beau sent to sévera lolyahias.It tla teseizes 1< ant irae <ha passengers pisoners. 1< IN nat probable, hamaver, that <ha rabais in <at quai-! procedeti an is journty epasi learnang <at bacc te tercwilltîbis ina e accunfollom the e*npie cf mu aint any danger tu lie appreended-[lb.] el <hoae onthae South aida the St. Lawmnace, as mas , ha case ladt yaar, fur <bey mare thon odijtsem We have beatuinformaed!an tha Mos n uu6itd te tilally acqMatstd mtI the etils Of su uM09 Mmd asthorty, <bat the bIve Gieugarry Higblhli4ort, t icheti reisellioo. under Colonels McDonald suad Fraser, have coin- ) IVe are inféouid, ap" god atthrity, <at as menceia s marcb on Beauhbarnrais anti Chataaauguay Ch ona of tht Champl;iùs Steastsoats w» yes<sday bridge, for tha purpasa cf rescning their cufatte- as passing Loale.,oo ber may to St. Jobstable w5 ta fllom-ctrymen mho bave faller n mm tli t Iiied by abocut 20<araciet aiesfauot f<bisOn banda cf thtrabls.m Colosel Frasers ragiment, à barsehai, statioueti ou the ida of theatrer, and beiug uearast <ha point cf ttack. mihi likely rtoct te ai tha Captain seculti*Mot@bey theanssmom ubt it bcocuer than Colonel IlcDaalà's, bat both are kept ha boat in ber couse, about 15 aisots %mea animatedti mth<erasme datorminati spirit, enat et- ho aent after ber, ail af wbieb, bowevar, <alà ahort, ribla ii ha tiha reiributiots. The men are dter- ta eud titi no damiage. W. doa't know bow brother mimmd on ravange, aid lit is mail kuoma ubat Staff n JOasÂTruNamili tek.s is te constitue t itaC an in- }igblandaus are counpaaed af suhen <heir blood i osp in deeaieasat ai the a usest Caaadmâ republic, fThe Ru,. Mr. McKenzie, Of Williams<osn, se- as end regard the 20 relé &asa kiad of <oastGuard "rompanies Colonel Frascr'e Ree<meu<, mith bis ta nroect !doeasur Tmansaa'steitooy rm Le makt sudnayneta iinira bas teeIlo.......Éy- P]9OCLAMATIOIV. Byllès EzudkeaîSI& GCOmEARTIIU1 N-aC- B. Leteant jGomero the PrcF~ordacu>r Upper Canada, Major Generai Conmtiq__ Crma- jatîitaforces th.erein, tee. u-r. te'. LOYAL l'eaBaANmTS OF UPPEmCANAAe l:pon my araiea in.- you, eariy lu <hç pet- sent year, beariug usith ne Bei Majesty'a Caoi- mission te admîlm;-otar <lais Goverumaent, 1 louat Yeu jnst iecoivea- lneurntheNaexcitant linbâti uattirally heen protioceti b>'the<huebn recnt t- temptu 0of sea i i ated anti tespecntaindividun- ais, boulles thain andi uitut <Ne ttros-iuce, le in- valse ' U:r Countyl n i3le ij-trr of a Civil 5rar : aita! to subu-ent tholao us-hemat-hed lInstitutionas, uslicb leur comm:uct lias pra-et <at >'an priza s <ha trst of NItsig-o are cirracreaty to mais- tais, ofthe bazard of your liras. TNe alatcrity- sith 'alai-h vou caime farmard ian defea c of <Noua lnstitiuioir, andti he valeur umith setibuuamtt N nY Nilta>' fOtce:.u ovet- acanuae<he Uniteti affaite of Trc..,eî, suri ;f lasess Ilgmresies, have, andtse, aluly %vote for Yeu the approbation of yeur Graciante Sovereigu, andti ha admiration rof jour fellcew-Saitacs is avec>' jart 0. the wide-ex'tanded British Empire. lu <bait admirmtion, aven wre ac idistant frnt *,ou, 1 partacipaleti mtott seannily anti ifmas a source cf tiglue ratitrcation ta mei i- bselectetias lier Msjesty:'s Reprseamiea atong a people miss boitien bs niuzua.tly Jisîauguichet <Nmçctras. 1< iusont ut>ylpor tatuater hei n ta a raviesu oh tNa ciiiustanc-s seieb, hfare my arrivai, hadl Jistiarbed yaur peace, anal cempalleti Yeu (o defasti, in armas,)-oser deattsigbts. 1< asîuetaasaary, bow - aeven, <bai 1 shoulti brietis- aivertIo esubsequont tc- carrecesc; ian orien teta hîrayoma Item uncaasing my desite bas ber., mliîst et-stnding to <ha crin- itaI atîthoru of <lie past isturlIances theaentlles- ity <but tIaf rem oulti p-rmmit,to <cauquittizo tour !oaiîgs, antoa ravido Ion your -ecurity. ile muarracii.sary ntcseneaalsln ibis tire- visce iuavuug ee o uiptiely quieliati by our arliitansd acrcy, tht-etaijent ut irat mtauin- suce &flot pccsas<s-d 1<self <ouan> eîînsideesiiou, oni asuuang nite cstseIZe. of elae Goacrnuun, vr a ietreatment Io be porsuat omerde thon e uvsu, e-amter on ahear tstmu confession, or &fter elt nosî imatal htrials, bLai beau canvuciei Of t iehe >aogtceffene of sehih Milo, na menther caf socueiy.ian hlie guilîy ; ant ian se- rai tatce bta r utal ir i oria ne vsems et ber blajesmy's Lovacnimcît, andtuthmî my emu de- sare tof aaarperaIg JuseîucwmiltitIlecy, I uffumn- t-ah îlacexinanale penalty cf eelawro0tue itn- itcaidCrataI (n TWIa01 ohtie titipromietentanti I'uilài'intuts of thealie nellicut, lruting aIraI sucliansuawhul coanjîle migiihtefficient le imrnss rauthe crime of Treuses ite pntuPan srsaîip; aniaitai a gnatiuarcd scahe etaites. memat, atai reti as r-carIe as possible no the caccumuitan-es caf ahi- eacubraes, nîghî baie- Iv Le resorittatinaucilothr intances. lThe peinitons fur merry ; aile assurances of conîrullon ; tha pcaogies ci utmaitimetru, snd the prtoft-ssis-ns of ravv-d lelantes caf Ioatip %vsahîpici uret ian opInanalo-. nom tir tan bhalf of (i.li e tiall i Nuelta falst cepicaeis. loer.%,sand<tat 1 55 us ticret i<lie furititeacf lhiaar lian-,wucari ame amiiaieatlutinmg [int iliIs oaaai.-itaaif' mer-y, aetelle para cf <Ne Ese-ite, moulut lane bee aîatis ethat tue sulutan> a'ffects nntuipaiei <oatset, hall soit tise nse unistile airtrarnce, iy s Po tate of [sea iabmtints of a riuigibemng Cosutry, an pour sffiirs, sulich hall a', cutps- Nhy co'ariuteîd 10 ha fo,-rmai*ttrbances, par- atilyre-k isdle.l the Sameie-tisas sahout ta eigira, sud aitiandered satialusina CKp',.iia ?tIn es "aasu r c-epenstion ironc îtticus, a niera anneesfasieffurt migarha bcmidi b> the <nailtous antidistoysi,to ahakoe cgfiliair aîiegiance tc thicir Suvereige. ,,, persuanna taf ilbir ncfmraous designs, a freslu invasion cf ),unir soif m-ats tierupletbbit " few storîblesu lteflsgers lu conounction svill a lasvless basalaiti, shose ,mmediale oabject s&s iNa llunier sied tievastattan of tht tro- viande, suhalst bain ulierioe lutîpevmas ta eend for esvec uhe tic stlachbibnda ai tu tisa Parent 'l'bus calleat on regain l ne n ldnefene cf ae> ahtng dear tea yu' pour nusen rel- turing ibis second Ici cf agr"etaon mails n0t lette signaol thoisn 1usbolcs traliyoor qauck sup-, pression cf uNe prevus insurrection:r soc uvace vur gîlsot>y, paonr loi sllp ond your bu- asit> Ilegsr-espjicuoushv taspiaieti, thoan <hey lied sreatiy bhen an tiet memorahie ar- c- aion. t lue he ispaalcaf elle prizoncrs taken at Ihas perlaot, carreonstances resauminhem- seless whtchîrettiarcat il ii> diii>te poosetece an the leumant coucrse hîct i feerfiajesiy's ati- vasaerts tihaieoepreseriiei : aud c ubu c- casuon calla.- as ludi> for stamaaexemple cf rigoar, aan u>thai Nas jerohatot crco:r-urre as the soraits of ,Iiilanuln, capitl aniste- ratiwons aflicie inaucite solsesry inattanceuthy. Il nustulaiaal<hune beau capacteti, if- arr thea celaîti lfailue nt the itiecapta cf the couladerates to eiffect ihear nrolhiacpOb- jecis-alier'ilii-continueticiemaancy uf<bt aes- eutc-and s<rer <aine praasastortby fonhae- sauce (nom aels cf veagaor or ceaiusion, abat nunlonaîy att nhortght ocf <urtaner Ltaail, againsn pou %st hav ise teetabandueatina iuopaless desp.iar, haut <bat ahater nase of feti- tnt irtiuil Nave suc-edt. Thea compgarative seule otr caqraillirp,wshaiti famlum eti laei-enut abortive artnpt ntinvasion, itin leface encoura2a ete laboie thai pence, mentesgersaral bsrnaosty asitactuedfeeling. diut saono ie esmuredtire utprovisce.'ruani> deep dtippcinumcaia. bomver, I have tearut <cet varions sources, mrace on le-se sulhenie, tient cegartilass of the Inientit> relatiens suhusteii« bettessanliaer Plajeslr's Govecaiscun andti aicf thte Unmitad Sistes, anduti muliîaed tiN ha marst "iasons anti montires, às atoiSbr cf Amtciao Carizena, aloug carui<routier. hiave foistd s secret combnaion for rutiner invasion cf thrse Provinces, sud <bat Perapacatcs On *0 extensive scaea, tue camyiug <ta sunpîliaiplet aularpraze loac aaecutian a,aet uhas acturt, au activa- progres. If is further sîsreti. %that he memuibess c f itis untol> aunon cmîunis-aic Ny certain nt<arae signs--tat IhIIe> cpobseaiof cou- sadecabhe tesostacea--ihsrtlhev bâve Qtmcsgst rham amn e nuitvituassOcf influence ;ad are une ant aibigeatil>un ai aath aa plunder pou of yonr patîpecup-tutearsa> oyeur laulà iiuttoii--und ne sevar your connexaon mai aNe laloiher Counnet. I*hougiblarge sîlomancstes a era tah.ematie for aaggarauad ori mnteretsnatmentu; sud! tiaoug.h ai il koomn t<bat the iroigoaraus vuth- In, ast il<tair paînizana veillant, are muluailly deraîvauge-actsoIihier, andi are faîsely using the dames cf andaviduels aetsstainsud reepete- b'ltî, in order ta gava soeacolouring 10 ubaur stickeetcoaispaeacy--yei I tees it prapen Io :prnlg.ise, tht sucaiformations bos cacbat me, as calta foi tse adopticoncf prcrutstaery usessurea, fur ;svartng, if possible, an lU- 4soc -'~-~-~. ~- I 1±tZwA 0,47/V j. COPYMffOF orMO~oTOeUM MuM 10o iwUCM CWe Mc I FU MISSIO#dTO NWOOUCAL Y TOPUKC rVU .OAWA. 1a 2 a.i si . 1 T- T.ilal -1 l -1 'l - non P Il ici but ressortabale sIa re lten Ie bas, d- -u.r, agritfJutperociuti agg im4j5 la'1. Ill f.1 fil :l hlaaa1Ishoultiloo.k usiallu.: :uei.alreau.ia'sa ,. gresu bntiy,c.h s e et-ecusr lu ta i as. i,, mlt, U, C ita. 1-m thear contry fronmthe Iai-luang idîscu-ta11. t r1. r.- seculi haentailea t ba y mbhe5'lui cara- - a. llsou cf aeheostile Sets c-am, ril -.; ., centucus poritin uf lis populiuIuanaud iae <r - l ceaditigsticadesntIo sthach tend btir <ralvIlrt, , tohabitaussof tha i wuoL'ou ri earet - s, l jc,. I e ,r rusi linteress cemertmal 1y if., ,ad 'r i bond of a rostatuon orr;u, lir, ulajeiad mla>"-. a ib stracly neousiIntsin. <'a il\l [î - - But, aller ailait mu le-s I h-ilîrerposcta:i Of OTIiERSSthan c o uetca-uCP.i.ti sve are hiy a just rau-e,' a"tlaui-l asuM., la ale ssy sa ili c3teideti y bre mle lu'a r gI î.,u iI sne_: llrovidence-mheatvuse tri ra klui 1"'aftsf -h, a t li < . Wmt th<is viem I1tuas-r aircel rj. adti:ra-n hiave i-iv 'i .I 1taie Itguhar Ferceilre-atis-laiil.-irîe.. '.' ittsm rogitu-meuiîs utCsour 2a, etau'ii- irtr i. ous eitai le 11aiz.tilcimbmd:ad ail i iasarir tenuvices s'l iI <e- ioZ3hraeJ rasa ,limiiaau JIa titid cl r:gilýe:-u iaunls. 1I insu-lit-iler mi- l'ai'lip-e.~ lat,rbt'hmha a ýreamIl mît z, fu.r nan-uerit-r Pl r idif (î ciler cOr;,:C cal eilti :1 -msn arra us pý l. as; aaaa, a a,.C l- P ........ ut s sla i)it uelail -amfl cmi-s athit1 Iaira aIle la tead sttiha.i unstaI hese truie aes taai-. Ibsu)' catra. îî ut ai' iseires. t'Le pa c aira i a On the sa,,r entisol maer ialeiil li -a -a- t it ia clatae,.1 in ph iciily daiîestfocr .,t impartsa <Neth îe'îai, u , r id ai et a< S I-MUcLII tt ai-r jaowin, 'aid caultionl, lre :- a sehinh ahev have I , Im iensle -a drîiiu M r taatiy tu si 1 ex-il orahuen t tu iidirai-t ehue :r " attema tii' an m e e c a ýst l iatuualaI i ili It iatett a. Masytelieretle,-ro guari azaimt ila luu:ce iihatitits lcor, sualanuaaîs-ai mnnet-aveilea iatsts, jadg- hori-J <u oisaea &tiesnt anutd iluoa, aIalue Iie-erra I 01uItc ie. t j'iehlleac ra-. Ii-al ils ualouanise V5lai . , c0rtapIeiireîla W.- s e rcually aapc'nced-eai <eucii!..ocfthae Exa- mratiai .laie ,asr . ecul ttc <o av aura miasea cgratituî de tan r sateiaig. 1dal.' stuk. neasure o ci cro at-aiîudct te Nra, suad ta The .ei-uutii.Y provsite climi f it ir a c i3cfrt- Te i- . peut eeefo heeormei-cerrais. Nor ranl hi- ileus tits apia<smîfmttae5. uniaoaloffi-a- a li ly eautolimaa ytsu,agitlsr aite teassy adtiaîon oh caps. J.ua.kuaos ia ClaIar opinions ituriiosate.our cunhtalne lieaîemllacartc;a 1 letcafaua ai . '. s-neleintenionbs m.i elle(lovera ami(- i î.a îe sagis-im u aa a ' -a ah-aimt-ub uject of Reigious Insurutioliai urî laius a-i ite I1stiitl oi uos teusaire aaIl)in.u aý your ciliiIren, tuas anutiumabhe le-Ci ilr, mu5 dtil re sitellen- not niy su m-tatt sec a dom it ut Cliurmch ce- The fi I ,rila '- abh iî it oer %,)u, or asaite niiarouallme rela- ails lest Iralac. 1 . glous -oiiliiimty citîetrrteuitire.t rut i-t eu ele stti alle 1 i-ci- '211 i i ad sirît ual i-u(licli met, on calie I utmîi is(0e,lia-ti-i eoI.Q bure ta fi lie aatemporilappor cfa mndte r aid nir4%'a%-t, Q ; a( ual a Y iisa ppcehteuuuot aisi luia a s a iaî~S'. :a.,( jil :r jeat miii Le Telealeatiwhen I declae tu<o eu tae Tie ti- Sî'uiîi'i-aurp:a cnver-tionm, i'ilie s L ua It reeuit ast lUrc alIl ' asttut aifG frcaseanyasy mttare cal Ciaorhaîasppecl S dI iCal a I %1-1 r mia i- as teues btheran tade, asuai î1 l-s dsti h l i frsont ilia course cal pilaiy wurîuaiia a mlmi) uals- tîileril ai-'a. a tasio n ecoa'niacti mate ails nuain. filace i1,i ' Appiarnmt as-eti augtoue te i-'aaa , r0111141 l Baugia'art' ' v%-1a1ia a Our e cmitmy sili i-ht:ly tiepio Illa ie llit si-r caiion of perfect larninsiy andticoncord -.itia5Int'asioa u ifji- n oursaîres, I cianes retraitu, on5anLi-cas atio .e The lirni-ktî al a' rI r tNaelrettiIos aliring a fa-m ob-crr'aîaics ba on iliinalilimpotantsutjeca. Iln 'e uut- it- . al i Cel- b' - ntesUmuty, ditlcrenoci, retuliiaz frhetn a.lsuem ato)ut 5le1jo lot >a of iniat sat-tiiverSory af lasie-anti î'oî-eîu- by <lac Anurus an fi',-iîI, LaIa. - ftlus svctuples tial ters s-f religionm, u' wii -.Oncuda,taus rar orCI. .'a cetssiray tit ast i tiacet-, suleutresîraîti - - otPiisi. sui <atitlea horamn us <teIie iatue una tii-aplat, iag be u-Paa'ar Ciila tnailimv enjoui, n'My czu-ib i il scf Cd e e y ta .a î - % :i ai îei rnqitilliîy, mialeul lattai-s jatjutdiaccilasday mutua illa il, iin. - icgi-sentIi at -esubs e*s-ut ticIv - ieies fa s'as Gveruîuuemaî st, as l, t ' I u-aîa Possilsite<thaaeynmalt, liaetsuie icita s ici- e" aiUniteJ StrIell, an uîîyl.a1, istiarectlat sa prosseost, iia. Boaus inie mr puir.of crp i anluetoa r ap i-I. kteOua alauiwtif Leur venaeis île Conrilutimro, lbave bc- trial ta)ri-e nWl'aI - i id . ' A r cameatlec1,latsI dresset ar tuipt, sîtilee cc- cansai tIhi-usi in, ia sa haest visitocf the morat, ni",ttW tilt a i l s . Tiecaprait ol il, ,- a.rta patate i rations. tcagu-tei a îî tstuulteta,l cmauul a usuaia Buiditi osnalieur Fuie t le ai t~hiepar t ci lama-cnsnn f as1..L%, 1 al-nce, ne es aliasut1ciuîy, Iau <a aride all wsatofftredt t fLa' ,iai i ' deeecs on tomerr nîsîtea, tsud ru Us»a.Crin bis s-abilu.e or l,ý a rie 'l that is dean tuuus. I do, thenaene, iust ccc- 4(0)paîts rrOeria~la ncstly anti matIafletioreiefy dmise anti ta- iosflu Owg(0 cominaîneat<o, te huîy tis riuch as pihiO<hnrs ail thaens%%"îvai r' r <lisse tecollecîîons of peureeass, vi.iu-hIl ny knsusletige i-Ilaar car i' la- i.... tencd an keep ahîme osngay le-rug stvairds liasse U. States ,adi., <lau'a-f lus Wlia aif yiur leluwsu thji(-l, vho, Navu:g vtalle cas chaotel an Saediaaai -ui-a aa;rlai tirayet into!le Pattof dut>, r:.ay raocv tue - ss-teraiy Jesînos ti ceîatsg ian iu aar c tng <-a. te.raaasli;ei ail arîtaîaîmg tiscusions-atbd ts ru tnalaItdii- cd Mn. lIt Ai t- 1 rr.1 a -e I ferruresinu a commun regard <cir thea publie romteSuiitisai îuaaîra uaa ni] 'Ni:r.:,v safet1r. Let aNa only rotmest betviees us i-nie-entier in prenmiirfaaaf i ate forutsha. wbo shalisîmv aîlansel lie bast mari, Teatanrc ta a l andtire<I tasîloyal tuijeru.Th uoiteai0 Inluabitauar, of U.opea- Conoaai-lt is ot ie temptu t<o 1urvniitrulia - parU ýý,ftnia couse pour psîtoistnarîdiloy sllnvatce thaey, sios eft heaUitedl rar1, i ui. : i knost, raquira cnu isan- btiratiier.t eleuh<e uttemi1utsertai-le'. sliay any tendue appr-eoesioni or e leassi ce Cp.Sarioa %vilu la - hoai lnJ1 excaemeni, ebhicît rumaour tel lessve produceul tihast 1nomeratidras ou -antdi n tcquruing ' u ment, <hi- Bail Fia :"I a ii tae hapreparet auIlceah h$,suabt-tai v lucar î, ville Iat 12 o'nlclîa-tIatIa ii: : anti ready itaut, 1the irerst a2ressiuon ouIlae This oariig the SI-oari1r î pari cf ite tawltass Brigtands, us <iciharen -Kingstlonlah-fti lIa il Iîaaar!:I u <or ueauciry, I casn ritIlideuuly ai-sure <rît.ihat 1l «mre lune amtple rateans ai my uispasal foutr o f <b-?iS3.1 agI, rIl i-a- . r,, lAC prolecîmun. aoller fonica u\,1i 4lt- I Cir-en utienrI Il imd anti Seat at Anms, su <bat <Ne jatriaisui la!i l, u a 1. Ils Ti'crosto, ahts Fafi aday of Nausenhi- r. s' site isy agrourid lai-I îvi-a z'i il:a.1- filie pear cf oui Lord ise iaimeisnsd amalat wutl1ta i31!:cI bundu-ahestd hiry-eigba, asti ou lier iMa- tbay sacra iraaa-l eaClc. jesry's raign the fiat-nal. <bat thr-y itnigh irîlîii: uae Ilaara G.EO. ARtTHUR. lotes]etilifure iliuv coul. îaaaîal-,r Iîrru By Hii Eui-ellemry'm Commndim. han. Thue Espnineu a au'sertdo-an5 C. A. HAGE<tMAN. ssac.Iiassap h b' Afftoauay Geiîarai. nsac . 1i i Ie lri l a fîal R. A. 'TU C KE RStates niat fil di0o-,file ia't 8ecrttarp. at OdaensfutritlIuo.al a a.all 7 COD bAVF 'l'HE QUEEN. appaeiliy wseli10:- ral aa rt Baasihe aathier scoeunta suhich reachet us 'ae have ricicid t Iuci-r-IL turing tNa past steakr, sue Ihive jusut heen favoned Vtttt, Eailan aIfit'le r.tea'i I soita <Nte parrial cf a letter froits a gentleen inllandt, <om Roland ii %a4al i-! Rochester. mbo accidentiy be-ast possasset of ccîutainimiglui;s ?dfruii-u- aiia. Ill,: 7 eua cf <tbIlPafritrelpitedLauti-hitîn. Il ax o m leasd v.,It ' anu eddress seritten in iltrnteîslangessge, caingop- o;auanufTleh-t r: libearty foc Canada. 1<sualtoatouanceru <haexist.- mairuiemg <te iie aintiiiu' la - rue:Sr ance of a Patriot Bank, <oasthicb 87,000,00 cM f couries of ShsopCbir, iIlMoa rntgo M 7, stock has beau stîeady atahacrlieti. Ti ut ma cufirane Ibo peevicsus trportelisat ait1 balonrg sav.,i<h arua, a hh r n t e a s c a u u m e r ess l y i a e s e c r e t lI> ' l d ,a n d ti p s (0 t h r e a t a ll v o f t <l in 3 a <bat they aenmeo yattensdeti. aeWlthL i ngtleld appears <fi,,lis aamIaa r <ha," bulaysai« bey try -ta, moikeperboastbliata shame-fuhiy treateti, adsastu'Si- 0 <bat l<bersa is n"shIng mrng. mbich reformer, a epal anrei r ' [TomaoteCcl.snist.] tha e amt ahadose 0' lu111A f'I-a. To day <hec. bas been tu agosarai cali o<<he Ila ga!cuud fer suspicion. 2il Maio n<isatc leDsrc.Atogbh atasi ffrue sltc.uleather la vety inilemeut, i, ou ranti nîeet contirt idesloît eigbt years sincscaîd I in ' ' nally (ato5 i, tili thte ,duisse eaury of <he ailr.ry is country a cossiti.i-;!efnrIt .. bavaceins. formard, alImnt ta a man, milling <o pige, "ac, of theae tit e -. H i stand oc fulaiis tafanca of <ha Province, if nacessa- Canada, suds seftiea in loura i f i ryhac. are ta ha atatînesinhol<ostotetrea cm - persesetions stith stiic etu homus 5a" nies, cf 75 men esebri, antil fertilier- aderasa te <he &ornecame sdi1 prodti'alau fi a& llc gscitiiers b ~ aD<aaten's latta bdq <o reco etP ~ Jjat c*arIs~n< w iàhe: *lapubro eas"A triée ~bae abe5m acoeuftl in h .siPiasitiT for de <b h debi a tâil in<ei laraustgtX of tis prof liy sPPlYIB iftu<obhum, dl arcL -"" - tinnsfns ilenthe, eth... àfuesof <haelanter, subie P"Mdsesse 0( saUtelongerbul dam. th en asaiust <l tha 1 mI aiet khe titteci 0 twbicli I bave sasmuchril hasts aesfa " a Wasey y Wqm lehebere« th diaar cf De LIvrch sui OWatratiho e s if5 ram tihe Ciii si cgsme -as a md*ipud tanst theapropoe ndlprolame~r mi ye4 repea, a iaucb Streegar c ut aganàths M schtimait i pfa, baside@ <ha cansescf <ha pin mbicb <lia Ionrt d.gat ti lmas more an rs of <ha CN' Lantopposeie othe pre<ausii g &.slth e corse of <bain plilîsa Ifr msmang <he Metbotiissoîp Wj ehaGuardian. Tht Ma<hoi ,luanis; but <êoeinembaro of <t Wiald sr. fat freintbeiiag sO. 1Iseaig tapomathe<Nacharactor anti t hiasurchma wiro pieteanda ta (aieys," his fetele nonsensemoy I esisn itr l s vatdimorelretd o taitus acotafoc inmusatif m r.1.111 Propeuy," <baât il, the WUy ltssrras, miii fuil as anutN Pa, stier lad traccont. lu bis aie Sacassares acterai Weey gains of ignorant preasiniptica, fbtulihe casa dais tha titis ofa k.» Eren-Mi..IU,,vardtis. pai, si pke funlasbly citimu <le Chsrla piepaty '! Ah! <hi !"iif <NeM athodiats sud <ha siappart the Chsrchuisn's pretai puaies and tîhe R-serves, <bey seau Osn lIra skies. As ENASH Msi a FurthebslieraItS. Kingston, Nov. Mir. F.dtr,- Tt is sot mitb a vie% bsl rostaororoy that I atitre'a you WÂ 4rarheraiiitereting ai <he Pr ".ls uçiaias>âubject nuit counectat isatntparcf !ar.I îs.uli nc ~a, IeChronicla. lad B Niethodidat Chu will ar V, jWe as"fen the manaer la Col tni <bir eaaabermIn defissui iM. Case as &l'Idrothler Case. âh l lu ot aushamnea Ioo a mi ~rtsie;tht 1C eua. l aosiat asn, . -B.eo a, el te Crediti.p»Poor <tieungbMr ,q ishly gtods, 1 trust and baiee Bly deirtatt; snd t dam. v ~the veeraeehle d tiecman il 11e ommon courtestes ocfilfe; in, tt im o .n band:e >"'; 'ath *ir."vnsanti Mr. 1 1u1atikâly haiare. Thetressens LW 9idasot a rieu thing for th mbta ha revileti sadyiuscuemh las Mit Dalltuned 0attstrig um MstL îl"a saddle-hag preachr, " MliuefEagt, nd sui oe of <dn he vitapordtimu Thîai<Me bis tanar, unrtnd thme 1 [air ynanýgestpeachters kid put( 'Insà a n su' ofri tlatd CntsaCIcuansd a tha latter geaticanen <c preac bow sanuakiaag, sud deliver <hais, .. I tarerkiamesthefora that les e<aIrd rr haoanuh of Englasti Pc croal, danotions. ht ba s tao IoN. 4i-t Chy fi scal I the services uritaame1be'f 'ls te ligit f loie, lu1 -luias sOca. se th@ soi «o thanli <hem for tlieir touble <Iri el lac .tei gh t by boue reeeired fer <e lectio ansd daring the a,- énîmte is*lgCho hle& mmja ise eeies ta th wusnt lias iteecfîtMsd et. saa, Sir, A1 dii> o a 11ielas Asas £puirin Nluia intn d¶~~Aa iimar , lexalsaMas

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