Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Nov 1838, p. 3

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the., peu> gusiiliu4to tondear ýýAMXKY CONTIRACW FOR CIowu .,rocer ibat tie i ma me dser- OTIC& s besmiaIr pve, 1861 hadi pD~cvb t'soldicus froma idedas<e**tt m KIigt à lC'1Lelena. 6t8 Nov. 183, çsling forie~8 1 aro, AL£D TE$DUR3 wil 1,6 reccivea .'ied RoveriM'ith a M Oe. otil Satinniat lb.1718 in at Do r.ZIr w s. ppysng asiOOii ma poeifor thse ,oei lise~O1 ieNsgaie th 1e Soutth, ing, e viz. rga ebor%5î assron tse. kabbsa.- Iorsniay Coite. cnmple»...Sren es't~,rs ellimbe 0out ber, Plain Bisa. Sheli Jackets ' ge svae ,e i d othie W*udwfard of tise sith Scarlit CuIL and Cois, sand plas t10peces. Pai f e cargoj Pîllett Shoule tr,i.....b...te fl sitlî Blue Cufl, ansd Collara ana l pain Blue Shouider Stoaça............. . ,~l,:iMs ef~it Fidai ~cetaras ClilTruivaser........ ........... Iteusasl. Pains of Haif Boots,..... ........ St uiç ib cia5sa ................. V,,,,t:udâ lenoeFur car, ...... .......... ........ ~ tiîii.aatTiseTendersta express tise rate in cu ~'.irhioswlio ihe; il impoe at wisicis eacis artircle wiil b. saippîaed. ~ iepblie a "A true Wnusfrl', Siacispattlcmiaas dan be oblaaned May bc, re P ccaa i i.labosr V00 at tiseCommissariat Office. hD aie,~'i*i~ e dcpfn u AHlthie articles il e b.suhlect Lu this '. ' a ba siinda o of a Board cf Ufficees previcua 10 their b.h ua,) ;i lhoiubrred. urne mosk wis iîecessaiy le cuver Tise most satîafactcry securily vill bei la' cbanare nvcesssry ba l-fo tc,(iiaful performance <et sosiscet lthe Schr. Br. %d lmuiî O. 'tr, Iwoana acetrement, h, buc roik ru >AY, NOIVEI- ris drovaleu w. iWçr Plieîc, ,Y Edatur«5 r I Saiury iromm liard an nsa le days,i, i ,.On frein tlu lary, Bise th ie :111.418. Bn ti Iskine ve a cnte rlEn ta tise T"., e5CTy Cagisi 1 Ulie âpe'ie lncved le I/a flacien tesf 50, andt apoi sny or > lu y rittse Fort. cf a gaîhei andl, andi afo ters tetaracal Comp;any W* luitiber, were bc tranîsporte bn G. týIikc iin off 13 t/av 'ent yestr jliy tis l'lac c Cascades aaîd 4iiiada l'y the ilî msrnîîîg cul. Dued,1S iytnpatliizers ioonerî,and r îmîdiîag a:-, 4 0 t, btii We re n il Experîmen -ýabled lber, 5s urgis. .'ilr andin, sii/a tareo miles« as tli-ii lie ýire ot r-lia ç aslore ai go et% %ios racle r aîai iin la puasisei dc ,nigist wmtis ni ai Cimpe y tiraI, tria intil Monda &ien reaci IenIiurri ,,t niot fnom es, bat, as mi -aia. then Steaus endt gîta la0 nigbi ta alla itaae Boîts port vilis [dccii if tise insaue Id te bure th et at Gtenî Swait aud mur ale utf ber i Id rentiier aF wma sent i ed tisai ore ie American lit tiseir go raltionf ci ma coply cf 'a A hreavahîtry inglleld cil againsf tisec Shedt talc of lishe tle r juglIo emi wsontciSrry <aiadas, iof the id' hie narrati5 bonsise i e cf, tiad eae . Mut. WV. hào citiigraî aud ini 1 Iowa in c Adece thei ' ho 'Vas, 1% - Othi S -i--ii 1~~* & ~ IViLSON. thu'*'. 3O-4w Commina.vael, £ssgtiou, [. C. D01 A o VI,1838 -ALCTIONEER, COMMI SSION MErCIW ANI» APPEAXIERJK Il. , Giwreî'ns l"gtg,-F-uaîbtg M-<asket squfre, ]fE EPECTFULLY tenders lu tise pui AS ianks for p ast support, and suaDune removal te tiia Rw of bandaca tne an.bh wisere is au1 prepared -vitis tie mail cxi sud unrlvalled CELL ABS ani WARE 1101 for tise reception cf GOODIS ON CoMISS suif ising enabied te give tise maet satisý refererîcea, anal determineal te do ail in isa for tise interest of bis empleyers, h. isopes sa merit as siare of public patrcnage. Ile ai8e coimues thae JEWELRY BUSIb at the sisce standi, viere rpiing wiii hi on thce sorfest notice. Oid Golial and Silver ho 0:: OUT DOOR >,ALES ef Fuanituri, plisndiuaily andl laithfaiiy atiended to on the raecnaise e rans. SAL.ES cf FURsTiriru, Dai, .ooon &c tdruddaynd ifTîiursmla>s, ai Il A. M. Kingston, Novenaier 13, 183. HREE lIiVERS IRON for sale, by T igtoi Nov. isI 1,l. F ~ OR SALE,bhy tise Suissribr, a eti o f tise celebrated Tisuee TUsveirs TOaV J. B. GREE TH£ UPPEI CAÀNAk'AIIERA&LD...TUEsDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 183b,. M"G. TUE SUilSeagmE Ts GainCR maEsS To »=Mm iLAU Ivertie- IN iaadersex bisabestai . ta is ~Co.IOIiers -F RFO $L,5C EPactthi ni L. C. Ilsud tise Pubihegeuîrally ftise1 tibeFRra, i Ta ~ s ixrt tAETOrs 0 lisseisth"p-tasa. hgmiertocEWà irism a si eN acT ktisig, is M h chyhaehtrt xtended ta bis, beP fa intimistle ihat hl bus itely r rd itru 10PIMEPBROAD C LOTIU, îASaaRTEo,> J..eîSîreet, fd et tisaN1ewYork, Queber asud funlreal, lis Falil3op-. SWer aiFine andl Cotmon) POIT A Oc.for lia, "-hicib e efers forrcaseî asort approveit1J î,rsCaiiîrs ese »d sudnter$ icf Uer crdif, at mach Pticcs an lie ferla confidenti iili l )id, MIUTE 0F T Df Ciotis- gîve S.tisfact:cu talise purelmaier. 1 00 pieces Grev Caniuian Clulba,TON rersnti T ý andE ST o k d sir e S: IilcITa , ) P air£ e Cls, so rta di (4 aaim sg, à Point a fn ad e Liv se v e ra l pe r a), 74i WCst of Reand ian lo th r Br Cors, and lWitainy>. to COrifract forthie Buil a, 7<1 C.uaameres oit Pi~Clotb, i00 iecea '%tbiste, Ri.ed nV elow FLANIEL%,fî u nîe.t fi Toilontette and VatentiasVetia,10 .Sr ý anlImzeDg 240 sai vaia ines 254) Il 6-4 Merinoi, Daînasir anal !loreeiis, the Fîrsl of Noteirnberv f1>Rose. Whitney andl 4 PoiitBi.nhet,1000 II Facaory Caalî.aia end zSieelînit, day toafformd themsulu 6-4 Blitiala Meritioea, Victoria Twills, anl figu:ea, 5»0 '. N.m-Lûon, Cotton, Icirin I heur estiuicte- SisassiDresaco, 5<)" Printeit Calico's, 3Y00Plain and Iwiied fancy t'rintç,s, 100 '. hit.aciseiCaîra, I cfa sled oexte 44M Turtey reit Priat, 1 00 Il Molesim , ilarrazans and Fuitiana, 10 I'ridav lime First ofF 4.ffl Furniiîare Chintz IW1," 3 -1snd 6 --l Bed I irbeand îlîat tiias Notice ile 4,4W CSrc lcnloalBu laln,5 oîislianal Kidlieraniiiîste Carpeting, the Journal-.' in wlsh f I 4s8 iniacp's Lave, (rbepi) ;rrency Sîripcîî analCiseckeit Siirtin's,(r iv{a.iertisenient fias uppeared vmvdlcmnbazines and ipes, On, excellent assorî,îae,ît of Ladies' 1'us-s s truie Copy.) L iwdGeillemnen's Stocks and an îdi-ercfdefs, .*l1It 1., Ttppels nad Bous,JOE spienSak, Weoolen and Cott<on i ry, Daer, AL,-Trsmmin,.s for eak, anad Fur Cai, IEL. )spetio Getlenenb LmbWon ShttsandDraen, Crerne an Genetbkis, itha great varietiyu i Fousva Ks 4»g paid Chancis Skins, &c. &c. &c. .4cABEDYGOD.}REHAR Isquiieal GkOCERIES, Bc. J(0, an u em ats sorimeit f RE SCBSCRIBER begs t lt as Wine,-Part, Madeira and Teneriffe, (0V 0 iE.Ub= Mr of bis Cac.toiuers anal tise Champaigue d.,-Joiy's sud Fox, Brands. AT THUosR R-sAAL STORt, sud assartedCacx- asortirent cf Fsil and Winter LIQUORS, viz. EEY, BT TAIE 'RATE. lie 15 now receiving per tie Fteu t Il .~ WM. & 105. WILSON. Glas.-ew and Livtrpool, and ai Etati>Aisentise ",ls&C . Kingston, 29i1i Octoiser, 18. 84w28 sont stock aili ise solal renarkah Liqueur Sinfne de Miarseile, 1OtbrIL,13. JH Braudies,-Cegnac saddlicerdeaux, [I IlUN TERis. Oite Ots h8 Sprits,--Jamaica ans! DemararaS te Sbscibeshave large orders forSc .MUIE N H Txaaa-Yonng Hysou, Twankay, Oh Hyses, lie S IacSbEr, ST.MAiRCEATINT' Guopcder, Socogan Cogo; DO- - iIN H. GREEC Azût ;., large andall ei ascurted stock of CROCKFRY, Saris as &INK, MAR TINV, 0TTER, DEA VER, @W the ý1. Marian he ~And a god stock ef WHISKEY. FISIIER, FON, 4-c.,-iiser feei ilt tieir ciji t i isegn tu notify tise publie tisati the ~ B Tiseigiestpsice psud, ln Cash, for ail infirnstistse peioais whla crs tisir bread iystaivo hn h -rosd sre.,DISTILLER YGRAIN, at lis Store ils Huiiing andl Truipiinw,titat îisey.viiireceire ~ata.ni vo acud a18te vabrions ùebsStar. StTSe. u or bis distillery, et Waterloo. fàsr cemprrisation for tiseir labour, bisy9irinzing thenlistin o ae anD«wln le S cesbi R B. OS . TO McDOWALL'S WnaOLEAaaEaad RETàiL CSisagDfbl e land-inite i ldings, Kingstonî, Nove,.b-' li, R. 3. ROE. 5T AN» CAP UtANUPAUMILrT. Slove Stands anal Pans Surià 1828. N - B Oruiers frontishe Country wiîî rereaive Pot Ais Coolere, Dng Iros, W&a LISEWe pVGgo(uDS lssrual atteuiance. Axe liou, sndLqsortcd ade., Secl SIO xew c. OJ)SN. 19. 'hes<'love articles a facîciji D. BRYCE BeCa. ihave n. w on lîand a FURS DYED, ALTEREI) AND REPAIRED, cf tise aery l't e4vciptien, and poe .choiesamsotmrent ct Stcptle and tsnu," 1»9 Bs A & J.- JIeDOWALL. of litI igasafle prîrco. Co mi ea~ Kingston, 30th Octobae, 183S. 6m2b lOct 1,IS. stl aGeods, suitalie for lise season, aiz. plain anatoiser, tit e d Gros de Naples, bisek aud coleured Sul t Vl-.P TAH I, vet, lainanalfaiîcy !itilisona, back andl coloureal BÎnch efoheBanik ocf Bs-POT a .Nbrî [NESS 6 4 e Inold iansan sd Saxouy, Sut andi teJ'BitshX5R e frirth St bci edons . Wola ory, Fao, a ieautiful assortmnent cf f piie?, 8e Suisiried bougbt. lFilled Sisaivla Fancy Vetings, ircad Citbî, KI N GS T ON. 20 Suiseriar Pot Ais Kettlis e, &e. pi-lot do., cassjsiee anal Trovncr Stufis in grat CiojtTORS. ciat. te 12 cwt. e MOUt varicty, Blauktu, Flannela, Serges, Plaidiags 1 iTIE10FH Bluasels Caupeting, auperfinf, fine, sud common Jotaaa R Fo sTt sqie.Iingaien, Oct. lIts, 1838. ýc.3 onldo. &c. B&c. ~,,WILLIAMISi îtacY, surs JOHrN CoUNrnA.1 AI.8> 1 FIRESIE R 30 A largo supply of COTTON YARN sand No. -, 3 Tiiomsan Asgaw, Mngr 2(ZQPA( - sad 4 BLEACHED CANVAS. Manager.. ~.: rsriety ES. nus iae frmtry of W3iaproposaiwilt b.l bv al>îaig il l i smsell sud the lis? 1»5 PP~isos one aide shtis tise ç.06, iIi o ntise tier, th isefffrenct bMl Ofitetbclatter, visicisbu. neveu as- met~s and measures othe fisc bleG. S& afo riser basa donc. A mach$Unllu isia-Llia could bemale oui agemi Tis earjoaaiînîlise Goiardian. Stiptsne ,oI aetise tile of a $rue <ilus-cis îab 1 b isveai sina hrigit Uashlimlapos- la "atrue lVeslyan", asu bsld mwta tise memiser, ci tise Chi o f J'il t ley .ioiul itiser expel flerinamong aiRaif cf Tice Charr/a anal bis frinid, or 'se lhîuasels froinitishe Cisircis; vosli M1nad me as s a ctimiîpuden' meaidier tu puoPsll unit proposer ith ~disslain I rpe', a is ah truooger case domld 8ie ogsg,,,tilie tliiîrc-tian agiuitst te Gas. je1cr, l e ceoiures of tise one (GOr. ut sics lthe toimer indulges, ihere être taies mort riembrsofthtie Clîurch of Eug. aaa açppst.o tise pretensiionscf lhter i fiecorie ni tisein official organ, than the mu ls Nathadistâ oppîosed te thse «lltiiu.Tise Metisadmt are ail de; btllhe meitibers of tise Cisureis of aur iat froia bis *>o. t~ht1vcuitai 1r andl design of tise 9ctaa iiuO preuuîiîia tutbe a 6"110e "aîLiiste lansilise ramy fie sâf.-ly icit tri lis ouilu isrîrrit aeabness. h-is u cýuiev 1, iiinlf wi it iseternis thPi la lis1, [lie Ihecto ries ssii isola, ail! ftl a, î-îuchiiilr iu' înfale saiSir, lý:uc "Il. In is lutter 1ublaish- biu;e, yi t!îe Cluroifle, ise tlaîaws off tentures tcvvral %'seleyao Clergyrnies aaa -ioaiiof 1 ni ulloli whisic shsos siue uec!lin usic Lilei"oi a 41Tisa Yes- Erra ir. i,î ianritis said tla have Ciicich u.Iril Ali! t/lit ' Ciurcis i hhi iýo!i-Sîoandal limGuaritiaoa l ->eiftie. îectiliseextoil- Eiîi N Lui lii 1ISLLYAN. Iinig-:un, Novr.112, 1838. i cnct %ii!!a vri iewteîaîein- hîîlîcviii- lai I addrr s you ; isesase it ~ îîibuîn.Iînlcliait Le preseot limne te psiual i auct nfltcoiaected iiti tise al- 'tai cii vr. 1 siosll iercin a se a 1 fth.uenle. ut lrtioa*iit Chuncis wiii net hank 'a-1 .IkOidliL"!,r ual ialirieil iicis is laaie li -' i deliiaoma ie aliuiles it. Ca. - f 's 'il '. I thiî thtie hi ii vi 'r u a tntaMr. Cisease a Ii ifaarlil 1cI i'tise Iypo- Siun lÙ.- t I ronidc . Aain-" Oint e .rt ~ i zîJ. lic aiyi %. isl 11iscoane a st, > i n is Q0 iJiie 10 aork hisis tai Cre t. o.hr I rBeatty nay be, Y Z',' 1ruail-, J 'i le tcil ionaessed1 oiwiuIi- A tri ei IVceyan -, is iost Y. andi..: 1 diat uuie vnture te 51, e I1s ira n! i ciiiai nt a& ignorant" ut t. 1i musn1cIlle ;as hidi liais hopo- li., suii vu li on ssi aoguagta f LSi.-io li aut rta hîs sainie ai 1 nsn d Mr. FHarv-ard net l.ILr nia,ciis wis> aie sur- Coni"l I,, ~loc tise Mutisodist u', . i"Iii i iiuhl -i nliis man- 5. 1i i) 1 r f s.1: . tI, Ot ir îu .it collations a- . i.1 a lir,' enal ianv of aIr~~~~ (,i I ~fier miliulters 'iiin ', d Ii:il theu gae. Tisay 1u5. ý' i i - ii i liîPronuvince ;andt ud ' Lut liochets, t1iagine, usc ii îan v ofethîle Cisrcis ci lolCt cc, ast ,Jeven Bisisops, i 'Il , 'l irearta Serteosof Siilr tlaem eîxtimrlporane- L i îr inayer-tlooiain cri ti thnown upom tise y1 i i/ole ico aie very i . t ~ir i aimnes ofelei- Th. il, er atixiois ta gt tise L't1 ý,iitme ofinvasioni or __-u' e-In art tise> IucIliScoiarisouna bc- 1C, 1î rci, r 0.1lits. Tiss atise lic J.,tiair servces ai sisnlaIL e, Lii Ciarcis party tisat ruiî > n' u ti o ant, tisan tisaj i a M-'ianSL iSs. - i il i1 rji-r Canntta, on >~. i' uî,~î l iî< ter tat. AI- -,-usIn ' attluu lb.,B-uethof l ri s nà) issM-1ai CANaFe uasddistl.u ghtu <oi o cf lier 'enini ."air.iv ap a i ici te s U N l, Nt cair l c ) i. I ~ O tie le9fth oi. ess- fIle N av l Tore * taalial it tise ea of- Il i tottilies amitabie fr1 WNM. WILSON. f, Paot Aihcs by tns Paid- Mr. John Culliw Stft.ý 3'- veyor anal Hgla Bâli Ma c ceunI aof Saiary, ~1f4r. WV- Bave Ceik on account of do_ "J. Lambert Constable do. Mn. Chai. TousaCertol Mr- fiet do. Oct. 31, Blance i hanss 2S 0 45 15 2b £W 72. a <eir uoaa. nesng eilaysseleCcdwiîu great cara isy on, of liemadvenji, tise Britishs Markets,i anda iouht.fus-cash, tisey carn the more confident- ly recornmend tiseis, iotis as regarda qualityj and ps-ste, to tiseir nainerous friendsansd tise public ir gencral. Kingston, 1618 Oct., 183. Commissariat, Kingston, 17h Octoiser, 183. A SSISTANT' COaIMISSARY GENRAL CLARKE hcreby givea notice, that 8ie wili net lie responaibie for tise paymsent cf any Accoutai whaiever, uniess au order can be producemt in wrrilîagr, sigiscit iy a Commissieeed Otileer cf tise Commsissariat et tiis Station. NEPT CONSTANTLY FOR SALE O NONDAGA, Liverpool andl Lison Sali, Bay l" cf Quint,- Fine Floar 8v tise barre1, ieat Brauda.HÙGH CALDER. iopton, August 28, 1838. 19 WEST COMMA O7 &TOR£ A» DQUARRY STREET, BY ALEXANDER SMITH, w J'ERF, iili lie kept constantlv ou baud Adaftional Recuis bave been ilteal up for tise accoanmodation cf Gentlemen. AIse, ceasianily on baud, a chaice assortnent cf FRUIT, CONFECTIONAR Y, &-r. Kin.gston, 111h October, 183. PROPOSALS TO PUBLISH THE REVOLT, A SERIO-COMIC POEM IN SIX CANTOS; Wilh .Annolirns, illustratu a-of te Rime andl Progres; oj te laie RebleUion in Lpjer Canada. DY T11031iASTVIE IWYME5, iJt.luL ADVERTISEMENT. T Egrealest part cf uhe above Poe-u was wrîEtten isy tise Autisor fur bis amusement impiy, aid cci for tise purpose cf publication; bull1 isaviug heen soiciteal by aime of hsfriendall change ismnind. e bas reluctantiy reaotvcd ta ccmply witisteir wises, preaided tise proposeal pubicvation sbould meel wihisas: adequate prosipect of support. Wisthtis ides 8e has made suany1 additaons telise Peem, ans! appended sa'ast noum- ber cf NoIes, in order 1a reniler tise work mocre wrtiîy te mneet thse publie eye, and le afferd the Stranger a siigist insgist into tise politicai history1 of Upper Canada, sind aine ts serve lim as, ani FMIGRANT'S GUIDE. Ans aspeciasen cf Uic natrre cf.tisewote, he offers tis contents oftlime firat Cante: ARGUMENT-CANTo 15?. Introduction,, by way of a Birtis Day Ode ta Qacen Virtoi ia-Review cf the Stateof Society atie cirse cf the last century-concoth ie Upperi Canadiaus dariag tise last War. Origin andi rprogress of aflegeal, as veli as réeal Grievanes-i Changes cf Parties, andl lie progres. of uami- geston p t tie permd afMcKntie's Mission 1eicasn tateof dicontent, sil the dia. soltion cf 1eadiclPri elby .lite ra... cia Bosal Headf. Lista fer Suhacribers to aigu, will bc forwatded ta mbst cf th Postiasters in lise Iwo Proviaes and the Poeu wili issue troi lhePrnuas omaias Five Hiandreal Signatures are obeinms-Price Fiee Shiiligs, paid upon Delivery of the Wcrk. P. S. Sucis Ediiers cf the twc Provinces au 'maypi esctopuslish Ibis Prospectus, sud receive Suisariber's nsmese D bc 8eentitied tu receive thr@e copies of tiseWoîr. Kingston, June 241i, 1838. PRICES CURRENT iy KINGSTON MARKET <CORRECTtCD WEEKLY.) a. i. a.di Fin Flelsper bhl.---------- . ..37 6 a 40 0 4 'e percwt..-------18 0 a90 Omis, ibd...-....-----0IBaI6 Oatesyde. do .------------180 sa10I Pesas, do. do ............ 3 6 a 4 0 Potatue de.do ........-....i 6 6,1 18 Deefper 1001hg.----------.... M 6 .&W Pok, d.do ..............5 0 N37 6 Butter, pulb . ......... ....0 9 a.010 Motion, do ........ 6 3 0 4 Vel, do ...............O0 2àa O3 Nis, do ...............0 7 1,: Caffdli, mnda............i0 1 0 O do- ' , .. .... .008 E, l 0 9 . 10 Ç'5sper couples ..........1 3 a 1 6 Wood, per y...........9 0 a O pcmk,ue,1 bbL . 21) 0 a 0 ;.. ...110 O0Ba 0 de. prime. 01wa,' S > o dil7. 0 Wv. R. SAtNDERSz LcOLLEGE AVEX.L1E ÇOUNCIL ersosinclined Idngs intended agss College, ihat wias fou .-arlv a (Udeerittlie jo Jé6d the period Feb iy11839, . nýerteê in ail tse BuIl*Ad. ed. SWELLS, çWmrr 4r By.rsr. VALS. i t calltise attent ion ýPuoIic, io a cice eDry Goo1s which laie OMvais flom jisicis with his pre- hly chesppfor Caais. HN H1. LREER. HREE RIVERS GS. ' or tise Propneior or e Rivera Foundries, te viii bave Con- escripions cr %Var- establiishmt-, cou- soves, Ketîles, xk Plates &ec. l Iare warraneep lac d wiU 8be diâposed jlT L ES er, et thse Montres, s, weigis.ug (vo.7 EN H. GREER. IlIVA L~S. an. aneve orataca waua ee openea sofor h ns- , WR«NEl. S.-i i.usiul~asr atention ofi ssrustomeis action ofBassinesou Mlonday itîe 5tis day Pf iYo-. tu the. vaniet> aud ciseelaucs cf bis ifeais vensier next. Jsupplies fute Fèeu Trade, Noies fon Diascont under nover ltaubcadauessesiCtaSTOa5O te his Manager on tise day lrceding tiegsea9 CtsFnnrV lng ofimscouant.. Pitot lulE, Fnysti Days of siseoaenl, Wednesday and Satarday i Troiwaer !ýtuffa, fhsnneis, Blanketa, l<i'sgstee, Oct. '29t8, 1838, 28-if Braad Chodme and Casaimteres, Fancy Printse1ad Dresses of the sxost wVtew F'oll Goods. elegant Paîtterns, . HES" BSCRIBFR avoulit vety respeclfuliy Sis n hidSrhes eat T bg e eorni tise itizeos of Kingaton and Plin nd-ipeslif atn, n iiniiytsthic is nose receiring a er exîtnsive Pli aad tgrd Sk.Sannn assorîmentoaf Fait anal Winter DR GOODS,, Gros de Naplers, visicis bas been nelecleal with great care, and 1 Mer inoa,Bom bazet te,and Scolth motiy fer cashs, andl milthe ditiposci cf at a very Domebtie Collons, Stripes and Cfa s1X saii avance on Mentreai pricea for cash e.ly. &C.&C Amnormg bis preseoi stock of Goods iil bc fasinald- ageneral analveil selerted asoriment of Sa r ' iecn -ea là L aRP -N iii ii fiue Befine BROA DCLOTHS &LCASSIMERES,3 iecsBusl APTN he il Pilate Cloths, Flushingi, Flannels SergesSsii- solal at a haver figure tisan lise article bas been bute%, Miltu de Lasi e Msse,~n res, st*lS ta Mi ZI o1 e «Ihe splar jLLsi nam Printed Cstic Dresses, Siîaailpatteuu Ciintz TEAS, SUGARS, WINEs', SPIRITS, &ec. Prinssof the laiest styles u;ileacbed anad bras i JM asrsbs utmu ht ai eem Sbirting anal Sieeti»g Cttons, -smali stripe istue J . sursbi usosesthtSei dtrmn Rcgatta Siirtings, do. dc. tivilleal dc. very heavy, ocmiltai atie lameat possible emuaerating pricea Plain Jacenet Mulins, MutI, Bsrrcd suit Book do. i Calis paid for IWHEAT, POTASH anal FLOUR& Piand aigured Beisistt', Blonds Net Qaaiiiga Kingston, Septesaber 1, 1838. anal Edging, Tiread, Nectîin & Cotonu Egings, Lamies' Frenchs vioceist basliioanal Net Case& - P f9 s c Colars, Crapel Sptîn Sîlfianal Sl andkercisie ç, 5 id T~iW i whiate kidlsrd eolourel Gloes, lisîuned dfaitrim'd LATEC COM5MERCIAL iLOTEL, do. Lamb's wuel Hae and Hait-Home, cidns do. sline st-ceta Kt..toms uî m aa. plan anal figureml Gros de Naples; black, bnewc, g.reen aud blae Sit Velvete, cisected al tor>Sut - THE SU13SCRIBER begs ta inforun the inisabi- Velvet Vesiigs. plain .aiS aasuire Vcsiinga, i tenta cf Kingston sud the travelling cons. ilact Frenchs Bornbazinee, Ladies' visite Satino i mnily at large, tisat b. has telcen tisae6iabliis- Slips, Ladies' biset anal celounci Praîîelsa Bouts, ment, and thutis hanasn..opened itluns vesy sape- Chlidren's Boots ait Shsca, Ladies' Carpet lIeds rie, style. Tise Houcse bas beea Ihrusgiout relit- anal Siues fur tritaeit, FillemilTiibei anid Tartans led sud eînamented, sud furnisised witis nev andl Woolc 5/aws loanda litanuikenciiefs, gentlemen's Be splendid furniture, dembmniug utility aud elegauce ladies Woolien Gieves, chidren'i do.; whiite Mlar. in te ise st degree, Tise Suisscriier ir avare seilles Qiilta anal Causlerpanc"s, Mackinans Blant- 'tisatt caier auccssfully fer tise publie reqoires ets, s vcry aupermer article ; I'etersas Bindinglunire discrimination, uaaensîied exestien, and l si- Cap anal Letter Paper, Metalii Writinx Pen,- ging isebaviour, andh alh tfre bitnstif tisat hili Fsnry peari set 'sot-Boxes, a great aaictY cf expeneunce im tiss& depaitment bas quaalifiait Mn ta ladies' Wsit Buekivi, earl taen-Heliters aindlPs- assume tise tant ivitis every prospect of giving per-Kn'ives. readin7, Hoots andl Pearl isandle Scis- pefect satisfaction te tise muet refined.l'.Tisa2- sort, ilver Tiimbies, Bc. Le. W ID loie ii bc reguiarly nuppimeal wilb aIl decii A il a0. caties ina seson; lise vines ans! iquoues are juset laid ia ana of tise (mueit qisaiy ; esuoful anmi ebli Ladies' Chincisilla Bonnets, Mufti and Boas, grey -ging servants are engaged ; aud every atteniloii Squirrci Mais anal Boae, Squiruel isset sud beli l I .gvrt nuets onot0 I sh n Mails anal Boas, de Tippeta, Jantetand Ermane hnu i ihlsa arng.Hia intention Mutin anal Capes, inx Miails aund Capes, Mort a îthattravellera s sli iit in Ibis hîcuse tise charnu Matis Capes anit Pelierins, whiite Emmina Vitoria cf Hliessie ievth tise avantages cf a publiae a/o. grey squire Victorias, martin aid fox-tailteaihmbenti. If lisie desirsisie, e holie. tise Boass whiite asd arry Ru5i adieî' fur Mitts, publie faveur yull enabte hum to carry bis iatmen- gentlemen'@ tur Gles anal Gasuitietî, S. S. S. tien inta effect. Tiese ituation ia in tise centre et corne-isape Caps, itirk, numtia andaloildtt,- bnieieu. clati Caps trimnurd wth Rusis fassis;tageiber aeacviilesaîstn aeueyaasgr seili otiser artiica usîaliji founal in s dry rond sud thesi ae.g. ta asai fris the ktemboata. esta",Iisimeni, al of wicistise proprietor ficela A LIVERY STABLEie emcoesetel witis ths.e «aasl hiuie euse l s ad ai1evas sy acuber retailer uset. vhere fIrra auasatCarg na ua-blat sgai, sn ton, anal would bc g to say tisailpaisons viis- lssas. IVw]=. sug ta purcise vaold findilit dvantagcous to cati Kingeuae, 17th Aazest, lUS. anal examine tan themseivea befre baying eise- m n ii BT Cam csL vheue. No second price avili b.e asked. NOA10JI ICR - N. 1. COONS. COMPLET£ ASSORTMENT cftlb.ase. Kingston, liront Sireet,113d Oct. î838 A Medicines, tepi constantîji on band, and f«a ___________________ Sap itb.he rocery Store of M r. Jamet Mu.LoBrs- - mu~ Stsu SlreejîKingsto, U ILC.A.oq bicls sa lieULSED fc ai U~-~ fwtsead the Cholera Preventi , imach Wbyheaie Aseou & ANST, Mntrai;W5 hrateil forth. speedji Relief vhieh itaesfrdsi NEII.se,PQseie R. Sar,,Trot;sd iniCases of Cisolera,LiiolecaMedmtojlelaz.Dyseu. MACJALABERingacua : wey~sais pain in the Stomuk Md soi ovls. Tisa "&PERSONAL MEMOIRS udiine is vatranled tfocure theabousemetion- or ad Camplainta, vb.re il is gisent ontheseinit a. R!CHARDSN ;" ps"rance cf tise disease, analthb. direciio»se str MAJOR RCAI Nadberea t. .Tises. vbeas-elabiss raug der diew Autboi oft<eA Cssadian Campaign Il" Teftu-b,' ease of long standing ahoultanot despair of a ecre "E carte," "ý Wacoosta."l ý Movemeuts of teise aai t tej bave given tue Bolanic Remedienafaibr Britishs Legian in Spain," Bc. &c. Bc. trial ia vbich tbey vill sel"oinfait ii catu. Tisose Elitis viso ibave cepied tise eariy ai- Kllgton,21&t Angual, 1M38 ers. ts ül rnuthNlemoà,," are 1..t.u uI sni a due. notification cf that fact toe ie arest cf thse aisove namedptmisbers, visen tiseir respc- lite copies yull b. detivereal lu urder. iMaumrsi, Sept. M18 .18. STOVES! STOVESI! STOVES!! J1pST RECEl VEO andl M 1SALE b, tise Wsaucriber, Store Street, COOKIXG 4& PARLOR STOES EWISB dA 2 & PL32 LFUMji, BaocxSTm=uxt Llàromas HuTs., A»O TMi C a CKE» "Z .ils vaist~jiu ap e* -'la"g., aaiè t!beg t. salicit act . fILer heon oriclest atlculsoas iii b. p.êhIta dhmeve lb. a oebsinodb'aa cuatomem , N. B. CLOIIES CLEAJNED sud KAZORS et vaàmaPatternisud a, anal cfsiqacrier cai- Lugst lem im21, n.19 - IIRJDELodd i.6. Tii. Caekiug Slaves faraitecc.mplete. .. .i1. SerfiM"ai l. ' A gemc) aasaeatmet fHARDWARE, iapma. VALUABLE PU0PFRTY. FOR SALÉ. mm (mw"eai.aslue. nom sied »di Sôves Pialesb Goeds, Cordage,-" YUWO BRICK BOUSES, vith sailable Oui.- iF*mrJ3g Aideo, AbT asand a gaiGarde.usabais 100 kega WHITE LKAD, 281i. ss. . e -ai"gWe oWie~taedaOe f S0;,Op s. agia,258 Spl. R . ~MORLEY. Store Street, anal il pesst *=üpljied jIy J é* POCIU O? 0 iuivset Xingoo% 2k 6ept. 181. hN Coaimis" Bahy, sud CaptSai Biseoulw w ____________________Enginteessausunimalrçut of Ibiuty Pm@& itef. ple ti oAisHmg Aise, FOUR COITAGE$. sifuata inluGrave- u <Se4ffoher 2, 18M. - ig ue, sch let l ant o f £8 If&pet .a éouB'1 IP t t4 . ý of tueSbcrier Stre Street1 Wcbler, Oal be Msa O*b a .Jpe 41 tel* IL M. ROE. 1. a capital issleiteemfor ajiput$m bVrac lb&I1>b metbsaa Wbuft, CeauI Byo, uâ~a ls Aagwsl, 138 cemmarn of cah--.. fer c='a t M~«ABack mi atl WOta, deflenA lub uC*r- 14 . IhSE atc oai ne ivja Apply ta William Wiles, Eaq.-yem forIIW ,#lbh<aS. kaplaen iand. . ; Kaa%,. ee uud e- SHERIFIr'S SALFJ Msdaàrtict [,X iLL BEI SO&O et th. Town 01K ronon saturday the mgçmddoy or Pebmary, 1831,* e llowiae pruporty, aseiai b V irtsae of a s u edtsn iisue4 t of Hef Iisl' UCort of Kng'a Bechet 'Dm Mutpia ~ Everit, agdinsa the lands and teana U~ veg-r Irlden, via: Uhc Eut Ilalf of lotAJ 7LIt Coneios, cf tise Township o(L.jh.. East hall cf lot No. 1.5, 811< Cocescsiona mi t4 ToAwuulstp of lmfh8oecmyk; Lot No. 14, Sit Cwacs.siocuof ( awnsilip eniloughbuaepqi la Ail 400) A.rse,batit;aisesexcellentî farm, .a t'O8cc . of thse Tswrskiof 0<Lugp ; (Il slfof o. ff, ad au uaueevid' àywl f Kisgston, avilis buildings, atuaici <en 11rock iieSo Aso: Lot Nu. 7, 648Ceneag. q tise Township dcf .Iuing.on; belogint te lb. suid Sylvester Holden. - S1ale et 12 o'clock, noce. Ail pensons having clairns againsf t8e»bor.ýâ or ahy Poot ths-rWoiare requested l einai tthaï ses te me on or befiare lise dad f*e M HR9BUl"leoÇKe Laie erjpr x Miâ. bJt. IL R. .. OPKINF4 Sherirs Ofie, Iingion, 'Ssît Octoiser 29i, 118& SUE RIFF'S SA L& 15 TU eKi's BENCU. Mjdiabd District. ý W ILL BE WDMt. TO Wt. VI Court fHom sai th Town of i Ksugon, on Saturday lt.én.mi44Aqr aulnue of on Execution liaed eut ofHcliet6myebur,19,at lowegLmo et-«e Court 01 Kiis.g'e HennisajtI lite suit etfde. W 4. A;- bers isiq1nthîe [ald ind n tenerftctlt,s f5saIi$v the. oiosip cflacezhirou Norh E #Mwî tr oif Lt No. 186, in the Town e a t e lideue strctbelongmng t e 11-11131 Zaicat.i2o'çcek, mni. Aitl 'eus ba hving daims againat 1h. .8wP. . imLLîYjor an> pat1 ibereof, &re requested fte preacat tisa. aLut me on or before trie day et sale, Il ICHARI) BULLOCIÇ, Laie Sheruf, lMii. Di. 1Dy IR. J.uopgklis, Sber;#.a Qffiee, Kingsîtonbeff .A.loiser 29tim 1836. SHE t0I'F F'R S A Lk. Mdlad Distict. j(LL BE SOtp Ait Isa ilw lloutI lieuse, la the Town of 1Cngstoý, on Tiaurday tise .22udde~sy et Ntaseober uvat, lise tolliwssg property seia.d ijy virile ci au Execution aanied 0ofi fl Ztjutym Court of, lCseg's Beoch, ai liese uit ofAlfred Ilookè; agaiat is sdansd ienements a( SamuelI DUtlmage, viz A Ilthat rîriain traçt q'uuf land, bin.- tormposrd of thse IVest and IqW Qf Lot No. 23, in tise Ctli Concessiona of the Teu5.s sip of Madoc, in the Midiand Distric4, beiosg. ingle the said Samuel Dulsoa1gàe. Sale, w commence ai 12 o'cfcci, rcocus Ail prrsons bavie c;aims against ibe abovpm Lands or goy part tse reof, are requeeat tî4 Pr.aeÊ tue sarneluance on or before the dav of sa à. RICIIAR»IIÙBLLOCK, Laie Sierif Ma D By R. J. HOP1àNS, Siseriff'a Office, Kin.gston, PShr. 91b October, 183.- .. SHE R 1F F ~SA LE OWDO0 5 tan, off Sslurda vtie nI~~* jue nert5 18thflile. haLa th il et fr~ en1 ExedcuoPaid outl fnIferMsjeit t e & of Kne'sBella i,,,t tises'ltlo f dmarnd aitatisth1h.410 - -..n s' ue Fidiar andi Henry l1ce. e,euVI.cf Eil, rl certain ltract or Ipar 1 _Ladkh ft as.~ Number Eieven,stise Seventh tortmsins f l Township cf Rawdon, iu this fIand Dlhtriet. 8Sle ai 12 o'ciock, noms. Ail persona hsviiîg édaimts againsi tb. #boit Land or auy part tisereof, a r remsted te pteseài Ibe malnle ni e oneor béere the day of sale-. RI1CHARDBUILLfYtgt, sheri, idiand 1ititt, serîf'e Office , Ki.gin Wih Marcis18,186 l- b Thse siove salie is ptped ountil 8. 1 0, 4th day of AlignaI nextza thime honr en ~ac, RLCH41113B ILLOK. .Laie Sserit MjiDiat. Dy, R. J, HOP1C.K Kingaisto, 9111 lune, 183. Dep. 8rii. Tise aisove sale is (sirtiser pcstponcd anti] Aer. day tise2id day ut February, 1839; at es.damne hoir snd place.1 RICHARD ùtJLLôctki Lats Sherifldi& MPAL My X 1. 110PR1NS, iingsion, 4th ÀAugust, 1838. De.Shrl IN THE KING'S BENCI., Mislland District. Y *irine oi à #ilt f Al- TO W11s1. .~ taclsuenls isWa'd out of lier Majsty'a ecort cof ting'* Ieûcb, Lad teme divected gilseiÉtishe catate, real aud pertônaiof Johns Steteie, 8a becodifig et coascealed debioeg tu saiiafy Thomas Briggs tise Jouont«t4 am lan of Tirity potina,I have seized -ailheb. caaI real A *eIl spenasaal of lhe sai iJohns StÈ$us &Wè ml Po là r said! John .Sevens relayi sitil isej& aWlito cof the snid Coait, and pet I in MR %a aeiha-withio Tise.Calendar ia aishs.vcdaése a aim ,te b. dlchaegd.j II criet hNitiepajuail, bw z Mdsud afkobiC the nid aim. jîA.i ha» Mal. VicK ]Fogmia, Ist jette, M8& IN TOP KINC'5 DENIÉÊ. Midlaud District. »YT virlie wf 6uAi , A I r M.esy' Ct icft nBecba gob É» directed asot Aj ste Pottadd ~ b07W ci Hlenry ê !Syer,a.acdlg . deher, bste vWils* Rbfio., ~.ive Rua red 'olfd,-1 baves Izeda il te- baite. se a ciil il3a P A l et iied h .' 1715. copwm OFtrciPwoTooeApwt .smvwTO PUKC M ccea FOR MSSIW TO IOOUG. AMPY TO PKM£ AROIVB.OTTAWX 21 litI n 3 1I' Kiiugsion, Nosv. lIs, 1838. COMMERCIAL BANK, M. 1). N OTICE la hereisy gven, ibat a aetua.sunusl Dividend bias ibis day been deciarait, of four per cent., fi-r tise 6 tuontiss cdiug.%th dil. paya. ble ait Iis Bank, its ciices and agencies, on the Iti day ni Decemiser, ne>a. Tise Tîmafer lBook wiii b. closeil ou tisa 1718 instant, and re-openeal on the lItproxitne. tiy rder of lise Board, y. A. HARPER, Commercalaite ,MD. ,Ca~ 0f--Afie r a plentiful itarvest tLe propietor locta lu sacis of is ceuniry friends as csnnotconvenieui- iv psy sooey, fer Produce je exchange for the flerais. KINGSTON CORPORATION. STA TEMENT <fouinarececitcd and expended by Mhe Treaoîrer 'J te Town cf Kingslon. î s ~ q £ ,.d. Jaly 14, Frein Tisa'. Markland, Enq. Trasice of tise Moarlet Reser- vatjon,b.l'5nce in hisa ands ef Renta cf lieuses coliected, 126 2 2 Aug. 11, Frein Mr. S. A. Irons, one yeai's Rent cf part cf Loi No. 5 iii tire Market Reservatien, 12 0 0 Sept. 10, Frein Mlr. S. Ilalden iaîf ycar's R-ni of part of Lots 9 in] 10 Market Reservatien, 7 5 0 99, Fîsas Mr. Tisat. Ssnii, onee yciar's rnt cf lti 8 and paît of lot 10 Market Resrvaii, 22 10 0 Oct. 10, Froin Mrs. 1Bichei, I year'a ret cf ict No. 2, Ma. Bes. 25 0 0 For 15 C.atterls Licenses, 15 0 O Fa- 5 liceeses to retail Alc,&c. 7 10 0 Froîn Mr. A. Mayne, Col'r, ce acceunt cf Assesseal Rates coleteld, 294 O 0 .09 7 2 £XIENDrTu"v. 1838.£ a.d. Sept. 10, Paid an Initalme:ajten Bonid fiT £400 fro-n iiseCorpopati il tise Comnmnrciailiank, da- ted .Iaiy 121h, 1838, itaI. nient due on lise 81, 101 17 5 15, PaiJ Commercial Biank ini'it due aecording ta condition cf %aslie Bond, 3 O 0 Paid Mr, J. Cailen, Streel Surs rsuadry aumse x. hpefil:îweekly, lu repalriug _ tetis (roithse 17th lu- y tewtiiadate, isy rer of thse Comuios Couni, 2W7 16 ô Psu îsundry tares by orafer cf Cosncil, as faUeows: le J. Conqally for cdean- in in arkcetplace, O 3 le Edmuadlieyie for car- tiesg sane, 0 49 4j le J. Fergurron for do in do. 0f66 le D.Sinciair fora Pomp erecteal hy hlm la froui cf market place, 18 10 0 le George Crawford for matin, s drain, 4-2 16 10 le Mr. Tiso@. Smitha for fiis ausount paid for uiyditat alicudance and asistance ici,- dererelta a prier w.- meau 415 0 'Thot. Ottrenik for Carpenter'a week in the Martel Boume, 1Iil 6 "Mr. D. Hacola for de. in Cotumoc Cou- C.il Office, 5 3 Mr'. lr for Print. ing, 10 5 O0 e,.C a 1 » 1 1 uzr- 1 1 1 PÙ&DC office ý 1 . i

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