Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Nov 1838, p. 4

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or' rai- 4 THU UPPER CANAD& BERAsa-TUF.SDAY NovEàmEER 1, lu& ZLTIG4gME LAE MTU<hldlhabus case A * ét e l.City <t tie haracter md .s- byt. e «M !"ez hysciesandl gmam.a cf Mu le%"evey biit tm&g tue ddampostavely aider thala t~ .tefagis *M-a-bmds<*lof vbicb May ie b sSai the piste 'i t ~ ~1j,~uaodthe Salut etCoumbta 's tot' et a la em'a utu b la1i ative, but ptsitively a Ianit- à o Bf il 4sdi -rativ bw l ar ; almuî, e»;for 'o. ~is ed hîw it DaaaijoU*Né "aut dispute, or vWt. go bala i- te p~ aiabu Te 4g bhave a speadled ,t..l pst enai -t' t' -1 rn. cptquiste t tbeht i* ci l Ilacua ~If ~ * .s tai.tm ANORUFPAND ,I ~.MA L DMES@. 'ç.u.~0l'u~tll-i bie rES ALM 0F COLUMBlIA- se b';, -.miphîligsphiMat atehauttpeoa-b t, meta- si'thetut amdot siedmmmong ailObstlclesie ils pr ---haibl Amaie le es evo- Foc salilbleal or etdtbi aricl idli(w4Md whb m"fg - io 1111 f isenpulth 0". $Mrabq fllé -ii ibs entmts ,a.adiis4ea i by N.a!n=ea -16,e NU i mage d o bit cliîet, aiubl h in- d alil Dautis comntî ant i pthearird l m igsto Whlarsaureme, an ivil lagu Oi tInTa utMayB teCanadaid tht ntiliasudthe d - îwh. g'1ia. tataceîve thtbe il.pace, t:Cni.Obev h nc ol fte ~l5êmiltiiOd 'nt twnoâ" a nîlnd 'ta i h e n ase fCoubabsasisi ex Ui=m bo.h lotoacoN agara&o. E T m ai i ls FOI -tle, ibelsaeé,or Ittaiis- q.Ii~ ifo 'migiaigtulOm eàe. Ee-F ' AE rtaLTOn LA c o timc rmam % ttetrogiatoieur anhea Newaa agita" u4tIfWhtit er en'tew ifata 1vtes WTheav eRLO, ieLatefinieby N.7UCT etag aswl Mi o. iletenchi, o bieacelthe- asud &Il DuitN. 4 andthe aes inîofKlngston, astlzvith.kta ht ujlte dedouhent.Thartoathe Ca<liaI ah fLtN nth ntedSttme.e 2 c;a a*eqaiao - Mteia ytinwM cltvudthrae îtllaitocpteniM.WmTn. htid ma O he it ingIra i ns mlII i bt i e <tot io ato o o 6 aL.B ocsln 1s tt u u=mhss vo m àbm t Iof i ~ar. seau.. y fa isepinga lfrc it c o.ui Ui- OR PAor tiuEapT on thassefotetrfni Lot ?y thuegtmthsmt lte robMvorep mm at lb, ye ri-l 'Céqimwno l4li Ms aedf it oottial mins tfAneiPatLot No. 1 , la 1h. 3cocoaesofGagon slIp sud le fahimpesiona8ara itonl eknta- Foaresmlte iuao th st afeair of e ity, Pfilrnsc.AL the toititubt.-Thus tJy ebat hr. if ttr,14 intpad) ensi ,28ae,t; sithrelcabi e i uivrm otnemar uaqilleand Aon hçierie le a. alFateHom u tbe htqà mioAs ea ct ommerc i e arasla otterie lateîl .heocuaatoni r iToyhtne.ctbr dé eo ltatvinLi scae aa t . ut o b . tAsPi fLtN.1,i h dcmsin a % t k 4sepolis ave rri pb'.d qoarfils 3à ltîg iaFLcsMIL FLL oegs adgati 270. A ou mellte it a- IItniaS WMLI bctLg . i W~7PaeoeuerSat wih Oh Ptestrcf the Wtt rtotheabot hwofcrLot - P M Mme sae-hio. 16,inte 241afloucessit op, at -n Il *I" the pahos.dm boue«amis0, and tPte 6peesttdSWML, wt o er awtc n::rvvernibouma of b rnia enss ofAnd artof Lot o. 1niliathe0 ici-tbss0iont it2 'flarsoa Bo ldsnl hc hee'sm X pea.uedastea on wtitctPlIFerattW ia uaer arti lathea, thed oltes aincy pro- tuinii a e a l e ail ts. - ina Bllev itatu oida e % I ueia Vrsaresti oton tsd~*nslt r, h od rLia, fliemiaLib b. te ina coener or & t ateTESouLEst core fitBlI ., no 1a308a4Md' ino e iamt î. wicro a~luItriHe apatuow aI JSDat ,-aTd0aYB onTIrS, M pi al ieNtla l o»blislied ati r as Sttin fa tFLUi-nt Str L, ut eLLie l e tutt. li i M.Anyrbttb.î e ctWho ~bu ILL, uatndc JabaMILL,'teonsihaLoge cm0b ~..ti.aaroconvesat ith àindtîu ai-tofcu- T d y awnL nEteand et boutîlTien AcresTof uA2ioattt1W eofLontdon oaagaz 7articles wrtttea Dv.;aWatpavilege 8,Situ co- 1a a"thee wezomalb nioth ceaimed voerth- cgaetre efthTo nte atad W illiels Ob en hehetedthof i -ofthenRivr Matre bot litéa»i,«uchanedloho a loi nti DE oa euh alaon te Tfor oale as e &, c ~actai. bttgWèé n hthehpu gae of tige titem lois etareceBELLEMILLE PA RK, seittabtt e in 86 M h a ncterflb. tatlcdileîmte co Lioxe ai Aes oni Lattai, a literte t' i nsit a iutetoaa fl. nrthe,,t TAOVI -oaa.fra PDwELing mHtorIS, achohcuiha, Il a % peeall knwnirebelevetha ' 1euit SjtîFraa s tre mLia Ho e - . LiVaaa BAL B N E I A BKAUTIFUL HEAD 0F HAIR I ZIbe vastut anct telaîtgiag ta th,! bus- Mua me. Hem odangeiy te lmoai 'a thaqugs thc comaonesc and' pcentlely brungs « *ths spesnrnce ai olda gt, miicit cauassmany 'alb eoil < luin; oncevereti, and somsetintea tien SiMua suiety tua sancithe taeianti antan ci iheir : atmeitnt; tht aesnintiea cf Ibeir fi-em is cou- meqemliy»Mtê aat aant . ha ihtosot1 mleven th, lomg91p=np illes the gainerons"titinking C th ni. t t fheavy inkng goo as tftte8 ibe tan sEbàs hire Tc aicîttal ltsunnpleasaanltir- euuslaate, O IDRIDGE'S BAL.I 0F COLUMN- DIA 0alps tht hala front fsliag ffan tite irai a . rî«oeÉ4suda fé bolesre.toree t agoin. t . lkeis ou a fcw bol anti nhishera;pie vris mar fi 7ntuaegry, maes it ra htauuly, and frff tt rm uf.Nmru cortllhles of lb. IraI repctatity inupport of titi vltue of Old.ïhalt'sBain are shonu by bihe C> Reati the fcl.wlag. RURJT WILARTON, Esq. laI Ma o f Pblltdlpha, buS toitillea main i mm = 49 68th. hgt<barategof tbe hUloutlg gestlemeni IMs UWiesaul ddeohtrubya.erfitui<at ine bave r, ai tIta i lesaeraib .tid IWU. TiUA.TCHFReaa. Ne.» btmb Iifttsb. JOUIEP. INGLIS, 331 rchtt. - 109 lmD. THOMAS, M. . lE3amet, BèlNi uitlcy»10SMe. a. RUM bIICMID, 20 ugh 7aet. EOOIA-I, P., m 3Afth g. *tleeislhy taise lis Iains in CaiI. lbl£t bi, '"e5 14 lakntqs <aite.. oust amImmie han a M tse City of Phiidelphla. Lýguvb4ITQi<, May* e sassl oub hoIesi .ssii 1 am ave mélm , Igloa8 o k~y~tms an omn lg 9 a.y a. ùh.lfeu h a "elllcate. *hIseuItsgel Ê »hUte boias$et iMy tfrU*~ a a a- ~~tea « lapi. ithe -mor m, h d M ViaNsud y usseme meduglal hI eusr a.,aai.arns bxisueaucu, w.tiia sau atte Hante ; sgond Garden and Oicitards, cotaining opariaf Thrt.e Hundretitesariag Apple Trets, anid a choice aelecî'aon aofailier Fi-uit Taiea-wel adaptati foc a Gentlemns anily desinous of mesiti- ing .sear Town. IN THE NEWC~'ASTLE DISTRICT!I That veni ticiliable TAîzai STASE,, comtnoty calleti taFari y1'sTînv 1n" at' nMil-a%<riPort Hbope, on thet Ttoroad, l.1el1;it the possessIin of Wîn. Weller, as a Stage Han.-e; ltes, are ex. celhlent Siatîts, Sheds anti otiter out cihos, a cap- tl Gai-enitaml tcktd nit cioice Fouit Ti-ca., and about Tnti Acres of Lanti; teo micit may . bai 75 Ae, nf Liaid, psitty mmproisti, vithin tro miles niflte Tt.. AIma, s îery vaînable Lot, on wviai there are tt) FrmeDoeng Hauts, non in the occupa- taon, o- MDonnel snd Widow Walkr,.situa- led near the cenitre cf thte Towtn, on lte Torato iRosai, citi two othinttoaitai Acre, on ane ai mhici t titt is a gond Fi-sm. Hansé anti Wei-kaiop, andi a Lot ai about 9 acres'an ttheîrerinrta oi the Te". .Forfintber patrularocq'r I yt te, post paiti) ni F. WHITEHEAD, Enq. Port Hope, or th. Sabacriber, la Belleville. W ILI) LANDS. 8W0 Atm la in héTownshtip of Chatham',Weeu Distict Li. i,2,3&4intbe7tconuaaln, Westtrn booidpry. 100 Acres 'ta the Tocotaip of Tyeidinsa, Mid. Dist-, Lot Se. 1, 2d ffeasessoo, Nast".ftlb Rosai, eun wiht ier, hi a gW dLog lion. 100 Acre., SMt etnrcaaaon Pittsburght, Lotet No>.33 EAuti, %1 id. Dust. 100Ae .Sin M cesscion Pittsburght, Lot No. 36, La if, M. D>. 200 Acres, Lot Na. 26, 101 concession Pittsburgh, M. 1D. 150 Acre., Lot No. 20, Gtb conceson Thulw, M.. D. M0 Acres, Lot No. 8,in theb. Bue. Hope, New. Scastle Djise 100 Acres, Lot No. 33P M1 couceuica PitbbwoPit £nithaîf M. D. lu Acr.S ol-tett o f Lot Ne. C 30, Bd . ROP, ronewille Diat. lT.Uhîtk et tl b lore popay aivertisuitu eshcualedw4si usy Isho Wen remubla itenu, uilm u epllcihe titi..Applcalli.esathé Subseour inta eheiia<,pr lttr,~ud s$eilJeIy 25, IM& ?COLIS&BEBDEV£EiXY TUESDAY, M~aieiarb Skies 8s t ry oppsicteb Nadshlad. «C a puutlualIdatueti t Ma.wqm i eLs 1 Ue*sta ï8e1.ib liw m usr .8h*lsetou 1 nimetituntlseaha Ta- N..ai 09i am woss"li. aigOi acl a-u maw Toag yWn£XvnKPO@z PaOXurs. p ? Tbr mpWmet@suveml Lia., of Pichets hbvetie Nen York aM ti -01 je_ epc mav s uageti for Ibeir .aiiag fatuet taritPot on the ,,7, 2511, Iof every monthi ;te 5hps tasuccetai eac bltra tht foIIowing ortier, ,.: - NO CURE NO PAY. su.». CtATAmsi. AIrOF SÂALasîEUX NEW OK arÂs O AILpG auuon OL PRICE $1. Pa.yîalaia..mitl,.. 1l7 Noîtr 7 Match 7 Aue.25 Dtr5 Apl 25 HAY'S LINIM ENT. Orpieus ~ Bile 19 19 19' 7 7 7 pitotheanîlt of sciance andthi îe inaen- ReeIs,<Nt) Cl1ta.-- 25 25 2.5î 1 13 la l ti=n c eltirati medical mant, tte introdton Cambridige ... Burnley .. Ang. I1 getr 1 April gi 19 19 19 oi wiih ta, the public wras investeti witit te sa- lntieputntnce . . . .uNye .... 7 7 71 25 25 25 leniatly cf a deathabeti bequet, bat rince gaineti Virginau .....Barris.. 13 13 13 Octa 1 Fch'y 1 Jone 1 a reputationunaparauleleda fully sunlairti-lte cor- Oxford .......R thbone. 19 19 19, 7 7 7 rectinemtof trit lamenti Dr. (3rd!lcts lanti oara Stidda< ..... Brillait.... 25 25 25i 13 la 13 fermion, tltat " lie dai-t-a not de caititott gic-intat 1Nortt Amnrica ....- Hoxe .. . .Stpt'r 1 Janty 1 May I 19 19 19 potteriiv thteteit ai his kasmîige on lIisuh' -*ue .......D-lano 7 7 4 5 2 5 jr,a9t antilie ihertiore tequettahet intbic <nana] Shelleti .......I'Allen 13 13 13 Naî'r 1 Mai-ch 1 july 1 anal attendant, Soloman Usays, the secret of his Erope .... Maurhali - 19 19 19! 7 7 7 aisarrvery. < iepicplhrptlsi Shria ,......Peirce .. 25 25 2W! 13 13 13 Il 's nom used thepicploiam n Columitus-....Cropper.. Ort'r i Feby iJue 1 19 19 19 1t-pivate iraaclce ln oua country, harst ant i uti George Washington . Hcliretge . 7 7 7 5 2 5icrtaiity of h cure of tht Patta, and alto sai. UnttiSata~..Hllaig. 1 13 13 Dectr I April 1 August 1 tensiel anti efft'rtuslly asIol baffle rredalaîy, Soult Amoalca '... Bantom.w 19 19 Ii 7 7 7 amis cohereis fects arc itlnaseet. Ertt'raxt- Gauick ..........Palmer ~.I 2 25 25 13 13 13 'Y l fit ollowing complaitits: Pauiati------Wit ~Iav r i Marth 1 ul 19 19 19 Do- rapsyCreating ex:rsoralinary absorp- Theset eips are ail af tht lirai clan, anti ably aontmantiad, witeleant accommoudations for ps- 1 SailtionRdaiir ittti.a tai iaîe atigeha. Ttce prîce of passa.ge frnts Newo York ta Liverpool la tutti at $140, asti romn Liverptol to1 Rheumattsn-Acute or Citroale, givaing qanik New York ai 35 guinaaaaincluding wites,storee anti bedîing.iNoititer the capt.ins ontoaneta milI ae ha reaponibla for auy letters, parcels or package%, unten aiguIabtlls of lading ai- rtei!terefor. Soi-e 7roa--Biy cancers, ulcers or colab. Agents for ahp. Oxford, North Anseica, Eur ,Coîntohua, Sothti Ainerica, Eaîgaot, Orphous, Lt'oup aaad K%7opîng Coug-E-xternally, and] anti Cambtridige, = 14UDIE & CO., or New 'York. nier lte iret. C. H. MARSHALL ...."""..inOBs'ules, Sprinas andl Bar-Curing in a BARING, BROTHERS & CO. .. LiverpooL few boutes. Agents for the slipsSt. Aittrem, Virginaai, Shreffelti andi Unitted States- Soi-es and iktt's-Whtetr facîli or long stand- 9011UT UERIIIT, . .... New York. ing, and fever soirts. T. & 1. SANDS & CO ..a.. ... Liverpool. , lie operatton taliontiaulte anal rilitren it re- Agents for ahîps Pennsylvania, hodepentience. Ra.cciatand Gi-orge wasbnrtn- dtini rtitumulir evellîngNana Itiloosening tarai-ba GRINNELL, MINTURN & CO. ...New Yok. and ligbtnee ai tht citett y reaaxatiootite WILDE$, P[CKERSGILL & CO. -Liverpool. borasa.beci snrprarinq lieyond conception..- Agents for slips Sithaptare, Sitidoos, Shterida and Garrack Tht-cntaton reniai-k of ltote uta baye uscdit in i E. K. COLLl,<S & CO ..........New York. tte Pit taita6 it acta lîke s ctarn.tt 20 WM. & JAIS. BROWN & CO.... Liverpool. THE PILES.-~Thet otite $1 in aftndtad ta RIVER St. LAWREN~CE ARRANGEMENTS FO>R 1838. T RE PUBLIC are respectfolly infotuteu that a DAILY LINE of STEAM BOATS betmeen KINGSTON snd the HEAD 0F THlE LONG SAULT RAPIDS ha. been estibiahed, &Bd i nl ply n folos; calliag at the intermadiate ports, viz. D 0 W N W A R D S. Thlt&,p2e andfasst talltg Stroet Boat Thet faut &snugSteam att C,&PTAin Baaus, CAPTAiu àLxESS, Will leave Kingston every Monday, Wednesay, Will leave Kingston ea, yTte.tia, Titurdayt an'd Ftlday moringsata 7 ottlork, and i amie ati andi Satorday morinit ai 7 olt .ec , andi art vo the Headi of the Long Sauit sané ecitnga I at tht kHead of ithe Long Sault sains eveainga. U P W A RD S. WiII les,. tite Headi ai thteILong Sanitt îtyry Wîll leave tht Head of tht Long Sanlt evrery Tuady, Thus-day anti Satnrday maig, ad~,Wanoaar iliyooa amaDiaitly aller thse ai.!ai Ir on al inmdaely atter thtearval of ttonea, Stages. Stages. J DAILYLIMr of Lak in lsaBots liaiKlusoa t in ucn ci"inthe oboe Boots. is:- The GREAT BRITAUt4 leaica tiery Weduestiast and iaey taasings for Laciston, tahhsag at Osvetgo anti Niagara, anti arrives at Lewiston ealyran te allodolng morag,in aimte inaTravelletas Rn, tale ths Rail Rosndtaas aid Staes for Niagan F alla anti Buffalo. Pastrgeas Ieaîing Montreal on Mantimys anti Thuara, aid takiig the Bnockvile on Tue.dsy, anti tht Kingston on Fridgy ai <the Long Sanl, nilI arrive in tiase t take the Grest Bitain ou Weditesday and Sataday moainaga; anti pMroitn v Dg talte Wesatt i limis bIioat the mnt ezpttiitiosoanti colfortable toitvtyaitte fnt Dttek PamengeraUcta andi Waggttna; teing extensive anti conienient. Paaaeitgers ltaîing Lemntozanat ma~ra on Mandays and Thuratays hy this bost milI arrive 1n Motreat on Wedneatiay amnd Saturday evenînga. The. COMMODORE BARRIE leavea cita, Monday anti Thursalay nigitte. The COBOURG ovea, Tmeaiay andi Fiay nlgîts; anti the Sr. GEORGE avcry Wetiitsaay anti Sautay bighta, aitea lbe aivaai .theBat frouethe ogtr1rc&ný?ed n TheRae, r laMale ndF'reiglit, the donneu lmscilagotiby the other Steant Boita. NBiW £NGLAND COtIS TRUP, STEAN BOIT NOTICE. mme«* Mdso pauua routig u»wé.aeeeaijsr WooomrNG ceuiot, uarwNe *or e, RI)0o T l ulc&T1~ STEAM BOAT, PmEmKn STTTHE SOLE PRaPMRIEoX DANIELODD OOON à Ian petuoningt teija ctrMuaytathesi. , theP. ILL commetnce ber regular T ripason Mon- r1euttor 1.lunteotrcIan it'àhyseniesiîu t. éip dynit, the 23d imat., leaîing Itis place .,. ldenLiaallsI.obtaineite patse that.ebas etatil for Tmt wc tweek, touclhing at the lntta- Ulcanliba.uiti eg feT.ha hppy .titui-ofeita i ndiate ports, viz. rtelatdutmitdau.af itîa atla arafca- ntupas On Montisys antiThurttleva at 6 P. M. areh Kiulcytaea icst iaa eglt, at Xngton, 21st Apil, 8IMt. aThtis eMen a bta.dyeymnie n h tvaa1r atcbas ott hîtait eanale intaealcuIa iti. ltdaiauntralri.ledIswtte. i-r wih la 1.itaamuo.. t4a.in an-tarat .gt.tt aeuatat.oabt PRIVATE BOARDING Hni., E eb tad uatttht mLtaret ted ige iawihet rem utta IU ui"'o END OF &TORE STRIEr. anen,,, t. or . raon ad, wl yil te intadatp. ENJAMIN OLCOTT havini- taken tht l sret eaeatausaa uia laarrtaaot. 113in Brick House farnterly octupliby tht lote lacn tm abatet sal etas, 1 p. luodîa eleht Duncan Varitltine, viiai, otithe lite nisaiti- artilr.a aie.19anst a ari atteu vbca and tta hbasuitteaiop mn tht mmntamiortable moin- My. e g Im W aredd pia b. a.iraj a r, bhtin nonvprepareti teacatommetista Boardera taettea tuslctattoefus a .»sud iatt « sureasonable trmes.From bt havingibea on rcmsdy' notans actaatt f isilMyt. mtea m thé.go long sactontedt 1provitie for bnaiers, ha cnly oldîettîue soaonioyle tseittani Anp Inst~ at a t ncessay <osatv ltai b liuldo bis ut- k vO lauta. au otosusma ast te :nate them roiirtable. Alun for Sais onaave, the Omris Teatb Waab a Kintgston, 17tit April, 183. asperior artcle for tae Terlt anti Gutas. L concurrent trtmany ni thte atontcaiient Dentilt NOTICE. enal %Iembtefs aoftteMedacai rsaulty ameunsto it faînna cf 1his article. 3L'ST RECEIVED anti for Sale the I show- ing ariclea-Joitnwoa I'lishîîg Pcwtiera supsria article Uoacleazting DraasCopper an.ti lier m"al- Mesdi, Gennino Anti Dyspeptit Pilla Mloraios a u ilsa do Sand. Sait Rhtum Remdy-a aure cure for tai ceplait- Dr. Judine Ôitaetn-a mneat eitations rretiy for te cure nitnwhite amclliigsa, ueags anti ukleha-GladnlartTîaoa, Fellona, Rhuma. lic pin.&-- Spaiam, Braisen, Borne sud Stald-in. I lammatilasna a Voaen' rassRsgos ICitilllins, Erupt'toni of ]mg standing and mom Eyes. PRU RT Farialas paume La"id Cologne, Beai lamdauLaveaicre teceta vegetable Naia 0, gemine, Canadutan Bebras-Oiln, uwaaaugenuie, t pemnnt, Jeasmite, & otitta fancy Soapv, ?A11k of leesa liaika Antigua ais Rame aPsul. Seaelling Sais- Preston, &M ePomau., CodCeminar ansd san Pot., Togemler V u ausrtîment cf BalPorcipc lu. Bau Daes, Supsi«Ta Tum s.Swei comNadasti .er snli Clet iooauateMOM o detaiL. N. IaL The C@4ag ymup anti Tootb Wuh «* ,m b ad gréms la atht Sies of JOIN =m APWC"&àD3991014 ment d&i th Mm lWàkaiu's, endt ites douie bu a. Posta'& NSock Sbee, King"to, IlSitMa,8 Nostice. TUE INI>RSIGE»hbu emlWed inhl- Stt u bi pacms a COMMISION IbIERCUANT, G NE RAL AGENT,and AÇCOUIVANTI k.a. &W- CoîhLatrwmvJoui Soca CoupÀmEs, *ase&iur m R atais., D? »"c,iAoeoe.a, mad &aI etheî matw" u1lapCoeircidai- Sabscrilier îe7 rrctinhly hegs leave te tacquaint i. fri-en s an tbe Pulieitgenerally, that h. bas Leatti the large andt comnod'aoqs Wbarfmad Wartboa.es, at font of Store Sreet, lately accapieti by Meurs. Truax & Piillipa, anti knowq ity tte mmaof<th. viser b. tenders his servit tbe ih.t may Ib. ptoastha m oy bisna ite Fcetwsslan sd IC.mtmluaoaBustac. Thtexbtttie ptem'sea enableol bie tu tlton.bah cof the Wharf ani Store Macete t ils.olaffmnoPli-oi hvleaqa,. hbker 4do Bradase of tEPft5tOt Wb aère ttesaM as i brancb ift hela iorwtirdin,- businesta thîs s-c; ansti le. .1t Mr. Il. Frasaor Agent for blanems A. B. Van & Co. oi MontreaI a part ofithe spa- cloua totne Stone Boute la rear ofithe uhautfoi the papaut ci carying on a whol4esîltGacry FdehMùwwse ,Thug teCommercial Wharf effetsa Pth e public th. fac'aity of buying cr atlling gSanahi.a poting beirtansolpalth tto Proviacesor of dit. United States. Tht aubicaiber at the solicitation ni sonne ot hi fisItas a, een idisetu <otait ast .AUCTIONEER-S' LICENSE, fur the purpfo*u odaof"ehieantis osgement au beo >u leed oeal bo ollt mai ams antd bas «""M abtia regelp oneouderne, *r. MopralJecoetil, e s..'aoaum in a cime tish* roavices, wbu iU. 'atesahW h i. aga iul4stmuie d ihecuare«puicecf.pudes WOOD 70»FOR STEAN 1WA Tg. Md ir s ona eit , Woul h. ke t en dyattendte taaip oraareuie "ti lami pUa'iligsgpt gUtaB.nhUMJicà"UiM ou »@ uet remubetae hre f e. idcu uq Lwb.igifsli k~ ~r iON TEM ILL4, l mmytyB. <ps - wn,41 vue f, ai ns,*h uai~sawa~, !11Y Pceon Womita t" e a bttît of llaacrs Lin- iment for the Pilee, anti reli ite rmmpy liot- Mle wihoultaoeing cureti. Theoro are tite positivte orerr ni tht pratajîitor to the Agents; -tit ott ibaay husanost»ldunttone bas lise nunîuca We iagiansert cerlificstea te any lenittan bt prifer titat titile co l f te attacît, asulti ex- hibit te original ta puactaraere. CAUTION.-None cati te gi-naina coiliont a splendid cagraveti vrapper, an cohicbis lmny natot, anu altoLof teAiraisgef. SOLOMON MAYS. TO EDITORS, &.-Atl country papers Who nili matît it te ve -12 toontits, andi nentione itunter te the agi-nts shaal thoentitledte 1euaetdoz- en nifte Linimet. Sold wcholesale anti relail ity CONISTOCIC,& nCO., sol. Apentta, 2 Fletchter stet, ni-ar Miaialî n Lante, eu. door below PearIlatrctt Newe York, aadst b>- eut Druggist in every town in te Calt' HEADACHFE. DIL E- SPOHN, a Gemman plysician oi mu b note, baiutg tevoietifbis attentio for serne Seubthe cure anti retnoval et thte cauins of rERVOUS AND SICE HEADACHE, bas lte saltiaction ta make knnurn that lh a a alatnealy wcti by retnovinglte causes fares eftlalaly ;nierritancliy bit distr-siia-, complaira.- T er.aemly familie. coohave conarialreal Sick Heatscite a constitutia>nal incuralel family Icomplaint. Dr. S. usures tmlte t thlte, are :istaenandi laiouring under -di:trs wictlhey by titeose of tais remedy. Itii. the resuît of scienliicrersearrit, anal îî en- lirely ai a tilfiarent Cbtracter Iront adîtrattieti pa- tent nieaicites, ant i s nettuitpltasanlt tte tasia. -_.VELACHF- R ýIERVOU8- ream.ty ier thia distreaing coniphant 's cîery dao> gaiulng ia cerhalaly a mat.; cf mach astoniaii- ment.Litatsn mucit uffcrngahoulai hait existati for ages mîthont any dscoveofna tffectal pre- ventive, or cure, iatruly:ssujeat aimnt.h regret, but D)r. S.nom assures the publie tiatsutasrein- td ais habeen ioienteti as mdll catviuce titentost trinulous. Tht prinriples opent iiichit ilarts are simple ad plain. Ihis 8an aditeai iai-iltait titis complint, mitetiter cahîti S'ck Utadaicite, or Nervons Htadacbe, arises pintarily rom tht stnmach-tbost mlin ihinit they bavete Nervous Headacie nMay reat assuredti iai î;bis orgait, the stomachi athe inaset,<at the syitont lias lia- conteviltiateti or deilitateti, titrougit theiteloracit, anti ltîl only titrongi the tmne ritaael mtolt lite txpttt a restoratios cf te naituraf anti healîlîy fonctions of ttc sysIte. Ths olapt, Dr. Sîobtti aemdy ira eminenily calcutata.d tua etLit. The tatof titis position contnt le conatoverted, atît lte acner sufferert nitit thteiteadache beome tan vinceti of it, the sonner coltht-l safferingsenti in resiorét.on ni healt. Dr. Spobi piatiges bita proietalonal reputatk.n on titis fact. Thteacineit msy te hai of apotbetaies gentrally titroagbnut te Canadas. COMSTOCK & CO. mitohasale dragg'istn, New o. ka, Geuti-al Agents for Amati-ia.' E. SPOHN, M. D. PILES. DROPS Y. S WE LLING S. £Zi C0%zz RH EU MAT ISM.-Î It 's abe.utely antited on the ittet p"otire pi-m4, bat tht @bore cotaplo'uots ore arcaited sud cucu b ylte l'mely ope of H57tî Unimncti. It la tmp«eltofiudaon:a it tisipaper <o pacacat tht..pesea it icliare fcl4vîsanal convincing They may b. meat ilenglt asittlam. Tht ueIratricle bua a pltttdiai engraved wvaip- ptc, mîit u -n". nalperitra,nin Calat te Drugglala 'n iaplum wherelte irt;cle la solti ne ah., mei'tinta are for sale b>y N. Palmer ami t d aariasanti Apothectrts laKingston, lte Capatiaanti lte United Stats. FORWARDINGn 183. FIA OTTAWTaIARD RJJZAU. j IHE Snhmrilters bava'tg Mossnte angmpnts -mfor TOWING titil BAI1GEV' y STEAMl BOATS, ltacugit the Rideau Route te Kingettat, aînd le~rsd tu ter-tites&W Foutaal GOODS andi PRnCEns&mWa> InnUlper Cuaraithitea dtapalch amddmtanefavocable teina u allier or. warders. IL 9ACI ETT &CO. W.DICKIN4SONIà C. gusavil&Pasu- FOR SALE. N OUS£ AND LOT, la or viNa e N- paue. The Homsein a Fn.. cf < vogdo, wu-5fiat square, nili ctewa lathe reacn 15 fiet y 8 A CPllai mti.r thetal. ThtuitS - atiat aequet taesay intas village <Mr a MerchasI or Nechasa. lm-A FAIM 0<100 Acre, eoflmi, meze-' lesti qulty, mdstb ee tmiles hmouthe Village- about 25 acte. s msl&y Cltrsolmsud eit For psstesh. pp rte QG. .De"1., Eq., Na' pmm,«e te obsri".TROUAS DIU. Sase, Octther lOtit, 1M7. fen B 7 AM lr OA TS P M$Itl*e am d he. a Mud R suen EiUI u, hAugiet, Ilus. *.i- ýWUISKY uttt lameit prIt.ays ke1tsautna. 9. M. R. Mtetbuc Crtel. J.tt- Mr. M&-Sc a sm enout brarîa i' SiO tlob set ,aoa«esat Mr. tailatra, aàItu tacteh ined Mh m'dta.itta-d ualanr4-t1tla ttea fv t ca ilbat. e-idatt nu-t1 1h,.ei.t i st Ildîtti e oItt Itai grf idm s"ffutatiacrat rina MiaoSs t tluitth dia-r ~5tatgstttly td catiI nitai-a Lecitiarec-4t 2lit.! Mr. Wa R.t-DeitS- At' .t ,ocIra aOtt oflb.vira,.d aielitun> f yi-u La, el pieaet fltit . ta, ritaltatta-ah batht1r. tat t titat * alie oobis, tai'. ail raMttCaa« lit, W o Iban la--(it ah ) an 1. b.. lmsbhue$ ba s ama."b.ostin. Aller rtybtg ecrita atiai ttîtbei @y irt ph 1lynotafraa bai actb"e ha.~ lie mat itas O a eam.rs. iIta a Uts os eaulsy .L~ wat tbit a. lie &eat « ls Ias m 4" hd Ia1i . buI.et f 0us basfe<piihaebo ms m lutteia tu-i lai Seetaabalet bth'ettatla vatheti lu tbowa dci ieeal eiiffdwsltb. 50a &cMutt nadhy"Il ut i its hi.lldatul t.n qIuasa. £Wsgtoe. V cW»hot. y btsula nitilatmetir iaDaig, IttgraDythiaî UiSsoe»y asaiPedemusy. jq. FAL Eimose.a, AagM(,IM ]BLANIKS FOR SL D FM a" ARhALS~ , varw.y tfaie At lt. ot wei q(t w MOFFAT'S 1.1FE MF D 1C1 ce-thvd. b hea.Il mu b-ade, i raitb fatant. NorIc I.iiata ...de t -c'Iretanl tat , rI tait il -1 ta'i " r a1 lirarI'. trit îail hatte l iloj,j 'Mteltai' la [..le hI-I d ~ r dire, II, _ ht ' r- ;", faad t Ira.1,thas a.i ' i rr, e vjtt lianbar ut dotera t, .tn alaff appui Ie Il at ., k liaed iler .1, i Ii -rt t. r 'r A Caoozej I -q r.h/ , t lta. haFort,îr . a, iiît ai ht "ljti *a..uall.tha1 nol rti itIa tau t.r31 jlth V. 4. oa he bîaîth ietr Hra'. of thet cill-ù I, at o Ihat ~ 14,Ilti,,~ r -ro h tiii tr ai-t. tht ai thr rt .. ar aatiltta-. j Iei .- r . hal.ed -4 i euutiaari elr «os...bitetIl lettaa-oi 'ti-'-rr4t îtadti-erdIjata e Chiaah-arir r dl. tht raietl Itaanlîrr i ar 'rdî i hlatîatir-tvi-r_ - ,o D dy. id hI1,, àltl tat.lut-aha '- a a. aia t hdo t For huit 'h- tkr MrftttGaadlt*.of raaraaatarî i-,, a t a ig e . d I b i t l. , h lI h N i ,-o , I. r .Tr. tpart Il arrta1tr-rer tb*l 1 beutUltIItaaca tr t rr, l ati-. à vtràab., l 'ltait, 11itrai .it 3 lth tetasiete tahua t ttahtot itr a 1i. bot. Yoittiart taî tait - ) i1. t!» yInn- ed i-, tartaI C alr-.0 I ra ai- ' ' ar e uDtIX- .rarîrucattitji. tl htraI-eatnlr ed " x eIlitar"'l'ti-rl q.i,.r pailrar aid -ttttih'1terr fu rt i 3îa h-aier riata rtiar-1 crai--y-rtt.. .11 fuilrî-Dlt,t t Zeit.. liti arî 13a(bhi ecaa at tarot r li t h r tar Ia ia liai-a taI tf iatem aîatht rAitrratliraiItr Iitt- Ibt aaea r48 tiaratat an wr slice Nceoii gni- o, a D. M iiat sit.S r- Ia rî, llA, iat leteultttc ed d etiarai-i-ghhrlrii '1,Ita 11r The vaill ft ttt, aîy hr Nir ti---ai rai Ru af lor iittta linitel.ca iltie ho- D I titia b.a-e ,anPlIta- ht ha. lind hi-rheathi re.tared. v a -ttf l. theB te.rand arate.1ai-aria ha...1 j t llhoaab.vMO 8uta Iîl t acie a iri'aeibc goutale.tatail.a t ."iflt trhtho trit!abaa a-te . îld ti the Pileti tri-- pta votdIb-ho artl ra.. AA leuctflaidu, wuPc raf Jrbrlrri-irietu,. tilace itken #litk, tali-ti-n t1idLi, td luh ai tu.1 baceailii As u rat ya r, t ha'r b"jobce arla-r trîrlaie(o, rAuId Ih.tnai 1it. n.ti-trilr praîra itlhcà au bittr th.. i hiv -t fiPria rar Iri-t a bollito'e tautat tht irrrqacc c tuin-I I r _p, Dîtteru Tha bae a etrutttaoiaetIl.o .neltatou ubct rhaec..ureradar ab._.a Ya.tartot. t itly ta ptaihlath tita rr . ot r bau Ce., YN . tt aepi JA.'lVAN ViLEtP Ni-v hi-ri 't it tr c. W Mri1 lune -S-. i hraî(ohi-en Lti eV loverted t tee-dt ltrcit.,iîa-ai l a Y"ttl" t taeetda trl ir S ira' aru.Nri ' Nea y ride i A ~r. '. toy fautalyfa tallebea et.àhî . tdiretd .bttti hau .tetataaaattny- uis-rtA t, atu. et of O... tatetidt-lia; y-arle 't Lbt ahi-tit reaaertd.ted aaaîvtin imi eta ta t, IaIsà Dr. NMaL al-Deut ir: 1batez .i-tpI rra'am da-ouie yu..1ttePl reat tAireaetr Pea i laandtau Se ,xei oa. lld .a-lfi r Ide t'"t'fM. l bu% i aif 1 C htr ..-titittrtli P"at atit ted aî latenre.t abtt r-lhh hdus -làtI .d htna tai-te M.'itiii, tiraidh à 1 Mil ..... tei mua tt;rli -ailcait Lai4oi dsbted tuyau arc ate vaorda . ctri-au . m sbl tdtinueed Ie. peedy tratei 1 rhl iu gati ets. Yarca tatotatt B 3.I rtja, . . . .. i....... 6. ca> teianpls, .r... .... & EazliLt hm rd Cituci, . 9. GemaEilt.iopilChurch,. u.Cr iaaaî t 1lttu, F ef aazliaBduirtitC ari.b I.Grants t.ui'otaed lart, . lI ientIai Baptrt..rr..r.r.ey, J L S oi priacipl e llîîaIîtaa ....... lIa It oaî aptr it-1Kre.luL, .U Soeteuiad> B ttplia, . ... New Jailet Chur(ilt, ...... ACitendcliletrMilist, CriafataBcilîrt..a .. .. ... ....J Romisan ti liter M .î.. ... . ., a irrîcr....ar......-...... hlbetSesand ltlis,......... dittfuredar r. r e a. lIb e r rIsat2letefUitra tult1tuAI tilciare anos. 150 Pr, tai>'lsi-priseail l u id aftar as 'm allei-mRoîman CarlM. 1 alit aveîlot mode i-it îî r-or C fia c Ycty Ilîr l'idîaînl oit-ttît inthe irai, asti a malti part aoftthe utti dsentat reatilt, aupperar oan thet'aalot at'l'. We btel itt ceil ha tarît ratesin Aicaica, witliont i-olplî lsatcambtrons plaîtnioftdteravmisi r ctrauent la Whh Ive. u hâve .îtetli r tE "'411t. Il 1î- Coqt aplaittIl jtdesi.tîed la a-land laii- ta liîibae % i bocypâI tOfith-, Iitta ttty~ disitirîc, vlicl t llaryja p'lt retlq rn. b I a ,cet h 11c the fcliuwint, Taht,, tam ratit1ai oalar~ri, C' btit-afi it;t ocn a t ns fevr 'Lrtalat es ". ar a;ppr clO; »auir1 lai a jttt, a i tr Roman Ciîîliur mla iOtt l ,i aon ta g- lah bo Wt l iv uîp as acs fmo (_p e E gmanqCîit '0535 Mndit lirrreSMore te --- Iof 1 epritinatapa&Idan te th ea', illait- AProi, thtw k sasOP a îitenmior pail t e01t a s$sii ec ie a even Snte" of tt'trainso, he w detli'toMkO a Pki d uslta Iiet. seul inti .Hoet tâ sex:la 1 esot Wothn f'lot ibtatnds, end .l ta, .crel'nl tat.H Ili rl -i 'r 1.0 e~' m it e-o 0n1laif Enti,1codesaId Gîtr eal a, .h. folk ta Ctitei Iritd.r ai II eet $it i G cgane k tlai b. $--Morne Tonke 'hiath. sair Jt au mise fer bEISeida:aa 11y econlhi '0 clietin c, al ni p ,, è-4ath'a.' d N. XE <SREET, vlia k' ~ ebeingmadet for Ft~tftg~.pl5 talmorning I a eve'Isiomspanies d iiMiln ~te gave their fri niy ta57~ oberve ont comnPy 6jtbs's a h bonforltnalelySIl aa ,estnee tt istagond ae luttlhit poloit mate it hamaf ahi ,i ateiaeral loyal people ut M,Mect vxtend biai he ta ttl t e lo a m a n ( ait lea is t in t Ê tht»y ellealtotilt te alînutal btthe nue coati cu lîlchit rqý' aatacf lte Country, ho atewmbe SnattaI lii -r--a e nyPuto Cnlc ,sendaiyl IYlig <iZ of l ir hi b lote a cotiltîtt di lb, folly of over-htsatntt £bti5S abot aimca y , t îEW OF TUE ECCLE1SAS uPptlent l lte leLoninýZ. areuliical D*cnmealsr-#ae a lbaie et exteoive infline r n cçvof ni particielr Citairit by <tilt ectlfti1Stlrlsatistitta ai lit li Aittaita, livyteRtv. B. IB. E Mtg tite tetimony aI Dr. L.' mle ttegptinlg la give any tai tep; rl Ji

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