Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 20 Nov 1838, p. 1

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11, __ . *,ý 1 ý ý 396 : Il ý z1y tllpptr (r I. 'ý1 . 011(ten ticivalb, l tuu lct > 1 K., »., . = Mi . 1 ..11 Bd.$. «O' 1 Oi - M p0L1T1CAtý AGIII[CUllirUjRtL ...ý ý3-,&. .. auggli 0% , t tVý'ý . ý,_ wu 1 - ý 1 _. 1ý-,1 7 .... 1 .. -)U IIN A L . ý, cap le 1 ,adlie PUBLISHED BY THOMAS H. BENTLFY. AT HIS OFFICF . ,ý.z -A-N'D CO-UDW ItClý4,1, j( . ý. *-* . . 1 RE S-rREET, NKARLY OPPOSITE THE ett?ÇSiOl'ê HOUSF. Il 1 - - Là. a( 011110 . Eb , li ý T£Rm'ý-FIFTEFN SUIL . LtIIIII1.9 PER ANNUIII, W 1 I1,; ý i 1 _- ID IN ADVANCE- 1 4= - Id - ___ - __ __ --------- --- ___ __ 1ý__ __ .: - _. - 1 SLVE.','TErýýN SHILLIXGS AND SIX PE.IÇCEI"Xf-H',F-PiAlNaT So PAID. lis - __ __ ___ __ __ : 11, ý _... ' -mi...' , 1_ Il 1 - ý: ý- --ý ý_-- ----- Z2 1ýX* C ' t'àD]îru WAuD]cr, Editor.] KINGSTON, ý - - -- ý ýý__-ý =ý- =ýýý-- ý ___--_-ý_-- __ - ý ý__ ý-ý_'A ý v m"I v iwd - - - UPPER CANADA, TUrE.SDA-Y, NOVEMBER20, 1838. [T. IL BENTL"* Priaitai & Proprie!or.]. %VHULE NO. j()ý19. . . . . . z, ., Pouffl vragnir t;ma« lienid. 1 - _ _. 1 No. oir, VOL. 1". ', , 1-11 1 = .- .oi,,.,,.t STATISTICS OF NEWFOU.NDLAND. wathed into the heavy ses. when the boat titiste, ing anndi but %vhat is upt and au are de*.Crm tration 1 lion Odrillown Church, of the Sinan force t . ft"*l431(1, u _Cjrinsit3, as well es sel on Tuesday lut led me te er the Bridge te se te the Ceneus recently Mr. John :ý:Mgonâ, fil, , , Pittsburgh, 15th November, 1838. aplure of Tri M'Xko,, L of 2M aile nt uniser my cuininailit. lâtra POPCLATION.-According M41lot of Gz*liekj, then on ficelai of bis bc revPn---ed for file c m ,,, i Il re th us Vire bein,, made for tire defence of the Total during the absence of the Regu!ae Le 6 ;,Ii)l usdand kept up à ', Z;t a: OU keny the Population of the severai Electurial Dis- ochocJer, ait the Island, obsi.rved il and with ail Dr. M'Iutýre, their tountrym" 1 en in l Tiie enerrey etteuded are,, patient r ricti of the Island are as foiloivs: 9040" Possible baste made towaids (hein. 3 Ili lien lie ar. tri, Kingston, Liai morning in search of the Preebooters tribu hait effecteil a landilng be- the Brougham tea.tiboigt." ý harlt rire, tel vvas ait abat aut %recel. After 1 Wat breine Une nil i la of Mititig mustfted, bit of wbum appeared te bc District of Se. 18,926 ; At Terrebon' Ne il t the ýJUI"vp comparue aniinated Johns, rived within a propeu distance the yawl was lour- ; Il "4.yed la il. dirpifion ta, gire tiacir fret a druM jç should they shew their faces ira this quarters 66 Conception Bay 2J,215 ered And sent tu thpir resacu, b , ut Il * ne there bas betp a padW grising : an action about two fleurs and a hait', duriair ROI , ý. 1 nfortonately tre ý sarong the habitai durinîr whiSff the Hm. Rod 1 severai terrifiant fil virre made by the'Volun- ,= herbe. ta ,Serve one companY ri positively refuftd te obey the Captain Mioinrfeed te 64 Trinity Bay, 6,8m il resched the leufiterers, Il Lawson and children erick ý M'Nenzie, the lion. a= Mau», and &cent, the interraciale retreitteti, Iraving - plat, ý iaiely se univermily dialiked. Of Lhis he weined te ý et a( Bonavista Bey hall died i fy dead ,,, -1 ., instance et big gourd cerise lie iugmediately offered te reàign bis buvais ai.- ,O lie il unfortal ly 5,183 with CRI and exiianstion; and withi., several other loyaliste, were ptimneis Il 1 une cdrijing affoeueral wo&tnded. > . W 11, Commission. il 66 Fogo 4M6 crever Mr. Fox clappred bis , the rellails. A hailiff front thès cily, nargard Loi- i 1 regret fr, salir argot Captain %i'.Mlie-trr and four ' rçon grade himselfobnoxious test winter dUriLg the outbreak by Fý--yl.,,d 5,111 here, i- ellion liq u Uting higb-handed dé pi.ýý...ý. fit banale ta tais tirelire, and sunk en rise no more. Mr. ý selle, Who wu sent te arrest an individuel t of Il tiare retient, an- abat Lieuterlana, Odeil acd ý; . tu" "411 W severai loyal people Who in bis wisdOm lie Chose tu suspect were Rebels, IL te such a dé Se. Marv's 4,701 _ Pncouraged and fausthained hy- (lie exer- ý was errent et sevrerai tinà.,à, and two bâils taled 1 ne nieu have bern wouisgled-rtutir afthe faner 1 , ý Wact eXtend abat lie obtained the net very enviable fille of Judge .14-ffirrys. The 69 Burin 3,140 aie" of Mr. Mrc.. succal in retalning bis hold bis clottres, rnt, grazinir trio laieast, and tire otlier 1 howevr, are seriougly injured. ' W bis modii Fortune Bay Captai ý11 bu la seule W ta a man (se least in ibis part ci' the Province) sagnand loyal auýects, and if lit really 3,129 Oreille boat tilt the yawl reached theun, surfilera they ' grazing his belly. in Leciertofthe militia, 1 Wheu 1 arriveril ait C.difilwellils Marier, ai dav- . - 1 - art one sbould bc allowed tc, exercise authority whO bu Ilà lemper 60 lien, under con- - avere taken ,00 board, beaunitw-d and entirellir ! a true loyalist, uluitel'd art, man Il of bis men lis fie ý brril 1 lacune the great il ity et force whiâ ý - W-brin,#P»... O, agrafe conduct whiÊh villas witnemedotoxhial,.Ioastwi:tdrr Fe experienced doring the ToTAL, 75,094 silerchl! as.- Saidwich Herdld, Nov. 6.1 1 cool(], amouditing ne' ier 1 ý , fa . t ,s , Io ahout id bundred and fiftv: 1 axibied ; 1 braith. siens th the loyaliste %vers ,W IMInft. 7 ,gale offhe Country, lie Will finit flirt grise mai I-meanie RÉLIVION, &C,-The praulation of the Island 1 and toiýibe rebel. glial if they dial ge, t disperse l' 'illicil wurn t by fouillent %Vdtrtiinm rend harras- ly we' ' -W x dienan. ,Lbeýwise lie useful in Lignes of troublej but rial are detFrritined te ses a OOT, lie e consiste of nearly equal nigulhers of Roman Catho- latondly, 4 n'CIO se ý" A ' ý * .1. ', 1 bm=u - nd 1 2 nid ci', P. M-The crotand is noir ý bc wouki firal orlon thein, rahereurdon Ili $in,,dutl 01,,,accordiiilywroteC.!ItjinCriitttn, 1. lal aile il- - di il any pose ef.itathority River therri. In tittres litre the pressint vie aboutit lie ail lies and Protestan!&-there being f the fumer c0vened with allouai, $&Ithci-iètlv dell to admit of ledlenvinetheirl)risoners. Toomtlchc;editpcan- I ut flic Ille soir Noix, ask.ng hi," il lie coulait cou- - . treffliers, aud on coud affour Country. Perconai mertéces sbould lie cul fer tiare welh» of 37,718; and of Ille latter, 37,376L"à wib". 2îý_1 sw»i,,,*. lfihepleàent ftm-v-storm las-à, lond, nard, bc it d lO Capit.in l,"Itn, for bis truly j si.%tentiv vitth-lbezdfdt, ofille Foie, arive ine any "' .1 ý ilà MM-fa'. W Rit a féeluim (of whicli n(sfortenately tIÏeýre bras been Se mach of loge) obmid lie 740 are EpiscnPalitre, and 10»6 Disirenters - - rern,*,d, 9n, we allait bc obligud te dig out way out to'- ý rantriotil tm'ouragt-bàs Conduite on tkru garinst en - 1 Oi, protarfally r4.i,;if>,!, hy c-minir in - 1 __ 1' ý Il Auquel. . , prin ow, afor ing. ý ý slîi1Iý . . > ne èragftjý9ède Ici be a contentede happy, and prosperous peýplr. Yeu Sir, have uone much of cipalir Wesleyans. . ing oellasion, when lie might reasenaidy calciil.te : person tt-itha,,dýtacl)tlj,.It, but tit.f,)ttu"dtCly . . étéela antg ly ofover-bealring doruinariry in any station, and 1 l'ope your labours will net lie of the Clergy, 19 are Roman Catholic - Il - , on beinà; exposeil tu the obloqula- ci the majorilv of ; bc reached 0 CI otvil (00 Idtý tu paiticii,&te in the , ý, ý a ut harni peaem. final gol %ill lamongali classes of Her illiajestyls SubjecIs. Protertant iqcd)Pal ; 13 Wesleyar. j and 1 èon- y 1 1 .. ftt-re Md y - is routier [lien, and sale think file Governinent ý en,-.igemelt. i. 1 like larril 1 am5 Sir,'Your humble Servant, A. W. ,-rafrâtiùn-ýe.fLaI 4-L The zreateýt comptition pret ; a" the .tien. ý -ails throlighout the ý ought te Show bain seine mork cf approblation. . A ri-i:àforce ent trotr, lieriiininý,,firil, titiJer Ma- ý ý . ' "Olt. dhXý1 - - ' _ý__ ........ EI)UCATIoiq. 1 - ---- ------ _ -The nimber cf Schools (the Re- Province ira the eiil'ýta'ýýýnt of volunteers twtween 1 : fur Schriverir arrivd aille afil the terrent of LII-j , , c 1 ý . __ __ _ý î the officers of the Ydrious ProvinýiaI Corps eub,,,- ' Flrlidn ,lie el,"Ir,,l 1 ... W. ýl.,,. U j lebels. .. ý Il 'l la. varialart. t,,,ZIei,,., ' madetu, prev'Ous te the establishment iz-d Io le ,ý,is,,,, ,,, 3 ja., i,,,t,,,,c,.ý f - 1 1 -il th. fauh of on ..dev lie a Act for the encotira,,,l.ent lie officers ý Siace out publication on Il hw, news of a , IL is iny intention te atlv;ýnce and lig. * 1 ,_1 ,il IL. aille , , of Edtication in i COlOnY*') is Ftated lit 79,-59 ,, ici addition ta the Governnent checring kinat lias been droppini in tapina us froui , r,)sitioii ;Il Lie.lie to-nivriow ri.CitI.i faite tip a neriv Il ""I'e 'an OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. of ci are in elle Dis-.iicts of Se. JüIfoýs and ý Boulity td, thalle ivho will enlise under them. ý the scene of hostilities ; and, aith.ugh W£ have I Ait2r tire above pliai . recitdi of a voiles, il were ý On lýne«,» ..:,,ýg ment in the 1,onfinn Cortreeational Magazine iq'st.publiýh;-d, contitins two velv Conception Ha), ; ai tlirse school, thera, are .1611 CO(Yijaiii- fur :iii ý greai battle to derail, out is there any prospect df j te aile il et ira ile. ti.izhçsL trains ofepprohation of the ý , nud Biatitioid is nul fret 1 . tom th, irir. Col. %Vin- ý 5everýýI hfil!ialit exploits te record, ymt rite have 110 iieeJItýs lor ine te sa), État 1 lij,,e evrry ressort .1 cuit [)V.P.pl. ,,ù,iicl Documentstee appfarance of rail affiardra us gredt silist-etion, and trac dou6t I)uloil.%,--I)Pinz adfflut a si.%teontil part (If the wijole ni'tt as a-idi.rizea! ta rdise ,Wu . 1ý L'r-ps.t., êt. ,30 r.11en4a ' . . 1 ý 1 , r colup iait ive influence or. tire much agitited questions rfi.ling tu file endoivaiflait and Population. - 111 St. Johns Ditrict âim)ut 1 in 8 ef i mu, t'es flair) the 4th OxfoiIf Mili!ia. Col. Bui- ' out havine sucti a task te perforni during this ' ,-.Ilaiitrv and conduci of tire VI)lutiteeu initier my l'ý1- no lard, ,,u ,1,ý ,,,, ular Church by the patronage of the cigare. The first lis a ,omprehensive the population aterid tire Scli.;ols - in con ý wes a' CI 1 in llii>irll, a Corps fur , campaign, which %vents etrery appearance ,if draw- 1 Orders. 1 have the honour te lie, Sir, your mordit , . jýdilJý,, 1 statisiirs of the United States, carefull) fr.in Officiai jjts pull- B iy, and Fe;rs land Diétiicts 1 in',11 li ý ftý fiý^ - ' - ; ira Tiinity e :a lriericai b, ,h, Rev. B. IL. EIwardq CP ,'Lion 1 51 JI1ý11v dy "bll'-,aý-,e" W ith elle Can ; ý . a.. , - compiled le ,r,.,,, lu , tu e tyled the Lovà Inraa,, lýra- ý in rapidly te a close. arts te tels, 1 .hedient buril .servant, la ,.a il a' who is te le rýiied upon with entire confidence " BjVý a fractiI Part 'noie (hall 1 in 2A; ici Buta- " ciras. CIR11. T.si I.OR, ý - la - ýd rintf,,tj Guards. Culte. Browii'iç here etilist. 1 thfi aueýion Ligne mobt people are insane R. ý l, tire Itýtimotiv of Dr. L_ Widod, of Andove., ira a recette letter do Dr. Wardlaw. "stl' Hall' 1 'il *-") - il] th District of FO,-O (there .1 - [fier) forcol Macolib'., -iine a te be reversed. fait Licul. Cdontl. 1 1 1 ýý - ce, lie First liat- ' sortie particutar subject seeni ,fratt bu, z - 1 1 a ta lion oflecorpor.ted 1 ' 1 . Abst. AIjt. Gri!I. ý doteri st.t..: ,,Pti,; to ,Ivj aný cf the particuiem tac tri rnere!y present our readers teilla freine on'ly olio selinoi) 1 in 57; air Placentia ..nd - t ,ýiiiiiia.-"LtBt.ralittord Sert. 1 tioly are beyand question extravagant y insigne ici 1 Licut. Griffin, Dy. ,_ý, -1 le Ivitla .. T il E C R A X D R E S U L T S . .Se. .%1arý"s 1 in 26 - in tire Ditrit or Burin, (j "-e!l 'Nor- -0-1 ý ,ail their schernes, and only shew soute gliinrne"P.,-' Il appeau tirait the 0.1ýl;town Volu:itters il ý 1. te thilek Y." 1 Mtnu*lers Ch he School only) not 1 il' 15(). 11, tlàeSe'itrisive Dis- fsense or instinct, un one point, viz: in rutinva., ira posseFsion ut the Cannon, which was captitred c- 'ý confinfin" ý:ntýç i Populaion. ol] Mondiv we had a second snow ,torm, a hala- away rail about te le confronted, aný th' . l ,ý -*,,.àftd.,».... af', Ig ,lier of Fortune Bay, faut a sin,,je cilool -Silice 1 r. OnVi, 91 on elle 7th inst. ai Lacn!le, and il was cri Lias oc- 1 1 1 lie 1 faut. a,* Lýý,,joj Con,,regali'n'ilýst.i, ... 962: I'z , - vy ou(- ton, ut thouzli il mi-hted as it tell, for a i faire C'quai (transi with Briti Il villou , do In 1, ý 163 ! 1,395000 the Etiue.ition.ý(,t lias coule inio operation, a lititn- 1 nul cation turned vvith dreadfid ,firci azdinst the reh- 1 ,.,- 1 IMM adai . . ,«> 04ý2 ý 2,4!)g 'l 2-26,3191 2, 1 012,2W i eý,tilisfded principlilly 1 , - ý. litrinied tri the 1 UIWiâns, , . . ......... i 149 ý 160 - 1 170:UW ber of schonds have beýli con";41e:dblý troc, ut firbt, if %vap eiglit or ten inch- 1 expect, indelled, ta hear of the rebels again shewing , ,je. When they %%,tic advancin- up the relatif to -ril.n. %arbitra . , DýitiiJs, - - - . .. * * , * , « ( 1 ia the more destitute Ditr ctý of file Iýl.inj. Il , i the Cal %%Iiýrethe vo!iinteers %ýere lIostedom 4 '.1,1, .?" , es il tilt li""ltillg OfT(I(-SI!ay-, on which Lý.13- 1 flienoolives in ally f.rce in Ille Province. :[ý:-,Rt,,n-,,ICItirch,. .. ý 165 ý ! 1 and L ,,ý"Iý., rapplied go 197; 29-,"39o ý 150,ffl) > a continu il jilJ"lJý .fleiL,'h ri Ijý ; 1 Olt Frifiay las., intellizence reaclieil here or the [ dichatý'e üf grape #flot, cleared, as cote cf thrir 1' 7 ' Idddy lodik.il Ili i?:Â,ýUI-L LilI,ý,ý[,.,] church, - - ý 6.51 li - ý b. cI T',Jsý_- n;orij;n, the m,'J'iv wàs nil ail j Voinriteers ai Lacolle Old Steani Mill, having, : ý 51 -ý74 1 214,125 Front f4 dýC jolire. C.,.,ier. 1 i;..ý.._Llb.jia, . nurnler.ýaiL' - a Space 01 allocalle te fect wille thibugh 1 . . , '. - , ý », et p.; bus .fier (,ýI,,l,1lc 13,11t'Il, . ... ..... 3,397, 5.31 ý ,5. 61 i 2,9-29,119 THE BOUNI)Ahl. ý their ianks. IL was only fired thrille Lignes in ail, '. ý ý Bd .gain bavieffau i ý ý ý - , f gallantly defeatell, on Ille inorninq of the 6in air- et ri. . - - - . ' 2,ý,,ý_,:; I - I 619,771 1,2:39,51-2 MR. Ci:tBB.- 1 have carefuliv market, from 1 t. But, helore proree . Il 9.1 ré'j'% 'il ý C M" . stage, a hody -frCbel-, %vire ilitended te fatale pands- : ,,jo tilt volunteers il competld ta keep in- -11, 1 -l: . .D'-iý Ei':'I 'P'l Chorcl" 21(i ; ý 8 l'), es -, ý 80.51383 lime !O lime, the sar:ous mQvcmtr.-ts relative (O th, ý ,,, i,,,,,ei;cai i.uit,,-rýit Churla, ý 19y) . ', u ', > ling Libt tire scliooner Wool ý ession afthit pos d'n,ý te ' ," site flic Charria ; but ira erre frequent citons made 1 - ,%-, M t. jvý Je. il ý,", RlII:,.!,ý,i Church,. . ý . . ý i , . Botindarv Line, and 1 liai tiow fr" to ,onf,,s, ý , . Me"?,- -.il ai 180' 600 3(i'f im) ý 3(x),000 * D.ýk, Tc,,;sLý,a'i", ,,aý,,,,1alL $.Iilc-J front lNla;.,ýra fir ý the particulars oreille viciocy, vve ,alitait stage a ý hy the rebelg te faite lhe fiuot wjýlch was left out- ý ,iýtI .. l,,llýj, j'i.>!.I1Ilý1rlý ... _ ý 791 1691. 12,ils ; 115,974 "' v odkIille ï.nil ,rat, atýuý 15 mille fi the for- i ferlai, circonstances, Which have reaclied us thril !' sitte, such a destrortive lire was kept up front the 'a tir. CLEO Fri B.,;ýt:,Iý,..ý ý . .. . ý . ý .158: 51t; ý 2 5, --, -di' i tiiornu,,ý conviction oil Britiil ril bY the , iscoIv ý I-ed tu %virilité, ird a veSsel iii (lis- j authentie sources, that avili pUt Dur Leaders in jo- 1 %visillows, as rendered ait thrir attenapts abortive. 1.1, 9 ý 1 i 126380 tintent and înral of flic N.dtina -1 jýrC,,t!, nrir, pl.ý,ý,, dý, ., âth and Joela ýjfIý;,,,yic ILpttý, . ý ý ...... ý i 1 17 ý I,(;,ý. ý L SI air .alti tjiafnil)ot%%]-.iitýndin, tire gale l sëslàon sa fit of elle rebel plans, and enahle thein 1 Il is but fair t-j slatr. Ibut elle gtin %vhich total %tith * « ; 8,360 more 1't-ilitury and Watwn, filon %4-ý notv possess- -a, a 'e ho ' completel> fruitinted these have . awre.ce.'.q. Y 'ru ,0",;,lýlli"J IiLe'L'ý1ýI - - . 1 i ý 1 ,racla effect %-es m ryd hy the'enly two regulats in " - 3000 and beai :elas, iriale à 1 fur lier and clinje alongS 1 tri jud', %v 1.0 froublest IR, wr"Bdj.ý,.,t, il, K . V.tuýky,. . , - 8 [ ý p . and Iljý,t tir, cri-, liai limita werc ludly und rbtodid 1 side-lolind lier ta 1), Ndtwithstandiii&, ail final bas becil faid of a -l .)i 1 e 1,609 hy the Aaiiýiicari aut,ýç,riti" thmirsi-ive> tu li e mu( la 1. th ý,,c1 d'% 13,ph'il, ý . . .. . 391 321 4 -; Il ! 2 1.2190 ý Iv. a sarall ,1.nli froui Poil i;ule, I licen. ". the en",gei.ejit, a Serjeant and'a l'rivale. The ý ýý.d .If'-, e" ,ýl fýrtlici li thali thal po'nt Iney U:t;lllilt.ý-1>- altdiri- . 1 OR . -5 i e a , den, laden viith ImIlàtoüs, & el, ý vase quantifies of arias and ammunition hoving j re4l attacks are re;,r(-otiizci as h-qving bren made l1ý, ý, fteý!, d L',JitI..! [fi !,:,tl, ... ý ! 331 5,745 ý Cf. ,"ri. ,'.ý.,ef.1.Vâ.'ýf,, ,,, waèr-logged ; tw of Ille Iretv been sinug,-Ipj into Lire Iliovince during IlPI ý1dm- 1 ... .il. ýhj d, 1 a. .. F".,ity of D".il,," silice faillite lierre gvotre a..::. ' Il. 1 - ý 5 (m ed in (lie Imraliel 01 Latitude 15 N ý , l 1 ýý.u P_ blast ail thalir t-.\pectations of opening ut) a . Tonne ' tgjru,,ýýI.7" c!ý,,JIý 1 ý ... . . ý1 31 l 25 1 = rhP continnilit, bal flot verv illý,'etl(lnjç reference -P ve-board, tire cite was ciingiiil, 5 mer, by the rebeix, il ap)ears triai their le fi.., 1 M>ý1,».!,j lire, Iý 1 - 1 151000 ý ..'Nlitcl),!Is M .p (tilt, accu ri' 'Il 'A brise ilifrior ,t'illi9, -- 1 ' If,ýýýýttl.",ý.ý",M.ýý,ý,ý,d..natle te helialoiniself cdptaili Iplyanlasolitary6 potinder ho.ibeenshipptdoii 70' 110! 1 150,OM - communication go obtatii arnis and animunition. 'RI cwiate 41J oVIý r ýýIlhal . . 400 50, Graliiiin at thc risk of lis own hf, rescue'i et f ho ci chnonpr, which wae anrhored in the Bay aval. giode fru . - 24X)'OW ci" le 5tii.- whic ,I .-k. Or ý lineations is ]an, lince Ml"lidiliteI1) dt4uýs latle vtý, le su - 1 A report lias reached us throngh a channel in 'du 4j il, .. - ý . . . . .. -ý - 1 450 ; - ()W ý la frrer, and look bina on board hi5 ourlai sel, ilnd nt Vuers". Peine, on elle eveninè I-ure a. r ,ý car, I.!,t" , - - - - .. , 300 ý 5w j ýe,0ffl in ravoir uf villa r ,; of t ri we are iiielined tu place saine confidence, _ ý I(X)J(ý)o is extant; and erýpi tý, %,fille stroitzer cv l1jellee sono arrtved Safé in Oaiville. lits I.loldesanf fret 1 This Bay is close upon the Liiies, and il rivas deent ý 1 initier écarter. la 1 th disptitnts continue ta content - thàt ýNELSni reached Lire relier aide of the Lines .Ir'. ý . - -- .i 451 151 - 34W . ' O OSEPH n Vin cý!.',IJýjcs, , _- 1 .. . - lot a then inpre n%,,iothf-tý-al location ta ebtablisli 'arc terribli, stivolien and lie is now at th- Oakville cd a matter of Pasy accomplishinent te open up a on font, souci arter the balaie, and imuIediately pro- . 1 550.0rix) Ilous, fasi recovering. Ton mach Tiraille, cennait communication throu2h Laccalle and OdeIItowný se si eu' - - ........... 1 -1:: ý - 1 the ineci final iniedt of the Treatye whilst thdre - ,*W a horse, he said, ta übtain medical nid for ý -York. A - ') 15000 P.xis!s dirsolute Aç*,oriotriical and ce)nsequentli- Týr_ bc El vert te Cltit. Graham l'or bis huruane ccdiduct, rieur the arme and ammunition on board the schoon t*ýeeunded, tirait lie bIad gained the dey, and that our Lard. Med - 49,:103 ,itertal evidence ofwhat wasiiiIended and inéalit bv New àr: 5ýCL'L nj jt'lýlllý . l -. i - - l , when in ï,uch a gale .,.a that which occurref on dlr cotild lie conveyed, without risk ofcapture, to Odelltown %vas ira bis possession. :b,,rh.-d. i4y 1- - - - - - _ 1'ue.,Jav last and with an errait a craft as 'die the Head-Quarters et Napierville, and di-tiibuteil :fil th- o-iatois-%vhieh tastimony was deornid t . 1 Te CoTic and On Siturdav aftrnooi Ille ennexed despatelà few Ca. Id. 1 11,449. 12,589 1,530,8971 13,ffl, a-, 1 darjý %lourd Duck lie should have made the rescup, Io the sain roulottes of the interior. dit. cm lin. id onz Il the Treaty of Paris of 3J Scptein- reached Inviter inti"neine what Liens en much rear- in. A-r th, 1. thii.! rpflýrtiorç Die %u,ÉrPstet] bY' thiq important and instructif, taille. Aftpr ait rive bord IW. * g O pareil a. d1h, ýýr-,_1,!ý,, Ili ueit ,flan hrýsY, anit the extravagante of the ýShýkc lby thpir official authority, (the Geo. . RdydRb,ýsaI trI Làýudry Agit, si &h;ý .&jýci, laen vessels of a larger close deemed il imprudent GAosoN was f.-ntrusted the enterprise, or drivin ed, riant the reflet forces bard evacuated Nispierville - grapher apn. tu atterratit iL Ta- .-,;.ý -_ Lu jardagrand, ii.al- RI., L bet«, thé: tr(bo!m r~hed il. a boit lier à hi mit ui, r, are allie 15CI prolesseri Unitilriati 'alinist7rai in ail the Unir,., Sýt'isýttes;. 7-et rral of the United Stýtês,) in dé 4jarierial Alaps, in,-.the sloop is driffing about on the faite yet il these leaders hait convpyed acrosi the rivrry frona i N.%PI£ItViLà.r, l(kh Nov. 1838. yinrl)riseli lu hall afier wha! sec Tatouait, of elle entiardrut population, filet there are and Exploitai Pamphleis," put by bit . es supp-ed. The two flint were drowned were Caldwell'a Marier 3nd Aldburr, a farce, accordina; 6". ' niw Rjoi-in ('affilie». Il will bc seen t n ",te the Jarvis Harting, and Stanhope Jellet.-[To;otito tri thpir owI estimait, of about 400 men, who were ý Saturday, 9. A. M. ý 26 tua bas , bat if the places of worship hlllonljtig la bands of their celebrdied National GazýltePr, te- Herale.] quartered duying the n'-giIt et* the 5th, in nome FoSges hy rite Coniinanderc-f the b.r. 11,1 M.,il. 7t.tititie ni' Churches are taken into accocint, there je cd)4ýicbrâfa7y ancre Lrether wilh 64 Treatt"cs with Foreizit Notions, o- balises mi the toad runninr parallel ail th L le bar .fer. you that the force unitfr his coin- or#, ...; ,fry Ploe ili 1 p-roi iii the whole population. There il ne.arly a Minister fer every bliguigly mand, lias juldt carriveil liere. Tire rýbl te tire ru as.ele furnished by Reuds tfDeparlmentsl' te Etract front a letter sectiveil ai this office dated 011, mile %verdi, and Il d a tarte, quantity ore. .La., e: 1 - 8 Battent jeu à,vil à ýi ,l'i 1w: ,-,t [fil- u-holr population for.n communicants ut the Lord's table. faim , ly tlese public personts, the Geo,-rapher Gen- 4 number of 2» evcu;ited elle town about tWo 1 rýIlýll,.[,;".,.r.,i) fil.- ooýt c Ir,-ftll exafflination iuW abc et,ête et relig-it)uî instructitIn Pý.I ..^ Gazettter, fixe Western an2le of,';Pw 14 Oakville, Sth Noveniber, 1838. a heurter mot 50 rode front the linpm. Ailler these I"O franchi, .. Ivl ,,ýli.,-e if %,ill lie foitil-1 tirait thefe lis llfiitlv alcu'Ilý file quauticy of Church Brunswick is pliced in Lon Clair Light Haute ai the Odikville Harlhaur, is et prliaratiLn' hait berra CoMpleted, CoTE and GAGNON' j, tr'n"s ago, and a4cait elle samp ntin-býr fusil previ- ad fit., *uà in ai ,,ýqc , , IV, t II) u t cor, pli ,sary lissessine nt, thd IL there is i il Gre,ýt Bri Lai ai an J 1 retentit De rees FIFTY minutes, WEST, and in Latituà . 1 s aie ('ývalry are now ira falliculit of gitufle SIXTY-.NINE 1,,st coini)leted, and fighted fil) ev"v liiIht ira fret Who wre Riraid te '.ruse theirielves for a night ira ! ously atone off. ri of thriii havilitz throavn aoway gagner talc' . 9 rate style. Sortie of the Carlins of ver.els Who Canarda with their redoubtable force, returned te ý their arago - T ik« sabar bas$ ýCUTIIUý i,'dzl r-C >tire j)-oviilion whit h prevIll here. 45 - Village ut Rousels Patint, throug-N which thy ý the fermer, on the Chdteauu113). w4ci. Colonel u4ilni la m 7,, h 1%# hAvi- ref.-rreil, is ,,iiiitlý(1 a comparative vien, (if the heaTers, Whatever subsequal ces.i;ons may have, hf-en have icurne iiitta the harbour siof il wals finistied, thé in boit he.1th fidant i fi ý,!,, lfoil,,,i,, fi, Churrhmen, Dis3enters and Weslevai Methculistq, in 20;j made about the Seh iodiac Lattes te (Fe Monument proiAunce it the most brillidant Ii.hý un Lake Oià- rode with ail the iinpürtâncý of conquering Gener- ! Love's coluinit rlacheil lieil tnvn, fiom Si. Valet'- parricet bu lir. -, F,,ý, , 1 i. Il 1 - (',a k":Cdti,,,Iil a-ti,)n of E -gi -ni and iVale,: issued duriiu elle ila no question ( issue glow-hut W, sale t above CoTr, wasseen wending tirs way throuirh the Vil- 1 vision. lie tariG.."!- [Tb.] Rig. About 9 niches next moiraing, (Tuesl ý fine, at th-- saine lime %vigil tire ficad Quitter di - Il 1-ý,j ý ,i.,,,,,i--Il ta elicit infiarnuition re.,pýý-iiiiit the relative stren ,th of tire truthoftheurizinal Longitud fil Bois nain ry of th, - te- Zr L'l 1,ýJ!,l.Iý , I!jr,!,l 1, .1, th.-Y larri, tilidt.le te incur the r:dpýne of farté, - Non ligne soine officens have he-n appointed :age towatdo the ,Lines, leidiffil bit rcninanft, anal ! 1 have the humour te lie, Sir, your merle obedient ..t.."t of drl such Province merely in s4vv nue Fellow sibjecLq tire (ton Ibis liait of the District, tire voltintrets are in air hein afterwards the ai ack commenredon cardes, My . V P,! III l", Kai -plow, i'l'ýy dt-termilieil Io Pend hem te six axriculturai and six allait- intent and mitonnai of the nezacialors of the ltriod, .011, n - EurN ibis refile, éi",!,. 'l'o Il 1 I II il. ,-I! ta entitain a flair ill of Churchiuen and iieii-conf(,rmits. . X foi cht-erftilly. Catit. Portion is filling the Lnyalista et Laculle Oid Steam Mill, Wh ch 1 Joli.% . , D. A. G. 1:ýl-ý,11 ,ýý,,.,,( ..Illi in dm(jýt prumiicudnio manijet,ço il will tre lui that Covereirneil in onlyadheri,)zt,) the po,ç,.gslorý, rail lits raillés here tdith litre touéite fellows. Li.-ut. ended il) the comple!e route of the hamailants. At Cole.ýel weillerali, c. B.,Conlman(!inz ai 'u, B ýd in Doure, and Lierre. Ùarver in Duiiinner, ail filit, the rebelle st1ccePdýd in drivin. in the picket _ Montreal aN VALICP-1 11l;ý. ý ýi . 1 Il l , . 1 , omp-trisoi, is n-àt unidivourable te lion -cran fort) i (y, while thev -,,he bas rotai rd!, whilst our fripndly rit-igli 'O r. ý . le will lie sedn hv the fo4tvine dêel)atch which ',', Id a) . j . ýsnii1ls Re 1 -art are nroIt .,,icessrtil. ý for Co!. Kiiig , indý of the Volunters, but net %ith b logis as Il 1, : ý1,1,ý,:"Iiv " ".enfýnt. . continu ta v,,Iook Farta th 1 t4y inay airain 'ând Capt. Coitinétiiant il, il nitrait! aigrir ardour ta) advance, il %Ur tiens recrited from'M.jrr CARMICHAEL YeStPT41ay est Y Apri . I .,ý, I> 1 ,,.Iý'1 T.I'Iý,-, h,"%',-ver, rive resolved Io mile evýrY sebedule that came te out what they may terni Reî lipro, aldFeasibilles. .%lAior Elliot ici Cil à and thus allowed trial Beaultainoi., bas bren rKaken front tire Ii bc . ..a 11 1111! 1 1 1. ,%,I..tli- r fvoujable te our a,%% , Eieii4,, are c a ï) Li wil -nilýctiti- a @tri ng force under Col. fillie l'or Cola Pl 0 >: ., o commandetit ob- .th., 'ac ý il %,le%&'$ or luit, glial in corning Io reeults .sa Bit Tien BORI)ERER. Il, ý and that the prisoners 1,ilien rail elle Brouzhadn, nom, fa . -tilt ýl.:, ,It.>t, ('I' l, I.. ý1 1 h ý t wP bal 1-ro;e c ut - ci elle enq ni ry wi t h ,le r ft ci rec 1 itud ..,e Boit ýi(,Il banal. r. tain a ralinfutraiment front Alajor Sciimvm-- ý ,teamfr have been seleased ; baie few pirtic-ulars t. try Yasar L44-1,11, . 1 , ', jil,ýýi ,%Itti erpat care and i-T'imitiatity'; the nafnes ait the places are FROM SOUTil AMERICA. %Ve atulerstand iller Col. Brown lias ariivrd te When this "veilla tien bringtheuttàckrdthe - aie given. Il i ,j,,I1-,7lý Sir -cified, ,dort the frillowing as fil,. resuit: ,notre. try te faitie a company.--[Petýrborou.-h Sentinel.) VOidntee.s baccante the .ttacking porty, and gel- 1 Di:àvH.4aicois, 1(hii Notrember, ha ri By el& arrivai efthie bri- Tvee.1, ut B,.it lantiv charireil tire rebella in the rare of their 6 I 1 10, P. .NI. . . 4;*,.l 1 23 1,7 "" , ý1'1,:,-ts ofwûp-çhil,ý lleiirrrt. C,)Inmuliirartts Scholart. froffl RIO Janeiro. advices ha, e heen recd-ivé.d fruit, RirLES t-,,rsus NIU'SILETS.-Tliree respertall ficI which was diýchar"-d three tintes, but ,01 1 .1-,,.,)7ti yotjqZ t'en ITOM thi: ýt '. - . 211-1 I 74,897 75,-d 67 tirait port ta th, 14th of S.-pterraber, and front Bue- ý iiei,-Ijtýthmi, who were for apparwily without effect. The d4eat of the te- 1 :ýin,-l have the linnour tuaI-quaintyntifnr IV-0- m --ý4r ý_ _ _ 1__ Saime ligne in the %Veillera States, batine Il bel* vins corrillete, and they left in the bands et ý eh' "'le",ý. igl'é . la 1 22,: I 7, 7 38,-,fj6 niella Ayre3ý te the 28th of Auirust. . mien or Ilis Excellent)- the Cognai Md hW e 16conýl,:-,,:l. 1 .. ý . 818 i - _ _ _ Tire accounis t'rom the Aritvoiinr Reptibiic are toutitr.v %vas about in bc invaded, hurried the viciera thpir piece of. cannon, 2W stand of arme f the Forces, that, in conjugal with Colonel go A. . 'J . ,il ', 53 table. The bic(kade wýs biiii inaintained by fithSntegàt 1 "'O . . 330 ý '. 1 fityofammunition; eightofthem attire "' "' 14'l- ald-plo e assise in il.% dt-fmnte ; on passaintit thieral and %quart Phillpot.ç, addactiment ornant offierrofEngiii"ra, .. ý. .- y - -- --- 1 - 11;6,(ý9 ,9"""25 i 47,24'63 th- French, and avilir increa"d rizor, tire cruize' Oswelisa they undertood that Raflez; were client), made parisond-ra, eleven killed, and a natal lie- ý twenty-two Marpffl and Miner%, one Captant, kW OC ý -aew i-N*17u'. ý1 7 ý "I , -,- _ detàining ail the salait craft thât reil into thers p i titi 'Il - .. ý 518 ! Il sold et severai r.,tabiislitnea.ts there ut a York- shil- aides wounded, sol - eticapred acron the fines- Vite ' flatte sub;.Iteribo' l'Our segjeant-, two bUgIýna, re ladony Il 1 bands, and cûmjýIeteIv breaking e fing each. and rial te gel a huitain, the3 *tnt ar, told of one Yankee syropallaiser haring rad et liberty . 60,028 1 67,226 lard the int rcourst, ý one latindred sud tweiisy-one rank and file. 7lait . ý , ,,, , ý, > ý Iý, 7!,,1ý Oi ri denorraination %% ithin the IWO hundrW and thrire towns brtween Mainte Vid"ro a -res. , le ! Regiment, with upwards of one thousand Gýer,- ilice, N. a 'I'. '.. 1. .1 111% nier th, Epiîcolalilin churrh ni' sis places of worship 140 499 addition ta this troub titi Buenos Aý In te one of the @frites te procure three of therra ; the home with a ball in the bock of bis nerk, and of garry ment were handed ai Hungry Bay ibis mont- 21 , 1 ? il il seems that a revoit hait fluor, monter, Ille. were cevered with boli of 1 others wtw lent and saw quite enough te cool their ý l,.c'l,ý, ý*.16-,,.21.26s,,tjý,lýirà No*tlirl,-canwethink, he more ga'ti3fatury FIc, thein, but not beinir posdaessed of the proppr dITO- One of lie prifactiers, -of the nature of; Il ill, jou. , . _I hmken out in the intericar province or Santa ine, riarched, and look Beauharnois, reurued ait .M, ý, "t L r th - iilfliamlc-' Ili 1hý volutitary principle on the W sustaiiied hy the pol Kerr they vvere refused, and have now arrived here 1 = quite a younz ,ans Wh. .. Ait nue the priçonrs, witb the exception of Messrs. E!- board (m . .1. ,. . . zeal, activity and - ,, ,if Cordova, and perhaps serre O-Aiers. le possess thrmselves of Bratibb muskets for no- mu "*es p C', .1 , ý. Now, wlien a[ id relatent in 1 ligne a Sendeur *fflýtf 1 lice, Brown, Norinan, Rossa Nerval, Bryson, Id field ""à L.., ', , 1 . bered IL ai [lot onlv are th. igi et Étroite There vverp no forrign vessels ai Buenos m à Dr. NICLdiON, Wall fil vieund - -1ý,lIllý,,Iv s4ipPortcdý but the edifices have beei huile -lanli mainly paid for, and ont), one American vessel of war-the sc ' a.. ..il sardrode crinie Chateaiiguay-with thý lansis et one mon killed, .da .kinit y-dait 4'ý1 " l'il, rI'Il t".,Vo.. florts, arintlier illustration of their i fluence ;a sup- -- - - - ------ - Mr. Moai:uousz, of Plattaburgh, ta nageant fer bain Yles thi.g,- j1b.] il off in !lie course ef»e day ýy Houndblow, and Serv vour, suppcoïsed te ho ut 11, 2.ý,! fi, k'IGIt"thýt 1.*Discopaliatis begin te imitate. r - .111 the le may lie interestinz te vu. in - medical aid, whether with or without the permisi- i And three wounded, of the a fat Retiennent. bled w1là, -J, ni lx orshil)'belonginir te catit d,,n,)minatioti.-Eleiscopalians 332, Inde The foliclivi tg ]crier, whic la we copy fiom the en of the captera, we know net. Il le te lie te. a -t , M.I.: ý;,J Pr Dulph 1 The men are much fâIiguedý aigri we tirait heTt cette, it m ; - ii 1-1, l ,.%b-1ý,.,ýitý -114 B t - Journal ofCoinmerce, gives ait the information vive lotarjr calfatais, ci t for ordest. 1 a, - ists 131, celer Mtthodi3ts 92, Quisâters 40, Presbyte- la grette hg.ttvtoofthe Volunteers werekilied and ý ave hy this arrivai~ [N. Y. Cure. Ad.] Parons th. Mdantreai Ilerrald, Noyé. 10. da c-mâdet Càl,ý",is ý'f',' ' ni), ý'd' 70. 1 have the bagnour te lie Sir, yau, most Mendient Il Mi r les Total 1180. IWO wounded. We J, eau titi. i = ,V understand, abat Captains ', oeil cure 1 [ScOttiàh Congregational Magazine, for 1835. MONTEviuro, Aug. 25,1838. Sýnce our tact the weather bas facen very unta- ý ici.gazur, and FisiisR. with attrait ami*- humble servant, L. CàotxicffàzL, 1= 1 (m nk - - - - ---- __ _ __ A rigid blorkade of Buenos Ayres sein existe vourdiable for the marching of the brunit. te the test , recul partook in the abotre engage- colonel P. 3. ÈcG ",«T£l , %*.%,.P.,ýN r « '--Tire Knickerbocker relates a gSd anecdote of a!ý it.twoold lie sprecu lation ta say, or gave an ;: of war, as we have had constant and beavy tain, 1 ment con reflects the bighest credit on boitai M'in' Hall, Auistâr-t Quarter Aldmtg Gruefui- ý'.1;,,t i, t r NI , a Weil-known pinton a te ira duration. Gov. Rosas is determin- which muet have cor up the roads very tri ,,,,Tsiýid Creek. Je& :je ' e a . a.-'strate as a common drunkard. Hiving suddenly harpooned ,00 . coen. The Brougham steamer which w0ceptured hy et W 17 t: . ,ý , ,Iý,, a ,,,ý.ýar k ed :rat te accede te the French adiniral's reclama- NOthinZ authentie bas been heard front Beauhaf- :n 1 - l%,tli a f of a dried - As the figini - , ' al; lice et of bit; tattered coat a lodif et brtad, and bal fions, unless enrupelled hy revolutionary moire- noie or Chat.aufi bridge, aithouiffi the gallant .... . ;, ,, g ferai diotinctly beard ai Rouselà the relapt, lu a ý end df.1 crippled in lier machin ý t i1àfn1)lý rit look and gesture, en the magistrale, eXclainied -- Point, and il was net Iong belote the ilefeated et -esterday. Rd o ý, : lie Il Iý , 1 a rio wag-gant.-Aalt thema wisible me ' eh are anticipaied daily. Iliàrhlanders front Giengary mu rebels were el makin; towards the ines, the et fp ardeurs et, befnre this finie, Tyè and %vos towed clown to Lachine > k«. ý: ý 'Jý a in the country, whi 1 b mail-baàr front Uppex Canada tigat scI on ."i- -L ans O' Support, 1 shculd The frontal net havipg received &LI pay fer self- have relmaspd the prisoners taken Il the reliefs, $mail United States force, angle 30 aient stationed board of hý r reulained undi.-envfred and unepeneri, 1 ai "lier eral mendiait are consequently very discoureur . W telle. .- iii I, Il - 1 ,tir and made such Ildavoc arandang their opponents as there turiied cet te prevent any violation of the éolthaugh ira contents were valuable; il ,avez breught da Ma ri l - and only require a spirited L-ader for insurrec ion. Will lie long remembel le. letter, dated Coteau - il,- ild.In An'ilrath, that cruel prince, baving Wd seige te Bagdad, and taken Tire political stalle of the Banda Orientai is truly du Lac, 9 O'clock on Thureday moining, tavaur te- refuteves hait droped on entering the United States 2'T., ý 1 ý thl l',rsiins ta deathla notwithstanding (bey balai Suffanittedand deplorable. The Goverriment forces have been Ceived in town on the saine evening train Considerable cotisation was, ematfd in tovvq, , . 1;llfl.r the titi.-nherof these unfdrtuoil victime b"F' Territ«ý - Ille sarne pArly seizeil aise the vesce] M.Zyy, ,",rol . 1 , lie fiallowing extracis apprar in the Caurw "d 1ý1 l"'j", avas a inusician. He betoug;it driven effthe field hy the revolutionary chieftain, 1 'ce of ;esttltilay fat, tire arrival lot Meurs. Ellice, L. V1. le . ol, ta S" the sultan s orders execut-d, te spire hiin but for a moment, t , with the reflet munitigns of war, consisting or arn. .W1!llýt',j il, Gen. Finctuoira Rivera; bc former however are Yestftday :- ý munition and cannon balle. We are total fluait tire rown, Ji. Il. Nerval, John Macdonétld, John L- 'P,'IIk ta the emperair. The officer indulged laima with bis entreaty: yet in possession of tire city of Montevideo, and "On ont way down, lice landed 2W of the defeated dupes, we-îe spen sneakint, el tant, John Br% son, John Rou, - Ho»". tu pà"cu 1 l-ro , th" ,ýl!,Pýrol he was millet te exhibit a speciiiien of bis art. Lik.- the the village of dé Faysandu,11 both of which are lie- Glen trotter tire comnuind of Captain Enpas ci 1 ovv, divid Normand, Dr. Survoyor, and O" et A ý 111) la klild 1 ,th six strinzrs on val aide, Nu . ý ý ,- L'i 'I'f' 1-11, v rese-nubling a lyre, w village in Signait squadu, terribly c6ol,-f.11ý,.',,, an-- 1 1) a à ,11 iýtlIS%,Ij,, 11, . grie-el b the latter. Several skirgn ishes have te - M'Dairlairarlyd,'Bat Salinon River. froin solience týe a._ %Chose iagne we did vracrit ]--,,a- -i-,,# -a,-- ....,.- , Il . ,un,, the rafting ot"Bagdaýt, and the triuinph of Aincrath . y 011, §do ý.;. ILlý;ý C _y effet they trery ,,,, afrerwards look Rh.-.. a.= 1 ý ý 1 'non 19 whi- fi le drew froni the instrument. iidniid t- th- -h----:-- Il ,xul'ilil 1 - cently occurred within a confite of hund,ýd -Ad, W ci nr--,.f . r....-ýil ---- *mit . il. L "" oi i.1ý - ý . . P" a cSumff S nmow-%m mmS m mm ucm 47158 Fm MMMM TO UNDwa. "M'r m Nom MOMM =AWX 7.=l

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