Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 20 Nov 1838, p. 3

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3,7 TrHE L-I>'EI< CANAdIA ( ¾ f i !NiIi iItEL A . . 13-8-i 4ttlln faim1 alla to bat' il to lie iure.il Gaeul.t Etr 151h Noverai senior loft., Hec Maj..î tMýOi ît I.L' la iawi.5% Balu OSed ts, S. Wre lu ()Cd mitîitIhiute,, ns cf cuin,, mur rear thîceI e Plaine Mifll il, tia.k5s-I Pasi.er, majls P a. a porty tl lmigni ini t, Who sWU ce cf aur ion irat etIl~ 'yO airaa t o, 5-tim n,n abe 4. avauitti r tie Muarin Shatp fiîe su 'an', ici, it tDif, l,,, c 1 fIli, ie QIsu t ahi,, hire,b dt'ial tint a. guti v fnmir f r-ilth, Bi 'ul linu ar ý.lta il u luiiit fi card tiuuuiois i ssii t j tîe u>v hucuii-r lfimn artli, e W- n.. amî %i vlalU 1' Li adr Tll i liTr line hauuire ai' u,1i ahisaie -r iiii lisd one, i itu o h Sa Jhin oh- thaf NiIi ii's i s, Isaîj, 1 i d ztiIed isucer- fsay4i oS 1h.. iii ais-sf ,tsuiS tunir fo,ln ad qui al a1 Icih I lnluut la il h aibe nus- lîhîu uusand, u. nh.rals-p gnîleuf aIlos aii ian Pli, r Pai is aconk cur isn ft u r ai fare q at I.trffi i SIfloeS i i lar teirsa zit n Sdt laingmlar inai enseet ah tat der fie n Comlirai t lisent a parhlhia etflie tNew Yock cen ari T eaay iaut. W, he i ausnsied trilier, arrivai n ltonyet-rilay ev..ntn*io l, ip. TI i liout.e 2,th sile cu'tdv of Lthe . aolir. He ce &i>tell îiit l,.nie, wiîh ei-,ht% ta0 oher rclarief , if sivilachi e Neve fon Ln-anmano on e t ori'S. liesn d tht i.to ioder charze -.th, St. Ann's Voltiitei.ro. Th,;e oa4* p esarorLn titcn:o o tc viiogc S tl e l 3ipneonei, bail s'th tbem,Witten caituîreIi. a tri- te Ue itfrrat Brilol te the pupof <prevent1iiiýanycomtî.uîiuc-luoîî ui l jorcul flacitr cotncninhuetrît 6 ,t5tesit o , abu r* Ilg- 'alaTlofhiets, sOjj a (lu -uti-o .race r Dri Orr.tuîîn,, .fililei..cft'si o.iisai,t vin% Tite teamer Drazgro aIrisel dg te ,iîua ester. 100 i ofuech lbail cratel greattdos- a ilitelie iii 1 Langiaiil, ai.d about (ri0-an 1 a hall tiv ut 3 o5ck, P. NM ,harrnei o uard'J.tG. 10 09 ilie y Maket. Th Gret miles iruas t.e ;iutjic rouit. IWith six cf lbicoin- P-arker, Chandler and Wait, foîe' iitws~ 5w 1 W frais reV c'r sIt sip i ja iiy, and 1%voCanautiv guies, otdrtei t iliothers -if nuor note, as prisoocirttr ngeotie ptc fa lp icuOL lIcI slet <i dock, on 'rucuWuy irurusag, tsauldi the hustheir patriotat irelhrenocf the La ser Piovisroe n- 00 ToeSt,., ileLi bele i! usectit they scie coo.eaicîl, siedIr the surstilance f the gaoler.-,hh.]10 ïsotk 7 dayS iifort thteGcet W"$- ISre th,__________________t___________________ 0 . tiyy l l. i oîao Cl Occap e t, I ,i Fasan ~ y..:. a la h.low luthouithe tIse ouel y thfvgs«uz . a .. île r 500 jas &fjl blo thirInthe souly enedthat aie kerisofan ro Pi.eR, Rbaisli. Eiq.. or Dni..IlaAu..50 s îai in thavec he tutu au- Armer or tar.unituon tig coiceail.., but iro Cap' - ma ai douebtîr .0 ufai Ile dwaul elts.£100 li 0 lf i e tOt tain M'Donald thcetening ta hurn tht ba, teie At Ilvderach onfa i Imis i miai, M.Douate 01 ne s5'iu basletn 114,cllafo.ail -(the Cassad. C.m.u.aya . j4... T.e.h. ter1i bile bendirctrdIo ur-ordeceilhhec sons ta c<iolu t the. voulot.it O I 1aue. ** ua.il d.usjhu -t lamai àliichalt. siq W rotee s i the naie and laIe place in thi- wScos, abouithaif t mile distant, ârhece JlIge mIl ele. Lads,.Di.irmît Centel Golf , filal.hinformation they fonindestt, f i sale unil doutîle harcelei- _____ ____ fa t i e -ci e is t, t . A c i mia i llm s e t , i t hs te >b a l s c a t r i d i te s , b u r k o t o i t d l es k i I Teo of puouer. Sets-cul of the. . ukets sens lotileil, IU T S~DI l trMoilis ts pd.Te Chroii. ;netup. it it tnpetted that bhe powdier and hall saili I)DNOW fONi SAL etahJe IWiO S AL b.rtete hoil- eJ* e iiscovered. A Auctîo i bai, M.riset SurC nr alrso! liie afpnfitiSItaiean IbI.sule"n 0*8a 1ou i t nTise Va uteers about Sherbrnoke ar! ail on the 1001 Il .Sat, 1ni W coli atotciatsenien, &né.extrpun Iy alliious la have a baln'iraiithe 6 %hds ShelI, Vne ImimCci, Polaait».Euery thioi tellito thie latent arcountq ha.i 6 bila.SPrry doe91 lsd . do en aintrd er fetliy quiet in thut queafter: noil eh- 5 de,. Tenicife ilo. AT o-r O iaia.oîly lin;î; f .% vuiffsouts nature thât bat odeur- Ai', o- i,.ffn.. . r a i i sf f h îreFryB ~ 3 do. Matdeira do. uiei' I it-s. î..asieiec G.ortsv le oit a.s'.oi Lake in 10 leet wàalr on 8îe oncBad a4 1, ifu'a nei c.i, lut Thuic riiigl ~llseoie atan1 bled. SioeTh'leeti. Ici co, %t r s0. Jefi. i-. - k'i. .aiit %0have ni nu.edt atthe a, limie. 30pisCnuuo.lcti r~~Sit ji,.cciii st*.mu-i aidt h..t tIliisnsi,1îîo 110 Fiddîu's. YsithBo*$ coiipl-t.., ,101. -. w1 .tf'. ihiri ithoeei. <atri ste in. aàupusi-hcoatBos 1» ni'u-u o Srbuien. ai a nz - wi,-thris.r le as iii, ui, lit; ii tai nl Ible Paîte ' Brit' W: nfertilè 01not okit,Double tout Singl i.Sfov-. .C 0i,1 eu , . ilh Me cabellion,a s ot litio%-o.'e-i-. I1 J. LINTOS, Such 1,A , i - o-i Thenfantsctiver ciiecv preparions are rnn r Kineston, 2Otfi Nov. 1838. initier ih.i -. Vi.* on is i aa ut Sl-rfrucku.. Ocueri bia..efrenu f-u'. Id. At ,st atJe fi. -s0 reivel fiiniolue Cogiidnaol-i.iii.Chi.f 1ta e Iî:î s'îN oonSO E fA jj Md-, if i R TOLN. f c re11 ,per ahile bodi il tirait i-srîdlcil or ac il s Ca~i arVui--fifi., earne happy 1t a y tfi- cIiiitiiu is mol re..iF c î* s omsA cf iiuR Bon, abusIscotO lu, h IleY diret'îîhliy tes1 aireil ta. Cales. liionr'. c-,ta.pny ,î St t ttc!w311 kv m ild %X Ailelt Y, a ,j s a'm1', 1.s .1>. isa 5i-il Ierils-n , Ca. fPiri à enccii-ptcvof I fitii.îîuc fi-au niî--l , alcsîlithothea *,- f~î:îsi~ s ii 'nu, a o it. iWebtr t roui iof iir R îî î,And lCt. ns k I.iif hn lie lue ts5 Anus' Iu..rsi uulingil&ii- b-ri1, E 1i,,f . es.kt'o craj su f < ifC vai ry, re p c-l.îr e i firi,.-tuil se i S .e flS-au et -i lh~fs-ritwin4ai îtI set, u lIte.riî îcîiii îUV etiti Ipr,.iitîr pl ui N J isîv,'le, ,t-eolre ýSf st, ahafi lis- Fi a-- iîlIv - iiifi f i e u. Ofle trtuc of îtisui INI ilia t ri- -a Iýa idsaiu'yrw.rdcu. ie tu 8 e i Rt.uII. i-uen I blleii. ais.-.i. Oi ollef resvjerf.ifî is- anu l tifin . 4 1RADY. Cie. ,:r u il G- tc. i cifia..iti Arsit-ii io't turiiuiui h,.iii[telle is,1N"; rb r, 201h, 1838. 31 R p ..iiAI x .~Jt.fuiY-i>. siuiuifiru srA. I, ~if rusS.iaiai fi di. . C.Ipi. Kibiuuos roîliu;i.ny ie rianin nuer quit' liait, WVANT1EI> IMMEDIA'rEI.Y - d_ id! litun ae or tI%-.coin-1ianiei oCusiaiyre t î:î L~iuîu i ar ala @00 SINGLE BLANVKETS. k lercf sîi'i ENDERS uill b.. receicedi îutii hVds-iada hl îuýra.fî o el e e- Th ic e f ifisi wu.. s:e beof a s rag itthé 21baInt. et hofc;tiuiI' l, lerua udr onitf, lioiîi'. tits Oce, ut oi, Iii w,. p,, ii. r,. t..ns isi iiri nIS liriay th 31inssn,usipîyi K for lier %IAj-lty's Service SA ufla' g,-. î~ î,--i. î-, t, ic rtc , ii. iii n ercîiret iu jtir (cii e 3ic inretn - l '. a.ait. cli iCl Jons r i-, ui itiii iiiotau insufretiron c ot ocadli Bliikeîtub le exprisisei in Cor- ýll1,1. lu>% 1h. in a nd-rr, i th-eî i fî:ii r ,' nls-,îa vns- -r, ii , y , :,oiiJe ersoiitiii haic Puulisanhe l ndtlaIuv iosui'it .y tti c ois- lit e ofir*ert< oriiit in ii, it ~fie11,- b.l.u.I. oistiiîi, fa fitoil .the fis- 5O irii n ofi hiý Th _________________________________ se oi.t el, lact a.[eliai, h, or oronofng IfUn I'TiNus.,D 18- IF38.r 0 uîviîur..ni iietutSa k- uci- tetsiiiisu iii tet>oeil Il iii. teO VrO Ahe- K FT art ucua> i5.u-oîî îuus uuiret uitneceou Ih ot. gEl'uEEN Kinr.îTaN aitI.iWuoLi ci SLnvs ctowaisisithe Ws-t icd theili5Treinasion, AB ONE CASKOFIVN.Teoi' ;I o 'r.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 ese i ).er,*,giaie tt-thner. profedl;fIe a sit oi, ofcoil)- a <x0 WN. Tu tie jua a Pie Af rt' cIl rtlliir cese h out.ri aai, tflue.11ai ii cii., , emiiil rqupt-il toa relif-font a ît, liiutre luperq> . p.>-l' ii I. il o i i weupitv u pirudenit Ioii-Iaepibisst, fetin iNi o-qiliecOf a chbargesa nd Lakte it asay. ofl h ut iihrf e ptcis, he isiiiiler.t.iniiing tesii in i the -lace f idez- JO H N L 'M BEIZT. D1, -te a- ajpsaasc R e tniots are lotally voir% fl.lwei-îi te ins-stiir a i tis eeis co Cal Ioi uaiNsaie i 88 w3 I &et auuituiae f.iieyp ti hthe liaManier, ut t nyii,&r. Tie pirates i. mvha esae but ptttia th nil<uinherilabout ity andil ec.. futi>. rmed, nav- FOR S&ALIE f13VTisE suJSCRNRERi, - ',,neu fbhae Sta-edblt. lb nsin4 silthtu s aid"tcs i-r îukets en tiîeir lhaus 1@6» PAIRS BLANKk.TS, floue ". ta 42. l, i,tellcî trellne. i;ti. t trt1ler ! aifi nour sagzoav couil.in. a*'W &l. sr pair. u si.iifcjictsi aaisthh- suril ji mo toi s,1aansiiiictadeil'u t 1. eblsJOHN MOWAT. T l Prv lu usa sot,,s leuiti tt i-c min Auied orimu citi a lirai , t uth» cebeiii. Kinagston, November 2W, 1838& sica ,dunerti olbeer iilb..heai ion! Hait A io3alist nvtsle it cro~lva Al0 hfirg on S..turd,,s"Sor aurtuts-u-w-riiy scounîrls as w- u.eîin.g as aeeit ly tie,îî itîsin the State of *Big Snu RS C RIE k suhie p-N-,anîl serrera mort Vermont and w as kel inconfinemsent niisrl 1 iJNtaieraguàbat a biesutCuilomefl loi auIif,, wuloaint have akern plac.- rnorcin.c. Thi nteage havlnu< bren coainitt d d l.fortcgecr th <e îliber.] slip- eomai ismuattifitetei'lbyiever4l ofoltr ? the Anîerican sie, illiof cours, pasaifu o uruic icyhsehî ent xteadrd ta lii, Ai asacIfauiàe cifizeis,ald tbey triy uuuer Fatî .ng; buI if lfîî-ir evetr exiatedin ustht. lucirs of aien ettaitmtela eIaslry rt.ceiicd front a i"a j.ritcet aisd bruie menarticee ie7 jiouls f rett.niie,st us possibleItiât iiiie aily New Yok, Qutlec and Montreai, his PetisSuîp- fineà ~l, iiic Rs oiusIsp1i~di-:huit201> t ut ofallitiir il ioa ly. plies, shich ie eese icfor cash cm short alijroset Pilat -alN u.ie s e mnîaiting Mmaiskou loy. dediut s uch pricess ait.fcela confident sill nets, fi atiiep; he umhr kiiedand Inil-tiUestiliahei trio lieut quaitens aItaiasi.%koum gve LsactioO ateprbfr o'e mucia;tiaicuîuo tlimui sor a eIv, aid distilîbul..li flurtesvoas ta check lthe i urhit.Print y- mav fi iloe us rue andl faitlfol aclicipaledi nreAda cf tl" 1'mortsIrespectable cati- TS Ti oPJE Priêalit the %tutu iii langhI, mhen 1 Il te.nnte' fVrinnot, andîatr esitcpragresaffeamis West <of KOgîaiad Yorkshire BROAn CLOTEIS , Shi a t - K- nu i a few amore Aient le funnra tut quate, ofr whi.lu ffiteec agico lotits, Cussîmercsantd Pilotl Cloîba, Rerai eti u:fi, ;a! the h-szul tif thii livt,i' Aith affumunifion, neere Iving in St. 1Alhfits ;t Toiicnette uiti Vlentia Vestaie, s5i ?i ai fil'Ir polofiletithfiy îefu--d tiilt'il'""aie luecthut lie Il.stout detacliments in Welsh Perd Stoaniakin FIannets*, plai u, suur-ý Ilit fv swer..confidlent lt iuc erawe thlis.French countryf, o lb.. North of the Rosé-. Whitney soif 4 Point BI.nkfcca, antît ua 'c, Itiiu o h-t ii. e"es 1tv ole iiiius.caug.ut fl. 6-4 Bi itsnh Metinoes, Victoria Twills, unit figued, . raii, lfmniin s- oiioy, lbonnet luy lh.ir lino Colon, la. et ciruor lb.. pàreabIlcslate cf lb.. Sliawi Dtpese,, coll ciu--tli., iIfat îuucy souiiiaatute- r ehth ank cf tl itRuIs.lieui, rahihie 'il .irreil l'lai tiit(]Si led fancY Prist's, ut, vrai- Anai r l..y artaii, or netaîy ail, sa, feared. i ouil lot lie. muit.inti, sithout the Tîtrk ell Peii nts, sdo.L tout.'pru-vne oi a rs-suiar torce l-Icis. Fsîisci. Chintz, pltain Iiuij..ciuttîv &c.Ges-ta uuimily W.as fr-it tientimiolitti uns ,itilv Carii, lacaiiet and Bock AMuilins,'n .M.DO) ry. driog four sfav. fr the fat.. cf a voluuteer teop-r I opVAusnw ijo~i.uWiti shv 'eifen eruda> cfuto heti rei iet ai M asa, iu tuait ieen 41 - 1t- triieit unit Check@lSlirtajc, i -i ne. i!rluilOl ar i u sinaou iel triiSt. Johs in t cuSaitîîclayniit h. i .iai tfoinfl an-nui tape@, Siip rt "l, 11 iti'u , ni lriawno 7in tsrtütI.. ifespaîhes from Cil. %% Pliiants tiii'aai Beifocît.- G& lIPmen*9Stocko un-1 Haoitkerciiefs, Cili o.îuie i.Mn fî thie, b.Patict Gs-i- His non-arival aI Sf. Johi. raVe rfislle . inmutsieîle, ooien andl Ciutoni Hsirry, tnd - nia eiîîi ut lie'. >ast-tii-'MAI eniomaa ipreIpnetionis fi.. the Frercoseiftut.Grand lG -itlcnei'sLuifu's WoiitShirt. snd Drawers, t O i, 1K I'îîy !1 5-îti S ,,i-'y t-hle Gd,- Lit c f Rîuurflle fiId1 iiiidetiehin. But ils.>-Cnannsoia Skias, &c. &c. &c. ladi i--l ctit y ilii, Olida. i.iti"ntedilemseiv.us nithfi tknri,inprisuifer unit GROCERIES, &c. Si -'r mp i-at fs 9,1 lIigihunilrs ciher il f lueicsi in A lýltcuiin fle %mituý. lsa ohia Wines,-Port, M.sifiri andi T.-ne-tilli nu 'urt uteconginti iuir;uuspt fru,în ianciifi afie Gcaid Li- awhite luts Cauian 0j > a atBaî Fuit far ai uukionu o u iiiig -iscifaneil sl-LIQUORS, vt larif Ilb rr in ths..l S. Guorze fir Terrint- .e. TIi. trecops-risos elr.sed l'y tirer. oit Thons- la l'au Vute ", pec- ofuie InnIfI,. Rglini-cI is CNPectu-d daY ast aud r..tiuc.ilhome, It.vuiatbeesnielli-4 Etnaiî if' Afieulie ', &C &obrs, iIr. %,!nli ,riutaîy cerannIn Kangs- tci-Otf-d f> h..isicthe s[JiiruiLiquvur Surfine de litarseitis., Tel Tucoipuies o atlicRoyals are i xluctesi We learîî front cur corresponidentutaiSherbrooke.,lra iidies,- Coenaansof ourdeaux, fia u. Ci Wahiraî lat oi Tu,-rsuhy las, a waurcant wissiasatist Spirits,- JAmaira tnd D.,nurara.Ld iccfpoias isera al preo cf tlIe nainse ocf liliesi-c1tcf Baisît , TxAs,-Yong arHysna, Twitnktr, 0liiUH-socn, Squ a. I'unîtheu Mu!ttncowniand irausthus aisul rrhel, unîd a noiouIo smagglî-r. Tlîe pet- G 'a ultsnseri SociIonir andt Cocou ; Miio -innf-iiiuucial soaisu eurril ta iv euil toaxil -the snrnt sWr.1ciixysie À Alarge and l a..l sicesistock aif CROCKF.RY, sai. ~~nuuibe as o oueigatHeist'sM h isy Aud a tend sock of WHISKEY. mriai-is t fly a 1.-cge panuf, sWhoIrel îuc lion ai, N. B. Tfé.. urfest pli;'@ pi, in Cash, fer aB Boa$ miii Hou,aif Mr. logats' Bts-se'> lcuuk tiliig Mc.Marin, a re.iwPctalle satddkrii Stais- srt% af DISTILLERY GRA.IN, At lis Stre ift en ~laPrteua n d , fleus siole liuuilin, iepal, auund aianuin4 Caps. iiiOrn very eioulY Sîone ret, or Lit liailierji, miWaterioo. r euh . i tegroin. TR.reblle.eRmaie ff.corel ra Magret imnue riig utenlisuis. le Te eui ur a. zete.oRfM.ROI- cicr t a un nsiî siiilicl aos ia 1Miutet Gaett.] King-to, Novemhec 5h, 183&8.eill t i% ogitstffdntsnw " FIrt-swo prisaners mliere ficoigttoseaitin thies' if"iu0uî iotisailjinrig, tndthle "nserry Prmni es 17.-toîmla yesleiday aftermoca, etiunîcaev- OYISTER RECESS, G1 1~thtiî tiih out aiettes. carf of the- (iurifa, .netl siII ll a the nibedut cf Ill tOe5tRE50QluayiMru , Suat eiînnasali Gcianîit e jîsait c BD ALEXANDER S iITII, uni 1?FROMI LO1WER CtNAD. 400. W.. hbee nrplan for disposuuma nt Ihia (el- lunlio o Ieaen v n p..auîuo f jiite ' HIERE sIlI ho helit doslaotly oniband she riih, Ithi Crteuasir. Nnr. 16. ta the icuilvbIl be eprinciple on shich lie> avili FralEUH OiTEDRB. 1u, hsd lOifu b nviiv l, .ierealcîf,"as il oueIsItoie, iers-is fl1ot nt.mis- .4detitionnul Rnnes lhave fiten itted upfoc tIse K the fu.. i, a n" îtd ut n W.'ios-ea u e h ctianeusgthose Itaicn aluse bren Iakuuarr ercaiînedluiionof Ge.nleimen. - -'.iv f ei, sii îi.fus.i -~i-s-ain rebellîo. tIs.t Liias s i. rilaIt hle e]ficn itisAlto, comulyon hanid, a chojce sociaient i vu'i ouffii-l iiutuu ic-s -clef, hit ui.l hu bvt. IiCCO 1wi'fe.t.iIV iisiici ftoc FRUIT, COVFECTION.IRY, g. hflSaulaici atioe<ous.ii. ii eiuîîuus iliijuiy cr the uuit.takiti, und ssho. NEZ lflececre.fsuont: fii icttcttsulfrtintuthceîDis-e Iingstuin, 111h Oclober, 1838. 4, uiIunearel id îutr ievg,i tain 81) r ' f the lasie. Neifies ignnoranre norir rec.ied ta- 914 i Si efqoi aosIui ce riu, nor ai> ohi r i'xl..iuatuig luýi-a vtboumfils-WR pfluimetipiil fli u i, ui)ue iofTsl Coil- l" teneit tiifrîsnu IbMONntrocilsale,7Île, 'I listtuu, R.'îi ts-, frlisttthalmérite.nlesmac-ilthuse nuse gîml DVR RNlo ae tiit.i . hait atul fsfl l an liet vnu ' esîab ise f lb.] AJO IN H. GREER. r*", litIrfthillind h.n.a ringolusa, Nov,.lIs, 1838.An quIiiiif> 0fof esuitlar siiil, TISE .aM.Th onpsny <of lie 911lRegi- -_____________A sairur tolc f Orliuancs-. %ho pment wc rriveitl i h i.. i eldec ut S T 0V 1113S. uv. 1,i- ;D, r iiai i qu I'e, floupicîcu, aO u SugiaviII 5,etachcîi tere IRSA LE, h b o> ,.Slaribec,a etvriy - ~~! i liioigetat, o tî k I T:iy'ellee eIQuieca--in on c f lhe ceianlel Tree Rivers STOVEI. v. - aittuivîi, vearSî. Rni e altu'iicon tta !rtne oserun -onjuunctiiun siti J H$eRlle.tC lu.. aloserorh sellbe et,. 11u4 for the ti-n.- nusj u.i aiis i iil.y lis- ý:î rof Notss tier Dusictunt uatdr e 10 lue q- ser Mtiuugar nstle..if.y lreseûiof tie di5>5 i i-oua t. iii'. cf.lia -nunt, Iîh ua nt Suiursfuy. iIgsban, Oct. 2itîu, 1838, 281tf Mem kull Goods. Il E SUBSCRlBIR s'auld V-ri reslucrtfully beg ta infomitlse titizîueîof Kincstout aid on' tIsaI le as nos rec.uvinc a eery e.slu'lusie rment of Faîl and Wiùter DRY GOODS, ch lias een ieleclt ssi grimticure, and tl'y lor cuh, andl sifll 1 duspo3eitofet a avecy il1 allieasce en Monutccai peu-ca for cash oîsly. nng his fpument stoei cf Gooda s ill 'le funt necal ait seIl l -itt-l aosuiutrnuhof S peci-i &tfine BROAULCLOTHS & CASSIMERES, la ' eClothoi, Fltioigs,liunuplo, N-.rctes, Sali. plain iand ligired 6-4 Meuunt.u, P intel Sit- s,41 Mousline de Liaisor Dresgss Shally Lest,., nteml Cammtlc Dccea, t51,aotmtt-m C%4"l ils, , cf l tahealWvst s; nhtbeacle.t adlqlicou laig and Shceiing Clins, sunagli steipe hlue Lalla Shirlings, dlo. do.bmilieil do. n'er' beme', oi Jdcont Mu.imnî. !MOIS, BsirnrauIIuick do. n tout ficîseesl Bobi)hnu-t,,Blond lNetl Qu<iitga iEigingp, TIreait,MNe'Iin & Cottoon E.hzing, lie, Frenuch macciltlitMaaiiss and N-Itacaes& faisrý, Clapet Spii Silk andsi mk Hsiiutkercleiefçi île kid lcl asI -iurue.i Iinr-, lici-ilsudulfu n ,i'd maluu' ncuiHone and dt-oecii:nsu. Ain andmu e-l Cana slc Naples; îarbrosmi, eii anal Mulle Sulk Vitcherked fanry Silu s et VuShingse. plain hflu Zait C.iumcr. Viainea, -k French Boaiuazin'-s, Lautie.,' whuis- Salin uSe, Lai-s' hiumck ainditýoiiret Pnismella ]Boots, ilrnuBi-satnd Shuies, Ladies' Carpi-l Boots A Shoies fur hrime.!, FuI Iuihel aussITaîlati 'cole Shewiosud lanutker.eufu, geotlemrn'o & t,.. Wcnolicat gives, nbililccn's utc.; swhite Mar- les, Q-maltasiand Coiuil.-rpanes, Pilau kii.aw Biank- >ia tenT su1senrir article ; Ptershuma i iniia, 4p and La.tte, Piquer, blet slic %Wnitin-, P o,- àr> pI sel i Wnnk-Bnetev, a ge-t at âiu'tf <of ,eo, Uaýaist Buckli.. ý rI Pen-louitcts sol P4- ý-Kiiivea. îeamtin< Horks shl Pearl hasudie Scia. ti milier Tiiîbîes, &c. &c. A 1113O ditai Chinchilla Riunos.l, MURs anud B-s, giey lircel Moiiiml Boa-, Squicnel i land ol1r41y ufI alnd Boasq, do Tupp-is, .net ahîl Ennuine ofii alMi Capes, 1.ins Miii! and1 Capes, Mark .rlii Caps-sansi P ileinai WhitL.Euimie Vitonia 4 cey oquuirrel Vicînaimel, m untin nit fair-tail iv%, white endt sncf i., ladies' flic Multa, il'eriefi'a fîîr Gise-iaiand 0(iti I, S. S. S. «et slmspe Cape, miel, autria andsil(ltte,- oh Caps trinith tiRasaitlainai togeilimer bt othrur articles isuaiiy foonil in a dry gond ýtiinent, Alof stuicli the propiptor f.iel ilfidenl he tons sdI as lo* as any oalun osiailen folio, ana l od t-clu .av that l p-isnt. isi- K tro purunhlae som, ul deaîtgeiusIuItl t. tx.-cs'iier 1crim«ele.s iefor..buiii ng cIse- err. No secondl price Ssi i' býagîel. N. J. COONSi. Kingston, Brock Stretl, 23d Oct. lfo38. [Ut PUBLISHÉD, pieT.fit, un boaria, byT '" srAtuoca &RAMssM iraid; W. nuisUNs. QuI. héii ; Ik.tSTA>'rUiN, Tilot; aol J. arEIdSoN AI.MEMOIRS MAJOR RICHARDSON ;" uibar cfi" A a;ainàitiantn aini,46 Tecumiseh,' Eu aler' p--WàcriuSa Iý -9 Mos.imeuU<ofhtué tmsbh l.eeioiiin S e-t., é arc. &c. c Tho"e Edtora nho hbusC i--Ithe eachy ait- itiaemetrs êif lt, etou" mî, are cequ,» d. md a tdceiiotificuhcn cI liaitifat 10 the neacesi ihe alo toInî iîed pu ishets, sico thier respc gr copies wili be 41. tiserai ta nndrr. liatrral, Spi. I&18.188 rovES! STOVES!t STO",'ES!!! IUST REC EIVED autdlF0I! SALE by thie susncuiber, Store Street, E'OOKJ.%*'O18' PA~RLOR STOVES s atni ipalterr.t ail izea, mad of aumpenuot caOi- ,eThe Cokling Suoccs furniaibet i-oanjste. A gtncrg, sooitmf nt efHARDWA.5RE. Jaîa- rd tnt Mulver luitîcîlGonds, COar &c&. à L.IO, 100 kegai WHITE LEAD, 28 if. each. --S. MOUilE .- K:ingston, 25uii Sepîn. 1838.1m Comiiariat, Kiagolotn, 17-b Octilher, 19M. à SAsICi aInAYGENIAL ILCLARKE btbN-givra notice, tualbe siIIl t h repi. s~lefrtsi psy nfit of any Acconnt mulevr, u'eesdfrir c-an 1w p;oduieu il'i ;tmic S a aComaiaaioted gQ.mtof cfh ýOmmiaéfw sthi u -ST. MIAURICE AND TIIREE RIVERS 0 H N Il. RE Lit. A rînt for lhe Pripuselor cf t, St. Nmairule aid Tueee River- Fuuîhiu9. beut isa a:.'ftheilue bOic hal îse silI busc cous- taily sun i.ýniî the vannasui cerir1tion- of Nare aionuîarîurd js c a1soe iiîaiisiiueula, cous- misiqImg 01the foiiowil't i. Caokinr, lDouble ansd $i in e lve, Stoe.tidi tndit.P-ns, Sogar Ketîre. Pot Aà sCoiers, Dng lions, Wagraii Box-m . Axe lion, vol assoit. di do., Sock Platee &i-. N. B. Te above uarticles ane saraîsamte ie . cf ltc ecy tht . lscriliic ios ald il i e iiposst 5f.t reasotuailep nicep. lotOctcistr, 1838. T O LET. ACOMIFORTUBIE Oweliinç Hontme suitîble facra ainal fauoily, smiulcd ah lIse head o<f Store Stret-Aiso moine Collages auitable for Labourers, enquise cf WM. WILSON. fte tsi giest prude pait fer rot AinlleS 57the Sahectihers. W. & 3. WILSON. Kiainton, 134h Norember, [SM8 30-4w LAT£ COMMERCIAL lMOTEL, $lte re rel, tLhgaem, up1. Cite"&. T ~HE SUBSCI1IRER heau to infomi the lhabi. tistb of King~sto afdthe t ratellii ura on- auity at lari<i, thâi lie bas takienth ii, eNtaflisii- ni, andlth..î lie lhait re.cjt.îed it lit a vciy soîe. rkr.ityie. The IliSuise ba#beehth lrouirhout refit- Étes andt ornitiiteit. andt ftani.,.h.d with newsorti !spi..diul lurniture, combininq ul.liy andil ciance rn tme ligcb.t deuree. The .Susiisrittr i *tar. tia, tei caler suceaamfolly foc the public requires vire diiscriminioo, uiiwearaed et..mioî,and otli. ginir bchavis'ur, andoit Ba.Ltent bimuslf thot hie exprie in tii his deparimtoicaqiiaqalitieu him la Assume tbe lîsk with eeypopc fgvn Z pîet sutiifariios le tht nioal etrefiril. OTii.. ')in 'D Ilote wii be r..guiariy îu,.pIieat witn i al deli. catis in semoa ; tht. win.s.a ed iquoni.a are just laid in ansi of the. Ilotot q.îaity ; rareful andl oei- ginc %e.rants are enCag.d ; mnil tvery altenfii will % itier 10 enour.. the..coînfiort fa il sho n,-a honsiui bien witbheuhrr patîo4gp. lii- intenioin ts thai travelicra ahal in 1fin itis Honte..the tchmis of Ho.%.r ,îniteit with tht aiteanlages <'f pubicm est'abliihinent. If ths be riaraMle, lie hlc" ,the. public favour wili eiahit. limstu carry iii. ien. lion job eflect. The siuation ta ini the centre cf business. <.aria, wattbe ila atieem lt»cea, s.7paepets ati bohag. ýi.' bdi lu.« th, Steacaboi... A LIVERY STABLE.i-eoaaerled iîh th.e.tuîbfiaàh- it,S.wtiî il net anmd Carnage. may bc md siait1 litr. IL N ES Lami., 17t1 A.1mat. 1838 THONSOIiIAN IFÛTAINIC H IiI ~COMPLETE ASS<IRTMEIT ofuhe alite. s.M. inmske;it co,tunhlî isi handt, andmuir Sale at the. Grce- Store of bMr. Jarn-9 àM tlsi- son, Slnee Sîreel , K a ,ton, U C. Anoig ahc uilie. faund the Choiera Preventas, g îm .eiltraied for thse si'.eiy Relief whitch it eloIii. 'îî CtmtiofChoiera,ChoîeraMcrbusjL-ýI.,x bys..n tervii n,, io sothrt Slsoach andilBowelà. tii;s -nidirieln ivs arraotei to cure the afiose au.ntioiî- di Comaintqiîi, wht.ce i la auen ou thinitirIp- .uacanre cf th-disasae, ait file.itýiciona îriieîly dhered f.. Tics.. ho are Isbouirnr imiter .iiî- .ata. cf ne ttsi-liair ahouiiit but itepý.ir of a tci, intal i. y b s. giva ve 1eBol.mîic R. O'.diêsa a<i ri.al in which uhey sill st.idiui fais'* 1 a :Ure. ..tucn éàsna h la.ccclii-nksu the psiirc fIling'o ,tsl thet sicai.1yfor hhrrp..al patroim,and toItn tri çalicit a rotimialiie of il Car favours, asthie î1ric:.-st aît-ntioit sîli liae1aid ta, deserse the. .irh.to f tiIaîtnum . N. B. 4 LOIlIES CLEA$NED ad LAZORS SET, ini it h twt ît>Ic. liogAto Auguat 28tii, 183&. 19 VAL'A BLE PROPERTI' FOR SALE. T WO BRICK HOUSES, siti suitable Oui- bouses, andI a i-od G-.rIengota cbc, and s neear-faiîung Weilicf Watrr,sitîal.aliet the pof Store Street, enda t present occupi.d hy Aimîltant Comaimsaary Baiv, aàt Cpa MButa.e, Roy*l Ea~oenssIanamnuaipiohcIthrty Pa"amct. Als, ÏrDçLRRCOTTAGEnS,t sataed io Grave- mrVait c t a s eaIof £6 Iàs. ppf &nmt. ?h.abu. sing hie pcopmrtv of p. Ili Webster, wu bh. ioid ai iucP a price as ta * ia Capital ;nvestmemil for aoy. prnn atlugtirh cmai oJ f cati-as fer cmhii mut aiDa i. . -ApltaWiîliaai Wils,n, q., Meyebant, virtue of l iExectitioo i..,u.uei ont et if er 'i.ya Cotait of IKiig'o B,$]i b, ai the suit of Alied Hiioker, ait in.% tfile iaiiîd% aal teîneits of Sail,uî1[ Diltmiig-, vi, : Ail tht a ê1.iîî tract air irel <of iui 1. b. iîiîr sdof aile, Ivebt ii .i ,t hlIaies olf Lot Nt,. 23, il, the ( if) GCn,t-n»ocf the T-,%% o allita a):, MAtO , in Ecl ic I l.,cd Diiriigeog. i: o1 the csait iuIDii!n,;ige. SAPe 10 Commenîce ;A li2 O'clock. faon. Ail permoii hlîiirz cajou asaiitt fie alAre Lands or anv part a., it- r. equii.t,.d tu piret lt fane to*oie cili or h,îre the &Iv of Pâle. RICHARD BULLOCK, Lt.. Sti r il, M. D. 1vRJ.HOIXINS, D'.p. Sherrif. Sherff' Office, rp.tr,iton, 9th Oclober, 1h38. SIlE RIF F'1S S.N 1. E. IN TiHE tS.SlIC. MilntDisti.,t. tEILI, flE ')LD ntithe rO WIr. '%V LcuetIt lLe%è ;iithe Trow ofciKanL.ton. on S.trthe liâ.cmh dai> ni Jun.. nx. the llowIiig Lods'âtized hy sro.o an Ex,.cition it..doct of fier Maj....ly,ç C' ' o of Kitig's Berl. ai utthe suit of Edn.oundlTu.ippd, tgîîs tht Lilîsa dnalTina ments of Edwe id "' laca. I-liy ài cMultu, nia :-AmIi h.t ccil..in Tract Or Pdrcel of Landl. known as Lot Nuas.he r Eleven, i filie Seventh Concessio f lthe Tooancl of Rawi'oîî, in tihe % idl;und District.' S.. a - t 12o'.lock,- taon. t lv Land o n pn ie.c. ar-r.qiî..c;ted t10..rseni the saine b onie on cor lt. f'rethe- aif%%-of. saie, RiCkIARI) Bt!LLOCK, Sheriff's Office, xI<ioen,, M hM.rth 18;,VIS, . The aaoie asale lupostlied ù1,th l urday the 4th day of Aogiist ne.xt;ait .tPame hoiîc andt îdce. RICHAIY etit ocI, Late Siif id. Dist. Kingston, 9thiiine, 1'8. ilay thhe23d diay of Februiury, 1839; at cite sans. hour and pllace. RlCtIARt) ILOK Lat.. StierifibMi1, ODi*. By IL. J. H-OP'KINS, Iirton, 4lh Auguat, 1M3. leI. 1 N Tif cK fN G'S B E NC Il. Midlant i )&trict. IBj Y viltoe cf a Suit of 4t.ý To 71T. ~taebhnu ni, iiîued ont ofl lier Nl;j, stY*,Court of Kiiîg's Bnch, ltoitflu me dii..cl.il ig iltii.esta,, i-aIl dl-isalul, cf Jctiii Sltens, pli al ic-înIîimr or cncu;-Id ilellor, In saisfYTliimas Briiegs the youfi.c.r, foc the iteo cf Tf.irty poiîîî'f:, I lias. e sieî l l the eatate rear s Weil as pinssial cfai'e, aiil Johnî Stevveî, iiiiil oni,. athe. saiil John :t 1v.ns liiIîirn mi in 1lbie ju- cisît ctino ie I.se id f ouit, andit ut iraheillat file. action wit! iii àtlir" .Calittat nolitis or cause Ilie sait1 cli trl iti h aii, althe. real snit per- ýOcal etil:,01of ii, gaid .Yo'îitvrnv Will be heMd lafîl.for tlu> me% i el* ý , and it .tiojn ci Ileima ti aim. 1!ICIIARD BULLOCIC, KigîoLite hrf li.Ii. Ivi'to9la ur.e, 183. iN T E KIYG'S BENCH. Midîand i' 'itact. ý Ili, virtue of a suit cf Ma Troisur. tUPlichm..îîî, iciocitut Of Pir Majast>l 'v i.1of lCiîga 8crîch5 mland onie diecteit, a.;iiiist the estete ceai ard peirîul d4 HiayC. S;1%ler, mn aluarcedris-or cc nceBlt.d triflonb lgiafsWilliam ftlwurtisoc airfii:Puai of Fire.Hona!teîli oyndp.- 1 hive s, izrtlf ail %hmipt.. tatte, Tesit aa ell a- ptfsonal, c' the iit iîeur).C. S..yicr, &tet,,xsathe aid h..0or, C. St> 1r l'turc lati the .jiiriadi tien (If the saàiil Coust, & put ia bail *o fie adi-n ujui 3 Calond.rr muill, or caibl@ the ssitclaiiîlgI e e is. l'igr. &H Ile rencei &pisswcal Ette c f the. aid lcrnry C. St1lrc soi wucl tii-ri fa mat ie ner. sary, wallbeheM liai-le fte ldymeîîf, benefit and'oaataafictionocf t l aid cdi. RICHARD BULLOCN, Lite Shériff, Midilaid District. Shtriff* ol 1é F8. g F O Slafeîv 1'OCK1S 0F fROPS, cf excllet îaalthua ycac'î eicwth. Ap ply oG. ESE. Kingstocn, elctbr 2, 18M8 19 JMAIt> for Merchataabl Whet ,'o, tt, AL aigey asOg0., celivereit on thi Ci o ner. fig1 Whsiif. et the. foot c tel to4e I-t : l.e lor Cord uoed , btu H. CALDL v t,. . -5.-- su P" =fi R aMSsS ITO siooucg.AMY 10 PRWLJC * OTTAWA. i .~ I HCUU SCR NL.S iZoE JIO0 VJ L. l L h 1FF sS S AL I.. ýFIFIR FOR SALE, %ys TuitPmgci-,met tît-ir'f i tu5 int NVHLac,,i.c WARC rcAseusa liFanai ST*LTo ifltan I)l utoct. %VlILL BE S( LD ehilthe lPI&CEI 1111111A DC LaUTS, <A*-.m . )> -t:- ' IT a sir. mv (iaul l1Ua4iin te îSup cine, Fiune and lCammmon); AUCTriONEER,CO.%MM1FSsîON MERCHANT, Tns n ciKsnzstln, a uIfuY the su unîfd d4 Of i Fesnu.urv, li-sh, b.. oi ne piop ily, s.-ixed Le 0peec Caurce», Kemes "daitHQuîs.lca &N OA PP RAIS EUc i iirtue aotann ,ettiu,s isuel otltiu!Ii-r P.lcitah 'i Clrti., Y. 1, Came L'e suadthe-cfù '.Curtlof Kiiuc'à Be% ch. et tie cuit M, Auilso 0piecrat-s' eCanatien Clati, IMmukLDbsg&at, Ect.iit, agr. icucithe Ilau!, aujidenemrtio t l Vt- 0" Vi or C.sutus and Ftasiuiag-, . 0pairs Biasaxers, assoileil, (% points, 5 pointas PECTFULLY tenders ta the public bise'. ah-rc iOflen, six: the Last liait <of lot Ne' ýnd hLR hiatý1nb for paxI auppout, anditaooaouaces im i lh Cneeoo;iiuf tIse Towship ef Loutilidr.uclai 0pieces Wiite, lied sol YeIOV Lsw F.ite.s eica 0 lii is wci haudsiatour tutidinKs, i Est lisif cf i-ut No. 15, 8ltu Concession cf Ithe " Sers... andl Baize, slitre..is nos lurepacetl wthte iaiexet-nstve ITonbt u omhcauh;LtN.1,S i0 i 6-4 Meris, Dafnask enit Moreeng, and uanrialed C ELLARS an.l WAX% HîiUSE,' Coitrcasuoii of lite Tueanaiipuof L.urigii.oougi ; un i0 Facîony Cott-and olSluetuu, forthlIe ccelijon et'GOOI)$ ON COMISSION ail 4010 Ai es, in ai s, %ici-unI tfaim, 141) acres 10 StàmLo oton ail beiuig enahl-d te Ci le the t utatiiXai 1017 Cheaceit, atobi hag aa rie trame haro, &c . nutht i0~ Pliâte4' Caf ýcus, cîlefires, ansid erfnincit ta le ail in hsi ç panscer Vîiiiut,. AIse' tus- West hait of Luit No. 4, G1f. 10 i Bleachen n.,foc thme anlertat or is e fies, les mtuîîta Conc,-asio,, cfthe 'f.,wo, oftLublroh f "~ Moi cskunn, B -rartssand Fu.tians, aseuit aîthre of public patroolale. .tF sHa oLcN.*21,w eudid "s 3-4 uni 6 4 BDu-l ick., U saccaiucltt ,I"ER B'IN.Siilfi f i iiilu Nus. n22Vlanîd 231 lin tiae i~H ai lucb ns uit ;nu-bete J.hi- 8;s.uz Toisn ailKiuu±stn.ui, t uuad os, " cthedKidi!eruýiiisîer Carpeting, lie auc,. standI, wetmpiie.ili b d lîii- tu .AIoînLiN.7,6t 'incinia ezceilesulonnuit cf i.the -hote5t ouittce. Old Gol nd il Ser ouml. Te -'soi:hi Lo N,,. 7,6,lsgt~ a i .11,aius, Tîpîprls ad Bues, p'u1cisliy anul taithtully ttendel ha aisl1theimuet S ife ut 13 uui-lock, usôo. %LGTinnin. frClak miFr aoeassnable t ra.. Ai l lrsotishb. viu- biaisus aganiht v at ii hysnd ý&mor-and G,nnetf lokju FrCo, SA LES Of Ft'Niair.rra, Di ('oco, fic., oui or ;ny part hireu-a, aie roqusat-t lloitrît thé ume aulG-uit kiti, ith a gr.euf eey of bIgnilvs andf Tsaurîsîayu, at 11A.tNi. au Saunae taLu@ ou Oh-arti .! .vtiof valu. BECASONABIEEDIRY 00000- IKiug.ouî, Novreait13, 1838. Llaîl 1813 jButI .OCK, . 150, on six. LIrrUnasoflenf of iL-t- Sh ifcutiMit. Dist. itz p£ ? *Qmt at: T O E AI ~ .B>-R. J. i1O0JKINS, Lr TiLEut RkTnnIcS'oc, an! ausorteu RCK. s"nE o' IN'Dell.'C5 Ssertl, ffceKutoos rias, av TIHE faîTE-z rir rK.i.sCLFG, SeirOTrJ;ýi WM'i. & JOS. WILSON. Uot Strer, i'ronfo, Oçtobor 2ilà,iu 83. ung-ton, 2%t hî,tier, 18.18. 4W26 aceosu-exTOC LCOnLuE AVEN%:£, ~ ~ ERI*~~. . il u 1-"'. its. MINUTE OF THIE COUNCIL. INTf£ &£tc.\Cl. LS tbe Suba)eririhave large ,îsLc so .-is rcrlssirinl ori. leS.îghCl TOWr V iurtIbs i - DO .U EST I C F V RS til- s itea leroia lehiinf Ta siofKsgT. ooui SCurtfi IH .-anie loyhe bh e. IlI.K.IRFIN, OTI'Hit, BEA VCI, m deonlreîf oc lumi hsoin,, iîit.rriileil F--ouof, Itn, c ians iu thuAi e ,.nlday o SIER, FOX, 6&c,-th-y ns-el iut!Itiir crd.t u frleUuvrijg , igg toîh era uhînt ifetian E1ý9nu.wtri saifs aîu asvid rai thusu- us-ueo.1uî m ai. <ici .r isead by Coisrtur0f anii.rtii ttieaouiuf 5f G. -, . bai iag tnf Trqai;ituz, tî.t h-v wuîî ce.ive aî li. First of No;ernber *aA b t unIo u causatf I'u.. sal Jiu tueîsutsof Ju-cplmr coînu ,naiurs t fuir laisu, iy iruiugingtisatlfay lc atford ilet 't tiffl1fitit finie » 10 R~î, -ii.: e f;i o>.13 ailt 4,i1u iCeucu sisiof McDO WALL'S iV<IIccSAî.Ecl RuTamI. 'ru uurtStiOt'- h"on ihietLuuisi îNofiuaqa- l&T AND CA.PMEaNqurAOTOniT. le isllsftsolîc.l, 'o gxtetd fluie perimltf--r îîf[LUt Sih, Iii ilîstheran i l iug,u f B Oiiîuav fiais the Cuiuuty wiîl rcvceto10Fiilmyflie lirst of Iu'stirnrIS3~9 flu"'ilitl ct, lil'u11i', ta uthe< saisIJosepis ..-ulai tt nalaie and<i n ltt tii-t'. Ncit et!be i n irrfiei in aili R i Sali- ai l'il i"clurk, ncir. FUIS DYED, IsI.TFIED,%Ne IREPAIRE%, file Jmimîsala' iii 'us lithe Building Aiu- A:i esilasiii.f crlIiint.ia;i,ltueutep.jro- 13- A & 1 - ti DOWVALL ivntisen t 'ihalitiun1peared. jseify, ai asiy p.-t* ierint, are r, qumenteit ta jinearat Ritstoii, 3E20, lober, 1839. 6Mi28 ( . ue Cci1y.) f b.saîue ta Oit. n iii 4het4 Il,' a levas. JUSEPII IVEI.LS, Latu- ien! U it. Dit Brencu of lte BRankcf Bralisa .orth - Registras'4- Burar. L '. .. <lOi KN.,i. i .Ais-î.. 1 Fora WEEK. 27 pUc1'. Suri!. K I N U S TO0 N. VFSFI ARRIVAILS. Sharufl'v Office, K iciestOn, DimEr.Tuss. i IE SIJISCRIBER bru--s 'ocathle attention Ou tober z19ii, ib:î8. noi l osri, T o ushie uouîuu-îs 9andtul ti'Puntuc, lu a clîcuce ..ISit 1' FRsi i es t!miitt ofFAIiandfVioletr Dry Gîoul%, thich S Il E.R 1 F F'!_S S A L E. W Ltu.iLl .-'O.SN' , nmut-vn, irt4 u,.ar .qfo Jiuiis Cua it .. Sb.i uuic.iao u-rtcliNi vl fou sTHE. affKING*@uci.H Gtýsccw anI Litirioel, auinluici titi iLs iie-MalntDtut -lLBtSODIti Tio Auara 0fîire, mu uit stock nilIl be sotîl ugiuiaikani aheau tueCash.bain stà 11.BSÔDIth ~N1,,u4r. OhNH. GIEER. TiiW¶. WT-C uit Ilouuse, in the .blj.l 1 , ý% U t L.11 Li L. ýi 4.1u, 1 ýe

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