forme flou; W4.uupy5 ~d$taa x51s im ua. mJat,. opccd..tmav"r. eymc. "Mir e bat h4~lHzrwç le lmalrnkx. a00 éki 1ele x. Waal,PSihec.é ikAn lm, Sb scades aalghm m1 du.aea »d a it« » » aum*dhsaa e ila Oea pi m1. L'"a222i.-11 Y*MR!DflG sew .oiAit ie ruzs.hevisimi da& a- cèmout - - New r iYSP1ormm wu sait t"î'> ,NIEm b Çdb $Ou,$ au, Ojbmb cins M Debkyçmr yu cri hWsbua no eelmu la b.ear t i "Y . barZ ;81 ber taew tbue 'im bw .' Ieyimses e alge's gslm or blpuia' cicr-its i pW ftd ol <>sblsi <me ue Uc 0el fed, lAid t ey atn, of liMemd oss 1u vcie la baW.l-ed iltosIer, Of be hile sm.en.icioguhali*; Tvc b etce hW esceiges canM , Mt bm deCIed are Une liaéli,! llsqlasalamette% orky;-,&r leàZ; theeaiioltatam Db d *mie a! mig' votai! ethe seof.lsagI.rd 1 l1M vii sîulb.r .mew Tule>, lOn Mm 01 $hocliatIii tek mme lirewsit aen ra haiammaEhPliif Wbti ssnd tac epetl m icimdgmsnic. Rteybasates c n i fat Ji w iIs aomlte mlies I Oelr mgi retat ibe itra bis gcu, !si,mlRofor Trn,1 diccd.- 1 fee te Gmel§m" liRstall Olmpc, if rcqnurg; il "Ir an easyione mcnie te c Pred champagne tien mumbebeer. hmpe ,fer Prîiera 1 mhat a vusion I Tii. muti h smm.rmad Poeî's dreffl, ebo rat intisxied joys Elysian, lcuase i'i,, r bngs Ébat cu bhanietÎ. jet t iiy îhock him, rlah ilao, ' ain lIat taunt end mcc hisa,. 19tsurite grive afara of State DDraiDu det ep conideration:. rc kog ae're ]et the sutjecl mail, 'nt n'a Mmc, the leading station, ild s'ait, ils brt ot his id itory, ne, tel dep!mys menidia. glory. ynt vITIe Isl Mackenzie's tiessea, Rbelon, ccd compete defeat ; ali uan sdm'îr nlyme mcd iraicc À ii'lit slry mc repeat, ïliEu <tiot sympathy,"y tepî, Iw and libery. lo Mac'c eige and canneesîle, Wcksd b>. Niagar'. thcndcricg river; 'cid4igt scierete mCarôline made, si e CîPturci, burnt and teck for evcr ILithe icskory Island day, ts Ris. Vani Renselaci ian ta>: lt5!i"Iiig lsland's racc for lreatji 4ndilt t teii Point Pelce j 4Md LiWanmd MitIcm, tregody, lui Iwilaier, tang manmmcsr, OW ibuitlc cil srange mcd r«,,er. de Changeetg,ofGyno II îLe lad Durtici a Rig ,I iaom; e*"hQbtecountry Sin, due xl r emsi,~ d îmo a c breaili. " sIge home semsmtheAtat, Ime, daple of Pwer anddma a t4bbluhe itJ 'bauttIer ti a i aM , cmfrntbis later. l Tawirg il de. truZllih c euid ~!O c eal" mitkms Été, awa h,-heamg ýt lmsas *ertj& dlla,', Iiter Mey 11111-i sb lr cm», Preett. b*s u' Of ay suot,, - W"N ~ ---i SH~~~~~~~~PimerS4( UI~d~WlE O 0li e.. 1.1 L$v.I~ a. - * - I 'iii,, -T." -~ '<v.' :': ~~ *O~JRNÂLL r' TEDass-...p>py~ îUILIJIIoe PE~ AJNIJla~ *111>1 lAiD IN ADVA~g.. f * ~> *m.L'UA.IM 1,108W[T. . Bmta.~. PluLe & Pmas.a.Ne." Wai . O W#0 isL edsbw Aed pb pt; Mdi »5Vloemlie>g levat md bavel m u' ,*a 1b TPmait a ee<lh m <Se I qai Mo. hm baM y dit"" 4 .cie Pst cu.,l'a to»Mc W" htm.dgin% G.mgh âbs ft« A"d »Me. My cmard merlea ib« Es the .cles g sai, l OUai<er- TO Ptr omi"A NSmine% Tua.wmi p ffyIlue cmay . Ie bae drsi cm tr SMen ahwBa-beao e dlt 1 1e lv i l d e s l y v l m m i m c hi~ m " r r n And tàom isu*uhhatbt %lopbte ffce. Aà'li"a tclclà d» rw mmclii le liaI tbe imnde, '. s4w ivier Gaicà" mmcii, lisa, woIeu a Sai&Wid-esa, PO lise . d m i i. d y s t b i i b* *ir t t ig Ii . in tca ousinimgb l., un Hhoded,at il.bai iîeHIMCuebpuy 4mo iment of Bit laI laopn t, baye à ev« dw ip .mgal iat,èo ljy* i vintia , "j i eir h odlalci'le ami ustei la ~ytlmmeOb"I ftqmcmm f rr actinie. lR*ma wp ë chia '7 niruu bas na r1md ela 1.4,10 h lbMNP wroi uius;dêi., iyii, be,and t1cr <ialath emti.efu are prkadi ic iSeîr j4tis i i delbiellc<mî»g vsth iu, in il ot île eca cvilaa«m b.u eiea li immeiliuNsftIadb slla vuded iantia%àj~i 1 m umwWm thesieza t O& adml, ele lur ~ aphiaê etilmam l ev e, blulluY i metcmmq*e lembbacproqm,,ttek"Wicnse; leain ' c igad e GsgUc ebda Wmomhaiedpsdadplesm a lsdl asi ,$ho tÎ. o dm * tllc ~M"erb.40temclm o :i alutmae 1 tblate the M a-in b.accnitbhe eon . led wa T se litrnoun i cpsat> mi tu v tsem00 driawc ti o t é il e Md c oa e, G , 'e. t5m .ocswhci et aasor n'mamcvy Ibm hkt mletel.t4 Mreinii, o.A fRda ec-" o t.m11 u, ig th ol ecvr.Cma tee asummiIe m tsampe"czc at or lbdu,»h. fi gv i G. Qayugm 4f umal sb IstaIbrbumitoZ lIa. ilDtt-4in haUmeGst e mielisv doêemmfoIUl yimeu dlieéq teveo wevtmUm u sipemîe nies4yhmaahave é or bu v baird I bm GrmCr LCjs .Ba ' - i u' qyZilmri is,; ¶ .P-Chis, '.lui m e Eli slsoa Tmca lia PU exubimsuiqe bM6t pw àhplibw[o & i aal .Bvww tuda mac Dhbaaj.EtIdru aw sP'sI ' I rm)im~sdd, lsb;* Proethe Osege lalâgna. COL. VON, icfloutlX"3LBgrgL Fort-kt-rsDoc. 1,.1lu& Dem, Su-I tals, te lil"Icey te cdd<as ys mO orn a ies, !%bcagou -te fqoko puhhoi Iomm the linded mddsvireawacet ,mu bya azP«eecd frontth île cts sae nmalieq tai te bo dauiztem, Ecu. ";ait a.... ao in te Unted ~ mash aowm uiiOqr 'ale. W-0ses.. inal "y har m a allc v-Womitdmm , a. bAllaitîe gpester trombe, ciot, Th-smaeEu mIronipng e â*«us mt« kliuil1, maiduc cirMn ý*tW# *e tâo*i y'îte tre ~cp* îieshma f ouri lcad, tîom bas sesaie mould laedeliverid aven te the bitn iGev'niuûtom byoar cavil; *ad ame meed tlIe mee te , o w e a fae m i l p o t -Wbe e. m Nada> mai11he li.<reraiidi net cama. over ou eend'le. aby oioreamllicccanmd mica nsomie i wlnabituelle orrcnotire d.d >cu s, t l. m a, shou 119 te aum aIbe ga se»r tule ilm -oMMndmi md tei lihonock as îe UieeSiaa.W. m.ilea moi eatm.- gée th= W frae, a mid . theB iesè Seaiser Fa. parintm.nîls op a vigilint lok cnaon ce i EIcir* . 1 oh m siengpoitio whiciol oulai emii.ou.mast xcditenit thremWvaafor ouai tucqaimtperie emrydatrimag wmIe ar esti etia, buiesmohd laermecni the AaecScag &slcco teOUI sawm. No mrs er. liacaîi cmeer, 1>ini' comaiet.- Tacasey uo*mmg me ec. iticîci b> liai-&fq wu%%eraiaiai7 »le*le MInconeileaiaI e,0, ls nl mi tfsriiec,1Iben i e Bruits 1 mctlmduem amai dim Isuex'ptlon. Wc lad aIsue'O bildet am. moeie I ad, doriog the a ga la ( ci a mn a earom ae river ce a kt" >,S* b oacis. ' aey vessg tIc 440np ra igui oins emmue elillâtme.mac 9 aetOil er*Oul*.oocr te taie ina tmy. W. - cacidt c im mAhded dem.on the hbai Md maied mil aaaey fer the arrivai oftilu vos.- st, f bueDonc arnived. Wedcàedy penasd abm ga îl Ibcajsibegon tauuroaund in miîl cemiaesibw f(mie, hasvseng Our r olks eu- lionalIy. t ri>IUdTbusMay angetaasemmer frtic mimecrimeaI aile appreachei ai, and %,w#é ms oenoéda 7amcople ci'mci ami aalom tâti-b>uti tetale s00ImaY. Wea agate i oa c î n a a sed, b t m e W1ev = te ectste b British frigo tem.d Pt¶niiiy m es.Uldey à aprt*emaaary camae hle île- 8elblel bu thepespos of tais Wié, "-4g Iurrnai " os thi. a Wbh~ic~ int te Bitisha moai I Il e4 Id ui alsna abaladi neu ýWaiyw aitme lIam ofajie Ibo te. att-t *1 edmapeid aima StiiOh « wbou umm ,.pie n e *m m « at.d ei ac a. c! Io : M agubm .. lm gicla mmfflto i« me Iatiiut Lti *em t1-as usfeued aloi mil lad mcacdersd allen aleuvea 17 the nulius c liIrai seat ast*aaslmmdlia>. Mie ybosaet w« ta- 1 m a sy . I i U ' e I , r a d t m n a > , a m i Ic lctiomg1SId ce ut. - uiof tei prus fe (rÀ ~ivieu 9-i, 0*ady « a"tuier, teoait laera;1 im a m y 0 t k E a , av e im ee w «e . vtéI a n Poqua",* ele.lim Is ifor lit, hoIte leap "-*gLamb o ie,~,mie ttd pa la,' aud a Wîbéd."Ibief uo. à iea for.i 1. on rm-dgaeumcsgtha did i. Ahepýyffl mn iormcaturXni@msem. a '4bot j b a i At i s a ue O ii(d -à e ot Nasw gem o ib k' " éihb club. if. d.Veà % W i &* Fw d m m Omint ermP" idmsw . i a .uimsed iu AnosNam kid ey l. g et alaé amP aIslte a It matwi miîass n macceaut etî et icay euat ci ài m c areff.aeoîereie Aler.scu id la bave m ani, ai Plassca l7te Bd" aiPeillamemémuisacp sc ti i kro"dswpayIllbmil&oumdMauntfl e4%,1& meii semis. F i tm." uà. wivlm b Pssisgofmaa mdli iebibgomn h f l m n u m m e i i d t , %o m i p I b i s s mn e a Y «db tcm lm e nm e da ie, m ele bi lted sualQi cool ailale lb i d i o i e c s i d ~ a t d l . p a e e uM l i 6 e ofae m ' e k we g i u m a i W IB s t oi t * Um i e l , $ M * m i > j 5. . W Wy neOa eq rg , ~ i ai ew ofucueie, le à&ssier cM -i ful -i O s ~- i ke de 1.1. '0 taaup 0-& iri ?,W"ni. las"7a ;;;-,;i of imna di coveoainia If tbis. aecqa< a i ifmerS, il s ijbbI thtuai iii basIlme C u-uitea k ta iiy wMcb aMay MM* t eomnum fa-t bis. Mv. W e v c c i u n c m e c * o ret Le m s- s"nLeidste ame=7,ameta, pcu. " ad or Im 2 mmea a&Wdchimlia of 31c-at l î It e heth. Ii lbouaeofm 0 .Y et X « - M e a e M tb- Ma t mY bal-v e nhem hrcid dem t aluqi 10M«"meamcm, lof t hema = àijIve b=io ea ctd end mpimudc, 40 & a e 4 m d 1 0 0 c o mp e I h i 90 4 t e a c p e îe vemgea et e t.ciiu0, mq aIB)mm moui et Wb-ahave smu chuidrenam icth"s ictI t dc a i e, w "h #ef« w a i b ie nt lb. m te lrr a. li o n " f - m e a b lt e , I .P itc h t th o n a r o u tb c m i . tera nsw .-iN. Y. C mxsev& quuoeL] in W . fia din lire lu t pa ois Bgis er, b . foilo i. impeaieuritrcait a mratjvcfreinsimilI Gi braii, , âq.pcatmasiraî Digen'a Ferry. Tie " Of] e Imdcmparam e q tic ycmr m aicl te c-dc, de mcl, preably, pntsel.amoremelccoy Cai jt, - 01 "leu . " Mil ei t t!he Jéud: Bor vIi eakO FrdY. lb. 23d>No. 'cuber, alusI a oPel, p M, a Mi.Stepiie C"aMd Amirt . hnithvMsI.mtePg,, Cageafor ieL pace tro.Dtr.aon _g a :frffray mmd pvaceed a gagllo tiTb y.m o,.»s-'d a" t s me eil m& (mmu da pklae n lie e t mwd, mie t tiibcp seaulircciac f.~mort La dispwoe abot oeleMA& 4SpA" à t 0£ té» lb. age.-. =#,g »tM. iest dlacmcd M miyabut a'lsehA. M, iyàMs.'el l daemu 9es lm l bou c,mil eb 11.pae sw p, aacnmp th. iu1 mc tbbm wagon"~ lmagat.m imilia alais bele, nMd .81Er ou G aeui t etle c Nu. T. . ie - nowles, Moërteeof etui,,b fkEecll,~ lmieatagf effl ae lhob sfi" e n.b.y of Mr. C. the edsl*bq ofIsl ,it mpp t ear d ia Onh' WtI4, t cà dito., 4ç-tau 1 slývà im e autr- mmcm, mIe temmaastbJ sutd, m a w- lewcdhWtaot12 o'cl.k nI igl.Br .tmibalI ma le7Cam- te iel, libe r- mU in pléop et ette p.,Md, centledý dem. te a tluMWd mmm clc. lIai ««k Ià 8" le b.A* iPmot, ti e al at thmo, G. wagon a i o *mi linaseit.roîte bt fmew o- 'aimeadf ne theb~ 'M4,elwy b. w W, t m-ibe- or, e bon" tienjr, tbeba lieuia artis.itsy-Rs -a 1 Br. Ne. è - w - op -o -'i -- *i -1 Y 1 ýj 1 h M-11 m le w V il 7«N ý, q@Mý.S e The oml dh gr en W.s toeOta Vith IDOcIIiotcanst. Tki,. ýthat ced icifFuinacpet-, :lbh , w â&h ot Novgu.ber. Ou th.emmneday, th. oM P ad Duqcli,.,,of Wirtenûrirg stutt o t L1.iy M. Thiers was. at Reminein Octaber, aechaï materi is tlais lopecjccted hialory ot Tu*iâey,. Front thence lie W" tle 90 10eNaples On the iii et November.-[N. Y. Coin. Adreptiserj P.outhe.K. T. Courber mRail rafrer. l'Mexico- We hava beten ivofcd witl, a COPY- which we anner-cit .0 tramîy ccacluded hoeen tiie French Admoirai, coe.îadinç cthae. NIiem% whîcb iremberded mani look possession oftZi.cela of San Juan de Vie, and the. Mexican oRic.. commanding Uthue ije .City o ers en Vm. ai$ 0! a niast characterselud "sM tnother pieettbe utter imbeciiîy <f Ils Mexicea Governmeaî and the. insffcienry 0: ber aciligar, W. needel net the, d sîrction et îe Ceatise o San Jat,te convoace maof the eai pîotacicney et Frenchi Artiilcri.îs lenttheexercice of (iai. tacalar brunîh et unilit.ry acierca te whicb tg.; beloag, bul w. ua bave Ue. ber instance i bock Ibis, belotre ecan heu',, lIat lb. meeden. aides of shape or wlarcrebetter calculalte eI te the edcci, et a connote j halltIse b dded or' Mmoe Wali of a fpr.a. Hai the e tos (mithe Castl. beuserved by French Arligbsa, we pis, W. rgretle om.,, (rm eus. W.anne essIl lIaI b. Fe'nc frigle Jeree's "atham dea' Daeel.on ard mIetit I..Iy ommnde Treaty belmeeni. Kxceli.acy aaA.i Chas. Baedie, and his Exccllccuy hassai mm Mamuel ILac,.. Arcle 1Lt.Th ia. Cd!oetVexaCrus viii ,etold but & îimsaec oue aà@sd men>enlshore "a archer Winl eéve i twat ad amp au utbr4iatw rt' An! W fii b. I~ «. 'b <at i cée aduciï , wi i e theao' ub«, boom une, int. men»t ll.. th pe beMcka îec sBd Ille- Id The Cmàmadcr of 6e ~Cil tyiaf oCrus ,thec becmlwp. ochaii a b thé#.- tbel euti Ret *ige isr fNt mm dibs Ulée,jj di.Tbecibi. Fc eb.40 t p O *bi ave z.~~m a" hethe ad uàe. bgerber ..~ escm abilli e Plreti e90e"i-îin cuil ofbiies leau' otidU.ppdàmu en .Me- Stsasu mmllia mumsgud meddm i4.j siene &Ube qw e ; hi c eau ~mmt p G ee m î- D c N m aci Rimo , md. P w Sv h cee-briu1ecmsrnedtaag asei tg wI VoraZM e mi ag N av. anueObS004 Au r.u Bmmm i cbdi 'à ine er m i bordama4ab rple ri"-.hauua~- V«oý<lUi ov.a% le teitlrmesetorU1w Ufi*uIq mmca.'t~ wlauedammésX.f w lasus. m dti 4 i