TU£ LJPPEIL CANAI)Aik~IJ-U~1 Â~.iÂ~ hem, by tietecsl me rfinal deteat ami cara coasimani Of Lienitemant on' ta lay I tse. Deipt,, a.Osasanici, by Her a ep egrt tsaI th. ecec et sionild have hasaags pis cf lais inprin. s-marly deploces thea s. Illy ocecurreilu inat part cf itesty is goritentphaat W;t 1 tisa zest, promptitde ail t isa , defoc idemCu b otS in Lae1 ssitPper, tuIlu ileSl as; Meid miseraver they bae tisaie ajesty relies, milS' verfe plne soi IailY, aiiled '0ous1eourage l1 er faittful nvade tisa Provinces traý'ýn uteenal inurrection. Lse isoner, &c. &cc. Coiborne, G. C. B. &e.d Dep. A/sst. Adj' G, Ileatreal Heau. ne 'l11 Ma His Eellenry I .ns dîa Governor Geicrul 1 tise usula sait wai ired. tijar d veluotese fort, i le 7bis Humsars, the Qqees iysi ssnd Volunteer A i1, laenta, lit onrah. 0m ulajor Genera Cliihere . i sitenvard, passcd Sur OJohn" In front cf misici tisa galiant ""21s aporaî 'à tise e. beaith. We lea tia u It satisfaction aitie solie. vciunteerî, and lit tbe alan. ave uniuoruîuly disl'layedais Therm must bave beeuu neain tinder utrîns os tise icnasios farcit if bayeneta, fie ai tisa iNotre Damie Street. Tise L mas issui by Sir John ci COLIIOINE. ,icnlenant Geneisil Sm ilîue Grand Cross of tise Mids y Orter ut tise Bath ;ad or rlant Gueiphuir Ouîter, Gorer. I-Ici Mejesty's Proritnces ca orîli Anierica, ssiI ot thse h. esni andN Sewmtiadlaîi,anl liti Governor le Ciin ano s et Lamer Canada, UPPur i,;Ut~unswick, aid the 4h1W d! Ibeir 3, verai de- tiinirîl cf ssdii n tise ianie, ai lier Majesty's Forces us )f Lower ssii Upuper Canada. LAMATION. M"ajeety, isy 11r lîrrese- iostli nder lIer Gruit Seal )is et Great liritain aod Ire- eviy date at Weoti insler th. n h huesq of Decestuber. ini lte l'shjes;y'i Reicn, luatis becs couusîitute and appoint M, ie ovPesor Geperai of ail lier on Isle Continent of Norili clanui cf Prince Edurard and te Se 11cr Majetty'a Captais )r in Chiet u in «d v tisa Canada and! Lomee Canada, rrinswick, sndin and ever tise :lreipectively, mils ait and 1 autbtlwilies ie tise salît Cars costaînei andi miicis bel,,0 bava therefîsce, il t d-a 1s Fxecuilive Ceunii fe tise e Canadta, tisougbb fit ln i.slrs miakse issovu, anu iseeb '> [djotylà; iauii al jsntinents; 1 iruti tise saute adee, ceqmore i and si-guIser Her Majesls'î ain tise sui,Pe0vince of i.ow- nie in lie, execntios ot listue ci. lice,, p laces, anud eieptuy Maj-tyl.s iovieg dbjects,a;d mat;y corseers, do luise nie ,eluiseyci acconugly. 11usd sand Seel et Ares ai the uein tise City cf Montreai, iday et Januiary, in tise year Sthousasi eigist isueded and le i tlhe second ya fle y's Command, D.earot ,Çecretary of the Proiuce- ing at sine >,:I-ck, Pien" ,An ie Sanui.ettChr< ini, and Josephs Robent vtht iseneor gaoal, in pursassis i Ourt Martial. Der-Oigne vwu enay, and mai teken prieOnle mitis Captain Marin ami ottuet' breei. Tise otiser toue mers -,h Treascuan so cfhe ainsi- et aggesvsted circues"e' i tise assemhled cromi es bus Insus, and gtbai tbat bai ie buàt "goi pasatr," iol ci ,intiasely end. Ils d7i oit- a traiter, or liaIb isa sil th he beggati 1sm coutry bis atesa a maruini. TIi. servies tard mitis tisa ext ,nt, met lhiser endt lise 5In ils?, mas umeoionll os' i5 dud set betray tli igt~ ltisough misat u relot5 ;tf de sincil 555 a'et~ us ,aoto elpsct a "tri Ir. JacquesRurtia e and nierions, ta Sa nusi~ until the fatal bot vs.dri00y ooWe'sesMy, Tiursdy, and y.lei yso ,alr.division%, arrIittm . k, IeiU. llser a very favorable jouney, senis aavlg hou om, asdthelis asual- < oprivjtctiu.Alter rosing tedivisions mis avenail opt5the-L e a i,5Barr ýanssiocmes= gme Std i UiceCheess etgreat num- IFO et lie ad 9 Regimenta, t Ie Ryal Artilety, are 0o1i hieir 'er1 Cand malrhe daily el- ed a arrie. - n s f h lsh15Regt. ii crai E eTranseipt, Saturday..l jtrdaV lie etacîmenta cf lie 651h Regt. ,M i 1ghaeier, miicis lataIy laniai aI rosdtRiver (rn Point Levy ami aï, ra te aiieOBarsck, misera tiey a , ie afesedoyiand then pocei te ifP CCaive ps;tisay arefine okng . ie P<'ee cient rinforcemntu. Thte jt tisla Chiment are Captaits ~ ieut. tokoi Emaigu Maroahaî.- C'9iEniles rawforddmpemnro. is-iaio t tie lt RBguent left h, da r etrs ori, ltie, mece toliomed d riced iviâie ti9sMoring, ths rernaisuler iineditelj oho. am iliaderat, a tise elI~b rerl cup tise poatabove manie t s se c aio~>niay eqore. l a stt e mrsRegiiestaare mi Hý I oig alitax, riz: thie ti tront a1,iî he thlse3 ansid 69ib fc.urs obler parts the qçes Jaitatuon.- c jQuebec bMercuof Tuesday.J iComI the '~~cRayai Aeillery arived iat "'wytht v lis mmn rsugtoniNew Brunswick, ansi liii hisatterncon. 1Qebc Mercry, O eWdesiay.] C,orrJeore elA' Cer4 Enquirr. 'n Picipal poliical e-tuitR h bers since ras bave becs eommnincatei te as sy bise FAe& tqairer and tise New York paPers. ,uS,evvîesSoogit y thnni, I1saRi make but e bevaios and il t sissz" Disglii9es Ilas el My-and sotoe e1m atteîspl notiing et i1ea-the Frenchs press and tue Frenl puits- ureiCpesed aitishe dangers l0 Geeat Beuain hib thef uimaginue bave arisen in tebieeact cf etCendas povinces." Tise lresesce et M. ,,a,,.iuc in New York, tee etample, is (to use a insei) ieli bere lo go 4" t rsomehisig" tbele, estrosblei tiat bave iseken ocuinusCana- 1. knseaotii5g ettise corectuens oce mccc- ci et olise imp iaions-- amuît aesof th per. ai reponiiitiy of M. Cavaignac ca ardly ,l aýtftr expereucig sieller, protection ul u.iualîuy iu Englandî ise mciii repay il by SHi eieg s adescedant f"41the Meun- r, ý as bie ;rli!05 bisimnsf, in a resson certain- cop le siouli bc a puîe1aaadisb, Sutit i lnr.t ',,onc shy bie sboihd prove ingraletai for e- tt lact-ic~ jet eujyed Sy sevecat of îurouauymen, exiIed (by theo way)by thu e sn t cher remiseuof t4se iuontain. HIerewitla oa,-Il recivo Le N.'s.aone f W'edneday lait, miyou sili lie- thte letter et Mr Cav.i'na, aoi spea ubicc yen iii terrni jaur ome juldg- li bris umîrets appeac menace in bCanada, wvei-cr, îc' are au itie asscendant in tise E mt, litre tUc 5t',ai roitat Bitain begitis te s1arkl,. lul t farir bu; tnss-iusomehosv ce otiser, ii ru5sairoaî, tutaI athougis nst ahli cd et', Raiuiautn ay enrerprise againsi Bibishs lo_ plin iuiR di, lise Fret),hi'- o. entm5, bisrouunb SFrnlu G-serai, -Alaurd sanh Venlura, mhfu e h, hc licoufLece of Ruljeet Sirug, bave i,, Umi.ocimureinole, apels e-estabishisin corne pft. w cul isniluence li[di. 1 irmas myself eu epr auhuuof tise ferveur ilS wbîcb King; joi Phimippfrned GnleraI Allari, mîeuise e csle oful cfemis snre, aid iave neoiouhI that i adi=a ecsinse ieeling torte vmur niths à ri 1soife caispariot. Tise laoccesf8' ryicluuiuu oft riais at Hera-lise iepitch a grîllihforce ta Buisiire-tise tnsty of comn- cur al buitraimidt ilS lisePerte, ansîtîl i 1 xii or !,sirssumccteml usils tise qneiea>'iat li c4- 'p Ens;Iau t itti Austria, iii, hoe- ne umlabrat Bu'illiî-uunless agais lest by iml menuît, ttc prcindcrance Sea necessalv l of liullau erpie reiîuil imia. 'imu l I Itera tris Coitintins1le are of tise :i 4. ii-yuit- lit uI.M:XNe:,tise Brit- hihrirlUTeis,tac Teiscuan about thse Èidif O toier, aI mviîîh dite tiîe Shah ham. i i.Tue diferr'u--u-i ettyseti Eug- ' ler,t icmv therefteraSe cousisderci aI an ,1- Tus- i iîers'anoluîclie eratifictien cf cci ti'ii mmeece at-ly conrludeà bemees t lraiuiuGucruuent andthue Pore, suit enclose Vu:i uti saine expanat-'ry arirls wmicsir ue- èa -t'laue tis g the ii1n poad nml'rrlndutiy eluis h gýrodJs iromîsce r OC ialudila ttes) lI'ti e e, TjrUdinous, sail hie Ir., lier îent., d th 't ru,'lt-sit artlitismi-ul liansian mty on aucis )îJ, !M!, milUcara percencut. rî:re;, ns ecesl sws treiniCircaçsia. Ve ts UcusoercetisaI an advantaze iatuly climeiic b 1' hjýiaus stu 55v., eeîî gainci ii tisaIquan- -t th-r ue dealy. No tuntise particulars cf mouriectien in Gernda have rea'ised us. Lion i silaalue a bal bei cf cnprace.- mei hunureiti cf nem rrestu have taises place rle; tsar leay : may set haro een 4çme- elz Uv correct informtion. A sîaîge rumeur rn crcîltiois tisaI Lnuxi Napoleon Bonaparte c' e il he tise aud of tise Cc-ni Dutctîes, - n TUu esi coilete tise eccest-iclîlea cf Czr. Tu5 Clisolir question le Prussia la aili caoaing ah uuuaanes tolIhe gscerrtlenut. bte*aciatisu cf lie Romnan stales hbb Cuis aldAusrians la nom cepiete. 50t nillltiO 1Iu-qustion L3 considierei te ,~ ociog, t iact a fal iof neariy 1 & pee cent. iac inu m Be-lans 5curites yeteriay. Ps i lte f Sîain il 1, dangerous te speaks O itieeer.vryiin ucients o.curng ý" -\risccabinet lus becs esîasilbi, but "ehf :limilksiute srt, is ot likeiy te lhe Le.The evoit aI 'Sevîllo a it aau ead,hut - itesuluet i5 n' a viit etter off. Esparte. uaut at lenehistluhave tesîgiaci tîte cmmani teutofte nonsh, bt il la douiited. Car- uiCuults 5h11 continues te hîclier lise 1 e i- rc.Don Carlos is houri7 eeceiv- rhtuirtai orlsey via Saidînia, ("si te t bout R-inu)-bis arivai in Madri dae, 'fpeaunmch surliketlIa lma uIi Ylsy hiies agers orte laid lSd ath me a tie capital bimire Christasas. tri 1 w ~ 1 mtubae litîle in thein Ibis L oluin jes en. ise Iretenei tiseD, t. n -ulnsntra Liberais-mo- ti"tîIi Periaist.-Dorisoirer ani lM-s -m rely a report tisat a coai- GiztOoaindi'Dl bienigtornisiin miici l"bi- te fa iliacttdittingunlabti pubI. 1 re 1a, ~îg:e 1y mich in sevepapar ce eac 'ius tlat) nelectase opportu- 1 il i'IO aorSt5eleading men s- il Q*tg t es 1.ti. erire in tom. Il lu - rfore, ifalral esca ,~ isfWflCs01 oleinpower. Ris cona np~ts tiea o iaîresaiy knew, i titrtamlteîeif auj individual Min- Mu, ht e a, etisa ,Ibave alrsady sali (; Ilre- i apited le lise conmsand of uaI t GourdPris snudlits envrocn%, va. .1iisu MituiLobau. This la ona et i 1irr rintments mode hy tise tir îcadta Sy tisaoraffecte iesn. h '~eadng oture et bis claracter- n Cuary aaillîles evicei aago.- 1sl wou Il tise- LA Fayette laàaauiere.-le= Ü Au appeaI a telboarZOq e lIy gind vaul- oaa odisaca, ajemieciiey *ues delsdpsy- ment of tise arrears due ta thilàns othei civil bagt of teo, saantngtaepwsards eof2,00,00 , as yesaerday rejected by Uic Counsel of te. Deat is lamalng ssad bavoc smoeg lbe remains cf lise Grand Agmy. Withim tiese 8 days, Gem- ernd Brack bas bec tenck by apopexy. Griserai Cassis de Bressoles (orne of tise coanmisawners cbarged ii delvering n p tise Ducieu of Angei- leine ta tbe Austrians in 1793, in sachanga for lia fle commisoners arrested and given over t) tise Anstrias s y Picheogrui) bsu psutisa deit of na- ture. hanicsgtise remauliabie praisns lslvly deeeased, b as seeicDuke de CboiaaeL.He.ores a faltis- fui adiierent cf Uic un&srtunate Louis 16 andiBras cisarged wiUi tthe management cf bis, escape go Varennes* Ha sugequegtly (eil ino th ie poste of the Repuiias, & scaped frngu Dnnkirk in ase Amerlcan vessai, prchased snd serit Uitbee, for bie Eprposs, iy th Britlis Goveeamnent. He se- tuu* tePlerne b y .arionicaof Napolsua, but engaged, never.beless, IreUicconspiracy cf Mo- -ea"',tspinhm. He wu imprisonti fer liaI cEeues ad eremh.iil ln confinemnt durmg 5 Yeahs. On tisa rmatiosi, favos vers sbcmered On bi'n b Y Louis XViiI., yct lha becanesa saumto- nious for là iheralisos onder Cbarles X. as te lie .amed-as mras Gerard-os of an inaginary pl. visienal Goreroment, created on UhIl"aacqnd cf tisa thi-ee isys 1'of Jniy, te euggast toe b. usr- gants, Uist their procediegasmere direcsi by great persons. Hn Ultoateiy iecame a prime favorite Kfinig Louis Philipe, mis, asuih chiliren say wo muld give bis eyes'19 for s connexion is Uic Ancienne Nobliase. Witis ail Uis apparent versatility, bhurma, lioee' isontestand incene for thefinie in ail bis professions Another ruera- l of tise National Cnnrention-Mr. Pînel-la iately deceased. Thse nuniher cf Membeti of tisaI siffl a survive, la net knoma-isut amoug tieai là One cf urbain yen have riflitn eard-Iler- ,_ It oiay net Se out of place liera te observe that, qonse dozens cf pivate letteri s riîten by Prince Talîsy-rand, te the Prince"r de Vanuemant- (written mie lha mas Ambassador in Engand,) mhieh 1 toRd vor bad been sent into Geimany fr publication, -Tise Courier Fruanei, f Iis day Baya, tisey wiii positively appear. Taey canant, bomever in ttueir criginal shape, for tbey mers in susny instances defutri by grans indecencies. Tise prjected etitsbishsuent cf teani ccmmu- Rication by powerful venris, belmeen Bordeaux ssnd New Ytork, la about te ha iecerely underta. ken. A meeting, heulentise frmer city about Inn days since, at mhich suere piracitishe mosl inlluential cf tise readeet merciants, andt at mbicb reaolutio-1s mers passsd wiicb place ieyend doubt, tisaI saiemp îny iii be formoed! ihisbat ebjet.- Ritisrto notiug bas ccnrred le prove tisaI Havre iii fliOw tise examsple cf Bristol andi Liverpool in tisat respect; but asenmus., or forfeit tise greater part cf tise advantages srisiug frein the departure and arrivai cf passenge,mbo miii catur.iy siipI tiesanct expeditious meana of P-.rformi'lg tise jounuey acresa tise Alantic. t'l vmasialling wiîh the Gasatrai (Grouchy) in h Gardes ai Wanr.a abut il a'elsek-i thueiornsof that day tISdi Jase. 1815)." a-id Gtard in a pamphlet or lettar pubiîahed ian1830or 183, 'vissa theii.eaîead Ceaîo f tha air utim.ted a dstant sud continent! CCai.iade. Tise Gesetal, %chu o m isadg# aeiiber.es a.kedmay opinion. Isi.i aagnrieggms. "'Ça. 1 amIo taatch th. Pusîsiatsa ad keep thora ia check." 6'No usuile, oad 1,.maeh, and aiccys usaln tie cass ior rthe E.aperor,sd yea vil haesare ta ba rch."1 Geosehlr emitrad lhisg Iis wis esusanl, adthe bot- il. of IWateroo a ss loit. Frais Iho New Orleans Bolima aimuaary 7th. INTERESTING FROM MEXICO. By tise arrivai ai the Spanîi s honner Balizs, froni Vera Cruz, wluch site lefI cin the 23d De- cember, vie r% le posession cf intelligence con- firissory cf làÊcent reporta respecliiig a cenlict ietme« tise mesÉoopsanadithse Mexican ferces osier lie comîmaniifSt aI Anna. Ties tate- nient tisaItue Mexican chef bai been mounded, and bia*&ffred amputation cf lise leg, provres te bc correct. We lcars in addition, tisatishe city and castls have buen evacuated by tise Frenchi. Santa Anna bai alloweeieltt days te tise Frenchi eident, in Vers Cruz for preparatiens for tiseir departure, and îixty days have bceiî-uvconded teatise Frenchi n tise inteior for tise sainie purpose. Il mas cur- rentiy reported that tisa Mexican govemmeut bu resolved iiion tise expulsion cf Il foreigners ilS. tu-t exception. Freni the sainie source mn derive information tisaI part cf tise Frencis liee bad reniovei front Vera Cruz in aider te reneemthie bîcekade ofotiser Mexican ports. Tise corvette Creol, cominanded hy tise Prince de Joinville, had gone o Havane on a croise, sni tisere now reinainei but four vs- sels of mar before Vers Cuz. Tisa bînekade f tise towe i8 nevertiselesastuîictiy enforced, as o 50 Y5 sels mialever are uiiswed te enter. Tise Frenchs brîg Marie Therese bis been char- tersi is tise Frenchs Admirailtu leive in abont ten dissfor N. Orleats, ils oea iunîred sud iwenty Frenchs reeideits. Tise srmy of Santa Anna, about seven thiousand slrong, la sai te ho encampai aI ten miles distance fron tise tomn. Tiese acioner Cors, front Matamoes, brings newi tisatishe toms la besieged by tise federalista, miso number soute ine bundreii, and la detcnded s simiuiar forces under commen! cf Ge.ieral k mîsta. No action liai as et laken pis- e. The assailants, mve are tou, are but pooriy equippi, being uoprnvuded ils aitiIlery, and princijially i'enposed cf dragonits sud musketeens. 0:>- A liberul prier mitii hopsu four the foilom ing numbers of tise Hsrald, te complets files. W5, 9063 910, "22, OU, 954, %62, 9M, 985, 9%,991. Os %sturdsy the 12th lat., Zb os.. the Artbee as. of KiagnOs. lmry W. J. 5oyulIR . a = tle Eq..sona Of LiSL Col. Bssai,. .t a ay 8«a», yenasgeet dessiier of theelots Ca1t. Iawed, R.ý N. Os Wodue.dati lfthimeat.. Me. WiliMm MI'a 4th Cowsas]. Lgelos, ta Miss Jans Trater,uofsd Towmlip. la Lougibrna-i.uheb.17h lDea. alIy,mite t Mr. Sylvester H0ldm. atoll 28jases. At iiavhaaiasyHul,Upper Caaads, s. M.aday,. 5 tla aey. sa0 tissilt. aaa 8ja ly II ata. Iii daatonvs sonasadyssa, Vofl. laPemst 1I .ve, ia alaa(ohe. ta l. .aly prt oD.ao i PRICES CI-UREVNT iSe KINGSTON MARKET. <CORIIECTED WEEKLY.) Fine Flour pet bl ........... 33 9 a 35 O ý' si pert .........17 0 a 19 O Wiseal, Pet bush, ... ...ô6 a 6 0 Baed.do ............3 6 a 4 O Oas, du. do ............. 2 O a 2 3 Bye, do. do ............ 4 O o 4 6 Peu, do. do ............ 3 6 a 4 0 Pottoe do. do ............1i &8a2 0 Beefperl100 as ............27 6 ai30 O Pk,ido. do........ ... ***40 0.a41 3 Butter, petrlb1h.............. 010 a 011 Mutten,do . .............04 a0 5 Vea, do. ..............O acOO Hamn, do ............... 07 a0 8 Candles, moulis,............010 a O O dem i:...... 08a0 0 Egga, pet. rez. ...... . a:: Il a c1 O Fol pet coup' e,............ 6 e 1 5 Ray, pet ton,............... 45 0ta 50 O Woo, pet rdr............. 9 08a10 O Pork, mas,per bbl.........h10 Oao0O0 do. primse me.....110 o a O O do. panas.............*90 0 a à. parlb ........ ......0 7j . 8s Bee4 me% spe barref,...65 O a O O F[UI publie aae nrsisy reqoinai te psy tb 1h. saborriher aU dibs dosta lia persans atiâng teitesaves A. & J. McDowall, Forre, Klcstosse i reponilie fr ail delatsincas- ed ly t a u .s o te ie r se t ti :a nd s ii tise pu bs- litareais furliiîresuioniagaiunst lrostini tise sii parties wMoci s vrilles rier fin1the Suis- mciber. JOHN COUNTER, Allorneyf.ar .,LGros. Kington, Januany , 1xi, 18319. NOTICE. w A 8 Johnu enotar, of-Kiigston, bisueorcibly ta- ken posesion of tise Store of A. &J. Me- Domail, ail pausons are he:eby fochid psyîng bite or Sas agents as y demande on orderri, wmisin tise mnas ci A. & J. M. appe, as Me. C. bas me paver cf grsntisg a discisenge. A. & J. MeDOWALLe* Kagaton, Jamuary 15, 1839. KiasTowa, 21st Januaey, 1839. TO Mi- ALE-XANDER b]cDOWAL. &I1,-I cmrecquesteul hy Me. J. Counter, At- " toiey ta jour Uncle, Mr. M. L. Greene, te labo. von, that se Invenlory cf Ithe i-maining prethle Stock et Funs,, &c., given inoa our =i -g ltsprnmg hy jour Unle, bas heen taken, -ami tisaI jeu are h11 at libejtyt e neumi tise direction of the a iesue by biincing bmo duan- tereati parion te value tise samý niessiy provii- in.- Ime aufficient securitica fur lise duc panîcras- suce of aIl futurs agreementsansoicontracta,;u"M tise plan focnislj effecifor jour adoption-tb statenient cf tise original Stock he also agrees ii ha let asajou Jouricîf diue w il, ani itis mueS yen farnisbed jour Unele misestise Property mwu toi-adei te Mr* Counler. This ocier vaut reniais opes for jour acceptace tISimek, s o e oger. CHAS. CUIF IG NOVICE. L IEUT. J. . CLARKE, Royal Navy, aller a Liresiiesce of nearRy lorent y prors ln Cassis, is of noessitjcobligeii te retire te Englani os Public ad Prîvate affaire. He liserefore requests ail Uioss e isoni e nisy lie iniiebei bpresesît hir i-accounta hetore Mon. day thisetsJasusry, 1839,aso i li tsosmisa are idbled tebi, iii Miii Iheir acceunts in thec banda et William Bayard Smith, for auit mitisoit ielay. Ria Sale cf Hounmeud Fornitore wiii taire place on Ssturday bise 26tis January for Cash only. J.I B. CLARK E, Kingston Jan. 22d, 1839. Let .N NOTICE la bereby gives, tisaIlise assuai nies- bting cf lise Sisseehlius of lise Catanaqm Bridge wili lha Soldes on Menday, tise 281h day of January, 1839, at Kingston Court Rouse, aI 12 o'cinck, at neon, for tise purpose et electing Di- redtors for tise ensaing jear, acroriing to iaw. Tise annuai AccouaIs oatie Company miiicanc b. tisen and lisere submilteii for lise inspection cf thse Stockshiier,. JA MARL Bau"TEI. IVOR SALE, by tise Subseriber, 20 firkins But. KL' ter, meigling 60 lbs. ecdi, at 9d. per lb.,par. ticularly recotnmended for tamity nie. 191h January, 1839. ONH E. 40 UIPPIER cANqADA WIfSKEV. T HIiE SUBSCRIBER ofrers fer sale, 10,000 C alions Whiskey, of superfine flaveur and slrength, at 2s. 4d. per Galles; caska 3s. 9(l. escis. JOHN R. GREER. Kingston, l9bh January, 1839. 40 WANTING,  OUING MAN in a Wbolesale and Re Store mise is coeent te take charji books>and iimaking isiseif useful in every partnienb. Nons neci spply mWho cnol fisenisis unexe tienable testimoniala cf cisaracter and ablity APPty aItishis office. Kingaton, 22d Jasosry, 1839. JUS? PITRLISIMED, AND FOR SALE at the Chronicle & Ga, Z&Bock Store, and aI McDonald's B.A. Ro for lise be,Put cf tise Autisor and CharitableV poss,-" Tise Trifling Effusions of a Britishis after posiiering ever the 'Horred Idea' cfi brother tticers iîaving been 9'Brtaaoiy ilirtUl after ileatis, by the lawleàs Brigand Piratas,v ianded on the Canadian Shiore in Noveni 1838: iy SAM. SPRITSAIL DucnrCA'r£n, wutont permiiaion-To theC cei, Nen-coniisgioned Olilcers, Soliers, Sai Sud Royal Marines, who se noly diii tieir dut tise Preacett Mill Sirimage, November 1838. Kinîgstcn, Janoary, 12,'1839. CAUTIFON. IHEREBY caution tbe ,ublic against oce lng or receiving s NOTE 0F HAND, g, by me, John Teeples, te Daniel Eastman, £7 10., payable seme lime iass Mardi, as saine has bsen poi, snd is nom cf ne value. JOHN TEEPLES East Lcngbboreug&h, Jan. 12, 1839. 3w3l CONTRACT. CAT.ARAQUE DRIEDGIE TO LEC SEALED TENDERS wi li e received at Office of tise Catarsqui Bridge Company,i fil noon cf Morîiay, the 28th Jruuuary, 1839, f oncb persons as ousy ha millinc te RENT Cataraqui Bridge, for ONE VEAR firanitise April, 1839, tu 3sut Marcis, 1810;- the sii R tu e ho paidl equsi proportions in tisa liet 40 we foithe it April. Good and suficient secnrity ii h. requinsd tis dus pedrsmance of tise Costraet. Tise Tenders te be addressed-.." Te thse Py dent of tise Cataraqui Bridge Company., Cataraqui Bridge Office, 10tis Januaey, 1839.e CONTRACT. I OTICE la hereby xlvsn,.tiat Tenders il N ecevsd et tise office cf the Cataraqui Bri Company on Monday 2M1 Jannary, 1839, fi Sarh persans an may ha milling tu couîract BUILDING tour aîtditional PIERS, beli thon ausi, uMî, thse ewPieurSuw ho inail pecta similar ta thone originaliy Silit. Goci sand aufficient secofity mii lis reqoirsi tise due performance of bise meek. Cataraqtii Bridge Office, 1Otis Jas., 1839. -st a. - ttva t-M. Tvà.PaMsh,,ah,îs -go cf iii b.e crici on oir hun rnc ..ua*1 ST. MAURICE AND THRE El VERS de- Vo., sni for wmbem be iôlieltia sconlinoaa c f lie 1CASTI NGS. patronage conferai osnisieseif. Au r.Pame1i uOHN R. GPRERAérnt for the Pi-oprer cf rcnp. b i. t bs em,,for six jeasa Foumi tlite mtàoi*- W th sR.Murice amd Tis-ie Rivera Foandvise ty.- ment, and is abls te devote bis vicie attentiom Io hegu leo otlyth ie public tisaI Sa miii bava con- itsafafairs, the publie may rely on heing servedias stntiy ounisand the varions descriptions of Wsce mucis or aveu moi-e te tiseir satisfaction tin ho.acnfcturei at tise aboyeqalhainta, cu- - fore. i atiîîg cf tise following :- JOHNI COUNI'R. iCookinq, Double soi Sisaels Stores, ctIs Kinzstos, Ianusry lot, 1839.i Steve Stands soi Pans, Suogan Kettica, [te, N. B. Tise subscrilier requestsaial petsOns in- uPet Ans Coodera, Disg Ironis, Wsgirnn Boxes, pur- ishîci lu hlm te makre pament witisout ialays as Axe Inon, an mo eelide., Sne2k Pistes &cc. Tac, be lu ciuinm: ti part etfiis buiness. N. B. Tise aboya articles aee mrrantci te ha T..o Tise CusuaoiA< uL Oni f lise very haut description, sa i lii Se disiu ed aed 3 actscaciei ce as beretoferes. -ofaIremeoueiprices. visa- lOtisOctober, 83. »e, TUME CIROWN. iN N. IL GANANOQUE. 1 ~ 1 OH TE Subcrbr tego inti.ilateto tise Trsv- LAT£ COMN5xaLtAL iiOIEL, diafr- eling Public, tisaIlue Ses opesci extensive SoeSretfl fleo1"rCu & ty aI Premises osier lie aboe designalmen, where il t, tat 5gseaCuS âaa w ilIlusc buscntant endeavour t" npiteitir pa- 1 o ronnue by tise most coastorlable accomniodations THE SUBSCRIBER hogs tdinfomen i fabi- Whlti for tisenselves amidliseur herse.AL tants oftKingstonmandiUic travelling cons. DAVID COWAN. niaoity at large, tisat bce ia% teken this establish-. Sas. Decenuien 13, 183. ment, m an ha Se as re-epeneditainlea veny sape. lye rior stle. Tise Houtesbas been Ilarougisout refît- ifoi <.lME ininlise incleunre cfise Sutiscriber about ted soi ennatnented, and! tuîuisbed mils ssm ami lisee %J 15 day, past, A BROWN CO W, bise emner splendid tunniture, combinisg ulillly ssii clegance la requesîsi te provo pnoerty pay charges andin imthe Sigist degree. Thea Sutiscruber is avfue S. baise ber cmay. - biaIt t caler suecemsfoîly for bise publie ecqotres I9pd JOHN IJfUNPHBYS. nice diacrimi.nation, nnmearied cisertion, an mi-i - Sc Concessien Kinugitn next Dly's Tavero, -glng bhaarn, ami ha luatterahisuif that he 22nd Deceasher, 1838. expertence in tisu departmuent Sas qualli idtitm te g.- assme lie Iask ils every prospect et giving STOCKS.rfect satisfae.tiuu lo tie ast refinec. Tise Ta- IS theUST RECEIVED sud for Sale s hasutitul u1e'D Hole miii ha ncgulalj uîtpplied matis ail dli. ,5 un assotasent of New York City and Eiîgligh cacips in amss; tisa ines and iqueurs are jîtt from maie Stocksata the Stars cf 1he Snbecibe.r. laid in and cf tise fineil quaity ; careful ami 051- thet N. J. COONS. ging rasaaenggimivcr attention k a t K i n & s o n , 4 t b D e c . , 1 8 3 83 4 . m i ii, h .: v a t r e e n a c r e d a n een r t m s Reconrhlmm ilS their Patronage. Hi, intention reeks hILM VELVE6T VEST]rNqG. l is ai traveilers u&hal fini in tbis H oui. .'a charme T or AfRAN SILK VELVET VESTING, a cf fHous: unilcd i miitic advantaes oj #pulc fT' Sautiful aticle. JuI reteîveî and for sale esabalishmsent If Ibis ha deairsisie, b. opes lie yeti- by the Sutacier. publiie faveur mili cnasSeis Sute carry hisien-es N. z CONS. tion into a ffadI. Tise situation is ia the centre of Kingston, 41 Dèec. 1838.. business. Caitges ill b. blalteudasata vnvaey pmomaspe CAP&. and thiasbaggete anud (romui c iem.siiats- - £OUTH Sas Boni Nutria ami Luit Asiter Pet A li VEtY STABILE tle aied i ii the sesbiii" Red e. AiFur l Vsro aid Carriages ay b. b"d nt ail flho bc "C se.AloCiti Caps limnei tlS ior «. R.IL zs nude R.ILLamb, ber sale by MKiagatumA, liii Augout. lm Te BE SOL» DVAUCTIOV, 0 Nth pemises, on thse 25th bMarcis next, if net previouaîly dispOouicf by privat.ele BY J. LINTON, liat weii ktown and hîi-,y coltivated VAlu, famuerly ini the occupation of JOHN LAK, and now os ,ed and ocecujîied >.y J. R. J. FOUR, ini the 4th Cone s4.il of Frnes't Towm , urinc coin- posed of part of Lots n.os. 19 ind W2, contaifing » acres, more or less. Tise above Fari i) m eil knownr that it te- quirea no fiirtber dai1snor ecnmnmeniatione bcbng îituateii -n the Mail Ro,.d ta Toronto. At the saie ime and place, al the STOCK, IM- PLEMENTS 0F HUSBANDRY, &c., on tise ahove Farm. Kingston, January 5,1839. SURGEON-DEINTIST IL .FARRAR, having arrive i n this Town, w ere lie miii remain îrntil the 151h Febena. rY, respectfully invites the attention of thoe La- dits andi Gentlemen of Kingston and its vicjnalvy, mWho are desirons of repletinz the vacanciea eaused by the loscof tiseir original Teetis, t the improveii manufacture of bis Porcelain (10e. rnaptble) Teeth, miicis neyer change colour, noir asoli tise saliva, consequeîîtly remain the saine as misen irat set, saiid doflot cauçe an unplearant teste, or kttu breat i. Tisey ae aupplieii on the rmt, or gohd plate troni one ta an enuh-e @et te correspond wits lise living Teetis, o. as net ta be easily de- tected. Al&o, Roman and Animal Tee th inserted. OPEBATIVE DENTAL BUREUTY. Tise Subscriber pmrforms every operation osnIthe Tee b, Gunousud Mouth, on tise nost modern andij ijmprovedl principle of Dental Surzery. Carlc.us Teth cleansed, and filled ils golJ, stannel, &c., sa as entirely ta arrest liseir decay. lrregulaii.ies of vie Teeib ot Chudren prevaîrd-in sdius .eeiied. Mr. P. mili ha found at tise Britishs American Ilotel. R&rEIxJCE lnn vision-Dr. Sauapson, Dr. Baker, lion. J. Kirisy, Rey. R. D. Cartwright, J. S. Cartwright, Eaq. UZATEI egge uie atve YONG S.DAVIS, TV ANtheouisi aquanlîiUiseAUCTIONEER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, M'uecantile Businsas, of re-ulai-and teady habits, A ND A PPR AISE R c asnd nee mise an turnislt cnquestieuu able reterences N.1 artsSidns-rnieii ssii security if require.,to set as Clerk in a R.t.,dl . , areS ure,F-ulogfu Dry Gond Store. A liSerai salsny miilhacp4id taaiklSqae any perseaiseh may suit. Apply in perses bo - ESPECTFULLT tenders te tise public bis lise Subîculer te Brock Street. R Iktianka for paît suppiortsiasnd elntiicc bi N. J. COONS. renierai ta Ihia Rom e ht iiSouatone buildings, Kineton, 7bb January, 1839. i1miserelSe is nom preilaîc i mil lie uosituar j nd unrivatîed CELLARS astd %'AIE HOUISES, ]BANK 011? UPPIER CANADA. 1 for bise reception et (.001)1, ON COMMIÎSION Teai-ro, 151h December, usa. anîl hing enablei te cive bise icou satistactory 7ffe Stockholderç ot tie Bank nîtUpper Cwaîsa rlerences, anii ietermmnei te do ail in Sis paiver E.are bcreby notibei, tisait a Divieni ot four- for lhisItterest of bis empiojets, Sie hopes etililta pet W'enb. uen tise Capital Stock oe ntisemtu - rit ashare of Rpuic patrenage. -inba er-- sda elreP h atu 11r e alse continues tise JKWELRY BUSINESS emtmg 3set December, 18318, wmîu irbe apy. atIltise abesstandt, viere epatirinmut li e douc able aI lise Bnk, i-n ir afler Tiunsiay, lise Iesîh on tis aorteat notice. OldG"land Siver bougist. day cf January next. t: OUT DOOR SALES cf Fîuiniîurp, &,. Yoticesis alse gives tisat tise Stock and Trans. pttîclualy asii Iatbtuily allesdeii tea ue ioat terBonks mill ieha loss traom tise 2015 tate 31a1 easenaie trisa. instant, inclusive. SALES of FUNITrso uE, DILvCooDs, &C., oD By Order efthlie Board. iMrnisys andTisursisys, et Il A. M. THO'S. G. RIDOUT, Kingston, Novcnihar 13, 1838. 30 Cahier. FRESH ARRIVALS. NOTICE. I HE SUBSCRIBER begs t10ceaitthe attention lESUBSCRIBER retorse bis vermestiT cf bis Custonier and lic Publie, te a cisice I'banks la tise Isisabitants of K-ngilon ami ils, sartmeat of Fali snd Winîer Dry Gociti, vbiu' viciaity, tir Uice very libers) pal-esaure us ites Sc leia novt recriving per tise lâIe arrivais from they bave taroursi hlm fer tb iait 7yeas; aud Glasgw nmud Liverpool, ssii miicli milS bis ire- fsrtluei Seg% te nfeeni tien tisaI, in consequeccament tock miii ha sou remarkiray ciseapi for Cashs. oftIte great increase et bis Comirmision Business, JOHN Il. (eREER. Sie bas trannferrti tise BÀaaurits NDC0XuacTtcu- Oclobar lOtis, 1838. 'f 415 COURT OF TUECOM\ýON COUNCIL OF' SHERIFF'S SALE. THE TOWN OF KINGSTOJN. tevi ivuvCev ~OTICE liilserel'y civents h as alpismbetical Ma la x sTHEt.D[STRICTBEC OLURT. l N LbaIef cvery prr'oresidit swiinwprp b vo m Dsict. WVConntRoasiii bb Nasalier Fout, ini the T mn of Knonton, entuimîl To t ituglo, Csouurt tise h in dthet te vote for tbb' liectuca eofaas AldermèandmiCci. FTowuan uof istolow. ponpàatUte a se i mou Canrl nascf is aadWaiusdrîs.pe-vutue 0cimse Execcution i.sueioutofler £;sijtâtylâ visionsof tise Arttcfrtise Prov-incIal P'rbassirst, District Cctait, aittise suit cf William Garrett l1, Victoria, Cisapten 2W, ileot up niubthe Townî. aguinsithleis land tsiiliemetîts cf William L. Hall, ii lte Muirkét squtare, in tise sii Tcwn, siand ,vi I atesti rc uepcle t-a Uc ani alilieceitrs ila'kei lai ttu 'Il lieSrcerricf the West SaIt cf Lot No. tise neat .ssuinz election fr asnAhdisu ima td ('on the st î&'lo mteeeicn cf lise Touship of liicisascc mon Couscil tmanifocr the Faid Wîru Nuenber Fouîr, ilentuhe rd njDistnic', haloîugingle10 e ssii ta ha belli on tl is laITuediay in Maris, 18.9:Wi-m ~~L. Botr'n.th u »Ci tht a Court cf ti-e e nîbeus oht t4e Coalsins Sl a Coeuardl,appîsmeteut sy tise commus Ceuscil, il 4Ocnl uieice a5112 O'clock.ncoca. sitet tise Toms Hall lt 3 0'.ie. k ti1 tise atierî,oOl suiier av tarthen,5are reltte boren on every successive Moniay tîli t .e day of lise "itisOain enePa r hteofoae t ise tar o eseM ssii election, C"for hearisg anid dcudiuig isos iltesm ômo r4oetedyo ae "objections visicis ia, bcmade by any Eleî-tor cf RICHARD BULLOCK, "lhs Tome, te bbe insertion or omission tfnenies LaIe Sh.rutt, M. D. a inate O ai LitaI, soteaid tei amdi utuertiissuhbNILR.J. HOI'KINs, fi liste nan. r as,.. .2 of nv n.....- -r-mont .Den Sheriff B'OLt tisrein icserted, and misOa rigbt te vote "porant to ý'ie saiarst, shahi be salinf. ctonity lly onder of the Commis, Coitocit, W. DAXý E. Cg"*. Kiegston, bMonday, 3rd DecemWher138 TO IIUNTER.S. 8 tise Sub3criiers have large orris ter DOmEsT[C ]FIR@ Sncb asMINKMARTINOT2LRBE4 VER, FISHER, FOX, If',-tbey leed il their onity tii in those _persoci s hocamria ier hi-ced hy Hunlisg andl Trappinz, tisat tise, miii receise a fair cenipersallon for their labeur, by brauging tliem 7o McDO WALL'S wilOLYFSÀLE ad RETAIL BAT .MID 0 ÀP ZImrNA c"ITI. MI B Onders fi-cm the Country mii rceire petual attendascv. FMS DYED,ALTEREI> ANDR1EPAlRED, Bv A & J MlU. UOWALL Kingston, 30th Oclober, 1839. 6mm8 &> R EMO110V 1L . -U reen rd er. TABgA&BMK ENEIN. w jANTED, to bc delivsrsd etiUiceuadermen- tioedc places, 500 Taniarisk Inneas, viz: At tisa Kingston Manine RlI my. W200nlanum. hor, tuaisde ani meuh 8 inies. AI Gamaaugu, to ha let on'tise baek of Uic River, 300 ln mmser, to ida amndtnould 8 inclieu. Alan, 20M0 (est Red Ceise, 12 incises, to ho left at eittier of tisa shve places. Fo fr trir partienlara, appy ta Joisn MeDe. Lid Esq. Gaaanoqne, and MZ. Loba Sites, at Uic lngatonRail way 8tu Janary, 1la9 OYSTER RECESS, vair ceura oorSOEaxO N, UAaa sTAxaIs BT ALEXANDER SMITH, ho wllb kept cemtastiy on hand yr rISBunOT7TURLs. Aiditional Ramas have beau flted op Iâr lis accommaodaion of Gentlemen. Aise, comtatly me bond, a choices us mac FRVZ12,- CONFECTION.IRY, 4c. Klagstan, likOctaier, 18m8& £VERT DESCRIPTION 07 &MWUm isESWEmint« Dec. 415, 1838. N-..,i C.uuSa. 34. wuE TuIKINGS J STRECEl VED ani for Saisle lo. Martin, srand Ermina tue trioimings aI Ihe Store otftisa Suliscriber. ri. J CflONS. Kingston, 6t5 Dec. 133. X4 PETEDUAM DINDINO. UX ansd wonated Petersiam in ailng, a very suparier article, for Salt by N .C M Kingstoo, Breci Sttcet,4tlb Dec. 183. 3X MIAWL PA"1EuRN DREuSu. i UST RECEIVED and for Sala by tise Suis- scrier on Brock Street, a very chsoie as- sortisenof cf iedSisawi pateru dresses et the la- tent styles. 1King«ton 6h Dec. 1838 N. J. COONS. SATIN SLIPS L ADIES WHI1 E SATIN SLIPS, svr supere artcmf le frnIby tUic Souer. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAi. T OBICK flOUSES, ihsusitahie Ont- h ,oussa, and a geni Garden toeasci, and i nsver.failins Weli of Walar, sutuaIni at hie top cf store Street, and et peesent occupèied y Aubtanf Commis"ae Baily, sod Ceptain flhacoe, Royali Ençineprssb an aona" retnt et tiîty pauas escis. AIs», FOUR COTTAGES, aitîatadi n Grave. set tciic i eta et £61 51. Per canna. Tisa ho=sbelng dia inprtveof M. George Wceer, miM be seli at sueciseprice asntegass. it a capital im vestinenl for aay peuuen baring lie coausuas of cah-n for cash it niat ho sod. SAp1,iy te William Wilson, Eaq, Msrcliant, Kingston. Kingstoo, Anguet 21, 1838.19. POT ASH KETTLEB FO Saea iy tise Subsceier, at lia Montrea E. Psies, fmagit add. 20 Sa firor Pet lKettis, wetag fro7 cml.to 1; cmL. 30114 B. GREEL Kiuploctut 18lem Sberiff'i Office, Kir.cston n, - r- 291h Octoher, 1639. SHERIFP'S SALE. Mudiatni District. 1 ILL BE F'OLD ettise W pu. Y Court House inth Toms of Kînjeton, On Satuurday tise second day e Pebruarr$ 1839, gtip. follomiuug Lnds, aeuzed b viUe of an Esectifin isteiout cf ier Mlajetyla Ceurt or Kiuig's Bencis, et filesnuit cf G. \'s . Yar-. kem, againtiltise lanîds end tesemrents cf Joseph Raiy, riz: Lots Nos. 13 andt 14,6ttis Coness-ion of 1i htTomwnsip of Lougihorcusis i Njorf East quar-. t,' cf Lot N. 19, bs inse fowe of Kinuru.tn, in tiie Mîdiani District, beiongig ta tise said Jsph alIe 12 oiclock, .uorî. Ail P@MisomhiaviOtr dafims ag1aintishe aboveafins. pelty, or any part tisereof, arercmqoetted te pressai tisgais.. temeentih-fore tis e dy of sale. I'JCIIARD BULLOCK, - ~LaIte Siseni, Midi. I6 By R. J. IIOPKiNs, Sbn-ritl's Office, Kinursien,1 Dep. Stîeif. Ovtober 29tb, 1838. 5 SH ERIFF'S SALE. tru TIu itWosI sEtit. Mudiand District. UILL BE SOLD aetishé o îT 5 VV Court B-oule, in thse Town etKuigstonu, oiSaturday tlic seccnd dal of Fel.ruary, 18419t, sefaoi pr pî eelb sirtue ot an Exeeuti i lsed eutzillr Majseiy' Court cf Ling, Beucli, etishe suit cf Auttlig L'eati, againA thue leuidi ssndtenemesita cf Syl.u violter 1iliukn, riz:c the Fust Hliitof lut No. 15, 71is Con'ce5iot eti tise Tiom nsiio f Lcuurtisbroughi Est baif cf lot Na. 15, 8tis Concession of the To* risipcOf Lacudulbrouzis; Lut No. 16, iti Concessionsof tise Toic ship cf Loiigihorougis ; ln âil 4(0 Acres, Seing as excelleniltern, 140 acres ciearee, soi baviiug a large (ramte barn, &c.en thi fIenelqea. AIse: tise West hait of Lot No. 41 tti Concession cf lthe Townuship et Leiigisbocaultis $-utths EaS Haift Lot Ne. 251, and an undiiid- Pd lwe bhisids cf Lots Nos. 220 and 231 in tisa Town of Kingston, lérish buildings, sittoalci on Broc k ibreet. Aied: Lit No. 7,th Cncessionef tise Tomshiip Of llnelingion ;beicnging leOIthe sait] Sylvester Nelmict. Sale et 12 o'cloclr, noon. Al pansons baving daimns agninçethIle ahove 1und or amy part thereof, srec equested te pressul lb sanie tetee on or isefore tise de y et sale. iIICIJARD BIl.OCK, -LaIe Sberuff Mid. DiIaL By P. J. HOPKINS, Sis' Office, Kingeton, De1,. Siariff Octohor 29tis, 1838& SIIERIPF'S SALE. lx Ti£ X1uo's Ilastir. Mudiasi District. 1'VUILL BE SOLD at ti 7o mIv. WSWVCourt Bouse in tise Tomn et Kingston, cisfuiay the. .1Mb day ai Jusua mcxl, bb knlowing La*sssuépi - -- au Execîstion laedciont et Rer Majstytg Court of Kinjg% e Mer,at tise sao f Eduni Tupper againat tise Lanais end T nemeets et Edwati F'udlar and Hruiy thie en, viz:-Ali tha certain Tract or 1,arcel o et ',. iown ou Loi Nimàberlgeven, is the Seyen I concemnm cf ti Townasip cf Ramion, in tise liililand uistrct. &ale ai 1U o'cieek, neon. Al p Li 4rg ciaimt sgaing,- iýe sic,. Land oqrwY ipart tisereot, ars requestedftopresm tise sauteete nue on or hefore tise day cf sa". RICHARD BULLOCK, Shifi, Midiand District; r srifl',Offiekinton, 8th Mai-eh 1,1838 Tise shore saile poilpouei ontil Satucday te 41b dey cf Augrat next;at tise sainie houe amd;etaée. LaIe Sheriff Mid. Mis. Dy R. J. HOPKiNS,; Dep. Shedif. Kingston, 9t5 June, 1838. Tise aboie sale is f ri Pserpaponci outl iStur- day the23ut day ci February, 1839; aCtiassi boni' and place.' RICHARD BULLOCt, Lot. Siserif Mid, Dust. liy . J. HOPKINS, tingitoni ls Aoguaî, 1839. Der,. Shieif. Branli of Lthe)Bank of BrUWàot 'h Amrm K I NG STO N. Dia=cies. Joui. R. FoRSaYe, W.LLIAX WILSON, , Eqsiieî Tîsasas Aaaxw, tqnire; The sisove BranA wmibho peti for tise Irans- action cfBusiness où Monday ise &hisdey cf No. ventbei aetf Netee orDiicooint mie Cave ' ýob. aiirsmed lni(e t 4urgoc on' tisaday preéesng tin deys, Dais cf duuvomst, Wedneadgy iai Satunday. %dmita,Cet. 291,1838, 28-tf KE TUE PIRE», aid sfoedly viii be Kpuliasised, laoufi rb andsuggdcali 1keipeÇtfullyoldeui on t potboisf -Tise Cilcg Reffrve Property cf Upper Ci"e SI mot sPecal-'y apprepriated ta any parti"i ChuteS " in a t Ier a4nmed tii Rit Exflacy Si Geergpu Amielr, K. C. R., Goeagor and Commander in Ciief, e. &c.&cý,. By the, Ref. W. ». F..vard, lot. Presdet-off tise WaseyaaP" esislt Ciarcis la Upper Cuaa.. Te .es W et thid oifieendmaany of tshe o. selletein Upper or f.vsar Cana&i;prke. s quste ef a dollar eaci.* @TOVES' è%TOVEs" STOVES!!r JtST 1. ÈVE1) and IOî.SALE hy tise. 1110«MeýerStmStrast, COOKiN-0Ot .PA.RLft STO % É. J. 555. ..i .I..1 d Ït aid huaT.0lvlla G *ts WHISKY Umplsâ Dev. Md.,fJ.R. GREEL --. «b" fl, ç JOHN B. ORIL S 1IEWIK,;~52 l.ecs Kigllm3 Nv, 38 JH R MEEAgetLu aiOees- Klgt0 81sU$~ . l9 x r« IL dl;a;='gmt ::E&AM T.-- :2M 4"w ik. l1 tisAs OSet"s. I-Ub -1,< IiS I. IIS ltFr»s.,b * ~ ~~~ *8gé.,Juay >l Kacls4th e in ve~~m JU . R ra*km mis.-d Mette oa- k-,a o .od"&th uml- " ops -as r.' tetail 1 .-I