qm mit. ÉAwA ra UALD-?tltlf. IÂNIAITIsiU04. d isuai aU esa«k,1i s sqmutd m mm aime mutiflt et t&aMtactteib enl &eff on"i.mmi pouabaus, utbe Iui epc- ira eimsII u ienrai b1nier. Mé,lmi 36 BAL DNE %8 A leA-UTIFUL HpiAD 0F 4ml e.i Hou sraitgely lie"IsCf il "bSag ianislid premawu.y bings irâlieappleurace af aid a&ehich e*ea y te réciai Ibing uoov-ei, aid smsilmos seit ibm oeity te avii lb. jesta sui meers of titan iqaésc; lO srmaader of titeir livre secon sequently spin lareenst. lim short, mt era th lui if prpry filse iba generees Ibimbimi ye*ih tah enry sinkiag glnemn aneddes the lei@f hàmhir. Teavetial theseem ai cr. semelmaces, 0OLDRIDGE'S DALM OF COLUX. RIA stip te lihairtrafitlimg ofaoVelis et ap = %caia, ad afss bottn resioresil aga. h llhumprodoces cycreusm adi lksrs; pis' vilpi lbhe ait borating grsy, maien il cor diamuoll, ami (reas iltram merf. Pumeras esuiîcatesof th fiattre p.totin é uppt e 0 thite"éorfOldridgei c'u %Tslam i ri"...ylthe Rend a te filowing. RODEET WHIARTON, Esq. tai Mayer e Phladilpiai, bas certified i asmerybc eas bow te théeiigh chiractur if tée laswing gentlemen: rilgi, and have faursil il ighly Srvceable ne emryan a precetativi aaiat titi ýa1îUg af 0 hal, but aime a certain rsoai W)4. THATCHER, sen. Métet iMnster ta S. Georecag JOHN P. INGLIS, 331 Arcb .1. JOHN D. THlOMAS, M. D. 163 Race s. JOHN S. FURREY, 10i Spmce et. HUGII McCURDY, 243 South 7 si. JOHIN GARD, jr., 123 Ach t. Il I c rlanly rais'is vrtueslinLOse.ni oile f lhe publi, ,.ven il la kanow liaI lita <Ut. ah r s aremsefore. tan50 yeau âge, ud t.e ilies imot lime thaln Lfrom th.eyer.]J CeassouveALTu e, PEUuaîrLîamt City if Philadelpie. 5 q 1, BOOET WHARTON, Mayor d if lc if Philadelpla, do beneby oertity Ibat i amrira cquaintei l t Menne. J. P. loglivs, Jabn S.Fi tey, midHugh McCrdytlboee maonsMai sig lh e. be .cr, Ifcat, t Ib.y ame <suli et cbracter and nspectaâlty, ami e "ch fa abaedldslie ogilets Io the. mdmlfitl e. Fla sitaiu e tsoe 1havi hersuasta set a baud,ad caailte orl ettheiuly te mlzsd, " &!dit dey of Decse" R OBERT WuAETNmSyUta CAUTION-Obirve that iscit bige 40 tamame Ualsbu a idsl mgmeWP mabein ,pméthe Vlmfigsa e m% " I é, d u laiât lbe abis ansi a usé albsmmd .mimbehr ta the âgemtsskile saliei aui f ai Sl " M uolesal. mi rebuli b 0Ifdsl=C Co, Sa"iAgents for àAmies,2 as M LOn dem haler Pead IL. Nt a ~ ~ t~~ m mme ucUisu inmatssy ci tomià the Csame. t >sTEME TE MAYOidFUNblmi il «W" li md«i i el icty tube ehéoeré amuui bku> i eh. Usmaf rCwili Em ande02tW U& My besMMoest o lsW am" aiser)bd he " e, lit. WILD LANDS. a 800 Aem lb. Townmhip if Chaltam, Western4 District. ou,,d4mt7bsesle Wemlra bocndsry. 100 Acres litie Teunatp cf Tyemiiaagma, Mi&. Dist, Lot Se. 1, 2d1 concession, North et th.i Roudi ushic t lie la a god Log Blise. a 10 Acrs,11 cncssio Pittsburgh, Lot Ne. 33, Eust taI, Ni. D'u. .100 Apic, tt té-acauhmn Pttlbitrgb, Lit N. 36, EuRalf itM. D. 2W0 Acres, UitNor. 26, ltit concesion PliiitW , M. D. 150 Acres, Lot N. 20, 61h concesioa Thules,r M. D.à 200 Acre, Lot N. 8, lante 11h con. Hope, New-i outis District.1 100 Acres, Lot No. 33, 6tit concession Pitsburgh, Eutt hait M. D.1 75 Acres, Sot-wst Mia of Lot N. 30, 3d co. Hope, Newcastle Dit.t. The "bofe el.aboie pnopeily aicettisl uaùicumbers4d, m .y hoebie.m reumehi ltris, wiit umcxceptionmiletlhiles. Application la thé Sub.cribsr la Belleville. Ift atte1r, nitIpsud. THOMAS COLEMAN. Belleville, ly 25, 18m8 A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT cf lb.*aoe, Medicines, kept comstaily en bami, ami lor Sale aIthéGroccryStarse ifM. James M. Il- meBluStrct, inwtoo, U.C. Aaoîg wbcb wul lie houitn l.the i" Prevéntive.,sum mch celebemei ter lb.euuaeiy Reief whish t Il mià, l ia Casamot olraCholera MorhusRaeIax Dysea- ey, si;pain in. théetoimacit aid Bseis. Tii iedicime e srnti ta e oisbave mention- ei Cemplant, hevrell lagiven outhefit *p- pearance if thea isese, ai lte direelleesstrictly mibereel . Thome aubeoamis abourng caiet dis- sas et long standinmg "oI Moldespair ofamcure enlil Ihey bacs gleso lb.Bolao Routeiles a tsm tial la uhiohit ey sili seldoan fait oatm cure. lagglc, 2151 August, 1838 cOUTlxaN-HoIJE LUNA 17' 19~L II 4?it2f16t 1 4. 18 l 171 19 ; 2 1 27j 6 1 d rIl Tan W5. ..anil-ld m . W V05L ED ZITUEWOOZ *GKNuma Illa..1té, d 21h f vety méati a Shapi te acc..d saci otUs la eli APTAMlN a. osi peaaslmis-a. Fab. ly 7 0" aAudesu-. Th ai 13 Orpitmu ........ .'YWly ... 19 lidcus, (Nw). .'.Cua... 25 Cambuige . Buey oAg. 1 Indejueeleea Nyé .... 7 .mHa.I l1 .YAlhbo.. 19 Siim........ .ý:Blm .. 25 Nort Aeica .... HxieSpI'r 1 ]IMMce......... Delmn .. 7 Seield.....llen ........a Eur~î.......baitiIl .. 1 19 Srda....iem. ..~. 25 C mIlieu***..i.r~pper. ..OI'r 1 GeorgeWashington. lýfireig&e. 7 United Siaesa.. Hel d s g.. 13 Sout Aarica.. jBno... î 19 Garick ........ IPalmer -INo I 25 paglmmi ......... Waite ... Ner NovSI 1 la 19 De4 13 19 25 ia'y 1 7 13 25 FeIs'y# 1 19 25 -Match 1 March 7Ang. 25 13 Sep'e 1 -19j 7 25i 13 Apnl ilh 19 7.' 25 13 01ct1 19 7 25i 13 May 1 1 19 7! 25 13 Dec'r 1 uly __ 1 Dec'e 25 Jaa'y i 7 ls 19 '25 FWtsy 1 7 13 19 25 Match 1 7 13 19 25 A pil i 7 13 19 Apil 25 May 1 7 13 19 25 lun« 1 7 13 19 25 july 1 7 13 19 Auget 1 7 13 19 ?VU De. PMot= wNUL bar-ALEPIERL tude * Autàmliseso SLet fa snéLae atu a riet =Ine lfte, sd g lapopm afie iable 1 Wl TZBLO, .WXDlND JH2WT, -a» =a_4%, -25 .aithé n.th estuarsmter of thebta ..~ . -~ * ~ baletLaN ..14,itea mdi seseai, 28 sere, lis a u t. f. in ewhieh Ibers e ia s.almue om ai Stable, le" * Unite Mat- - d3ayamtbe oCcpatléatMr.aWW.. Tym. butCineet ents s . tm.. itee.hi the &A$atet iLotN140, lath tcoeam, A9l8a1114Ie a uis suansuahagi u S es, = Zmma P n ,,pwÉorther- met lb. Waetf Loti .bamh ler u&SN14, in te 2d coescua, 2 uuM Md ILeU0 mi pitiof ce. I.1Uinthe ad Molia »191WEKN b. Pour Orcmmdi . Newmwmu i2 0 reds " I«Vt4 I«y y ,, r itA BEUX Ferier ltb i utt oflIo ai b eSudopty, PM& , Balltm ank miim mmdsuse l te ensquie <f by letter, poil paw) ofcf tmama samimt et smàlgoati sud a ball.a ny zavESa, Kmpl, O- blits bà. er uBItUZS 1 beai B IisGiaria igstaUIevl. lem" tes mUsmgo "wuTUE BELLEVILLE MiuiLS! KriflgUlO, aSueyfiUSa IV Tes NEW nhaainiCTor iTINOise, Comuinig if a FLOURING MILL, FULLINO TUESD ECREN~~JMLL, enda SAW MILL, euic Les cm b 19N t*tdag is bet tbanc Io is OuanhouWater-uith &bout Tw. Actes if JL M thepubicgetrlly fte hlberl pveLa.,=o2.1%chtheré ia BRu"i&'sSip, elte- gblsh tbey bave bihette extended ta hlm, t sted osai te centre othlie Town, on the Eut 51115 te Wlalustha b. bu lately receired trainî if th. River Mite. Newe Tri, Qubicsumd MoMlralbisFai âr Ar.me-la tbeTown of FiW d etlea iuly pliai, wbl.hbc h. ers O. cs e hor titapprved i. ecd AW MILL, withliron par, te uh'tcb resdt, t mCb piesu abh ee]a emident wld' Los eub unrvyed by Waer; thé twoatiret sli "timi te t heb purchmmr. stories ofa Sien Bulding 40 tect by 60 firt, ln- imi t socz comumises: tedcd EfrteFlorM i, orFctonj; umîha wot if Rggludma Yokshie hoar C&ima, newly erecîi Frase DwrUesMnHouas. Libe- Cass155ssee n ilet11 Cloto, wiuse, a Stone Bai ldla;, ta uhich there is an AXE To.imitem*a Vilentia Vetiagi, Munsiactoy, Latet.,ud allier macbinery, pro- Webib mmd Swamsklm FlI--'%pelleel by water power, uith a Stane bîil11anfer mmn WhitneyaMd 4 PentI blmkeuthe uorkmen, and fne te tes mctes OU r ÏgÏZ stitm.am, Vi"mlaTIýM 4018udp 4Th vhole, or a p"r, ulîl b. 8ddr ýîsl en m.& D am. y petiosi tlaldeairu mif g aap.sv Tua iPriaIsAnuscllent Tavzu a .Stm> vith Stables, S"ad, Fumimei huui e.i te.South- rsat crner ot tb. Bridge, now Cable, mi SdhBkad uina, jlath te cupatlmo aames Dales-ami a gon Ta- Lowe, ~vzeSiaN on Fiont Street, Eut Belleville, la o*pe ied hékedSlb.% heoctupation ef John Aidiions ami a naimber of Uaiipidan CkelSia i ,Town lots i% Eumsai West Belleville, uith Twe G llu'iStocks amd Handkerchieb, Dwellimglieues. War privileges Msat cu MS, Weosil mdCottenHaiisry, v.yei la eveesi of tb. Loti for vainsa byduMlle Coeilmi Lamb'i West Shirlasu aniDses, perposes. Thisaffmml the maschant and mechnie chausse k%,deC c. l&C. se eligtble o0otuity te bscotai prchaaeri ne tenant$; u t Leynts;as e bave the preterence of Ibm Wls, IOetMaeiUm enenife, Bubacniber' casIno> and euploy towarda payaient. ChrailgM deiraJ ysad Fox'a randi. Ho auea ofeua for saie rleshb' prte tes-. Chamaige d.,-olyssudFoià Bad& deace, BELLEVILLE PARK, u.lit bot One LIQUORS, vis: Handreel Actes iaf Lan, on ubich there la a bond- "a a Verts ",$Orne Frame DWELLING ROUSE, Coach-tomu, ai Battait dO Abienthi 'l'dec, &c. Bans, Stables ami Shed, with aa mâMmliF LiqauerSatin. ie Marseille, Houm;a.;p oil Garden aid Ochards, contaimlog EraieNs-Cegmac mi Botrdeux, opvarda of Three Humrdsti mgap;le Tries, Spiriis-Jaamaai Demarara and a choici selecllon ef niher Fruit-VTreeswell Tiuo,-Young Hymen, Twank'ay, OId Hym, adapie for a Gentleman's faily deiroif rsi. Gempowder, Soucbong sud Coon; 111< near Town. A aM Wevii suee stock of CROCIERY, IN THE NEWCASTLE DISTRICT! And a -oiltock of WHISKEY. Thitatveryiesitmble Tàvea STAND,, commonlY N. DL Ths bi bh*i id s, ilaCsh, tWal called "Fsrlry'5Tair," &sieamiles tfoes Port ste if ISTILLERYGRAIN, t bis Sie. la Hope on te Tonale raid, ately iate posioan 8StreBlet, or bis dsill.ry, at Waéilae oetW.. Weller, sa a âlati Houas; there aurete I. Di. ROSE. cellent Stables, Sbhdasd other onl affces, a cape. ruoNovember sah, lm&s.ta] Gadsa seli toked vith choie. Fruit Taes, ~lnpen, mlan&bout 'ea Acres of Lad; te ubich moay hie bui 7S Acies if Land, psrly lmpovo, itie VUST PUBLISHED, pilai7î.i. in bimi5,tue miles if lb. Taver. *by MisasAMiOUaR& RX&î,Moluel' W Aena îeiy vluabl Lt, on uitich tbeare NSea, 4Qube; IL. S-auTore Tarent; mW Ja tue Femme Dweling Hoises. ite l ispe biuàvauxza, Kig5tan tienofe-.McDonnell and Widou Walkeî, sies- "6PERSONAL bMENOIRS Ici nsarthe centre af the Town, cesthe Trea er Rs i ih tuoother Lots of 1 Acte'Unmeu.et MAJOR RICHARDSON 111 ubieb there ila mpgolFrum, Houa.ea&J Wuksh"ç Amies f« A CaadiamC mie Tecammab, emia Lot ofabout 9 acres lante preilmts ot the a X'ari w fcausTwn. Fe if eh. Jr .icalat esquire (if by 1et- huhi Le la S' ~e. dc. ec.te?, >por st) of . F. Wm-rTeisxâ, Esq. Pr Bd" Légion i va m8a bc ekt ~Hoperth.Subsberialtelleville. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE, UPPEIR UND 07 itiRM WI'EET. tion h. hme iltei op la te mit cnileale man. me, b.l s Wpiepabuitb aeceommodale Boasiera Of remanste rima.Fmminbis itaving bisa me long accmtamed Io proMie ( oearders, b. only deems lb ecesssryte 8Y %alit e lil do bis ut- Mst le make Ibsin comfirtie. Kingoton, 171h Apriu, 133. BEW JENGLAND COUIllESYIUXP, M .repeins » ba" htu a -S-t.. dmtiasud m Me mm aq* mnd <pouns e..mhp -MWhewoe SNNLVENeA.ev4unssmoese me grasA UMae% MID ares.1ArmTie or Tfflt Luxe»Q. PEEPARED ONLT mv TUE SOLE PEOPsRV'?»OR. DANIEL GODDARD, N&, à GOLO 0% NEW.TOUK. la furuusslng tIbis usftw Yoé eth.ibapublIe, tsPro. PRIM M rlambu ldby&sPbymscimm . hmpftehipe Wu embdeullY abesla.d, to aMIs% dise bu hm t1. it Mdmui, oi la bis *MWt"nies pese . Us Pa5sn gr iec. Mette. uM siaasbisg ueL sTih spppemwbafin t vouméble abuameaaof Wb" ale 1Un aaélptap ses p.auadae aepui le abosuunceofth@ .-LsopLea. Tbis mudsabau béu sud ery nanndelsi «c te. biaewss neuela lasse.I. - Je bu tll a s U thea dléutéa bi nelaasem .,raae- b.d .tsi l. cm m dueisud . am dir e tba 8" eéite éé.Cmalp o.19oil mIWshe km gS esi a la a &W beau rbea Mi.le aItm., heebnuavi. bun &W hoeethm ".f iil lou .'fn.dau au é.elmg amqssdlrau d . laé Ismsumg caesak w mihae a 1,5k 4a=»eu "&- zseweteiss, ma My "V« so baim vu pebea',Y. manom. gissilsof ste val».mi dk Uetiable em.suscarlsaâbil.mpmm Aise forMesaliasaboie, lb. Orna Teolh Wuh, a supenior article for titi Teeli and Gotes. iti Coccaet testinaany et thé mont emusmoat Dentisl adMi b ofash the b.Médii Faculty are unilai ln avu aOfeeibis article. JUST RECEIVED, and forSa" lte toles.- iég astiles-jomons Peligbing Pouierasupenar arbels forclaimg BrassCopper aialter melals - Momise Genuini Anti Dympaptic Pilla Moielseisey"ema do, Sanda SaliRiteumR eteiy-a surs cure for that cemplaint- Dr. Juikimis Ointlment-a mosl cficaciou remedy for titi cure ai whiteselingýs ois legs aid ulcsr-GlamiulaTamora, Fellouse Ritesma- ic pains-Spisins, Braises, Borneanma Scals-in- fiammitions la Wo'nen's breats-Ringuamns, Cilblins, Eruptions of long sanduing sud sais Eyes. PERFUMERY. Fainaas genuiné Eau i. Cologne> Best London Laveaier, Reece'a vecetalate Hait 01, geitine, Caaadiau Bstai'5Oi, uroaegemuine, Rose, Almndg Jesaaine, & other fancy Soipe, Milk cf Roses, Ilaile Antigua &a Rosé a paris. Stmsllag Sll-Freioia, Rusa Pamaltum, Colu Cream inla Iî aid inai! Pot, Ben,$ Gresse lando. do. Topetr t an ortfsmi ocf Best Porcupiné Hale Bruites, Nail &T"o t do. Superior Toilois. SiteliCeaiamali ter ari- cles tee noinerote laita. N. B. Thé Caugit Syosp mnd Taotb Wash are - '0 lbo baigenuine at lb. Store et JOHN MEAGIERApthrcary de Droggst, neal oi le, Mms Tolkien'@, ami three donts bolis Par. Foiter's. Brack Strict, Kingston, l5lthMay,1838. DANDBUFF AND- BAL DMNE 8. 0 LDRID)GEVSBALM 0F COLUMBIA- DANDRUFF A14D DALDNSS- Ibe artile nasansi stve isascheamical asmiua- tion oi mch lagrédisats as bavé proesi tammavea licaciaus lu amsag lb. aturai grostitofetha buman hair, and remoing ail obstacles boib pe. et dvekopmett.-,In commenimg Iis antijle le te particular mai es et a icerulm publi, lb. seatiments oet meu famany huair steh havc succenfuliy tesditis effcacy mmandorti qnliies ttla caimpound bavleg acquirielfh. lisait a claratter for alagular masi11 am valu. Il la madhby ladies mad gentlemen gmrly 0k th. flair meut msd ba - t =,m t. heaifrea CbuDandiuf, uhlch il dosa mcml pcrtstly, and tit. precenti Baldnesm. r> .Cautio.-Owbie ié ltIeehthtllé of te guamle Bamaif Columba bu a spiamii en- en represo teiltheFalks COMbSCK de Co., lieu Yack. The mliii madiciaesiarm ta "sle tbY N. Palmeri and aIl Druggiilvmiapéltecacies la Elagato, lhe Canads aid ta UMalstate. FVREUNDE SIG( be stbise.hm ACCOUM AZIT, d&c. de. e. coska1mmm, m ouspBxmCaseams, lseeu 'r RivaisaruBsém ISAe o*uva, ami l athes Mallms mrélate bCsmseaci fa- NOTICE. Susrbe eyresrctiullv hegs bavet lia obu Leamas the large and comnDioias Whamrf mmd Wareitouses aI foot of Store Stret lalely accupisi by Meurs. Trua de Pillipe, atd knova by thenaine aofte GOEROamIA WHARI'. uhere ho tenders bis serviceasCfotsse omay ho pleased la employ hlimi the orardîmg acd Commissien Buineas. TiteexlentouthIe pretiseî emahîcd itutelet oas haitutftse Wharf ami Stars Houseratet el Ikuosta Firn cf Mosans. Hooker aid Ienderica et Piescoîla arbo are ta carry an a biaci thirtou eeardiag busiaeas lanttis p1ce aud misa lit te Mr. H. Fraser Agent for Mer A. H. Vas de Ce. et Montreal, a part ufthlie spa- clous Stone Store Housin test et te wbarf fa: lte purpcse ot crryiag un a WhoalelGrotery Estnblishmasit. Thua te Commercial Whtarf aVfers te thé publie te facility et huyiag or selling guda and trans- portimg theni le any part of te tara Provinces arao thae United Slalom. The subsoriber aIttée oicitalion cf hnie cf his frisais bas hora imiuced tl a laoncu AUCTIONEERS' LICENSE, for thte purposetfdîsposing ut aucit consigameat as may ho oreto leh.sli by Public Atatiai and ba s oaablisiei a regular coiresponionce with respecalbl ercantile Heuses ln teeeral parti ot lte lueoProvinces, uh'tr ialîl enable hlm la gire correct information respedting te saalsoftte digèenot markets und the curren raicilofutpiuucr dec. ke. CORD WOOD FOR STEAM BOA TS. ami for Teun cuasumptiola, ailI ho kept aaI mi tmes on tée wbarf andi a confidertial poison will enstatly atend te sitip or receiîc freigit asu pasengf's bagage. 2 f I s I WEOnaR ABD WEAMMAGE on thesaoult reasoable ternms; treightb and charges Sn <nais lefl uject Iberta,wulîl b.callected oan dslie.ry, mandpuactually poi. Property on Coa- eigument wilI h takea charge of fies of Storaga and Whazfage, if koli, H ADR Kingstan, 21s1 May, 1838. sbe pevalW,m >UBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, BETRI.. s UE'5LEY, At bis affice, in Store Street, nearly oppeelte th* Manaion Rouie HRaId, Kingsoni, Upper Canada whero ail eores sili bc lhaakftllyereceiiedanl puuclucally alteuded ta. Txs.-Fifteen shillings par anaun, (exclusive of postage)if paid lu advance, sud seiculcen alaiI- lmgsan mmisix pence if ual paid iladavance. j Amyfpersan hocouning respomiaiblo for te psy- ment et air pujera sha&H reccive on migrtis-moi in lie proporiton for a greater aumuhor. 0 No papera dimcenlinuei ut'l arisars ame pal', eXcopt lte option utflte Publiaitot. Ail Cormnunications, ta o, caidreuci (jostpotd) to ttc Editor. Acliertisments and Letters on business telis mdr.ei ld e, Tia. IH. Bcntley, Piopnieor. Adiertmmmta for insertion la ho deliverti on ltse moralag peeceiing ltse day of publication. Six Uinesanmaiundér, U .6, us nIlseolnd ai71 eih atubsequeil iinsrtion. Tea linos and unier Ue 4di. finit inserti?în, and l0i. sacit mubacquent instion: saoie temlimes, 4di. petrlins ote éfiaI imasian md Id pe lnianoreiery subsequeml la serticit. Atiientiasments vilthut unittami drections are iiets tilit othiti, mmd ciargod accandlagly. Or ders fer diacamtinning advertisents ta ho la- sitiag. AGENTS. NapaneA. McPhenm, Esq. P. M. Sals...... W.J. McKay, Esq. P.M. Fi'sickaborgh, .J. W. Anderso, Esq P.M. r~4lopituhesn. S. Griffs, Emq. P. >. lIgUoea'......W m. Bok e, E aq. P. M. MlusMill% ... John Allen, Esq. P. Ma Bkmoâttli,.l.. oba Thithell, Rsq. P. M. giffier,......... J. P. Browm, Esq. P. M. Demorestiilie...T. Demarcitt, Esq. P. M. Sopitiasiturgit,. ...l1. McMurray, Rmq. P. M. Shanonvlle .. ..1. H. Blacker, Eàq, P. M. ,e.....lie . B. Flint, Emq. Trent ParI,...Wm. Robertson, Rmq. Part Hope,. ...-D. Samart, Faq. P. M. Peterboenogb . ... Mr. Love, Ulghtoîn,....Josit. Lockwood, Esq. P. IL Colborns,. ..... A. Keelei, Rmq. P. ML Grafco,....J. Taylr, i.P. M. Cobourig....F. H. Hall 1&q. P. IL Clarks......... J. BeRI6eL,~q. P. M. Darlnga, .. . Fairtum, Rsq. P. M. Witty, .......... S. Heenmnus, Esq. P. IL Toroto,......Mr. Ositern, Laid1Aen, Tmrcojo.Mr P Chée P Ofitce. RchmoanEli, . .JuSinclair, eqP. m. Omiteille,....Wm. Citiholm i .I Welinmgton Square, 1Hhram uit, âq. P. AL Ramille , ........ bIens, RE4. Duendas......... J. Larbin, Esq. Aoristes,....J. Citep, Enq. P. M. SGeorg,. .. . . Pila, Eq. P. M. Bctilmgsr...... exWi. Ricardso, Esq. P. AL U theins,...J.b I Deum, PaK = ,. : -- :. -. a H B eii, q. f - br.aiso, Esq. P. I. GmDuicaJo n McmeiP. O. 4owu. . Dam e eilP. 0 Wu. .WE5glmerq. P. K ....t. I , 004Im i im, K P. AL HEABACHE. L R E' SPOHN, s German pbysician ut mach mute, having devoted is attenîtoioi an sme fe theltscure aidremaralalte cauues of NERVOUS AND 51CR HEADACHE, itas lte satisfaction to maik noara lthaIt e bas arenn.iy ht y rsmoing the causes cures oefi'ectualty asud pram.mly Ibis distresoiag complaîn.- Tieeare . .ry familica arbo bave causitered Sick Headacite a ceuatlluliut.al incurable tamily tetaplaint. Dr. S. assuret I tem tit they are mistaken, aidlabourimig uader tisîreso uitich lbey migit mut ami alleviale, but aclually eradicate ity the useet ofirasmedy. Itl hie reault et scienliflo research, andl 1, ta- lirely ofta differmil character hroauverltidpa. lent medicimes, ant isa at uapleauanl te tht tasîr. HEADACHE, 51CR OR NERVOUS. Tlhée etraardinary teputaliat Iat Dr. Spoba's remeýdy for ibis tiateesaing camplant ha every da> gainimgig lacertainly a maltr oatàucit a.tonieh- mnt.Il. Ttlm munitsufferng baveexiati for astwaitoutany diacavery effectuai pet. veative, nr cure, la leuly a mubject cf munit regret, bol Dr. S. nos asasureslte public lthaI sucit s rem- sdy bas heen inventer! as ahIllnonvissé tht muet credulona. TIte priaciples upua whicîî il acté are simple ami plain, Ile la an admilltt act thalthis complaint, shéther caliti Sicie Headache, on Ncr'voui Ieadaebe, arises primarily tram ltse stomact-thoso arbo Ibinle lhey bave the Nervout Heaimceémmy tassurei ltaI Ibis organ, the stamacit, lalte lirai cause,ltaI lthe cystem bas ber. tamé vitiated or debilitated, Ibrougi the stotnach, and limaI omly titraug thlie sanie citannel muaItIitey expeet a eetoraliuîa uft he iatural andi healthy ftucioutt li yte 71m. This ahjcl, Dr. Spaitn'a remeiy la eminemitly calculalsi tu allait.. Tht trah tf (bis position caminal ho coatrovertei,' andI the soameraufferers vitb lte boadacho itecame can- vimosi ef it, lte soucer will Iteir suffering, cmnd la reslarabuon otfitealtit. Dr. Spaita pîtiges hi, protessional reputaliaon itis fart. The remeîiy may b ho f apotecarios gemurally titrougitoul the Caadîas. COMSTOCK de CO. whol Vsale druggislo, New Yoîk, General Agents for Amerîca E. SPOHN, M. D. PILES. D RO PSY. S WE L LI NG S. ÂLL azo RH EU MATI1SM. It lsabslolutely asmuited on titi moit posiilves prot Ibtal th. abi" complante mie arresi ad CUP J ythei timely fun of Hey'& LinîmenL t.isI imposaule te fini noom la tibla per ta pissent thoie proafa ubhicit are conclusive and coneincing Thc may b. seen et length as helos. Tle. tu, article has a &plodid aograved srap- par, ulit agents mai pnprieleri' name. Cali at tii. Drugglslla i igston uheré ths artcle la meli Thé above medicimes are for sale b7 N. Palmer and ali Drugglsts andi Apthecaries in Kingston, 60 eCamdix Md the United SItts. FORWARDING, 1838. FI OTTAWAî AND RIDEAU. 1 UME Subscribers baving maie 'rrngements for TOWING beini BARGES by STEAM BOAT$, ltroagitheit.Rideau Route la Kingston, ad M Md la ne.ve &M iForaisaGOODS and ÎC lte sMd (ram Uppaer Canada sit e 1m despateitend on as favourable terme s salterTor- waem E. RACKTT& Co. IloleiNeaL. W. DICMISON de Ce. KMS7a03 & PaRscor. Lacinem Canal, Masy 3,1838. FOR SALE. pe . eHo mme inaFrsm . wosto- Ùe--2 etsquare, sitt LItchen ite rear> 1 I& y 8 A Ciliar nader ts he ols. The silu- aIL asequalte ny l inashvillage for s Merciatn or Meehmie. Ase-A FARM cf 100 Acres cf liai, et excel- lent qmlty, about tbli o ilt rouathevillage- about 25 sares pmlliy clearsi ad tenced. For particuhmis apply te G. H. DsIlor, Esqi N. piaas,ortth uerb. THOMAS DIE. Niamee, October 101h, 1837. casa pA A>for WHEAT, IAIILE,1RyE deOATS, I abi Stm f Ibe Babcibr, Stoe sSursl. IL M. ROBE. ro M A luS. w. T%"Wee&K-.4 leu Mmpie.d*"* beptbmai RL É HIMORRHOIDSO No CURE NO PAY. PRICE $1. HAY'S LINIMENT. No Faicranu-Tbls extardinary rhemicai coin- poiiathé eusait of science and tleitsnven- lincacelebited modical maethe introdction if uhlch te thé public was invesidwith the s.. lemnaty of a ieath-bed beqotct, bus glce gainie a repulation unparalleedfully susbaisiag the cr- reclassa of the lamientedl Dr. Gidey>', lut con- fession, ltaI " ho iarei ot die siitout gving ta posIsilI? lite tenedit of bis kausîige on titis suit. joci,» and he therefore hequestietealubis trieai mi attendait, Soloanon Baye,, te seret of bis dlacoesry. if laemasssci la intseprincipal hospitals, and titi privaIs practicé la Oui country, int and moml certainly fer te cuisetflthe Pals, andsa sas.ex- lonively aid effectually -às ta baffle credulîly, une. s ueits elfects are aituemaci. Extrad- ly ilaste follouing comppainte : Fer Dropy-Crealing ex'.adîrary aborp- tioetoce. Ail Suodimg-Realucingtem ini a fevibouts. Rheumta-Acute or Chimnie, g.iog qiek case. Sari TIrooI-By cancers, ulcers or colti,. Croup Suiad Jfopilng Cough-Exterialiy, at.d cicr te choit. AIL '.Brues, Sprains ad Burau-Curniaua fou bouta. Bores andMiVeers-Witether ftînt or long stand- mj, mand trier soir,. . Itea peratioa uipou adultead childîta la te- tlucing ilieuinatie awellings, aidlootenîng coagit, and tigitIe of te chest bj relaxation cf the parts, bas bora surpriilt.çbrynd conacetion- The cammon remarie cf Ibos taithaie nued i; la tse Pdesýi 49it ilacte lueo a charn."1 .THE PILES.-The price $1 is retundeomi ny Persnt. ite ili uce a baIlle ut Ra', Lini- ient for tsePilex, îad reluint.hebemty bol- lIa withoul beiag curd. These are the positive t criera ufthlie proprielor lu the Agents; antd out cf mmmy touaanas al, nul amie bas 'been uncuc- We mighl intert certificales tataay lengtba but prafer taI those who adIl the articlp, ihoui ex- bibit the original lu purchasers. CAUTION.-None aa hoe genuine mithonî a spleniii ngraîi wnîpper, un wiich la nty naine, mm&dapli tntoftMr algeWit. SOLOMON IIAYS. TO EDITRS, &ca"AII e.intey paliers wbco wilî iasertthie aboyer 12 moalt,antI send ont n umber lu bbe agente salllieho ctîlleci ta une tLoz' en. of teLiniment. Sl weiolesale ami retail by CONISTOCK, & CO., sole Arente, 2 Fletcher treel, nar Nlaidf n rLane, une door beloar Pearl shoott, New Yoail, ai by anc Druggîmt ineery loua in the Catî' isa. itîr. Mofat-Dear ft aouc .,tc wi famutly fî-r sme nîîîtdr cu - ilerr.îi'W bicueit f oun, St cttctîlyiy uLe'au-I ci hbi, daaghter .d tetinu a duuce fîr 3 -tr sh. eumnced Uiui )-r mtle, cW oraeovered, and is om u-11 a-d bcî Iti.t5 "f uap scre go Va otîceenut ibtînt R.Iameitfuily .ra, ,C NBU S llft.Al)J,, ýh Dr.' blafl.a-DmnarSir: a be, ract i-ntt iresitgytiia. baviasgbcs tnuiibieiîliPî.aian l ujii tee rhetnti. and ud ald Iil cithîit le a rlief 5uniil bad etinaaetei abat>.arLI L itsPlléanti Pbmut Bttot.lei tabuiita, bd tié ssd n.it box a1 Psi 1fnaad th.u--l t'rti paie glat i 1banglong bota troiabiad w.th. tarI dsa.pteared. @Ssa eIain- tt e aetl îdtittl 1 toff, these t stiei , farlitconfildnt thallIl deteed tcn pouinmore that. mcca Ciajtntis ha valuasie medaiciasud tt .euiyte. ,I idi lIn good tifectri. Iurg, tiohfin 10 Mr. MtfgoSi tIan00.t1at!t sa thnuuh epuma ageni iWt hl, .1. 11*11,11, t voue .xellest Lîfs Medtiata i.1.,.g ira haibeeu eotajbîat Cf atirlIqia hu , tri.d mac eTi ,cie oi ftouda. d aaésdyr Plmsilt t5~" tht n>nfIl'a it erweIteroukslgc sletaajP aud iaV c.'gp me. W. B. Mfit-Dos irt As a nosaré otthe vune cscY d esCy et Pimus latterta,in rttiitg1.0tbeajilt ta a 0esvdm lamyeumd. I « a . wu ~ e. Wemr Lam bpbie, i nom,# tb oeb.'r u nr'a edr imi firchuece<frts. sp-atyr I '01 Ma. lu be oa tch. e.hem e Oremelbe reo. .rer iaee es scribd sy di etl W esa~~ CuPte lista sb. wu. giron ai mua a e shé Mn ge.dcually t(a g mbss PP r th* s.uIibanad 1. - toy ypemO usieeaIit g fb.eUtt g m.sleti uy buceâ.t roua lt 11eei9 log. Batmes ch lid toit 'e boitt sma huox ofsi. ifl sofa0 r moe etei te méemupulasmort aot ber bcouse m-k The Sab.enertavdng beasa PPIe' I« te. abomadeacihebi eiiena b ami sel l sîyh ione t bu it dinil ta<' iqu«are. Kietom, [U C.iebtrcmal bt ubsimile aid retail. Dmug. Peauta, Iy iemiimuay & aidPrtuiury. q.PAL% 1 BLANKS FOR SA LI m'os ma" MEMOR1ALS4'«,'1 ID llequéaaid er BIL A N irawy fa ide aithae ld Opi. KmpIn, lm L *11-C ha~ ~ ~~~8 Mr toum,,iS~ fi, MOFFAT'S LI FIE ijDC MUU.ZOu;orfIlreare S l t, ibberêtance or deio.uante tof , aîde t at elle.s hleudellrair, fer t ..i.Il ,,t , *b cah.eu.d. NO. Let th0str t lu layýM ny phy.sa1, atuant bel Mym Oly re-ot- I Perla.1,.lit that momnt îthre dy., and wer ey utrettrhdu.d dle a, tht, n,,ght, pntI.,lieî'.,~ tht: Niar. ~ oit*th-ii, .nit- Ieed tmonthat et i h, o t t tb ouru tati t di ifi lu.-j ao! thapp1y reliit, j..r. au Y. If tiity p'r'rîd thr, îoje r~ woald led that il Ircîtu q~' r d y Irecribe t iir tr ieI. "t di.,,ae. ksud te'y WOtid càale t. aVriles.t tuhtiîey "I'e, 0r t,~, nul, ttth' ,*id ac . r .ii ou.tMe f hralrh t aiGcod Vegîi, lrfto Ilau. For hctidrud, ' r Imaukju "Mrca hw. tr u Pb mclan.a ced butn ~ 'u h iiidib ecramm stt i, i-ci rerrb hi nîd;ca tfhe 0,, 'I slartmo, hap. nieitt.e ru i . 3ul. h kîia1".îyira Vud.u h3. Th Ittu,î.. V. 4. For, Pt 1t.th r'ani...î Herbet ft e rth, .i-lj U th.n. Ofileit nn ciLld h lnab. pocd 'If articirl the îiti ir, dacé,d ethe, faon, cIl, i.,11, sud dam1,atahr.' ', i Miant tr rieil îr i ,irC0rl are certalnin i.thirirrtrr t . sred i icruimar qtiatte ii ease, but at the aute t oV heu k r.ut ar ry Itre. PadrorrIlîct, t . -exirnl mut Wh-utt, 11il k àdi. Ithe tratî, .tg ni ad, hcaic niedicinea ref.îc '~ i *dy. luid r- icîcate th. tboit taan flac L'il, .U ilin li abera uleJ *hautty luroua sNui. iî nd D11111,11 L'canîtîcA*ibu, Li, ru t. Iiairr t Faer fail raiacar.te teIr,. r e Mr.Il of.ttffir,, 367l? Ii i ' cf the Gond Sanilaît, 1*1010r'h au1 z rr:î t The foi.iwîg lerr ar1. 1 .wre, large animberwhîeh MIr '.1,rii lri = iadbff.î-Dretr vri that 1 venture taurllr, iCu Ifit 1 bave e rai,udie, rutr.,l *plaint Wn$ naît rhru'.. h r r lheasumeu..ci- w hirh ce ir u .~.n I. htiever, rtcrt.veil 1,,r.I:i i . Ili li e. rto tryy('tur med ifle and atm, titre Il. bcd i jr. w e lit hdl I I r r, Vent box af puîr pli! nliii k.,r . four iimlauaitîci1 l-, cruet r i .. cd 0craaearrtetiiart ri pr.1'ci aild lil.td .tt t dic» l e I - l-,j; &U sfrlot er ith 'r i tir Mr. M.rat-Dern Sm1 Il 'rirN s, 'i t1.n, .rho bad rtc. aaa'd etrlit I r, m on:' ci me ta.tise pyrnt.fLi& a i cti 4jf'nS Ituraa ldtt'uti"" h t. with <hem st &Il;cand 1I liseib'.1, fi'l n"c eclmante, acd luate g,,rt iir.:.riri. them to tale t-Ilictted in aoi. tn:.' tltaptecltiy. JOEH SEýs Dr. itu.fl't-Sîr: PinCe î'î i 1 1n' been intrtuducIdui.tatitt t iii à,,u ans Wonder.. i cuill meerl)'tateauiu.' 'lTemifle tf my ar0.') nI'. .î Rea mas aUpIt. qed It,, be.t.l il rI'nii t'.,'laa alliertahttg t- b(hîîtjîl,, i Itritc1I ý btix tf Lire K., su *.h he ha , i-t..h. ýI. restored. Mri. Mila B. RAat'Il mntiu,'10l .1. n ' I raid »P îa w ittiai ii oo tt'i.lui î h2.ofti th.bsBillets am, I îîu LurÉrt C a I '., Wad niche avuits-8ail a el It Ira.. 1,;î'atg ganslemat inniy tors tahnî e'a.1alierri. nutati i .a be mouid t.ke lthe Pl. ard Iliaitj'i, idbc a sml ais. Alan, Mis. HPlui, mit.ll' Ji11but il,îjn- teiW iscestakena ic, adt-f:,. bati fit-,a-dj 1(t,1- oie of ber acn,. luatixmuvstanrtt'ai , 9, - . ti ar rtaettha L otkuti à*aIlic tayarîf, Chal, boca ta bcd hn.llin and tiieata 1 am fflot aorir 5 p"ectt lir a: , in bette, th.. ihas 'le'for te. eat. . a belico e 1. bthe e criaai'qu ru iteiztr2 a Butters. Thie au.s.etatuaesorî. îa ".oy rces.clb al. h olueiittul:Iiirruty'.n Yt. aeeat tîhny te, pubultiatuiti lu tr, a. r ta .ahaldtanie as PrIt Niutor'ut tirr , bis Co., N. y- NN ati r, tlt. JA. VAN VAh.LtitL3 Mr. W. 1ol-i . I"hae h n .jî. fleer sud asoce ahaut tiîree u.uî.a. .i afqiittiue. mbihdiii me rt iii..:i'.ta phtsnia Bittera,.airIafl.r Itinguc"',trr.tî. bttle. of lattera a1 .. an, eiii.uhu ...: the pablutat IeîgeCeairrttet .';r Toars ti>Iya JOhINIl r\I ýF»x saw volm ])&Y s Or "ILING rmox UTZKPOOL (hem. ihips are ail of the fis can., aid aby commamici, ulit eleriat accoînoodaioasfrps ageneTseprice of passage fronm New York ta Liverpool s dxci aI $140, and frotn Lizveipoolt NIew Yack"&ailS giea, including wîaes,astores ami beddiag. illither tht captait., nor ownara u b. *qsaihle fr any letter,, parels or packages, unies réglai bis of lading are sagned therefor. Agents for ships Oxford, North America, Enpe Columhni. Soulh America, EnglandOrpitoua, Md Canbridge, =OODUE & CO". or .. Ne. 'Park. C. H. ]MARSHALL,. BARING, BROTHERS & CO. Liverpool. Agents for te ahipi, SI. Alillewa Vieginian, Sheffield and Unied States-' ROBERT RXT .... ...Nw York. T. a 1. SANDS & COD......... Liverpool. Agents for stips Peansylvania, Indeopendence, loe M ad George Warshington- GRINNELL, MINTURN & CO... .New Yark. WILDES,ý PICKERSGILL & C.. Liverpool. Agluls for shipi Shakspimie, Siddcas, Sheriaa md Grick- E. IL COLLINS & CO......... New Yack. 20 WMA. & JAS. BROWN & CO. . Liverpool. ul-L P OLIIC PRINTED AND î~îî S STORtE s'ruE O.»mEiVOL. XX. kM couraer & E. mtqm FROM FR&NCE AtaI 1 thpaichet ship A'iatny,( ~rmm lImTe, ba e rcemcoti I lhits,1Élit., catairaittg L.natii reig Ot bhs 151e hlicU s ll se lai beonsreaeired "t' le 1itae isys later trainte .firirt. cidta CgpaiiaJohnstn liur li ubich lte su1 ccePt aur tîaî.ks. Tte French Chaniber of b)u j:: tb. 17(b st a speech froin the aigtex. ls latigliAti Et 1tiittOii paris jttrnia ccorcinttotihelncç ides. Le Consttutiannel, itowet dermite &Mo.tg thon, end apîaîei' uail rtczs it s.vcnely, and laa i aili silence# anuthait pro'tstion ware evîlccti, cPt si conclualesiby aaya, avo 0 opinio of lte RoalFiOa as a stiag an i aergetiC sp a speech, IbosWbo tiraw op Ih 1 l>actemseli a laM 'a rapl'o b. i i lîl liethe ailMhie bistyear Iso bunJre tuperitapi, siticit sill cli fogr-aext Yesr, rots arilbave M. Dos g osattacbei l lte F in Pafi, wbosd been tt nL . clu1 inission, lbai eelurned, ad % patively eaid, cf telite clresotî Ferel.nces of Loadon, saiicla nmait, of tht '2l articles, suoft ras ithe), rtorieS, in ail hp iittgrit3y. 'l tago gaioed hy uce la aailrity tht 7l5i b. The surs i Loto, l'iiiliipptî that hc titil fot tr sue cfte conforenice .would be tii by sîtnetasiîlan us.îirsio oft' lu ecouclrage Uolgiin l ttkiu4 att'ý cession of Linîthtr, and!ltiS . A religicus fervuur lias 1roiltl. iancrs cf dislurhat.ces. MNi I ing et a missie.ary iaving titoi lare, hoe sas pursuei hy thion te Iher occloslastic, andi tarroctlire life. Tbe bouse aras rtsisacktnd sud national guar.l cutîlti nitîtler bers to prevo'al il. The C('oîr dieu! recently at lte boan ni' C' ws areftLçei ahuriliplace in tia arcihishup, la coaarqtieaca oni pan1,one of bis wot k on Il .'lbeurrihbishofh ut hallala censurethlie pailb prit ehoa chircli thereumaia, aIfte ce Brotssais. Tismî ltruly asrtate <i -hail semer agait> expectt.d b cee Tht Londton Pulirîs cf te .5lh hile alarn at the illcgal asçemhiiît 'mauoifarturit.g districts, lat*yvlorrit are biarangued by lte mo't natîn or ltre e maniittloriit'sint Laîtcas tison buracid . Tlîe igh p The iL i~raing 1i1rîluIl 'Grey l i igéanPt ai tue mirtn( !liaisters bave tîcated bis sut-ii lian, andat li e lata,la up, Parlianent. A repart titra pît't Durîham bai calida Intttiag ai a)London Who Ihaît relationa mii plaita thrmn ltsemotves cf hi! titere. We give hue calIia t ati ofm t tSu Jaita Cclbormg but il dccc not appear teu ilt. tij wili t lite perraou Lord IIIîght( ferred utn Lord Durham. Tht Q-teetn efSpain bas uc a rew Cainet, lent the war ina1 asuaed a more itcîire chr& FRaralCIouIN',s s Hi, Nfajesty aras accounanal i 'Orltans and btle Dcke di unsk seul ,, he former on thîe rightl, a lett ut the King, sîtoaras dressa 'unilcrm, and Whit, we rejoce (o etaarkaibly goual heait. Ili. la in,% sevenal tilie lu lte Chiari et ad havtmg takiea latat briie es, ratinl a frira ouc, the folio "Gentllemen of tie Chamber of Ca'tnmlar f Depulfies : 'a Since youe lest sessiont, France bas beemi but incrrac.i sit ejo>t, bas bren btc oattoii " Il is erahifying lu nme in hou! lanlte midal tfy au, ta bave but asupport for Iatill farîher itapruala' taon wriichi l already su favotra, 'aMy relations witt 're ica p $ai st ytery a ver ; FracCec t b siinthbe1eagali er lanlthéeste tg ' tes osnte ainiof Belgima tertaina%»0 thIat ylitsysu iýa'tc «aun, by gviag a mes aa4,pdencsetf lgium andi "Ia tdy1 litsAmtlaen toc "ae WiLi thliIoly Sec, cur lii "e taenis Thé nililary etc, ith !es iWhoe inelitài iidty ialtresei. hi puii la mill a peey te lte te lanme tdes. W. cor mit Our allies ai, tite clauses ut 'QtîadrmPte Alliance.'re Qtîeî 0 e't tltbas net coacedto laine il te assita,, t a rhich ue are but rtOrtail tb. support Whl s tniat thtllluuIdfferenceas *;*kSallasû neReulic mis appt '. ta, estnaval toicci "sMidfao u o, otgya aith Vota Cruz, and Ibi icnGvelaet îlte justice a 'Si 4éhve been mcon dm taerejalliongtismat l".In Arid., Genstlemnen, lb. Ziaicem finislsrcompenser' a ato- b--1>1 boi. eac .1