Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 5 Feb 1839, p. 3

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419 TU UrkKIL C"M"» W L-uiSÂfFL. ~ Xî viden. Tt d'sa, er dme mim de* ete iUlt ammgmi- ULMati tocm the6 UNîie 0(,utlc d <ey vould bdiltum mm1 te conte. thecmIaaetd la b iImbv cl" timt eu i hlit tek eIftî is iiie t %stiacs&.i Md git l ais'm noo< Mlld t etp ii auegrs.ln; mot lwould be vert Astcter evnS> Provided %Vd msbS mioudntribut, te timplora 13ia Who bas e ma fronm l u a dt.mtîîi B. hm"la Gomei, iod,tlimtl tle kiid st. I mr-, -of tlDIa0. e vhmlesom of aui îhe Pte. 0 Widb"s Canai dming thi. -tu Ihis tisu Of generali Mateeient Ofbamue and te -selryp il May le ;01er- u181014 "ath lireceiptaîfr nec mccl ginater in 18&% r. We fois Mwar pleiiîr m mit istanding ait th, ".mbuls labaurad aulet actaitmn;, mfintd. cvety year alacm, an siditional prier cf u.outy lotte is of me. mii mi ivamiege te th,. ft lm umdcflmlengs, thst 1 and piulileol MeKecaja 'tIi, Md lettdoned more or %ngam and lte United rit, ceaI te. lbe nevigaion late ert intelligent Eî6. nà bave recOeainded liae 'g Of tle greatesl importance indeed ton Itink for a mc. nit between Laies Ontario of aIl imletcon andt Cocu- thamis bu lsllprised th.t il 'liment being Folly ccon1,1,tdu ne lime or Ocppeeiy, and etlo is aec apregum tg do ait, while ueei ng su mati y ha govetnment, etIse, ing a pe<î cf a fuIte imptove. lic ecapatative relîri oi aeh uams The wvie ,, ile3, us £5,516, 4s. £6,740, 14%e 1Od.-namn; ufIM 3of £1,224, S. 11). 1837. 1838. tact 106r4m Q32,147 .665,825 452,62Z * 704,M4 1,158,461 .1,8691. 49,2 * 103,96 81760J 1llMO 101,8li 2M5 .218,2421 414,9194 ....47,617 241,566à .2,6W-14-I 2,77-4-4 e,. . 216- 10-0 137-11-01 ..755-16 843-15 ...112 174-9 .5w0 737-8 SiE WMLLAND CANAL. yosa commty whig- mie lay bifece eur remalen ,IliI vu fistytmastnt i ubel t i Wland Ce- stittlidn ou eltgea es aMd mismiard ef course iem, mile muId, Ié grctîfY ailli, amei«c overy prîtg- tout, Mdi destrey the vIcie Mdi san ber prospect fer Il ope. go tu citeea, and 1es md ai the porto( the C- varen.l ic ePressenti«c i1 c, U. C. 23d1 Way>, li tuago. l ré deubý ieoa aI i mall ami a m aum ti a m io i etimar i. 0als i Pl h m n au"m 181& is cslr f vita CAU.LI LwOum isem si - îi, 148meinI nat"ua id al e C IMÉr OEUcgv 0 tout " = mebite- des ammSiIaqai si, swa lut, tic Liem ,*" e tac f«" Dowlic6wW hu. MelAs k jomms , ded. Tbc73" apt àOMWe e t 01ema. m Vote cwa Meel cloIlW.l i fats acnd mamCsm liC., I rom dcwn il, sakaitig ai. wWU tic vjd bs imla'lotcn. lOne mac the uttllmg ci ,nagearo mir tonds vîlbout teirteOsen' Te hl~ HimuExceltemcey tcplied, liai etlb.-seat o f lbhegulImfl1saoea liii ainîld le bina- trde5ireCIbat lie BaMO meysa ran thfe mai t im4re îlcnld b.paid te thle chef, end m"lgo aîefaîd, mtIla JeasDOu large, lmi thaïe- rey oitl co r.u.-(Braalford Sentne.J WaderantbaIawarranla blea lacament Ictoe Ladon Piminit for tie exeesiio f lice ot tiada-ueey-Coeteim Cmniugham, CalulAmos Perley, a bMaor;anmd Ju*a I Uce mcl îe piratital pafty, mmd eet s Docte Danembe turebel army in 1837, e dloue ipprcltom'a rewiti vas élercd Iy bit Imci lîe-ad.icrr.J ni$ E-1elkelli le Lieulommnt Govermet lbu ceeW p.tga n gst e pardon 1telb.he M evnt <rNs, vz.- Jals D. Staple, Tomiîehil Of Yerk; joSepl mmm, Tmueoip c<in-iell in the Peniten- auy.et; idae Shepard, Tovnmhp ni Yék; Jéaepb CIlariý, Tcwuiip f Mrkaa; Aloxuader lIc, 6te f Illacbam ; TbcaeBroui, tlae f ULt floi Maear, lae et Totaaemd 1Tiiema Te Fami flifte brave Voicaiee. & GBmite ehn wfre kuLtd ad monded in tle actimof aile 13hlu titf Nir, loat MPreuot, acka.vwledge aîîh lb deepeit leelinno f grtitude hp eceipt .rtbythe bande of Donald IMfhraylâdr. Con- diii brIe bonace in Montralf Ena im - mdicle reiReL-[Prescot SentineLl F 'en remel ai nwbuilding in thua vicin*t mNé!whe et e ,u I rgsnhipit, md ei isl meen ore. notatlty empiyed in <bit ci'mtr. btiln.l(e boi!dueg yard of Jobs Mmmp, g'4q4 besidos twi o elle Ioel, tberg tam a toe-p o hestock,, mh'l vie finiedu*5 ecslX" kondredf(et iJelîlli. liisid il.i. b lemcm bu5e in tme Cpnmi; iti a cargo of-tiiPiftsubi 0d retie t tur aginsin GlaWtor oe11,= We Ou IN Orens lp' ni the 16th ammqise lis urtv «Iîebriz Coret, J'rom Havem, taes ne limer Velee arived froroB.itot ii eîpPàteheî or AdmrAiBudin; im6iodiqtclj oe ,cePt ci wdccl tb.Crenle made sait fer V.cm Mu. The Veloce vas 27 deys Item Roebefoet. W-n the Cnmeir etlere tacre 10cr 12 Freneb leî.f.war ait Harana ;amnong tIentles boîtut. 'ele Cylope and Vulci, erived ontlie 81 ruez.oC T~ uedStat s aeoa-éf-oar Ontatie md tb.0sa,,,i, rom 1lavairi3son the8tbdimcîe laiuaîrred on the 711 (rom Key Wait LN. Y. Co, Adv.j Fio IlJifecàc...By an attirai tt Ne% Orleans, . nR inform~ clnation las heen toceived as glel22ndf Decemben. TIc Jegifaaiccet lmi, hast bec pterogued té the 5th o Februa', effnte relosn; tédé ny Icoimet along Mi ne i uis Parliarnent contines te legiaae on the lents encernaofethîe islacd. CIETY. Fui, tt theteport cf <is Sociey for 1838, mhiMé Slut cone le hani, il appeau bat iti interne, leltî yeir, mas £97,125 j5 6d.; about $431, Sbu"t lîrbher, sitealbY 33M6 gmie clin.teceroc, ph co 411'-6 aleclits, tenter,, &c. In li ee r; Dg hé .-on$inEvoeWeît mues, ledt, Nya 1 màà4, 11, evfoîndhîu,', New mi cniek, Louer a( w id Tr rCanada, lhey lave 66,Ï29 fleabra, efua- it l dul IIchldrnm in tieiebe. lveS, "Ynk Christian Autrcitte d Jcpail. à safte G1iAT SURGICAL OPEILITIoe. i¶Ol~ '~~Fine arcotni t fthemot Immidmll * Al"mpnatonolthm lova-i* wa gilqe litle e il titd tr rau la ~coe Suai3,, il Ihe nrtiy imm bubm baded te us by ameeta a ad t Prcht ote c Ia iediU~cr c.oL ,~il ce a eu n ta qEcl h Ga-AL .ile tcdyit requimd. ; "M-,0, ( tis ity l itfrhe lut 10 mwmb ahe of Ictr a decieJe of thefâc, 4b pew IA M-ieal LA Id lbenemgtmimhs Wpt udy 'cr Ont!il htatami ed fitisp cra,î1y u.The righlt dme a faca. e of thtekbie domiliad iisu;di Émiome tkmtc ttIthe tutembrai ib tthe 4MlàW ip " 'y IdtheClieote ils poolefiermmu- gsi anfd Phe SoCke1 w tua I"namé i r te t îlte temnple, extendio' euec a- lertellse pi.ata ~tm b e htho tic eaiai, mi immie- y he$de of the tongus, Wh uiom " 'tie de, sde a tîtic paut of tiS.Iua p.i. tied by t h tamr wua. lw . du 1 0 lus amI, ., em oiin ierat 'y Ofth- atie t e liaI onp»&». Y Ilicg lie CMaehcalamdlat.y heltt îb altuteur hcmaiy pracdlm baie keig muing et bhet c 't . Mat ar. pataOf 0 Vin te tei t M 9»..s taeF noperume, "d ib ua a "ofm Step ta .» lnadlr mr. heifpF liumi nq Cil 9%1h q*e P jus te hp adoie, mdwo li&clads m evu comera in tbe peqpmemded, mmd Md I.L& Bliw ny,*m bitwe1 ad dzhy, d =aa sqedai e n liePatientý lefreecmmseiag Sgoed uperatie.id evu oiralIlade is Usa Immt mnéario tlm a% cbone riembliy u tb i mcdu. 1* fe. houatu uthe * Se cpeWeI » otsuM diS Mcd0 cIa tIO me- tueneedincbout Mdimou lic op Ofiet, Msnd eXt.edcd lS t tli«S", emdiag in tic fi l. dunad Alieptpcive lie fe$Mu, md«4 eam t. tii PWMbasUe.ttle eleel beoeutdlia alm b.e li, am mil bekw th@ c lv«rjas' noir expoed, & wu adeed m ap ru it clop wil.theortalhcwuitene Itmee icr le th e i iet uç Iand " le modl. m.t iU titi mmd eeeuMg g atcpfh. aezlrae diaesy cperatios eu lie damieof tho zle emcala iagpc't lie Imor, tam lita ttmacetlomie mPPet jaw sud nefoete mouât, md m i atbock a. the IhrosI, mihici miaapedily eompltW. Snoé listhe bmehbiimmad sel mati- peaunocf the u elinqpatient, tlitMattendica m -cplaint, m mi #cd ata e&te doncciite * ermimi; mnd ifemmartlld c"dmmmmli. PMt of the patient am meapRmcemima mmd .111 en thepart of the surgeon npefreg. tmis dei- cae. ipcemtiom cea c ureciery, lie proapect et Mu. 0. is exleniylclg.W ums . .1niry; , liaeuv-eu ýrdaiye afin lic m- w tem-dsmg mii r i ia halaiin Cooper,# ScegemiDicliomczy, lot M86, dli aiml portios ofethte loueir Ba bave been ro.novd by several emicmos rgccae, lut thme get epevtion ef aImpulato% tue jauMi edli chimaad ils>oit, buhem ier boom perfar'ed cille in Ennupe et Amaciea, except by lie dligouig. mml Dr- MOtt, Of Nelir u mmd"àDr. Ccaaek et Dumblin. One éther eau me amctmeod <q Delpein in miici"M. Grafe o erin, eumeofthtic aca ceicîrmîci langens cf Gcrnaay, dmncd te dimari-i culatm the loer ja M in thela l.poeaeue c. Fluemnsaeg Me, OmegeWctil, et a si.. O. fe Mth if Jm.y tySa Dv. M. Lug e WmImcbapsa if et . am'manbp et radmiei- barai. te mi«jma e effweJaa, eis eTemia of Km- ly *0a 90m'. l'hi4 eiIia. Mr. A=hviib.& *u pig e I&CAAi~a. e UEO. ARTHUR. PYCMR làt, iy ch. Or"t of C"4 of tu VP"mc 4%e rth Pââ, 4c, c, . Téosur blaieaisudtItellitoLegisé,cCêm Ciles of Our Povnefup tde n. ,y ita, illaa.nmd rec ont ur l'iovbéco lateaur Provincil al iamemnl, et cur 'iy of ler0t, on 8atmîday, the tvnly~m do f Pet.u, smev nea t mi.90 s our aeed, lbd, a&ai &led,àainte erpiYcLQ "Vdte llbti daet iJimarvmeWlm, ril tort IL opmo& ug.cr Precicl aebet t lwy, m e my " *1( FebrryMW amut emmmcg, et wmich tsuu nt ourc.ty oTocoatey«je. vexa ii maiemei NOM KNOW YM, liiiW. taieliale mue Royalmt oei.ratia the «m amdi cuerealod ad- tiong $abjet% ha.eMulltbyasi ticadk edro tuni Emgem aCeecaste uuliew1 vosam cac«hot of m:f m a attoudaeffl t ie Prmenlàaid) nslagpmacd mele i pua, tIIme nn, es mei clgy.Iee mclà ascr parlas' t ont Cit<uae 41 11 tberc la tel. itle çesdeClacti lalé il fate of lert MW- Provisin o ut a crCMWÇ d there le demi mq uemsmaRr~l la reW»m xuwummov, Wc hae .canaqiOb*" îur Letteistlobce mdc Pts, iM tSa Grogt Se ul tnesid Pem labeoieautdlOci- GEGEÔk AMPURLC. HLAsutaestQec enofm Wsi d uica q Cammaading surua.ieli Ibicieli day ciJmmve, instSa yeura sot &09 !às tictesmd oii e mecsd mit lidy-mai. Ic in limmai yarofonptreigs. çÇA 1By IÂIi4NA*oaI X.A TUcf, la aav ili DêclYeiSa iktiwmautisaei1~ pnii3ÇANTLINGaE% requinS Me i - Icidiaga cmi di. ~dIauIcbc o de dedt Nd mdc 4 de de a do ~ de %ad% de -0 *iOb, déser *4Id* »A 134& d.~m*e Set 'de 1 45t4 *loirl so mud d.mo.ppm elMo dmfleab ~mU me819Le.M& ~i lsse nuvc Oila vais s etr i isa et md laatta il tu pp@ m seva c Sae t l~llà e a - e. 4 bw. ~ aE h m *aumamleiol te &0 5 omem of 'tg " q(ase L - wla mloS tma1vil c t4 moi Sat.. la m UR&s ei- bmjt la dim im r wate . wiahlbetf leduShaeceill, mieb -a dmeo@ m .seM a a"pAe r,ahema Pm s IKiwauis bum iscs, ua,.m. m ve, wu M bu% fft a Guwla liaoMmgl.taaru. NataleWhaayi, k MW me M"e l ma Eofle mm e ,haml by tbe aI lisothe samt aisStOft bic $amk ouiseu t Tam .i oI d tct e omiset iit l ic dle. i i iln Nots s by i. <ic qmMeoat vU hu mia Moiade tN mmidsd Ruaetdm *»M lalI»maiaa m At t rpm heAct.maceg tolimof laiAene,. lem lia.b haruvby given"!I, li Spli ic vl l <va. e mtile in * nt Ofcmyt.phma e.emim e Cobuq,-e&fimam.sl theamlo ofB", m o edol T tmu ImLiM" qyf, iBttt ÏId. e lsci . t oera a tIapiei o i bu 1 , Sa ld Cacial d i a on.i i e a o si n fS p i ectaci, imi c Gmm otini9rq leNadmrit vepbat madl Somuk eSle piom uBO, l bus mmaa e ti e tisi.aml *i .ugSn .ào an IcI t. topai tiAtimo dCmsmovet 0( thrieÇmdo e Noica. hqluy &gir m q*bmapàai. Ml l I.mMe l tLgoa t éaeem et llrIaiu cft mud teva." a um ew d Caieeab, lJutc",6438 Nimie icOl ise.,Sof iadm aii<mmle aega oeflsep uçtat io ahp tbele iu.. à*hOa h Gun i " - * mdc D *m.ee.aallla die umauv nombup, r19*68. àpaissu ouisamsfrts et I ta I i I I a I i I a i *li 4 c i c Ticsjta~ iL . Suorr Acd W the #qii, Wid e twpmcam Tit Rle,. e&'0a. tli i dcl#o fr 1.< e. edi~ itDRY e, 88 wihi WK eu dloc, 296 Jambr, 183% Ui pi picipml Street fer Bu..., ,and the Ubop Iiitesit eltiera Dry GCmMecimi trO Fat paiticulaiu apply ta IL.Bq. ROML Jamc" 3,32%' . ~UoON-DENqTIBT IL h~a rngàved amthisTe*%, t, reupeetfuly invitez the attention of timi, Le. dicu and Oethamcd.Kingetm n d its .icuaity, use't dcmirons of repletime the vacamce c mmc jt.lose of tdiU ongiai i TetI, to lheimpevod tiufàctÏ«e OF hiq Pecelain, <lmmnnrptibfr> Iio ol)eh'm.er champ c4oIur, mot mmcc the lEva, emaopclly - thcsc. e ahen. 4 jeclaaddo fflotc a 'meupkcammt Imite, se' ~ldAaaB. Tcj yc us sa" da the amie, or taldlta f rontm emisaura sttle cerrumpood ui the living Teeti, morne net té ho seaUy de- t ýced.AisHalmm an d A@Wd iTecthtuted. U'.A in luDeNTAL u our ..h TidBactiberrWm efe vry olpermiien cm the 1ah,-Guit amd Meuth, oùnthem agit cudet. and iapeved puiai~cPleet Dental Surgery. Canon.e TeetI chausd, and iltedta vti gold, tanel, &c., as se entlftty te minestt li decty. lreglrmtlo ocf the T" of .1CiiMrn .peevcaed-in a8aitIs remediei. Mr. . taig ho food et the British Ainonican Botel. Rairmmubg P'enminiom-Dr. Sanspmo, Dt. flakcr,Uun. Ji Kmiby, le,. B. D. Cartwight, J. 8. ton. mmuay 2, 1839. AIDUNG MAN in B Wboi..cle mmd rti S b scoepertent te take charge of lookand méan;ii..Itusefol in ev.mj de- Noa md mpply mile CBnnmt fmesu excep- t tio ei nmimle of émarcter Mmd mlty.- 22 -11,1839. Cbriheen aesay adWeduedmy lut a an avtidI.v POSMPNED Wfifi badmy the 1411e, Feruaay mmx. J. B. CLAIKE, Lient. I. N. KinSten, Jan. 26,1839. OXA VINQ AND HÂ1R-DRlZSlNO AIND CLOIMMS-LEANNO ESTABLISHMBNT: Itoepublicteho tcsfr theIbidnège be bu VUdjbfa »Ils «vli n Kicoton, mmd woq$- M" e . temn, J t.01le a i htein pea»a.md mpame bavo euoly tg "*ici tlwome#v*éatlàhim tiactmat è, me4..b omaidai of mon. aoJmn 9 89 ~4 ~~ih.ctiàia.lut Merci, m thc mcIboompedm »Wtamci f mevain. * - JORN TYXEPLES. EAu euib"mgh, Jan. 1%,lm9. SwJpd T on ESuleeziberhep te I.cate.tthléeTumv- . ~ cling Pxb3li tat hlebon cpeced calcule Promies "du r li mieden.im, lmic W wllal bseoitmat Anmm ta0 mait tIntp.. tonego b tlimoumi cafortable, acmo4atieu lot fEn t= Tesvm and thcir bOeMee. DAVID COWAN. ccrtal.piarc e*9t7pyCO ow acPo J! EIVE"Mm otels. m Tor",l W ofNewTogk City and Uqilm scade Stockset aaie asfc e bmier. M. J. OOONLM ro, 4à D.uS m Ï& . ý *1.e. NI .,~v ~ n -~ B~L e' SMby ti.he, siIeD .lDma 00' tUU il, ;ming60 Ime«4 t 1r ih.,Per. Milsad LR . « Inencmc fetmiem..Clu SJOHN H. CRIU& ,ImSCrn EE o'tloi mae, 10,000kfrVmsaiwt 1--blande m01£u3inU te wbecf(mrtesaveur m»4 Ray, ibt là Nae DiiMmd 1Il0< "kCm of n Ulct1B . d.per GmiIom;-,cabie.i$ké. fca-th.<e TOwndiif Lqldmotihe TO S ,.~e zouri IL-GREL fer of Lotue,.1, wucl i i of . KIeg*c, I , 108. a th ia ôad lhtadbelmging o tbmdJep VA39U»K "11m . àale at 12 0clock, ««e. te Ai be lala Mlmd a. l ioe eigne,. mImaweg tm1ampmthlie Ahee pmb- W li.eimpt. iarl M T uMyUmeosut vis: Ipre riietd g t pwa bat d ad meucclaSwes. -At OmcIq. ICILM LLOCK, we W 'ha M amit c iffl Bl ia sauter, aI S iMd. Dim. to MI100cd 8 et. By E. l. .6OWs, Abo'fWfl bd IWCedmr<12 kmoi.t.b ft .»eS heratr. forilier pacicula, a y te Idm. McDcn. tote Phés ac Raiaitmth libJ.mmmy, 1M9. OYSTER REss, tâte eiM . or êczce rrame à*» uanar sic«.B . .1*PIN, ~ TALExANDER MTD.SIa. ,%w1ill be lepi t flmply "Bld Si( 0%tqU ~ ~a ichaîe amotment of nSor, Co E'Fh194x n 4T. Cjclé *i-nùeo*wt»t cowectwfil bJOTlVE i li sy en -!bat *W AIrbale4 it emey peum . eidicg wittl lct Noumiar ow,!%$4 Twn etlüauifl enit~ tvwe er h*ake« f a Idumn anmd Cp mmc Comaril mm of the mmd Wmed, coder tée pu- veo of lie Art of the Provincial Parlimment, Jol.imtCaa2, epetple<. oa 84,itemtSquare, in tbe id Tew, and that entomam viii lecentimuliy 1, eptdr oml tIe oxt momalmgeleetie. toi en Aldermunand0Com mmc Coueil iufor Il. nid Ward Nuaber Féur, llibébaMlm l wday in Mmrc, 183: and tlot cCourt of tieimai thle cornoon Cemaci, * wtd by the Cernas.Coancil, viii iotIm Tmil Dclet3, m'aIm the a ftecmoen on ovemy saccuirle ?&"dy tillthe cdey of tic «W çWleticm 41fer baie lnd deeidin,1pcn ait «- M>d» Ihýhmony iy »yl or Of OctWeTeum, te lie insertion or osum.e mamm, " in ton eid là4 amd tedd to and amrt ién u st Iamaheaocono mes foimiqpecrme tpeum "4mt herin nerted, mmd wms. ight t<e%,et#~ "plmaet te i unets,%allIbce atiui. ctoci!y B.7,0 ore c eomas.Conoiu, W. DAWE. av*. Kioaton, Ionday, 3id Decealer IM38 8. DAVI8, AucmIONEEECOMMIssiN MEECANT, MerdaiSqmi Me »zwCTULLytendest.al.*pbliW&i IORW- b erpt m d,.meuls h mi ïeâwm te g aci det ir iem eddlaacc bc iemm, mmddtemcd l emd ta owpage 'heritaahire of publie patroage. fie-ch. usôtinuce the JEWK.LBU81 *4b fi bove stnd, vie,, rpmca iiib "Dm éb4mteainoute. Old Goid 4't ih.? rl1 1 0- DUT DOOR bALES otf ulnur1 &c poctàclly mmd tatifà tnt mdd taleOnPie t:'SES.Femiaruae, DMi onxe, St., am mundaya mnd iuadays, et 11 A. M. KiglcJoroeer 13,1lem8. 30 am~tment .1 Fali and Wicter D"y d wOmeLichk le in se fecelin; petiche tlea f"i Gbulanmd Liveqocmmd talililalUt Me pec- uetock wiib soldNmmliq eimp W cué. Gabie 1JO110M. 086"AIIE N 'Uh RVE 1eu. at Un11 pébclii e, **m lre mc- -au bffl éeté m aaté e divm état6~le doedto dvui adae ofet toom MoIUb &*u*à 4kgna4tOIra"QS -er- a l »W C"th i #Iigii ab ' ce mui ft the; Tu imuf., Lcngibmegi; Lut ne. 16, ahi Con Wsîs.-tlita Tovnphlp of Longboeegl ;ji il 44»0 Acres, icing au n'zcentfl frs,14o) acres cieUrd, ndieica a IrKa (rame baro, St. on thé prealaco. Abor the. Wxcst lu etLot llIa..4611 Cencae iba«Ulie Tonsmhip et Longlbcremgh i SentitEst Hait ni Lot No. 251, end an undivid Pd twbIbIO t L iLjNom.20 and 281 in limhe Town etfKimupaton, vit i lidinoi, cltatmîd on Bfr rét teel-' Aum: Lot Nu. 7, 6tfi Concceooi the Téwilp of Wutiigdan; belonging btheli Sdale t 12 6'elock, nome. Ail elmmSiavagdaama gainst the, alore lamé on% am pî 1cencl, etc reqeee, 10preacit I mm t e 0.0ornenbfore thedofdsyaiit itICH.&iD BULLOCK LaIe Sicuuf Miii. Diii BY R. J. HOPKINS, s4,e"D . Dev,#ns , pcj. ShoriSf. TIhe a aluee sa pouipoed until Sttday lt lit dal of' Oeobet nom,-et Itheamatene mote dlace.r IUCHAIl» BLLOC, LaIe Slerf, Mid. Dis By IL . HOPKINS, Dep. Shellf inbam12d Febvuuy, 183». MAWADianiiéieti VMt LiÈSOLP etth :emi» , Wcolmt.llousciin th& TevioI~EnmIn fieluniy lhe ci da 4y of Jane at luel 1=0aem crin di melzed by Uiite o. ev ooereut idtaof Mer ]M î'.court df KlngisBe lt t 'w of m OitTpper 84 ue omi .Rqact t. fEdwar =, riz t-Ail îot, àettlumet *t lezç-c'Laid, il mewnmi La h, temInem le t ulis dli day of Agucrf-i»ioi mmebvl ad~ma RICKARD LLOC.". - LuthR Ér ilmff - . Bh1LJ.ROPK~ dytbmU dy et lpcfrx, ; ut lic ma LmaieduMd. Dit. Uy E. J. BOPliNS, Éaelei] UC * ~ ~ a "Wetr Win 183 .17, Umdl~e~miib BsUsn~chi $ c; 111' tWs.fr. Milleat et ~rCimmda. fa. Duel- - e ~ *iaqaa<By - I ,mmiy clulea s aicametie ~. j. co~q~ - t bi- -7

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