,1 c ~ ~ c.vet.WW.u chihsais5qMBflfrpeai a i w,' is !r~ ~T'h'si.c$d-I R ib.ia.... - 'tIP- dnusi mji sd onê1*os~le Tb ~tSW~4. eIto. sb. 04 *-Pu tiail *byisise im tant tek"dc~se ate'emnq, ekei .9u caemul,?nhil fa lbueaN*hOf 0 u tU WM Taijcomblit4mw iftseb-t"bhl$oe.eeisawu ta iâ gsi hut .bImm mt. Wma4y~ut pwj*. tee~-aEnaa .dtI.sh'l', coslpehâe( ueWevT~s -is). ay.Ub .qM epvel b.dim idug<l.escta idm,'.uriah mlmme nes.radeia.1c ezemiboramylieita ie peig<te uorsb.d utumU ld Ube bout. iswig uals.lsti.Amdesiffl 1.08mou, M ex- *5 nue ulat hou #W& u ie. elea004 ~~ mtbe.i u éf b 1.Am iviet"-o uin *0ml.simsnm AJRWAOF IE 6SM? ait"W uisâbu shsyIM1aia va mmMryl Isco Mrhé t i uilvoiasur lialu ps.laf monnaSuq * 5u" - ~~~~m goasl irsui#,M eu a ami i (s sa eee see Ore m us* hYh r * U S U ~ i d taqi mufumadsmmitls4*u isB. efIPsi 40. *mmi. liebmommeah-millsa fu mm sel WIlssmi, hs-ai tb 0omm in- bM 3ua dltOaiU4 mm lysub».s67, ir lîwédsu1.îw eoiwue.is.oy ulml4 atP to4 -d dmc th er...'. case ee b1 dmet tat le aapora Mtflo te e u cIaw. Z vsu't .mun ami»h W Boue ceutai ut 1hqceten'r.1m emy rlieo a.amais lu sa tacl 1, ibgqet Mc. Ual». aï,b e -olen efl-ta » puee,ta ahbwg a-to.i-w.. Telt-gi* - mmip gathe lis, e.)., ai of a edmmiv h far Coun lamaieieellum lb.am reili1MdseA- FutO.bUn.à5 -b eIw4bslsifUy" amui2iMg bem lep o riètWalier, W..ree, Jus. g »dv mduab0GelbmtyParb a*mP muved uau" tts'àodaipt.hsaaels mUSitl'k et t1se peota, w Giuby c. itbe l baL evorbeisa 1 * or emnvti l My ce <C" e; lim t *y bb e febb eestxoulm camaisd maib u osdiyon" mta ev-1 okl%. wwgrueaâlhsy com u ImIly bal1 nie Ic c aunhta 5 wllutihie priasulS- Il» R. sce.twat o i tbi Deceabcr, h. lul shi 5slMd decqjua elt l ut of J. cm 'Colb.,ufrm the «MW of Uv ai te mlm uaL *5 e Umaahc ca î -umumtitc. a w Will te 5phonirai"bom sur meut beeau er Iriet or *5vlcémi :74: ut bcom% b. mudouba but.l hi f lbsse $i$vto r.do] 9hi% " 5pdiasemauoas clite hbeir diacarg. dos 1i. lm eldiaseis =Vmem t l deteur. fuisa, a debuw mf bu uitis st dslb. t gEw.%%aert#imvote %; iie. lb. N êt *@ o# esIWk mbqe M hw a dé oae, ifor 60 OUI =t7m W u," Oumasm auvwa cm 0luctilicmetcssltem a~ 1 vodetb Mtd al th *feu o luieb *5e4bi pliUistits velomaete y ba oial &WOWs»ttmcbb uPh W& liei'12C. i irs *5 i.mt Tvmm bisaimiaolt a l msutile b. e lsa ust&VA Mtele 4 fqwmadt bit a *Onk",eb Ileiua uy lmb Eamhi odWe *as~ilihalieil0a i.U eal~ domsusthohh iii4former a m ëvls b, orptw éboé, nm4-t IIý et ='- " ",le, 1e ti, ki chWâstnvbm M I - w« lopa Ir wblh. m pu-,*Ma w or a lav 10 «.;ieW. Ba 4.4.4Eu plm ee*ê eeseEaÈis e, a- eir'l. uNaI. cmUed wlibw ouau*bt mif me as te ce &Worete ! i àL je itbant the~*-ubult.tiseWd b nr rdismeal it. If t fleykdi bu 4.u 1 h adm n es b Crown Io sthl tu D*1 ftI t *bat more thau that lb.y canotdu thm gr»dtw 8 Mert *W g*q«W»M%1b h W@1111 MMa probably do even that,-and that1,' suati SO hattn parie li t v u is e p a i # 'f sioe p k a l a k g e . l ,cd m U M b e £ - SI i f a mlyasb.. l i ite;S o f t ti e P ar l b 8IUBt SfySi sau Or tihe POici, b w o l ew a r - ',j 4 . f fl i m e t is th e o ily o d y t tis a i ,h ,, - '4-r .»Rm m. uaea ,.AMR Mlgiae i iloi blaquaitTseath11 '40 d1M vun pùiuoýqui &ebm md sat beai-. &y or -re " the provsions of ih, Cjn,1,tu ýb MdiMW tflgjams; yt,mt M huai Act on ithe Resertres, manogjve, tc À.. i vqt. tmp.m a Moese. pgil Pa liament, Wate 0thée Provincial, und 4 b a evm1 11 % mo u o s " va i fl d a um b o tt~. ~ , . e l fi l c o u r o e t to c h t b c m w it b e t u h o~ i vfro c Jiu. il 1ae Log - ud% he lerfin ho.sourit. latter. 80 mach for the Pasrioî. îtruih a la limule M à au OWMimiesMMo. midi.etAthe ubly, " t a . loledge- And as the Provinniaî îîîi Iwofgan u-l utb er*buum hem e .seua mther oulgmataetUgivesautboriiy ia Ibis atier t, i ale ~na.uilii<eI..eymo or aleis my Sormeybâtl-a emcW buidm by the In the mannrpropoe,why sball not th, fi AmosMy; lmesime li Huo~ 4 amb cide sei. c.mtter il oàceý liitadf ti.t, ~mi~>e~ lissalbmime laianVai " luey m bacas ho poper duties aoh nebody ? The renlles c»u 4 mi i. ue.pouems e cuber hM Ocmil or th ecetiuve. beagmrial interférence as Yery suspicioft. *W l.memw.*4gbat yod lit 1h b.i mm tettbe plash ehe. - ub.th eBt the Pâtrie @&y§ i "noo"-0o W&evh m w U e à&i.gupm. V erpr mmcla mlkoly te bhome aubservi- tour Leffislatere i. teonly sulin,id ssi iosou deuil eo ei «* at bo AassMi bly iha t b.other branches of patientahoiy ta legisiateen o n ls te. uiim.m îai..ai, md e vesamet; d md <oss vise , .are in la, lb.Couaaitational At am lb.Heme 4t i îtf»ssuef libeemo miesu.d vhho oesta9"a muit h require or Legiclature tu d reeei4 la mEr bsm »d t repsetf lb- beaiAm.mlaly, in eteuiq gay a ftu. Opper. at! If the Peiot believes ibis ow, donc mg M- ,f4ly. ie saysiàatte Resetves oeere nota. & wyel cuit be nio lb. Stable 0, disby aL.gialmUe pul ifth.lve R popu - tdiided F«the à&oe benefit of thse presrt e~.t Fat loyal end et Ibn Uett uali- Wbataver etjecim uay test almi a 0f ram fui et popuation, but for tihe ncit ofth li ei ûo.t d&aie m0e i40t ometiot heExeculve, tb4emcaSWI qgl7te a gpasiterou ofltheempire et Idrge."1 The Reserves wel. qul nIo les eleupueis t b ý -m M.slje W" 0As.lmuy mon ars-ommaded for théshneli tfthe pople of Upper ails él çpdt head con- mam flcayacx eresd umipa-poc alla, le ley fecor mny. And asfrq, e.4snidsab* mdy;lahuek~ uèblreLAaiatbeetEiisamlpftbd.* pis <lb. empire et large," of what bengi tu' emlimmîed aIMorth"s lem lIEutf 0 4 l*. tie wao.ma scwa a lulusmkfsmdi, <lu Ilserves ho tathem ualcu iisey ne til. * h a Vbasvucsa rivs& t ELPIOWI* Md lg gii. it Mprouc_ i M v e pea éd. lber. t iait ispart aoflise Pain %et me lich es heari sbat lalmd khl t. a1ssauts amy mbsiicsu the aud4ly obsr. lHe spenaeof!-the jLVmleUa Ne toit Peulboamymmfly y b. *smât, if illih. c4 th. empire et large," and or i i.e gue P r o i n c - Y s a l l y r y h e # t l - d i l , s " m i f t h e p e o c e e d a o f ti t e R e s p r e $ v r t~ rhé m Tck meieu e IMffl ba ous wh" &aW t omu i Iglatm e h.su-bsdisibuted lu ev*ry man in the empire. i lalucug ewgTUh:ceplitulset iabuse liII.a g1f fesIbo Executive. sujet of thia inlisat tishe atîjotargued on a Pa ies,%s dldmessig repout lu e a140os ii W é W. blimc als tmý -AIlu îhËal tie ciOO echiw as afraid tu expes.,. yhti. uimg ua lie tst, ut i. ahai u Gu; pjj s mue. l~eaotc. ftb meijut hislthe eseum isal tediided 3rriog the dr. Épe d a % m l o th e 1h.lii.level. T W it u- ;W . oljected aa tg h t sm 0l t h * re-juves- âeul d em t haine. T p ro ivsc he ir re%% Il in «UM te msra ho"me.uTedby -m ite, 'o vit lhs pp sed ob ve sw pud <e ~ t m..o t he Rentr as i *a C MWeu, d th. refer- lp saed ain the Aaacmbiy last vearbs ui)te t k&Mc ut 1lion a e. mi" itutheja rls ..u b qeto . a ment, mcs± a1receive genterat '0ttenipt aud de. ffiquo et3lm' iiqe-P.traloue eysdt1hd 1 lise tiImpeheirit Psriuaamrs S a .mo ,smnany t= he cesatre et p Wd saI t tho cu 1h. eiernence uou ialaiemme ade e ebiI n* hleaimaae itb." <l bigmet lo-e " receive thse " cel-considered letoars c matie sud be ç*r vola*W Smmo i l ma- asPie.1Taonmimteflt inth blas fhevarions denominations of eChn v*bP Ma MW te bu £pkïdi 'MtUsmlugImperW ud erc.e *a s 1. taerre *m.We, foroe, mould ne vtr consent tuPl quale. t u t. M*enith mperaml Pra li o 1e býp imtmt.odieUlUl .fincUMMbua&Mtbe a h" orepeat uercau tobtisemiera ilieAo yn Ptetuoft e J 1 wioah no -9.Im4 d&Seho*etessaa w o ameonot disposeatta give tise eve uoe ft lisreele p k at41ma V masi commmees uheieistheiL h tEngianil,on tfrie un mm=iAs mdai tbeuims1aed aquestionsaboutaa ilis mpril Pailaamentsî attev nay ibau pulsas. sen mu lwiU fer MYUIiMUt, be "oncrnecertainif they do, tsai cntier tihe qu. ton .ý ll.ufrets trouMpeinipdlmv. 15sa y Moh. ngt, mi anhe .h5Il*Pflotbe-Wholtmot le setled e aiml ,or cie tisai the Reserves un at te «Who ievec moletlyta tise Charcis ofEngland. 'li >l li arthqnaale lm ta esmiy hep p mmcaci au lavîmg ccmrrsd a e n gt o e. um¶utetaly Ummba dibreesbeween the Pornos my amy mp ibat w. min he f i Us, cil mach b igitul elacs. wuiepaun f 1 aslosÙwIbr ea o by oU toacy, but for thaïatviecuCr. ottinýr, .yM snktao ti. lhliami131, ai 8ai1 -~--'md :im Cl eegy »Isas. ceyd ho ci .hIIe oWorbisquoting Cothe ti, Hesi%~ teas.,t et tamhe. Ti. hoi am134Md Vim rWMi c.8a0 lqyBufsWel leoi-tn tbat ce do mot canit lahave tise question » ruset ama e. TihFel loyal vu, use â«nmmst lm thisa Ukm. Ibore s a adif 1tiJ&a. assertion eibais i eitiser true r insr. êS'Ft cIly igly houasesaw corh - &Wf. Umtatou lieenli e., md srm 6 .labowcesu W.bave muci bette esnfo- cturging thil l"ia lii.Goreauet » BohIssIWTm. taiâimg end every uhe bec te ofLeSgisiaha ; haemus e e lostia bave a settler'nt am eIlè , md ait .11w, large à.dIiSm. t thepet"># qo" amiemns oéta udi:..s lbrl4bat tisaitishe Pàtriot's plîn su "M . aborn.escapedinMyjarymetor Iea ta li -net lie. Let hlm nul deceive isel ad obma cdrospemes aere killd.Andi hi est W byeppe.ôgthat agitation on thissuisject as res ablis, hbd fiaithelbklacgmuotans.la Osa- liai eseIi a aMi iesugulIagthb.imuteklnt eveemm, immdl equal riglats ad pfini Sa »laepe end St. Icucia great damp Wb.dbonafm ias 60lb.PWMei sh luvoled a large eztûam. cuit. afildemominationç. Tili l tinti 01k à. Tcuacb5oueW d rrvaet. .M4aaU eIneeUce of kemi, butterai ou 1bai th a".. ciiiee su d hen thislaattained t t tom Geadalmp ladoiswM wo»ded puoosm4 ens..-.We b1ayagn drimre û SkÙ4 Ena o mtb-bte ii cuedeuls mm, »$ the dilseeé oceesan h e telig ndlb. E1ca e p sy pe god inalnmereitoi i o en d ta %m lb.. m ay, m tbey bt a m 110 10 1 « te W eau Lw a hzm belmg a esson wby *am the, eu.jueet f gaifang religios eqsal,T bas lheir bauds fuloth* 0"eirove ceic. hpéu ii *muleefereime ioatluimerd nlise fur-."aacit outil ce sec isat plan ii bte tsul We ~ ~ ~ ~ o aola l l, CMelonss otmemeub, s. e s thetltin Ohe VeryIqUcaby Gotermuent. Xe ul in he Petievs,! tuw*slai« W> ~ ~~ Tiie Puot chsllenges tise world a i sow 0' ;àMý IeO orte m mllm 'beuessdui thsaa imauaco of et remostlest ncteome% " ~Ih. , , !slsammulmé uei bterhh5 ~ ~baspsy s iplyed iyoppoi-4thlin - mgTWeseart bamiriai bouuu iehua"Ioutheii. learves mnliste Cuuei. Butta =MP e 11h tmsbigabut but bt ie, .l odtla produi'e greatel abun!h My «n tnst a eo 4't-ive" é i. .liasèelihiePatructs article. Tise h ~!MGSTNTUE1>AY, 3~1JA ISSO. viseat i.Tbey kUscMteor onodimg about bl"ucilei on blseuf, aMi brokf fihi% cen h MénM"yrexcbaages, but Ibey kbo very cr eiMevilihoa bucolimsmorueef a Patud clUb. ourni e estmaaèon o, W. lueuita Ch l gmi ardiuggio gal yimperimi inteference in .a a il b am mtteao"i aal Mattes, imsl.md uofuscuraging ii biph* b te 34 W.I R Wb tiLtâ OU W caas 8""'Ubii aare speeimlly urier the cnet "Siis u CfaxRuonsquestios, lub0laeMi.'Te éer o l010»MaiPovnalU=O-e, lakmýM it isolt o' W séa)ct » b epeka *8 aidMdonS . Clo . bum.pe aset mdfu.ihi, EuD Ths ecord' <lsaCtel ifterlmjean soW ueil Envasla ue, af a pamphlet o etcl 60 UnsiIS5Fta43.irNUmh thl.pepmiellfli miii.a k eu tomgltl W41 Vidutfamdary Questo, printed aI Si. Jn,. isesaummlset orCbMlas n tePtuia " fel u is "qses*on.Tbi mm.aa ct Ibat Ermasielk. Tii. pamiplet cantairs, &pazn, oaii. M àaimial jetait, Mpeopatisu t. §W #M' pobeha ikl 4eisMM, s ashe .P- tnapeails ut.34 pages, and a l hga[ suA@W iey rseluly taise for purpmsa et ba vesaiami domS acmuehsa lbeybaVe o.m ie xutaihay and adjacent coatie Umu ami mlugm, ;ýi m pie.cUsig,bs shm- h lus elg, aiifdar seoma lit le amail, idcmuelemesurprise tisattise aiSgm O&ahi.ee hal haHssYO.amyaeoilled We ami&. My liàt,ài aul, " t, aeOuvemssaellowed tis aterritney oisc M-0e -, m l' e Ssal5àa" , l5io t. eado b "i du, 1".bâ b« tpis tai &IL Tii. Awericen cdaimi is faoohd - la amr hue «eab c. dis ublmt, c. ave laI"àèin unlaai Iabeania*0ga lm ~Y argt- uobiag butethIan a perversion of lain,t en W0s1'1egalbpimllsoivi"o aes.diigt. ouu »t ît la hieeu-ieemidalaitQulus- . U19ala, ii h e phrae-" 7lkt Bay o Foll bel; b«c*" bieujs.lY Iai5Bht. u li.u SU 5 Il lhm 1119 ~muail yoymos md lulctical wis tlicph peeeed~utb5Immse.divde eilt.Eu itt. seb. ay hl.im à »Mb. e seahai*9 « 2ls4tiumc Ocam." Yet le evcr nuP hapsvÇ steuqrkmyIi'lSt Os1ut PSli 11< egipiea cn .BOY if 1Fundy tà .eiws1néttlatsos.ib m getpeual. l pt.adlah#tiuhni sdsgtshs ilie .titantae c Grusoli lif uMW orp4i'pobatthe dol. kIto xwie«jep"dlssi eosla ilmS bs m m s floftlafrmer la as pecuhar onW spu hasmseislte lu i y os ujalai speciir geogripisical itom il lths1ecltelà Di" ,pha e lspdn b Uqaelmgimwb oe **Plis Nadeevi tp~~u~k iim cL miknieides 1ise 8 ut ~~~~m Mi te 5 hg ~ - PWO éeuilb e m4s,a ietreaty ai 1783 espei tmws euli owvhlisma tu -ie pieuses t-*e me eea. dis aimai aie -amefuIe,~ Alliagse Ocatu -,sa0tisaï;i f ilere 1afr omhaies. W-ett*ty Iiý-lS sereseoeWih lb o <ISpe,, êommdtisentogetiser noe i mi pu 1* 4 1W 5,dltos.aeistbM ttisey *ere oct ees!oanlJeiiby pet slsisom atsigià- ý4 d g e @tkgpd?% bW *iinsdcft su mu euMtdtbeay. laits second itui, 1WSeia e MisOaopfl , fmc ms m »of tk "à. 4&gii thet.bunderies, tise emrt tonesY Imils bu lneyMgb ie ut eM llpcb pubiseu.is myha4t*5 RPI*Ut auiittlir u bu ng tise rnidule Oule My b-k f- 9my- u thes t, dewi MW* inusà,IrBao yswAt o al » mi~ lo4, j alnushss s UîSlIni O MM- »p 1 B"uttserela tise AmetiGet b. hl e<_=ioW P i .*Fw ,sil êt4 S t- a board have ben iatlfied 4 i w m 1 W th e P W amis, * 0 4 tbu i > 4 àio. L e w l a ii O r fnm! EB ol * - - - -- am. tbnq W is lhgWlltse Sh*-um B .kv aa l la tiselieutof faud and lit !W 'a ýW *1 ýe à JIâme.,dTheithi emiYSy'-"'i ! S tusdr e dtogms. d . ~ afusS~boundaiet IctiaS m FWà -1gOlc v:Bâ ' e S'y orua."115tis, ,*5AolSSp.< iblu .pCt umîâc Ueuuaf~15 ivaAlrlroii5 b.a tw W, go, t e susa c se -m hie stai tb erlsdtis *là» Parytouaitq as0im .tlg m t ui%,~se av, base atir 06 11M u b i le., th barselvf meisUjaS~PI&~arc ~~ rep pli 00 t i i lb il lmu i .d. - momiq - vs s.t covteusetuu ~sOm* i j*0 Ho..«» mt Rep pý6 ik4e o i« nma Ïaiath liSiepodei 5isd55Cl10i othe remèe îf .ît * ol remitja»m ýW euetie that 1 WeU.grmî4dhW embimei d vse to rmsm eveey~sIsi laiouid b.i tbem 19. nom@& 6mit svr, liai 1 eh.. aareiraitiere Tic Lui Apâlm bIlmu ppdsè éOn thme ier, med «oaecea té bug W"su iies D.ag he4 "dû, m44ma lMre !d) Ye Esum _ tfwi.n bie attiLM bogss$elMr.pta Hiert miles fri u hilitI ls ec.ap#my ver eaI; Pin d»ibme tean, w5t Mr. >msqaspirmlu*te h ous lHer6oe,lWe meilmg lpa. i ogis tropéimfsbocsscqrb6famepousr M.d =e 11bi4a0-11snof *bout fil orllc4amti 9i apeega. aubh Agent oralk ly it N"avs, Gumm