e Ê *IuSm0c ~ zddis t* Wâer te tu.IacB tUeCeabla belo *"àve t0heu fie 4lutaubey frm fer lb. Vlmiml'm ril a3 m a at~#m he m"pl pm4bo-"mWt abth-à hW body m at nsI ee matmIisStIer. t lA«ma i hem Govara. ri.loia ta de Chat'- khiU l t ve do î%eslî<i présent h, fer tiheubt of the il of lhe PmPOO99 f Uppu C maay. And anfer 61the laree!latbnî bf*sma usluty ceint tol xe mpeah of -the P, liy amfi la lth emact*e abl le' exprem. Thit il ail b. divadasi ameSg lhe di y fa pare PWwvame 1 e fr i. wIaiseetclet, 'aîh %V ait7 lut yemr, bau ataty Wo sw tonerai coneulpt and de IWs B.é lmpeelal Parliarnct $m*Weeaie tied cti *,-m v eull eer c uaet ta p Miehaummatan Lh sautject. et tb. Pat ilsacpetîa thB. mcml...! Lbf the pm e giie Lhe Raeftvea milte reethe llae tai Àmct au tlacy May b. - Li, or the i.quainw ae Cherche!f Englant. min LIami ve maliga lte a' ve cam nalhaaag, sy qat"qg Celabett, Hie us vant ta have lia. qacataa licla la neaiiber brue anr fait. ter rem, f. cba4dis lma rasi te have a lettiement bat the Patriet's plan w nat "ivlel, hicnelf and el agitelie. e biamjecl Md' ttb a ipmvilegea amt msp l tise, tht stra -jen l aI a ltld it (.en demIdmr ba IOmiag celgieum eqmmlzly, oea via plua ula be MI&' ik4mec the worMd t. cha eaeeaetuti ,Cbàla 'et by anma arein vm etiCco Bal j t. peeoce «mtvmer itwso b. Patrio',aticle &eý b idemolwmi [.st a% lisa i a bloc uba.Ch biits roivet, anal lanlen bis oses le and time, msore e! a Patviel ny lîsperiat interféence icn rad of enacurgag IL lia y jalacesl under thc coatmu eglaiare. )Wledge Lhe receipt, fret, T. , or a pamplalet en tthe N rnoto, prialeal aI lit. JoIe, !c attaphit co"itin 82 paesr, a pagea, and a litoograp miii mrp and adjacent ooti. .emenmarpnla it Le B aflome t ii medtoey ta le An'erics ci". ic foadsed sapervemm o! lancgp. i md h*l.mta vilh lh. Ph' Omo Tel* e vcy 'OP Tu a* etFumdy 'mlaU The .00awkl O0c-,4 'rilasa pee"m Mde app speciloc gaogr.pbiat Ltm" cl. Ad Widiu the & e trealy of19 m specMw? isce., the. DNI Of bndy aom tisat 1! l vOte 1 tIent ttew '»-w, à ia ln u uatumddl «A . de Bq ofM~ n g i s h av de, 'f2is 0 ,v b b A40M % 'eimd ", bae kdesIhdW lbo, 'f fmad and MotY hW, twmsWkp lit te .irhmwse .à «rb4e 70j- a mhmutpm.t a 0sbFba ~ hhbhi jýx:=l t hi l sent maei aecIl l as 4w Wudoubl cued 1h11ot. cne»s wk B.5ma 111,we 14i as»= b tafu i,hfinBonlnis mntuttct - ;pa« oflayaaill aUamthe Ondy, M etPar fqlo he caticL bdd1w* N fal ouinl b Ammnlill beeitoiU scifsamy n ram h.(.e es cfig es t #fe Le1isila " A ratiui by090, Tht (ocU messyand u mta by Se-s rpenoud Seafin i TheLe clv. o! isthe befmmnaa--et, m. sl 1 "Rmi"rflot gt. trOemr liiuta e et Se Lasta" ah. Liaot en rp r tZs-1' mecîTbfuW t mtessagei. watest iinîle tbpe s- fflad ta aaau hesbore ehmmi~iI wTth Hom emm dcmbai atru mith tartisemrefforctt h ibouldcancsoibte iItm ap.Fidîthe revorer bstci lb.ofithé esa: I iae tiee reirei îleg to tnpusia doa ia. Paie Liath anagent trsoepn iepaamma- staion o Its Arst 1rver.ar atm ostedn b mtai dtlee s ueran ahe troise th u tc st t " .dbsoe J a tiagf dee u lictrn leades W angr ie.i .mpa (~ adqJa iitf Ag t men a leta let hWp- i re aI o th ls e r azlebraeifu %d andAgtht veis Company&s oses!hit lae. nModayre lut raed t (anboM«tdf a Of il sleott, irsbit paisen twaîgttbee. lah the rlier ae t ersi eca9mavpe emm dct oe~14. Qt fii îled, i a blieei, beand thIo sd. o! ûVie sni n te. Orornay têe LnAet s20eti ea let. , Mr Lcite atnd geataLntfor hécame amyPl faceitfp Newa Brunsikait, . n a eiixecl iai t hiet ftht24us f aur y, Ilay U1ert 145 ou ý milero wh ssre eCay w hersL id. d aitad thue sinte seadng Ah rf«ebsem Kr. Mîlnîyre, spait dtrilo tIe., eïtioo M er edo te a os d a a i laapP u e c19 I ' e a E n c t l~i5t. Heve, Li1t haerce in Bia- ad dace Ilropa ny fr s t $6140111lF.any wa .CîtnardhyttPompancyl uve- n, ana poiil ~n them i agblient v, eya caacdOfî mdIesLa e . prcetir. iOu ICmanysl netNod , e Obeth e mIio tance rad ;,bc adee Ourcaraaste tt. m tat m ai the Lb. ofSiacrfc naimc, e h. fermealthe. al meoitiier icas a,7e! I a n au gnt. ftl Tuvais thl emmacacato f ewuab.Lnt W thre ored Camena, aie is rbave hasnberll of the r ".ser tsait e re lmt n t ag ate kIr5 evny, . .anila o.nO.he epictasa Goo, Wte cr ocmeersn;Claef ehigePos- Ia &idduiof wNete r teebgl add ned î 0, dia c, 1 hve lrecavt iefaor litlmc lUit )multynne o y areterov icia Guvero tsand e- di: mor, havebee om ia te ts epe, mme te bi bise s pm a" ,w . M *. WL 'b u arfl4h. 14g lest. kâ k mn'CL We.mehnmummr. wmyW aé but cuedbon l 00emgesea e Wood havemmiemmal lg liwlae-P wu* a it Md epmaaiSw *.Pnoàu, home famille -sgu maitane.- T;Ü a» P 7idm s au ehiuren,@ds M d e lng -m -. ?f b.gue06 Io ane umrlot em04iVu mUe.mmeuIigMs sthe *"Ite4ciBla., mi.aber rêfmigba mcu u un. usu. ru Elaugatam mi is uammy " mm", tis am tha *0ithe Upadi htwlatém ilelar enigoi te sPmobeM< mah fhm he- pull. rceac, Md ln caw.' f Bs8vil.,'. cmiii th e male. enete ta* chlc"e but* gmoul cal et mtaedog usy -be'chirld e. m.." Fua$ u ar vaUashe. Md" ibm. uufrig ouM h. radv t y pavaI. ccalrbutep Tic 'Paviflen Hotal , thitlbaor flqgmja, u anot dowv. a fedays ego. À senv.. ore eccuucal b "cd,t.C . màI -mtunt, hyuW"cbf-eu este. homm d doem ver. e &*Mys d 04 eu peady ,Wed. Ose cilla. baume. mm isasurMifer £1110. iratsi.cfdiheWest, vwuexectel aI clos a.e 4i inastan M Sans0. Dm es lAmoq Per lise palfermgist thse Wcegn u tilUd :n e=y~- ioiwm tw lise avouk in, the la scau eormide sbavmilmjcop sfle c itnéiae otenmla i*mek l a4 knowledg.etrppecbatse, md thal lbey bave nm doite becmni abrs Thi'Detndiv 1c au Opro slbe.,h Pte bueV. Clm a" The pesmai ldue etmdame. maiex.lfoact 6a catIe! udii u tua af aMeSomcenedeI- tioo-I amie, -1et fer sh.il, Wbat pem terni gatIs a tUoelam somleemt'Ivml aiie - be- pit.e desas w *.povn 1 Wp.4ittas Z.-À, -d - mw - uqâ $bu u m m un unt xituite Modirdmda13 ste AwN 3G11LVIT FAmmFoi a"L - I jw 1. - :e«ý mICLt caw te ý&M*7 4 49 Pr «*Iuih- -, i mislu5 o, t 1.41 of T« Bs4lsfmiibu Mpd *~ib hei. syM iwummhd d e *fi4Z ; aed b--- kb- la Obuit-~ mauBMd vS. w.e ipe l mmetow- Une uoatu e .osok cdb. *Mfm &**" 24r iitbeim Aisca6,ce.aamd ytlsgalat B ar- rAu mmd vesU haýOve=etdii ele hlhom e aidées g Unatm î%la mie dlii ta telr fvhoee"0s as rmbU74.) L[cenlb. Poe ,d Poinowiwsi a fat bout of rouit lep lflpeevenl tUa Auarimpiai. badin5 ther. bc Oakht; 1t e t gLentt4oea m d, by ml mmoi,-4mie e ttg sa; .1Rh lbo ave» t* »9"Em-ý i b. g8m cegus facee&t m fm iDebel asfie ~s em cge, the z»gi m- m ']Ont" bm ldicÉe basvul de mme pravetinafMr*"lieu veor a lu . ger elém, Md Dmaia a i ta.expemme. A he laeet ham heu cqmmeuced maiil pb e kt« . .Jobn Hamilon, visisi laex. p@ia iýO i Ovemrevry chtacle balvece bis ind* dB ftehLog ssit; he u te be190 feet W4u, bavle albuni m6 1h11Ian., amd te ho pauMd Wby 41fey pofttri.l bupwe.mn- am Bbé .le .b boUtWuniW e i rdcite 'aueiuameee! Mr.'L nHilant, larmeety p- tas ifB.th*saaner Wm.IV. aMd le ia<coed to pl Metee li Planl&"sdCeteutidu Lac. s. d. $N W DIIit k~ e~alitbil tal, a& ter& a anktmm.-joet ~.lJ V4 .Emueelency lÇom« mse tl g c& *ccsved feUSLiesten ee w Iura iet Ygg helIpia.sit100,efe4 by lb. two lme the c *ormh the h ailase ! abaOf fer m4 Liever Canada. (ihnItel <gaeteob, 1. lhkt AkWw.-.M. SIeltltut ipvedî ai Rafifixona lh7th imatat, hamg maie tdi Pas' oagobfa.Cwmi mueyeu.day.. Oe leng 210 çcersmd atmn o 7tis V*mWMd 8m 1 meale.- ce li libt.i ls8e.N.2.,g. Sa QtlBm. aiMc1.u le.mi" ise 58dM Kmet *6lm lest. iysb*ua". Mviu BW ..e sUmegtmu M. F s<tbl e mmla bom afm?.~_e.ts.m~ 143 Peter Day, 144 do. 150 W. D. uia1 155 Job. wctie, U56 IL LcaVne. lis Lew<ais. 161 =Ue -rims, 162 loba Lo,âd ' -4ufret NMo. 9. 166 IsUs cdeleIJ lei Willim 8R., 171 Aiea. mi Cbamieem M' JoiDes Redunea nd, 18 Davi Lohimue 18 Jeeha Sweumet 1W1 Joat D>. Paruit4 .ilet fNO. le. Seth Povles, Je"aiCallemen Sam.. Dive@, Taaaan.Bavas, EjaWaglt, _1S9 Js Broum, 184 a Heetttt s, 185 . 188 C.& . McDMnua 'a., MlO deb. 1go1)" 1>minlubt 151et ieMc tald, 13 iam aia 195,-WUmi ebEAie î97 'Iha" Alexandee.Wle 211 de. -12 Jobes Blae; 213 de. ~214' de. 215 do. %Il r1 . Wbeiloey 217 de. ais ade-. *ï - de 2» êdle mou 901 0. Br e t o i Sat 20 A Bbq, l~em. Imm 00 e 14 7 1318 or50 80 0 38 0 O 3 00' 8-60 '0 0 01910 818'O 12 19 2 3 a e' a $2 k' 1 0j je 07 .1 4-~ w 38 lI~eALyUfl0.' b d a edar, 13 kabqiI al laacew ~.RRNOViL.4* S. DAVIS, AIJC~I0NEKECOMMI881QNMERCRANT, ANP APPmAK~NR* GoselPa -5huul~ fie 5*iai lige.; flL~ ?~ ~ ~cuàbw111âfl -,n -v Gsd Sve lbQuecu Ir5 Ç4Aw E4-TU54y 'UURYU l. Wf"" l' -" ', , lé 7e ! lo ýw ýj-, "' i ; ; ;ý, ; ; -ý - ; . > "117 Ce- a&, "ivas Si le hmeh .iklucNo. IL . 1 il. jq or_ Lot Nps m m aait" - d tiia ,go-* e ettUrhLcia.ld15 . bie - Lot *nqlh.m se eaat lS.',.<k m4 APObM#MvgdIleée ma m ï Qemhrim,166 taI dy BR tIms àx, tB. a.hu Sy IL . 5RBQKI8 Mala"DjluiL W'EJILL Dt.SOLDitaIboh s.wit VyCourt lHm=qila rm~ Tien a( Ksàagme 41tra l.aihhya j".bi,'l.ilvn Laiadhmse»ed byvirtus oflne el . . of lt ier Ma9 yaC.t c!K'a eift tilafl.dmùdTupper' 06 i jii.tud à .enemcntm a!fEdvar Totalâ a7{m!la, or 1.itlla, k"ulmd lases ut tlhercjar w rtemobav lb.W1 mm. a.e. m 9 78dtFte . MUdlmd 1Jlcldc 4% ehoesale in sd iitl iajirdq tÈb IUCRA.ROBULL K;. tale reulEmi4ii KingotoeMa, lnel.13 lie euale je fefiltbr pcsipecad umaio Sitp il, thailSi day of Febenaty, 1839; et lb. e am basi U lae.RICHARD DLLOCr, Laue IihemfMd. Dii. By I. 1. OOPEINS,.. TIS he veole etuer poetpesaed qai miB Lite Shcrmlfalmid ushi Il L J. HOP1111 bh lUFhac,1839. C OTITERaccusI v~n mui orAm n QUM"is? iqese, Br ALEXANDER. SuITE, va&bepi emc*y i ~ *it:m, m h.msul m bauoemeie nno;ta. ottjacua. os %flCE*hudiics th" aAlhtim "Er,î Zt log % in W m Non" pou, itm h dr iià entd s. teveuwtmie" « t, m Wrd u i;îi ep.- Masa aI86 Cc.. mý**Ot»si#W fbeaa*MWad emUer Poet cm vc « eW mvu Moudmth e à =oftu tliletiMu te md Wulau e mrn Fm i amelea, samiuoeuih vote :!=tea9 ed ."i Iertof lie CornacsC0c8441, W. DAWE. IIier adsy, Sut Dcmba »M38