Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 26 Feb 1839, p. 4

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e Qom i ,at 40wuA~gA D4D T IBATO.IN_______________ .<."SeG.~# -r ~Gg . -- ~.- &~Or.S 5* *1 1- s, w. ~w 4 s- Ilags.5 md a 4uWB. 'lut boJote Davy PlutitIse és, 4 T paoul bd ta iu nes% ia SomJVr16834 nom apac b. 4 3Lvy t s mrUmmse amoibu ,hWaa~e. ~a e.&.. ait bt.1 ,404 'a . Sps.av> ri 'm -t i J. (bookm.j1 14 " a -. MW u ft4m Cwi dI w. iga f- 8iase .î . huai A jsieaedainst e W 0,5S* ilia tlou~gt vmahy p e 0,suaibi $ou 1 lbI *0 - .~uwè ~ ** le le . ~ le 9 le 0 laleh.% Ir -IIÂYtB NIbout. 3IPPSEa.*JIIIIISOI a5uuI- !fm d ame« ' - 00 ait ami 4beWg ata itity w ffl5Oo-o- sautata ai -~ kît -to WILW »OUINP. M A*GLX,31Mie. 1091<D. THONA8,2M . m13 laei NM MeMWOTUnOSSos la * MG , KâeSlIMmej, Villt idis aMàâ i vb d a ,l lmu " 0ellis ce àffns"u ftmyeme myan HoNXW lis »"a aL ch7u11b1eim~I s ele t «XeERT HAETNlsgat asait ma"ima. OS<Mbjwat *0-a ,mdeasam * *0 ble awm aeeesubo@te my eumms e&0i agn ila s* a l tlsmb i a i issR Bdeat acvis 1 11T10N.-Oesy iel sby lOMl. a ole. Avmbeua pfmw npva vreut, To Rîioer" fâeAIantyaps ut, v0( b .ufta i *a PhornsicsinIs, bd guojmieao woeeaa Zm slBa-bi tw id vIsele ami e 34i br CdmwatOC-am &*nMW*a Lm, u baFl - bya-semeNo g> 111E LAT>MOEaPWadp ba bas 'Me t uie 1eul ffliitetIWOcastop&e sualdivaPyfcaa gigdlaeu 4ia Ir in aatmey<na s 4m -X-« U M-AT SM. Md 11 MI6. xi.=,-tapr s ABDIV7W AND> n laaoabgwtoit.,t bqtbm"td.§t bie *Pwào poe.d i uq Md ta% isd ~~ ~uamd eibavlmindmdIbSa HmV1 mouiaêi. It la *0 , w is sbsud M,= =-4.lsdà"n ws"amrl aai Il ou& pmfetV>,emi grewdvs onvili h Sterslc i S i ohuv s4lcnai Sau fR Wei1qN. Palme, >"ei aIvrggsssd apotiaarsiseElgtan lbe Ceadu mantba ilaalSWtés NOTICE. lt h bu buasa."1large a"i roïmadjut i W flbowsks ait foot .e tse 8t3 viem s. tamm ie bS wico 40 lims. ah. q ha pkla yk 1.plint ale;a, u Fevq i -Commiss«ion hns lu ?b t.~b)al eniabilba e blet OMM*bellot <. baf MoSn Ileumstes l.waleownFAon of Mas... Hooker ami H.elranedPrescit, ah. am e e seu ra brach of tbw rforusiisg budflM es s bis pae aud ugo let te Mr. H. Fi»erAjlgot a.am Aw M YM & cof dMonlroalàapumt oflbe p clous Stm. %teore is nauado lthe ui v *0b7o7ea fcsgoen a 'The, «<aCouuscIud b mf oe t he puma <S f1117of boylag or senog gari mtrahu- pudstinbu té, ay Ma tof tise wo Provinceswnof ir Unilsom ts The tuWblrat ltheofflaeion o e ci.ble11 Mianabas lac, ldsced te labeonot .&UCIONF4ERS'.LICENS.,- aur msj = 0 tile lionc mm h. alblib a Tesmftq"ae tb t» lovMarfte, uW" beashbuk te/ 'UffSxatis. raspetlng theg$tb W nal lMdib*e i est romses"»aaa *COR» WoOD FOR SEA8 04T , mi tfS Toma anuoMm la.vi ébail aI 51d Miolpbv lmiii *n tïas o mu en .a o 1 var .aatwfuola an D ,lcdmiat <ate bau ab m siveal laps cosetaally taa i t bp err ecei heigbt ami la*' ubiesaciltrualmetsEau Ielpemqag% .bagag M*siaatlatheIlsràwium,.ou oi .<sbettst>vihaoleaui tes ol curunt" alve i mwt alpad. ecole« e soalei sud Yebsha D azCz.oau1 agmain t"iaumeiadrgs t e t rag àm M umw am la ilaaiWhtg, a Maidi. Vos vtlmgs, -.- X. CALDES. mai î~u~kamatin. =lMdam lts Mau@%o La% ~m0Ci P U NDEiOE bas atahlisbai hil- MUHN G?4KIA.L AGENTI.U ÂCoe0NTA C. c . &C. - aw4i ue maiu al gria A» tia., 183 . a aiO s L~à Cmd. *~ -~ '~ 1,5 .yatboaibé$A Ire Quec MWadfiSbis t 44 ro- me ýc, e q, UWF* xùý XZMU& VALUABLE FkEEHOLD IPtOlPECRTY. ~ ~ ~S o LMon Lecsse form aoie, usa~~~ eia m--W.'a hu isFkOYaOrs, ..r ~,assmaàaa. tu NS 'afl IIaoltaIN. 14, in the 2dcoocesuio,r]r ethm . h 6 bdis i U ae and toheb. outs eut qua rr the f "etlKoLom Ne. 14, in the 3d concession, 28 ut ÎÏB* m ba brs la a s e melre as un ý, , bsdam* éf~urn ~ il"sha& lha w Alio, Partlat Lot No. 16,in the3d, ý*h" *dasi -Y amid* ati - iers if *Pde 55peitaWastmjf6 *0l'd psi.ysilsa i imX&o ila inshe2d concsiona es Md uAnd purt of ale,.n te3d cni 01110 F« *Rd- ass i ai l of the aS>reaid pro 1111ie, ar et m bemmt*"beaffl t q <if ha latter, post peud) orfn, Fn um- jpDM"je ha saeut. a.. URimsto r o t cb (nu att. gob»- THE BELLEVILLE 1MILLS 1 5<1wasn es---he sau notilgai aFLOURING MILL, FULL4 yZftr ]Mit1hga g~saiaaaa ILL., ans a SAW MILL, to, ubic Lo~ a a ut< mu. a ým sét..couvreyeaé by Wear-.uth about Twjo" LAsd, on W"icitiaa a Blad arnik's lo - - o__ P- 'arectaiSAW MJLLI 'astsIran gear,'to i g Mer -as.. mi - w". *wuý = : LIs eu ha Jonvaytd by Wster; th ~nq md0n1 mus...<ase ulmit a tonies ef a Mm B0Itilding,40 feet hb0ycý1 asa~onuiso,"uguaosl. Tbsgsspss- Itnifor a FIoIsmbr ,or Factoer,,.à 03 1 2M latsw liee DViLL5<O iloL Wb àm Stoe Bin" sale bichtberaui umm ube *Isasb cre.ManeorY, Laahs, and 0<1er Mac b.i~.p ~,s<. splsua~~Uaam. me.aal*jslahtlpmllsd byuater pouci, witha StOne b lx Met % y the mâm eo, ani froin tua te ten acres lurmee, as thers ls an almoft unlimited wat r or M frn*i a.sisnad asthenomA&exDllnt Tavzu STAbOD, * itb Statlie, S la spr u ses..reih &»es £sOu.Aibmo4 Use. tk . South- wet corner outhBii adge, , (0 ] .upoaos. ite ocupa" of James Dàtes--anýat goofT,. r«wdlijaeiia1 tb*<h aiitellaicos ut an 8 Sruroen Front Street, Fatî Belleville, $:M- reella a thlb.occupation of John Addison, and a Qub îW <" Tain Lots lunEPAt and West Belleville, with T, hwy estwmara Dwelli1Honus. Water privilegesoê b ce, Patteha tée uOwe: iveyait. gaverai of lha Lots for varios ydu, m Desr r: a 'Pbis pcuqao& bs i.afforls the nerchant a stol t et 1 lams ispiis Mres-pos sjse . My e..enligibleoporuiyt eonprha, pitIuemt hmu, f f àbis s niiwsl i emfatLsy wuli bava the preference of tah ~fle556Whtiu.teivatdsita q»VU p. eacu*bers eu"ainand ampoy towarts paymea s. ~ ~ * bMvt sot.m muth l<éa. 1 v sens msr o se ta., .lui'b iai.m sas Be m 1. or raiC ae or lease bis lprenro r. > te sa ilta.Wbm 1 o!.i a.surytoepsdonc%, BELLEVILLE PARK, mth about Qe, agi~ ~ nd l in p .bihMW iimw f5h5W Eoumi Agrtu of Land, on whichtertiàiàahaad. sudd vue ssvsisd ullh asis lut afin, lshl ~e. s~emd arels t.i ,iasBases, Stais. mnd Shedsa, ilh eamiatil Fje, nom- . gaod (ardeo ad Oachard,contrii pilmi saavsslptsss.aa shafi~ ~vr~ofitTiree Handred beheonig Apple'rug abu iWltilimte a t l puIélly Z amiachoica selection cf other Fru it Tree,-sjj N. = ÀAD !" daptei Sur a Gentleman's family desirouâ of teý MUh st.,balvas &ha"iJebu r M & ig oer Town. lAueaas. N.T. %*y 23. IN THE NEWCASTLE DISTRCT! me.,iUoM-Duer Ob: Iwu. rostsibled i plesPU"T<atvery iasirale aTàAVEuSSTAr.,, coenj bvao t= . Iiiien~caIhi"Fere*' Tvi, lv.mte o seuiL 4 ehuma ui mm r. Cu i. i em"sve niefrmp 11 Wsrd eiai'ua ti heu <ss.zammoo& Hopa,oen the Toronto roai, latly in the p<se mu temsaymrrLW. hjlv. suffaw» eiedg or Win. WaIlar, as a Stage House; there ret. Oul<h5 -1 h.Am .r - celleat tableSh5.esand ter out ofices, arCam "i vo, a. st OflOoti tel .,deawemî il cae it hieFut" âWl* et mi 1 buothehob... ais T. measbsvmmin d &Mgéndabot TonAcres of Land; tu which ma ' fh 1 e1s100 nails8@»We. bai 75 Autres ef Lanai, pmely imoproitvith<is joue & TIUMN& w. sgs eoflie Tavea. - JUtE E UTEUNS. Am, a "e valsahîs Lot, on wuKch <be limvTse* Aprlm twe<go rama Dvelling House. .now min the ocrome St. N-Ue.Ie u siMedUèamahavatisg eof. UcDoeanmd Widow Wslker.,e. ~, ~ ta-as %beyepharo doue te4 mue entre of tha Town,,en the Tous siau~mimue~,ue camitau Ré Rouda, mi& t1v: her Lots cf j Acte, en eGré Wb* wioh m le SooF ie Buse and Wolk§4 bOula sf01 l'islz Etes. ana. &Mtet ab.M 9 a.r.sinthépreeanra3ofià 1 u &PdU,sys ils hua bhWbbe h" MslfslToWrn. Forer ter panuicuar.enquire<ifhYle si u ~ pid) et K Y. WilxTttitàn, Ec<. ru Ir. -41, ilveehbcr"harlmia Bellesitte. ~ .1) DLA N D S à we M h. ePib aiudt a, -sma i SU Arteii ti.h aoip et PVhthac,Wor 1 Vs. Ni- H District.Nuiu.umlvaju2;îc&in a the iltb out "Ali nueBor, VI djoe ate u Iw lm Wattera boùàdoary. *hus %,iko% iS diss.tlmsI@"eussl i#Aom nlathe Tiwssip of Tpanding, IL 0111111 muh .la sdm vsks aima. t*Mýput FilleD tLot PNe. 1. 24 cosetoga, Nnlhicfdb ~10 Actres, mcnesin rnFtlehrg, Lot NC. ealbss auSe mvta-in ujh.nt Y-Et bitlf Nid. 01.1. a in 155#au m,rsuO. ua I 100&iAne% M h 000essécéPittasburgh, Lot rNo M..Disss tami l4a<tsout temsasahsfhmua LIM 11W26, NUs conscessionFiatbbtA cas %4ba < e sWha esete UamnsJsm. iSOAeuIsLoM. 2%, Mhconcesion ~ ~* ~ tM Aeeslm e. 8% là the Sts cou. Hope, Bts - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * thWN&IB es ql1018, fEh concessomis atual 8 evraud ai ags msi huouh1eismdaialaaM Dl F I ~ ~ *iesof LotaNo. 30,Dise hesi 1e "oft se dmo# paoperty ald ha baiou retmeo EiO~~UrJ~tI~?IB WuI. a hrii5td > etilles. Aprplication lu w- ~ <a 'TIiOMAS COLElW< assasssaM e.iutasd 1 ï m .1 Ilow loi poi -s t-af bau utlliIus' cm tbh d0 eey,#Sq pren matdallnt *i aslMiUtaJiA<IW or S 1fb ts*mhpa%.ytmbsm totil1 68 lvlleblasa il mu Ioataei4laO a . Mamuesua ds5 aIgl , 'i a ià sSausheit unio *8 rieiitV5iduelIa(l u lefa lisoa muP5 of ie r mb ommus p. bma 550m suri>ic offoi , pnbampuine puttaof piauuaq55.fau.Bu -au «0'4 00 u& Oa tocliy, ou i oi h o mih < o.e flus lipon ay§ m a a uwb"m»pmcll.tseasstpree Wecs <i oou«Puc tu v t,<héselutsasmgs 4 t 4a.wils ma lw es k tel lio M . o le~~~~e Wbmo l u Ial

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