A" RVI4L 1~URNAL *o i NY MAIL. Waema.m ~<o. 1048. iwrn "-la .1 Wlaf» Umw e 'f tà iilea nmis PM STEiM Bond g. thro wMl b. cneptal 1 [401y psu. p gO t mun eh"r et fr ( o. H.W CALDEE. I ;-N, -1888. ,î MusauiUt ei I LCKINBo à ce. gaiy %,5lm& £Dpias7 %id. inaboar Muk&» muceal; i iAL MEMOIRS owth early tRiIi aIe tba a1s la MON~ Est b Je"N H."GRE.I lsm~ EVERY TUSSDAI s. a. nurrmey e Striai, aeul poiute Il MIoehi& Klmalei Cas àmilhapassa (e<zcli adana Mad oeyase SU if meti b ha dyace. mg iaapsam fer the pay 9hal reue me pilla-a te la e odès.ud QWoiit bd Loth*as m bUMMate b Lam", Piepiata. ebeo" te h. defiemd é mg the dey oiphlcalas ih.<hir&mm 7 bd 0 us Mid z"hm Ifeigvupr1w b u a d e a m a i l ,. m ga N h * tn ~ -Jet g latiéest -7 tenatb fa isons, udl Iil llîe mn upiti $bd tigret, bt miIet < aî.t ai Il prfillll atiflutim glaisa it Ai wstmd4, aassied fm Irisai al*Siei 1. eu - astai.tm#se, i, e tepAb.dat,~ ~ uia IdUSUbars t îbAn .secita S"mii '<e o mpi1bdhd155. daq, s liiIU UdeSIai omaai(OOei oq df bat acaiplimmei Ibisa tarepy., ise las Ipudy eabtisil îla est. of wiiom 1i sdtee.- .d< îi 5opinion mu f 'ooî Escv aia bfme li< e elli h#lle 19.ageceffl. ,,cmi i webi of dui My m ise. ma fJa- à ke"miii l lwayi,, ,sedonsaw oua itr a lis Mi'i reard toth ie aridlIr#$of.îîquaîtm. I iIh bvefr <bai youî xc « ab biesadthui seinsif Ifou laisaiiuied0 f«à eaauea th le proftejsmaeaiuuî0 sOd l vg jer ea iiîuo 00 ora Ite os-lu he l Leîý,kIsurs od ibis Stase adopi iS &erttl Sei-id lialsensoîligof tilune Ptbei- Id btav bmeu gves ustiseut «attaue-s la bptikin:cof tise dipuidTçrît Jour s ExelIe iSyo~--" llilesai u'ta wiek a laà du-lus bitxresîl riai nilsud the lisaiq miiti and ubsu lbas bieon sapedait Eaiîh1 ir mtirl nou Geenmeu$4la.mi easaié is cîlaîiuessoa sud j«ssmippg of B.. sd, unitsi htclim*i bc " nOI Iv Nuw, ait. 1 canstinebesialle 't16 â h 1a8 1 Mr t-Pi air leuExcellescy sÎle ,.viag sMdb j iu euins mmuppebeutaw i rassesg10 lp ils li t. No u sor i"grmens l eau mn «li.UdJ à lisi e'rr beaue matie biîmu île ,aaraas acum aisselleLa. Igr*" ut nJ the qeion-sîad 1 hâveastmna la(0 telf eoxsast <t i. verbai sr etla#eam. a tme pari ni &lih.eilcerî etftIbo Geoceral Oçuvevg miot. I, howeyer, assi s aagreement CitaS, %cr Eicellency eau uuîdobedly fauait t OuI. A lit eents. sari un shraimeat e"a mvr ba r'vgned by ibis Niait..à A deear ilE ve <W' viwii ver torbid it, if i"amis se »Lihif luit Ezcelleacy elirti me loîmqdimsely 0 rotal the fote.Dow opa. tief tritery, &ai il-i bdd- "i j poprer tIien 1*ba atal YLi' Exclleîscy, theai I have diresa à b»ag lau rub e raj-aty's trope sei i aicelles 0oitppott Hert4ajeaîy'a autburtt, aud pro- tl ie %l aIjbty's ubjeta lin thedispused sur- uîîary, in he "eet ibis suques ixanbeut ISfiatdml eempffld ahI." Ill. 1hm la ale te atOry berdeîs ua leto aiivermtba alais 1alreprd tu inastth pass.n edsadle eh* >W. os et Mao"saehu a" ami Mlu-th4,e. las 3 tauss ig, Naaagclsm «rv# sivqsdmieds lr<rt-bs ntii, hiaI but mer mice, bal soins w-y, en pmusesthe lgrant... sud <be ii-l atier sdw ls-tIos<heiof i ms âne- »ied nhy, andmtom ef il di"istei oes lMarnas iie1e andhMa, amn Aler the taster bees"eau wepe st Sat-tbit alatop l bie taag base inlh II.4tI a et sm apermita le ecatobier %bars kikhomt eig ,seleaed Cri snyiu--lmmy, ?-ln avi purhaed t <land&sof Uet Mioe, mi wia.e teti,@avosae ivasmii-m itale, ' ts4 rzerdseagia oeîh. eu&q mv llie n-cum4tanoee in-,lînaiomua e ielMiellt 1 Wy ofrmesuni ind gquetamie <lu liie Wvee envait test qsaition riae c limer.iin la puant -f <tas sesteipriet hm. 0Il- aF-anrta gmoraniced tails Lteius- l'a. i t ainhe imsmudt4b." ssii l "' 1%* dpWavo5, end es bival U»P <liii nier- ha Issetîha Ile , W111% bab respect, Oct-axai a - , elitv bave th t 1et Boit 3"a ie- tt hi$.Il i cseesbsU~ 'f nalées istae acîmapilestU ltêts i ua set, fte Vitmd liss 2l a ýqi, ths yI.govermasi sEof niUiI sdth -M %rondlieh Tfeti leme baubauiuta" ai mdtdI etsit I. crIle spoirelals a à a etlilb lâsmidii: 'l,,. Tii, if it blotie e alr*e al#ius aial, iliai Ib i baits4stuma i«u alle dvmrbed it a. omudb gqb«*- 4 S i fr r o a t S i e t e m » mw = '0 be aibhislise Teirîeqlae d4xmg#WUPe saedsal i iidmmse i ut««Wï - *hive ut Isal1 imai"a -etiîi tbuTerri<cry. voil a - sa- goahi ' sbi ,ait aasim li s 'Iea. ua SI.Tha jea ba'aWqýuj e blationsela-»-Wu m ï-,j s aa. ne - eiit.#,- lm i, W los- mblt Oder f Mrhbe fm",Io pot ésattwi P*aMamo rmi aela lmd.um rla SvqIVMO*aY itile amtloalll 0(sige in b 4 ~ .&Juhsfn aw 'lai ~?ati~gtMa mi, l4a s M ové duam' soti* 40ye4bm**&I avtyhl.q esiay4h.u.siin.. -Iidtsd Stetaf m ,"klI s*dma t pMlai> emhî ceihce»Mi le vmms meesi fl tpmie Iu*ot.»e r. i at; b 4ut - 'ois ~inh Gmr-atud ec..y E tvdgaée bmupw iW y*l, freiée 'd-<bUU8s UMM uf tolaggrJeà Clae m 1O haleaI Mhe, *.IL k aiatiateaNe Tbli loiv lt. Julis igiQlmsrem- al sa d ge 1 6 ,wt of tg îs a tbe g" 1 m iré eV tve ac t, dmev Uammnetumayg Ni,- bot amu t" WON edssblelu .talee WU Iavisg J leiu l hiIsaif lsai 1<qi la b h iemrt m Ie v. nie.w'blg.ili tq aneapi m <mmmii tha i oa imi@tli hl la~~~~~~~~sgg batfa lmaIeae4viil om sud Imie gnt phsahi a e hé-eiu île ~ n fatt âiM. lhi kosl amals Nuts4GE Jfa« ira£PRXSOSVT. Jiagbiai omcontega aasero miiie by'iuiu1 dimo4* oeasg aVsa me imd isioer îe lkglatata.<a ialualmi i a copy etha epyet île Sesmmy aofM&mte teab mme.amis ilmWi appear froat th.si dausaw. tmîmi clest bdobeaIe toeilg a sl mi.96o hi h k»océendalobi" l ste iev lr the gsetm ctolma;a;d m h~~~~sd ~ ~ i emmus gmav eedi0atheve bt tiow. ii r *Win fiieir appiar It hi th o- vve« of UNia, bala bae ogcialIrappris ed t t: e Î?Nance. 15<1 cmism»iorwil aft fli igs in ce. ml mrvlua hons, I s& sscIptov esag, laqddulsipim îles.mi lie ae ofe sai depueaiîi> iqtfflapiea ivpaimrs, sud acoée itubimer wmiçt is tenue about iwuyi4 teray; iat incoplisat wkb là ieeeas et îeIbo ilim.pai. p-sasse. et lia ecemmdattu., bis. Mce wmay lad daaeqmew tîlendlaidsesot < situ, mitia fInte duemeti ee uthe puwpeeqte dm se cd thîe mSIagd dei" lieu,Ifl0. *afi pagiiio.t o g apartd i et'ds.mwie og s bu isia îe tisapas ormi» Iium eiaipith e ih b UIRC Pmse iiembaoai e1 tGglWh eueo ài w pveaseete Vradaedlu., i h dâjw fIb. as~ tw 1i58prouee, tbm p55 et W tbabbiseaid dthe oate ebaetet mi14 ni, ose MWe 4g"&. aini eu lelal lheéSb#amu lb eaptlstedlaW#etpis ai~~~~boe <l mi gs. .a1sa, et. ewmei hi~~~O olù",e seea ame Il -14«mos viamaisle bmte.ilaçseestsu ae'Ibuo f ai ~ s Né.. ami S Jo solavq 46 aîmllea Qasavatef.Ienloevls ei-h. Uc-miel1 ialkeela etemiis pmeaîadimbrin Imiqe otni t trehe e batm*» pa ym siui taîle Bauilî"vi avshet tkgrmma @Ie a e*«mie<vnig k pro ievteaéam e m lo shiyam ulai wmsaual'eftiiIl'cmr ilmi'aqumi le tgvlaalmlReu*-theast (salam t bdevtiuta iîelae -ai ni sheat 100 I.--- î'emhtiSg auaifiage, [T. IL D~wi.u, Pdniê ~ Pr.pd.ior.] __________I ýtaîQ . e p sffm; adset Ç«Maie A ta at inbi as. daferqe 4 ii. elurte- u5asllaaS e ftm ie iia bîw.aljedt ilet meci fl autacumbinmIbo mn f<r- MImy a Qewa, lied alue7tle sswve mm Jsi iii t uS*flrgsdhrw b a m a or a "lr ee ofhi lied m a v a idt h* iapvdooaet tlaiqsd oft; h 00-' ' "iet ýîce bm RmN o e 915.0 -a. pnsere.d.ae, usme Nine.hle pl an tag r.gav i til raosactiean m.alvaf a errmay. àan4ligie ta tbi..lmlu.ualdieua ver îuifata 'Ibo1diýiff ofsbe *%t I. 8"Ian eu.e froid <oisi. coTisia il.'j~ig~d r.~iIm<lails coisceruwp ils lie, 1aotiutl ad tu tise tua JenIrn ri JolicinUpsii 4rtinee-, uor 80 as maltlestitn al"gy arrangeais-s t s te tb. Iimtitvit in a mib l h bsinil e e.àomw tir gasch il Tiseul!odeiasding aupposed10 Bitai bi lbeeg a nd ierettiorsro maiti for ibttpuapi. sud I1 b1ev. 4v ii Proveime iamâ in thli îe quiîa. ove wIbPaCiiVly. vaa otqa ja i f cafeleiIlion atr f ia il e-lsale f ound,m;hlèete .ine ,Duos Ï9 QppSbit atf hIber lasin <h. moegIr et cset<uhg iai oiuaris;il hîe iue Iali anliWta 30 jqpoae tu bqi Iritami bal'e l vaeqtn ilmi iiflanra.geaea kw the3 lempeay aiigOuui ex ciai ciJOris. ducuseojhymetana t mliibsil«e clt"i auay~s i<tmiur lie orvpîstid te paaeêve the propory iu dipute trou tdes- trciI" by laicudsliemds a ilîsary eccmpmioe lv 11atliagmefthtise irdtarp, ils a viwte S14 fur"tec. viivllca tise sleniél a sOls- j.ci4 ecali 'bsecen tI o im to c- measi, %b at,* seeenial difftence,s Weli gui opiit tise saiioa fl hestage sle thei d.s= ai.Gevrl 3verninuoi. l4 a litter sddutaaa hp ia Sacr-uaar>< Of Sîmie lte se0o virgritofMains, o en# i tifNMtch lias, civieu a etaifi i aleueut of the Iateps mIti bailmu &*ken. aby tha FaderaI îeaverlui8t '0 birnq tlhec eov@ioiey teosatmiaati@s. $04 duiîmit tg appela. ilà* Govîegawofethmag Uate ar le clva iret thei Paierai EMMOcustin masiel te tha (attisfe. lansma mtat. igtiaile the Wgimiiofaiils FaderaI Guammnit de atis is power e e elthe le mtuiat of the huuMacy qoetsas ii (a1184recegsIi il aathe ev#mot<bi&o# uaate do sse sp.4slh. slaatssl cagigot, ane m"memass imtiin he croquueriiet be ramosuien thell 8pa4a m"1s4 fel la lia ýdog gbmus ituvaoîe 0, le o miraaatpe-o <staes the 2ilà visa tina teammer4à ai eesum-lo.riitsy awee 5<e m ai rm "mm ani il wàbipi. .miette ofà *s".. 'd i iui aasmè lthaI B le il i. a 's. se i. t. v i i,. s pwb tml çqoaiïovIls armeuas IMaa.1 eatemelrPl te ie l . I tîe V i a a at rp amio e l oiia ji saur ltub Gecavmesia ecebwiisiect«ma tbaéi ta geateofi îleSt*e ofetobie. mWbasae brna saqatedumnda se ohviema mispp.lâua- ruci telbj eet flwIeu nian #le, Mqmseshuaile--leu-and iiI i e Oevaedae e Meiata ht a eliai aCourae iil e poru ïi tà itd se <ha ageia-ofet Imair6lie f7New siîy ntlîî,att hai y tave beea ýbrgoglt le #«hbely tIilei.et naine (omIfusea* PM- pe*ple ib teatii*s mmi te o. wNe iriiS luig sud'pescuably dàâlmadt eiffso hmnwaîlf talu lt 114 va* avI41 lom suhiIoa 1. Wiers.gluIl~4t i eivapaalqil cllàsqNecaide- 1*i 10 mmdb tlhlae acte p, VASijaMlsy seuai e he bah", . w peut.amaed ag apeiapa Ipla the î~a oude, h. ieui? 3, bsig il va1, ea t qa ea ileteuwy lal dra abu lal Ni b. taiflgod, lai le iemmiderW tu I1 ppe rvuilsa.f& "at umfarli n as pa hhs =wbeny th"abeaex- .rllt iler, plviig u*Ion Ne e»ta(ie ssii eauai Ne sait afaerahaattnttia A easuv.aeutsaiia?"tpé Ibo 0sss, lIn plmeed ami ameta eiiiatiuhmîh ealy h. anisait ai b iasiy tbeuobuet lb. Qosvuaautth il.me Is31s mà at ut 8ibni klu a aliMur bof"epai litIer viieM lama miy sailisent cille qaamliou, Iism mubrnim Ae oie u dW ee tm hcm be l 1<11tte la Ihe ieau * me I m ofi albiProvince of ea i lmmml "à tbpi1 lyaieltrof ira Ne-ai mt mlii albnasit yma. lite 91h q=tbbdlg slIsArausiokrler; bul lb (vi meilt .1 Maie.mi*i voalmly i Midilu mai*uuias iilay1 m hraw beleai tài bous un edalg lputts tanniory sy aramre Dew litbia.tNe; amsd, if faalse necesilty ubulId ailté fie"isig noierions Irmpasum% or pte- tects< illawi property fs-msdordaimby mau OeeatljOstly or sepourmli raccordilntteasre. meula *totem.lb.evaramea lualt ndat Tb$cileNcirmanta l.a éefvwg esictively, or biem 8,aaumiak md >laimà , bhm lavue bu&elaa"citedy by lieV" p.mtsoitsmall b. le in putst-lat tev udwdpe vil e fr- Ijm usa aillalualidIpTe..eT I as- eenIaMB.Ute noaeam aalir.4au ~ t. m.ad ?t*uaea % . e . lim mbM vda 1.7sm sta là i buP OS* HZsatP i i aiNe IuUed tqibhiiO 'I "I * I - j N or VOL. 41.i Iii. bit ta matide *ssecIal ader uftii. ilde;lb a..omgow t 11A. M. Lefi Durham in, Ibn H....eoft çewN*baled d» a 1 ha1e Lwd Ilimgtý% W iasuaWa e - ag Ii iaka im WgiNi ih ljAé Wb" bé b. id Comme, l h.asidi wa"S Wp fait tis biasml hlimiÉ e Itet a b." <miaessta$lu trni" 9" I a bî~e skih.mum IpuiotIaIbi 1awj' M It îs sad Iý9 te'alistios .hâte beigm Lorâs îtemnu mmdDaarbmm md »e. The mercbua oetLon art mmaki."a Selâ 'ft tle pea ulule the acivu l mmin-4aîn. lotds Nsp.em Duamprta mau mt Uverpeu vse. thebe mer jef kt. T7%0 Eaut of Dorbs.'prumedaiet b. eabg auwitrr?7dimneaf e PuistWo sPenmSe uty. Tih. Md ibad balge lotem ut Pubm tbis mimi., A Serria Leone vemmel wau veeckel effLeqt1d and tmulve hamkuet., Mi. Ju*Wt Cogitta a l la artiedti adMht ta a Mr. tetmia tbrella of th. Docamet loaea..80 ÏtIiexpectativeof Iboth frIsa i uoaseaut Jhacut un ed i.nlIaI qomter. Tii. ge-'visAM buet on lemactan inyraftiga liant ta moirtala ghidar lthe latie inlathe 1aha of *baat, S&c. haor hbaual a atually b. eminet îy a daaency lunlthe crop. TbeIfi. sbly acemuplLuthed end haimeati L E L. as said to brl avelie a iictem ta a diacrd. paraniour of bar bnbmnd, tb. Gaucro c Cage p jean ta PArs. 1#'Laasn, shortly afte. IaoDEa ,A letter îeied il h. Liv-erpoolsa> :- I a sid tltir 1cFnamas. Uni ta abaut cemoite a griater. font ait.iia"If tlaamVii. Ait li. de- spatcîes, said ta le soe o f the must abmud île- domoasldis r miIlea, axe i tobe ha ta Fautelau. Ibe a-sua"Mbng eorhi mai. Ma- îsalu baveablge disg ait they meau pmme them for tbeïr owmollit, but bLcransalin.umm- pant abont it and ill c be shaora ef hlm homos." Ny fma h ie m plag m titq d UYhig ,lotad- âgesce babmtb y t. 4eaee m otaiW nla& piveleu"ttaImm à bwi jra.uab saUme bmi al et lebIa la it l. 97 - W 1 , atb ma.mgiet l4p Mfl Ny hspÎ*la1. le * tulai am bd$IiavehW4*b uuuià. ý a ma. lIi mélï ehamah CEn nlll te -hm i*0 bli Wis aflam,imdiag ua *be*>rW tgrmtelepabille n adah. M or tu Ill Uméla lwsmm AlBs of immi jtreotlml* l. pna t ai 4 frbeDuqale uôpflum Ugitý iaS met abae s*iadIheIh nemo te wmuimiuwMds. 1 aeu i Ils om u 1-cu fS- liait, ai Ne eae~ for Mi. M~ -t1 'il bý 1