Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 26 Mar 1839, p. 1

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t, ~4.1 ~ JsM -aa lis a ie ath bé hî. bila ~ Th bm it it làt e Cat bi& . Iait n d oubms i bis M'ON 7ISEI; lkg.t O atso rtdot. inm pbie ow, l=d bdhwum boes uni t wraI$. WIff BIUSESS MW OPn at 'aîufa.cdom nu ow*.l mbd vr ouert ahupLpWof b bu sait &c. Cl1 1 ety DUSi% kt. es .ahm l t A. M ou EMI il i e -eaght 178,0>11 A IL i -i bo..Cflitted op jar th. bond. a cboie amirli rWECTION,y 4y. t ita* tu the Tri, *Ovo duliaImm ihele gdeîveu la mirait blair Pt 4mede atememjt6 DAVID COWAN. ire C, or* -Star, rr, reou. Tisez &Pal1Undl a bovita in h o mo- le.*.mtbeufui esceti, Who mi 10 CM~ u r. Fémuer Atm8 for an mtmt.4aaot dItb am- rnccry jewib#&&*tW l WbaxI î"g te the poNi ted*U.de te A<i t. - leue ,dev wit riow bwme0 éta tp o HWMW~Pm ple t 1b te tumtrr" of o«eiWu uk - tA à,.. ÂNn~vegjI~cuLJOURNAL.- I TENS-PG~ PE 4III~NPAYABLE III A»VA1tN SEVE<T LII> SX ,mcj.W1l&N SE6NTIUT mM. S"4. 4 ~j~,ii'oL IL t.or <mai88. Voie Jl~> f Je Waee, ~iIsimteJ KINI théCAI P* AM__ M~e'ipi s 60 -m'î BOUSE Or AB8EM8LY. a - a n l e lé. *mb c l a a u i L a à u e t 1 ___ . "M oi.iý"tm i. àiii Wb@@"b,01118.l@vomit, &ton&* t*e.IM"1 Md dal, Ilnis dasser i itft e...W a,. tI III iAi<i 1 W a ti M. tri . $»ig iel Metlis u r ou rdmbip'm m ina m 1afmju tu SitÇ li ldtsa spolftai is t= "0 l adsmd il ,ua u eue$~ .6~t t <leUWIChIdImdi e ieslieee. cpueiNo ma1 hi"ilnlii aUn "atim.olgtm G eJ~m~ taiM wiliaat dpm bl rlu hmps u s. phmt15< a tat ai idt istie t rhn Mthe 3dM ma;d , h m rul" & en the M1581d m î t stb P t e c.I s htvs v. et b iarh ascmaiai mud ulua temina. 1 ba ,. î î 'V' fl'ta< i Ito Laatlaip' s lrutio -n ad BW8n i é b .g IUItUa as as j, ..i ,eaIb *is ue ûrt ua so db@W te per<êMadamei puet um ehelotpepeiy ma oim illie e a~ atialaq altes hWutersm.peud~as ,'.- w e - Otuiuiâuh ym if uf mi te- lai " ws liahi * itvte bc issss<Idy.rn 1, <i Wb6WOO pios »M m the '4semoier s1M Immnp ster cs tuemMr e. ela, IOSet "ls4u6m etry,o re. b isaioorte5taki, t cmm aSerienb i' dly an 1i =eety1 ge"silp, let duithpuGrie M" t i .t. wsllesd o y poesce'tir MMI hatlsuc u icse uit..,se "Y'lb ert <rie fmti &aib, "rMory mates o th i pi, M Wktrb b 4;54ntbei iett smge tii liir * - w eie eect, ing >le M rereiRsMs iet h itlie ide ai'ti uavi thje's stion, coovte poing 70ec * . m e.-m ipnu ,l..liq<a bps ..d of11,1r W t a le à - lb fIes i ua s,.nle p tie grasi ulmmIbo pinteas irsi d; mlyby aay P in& eumr orferm ai . l est (m i e 1 & Iotlt sMîe s alist ble (1sou *"In- ay, lm# Zà wItmiU b l7 iiietsetltbiepn 1 qw.tne I u ile we t lierveteil . 1 a seveii is'.mof l in emsta ie <b Pt.voeo ti tqa uraI ta . 5.0 Bi £sqs<«bb» btý , dbM<ha Carnetsy; m m9tamie 1 elslAdteaa~tote4eru o i &, vues.1 , v tlteii à1 b o iii mrsmbusa1 raetcit Undarste i1adt. eu zoa ii bs iuii'*<uri e dl eusl aIe rneip dt eof em~i uaIe at'amuttrn 7PvIlt lm lIa. 1 «Iif 4 pq r ata i ou te "bit p u aitain P< m «baler et 1luvrmeiicu t*.et the. lca .el9hol Aptiam tl.oheirrsp. t: wie i w te itesiaarlgi i aI nje Vf.Fï hhourtair letov 1#*t laePYffnrhe i.<ti Ira taal tesoet m-atlerisa;teM»àme( rit V III41 iacir u e I.t. b sa i esbad «Insota le « heyutm, lob, voper>' pterlldi, ir etoulai udi b pee te "$atu"4f"..al Poroe4o îlaire > oreraavuuhma.ie Aeaueb c<aMm i Iud5bMiet itrsdk &w r itîr to e, Iw< le B rpris m-b v",ite busie.se bs ciewr, lieijataiiuml icrI ty b! s atnc . etodla en t tbeSucr.,a Wle) mdklte 111 t é kull Tiç ernsrtbeeforetusaglim a u t Ld epthe look ur#sono * t dumka«Lil-Sm » taflu <bât iî tIr eint ofiarcna maeetheli fiait . te tisttAUn lv sahnt ain Lgtarel, I beuhtd-Body on The 1< ut iauls 98YTAus t. Of s, i Iuéix abat l theeoyl se partgIbmayaImeai B s avankMUlebu i eithu Çolo a t .al y bee e, wýCr Adraclameul, be i bit e V tet ls lt la, e Of aw"» Mvecp m o i riumcan I Reisad rer em it oimiedt Ii. cwd in t b l*uit eil u eret tigs m d rejoith Goiersur, o. bl h enMn, eaibemle Tuemetoît Capot I.t Of~ a h. bisardn lu ireuta.pllug eamt, mne. lbiverr1 0 ei5WIIb Ousidt 162. org19blo0eA rl lbpeqberwe rvenue.1 . ~Optieliait ,Eelee eeiIsdfma asur.isienlbIran-i thétht el joli,.b. 1411m 1T d;bua, a the seilmilai er, uuay a i- miie. itioE-uale=dltabagp ce O te Prvibce tili, I ermaats ,gat pr$me l lvetm Y*at.lit ,lutipboidisbu traie;md a peau t s, m hiou <s , las Wadta he moi wg <l4 "udns fer, thed Ad it heLei at u e hd er oi ealltr, At mile& rs e l liustYfeu al*sitaMr i 6',ot tl e a imalr e OsRln Ib e Myliljel, pcIl t e i 1llie r i , MM i tMaill bemm"a ki esriretatre itcd ta.i eqettealan i ail bi b..iîfld ar*ym« of ilptmc y keiv Ge.,gh bu ie.meont aimctl rilt oftetùUe ~atau lhuitnlMd tm& ircerilmet h he i COo he paoselostMg , . nei.il~i' lie th e rm t ]jal e; te be ed ni cimr ng Xtem, *Fmi. otêm q m-jaedlfUSI7iWopntlan ei b... ealae a th u u reete ote Ih drdin a900 e omp6 e de os* Gorrrwaela irut nrs f0gC"i aisât moete-ay la the ifiep<hel Ta nch, e.ut adsier toral' p b I es t- Clis.ymahlbVigl lu le; ilrs pyl, te e os fer Co 1ai du uUciaiF9W'--c-r- - a' tI>it ncaihehv beia -ed isd a a t.l:oýf taiir amotantIhat bnetrfarn avil eic a c tOU e iemu be»a givtw r 6e thieIrm ured ab. d*u, batboueen 1 lug.)C it M hepo Camif lb Li oti, CesCÉil es l et f i ls "oieum . t ii1"t1 Oflrrrculn tapipleut yowl idwhp l a #le î- Pietdn es mCcr, ànCoursa7 efumetlmE «" e, nsAhtseuo Tpwijama Ibo *a <.lm lieftu$"ep efisto test, uve 1=1Mmi. A1 0(" Mlle ~ ~ r0agb tbu ase4th* bd &%fàftpaabl i L Idnsarbi tr*ou iiam egnat e, rt setyuil# i*ofli e tLf.rnet h )bMM h elerdaaadL rL S"4q b - 4 BT@~, VP~9I~ E~MI~4P~&, TUUSWÂT, MAE~H i~ Bu%lte m* 4.6 mjePPW a I bau. r Pm" t. e <bi vu.a.M. Ittve ms Sqlob e uiu na" bibe c"i mus teif iu.splpmstme t i OSe ls, M d b 11 8 . . .M s u h h u e u , aa.s h . o em, à& hi&W MWue mlpaléesl t it peuh%" et eme falote IMp rrow atliei of emmbywàeu t itisi raptmi a",na~t lite iWSdemi ilbava b ai t "u-bu t,«aobw aameousqatmefnhb e. mgWues, slau.d, iluMy qiblN, b.la mM- data1 fit if a i e "" ut tamet un Uwa ment of uibe mitas ent ig th k e Ié%les lte lina 1 fte i li tea pt b, ubes haai Btin Weld. payetM ditueymm'itnlfe the capital mdvsueed wW oat , Itru, be c.- siderW aI iiiently ol*ntie.alle taevtant the rejectIi a* panwhuceby an osmcbgondmîy b. a<aptlsei; A"sd naît mmoe Tour Lerdtalp ca"at beuuitateba peat y uni dmcloedi, à" et elk ent, Her bNajemy'a Germfua uuuti s its b tmag graMitde of ai miel meb achouelau s e npe. Ibaeea un Mninducml lensttrlaietga. det"t.là apeeniem ta 1Lv.e à ens coible cf lit iàeetm of lb maillr ta uhicb *lie7bave Autleipslit ottai >'Md miîuialory et mWcn oiree0> ampugceld <lv. s.groatertifaet t. e m fias Reroty'aGeversment taiefeut beau te UYmer Cieam sNc blave bere venlt- ed t. wIieit ou tbiebm s>' gusaile1< la, M, MY dliei swcnld b. Uially eveiewanmd ubilmI thur. mardicg tati. i'émumlty at àn etmrmeftet .doute et Ulsn lje*tpahGeve.uset, tpte u MWel Ibirto« as n Ihir (altm galba, t abtuli btan foruird ulit carnldeace tle b puqmdy reeilon of publie tmesfil mi udrily. 1 bamve, ic. (Sigumi) E.ATU lie Los l4MO 4 a. 8<. au. CO. e uu "as 1t*9 imue af Pr?-Wb"atDahw. terni.TàZé%aerdte their ammcm lg ord ed Aet or payiettD iridum ls.e. loti knewied<.mdtosimet lteing bad ilse ie m or suritDeleums. b. islnreeoft tis 04'""is sein bhl m wilh. mdatieted foau t4, hh.1 ~u et ite B" o. J. 1a. Dunae x 4r Oû«. eUW t*t uitoMyuenc81aqum4jlfl te* tte , »abs bu t epd"" afftin t. cancon m Tl0a Ufu t mp. mqafi usuelppeau. le b baile. mu mla Ceu4aey. Ilmpp t ogl Maie.. lgfier tir aMh00stelgt lbi met JO& w ksfwer e«tS1OkQG babi, n bleu li eté ftbess deba, ia i dolim te d<gueoftt*0%,Md .es u - *0; "a- 1tis bou.vrae pa.ut # an .. uImit1 Fsa m z b ne ai. pdmi the Clitof LeMdm, lis e -hai tie i coaitel ii *ad@-, "fouihewovld tu op Molup.lls if1 -ai1as1 tasasaufahlba0<h .peettusmt, ut. ~ ,eUtLs ubseit [T1 a. Suu.vz, PdmfatopdWr. f~LHo:: No. 14? ~'ot~ j~. duisg theb emaesG«os l W *aSe the 4imeate or Ysiocis Meed, tabi Tu the atur etJpueiCmaii, .4~ £asdsuutIr&h.a3ap" a 6Ne L Nh. » IR& CWp. a a uGmmà.'i bejr. la io tip'j pur ft<er ofthelb t i wh ie re* arar1 bava th. e eaitta mte loM, ~ bramsatiapaet Ilis, Bcellency the Lt. Gessi' releutu theb.misais of iaig Moqy tac lie-. risp bli. menotm sow u apeps, cuMuls, atm uqsMleg I 1bd'" ad- ~saemusmett siise muai.o e- oWs.-r leD.etueepasatola LtaIMWMet Svm pt tant psm. titik Ab i.e dpoeaabere mi buimtpar. thameDebeaitWmmii t test.h Mode papahie eastfeituet hmeom ambo-a er finilun metCritof L.adam> un!au, metavr Mris I autbti bmjta 40er theit sertices ta me G.vemmetsl sa ppesCanaasfor inca inu*dtlekl t h ppéare by Me«sM.tre til 0ler, etide iathe 1 4"M Jn eumeat ; douIise au eme *"itMeri.B- tiug'a peniaiisui en b llsod or ieme iaraeent cm be mais ulliam etiter hbea. luLaineto iOS tgi i Ap th <e» umlmaiu, uici oUI re"isa &.arÀaui ple inestigation &abte au aet oe iiane belote 1 coulaIexpreelt mki h osnt af an Agenat. 1 Lýut ti bobsrve Iluat 1 cii ec on us> by whicb esonecm e puetaocured fer the public moika mnia Menm.ts, tthr caserat ta permit hbir emni la e b bAgenmts,or ouas chier Agent hkppin 4ulictasta taie thi and as ilk qolmemnbma.n, perbîpe lthe Legàsis<si Witt T dvsoue Miser tremrcem oteuqtise detaimottidut he Province. <Sigeed> JOHN H. DUEN, P. S.Tae .mclasam m aove refeaisd teulit %port fl ht o.aae haExtcaive Voumit, am Jeux i S"rsli àks*erN. 4. DepelrhN. 91. 2011 Nasemisr, 1838* gmeuala CoUumiabert Ied.S, la lasiagW4sv 88 Il.a Lo.Eae ieo opvg C.uIL,. a- tedipteth ute ELwiam pva"i thei £"uîrdssmw amSe eamm orvuui, . , Go4esa tb kji.rtecf mnc lrig a eagatm.eof raci nder * wcarale atNeeu ier. Wdit m< .Ame mugMpine Yi.&reWa.g .i. EouheCmctlv ius l Smi cumr blpi ii IcaurOeu a s i e utt o 1 b i e i i t. u < l i v s . an mutilipoda auaàp at faagr » Weimseil .sla*lemeyore ambu O~IqaII.tsulotlaot W. --Mý Walota No. iw. no. Ur - 4w. i - Vat. lie WtpilAvs.liedaIrd <faf tg'li- Dj Ml bnt ans i b . le et tu aFlm but tam iw.ealmtuffis duS iboamieema tme~e, ,jj, T" dnullur~t i rtlstafaiatm Itmma.<OuUlega~5,Isusla Iosto " are a mmat, a% his rain ry lips basaf P>'mble. àpg-tis ad digbsrSetutoo lth*lIispreiutiai. imusaimimt, lb spsn arurtai. or throtagh " e ma jts o Couaeit ami rrlautlpmo"detai t leab uit.ar1<demgra.d ticomualiae hena »Oiueteinth lu@114 et u 68 sd, frimetlmt r edrfor dible.1Ioued ametisetoi dii et a apar liaiglb&Naie-*m bteac lUîe laUeosta lender u-somebetwee a pointsout UaisuatLn Vnt dcomeflhie lm loue A" 8~~«- elmeanlaAmeraia m Mortis#b" t<galb t4 pdik i.uswty b, lia. aianlo! silte Damia ht5iae~lp mti.i5,s ieveu ersGieg 1i94 .but lb 0< lae o' inioi ~Iiasuimg l~j~psg , le Ei'-4~ no, Lalt rcovelue alioa slaie tW*--tueuo. mW baie becseiimteýy ex-' -11W at,.phal ny dieu liw i*iita% litaitaa Nuies. Dsung & ce., Mai tlajsni OemluS 1, ,rery or qee ieti.tiOcreamlmeuem m J s i mlii lisan*erésaordq-u t t ' bo eeu _aa. "sLtmte -M î»a d tha epitai lent. ,The M a .ei» r .poagfv*l r t er-turuiuelteuooe circuhlions bit fo<l*ulüîûty hem. of MPeiiButain&,mad *mi lustra uicti CRIfLOo POsibly -circuiulcu ai "-a fils stbud t*mho vuion e ut ea ti f I'sitna pejairbeariîag On lhrinmie Velue. *9 Dte-tistax "5<ate" inluLe.<b, atutnrand atiet thuieloret if muiadei a 4l teuurr a5siilSWWolrassaaittd tthtaab.fesmle drive out oflb Provintcema certi asacbtiet Il apprIr, bw.1 et, bt <te . vdal &bey ire t1w Wisevr sceau <tere, eitbe iniiicircutan, ui foie" l Ipr sceoriaten<clau. te Banks, or in thic P.1itainytChmai. -j> Tl. aupreiltai. uicb lieu Detetrcwererler treo.Whhsnb .**ilC40<MMceu in . lu e ce >bi d ttemnfirs'y iftweoe'hcmh ut main patlr etofste sbara i teill l.Pie. lalue migiataflord, vuoUud ho purchaied iàâ. ,,lbt lia s'y is a e etailat> etby un aaenguel inciea. cfte mba.rtsrai. ~~~~~h et~t<>bp. a umi f t. em aint tlte Province. »W nt â*p" DbtereIla b Prtovincer, Ystnr repart i lu .'o JqltleveitAmoer. à= t*Iabe.affvtulof &ë eiver cura. 1 aoeVtrtete iet. iu"i"tave Dlbm"te MMinen*elsiytiara hei sn Y oiiutioof pIule m**; i bt e amif*U<008 ui fkeruuot li, sMd hliait li oemniinaO rabicoitîhsy boine drave agimtaiameý ydhwu, lbo eiy dO Onat at Iouhut gusrtob ll e m oe w3y ofif utgpibe eàdgesaias,,* blid tuîy 'ined t- theiii. plo&e note luno has. a ed' jssve ma&taMe <a lii Utbeaiuepro-Ifl pbi nctolaiaisfficl.a±t gmo Mtd, ahi l-M eetflb Puvluee ucauba. dacpoiwoeaaalaeypa~c h b-e r-&- eut ialslai taleh tise Ccumea ie meruat, ii niem a, b. provlded S Wuh ut lueronituaamp canadetstîeus ef epe- But if ail.balune i wautd4olety ter yak- i1%e, idvail g in . mncc. tic gorks. or local improvemvuis, uQvery gaer IbmCeu rdnertte <heinoa sspeiti * mi priaiciple ia opposod to thaiiat4ip *Mr-mive tom amtiaurmd b, Parlâuuucaalettre in aniuofncvetbeGermt t« 04 weft Goftmt fmmam 111e, igioted ai_ utietearc ho n Miplus revenueo ir a Mtst. lga*lise, liebnom iet Amem"l bdtieir a. or public credit <bel justifies lise expudilarrs ioptlu. 'eouDm t ilnsmeiby thIm aiiorit Lindor themocireummlnneram ate iiîlou of eut ueietemoaraimeii<. MeuMsGoverenaio tîtto<'uerCtts T" CoaCil bave suiso<b"sgeW &etatemeuluts a.iule'iottaiaiuig th roeumtssg ifb= 911- wWh t upu'ellcI <be tt tbvoeultei Oit i t.eRevetne, tje piacal.et cou amai lbey iumhijn <enceve %tlftklgO<a~~ lc. bttus mbs4meeî.vtl ave bot piove i lbint t om te re a ftue l eeda juigmuaalimitaaIbog riisinbofbm1<h.Ip!@>hinsCa mad.aaure le ucosa mii dem,, ; tes tuyvoar able î.ris ba < mie4s r, iauvapr Wu' dome. eme tbeMm,<tha =C à ier etiet. loîcreel, sud iu4llolg àise». <btIi.Ui=.:rfpubli* mfais .11 pol ~ o ataîleq of as be. inLu"iomte em eusCme folter peoeuealgs. o bd91 nt seu.ade lrh laltvot eus44dLtr Mnciploa taf bounttaq momfavouruble tri w"iscms bu tnlmseta e.<TIJU IRMM depm i 0u8ib.procu eu ader tlIaection mid uh ite se-m mut taudll~nuaae5'ifa"e fli asmof aier bujsutyla Govermwsui, bat, t.n i b> !Ie» o t e ,iml 'a ~E. tci a ywnure a ud d y.. ucZ. land dw ofgtl a t Mlu d Onq u w caoi . 1e ex- mall s j a u t u . m l 1 -o e e e t tam éi e., m tm r Ni o . fgWweMdis - eue eet tBoegAmeau<muoaa u l emmmsltbb d.inti fe m Ibo emée q-.1gaeau tom <h ui aaeaarar ob Z amme. " eaiiit ot emWmloi t pV. CaeaY dfl evm Otlaey era uit uevelit ae ls 1riSautreea- ra ,y-reço.. dtlqemlrea n ti t. bes sSa, mda .t eWia oxl.a Y. Tt huO1h. gàtIse (munieagoveisamentof Ibo-" etint lýb0ffl ML-bessd laid aw h.e.GuroPataaea MaIveu i ii S.sd e teio« mdiermgîil . - vtil y tio âOlitaOt 10 U<16îlae «e. 0uç y s N wu. abent numm Irefain tolpren (m ut"ne ofîeté,v W l ti r,18. b..epd~rtU.oathehesliai.. ieoltdc~id lidletnm eily. piiou a 0u(tIaiPh M jiuty thei iI*iaii, pur »ggnal fi" 8ti.T BulL wpmt oneould ol . veeeZaatbu eu leStu, t the ranstion p.enthmtqlintervtio n îe PnMOe çi lla i5ie W8 la 15 u P.t is C.aeaOutil he lu bs dorlluuBer e laam4 ', CW f &qwfrm oni mjetinsuenerlae be rtid lret <ta. ail ould be ý llaawI eNaspsi<vbcMfa sdrGee n si uer uhIo <ls r ie 1 fmei- sieme w u'r <Oleomucicadu 11cnIbr npite4ofe.ý teprleaîtmrta. u'T eao i tim n StOft I pe mim g,&Mcag e_*Y Ihibewpe &W l

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