Unp~ap bâ* Cbmoto4 mmUbq- - ~ ~ ~ à ihp~ubuea. Sudm wNdOb m'lb os -a "mim lU sscea ib multi Gmm:aa miib peapmimamuahala atiUwnBUNelba in i.wuawabl.wbe: U id m mau Wi 4MO eyai b wlviewto , - vu ptiay p 1 i bOusii imai à"àribu4ami. jus. h*d Iao(Muta..Okit~ ftw i ta « lna i a gpe euim t, u aimgeu.a s etv tbemIguBaàsisa eit vIiba ait. v~a in i. n a igb ohg paddsauný .,eISlmbm cu *dW. <mitbvram 4* *, IWoI pè ishaiulp6q stsi ituims .in.tukiag éémeý mus.eapWb" meaéEmuail i Un~~~~~~~~wy 1euma ho o nrhmii r lghlsaiauswb-Taxé po. URly, oIs dsii ?Uryaaa ji n a ~t *~hapa mtm~ %*goaysasn aaaa.i. Ihe u ni i wus mt e u 4%wcasl aplu l s " lai asatum la hss apu&ellyapmmud balthesatrutia t a. UnB< hmme a ltis ve, > pauuib in w n - ya elaPm bÏ& e, ute m I rywg ttokw -a u et veu Uhbaffl a« ie"aemcmiimthelce epimw m »:,. vida ~f~.*Auammeu amthuIbu ina"m te lpIh.ea a pui je-pu marear e: Ai. piU. Mmai. . 4sheê umh*àiotttma e puii aUsyduiepgi tvim >w .qaa n i ~ 'Usai mcii a utw.not aie aim ~ ~ I isult maUsd tf ba aw OsiuuruIue l=Witao&-&d aWa, e, uoacIbos biïe u = Mwh sao m ~ Un boptenldm 6f c * t; w 4 bl Orelqst r et 444efé S_ oua -"1 mi i reshuvaricesa muaelormedaa tibhOasr. Their pr,,te, » I, 'a bau bren Rboted on my cricii * M@« salgmtbl vdence, IftbeY hall tU **I* abouli ucarcely have &aliuA. e u4hi mhoplna 1mig *liens eVe 911 o*utwhib aby cnams ai givîngIlIn W-~api *inPuUkÙ- 1esty auld have bella.Jr se- a@" of chaînea« 1 bave damse. Asd Io sa aoboWUt iperforani tisedutIl"ichs ton, ef, jwsy eau spleaud to0 eomfde teme if1 f le 11> *»* tb bmintepans terois M" or logng a gove fni n hi Q 'M sar m us Mu mgîi have bna W.ip* u an CI *uderatianli O " l« w ik or t il Mo Isý11 i w s * Î Èr i , 4l 1 V e t ai na r , a i dktma ut hen oisis aem l Ibm. in oms in Pa rtal hicisha M. luOt evsry msmaattaveller î in A- gicla, a,h inuao tsusmaisereo kidu imtalen bo.drimog o u . S-te tach e s ribng cnr$W-- b essteAuxeicun aW, m"ci'isa fronder line, in-4 S*oey aigu if produtive îadustry, inca. My semitl,, asipmgreaive cîvliaitn.l e; BY &ibmi 0-g "eand dlverth i fauthsu, . oatisrh u lasho a CeY (haUAM@ir aide, sil i arlcîil mmd tb Ths osls u<hua liers Wid.,lv clied,. Md 0"Yimf Ugimmua a elîL-encîtire ký leitind umudbu a of rme are crmqegdcu org boas aas; fils. country in sillerseied by 0,4. 14111 tceà -,camal.sied reiliciada sare f9bý sein jetth bmu ouaaif rnation; thse noya ciras. df m " m ad îs'maport are c.owded là id-~ people.,sumoi mîv:e.d by nStara4 i% e Of &iaag meaboute. Thse observer ilsurprisil aie- itbte umaber of hnrbourà on ileuks., and ,ad dbm cnasuer of veàmms tliey Conaian; vbd tha bridges, sartiicial Immdimag places. sud sa. mp- rSdissmait waanaart furiii aail duecl10. sus m,«requjred. Good boum. , W* O MM iIiisa. nnvidages, lamais, andi e ts de gritions, ame mknoti amen la spring op sai Ofy 111l1e douait.Every village bam i% rsb bonne*ad place of public worahuip. ler Im ietow bau seny ur belh wiîh la tOwu4mr ýUv buildingsis boosatages, andi proablby m msa orlae nbnha mnevapuyers ; andal cil ie,, cins viiilisir' dne clsurches, ahir irest hasil tae' chais.ebmmgma, caur,-houae, and i woci 1 e- Iballa, et amm'ora, mnrbiar, ai ec endti Yom %# 6 natbcthe recaqai existence of ile i.ret amo Illusre liey mine siand, moIti l-e adiniremila ciaU sypart armie uld world. on thé, rîtti tbe i dO bmlime, laithlmle excetioan la iv ýad Iavoqm#r4 pla here Vsime pplsomch tao. sa- moau proimpmrity ia apparent, ali mma bas wu" suddomolmie. Tierc i l aitmas.rail. t" mmmd in ait Britis Ameica, aal ikats raonîos fin betwresti ls. St. Lawremnce and Lake Clati ye! plain, l.a nly fliteen mies long. Tintaan camie c!t.y a1Montreuil, %uIh il analsrllyt6 » cseseual capital ai the Coanada., slasU basr m lsa iqt coampatrison, in amy rogils, W" tsBuBlo, visic is suascreurat o e s»,m Jauly. But il e aumtlin tIse d&jreene betiena r iche "iager tasumeon dthiu aides ldos W It I dit "d dllbm tieat evduce of ou r omes tr rioriy. That painful bout undenaile tat je AW mata i aniin cin tsecounry tisisi. tbraimgitw" ubeUna l n iâmtioial sepastu p4m #q 10 w siak ,Tiaere, un & là. or« ellsAum Cenadasand Ulm ofaiNew ns wack and Nova Se".uja, waislly aàaueffi rltionc, pour. asi apprmaiily uirmlr n>- ima',th enbha d mindustriouv, epri 0i ta reeacha-er by tracts Ofi nlcryeungt W aut stilled, living an montaeIsouam, dringi UnIiWO «Mon aua arude aubsiteimVoIrask- eulliv" il send aIaingly iîîarujaIr si .iproving chisacondiin, preent its 0m ittln I40 ortussiin is t tar caserprisitagsi tiftgmitbeau on tah.Aisiricansid- cweits o dt tia etise essaisra imes.>ti.i Moab bLvrCaae urdesimg iaith ta ~ ii~a opsipsospriactice (fur seidersaileas t(W ll wi0k t mc i lnsaer thes wtîni o t .O Ms d gai e a am e aitidmronde tiser. a ah bo ? i remchini tieur deti'naisob masdo p-vivamcs ajor HMadthse -uà"a c~îplameeîai Cramas Lande'laquIantt. 14hdWý l'mai las New Brurmwi, alt, le-sis vh~mJgpunIt r heuf ahistur lise a 000 pltsnm o utseor ine, a caau 0 f IlmutabI adis . sby the obwioua asPfOt' Safths, Nv»rksnia ltlimenta ils every rle f h.e Ie iwm coasmiries arme smiéii gSt. Lawrences and Ie likths i 2r , kIEBt so reptiIle-,tbutnulales i duc cclivrsm*. s» tbweea mi nprod et osta(ys NajdotM,2 ,» 1m 1i le ainail Pwwy. 1" PS kwqs.ssin k-P laml >udumlylalbm . ,OliCP MWlaNm siriai llolis lau&P 1h "gè~mimagcr is m.«k 10 anie* e<* riq ! TB8'4AIR~S 0F Cl XkIR~MLýOF DURITI saiuV8 101COMM ISSIt jp.ummIpiiMnitt'SComna vS IS5STXCEL:LKtt inms s~ aQuebeamab *.lm ",n ttsaT.ani .I MI detS i - s Fui. luu* a. UO -"%ter UIt, 1. ittsimbt rtha a -d t ezU t bw pmpfta. ebnth glvW dbees d unrtbio bara t. rob a i*omagemeea u h o 1, wk"je la @ u8 l-, -et1 hai tend, idm Ih t ins ant lgwti lavlihse& am il. v reh if, pi5S p,.appo ml, a Aru am s a oCra.la.s sou pwasul . n hr iaeIe y ldilum of amsslmia d tha »»W ansi att-'eh.Iboul sbl 11.7 aie gsly oseemm. ami, basami brou pumaelit aue %0* th.metaseaut ah. sat virn umwaste haaonha'Of s-at> ioll , éiy ma:eset0 Tin 4 Ihahiotlla isir ' je tha id aatrota. h. ou [yd bail teqSortqir aolmaci tis 0lo t $Me wIladb. fuit p.Gtum et IZ neutb ba umat felm aof cl, ceathse,.Mia, Teae> aasd tr"mot.,Ib1i t Or anti 1 u1 40%d sfhne r raiead b, tIre s,.. eidsdta lit &memjUdt lmai qbs hab it ats of ebahu r teleerraea t yhamPau] a. satrnmmgoL - .-e ,.pe asmdatai eéi b abat t aahip t 1amué.,.,lmsatut i.4 aN Wu i tbmiof ah ýtip tiDenb erms ,<.smitsot.May t l belle ahtezbu me 1 ied ai ra 8i eapia apiauq cimmunaapisthe ail um 1 MU»ty 1pehaasat ise> e .1 iaId S , Up un uprimaat. te«"mmo bisbua th it îas1 th arial mt *"1.1 millihary 6*0 na< le,~ti iadl it uli 'dm pO@eamîite Ml bl t6 plama miýb Bss. haeib ti 1 i erez la #at ian;t] ,I llû t e lCa n te , aiars faas 'ibm mnuu cla ea iatmtuiaay. aaeiel fi aiuOt. 31* e. ~auiim