Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 11 Jun 1839, p. 3

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est vote nte, clIl ta imu;- led « th saler, bui hue face shoabo * Immn- Leelasua, atai bymw fî. UtI ducslly. saTs heew ew Bruab- Mt in time >arsb." tao p- thi of May, 31 Sr ue. -A Frencbm as heinq a o m e mu m is5 ibg l l Se tà. f0117 mi 1eai p.naru » M " Y«4 v b e u da r tb à aIJ5S m a ai i ern el 'Cii,hijililandiorti i hora .te cùIaoff du r.helllesO5lathe lb. flf &04ei ait .mm mpbMsadaI"he5 K sd Na MaKawxd ronare Int * t thecsandfor mue c Icea- uWati e I aiatsutbm ia.lb b. aubd il l te tlt ba&Ve%1O - .1 'u - etai. aJU RS , y.,kWnti duspaitintocarde m, persally, as bic - le or T ' ha INgTN i"" 90dta nd fcornetamth e au e - ftiatcvertt o i r tarteie nti t ae omeaccecajtic., ai 15 I I t'hser etit Berd 1'r de husini ;b>' gar, m en ruagluIsochange$ o su dis hiavscbelaey ef a- Wb à" àcbu i, , Y mi> b.befote b MrawcoTusee le 0 i 4ao Stri itt15 ie i i pee ien cpoer W eer by as iCS t tent i edwrclîa tcemfr - ta" tbem-li KINOSTON.L XTORE STRE, TUE UPI'fl CANADA EEALD4ýTUEJDAY, LUNE 1111 159- _ _ _ _ - d à*aisppres b"108 WW i. lisai reiles fwy Com uw~y. it la Uime finit I fme I o*i l a y tha OmIil bu bfieaiwdh me »IUUW>RL E.x ile ntete *kfelm fwea ho b ave acted teverds tis 1F UCIOM 1 de Co ves im" TII8AY __OU t. tor lpudhle file-su bda lm.ea s Bey a îlfethalgney. ,pI1w; em JUNle lem18 and ttby WM " lftath- 65lebtUaiScosaity vwtdb azel trescbery titd vantale vie.à lis ot OI Ii (UPP..Cas quee c» thie Qiteen ift tbmer le. V ti studavoar lbe sicceasli, (and 1 dli gO N qWAT NEXT, the 14instaauts ,wlll bc fLIACIY ra~t"vertru1qtel @- W btd ilier tse crIm motVoté:la t e apoitia pties,,sad desire Do mor isit iliaIst s li ate anhonorabl effrt .amptehd teaie- soll, es sk noaelies et the Marisse RtiI-T ES ýIlutt1 icr e tate-M* mit#» e a Mthe Important intefllgence lheymaib egvre sGetBm l ee e iLtàui. il prove t me a suc f l acti Mi Campuysé Wharfs Tos E SCHONRemn. f~ ini tc OF ,estfe m i= omEngluîImm il et emolda ere reàtoration ad cd. Hem l miî ec'acute nealatz l r diuuîbtao! &jmetsful, intu tht s t---Rt. a- .-eg Ib~YlER ca s tit m e 'mnLcT H suel tome or- ait ddidedletttioutOllmof tametimats&ebd pathelvSt. Larw-.ibisdcli.,.jesty's lyai sîe bain tteeeMateCrî.l. mwii'me.te % W0 it '1>1s10 ia esetry, th u b th isefc oualde " i ntee- viec chi b .e Querne. sH r M .jesty oberved r u e reat tethe ab a elandba ns f BerM é - id 183, aus i lyuuied fir thrce Seairmo. maufaem.re i l mâdvaedb titilonai pracples in tb. igissit quater te viLh grelot rduaca éd lregret ; filer otlot. by adifOt P . --,~ed iethat ePeiti, 1 M Twby, of te Seam. tdat,ftdma isice ii- on ha,< plac de rrvC . ~o' c idliva v uil duei. W bu lb iatibge.ce buhaera ied e ai rwpmis etit1er rnIte in u- v rj ernidr.tther araso minmaeerelcelih psta ierrladsoleilila;. he l ceofadm ,t. t e desd hIc W isa. u lpr tend f g« s à e ni Dols- ulilci cltra Se, ose* o wic Wvii li a e rtb« te el sud « acte b.fethe-1 u.. Ait 1mir'e, GraintooreUvered tatRin Excelle 001 M nae Mgi15 oG d sl W dseetr esta n cy ai Brockville on tthe late Occurrencea1 ilete c o boîrdthefterne$Sof eoayaient itt Nr 0orù eiAreifdetoubad tat Nc mdlanimagnatione blediscaled te lbervices of Uer laie mmuateiioeal lber chich tlb. bUcing reply vus givre, lie tmade bac>.Kingston, ouOý ThebeeCdM ~~ 5Pairt lbthe upyreu, antd baroquetlu nElyoini. The regret aIthebir os; lmetaitlhemuna ie tcl L2eDek oede ialeta i1sERnt -î sd s n e , dea lhllà of brlant hevea of ggldau jiospsrily sud ambre- e u aeepeadprnilamr tïtyGnrTtUEim, RL'GH CALDR s~~~n one ha" tua Ier ivsd ic eooiilllosl d prin plefmmtri of 1Itiai: yen for the epesincf confidence Kingston, MdiJonc, 1839. 11iE te th ilewe a wtu paift hi iliedte mttiWwt pr etefrainO wieb yeur addrett cotamea. 0,d mtofteMncplgaly aade mile ateMitions ta- wgovemment." Tainvtigaetate ocurneta chicli Y"n Fol §Am ililet es a diférent Peinte pot. Who*, onewful le relata, sued uuoteamly Dut lb.easYc.of lthapeopleanasvomias cf the allude wu mmire partlcularly dise f me y vitit Ysb eo eo h omrilWaf op, l"ut rxc but a -Ymore sorrouful ta endure, lhe cep of bila awu FetantI cebuflre Ibese opposers et lber Majety ta Breckville. 111 etfoueof aStore Street, eretlbe The italien eDd~~dhe omI, av omlindthAs thdiaîre o! the Ameercan acionern 2M GalImu per aaaWl ,CA 0 oseiter ade- IPIMd dillel fin teirrips ul the atire ompl lta meipeolrae. e b anacodneder athe ~gens t appeati, coubl ne lie. legally srvcieuit (M Dr el FienWisky a uadtben occnped whitealrlvisg ta emulate lima cagie laid gaueou sinient ef Tories; but bos coni ieb.othercî,se t exercised liJfre the selzure vwumade. W 3 d.Ome.1 f, Mnplimhe avenues ta t letheson ils bs trugtb, vers blasted by lbth eacwhite the people chos. Tory Repreefatlves? Raving taken thint tep, Imwever, st WU notlest 30 de. Petrt, T B aiblamtable uht te seizure wca andoned vithoct 100 hd. Tianday andali, im a eu lcChange snd point ams of liglt, and redacedl ta lie codtios sund cimrac- Acccrdiug ta tha pinciples of dis coustilt tOC 1 due authoiîy, ted, mect cspett!lly cadet outil ~ Cal wtky u uagUme te o a.,th oil Assembly lb. Tory, lIe goverement ma lcmtscsadebrametitsopninta-Teint Wtlt. le r lears, ieiged ai this lime te1duer n etetanbalsopnin tm- 6 do.aie ment Scythe Seaidis, ,R imd tisS.Dusu d Moutl- AÀsliKbt modiroim of comaustue vW"ldbave lie Tory aibc; s et a aujdeaired refieraidepends Iy, altiough 1 amn avare flmItsonne Magistrales 4o cois Tarved Repris,%2, j, &SIn., BiYKI T'i enting had «Cenrle, pèred theon purblind vsionaries fromt 1h deep lal etes ths u ie people t1W uselvea. If inlerfered cith thé mmut honeit zet, &nitiflosa w er Fit"Pir lit> ieneda 1 e . 0 ofMeert.Lepgeâ SboP mortification chith lie! cere fated ta endure by tdtiel.peýpopedeire le set Lord Dmrtim's pot- Tnt.f ubiuy ta o raautendle uenr. 2() d eGedo.ît prirqaiy, lteed ,uniog teele, 30wsifthbe audden reitaof cl inictat pwer.If theicycarred ito ta m teymstelect el ht- buae lakente ge rlIdrthe Mai e-la16 tostsaStarch, itIca incr.acylong, dy eprsettalabglefnleonuer imeimm- Io. heps Rappea nfl SAlurday Bouielqv,,dsYthe ngw laCompac "9mes vers not proveibllly incapable ives of Lord Durbam'spdeisples, snd rtloietteitet diale controt cf lBer M eîReveone Officar, 1 osfiesdcteaSott ia t 0 th.Rua St. Marin. of receiving imsilucion, tbey col Lave troualb.egeaeinabiieb.conducted le accordance tIIs portand ireditbf in die public sîreel, vis saclleth ,lisjoecentre o te ief' lot that tmaIeasmption cf Otto by finir favourtes cllh diem. Ounltepeople lhemielves, ten, dth cespeceigtbcmcol aeben . 3M hi. Clovr6 elt aP c B usje mt IeCT pat fth qarters o- st, cas ne camse ai boutin;; Ieir position vraitac e stiny of îhe proritlce tests. Unieas, liey awakc Nei e a olj beepestystus- Ama-4 !svDiY Goods, ail of whlcb cl b. i pk. ru, cf ee lthe peter cap10do a thnOexpess R aila soglnm e u m cret" ad lusecure for liaI f ley cold have and mail ie u irengllta obtain gondi gvera ment, Ihat any Britishmaubjectsabaouta fa bahve »dtoltwv fGorCLD CN.B l'ýf,,, y tht paadu SuUI ADB itio urad Cerf, Burg l'Abbec sbdùqledi theumaves au ail, il mut bave ben by men4t tby ciii baveasoi deservreta saitn dert orgtte wbat êtres dae tathe chanater et dicir ftMn lb lve ct, rueIytavrdsferige Comumertiimati.ffeMot roaMotnstr, and L th eid orInfuenece of cmie or!heir former oppo- Tory .Mr.leiçýever sud mj. naticnit enDehtiv te sireto publ ric y. Kliced da), , bd te . enithea aRue afiti. -- ~ ttaif ed .h <, 1 - . O_____________________countronpubli________ t oee d ha.e ereramtel ime frue tmua, sud thir conditiona et osIuld have been Dy ibese prreedinga th inhabilants of Ibla * Iledof i icri, S te orro f the Rusm seota es ad remblng, icti!o oyad Th cond f Satuday maIes stome rmtnileasbave placed mieit a tumiiaing postion, for w o e he s errerie @ti.Sir IRobert Peel caswccli avare of ibis Oonrcenîe cof lhe Relevestieet DiII, andadi- 1Ibava bien ciliged ta admit Ihlair leduareien, ATHTE COURT et Adjourmeil Quarter Se- Coi as s Mri n. At hait hlmsellsud tuly deire il iu bis explmnalîo; temple te vlmdicte Ibal mesitre by stylIa tien bilal 1 have sppeaîled te lime gecssl Government us edu ?tmeul lJe 89 11 r ith ReToelotil tadbut is transatlantitltfolowrr ba! no sucb fes, lb.membeta trieti other plaes in vain?1 Dut chy 'If liUie tt. giî b i ngdmdFrinlstFseL.Carasohr th'I f i barrir. e itai, no rde bygapdexciting lice of conducl vusoed hy Colonel Worth. Esquires: i i wtiidytel ail tl ite Irpe he tstslaof office, asti thought th. lu vain 1 Decan e they could net agrce le any Ne persan corn more deepiy feei Iban 1 do the it ve"omrd, flmaIà Notice lie givein for a ge -îrerem l ýflh là en ItfbNI1h Regmeel moor li thoiz eci. For mesunre liaIcas fait and just la ail lbe people a! provocation you have snfeîed, net lb. more sernti- tral Meetin litii.heMagiralesetheDartI.în£ lima ws iFc us aihve rgitr efS hprovince. The dicnulty ofa.ttlingthîsques- is o tbe extreme distressud anxiety whicim jour o hrdyt.itain el Incs h tn h w l. e re afoa Garred vu' Fibisiu flien did Olt rn ram any thie; n lt irfs, but familles muet sulle, under the peelpseso en oei igts 0tk bcniea i de leeýperan ertrat It Inî on itcwie ate nEgda affair un te Si Lawrence. Noi can an y anc b.lion lb. àîleratierts andi utprovementa, sag-esteîi cl.tred nt ep int atheypareira la Eegle sDo lusfriunwclllionittta do justice ta te le i en ore isp ti than 1 ame ta rmove thon anferngs a tGe el amidlbhebuilding cf a eall arcunthe ttc e tpii s k the Nak tialteGurdansenue ar caballor of lt-n amic ay ndtaohtsic for you redresa fer the put and secu- came, andt ba bulal meeting b.ietiestel. 1lteearst ~ a Rg Pl om ceoacee Cer. rf g i nymnofaypa-mg or paver.lThe RIlIs chicb werra passed ta rit for dia tente. By thme Court, âe Boulevrdas, the q;cy. .Proreu fiLoo10eslow and diffcul; victoriesn iie i eere hoe bs;brdey divltled 1appeai ta yen, ererere, ciLim confidence, J. NICKALLS, C. P. sariioeî prlaof tâte ,pal cie he.Xe toc hardiy con and feebly imprvedl; andth i i e t'l.naily tvso; dree or f.ur domi ataIby your forbearacce, and prudence, sasveilias ______________________ cin luire.Naditablesibliby yprsesinrebunaieoablcd iter aaterd adryeà and ly monrmeneorLtsenmiyenX -ouRESHutedONIONry ndAnnnce TURNIP ONON ti TU NI brio Le recur la anujf et ule cgreat pfamudbaeaetecttteîe ttttt idlesbul in reality oniy helceean Is. And eov, wcl istregthen the banda ot the Executive gov. -IZ Wealsrvei tb te posâ t ail destroyed in0 lie contesl.cit atilate§ sud impair- le b. Cmrcansd Stale men, 1a keep lima people ermiment a seveelfal potical. rcivd!om lIe cmse dSoe setdombied, aed le came caie #din avalue dune; the attifésta llowe o e 05t1 quitte theealdi te queestion ila nîlrd; but GEO. ARTRUR. JU IST ei ri h «sse edSoe tabigdrwe uitustler arms it o Idcelert bis iOtttU by a triomphai ealzy t_________Wilfiai_____nt___fo__eyFat AL ibncd enhîîel bieg potil da saie l *cpta.Bs * 1 ndOtne1ioa i'TeJueatbr fteL.EAYG LN i JO:IN DELONGE. c~~~, l e aleo b ook out, tdi Caan* l iiImd olneqioarliey nog tit cth ilasnt tforaiey , j flIitao! l b.eReoS. vtohee ildsKveisipegvasntuoarnai, l dJoueieeathyposa1tahveil TmeJs8nu39rcfl. ràsavGsRe ,y InhqofSurprise. h.asS- .tte br seev àê'P* ldn'ahitfled by giclgami limhe Reterces ta the Cburcimcas reteivet lestwcecI, and ite cim inoriginal ar- KES]s n. 1 83.A g hi im erytful r! peope, aed ~msnutisulm .Itb. is must ieb.reserv of Eagan'. lla c, flbe questioa is mereîy lctet'ofgreal intercu. EI OOS ùeHlether lrops et the lin.. would 1ed ufor a Îmn.1,at.'Ipty, cim, if tii.y do net ________ Iayoeapociçth e.Blet 0 rantterred tram ene tribunal la anolimer lesitcoin- DW . DRYCE & CO., b.; reapeclfully leai- generai mInas werc heatd dishrged, taid tae'. StatIi. ffie Id o!'evey Cembdaau, Wicarry patent, and the truc retnus for lias îransferrmng il An inquest Cas helti lest Tueaday ou lb. bodlyjefortem erfinsadtePbi ee-lc.e tai aricadea star te market, iaid theit mesures with sncb 01st.,helmin; aIrenglh@ h e utChomand Stale men kue flmaIthey et Alexanider Baniatyne, a privale in the 4th aujy, fletaI iy have jeet recrived by 'the recent Serpents tkruopstepiled by roundls of len or as tomolle t esitance vain and o eme n prompt abotit:lthr hsep lb. question as il ICI or tIsa Balalio iMldilla, wcha ht bimselftlhrough lime Spring arrivais tramn GreatL Bitsimtdirect, liei Km;98 ati atnt.a d p ood. e i s i e a c, he Paty carry their a surit entir ly, anda cl ai l the ead witin la sale of m e utlaidejection. s pp ci Siii Ef l ac £MiD Celou rsd G d lS, 4, tiiiîl aeeral peple voewcoud- sud preoounlackWand Ibis la lIme demNapllim rie. il lhe cafta and $hp$bepi May indelgo a bout, andl regard the. pet> cP itlaiReservea ta lie ChuttI> of Emgland. They know The verdict ascribeal bis dradi ta emr'alMY ut.Satins, RimIbamm, SIcav Bonnets, Parasola, Printed lT utoi n I;îd ete easterft end of lion they may motet as "dc1drpahsaite no oîuir plan ciii aver pusa lbe Honte ot saniî. Mtl ui oacîedeLieDeleLisi .joasntIihe i h adbe e ale" u t rsatbatigt btibi u'*&. .511k Glovea '511k lHbo, Stocka, Black AetJE SL Hoore, and a b ,ricade hadh aoai. u Ipeea oln;l oibt oi ,i% fIa iuse remain constetlil asT et dir flm UvrCmasRcDd aa B ll, astera e aey e r k E of tirRne du Crqwhere lys omeibus- eea,189 G, Metn ot - iturpl. long the wesîtrn Boule- Napoieon or Weingtoeehy vill IrlumpI> t oe bssuet steCltne.-gl dem, Sà-heenvrw tmpras isigadW tin aics hitn n te Iît de Rioi, tedaolier parte efthlIe Whente llebratth o r d end mamy çpe on IdistiejecanIeitb.raienle s y reamgad the byo per anaasI, erhl a a e- %ad eIiý1anCices hmtigatioie ud! er~'~ f.mie centre, peuple saul ilaairewarda; bail eI preseel diey v scbt tn irt atigim ta tbe punishimrnl cessary for Lthe ememies et miatule, irresponsblily, te.îî. aitaot h. ean. ich Win b. WILSC fi:ie frinlthe envrons; tnd tht mut lib. ccntu vîh anuIumbler lot sud more eevîd b enesant bil. Church'tcd-State Toryism, andI oligarchicel gov! aold ai their nai e wprie« for Ca. .1ufîe fîd ual log leartodf thelmaen Whonevotpraii.oAethifborlin;i.duitàkeîyelitteatheemie --ir'hledret TleygbatayetilIme ilerestcfalb conr , n rmta b. dtc Cî,eavaa dlb and de- A L50, awie i2talel nt oquidtaatieli allie mn pano Adiasbae pg lisentemi in ney elpeed oedineTai Ofthevounty, ad inet r.ntal ofHoleThicbrd ted Brof BeceWaDd rownDan ai o îequ vr , Inain i t h e thae eho, aftcr al doc cequer, bfini ucr > renonnocci dair Iegsîative polwcts ou0Ihe Mot i-i oe cchb ecs utaed tmi- yess by a selfisI>, impe. des C nv s, u mbers.t ailer ds Ïracts i nta. mr el ht h r cfsel ats fporant question vbirh Ibey bail ta decide, aeil lent san arittary facttom-composed et parasites Xuie,46mr 89 cloci li thtripi erre n posession ti f is. cIme vin the prise bave cans aie b.modest the ceoistiy ciii renouecetem il lime pesl dcit- antinnifais, clirse d eteriioeinfluence bu LO uies he d t he lnc i ai dt SuY e eead ublhcmacimr ms hinnno.hflio& "Osejaumberrsare lnsigificaet. Timi"party," AX di a r Slaeaui Manfaclry, ineidis brick Rieg uuîicdes, and wcie e veaW severnimi;1xcli-li maintin.Th brmes claalorefera ta a change ciich le havi' îtb.-tdià ithede ttalof Govcemeult, bidfgQesySmsdpsevdfoemlm afihie" deeces ralted toard the Ru, Rîotabevorie u. ncea ietaced v nolfni ttrllmtcnecc limao obe dtiWsrutl acie fr-lv rptim i w4.i ad tic north.eosterit cnd oth h imiention of ehpit he; b.foliy of die Uppet sufort"@ se1 avesibetforen s. OppnIs hteer- l otou - aiavnsv s u ieuLIt.Gaes anb taco-opea.o-rme ftems oIcsied ou-la trepiled le WVe oareid thecolonel f a regimettCanada Tories l imathit premaînre bouts, bt hal i a dvj poed~ u et ifirProeedicgsDr. Slrachas, andi a uaansd = utlugF"arand*ClodiCAPZ Fat "sudl 1 s e:îî ider tut Ihe potieg o!ibis men jesa threadbare (home, ani ccli covubfailithe . ev thise, ijecosalonrs, bave sangie; imr eien satin BraerctATS, D&1k andiCCeloesCOl Clotolliie raiesren ebuare Ibutiaathe Market.daantitle Rueegiron ta âe Chrch cf Eu;land.Time flaIe Mr- ian ,na lui ed intaobieiite everY successive wcholeMî d r"uà. Merchants. »If Milita esache- LI ind âeveaI wlre stitioned oi the bal- bildren Timareate, dieilglixsienieanderaaclieimht Chnrcbuavealeemberpf clativeu of Royallep cimes.ielot basaly ttou lotbCsapsei -sCoipat b.stunbe liedpiei h lime lic a ec"uatltieN, NN. rn, ful fI orrîand f thc app1iocbes ta public cIme iangi aItthlott ocr Iei folly ; but ebal for tde Rlserves Io bc givemu b educallon. As ta n0 lb.plain et Upjtr Canada. And boynite- m" 1thau Paterns, onas iteonablu tenuMcoutaitmd pa Lt. ces metandeal la, te directtpublic attention ta lIe 1id e suposeslimeIVcards 1I-anti hec symmpWlie ."lliu4i otelTeSucibrain Le, ptiud the qunys lvereocecupieti by fat, establisbed hby Ihest expiartalliis, hl Hami iiglel hcmlm boil upe shc aîai hîeir Iabry Il meve" nupoo dhe cars efbeen extçêstell emgsselelim e *ave busiseas iii~~~~~se ai chéPae ehi au lim bsPuY ma it tîem- ~t seo.ectin; freeheldais aI hliat eleclim! bla tCityof Mstalot toubr buteen jeama put, ain 1F L i reveauoi Mad theTflotte Saitrefomer..TIe Duleselves for il. TIe course putanci by Sir F. Headi, Uurte came of trne Conservativea, and chatte a suffiiutigatnteelIItimotheMerchanla <of Up. a t raqui except ilie cente wberc, ci1IWellingon anal St B obet Peeiliath bear tes C. A. ltg;ermss, and te test o!tdé Tory de- fuil~ pnttreisin anti loyalty, many of them sanc- par Canaittiarae lb.bigb chargea fot freiglit il te dutorbrt etftthe pub c pence veris tmonytate .queas"itcansai t tiopsuneat es iruàtlv'ilaiibis Province, woli pleuve etht op- c îa inl steulmg inet Ie«parseune of As-v ou dies hi.ntioned gouda. iT Hi aaîai.Thte sierti, Ilîugh t aili tndd ateu Ilmt She to tliem tliailier laie minis-psiis fsy a1cm at is-icts e sie ny. But Intertrailtollsy bave they Ilorsrn M. L. GREENE. i lis~~~~~~tfotmctly avecati principies asid Ihair ofii inieaîl ey,iM3. Fo wwt à rea uaiertof peoplte, 001), spet- lets ailîd vtu1Bcr great satisation,suaei cte nlry aiteatrt. TIay have gteally conrbutd attenatHcait lamtutyimv iltea, wtran gradoaly gettiiîagdeterted t.y abat tien saotimentiase ntaicfh-avae LiiIIalricaes ateipled tlelbe grettedtu bpartI cliiith . lit la atso lnevidottai e prticemoesctructione le doCountry an rydti e d rss1Intaoe T EIU LC È ýiLEustachte, authlIe nrtleru tha the Quten propOsei to senti for Lord Net- mnyperaciireai. he poeutab.co- ime ave liE destuctivs, inaccot rtr te Hale, etuere sereraI Sîai ssretea, manby before 5h. scnffr lbe DeetfWeting- sralebtby merCiecl .se auts for de- uericensen ofethav e ndetButtahe a Sicio i nvu Knit les criae litai , acti ve3urposes. Thc Chronicle dntue thetugopdetln t i le c- u, e>ayT ibis oppertaiiry of relurin; dhada ta bis tope là t iiit, affrd 1.cliar racilities for suri totn. Sa lImat there lamanple proo! tIal the Qnec sà 1tht a hangecm 'rn bu b ielale"l;n IeI uie o-Friands fer th.ir isupport datim; tbe lit six years, tant#. cea inda aidSUScete beeib isitas andti firts are and tiinlefsvercf re- nifsed1. leters f a U. . Lîpsîlast, it whb h aeer acc-sdlfre ets ebsetrdit at Ie t ierisud lie irool s. Abatkey ceachta sft.srya le ' cublesw aeThe illusion cotilteotlest: neerbip vith ML G. R. lHaina, eti Iba le future iiùt irection le satempted 1t e esis- force on Lord Dtunitm's plan, anti taythe sai en l sfrasrys .ccicsb, sc ae But memory wdli bayer the busnin eKingtcn ciii b.econdteiltinder berot fu te barica, beltIteeriver of hbnie hafed.Ti almnt ncor-teaciy a olecebavere If tire htVieatabuyOerlmSusoilmaupt'ttinetlIe cmre ofG. Il. Haines, & Ce. bous e, rwip, and acaped ilI>bis agi dhe people o tdis province ile mirtffii>ts tacily, ite vnibavhave iovelImaI 8.aFORSTER.e Ir bi ttimea t slrfo tllunav aiptvosy endsnld I e the lIeclose o ias year. I tiliel I ca&uàf.ly Kngston, MI718,1839. la de- iliei oc aspseiobtaîn loit. reforme in the atimtraluon Of lieit uhave aitteauh iacnaio beito osur cctlnhemer, a 1pesli1re ialhvaasceelo ,FBTR zede icto ierfets. brisae rgovernimeel whieb are se imperioualy neeUMr. lust degree ci lb.theutintl tof the dominant par- afn, titat ot present Honte of Anemublywclii G. H. HAIN5 &Co. intn en nlmgt eir 1 rc rnai- e;iere omoiirleerric Neaderanais !Iai nmes suatilagisa Ir. Thal the Chronicle finda Our lesat cccl'.ai r- ia.atli lu"Provincial Parliamenat nm~ m as e.Slo q 1arourt,'efca 8y, cidian histne the î eal N nhcngtaaaletita NIbis ct reItsentati ltir eechm it a1î. t teel stronh l" for bis ceakms a Vary Pro- blt f hibo lie case, 5 mach the er.- Trie NE STOCK c fhomiable antidis- gsdt a! dlg . vilabare a, oedted ac eeut ltir. 'ebible adset ig ti b.nd li itidt d te Tte la notin; file kei'th eliron white it la foi Dry Gontdl, PGruco ta&c., te vbich they gb.; i es te dKing'ses ad ilQueto gslr v1 ftor <hlrsm"anti bis bot andt dre la othin; lik ai. s"*elecIle$u ta invite lb.atitetion ettheii fientisantithe pub rs rD tie Street arc desired, on appreach- nest e .a lover of sttengltim rcmemb.t il je rnlb psty a etite t elecieusL. They viii nat lb. ai- jno Imttefe I l camo mutl hertnti- lic la genoral. dai. , t a a y thot 13i m, t. m e s- a pe ple w dasa" e tl e thea govetam et O o e a d s r y t e P V ne D o g t u d r & t ,and bera t i trusts. T I ey ciii Iben Rit DMirair, aid aote htheit -te mZs ontlhol ene btween passive Obediee AE R NGN S Ces1qstaopiaionnmadeieut telakey.ofhooedet lime 'bc.tuBOOMtasti rHuLL-PAPERS, itmd n non e nteMonier ibis part etflBer M systeiin eheyo osrais.anieligarchical Iyrauny. They cilieb.Mate te si; formable ta lier Majesls wciimhes anti gofrmment nirsad, In Vetry inieiligimielagaga , rdi. '., HAINE$ hais for sale s chelce ha ~ o rn-rtitf~îc he Cain il and! et home, Tbis camse te lb. cause nethlIe Que.. l.eComercalrtivellie efde kt 57 liIfecteleancecf peyt io5 tgbttqiiFANc Ill.ttelMioiter ! lie Itletia. r cdlas et lima Peuple :let ase Who OPPOi athijss. Ftirxco iq Eil, Clerk of time Asmmbl> af pisunre anid e dmlyeaf thaeltlePreutti'l Ibl tain lIeuN"_SuIri ark aet aetyieeit A Ci rdujtte-Mintltr f hiii rt. îmov asti fiel i. Let fliealmnoc t limtey are ibis Proeinci, atileti inithe Packet 5liIp MeditattI<tmes ef Pariaint veto qat lectea le fe o4 b.Nqv 7il1839e.co Cu;nGurieier.Minister omec.leflaefotdeitevir ivate interesl, ortlis.of upot~y7,8. 1-GliiEeCt rea cf crMi teriNa. te tialyil he cme eculti anti do Wca Her fer lO7otiu. __a_______a c pàu ndvilfaciles.Butl de>'caca lie fFrnce-Miniter eo aesj' gvlmetntacssul liya- n euslyaLnisFIsC tofe!May ebsnenfor tepoc f ps !repentuting, antisaib- NTC Pauf il udtea c l e vergunttat, -tan dir t.à. he espec rie -tiv ommilln e co is ait.- isu riedkl e na îmY anever ie contict b ot tOo t "ie pro- b. qesion t, sa bord Canmaasd ,stahion and dhe huam elltect Ihat tincs of Up. a meit froua greiest ex- b>' shoot- e peacealale rîles anti a- ne onl' mn>' The persona e mut cruel ta rendort ef Upper Cie. ince, lureed Lb. invatiers iseti, Ater uAine Prisce t four Prisona- rdcts. Be- was made anti w iehahiliaets ýiII msmy cir- couseuence referreti te pesideti over a reuit eft lIaI cumaLancea et tan ditiroyeti, 4s Imputations peroiai-ii- fact remaiet fterthec en- be b.asimai- enter inb dhe wehete il was rammittrd $oeil ied y territe- île cf tle lavis of cv iliacti ns- xas prepiedti l ces o! palliio nt or.e vocal cf tedt shoulal eer eti IaI sucb te e lrnr.cd th t a pldg, on lthe mnusmi slmald be yof uah ans outl- >' Capain Wm. ta laitcettca facut 12. Tbcre vere t te citics ibis t lb ober native ralmatri>' after the q te lisdock-yaird filtei feor adina- ot lie gis decc, nage, 166 fret 54 et ; tiaptb iu itela, Spervades maej DE e. . jauitge, et t ati aileti, uciDg 'd that il la ectlcr- inef. bo chic lIme, 2,btl,mf)0 rans. aicisteil ebseget o lIe kingdim b> mers attendaed cmig ad Mncbeatet lening apPtslsfes ,nets bdt bmo.es eifordsimlm poftlruf inocl 81 as t im attend tmets ere 'ce or four aimys, anti t tiecliet measorra' verr calleti eut, sud 1 Ibe itets, but DMt ir@ pos Vientisev- tcf perseta' Stis and e couve>' lett. r Says dat lIme a, earlj *0 choie e italeis bai heen otlcc ta cfos r> active Part in fo- lia pates. f afer eai Oceattt f th m' aMnd cidih rme d ammnflnls ovsr, for th on Of oide kingaie vIses i large nmbe- t Yokshir, Lna ,t'a tbat luth fWa ah tes eoflb.e jstr ve £ ..simat ai Panalabe, imu adping jet raslvd, su f ale by s IL &W. BRAD. GLAZN~' VMU~AMIybo. aci WALTibi AI.hgm# 501 4 ;BSCRIBER lta-stirmethd of in- sax lteinhabitantlaif Lngato anthe- àtCountry, timul hé les commenc the i- je f CABNT WIRE eaItde &boie iiiacel dilfte be idate ltneep cou- hantd, anti make !varier, FURNITURE ascrîltimi ; catdb. etts Imy strict attan- îmctualily tu obtas a sbire cf publcu TiIOS. O. IBUTLER. s-A Socul Journejeisu Cahinet-maker. T. 0. a n, 14thM>,189 .STLXlBOAT .qLBIO-N"; AI'r. W. T. JOIINSON. îme-w, comto;table alla fit eiling Stea rt wiii pi> on lme BAY of QUINTE for idet of the Seamoaa folles: UPWARD. leat ir musTros, bMonda>-, Weles'I!Y ymoraings et 9 o'clork, andi mrrive aI '<EET iha theevenimmi; touciting at lbq faIr puitsa. I>OWNWARD. ave DiLLEvILLE fursai>, Tberaay sad cerclitg-, ut 7 e'nlerk, -italsteppimu; as lic lelermediate pitît, arrive etsINGerSTON 'or lime JaelDits gcicg tmp, anthtt Rivet: Pin.., dom.iq 'ci el bv Il>. Alition oitheabore mentionI- lays ivill ai auit: Its bn.te colet lb. ing A - ---m- flroek!ilk i tu bs imta thelb MlIEiiLOIA6eL B 111-D 1CE is hereby given, ltai in conaeqmehfet ont eit bavlet pas-ed lthe Legislattite le the cbaitered Banks ofthis Province de~- or ilividin- îIvidlends ditîûeg Ibei speli- tiiBatik il thereby plevent , 1 aying the Aet leu)r ,et cent. ta the tchodrde- t, the 29t1t ultimosutil a resuieption or pyments takea 1place. U3V oider o et îiBoard, F. î%. HARPER, Cahier. om. Bak NtI<M. D. ri wl1, 23d itay, 1839. Grave Street. a N î s IV, ,RTIST IN1 FIRE WORXS, -PECTFULLY informti hepublie 'bait h. keeps constmntly en bandtend for sale, a iamtnent cf articles le the PYtachDick aRtcketq, Mines, Whetls, Roman Cahdlefs, nto, Crackets, Tollnbilllont, Diue Ligbtts, &c. goton, 2mthMay, 1839. mm viLLAGm o0F NAPANEX&. LARGE and comnadiona SIJOP, SRE- lOU11E and GRANAIt!, with an excullent 'AR. The premisesaire well atiapted for ltile Butsinpss. heinit in a pcoil stuiion,and liens te the Napanee Flouring Mille. us nioderste. Alpply ta Meuars. W. &Jk . ON, ington ; or tu lthe Subscriher. JOHIl DEMSON. panse, lot May, 1839. 2aî$ nonnDiRNS es ofNew York) emperler 'rreai GARDEN SERDS. klso, chois WÉR SEEDS, flurd Seed, &c. for lstle by CHABLSS EATH. gston, M01 April, 1839. IIAXEIf"aiaexielieet PASTURE for 0caltle,J n4le f1rm Elepon, aithebaf.,l- sg vet, Io* tates pet mont> -Heres Çi. ,-Cows_4. ctd. f. -Tbe uatile te bc driven by thclr owners, pami for meîîthly. Aprl 29, 18»8. O0WER AND RITCHEN GABDU ÇEEDh. tHE SýUBSCRIDB la now offering for Sale a vecy general and extensive assortmenl ai WTIR ANIC<DC KnCCuAUGaY Sains, maitwar- e te lie, tue bleds and lthe owtla ri lant Ilty lie b oMle inquatities ait dkind diny twed.t. A isserai allowevrm ewllieb lte these who perchase te oeil *gain. Calb- le of h e abe rs seeda wii b. girfa ta appli. N. PALMER, -don!fIt U. C., Match, 1839. WANTrED MUIIEDIATELT, 'WO god Joumeyn>en WHEELWIGHTS -men of eteady biltt, te wbe.,% good wages 1Constant employaient wulie b.givemi. tlply at the fler.dd <V!lce, or tii 'rBO.M.%S %TIL14AN, Head of t lois Street, linpmto,8tli Aprîl, 1839. NEiW co1lLsjflq &0NSW4>E, ..Ans LNCY & DRY GOOD ESTABLISHMENT, Ne. 4. GamtsUildhw. kmer ' Chtrrr& .oid Brock Sirebts, ur er i g¶ar*et square. S.BRADY. respelully uanu ate . the public ia.bat le amen s e- * t abir ste itola4i, uliere b. wili hep *t e, on ce àqm,* gliami @entiment et IDRY OD eTAg,WQBACCQ sud SALT. 0f e laterha bhai ' ý:oubridàacm$*Pmmwt of 1 bwu*tw 1, rWbiobe wll"al cas lc~urwlel e WtMdbwe ,. e semee1,"4d teb.ntow and coug ymarkts. i Biing tecoem lalad vidi opu"" Me mmu, ela pripaied goe tb*,.eaigumeat of evety dau% lptivâte "le pr by aont". uenm th i mavai mterm1 ta bis eamplolerouas eU u aituma ad Real F.stt. Cest 1 s e iaialsarp affltaaa et xir.fstce, 12" Warb, 1839. LN a,ttnfn1 ti f l *rd e id nd iCe*- Kingston, Aptil 16, 183M chot.arsiteatf ilk poseucs for sl & SeW. ]B)U.

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