IIE UPPER CANADÀ HIRALD-TUES DA .Y, JUNE il, 183. TUE PE Uý0SUIF. uci14 t hé bsm% &Mouaetthe >1 r ou v mid,% Soasa,%aNd lise es-mdlut tc. il, siedtélymu ratoed te w Sth ad viSmes. avlsç wie (rdi i maad , Wd) b~emw,,thry " .la, idm. *Pm féiSa M dawi lfcisey Sied hsulsi té v,..kh. id vme ctumxxvg Maifln"4 lad repote W" à fey lge ml W'# Matit file à tissula tuse mulsbNOau4910V bie *4uic cti. I1e.kW554 ebiybol ,Pbi,à".granssliedoU d.,. by tucei mi manetir fée .peqgm à 90 anl . UM*sNUle fo so lade 4 iewr,a. iis. u l a u , sée~ cea xIl iticl s o.14 e PcnMcVIM 6, K riota112 ebitslter rd eEPhli'0 iàbdauf .aitilarrla ls udb.gîoadra utIsllciwaa.enyud.ved he ra. ami taak tuta he' weves bcca the ac ct.d gaaed OeOSter. eVert. lii b r.iah i, il vau Tihe ee, VU fih, flt thleaturfil au lui..Kond ailt hebc tOld OpocLAskt. Ai", hacquil- the. Liiap cas ejîhot difficaitv. Tii. belchPered lia à" u c decad bof. sccilrb VD W4,Iabelingof ftus bie sad, itriso..ad b a ablo aE*e ,ft, or ber Ladly lyicg enmit streceil Witte varia«,. billiant colour.d ashlcts iPIIp i osés el ofaaaa. it so- andl ber. and tis te. tbe white <r.agnsanad SIDes che ai, xpseltmift Of moeu ant 1 wich lad tbers Ofierceiloutbof u Wise;-, sudwba ver hey laled abat leava 'g; etementt 0adie. Theiiml a lge i, l thefile 9 lb. Dd,. uMtfi aesthear av live,, but Oreer oveell ii ia Ibid Wod afcocc.-Ont lnv.atiablY tu ,earch alter Philip'm . ci vife. The. filra.,, h inb. cuietafin I.biez, e« bowea pic lan t l hriy proposes!and am teiaires a c.c.ta fe tie blatproAu.nx a lae cea ab att; trcta8liglif 111%,the.centre Io buc eupomed viaicli woubavle. bien doly à _ td b c»lires"mater lculia, avein alfhaisaa meb.- eller pa t heIm fac sent, v ection of bid oacI aller, iraly id by cessepiece I 1f it e~t 8t aicg buat bi, tee lons poa . scbaie. TItis edd mm* scud hesme dn k f ot q-ott "equildky tibîcugItle vater aider sai, sad le mau- mmd ~ ,l lI cass saiihtc ntiu ia e Os 1 go te àtI aa ttr acomme- f bir weeltii. X its stapertedaiFi p talle eTh ato mlatu a eete n ue beaeu an-1 led Mn ta th ibid.;-9but »Iller a ali- on ml salli b bro wuati mcald ind haed ute bc r3ue, and i sdaocn t <the -arest f omabt beyr., a i Ie*Sonolin tbalrcdy la por th; looked antiouî!ty for Site portin or raft dicJb bri l lb.y vpere 1.4ta bto u tei etlmetfrtl ADiie, and vi ch cau »ossor taoW discovered. ,q*aacs appoe t"laebava n icé ut *a pet Krastz liadtféltoccd,avcrae IaI Dow Uhe fiit par- qîlngli. ser . a»WSc oreambyWfUalête eose , e oxysUi cere puis Sslthteres m[at of <il -j tyee~alce.n il i.m.y1 fiels thhiwing acay bis ié. Pbîî.p, ' erevations for mors. A portion o! sGs', t-tgorne verV' xcicimeil Phlie re-carl party'm wcath boid becs duig *p, sd licy minjalaads t di.bill or . ~nov gamaaled ail aay wifla pebhlic, wblch tley Plliifbnd 0 hblîiofm lbis ence oit huicollccfeal an Io beach, sud citAi viicl thep lau pmete;ed es, will cerf.inly asit ber. i i ongts;ea liaitm cetAntej i tela rep imposible tbt aieco'ild ilriob ainong 'o0mny alaloa iirn;fume sld cml t lape iiy d ieat iotaid-ma.iy of wbucl are.iuIhabtud da vu s.d oaa fe, ad eiti le ci Sity eamoften mn wiili e maere ove. of in itreialmt." - res ad iin y appamtsedii.tp ubtii If 1COUR i ly thiail sale reiblieil Pilip. ulfu ite tiuer, oa-aainisfadrcitto "A ltaile relection oal in4ae uo a th lu that je fia d todaly; ikilattarIl , Aiid no Il tleiaparta o ralir'noqapo, ia romrc.fo idy ti. qaiitçathe idint ta intox- là hosteptrâedpotfrapyn, (rin a many ieste, asad evcry 9day càacc ï c tgleaice, inltoxca- laviuil commi, uin eaie fr.c e ccweoulal taon, oaillanmd execmti itates more dreadbmi. flot reif. .1700 thiaik blt afler ny maîouru on -le .to. iac lairboiare and reste it tit m- IIisa.d, thle"s pmopit thU 4, volai rai'tmes ois on newiio b.dtgaini beir dollars, lut >.an ti, romain ini quiet Pm.-Wtaon of pour caet- Ircaîz ladistmnîeytîroco île ceaWPotau N.-tbey Wealdi respect no laws; an 1 Amine bus the sec, aid thune ha boad savei l e bcdl.ecreted la my opinion, bec. asracaloeaaiy preaervedl frais e ýUn h m i« "Tmevud ltatet li netilont Yraml, ." Blow, mai bloedsed, thereibre, vere coninceai, i«Tb dirnoturell Wllbt)(otzielbt lamaof1 Lfe Iera vraisoie: a» tle CeOteDding mnut m L. c cat si i4ow lher! v. mst agt tie r eatti ythe . vii.WhoVers rcan bee-1 Witt tiero r Wthrougli the. cie !paiu lesmr intei bY 011Dtea ru td. loild1 ia." n oitbaliete iteOfafair ot ruWpt&aI.- tg Be it se, if>ut' wi di. Pililt, and I Witt follov àSonb .dbeawhi ae w dafthraforlaitc neirly pour fortai,.,," cejîlil Krantz, glatttoaf1Adthut a forînigh Sine fthewo en it lest b.d lowl, t'ierè cas iorutbuai, L.uwevej, wild inufitue pr anied.e Boeaons. esladoat hbbis aii, "BuI mdta oweue o il*drr w on thir %eatl, heem binisled bta acertain dis- C, utno lt 3 etir Inth rrt s S te e-tance, t li te7aigît Rtpilfer em Tee wiii consider what my ho tle best plan ta par- w&lad~iml rau îelttao nt, aoc."beoch, ae:ki:gatome anat.umecahby hicilhey To tlii., Pbiiip, wiio wuilreatly exhanateai, ta- of weir moncy. Krîntz and Phltapblad praposcal caly consonl.aa, an 1Ibuho clu>vrd Krantz lu where 1a lieue sen tI omn1-cm a.i Icave tis jtanal, the. rafiait dbees beaclied. Tii.e mnladit le1 il, but îhey bodituienly icfusied am Dtwere each monain atin! &part front on. folci The.axe mai 00w flCver pateid 1:11 by Kraaz irader the ibide cf lis tw" chosen cocca-nut 11C0 iBs cut downstoat cocoaa-oit treca tbey rcquured Viae articles wmu ied bcd emived un the raft W dfor aob.iaese, and prevented fielS frain iiotcbiaig nt bats landea, and Krantz calieai upaai(hem a 1thie tilte PMoUr e ii. ns oh f lmbritin.- cone andcarry the things cn shore, but no 015oune *10hdyalfI oey Siad pasaed imb wcolaians ver or ah.y. They ccut cal l tc i On tbe 1of dySire o h ldbra oeft heir mheobande or Sbiaes menlouveSted beauImore for- theu duaoccea y îe riteu. Now îî 'aotiit ues InSites fi1 est. 'ic lasers cere 1101 by v r , c m rl iel y t ea lle rip a cf., t -ti rus nl i ie& lbthe. mre naieroniparty , iud the co nseq uenc e were copiraivey spakip, sfesthe emo ofwria, tînt the mcxl momiafa lIeu. tires Mtover. avarice laidt tken fait liosesion of tunr saufs, Sound ilp img stranglea c. the.besch;*3Ith. money thlrc t elestaexhanîtea, piningr fot voter, an lladt ters re-dividei, sud fhe gembIing blid re- losigangfor alerep, aid.1 tley dareal nt mor- commas ait mr vzuunthon avez- 11.7 ccc. laxed as if 17 tIe van i of the ecaicaul. 64 oeaui tlmoed1e v limi hlpt fi Il is lhe coracal dollars ithicii bave furned Kanlzauthe l eelacd spn.Imhacidctns their braeaa," oectedal cnbz ta Phfi'a letlqu l heda f ie eliemcd Entula.si Wc "cY ifvie cannbl manage ta remove chat we tmalt înoî prevent if. Itla a jadgmet." 211 noud f ad àn e rjlscth ur Te rail cwu nom ready i the @and bail been <aihpter Kr.zcolcta '. a deî u& dag'om bentafli it, onstoalhow tle valer Io bols. ipat l t rant anl le tc amS'lei a heflailuin iit il, anal il cas nor raide fat ta à pamecsiainr ef laItter woold irp.e im a oFlateh, and ridinga. tle jacacefail witers. A large v rlgelicitoore.savi iylIuara aor codo-nti, nid anal yaumg, bodit cu pro.- vesiger lIgit cea ma ura a it cf muihen draged aira iti §l u rd cf ber, asad Ile et day enasitcer tei an b arre mai prsai fw iIl ccc the atan"io f Pltp andl Krantz ta hors cariedop e aclamp cf cocomz-uot Lt lttee aaî dlb asi. tuet a hunared yards froainlb.ebeaut. tU.f«ètmilly, o oa ite mmfb.., vianlaating, lu blaitan bouc thep bed emerîcaen m bleaa bâti!. laceied lb. arma lyig la th. ahalot aer. lets andpeii l cacepione ut rouil t t Ho blatdidveal icen andl procurelanisât *cutlm hd- the, wlhSit exepionof hemajort ar thle ecubaitollourai bic mle, and @iilte e mn antmauiiion, Thidl au sou es lie.u seened b! boit crmetccmelves. Thissaicl Phaip ami the lent, lits Siad burloalin a lap et dy iudai z taateep an board cf lie UNail, auad l bchimi il; bc tViens foc Ihl jr jacuedial. Waua, rut ehc anmd ht M ial tIepayw 0001 oya cilla a at a iecaantl re,ilufut one a.la.plpdi fO-i'O Ieaing I asatle orlIa. ia.li. u.ietm, eavy ue nonmadc, endeal au a gesoral f, y. ta Lac l-est ame foir. cillbo a veici tic mailTbe coua ist t iaus, fotail i cn mort Or lms ta fia. mta exr. n. aplse liotaer pca h i cmexeltai by lablicaf im J'Tii.reauit vas nmelon- nlIe nurheitt u o e flr tenhra a ilp aeclal, fatoaly trece vre lefttii0sumivcrs. Fi.- mhe cica ci iai ojytil i aalaTe, nal acisi Insuatelci Il. tasse ;every mac caaat cgla ieda. d ils ctae Éat à dià a-i ao ftatviddwuajaut te Ithe aerd, and tih. cs-tb glai .ind veis camenIlt qmaffed 1v I rea lcistle.boitbecs figliingce tle saime aides hler oficiamai ahrpmaiaga.îiimgvialli4cresaipaaling c. fleir c.'aponsu Allen a pause, thevu ofcosorae hrsud ,tilL cloer vies îîa ir rybeaof tircm oanaieiccîd it a cch ailier, sud up du rn gis. !aomelve loicloer di thi Il. herecuit va n tack Ouc.the. pler min, wdo mot, gluethglîe tot ii. faitunciyrm'on<d fil, adei beaeadi leir bleui. potal. nl hyfl h otue ftetn iMercafult fther1 are theuety mratures t e EvenCloac.l;e lu, ulp hai gîrovu b if tccaei Phiilp eai tuespressimf No 1tIlreplicdal KttsIl ibey cortiippeai the dama aetotand ladit alles aleep, d«vil as &lammaîa. De y«u imaginethithlon uvhen Kraatz sal ocfta explore lie iaLiod apon w oî,coudwOcduId isaney ha ye wihchep bcdit hem 'amen. Il viasmai, net couli.1fape i.ey retolata er cointay, exrccaing(litre. mile, and at no one part more Wl tt e S ee -hyme Il a i tire bunarei yards acres@. Water tiere wu bve i otsentL-"dvc.. 4vrl-iyma nouesutoirte ata le obcieai hy digging fo r anu it d ardiys exprusei liMopinion, vibr il; furlaually lie yoag coa-as preventei au. etîl.eamen, lifting slantis o f tealiez, thibioluta scceasty. On i. retors, Iraolstrigrlniamoetfo asi i fae b ienaaiin îieir respective station. E&chaloiuag hround aisemoc. ne M atellpuoitbia %ras caae, edraiacal hisiaif on lia cîîow ta li irlg lsla.Ticel ct accertain if il mer. au amuailct; boat perciving gl od .cbiacacp sadfhog Kraubz thep &gain droppeideeon. Inanîz P"1a usvf raâeoa ill terai-tle voter wea u ile erth alot te urvr," cSnltiînOd Iramls, loir- lb. l ubot i of shiore; sud teameot, (oric lgte uoret lic eal h dt i ad n coarpoiei the raftb itjoitleai eahiaoler. H. etOl i m cassc cil l aaIaubi aai. ot .)ppeaiti, an e m wub. r~igtîth asiaoc a " li.de i aeKoz o a herens, letSolb.heprecauitia. cf collcrCng aitt Yo lve oe îong, Krîbl dosl tle arma which bcd lattn teft, maild hinqflurs -Loftaimle ern th e islamu l . éateealof as far as le coulai inoathé ma.né. BeShnlalked lit *e* 'alois onkùfI e iu b outbaie e mciba folthe tent, viier. ibd fusai Plilip .§un1 ceepag etmuaug bs 3litoe emic ae elha modsly, and al s few mnutes îabu ue s # emh; sarily end ly imcee, vi àtrlu cc raafusil ia-fIat Ioul a"vebien torture in- isi aide.JAndailitpe» rcama voe r Amine îa bia ain ruiâte cale.,a" e rmulleg op tlb. Eno*va l 1cos 4 . s.laPre flou raft, @est Msit fby ber aIe.lie ibougli Ia ugr ti ,c aimt- V i.Le e oe lie spin ahud bieies u"r' cies aitbuaie, foc ce Mr aces onha. l imeab.. Wo bera Siaahait Ma a ltou -- C-.1J--i1 must colet teoee nd buri i,ino liat i cams m 1 esiluhasaesaay fouia"M.ds ~JOHN-1H. GREER, fremmed t 'illam i sger dbel.5 relc,. 1_ _lit __ _______M9.._ Te ti fii*,fmIy aceslsai.Knnibmgst m1 SA Lw. ete svsIamemaâwa a9it0" .SAMWfGS Wa. it cacela moe Ill he ïliw* Ptintdilata 1 cy e rcIh, u lai. dc#p i i lhla tM aoq I. Wl. acy ld ail pu John IR, cal ~-REMO V..L. -W 8. DAVIS, MTuCIOnEKEz,commaissîoN MEUGl AA 1 aPPEMtA a]I; NelIas , OoeWs s aFnui Muid oeime U N SPECITU Y tenietotothé lI ble bis ma u la forpalupot, aiauneace lhia whki. e l ec sMWprepired cilla lic met extensive andi uncivalieai CELLARS and WARE HOUSES, for te recl" ial GOODS ON COMMISSION sud beimg enulleai ta give the mmlclifctr nierecea, and irterasiaicita do ail in li ee foc te jterait eoflis etiployera, le bopeaitit merit a ahane cf public patroanage. lie &m continues the JFWELRY BUSINESS it the above standf, cher. apiring wyul le dame au fIe abort caf notice. (lai otai andalvter bcsgtl. 0» OUT LDOOR SALES cf Fuanituria, be paamcally and idLit ilit aibendea tu en.StIc ment reisonnahle t'rum SALE.S of Feammeo, Day Gootic, &e, on ldrndêysudmi laardayi,met 11 A. bM. Kanpafu. Novenaber 13,1838. à» SHERIFFIS SALE. in TRE zins, a mc». Miduamal District. I QKILL BE SOLDaet the' TO lIT.Couit Ilouat, in the Town of Kingston, on Salurday lbe accouai day cf Feleucry, 13,1the folocrine prop.'ity, seisci by inte ..inExeentian isucal ut cf urMajosty's Court of Kiog's fleuri, aithle toit of Action Everit, igimal lIe landsanamditenements et Syl- vester Holdes, via - the Ea uItaioft INc. 15, 7th Concesaicu cf tle Township cf LI.gthteli; Faut halfof lot Na. 15, Su CrncesqienotaheI Township of Louciboroug; Lot No. 16 &h Concession cfthie Tovcsbap of 1.oughiicogLa;lin ai 400 Acres, bring an excellen atras, 140 acre, cirei, and aluvin a large fraim.haro, &c. can (b. =ataca Ali:othfe West W tmfcI Lot No. 4, 6tI Coc -son cf tii. Townahip of LougIborogi; .utl EumH allet Lot Na. 251, andal n undiviai cd tiea flirais of Lots Nos. 2M0 andl 231 in fhe Tewn cf King"fe, wilh buildings, ilualcai cm Brork streel. Aima: Lot No. 7,1h1 Conceasion o île Township ail Huntingdcn ; halongiag th île said Sylvester Héldien. Sale ah 11,c'clocl.om.. Ail pemsns bating cdaims ugainçi the aboya iad or amy part thereo, ae eueta o rment the ÈICHARi BUýI.OCK, Late Sriff Midl. Disi By R. J. HtOPK<INS, Dep. SiieriÉ.. Sb.rii .Office, Kingstou, October 29bh ' 183&. Ie aove sai ot poneal ami Sataiîday tl. lit dsy cf Octoikr next, atitfIesaime hour anI place! RICHARD BULLOCI, LaI. Sheit, i. it. Bj IL J. HOPKuNS, Dep. Sherli Kingiton, 2d1 Felruaxy, 183. CARMIAGE AP» SLIUU MAKRINS.' THOMAS STILMAN, RD ESPECTI'ULLY tenders t he b.publiic bis, J kthcuku for lie patronage h.oIba received de- ring thc abotl perioJ le bu.hem iî baaieu, amd lakes flic aetboi orf mrnoucin.g lIaI lie baisl'e- movcd froas lIc upper ruai cf Store Street, te tle preasiscu in Rent Street îdjoining ille Grorcry es- tabishment of Mc. Robiera Douva, app-Pite fie LimbIta Buse, vIe. e lainprepure i 10 raceive anal faillfully caecale eiders in bisi une eni ijîcai 6M Kingston, 7tliîMal, 1839. rEIBE SUD SCRIBERS, liankfail foi jhélmpa JL fioiage tîl ae alar nidy recairevait ual'oh tespecbaliy inforas the ichabitanta of Kilgson &1 its viciuiby, thaI living engageai a CoNer ocs1 Iaheiy tronamothe isprincipal se t~uries1 in Scfliasai, they vareuovprpared70Tàa1 an, creu lu thair lime lIey may le larroied i i4. c T. PALME, &a ington, April tI, 1839. 8AIL ERATUS. T EE SUDSCRIBER baring beau apip ied1 aLfgent iy tIe Mamufact sucrof ai] a'.E 104,5 b. baga te imboras the public tht b.ie iibha ?ouc badit lil imes, i large qnantly cf that si ee fac sale in quatiica. ta Fitmîpercimiers, ch irp I! Yorlprces, trn oan adldea.f Store Street, I Kligston, March 28t1 18»9. t J JST RECEIVEI) anal bor Sale a be tiila assorlmemt of New Yok City and Kailai made Stocks il the Store of tIc Subsccuber. 1 N. J. COONI Kingston, 411 Dec., 1M3 HMIMORRHOIDS6 NO CURE NO PAY. PRICE 81. BAY-18 USLUENT. $No Tac'oTt-Tiuexei" a-y ubemacal coisu- IpSilion lie reenif cfrMiettesaad hliert- lion of a celelraied asedicai mam, the intrduction o he bichepublie viasintcsded 11 h e so- 4 ceat f iaieauihad laquest, bu duice gainai reu atimpanllelpd, fuily aucliing lie cor- feaulon. ta l a bealîrcai mot due vihont giving lo pacleelty the benit of htsinoklcleon tIi, solt- jecI." and t. lerafore bequemîcito abie faieni u ni' attendant, Soiomem Babya, thesecret.fcflis t icovery. 5jIt isil miaruateîl iuthae prnmeipa ospitalc, cand elthe pri vate ,irac:ice ili eut contry, lirst andai mcc cerf amin for tht cure cf the Pa, andmisia o ex- tesvlvcy andefrchoclly osto a&eredllty, t unler w vIets e, dciiare citueea. £Fcsmal- 1gbi the fullociug complaints : 1For Dropsy-Creating cxnraordiuary amsorp j ion ut once. AU Swakiuga-Rdociug t fina fiem bourm Rhemmaisu-Acute or Cîconir, glviug qulatl Sort 71rooE-Dy csceui, ulccra on colii,. Croup oui 117hooping Cos$-xeruilly, and Fover lie chest. f £à Brui-o, SpraiandouiBwmn-Caning lu a Ffav bau.. Soem oad Ukr-Whr'fier fruit an long staud- ing, and féret Icres. lia operation upcm adultz andl clilairen lu ce- daâciîg uthiumatie sueihingmandmitoeang rougis amai tigitnesa of the. cbest iy relaxation of lie rparts, bai icen iutprising bhyniconception.- i ecommon remaîl of tîle . vI.baieued it lin i1the PI9is la "il sels 11ke a cirs.» THE PILES.-Te pies SI ls reffaudea la !fl7 peraon mie viiil un a baffle of Hayso Lia- iimeut for the Piles, anid relura thie apty bot- tdc villcul bciug cureal. TIta are ftie positive endors af îhe proprietair to tht Agentsi; aid out cf many fiiousanim uolnl, mut cm .) sem aiSne- tenull W, miglht sertcerliflcatec ta oui leugOt, but pinter tîah hbose wo self ti.he ici-s, uouta ex- -hibt liae ors *mal teupunciaiera. CATO.None tcnmbh genume ciliout a a ptendai emgrmrcad cuapper, cmnvich laasMy name, andalo Mc iai o! IMer .ge,î. SOLOMON IIAYS. TO EDITORS, &c.-All eeumtcy pups eh., wilt iertthe ilote 12 monlus, andi accaione mumbher lu the agents shah b. embtied al uone doz- en cf the Liniment. Sciai eraleaale anti relatil by COM STOCK,& CO., sole Arneabi, 2 Fletcher sîreet, nir baiden Lime, oeedonr beler. Ptarl strent, New York, aidi 1! one Druggib in cvery townuinuthcCan- alas. HEAÂDA&JHIEý NI.E POHN, a German plysiciau of muti AD note, biring icefoea las attention bor sorne yeari to the cure anal removal of the canonu cf NERVOUS AND SICK HEADACHE, ha th. satisfaction 1a make kaicen lIaI le lasa reimeal> wbica ly rcmcviug the causes tres effsclualy mi permaetlv 1h i dstresig coasplalu.- Tizre ire may famillesa do bave consiafereai SicI Hecadacie acongtsitulional inurable limily rompîsint. Dr. S. assures them ftebtey are mistuken, ami lcbeuring unuler aliatreasi liI Iley might net omîy alleviîhe, but actually eradicate ly bhc ose of lais remedy. Il os lIc resaittof acientifi nresearchi, amdinsens- tirely of a dilitarent ciaracter trou iiverfiied pa- fent medicines, ana lisannbunpleaucut t10the taite. HEADACHE, SuCx OR NFRVOUS. Thé exlruendiniry reptation f hat Dr. Spabls redy for this distressiug complintf h every al gairiing hs cerhainly a mottr of match urlonlali- meut. Tbat soamcluffring shootdaivie exista for mgaac vitîcuf an> disravery ofueffectuai pre- venhive, or cure, la truly a siajet .nuî erl lut Dr. S. mnoimuues tAie palie thâamf a srani- eiy bas heun inventeai as clU tontine the mail creduloua. Tiec pnciplec upo c. lnets'acf re ,simple ami plain. Ihlu mu an araîtttai <acf basf fila coiplcint, elietier csled Sida Beaduacle, or Ncrous Hemiacle, arises pcimaiiy tron tite stomacl-tome wo thiaik thcy lave lie Nervoua Hcedîchc ans> tesItassuredai lII Iis argoa, tii. stomacîl, lu fhe firat cinse, lIaI fIe mystem as iWle tome rilaei an deblitaheai, Ibrougi tIc ulcanacl, uni thaf ouly tiiroaigb the ame clianmel mung tic> expedt a retocatioti cf the nmatl ad lalft 1 fonctions of the mysîras. Thiis objet, Dr. Steoln a tesay las eminenîly clculated laa tiaic. 71. trfh et tu oncucnnot ha cocfuvetfi 7»4 lie a00er muffcrer, vi*h lie beniucle hacti»u amned of lit, île somner tuiti ticir iullerings end lu rcaforaio cf hecat. Dr. Spobn piciges bis professional imputation on this tact. The renmedy ms> la, lad of upotlsecaries genaerailythrougiioni the Canadas. COMSTO«CI & CO. clioleae drogglas,4 Nect York. GemeralA Aents foc Aasculca. E. SPOHN, M. D. TUOMONIN EOANW ~ j SRAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING A COMPLETEASSORTMENToidi *vE AND» t.Medicimes, lepf coustautly on busa, cfor 'JINC SALSMP Sile allihe GroesStore of Mr. James . .CLOTH9ftEu.E . ETBISMN sou Store Sf ccl, kngston, U. C. ehiiagdci Nedoor tej2tzmfone. Holel, Brode Stret. vià le foaisaithe Cbnleta Preventiret ehi JE wEWIS DEAL, repecîet iu iasea6 idtl 0i celeiratci for the. sieciy Berief clw ic 1s, lipublic bas hbanki for thc pctronage ;Q ha 1 in Cameof Cbolra,Coeua Morbou,R.liz.D1- receteai uince lic arrivai in Kingston., aid aoui fcry auapainlai he Soasai an l Ila.asinfoim the travelling coammusity liaI le etitt con- medie t m arnîci ho cure the abovo 5men dno etlitueiallia s tadc, aund, vii execcle ai ai Compiuintar, wdae il la given on itihe fi oriers in the Cs.oaics-Cs.aaaaa isidests- peirasce of fie disette, moi tle direclin t! l uia oiatlapucuciymm pa ci. s- adîcreai fà. Thome eh. are isbonning aUmer; i.shaort, Gentlemen tequiriug teo h resotate in case of long standing slc.ld mot despair ofaà re, uder personai appearancee lave c.ly taemuljedl matlu tlicy have give the BDaaic Reastailes -MITr llacselves 1telais freatareut, aube la conllient of triat in i ehlhep dili celions fait etacmure. in atfisfaction. Kingotos,21it Anguat, 183 Kinjton, Jannary 29, 1839 MEW TOEIK ANu» XïvEEPoo5 ralgEuT. Tb'niePropriet-c et Ilhem-vernilin ofetPachis beteen New York mmd Liverpeod hmve arrangeai fer fleWrailing teaneeh Fiant ou the l9i t ps )I t, esud 25tb cd erery mci; lie Slipq te auceeod cucchIter lin lih liig order, vîz t- MHan. CAPTAINS ac. 515or 8iii on s m a. O*RK aY Orrr.aOM pOn xLitua'OOL pesmniylvcrnia... Smith,... aily 7 'r 7 match 7Ang. 25 Dee'n 25 Apu.l 25 Saint Androw .. Tompmn 13 13 13 Sp'rIjar'y 1i May 1 orpieus .........Bale.... 19 j 19 1 7 7 7 Roiius (Nec .... Colia 2 25 25 ' 13 13 13 Cambrig .... DOalaI. 1 Dec', 1 April È~ 19 19 19 ......iecc 'N 7 7 71 25 25 25 Vlr7nici........Harrii. 13 la lioct'rI 1Fwu>i lueins .xod......I'Rathboie . 19 19 le1 7 7. 7 Bliaicis .. ... ý....Dýrittom...1 25 25 25: 13 13 North America ... oxle .. . . ý1' a s5 My l 9 1 EUCO5........... Deicno.1 7 7 7! 25 25 2 SicSciai........Allre1n rch1 ic rmoie ..........Maroali 13 19 139!u'n1- ar7 17 1.> 7 Sheridan........ iPico ... 25 25 e5 13 13 la Colombes..... £rpper. .1ort'r 1 Fé-'y 1 Joue. l! 19 19 19 George WUMsugto .loolonrdge 7 7 7" 25 25 25 United Staesa... -.Ifotlredge la 1 1 »Dec'r 1 Aprl 1 Auguid I 90" e ld " ae. *..itlana - -1 19 19 îgi 7 7 7 Gâsase......... 1palmee.. 25 25 291 13 13 13 Fulaai.....Wlt... 1r'lMatchI jaly il 19 19 19, bi eciaare itd he asuda&My coamqleai, cdi cegacl aemoiu ontk'm ceeger. 1hcploeetmummge Ne teY l IwepW oufixea $1SDO, mta <ramn LUupa NeYevr nt guee, i M zmiNelirficciaancueji le #Wupma q làasyetrea r pMc Wm ,ail Y eglar (lillet d mgresipeal Ilisp<ac ccd CimWdgier OOý)UE&LCGor C. IL MA"SIALL . .. ae L BDARffl, R tuERa &Co. .. . . LhvpsL Agents fte a. apaSt. A" 0VlFrsioian ,Ikw SMdm UilA§ Me- IIOSETINUISIT........... Yi~ Agemi for pi leau7?T.L SANDS IrCO.. ..Uei. A gewsfer PrméIy 4m" ami andGeoge Wubig-, t boLL NiTiuINla 00...%SicTe&s WII>SNKIRSOILL aV.Laspo Agete ferslips Siiéap.ic, 13 5 Oeiulsand, OG rt- W. At JAS*1ROWPIa&CO....,Ià*sepeul BALDNE~SS MOFFAT'S îLIFE NFj r jEANlMATto.Y A BEALUTIFUL BEAD OF flAR j Immtsoret ife are e ~ is te gra"i torsmmnt clonginag ta thse lu'. d eabe&ai i Pr'l thuneale couimlenance, end» prnacturei>r tringas u un N . 'el t c. île buaearnce o a g ir, vlicii cause a rniy i-s y ha.ejde,~ La ecol e beng natotrre, andmi oatiues Cévi Uy aily ne.»-u.- au iely ta aveu lihe jeasssud suneara cf ler Prrhalnaietaahâ." înî arquainliaco; fthc neuinder oet bilulite ent1tual ln4.t1ae i a aeqoentay §Peula nsefirement. iiiot , neb ROeven aiae.. na tl m laof rperfy lIStshea.gencroui tiinkis -i l... e mi, a.aîa4 o f h s h a r. rolitaaieae nica s n-aca w BLo telleithet h afot fanking goel s thefis ta- er..d afinbt ai ite î na, ce prictio, ad a ew imies r-toms t &gin.I a ud .y r ý-,ait.n an, IAoe ie dulieas faDin an ike rat p- iwaad td _a» e i a,,-Il i.- - ~~ie..., tie ceantn. ventst lai cm(casi uring MiY, maliresit l tt- '.aienan d *ni 'a., -nai hcaultfully, ced trees itf nm tcuif. Nomercuç ii.statnif beainla certiicales ofthflacint reauectaiilly in supporto i of t or. dd . p.e lai, thhe virtuels ofOlalridgels Jalasmîare o iby triie ahoi. ola tr i proprietars. rplystiniami~' ~eî-a Ilte rCaaueda a ta '-n >.Reailise boilowiog. Iprpret Iamediar-act'-at <, ROSÈRT WiiARTON, Esq. lite Mayor <of! iotless.elmp. %i,,ia ' Phluaelphie, bui centiliedsii-ns> liesecsen el V. 'lITheikili liit-a11rV 10 the higii claracter cf the oîîcing gentlemen j'da h nl u.iei ~i Tnuaicrigneut do beel> certify lt ce i ave.4. For he . nic ed e lm ofColomsbieahiscovered ly J. Oui' - Ifrbtof h.. a rdeaînni ciage, anal lave fbannitilhighl> ancicealie mon loia* aîî iei. oui>as a aprevemîtatve igainst tle failing ofof[ri e irai,.auaniltiaa an,î,. " bâtir, but alto acecrtain restocativa, J ý"ibliin"raiJX kaax.., WM. THATCHER, sein. .... li',a i, Mihlodist M'aaisler an SI. George charge ril niher feuo ea, îar,a 'i No. 86 Nnlit Fifli i.suddt nata. 1ni lan, . r antr orepad.-aac. nne1'a' - th' JOHN P. INGLIS, 331 Arccbst. an. celule ainaea-eaî,, JOHN D. THOMA S, M. D. 163 Race st. Peis.d - cia,ae i.îît,,,r t JOHN S. FURREY, 1loi Sproce ah. voie. hua an nhe tare na, -, HLJGH McCURDY, 243 South 7 st. yst dalu,. irtI,,, i JOHN GARD, jr., 123 Arcia et. e porc~. iraidanla faar,, esîi.ilad eruanneln valilserll, r.rtu, 0M mîhion cf the publie, wlacn if h kaocu hat tIhîcee,lI,emeierseaaie.r brr cf the alose signers are more blîn 50 >neaa it'ftnrvnea. exhil..aae tnil,,,x , age, andl tle otîcra fôlo t a l 30. -,lit lia a ix., [Froas the Mayor-.] p I, t 'aimi,~Ambon , . City cf Pbtitanlalphian. lot ii iiientail,, a Il Mir. Maal.,van'affice. 'di i lnoai. 1, 'ROBERT WHIARTON, Mayor or sai cilvir naa the .lSa aiGir.î,i of»Pliladelplia, lo bhr.by cacify tht 1 amnwehl Tie iiilewi,g eae e rj acqulialea vil MJemnr.J. P. liaglis, John S. Fi.l lre inoah ihl Mr .l tey, and Mugi 'cardy, mIca iai araeined front îitia'enî prt M'l ie UtaIrI' a.> ni. .7, g i. et.Iffan--De,,i- :It la tathebleiote ci ficate, lit ttey are gem!teaneu Ihat 1I vennurn Poaaîal v.,e,-n uI ili et cîcnacler auJrellpettaiity, anal as co IiiR rîtIIave. reeannai imna laan,, credit should iehgiveuto the oaidicertifil e. plaintaa, 811,inrhnn Mf.,e,îîî.I,4,, the mcd ici,.'. whncla wena riad l , la vitnela viemcf, I lave leneunhu uset nmy . nnr ncei a o"41-cIr a1.r banal, amd cauctai thaemcci of lie ily t.ea ibiiie aa 4aîit.aa.rl,î afixci, thiss cxi dey cf Lecembier. frY~aaaaar 'ar~i., IL. S.]1&a. sud w-r. ne lIal cat î ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. cenat box I,, yai- piet'. lth, d.S'ri CAUTION.- -Obsearve thaf eachbotie o cf aa ala ,noirI ' -,, 1a, r genuiae Bualasb a splendid engravent irrappar, bd y Or teacac ,,,I c. club la reprateai the.Faits cf Niagara, thec . an.-uri saithenat lî-rîî rî agenî'anme, &c.yera'ine' Té Eliloru, &c.-Ail counrypapera n-lu -mil! Cl e na- '.,, insert the abatte once a wccl 12 mntahsandi cci înnn, anc nmbntiiete gentgas, clii lit le itled te caele it,. >îT.X.t-Dear lie-la.11,1 . izen cf DAIM. for ev..alyeaa. iaîieîlrai,' SciaI cboleacle anal rebail by COMNSTOCK & caw naantrlea nnîi- 00., Suie Agente for America, 2 Fletcher srect, rhit t nneînn uara-Ler1.11. near Mîadeu Lmue, oent cci1*1cPearl Pt. Newc ed 5tC loty it. yaflme 1a t laî.ar ,1 York,and by one ormore drtaggistiun ieariy evrry lier in.-48 hoaur. Andaln .f a lunaei,, lova in tIc Canadair. catI ah.» 1,et aai l .a la- ra rnei, ri mince,aid lati n ait Iaîanr C:J- THE LATE MAYOR efPhilacieph;4 blas tht ta ,. lhosflited an aiaaalrrnr certifiaiunuder acal 6b îhe riy IthtIechcararten cf ll..pectiullv. sererai Divines, Phygicigno, anal gentlemnen of tt!ai ' - bigI sanding vIa icclare poititely tantier (heir u, u omm bands <al cf w ch msy taeCern at thse lace Dr. Mn1'a-Fir: lanceraî %1 ,4, usasci lele) that fhe DaIm et Coubtihine at bhec,. tIenliuce.aeihi.a-ea.r ,O.derm. Ise il î,eeni t t t l- a, cny erfalu t7atliaI but osiil i esuit'- TIc u'ir.. f rmy eigaianl r,rrrr.a nily orte aîmFaii; aie, a Pure ct-e f< irs- patpp.cd Ita la, i adcl, I-n u a DanainlL Who shait dispute, rtlciigo blit?- ifter tskantiraa anee Ii hi l a Tic oui> truc bave a pleualed uleipla -te enras-box o<f Liten llla, , hn i ai. la, î, ed ïcrippar vith balls vfNiagara, &c. anfil. Ft. L i'i tni'ed. quite niticheDruggists li Kingston. 11fr. Itub IB. lai.u ea' ir laid .p wlnt riaaae i a, ,, r hetl ofae t, naa aa -edenr, - PI E .trahi ine. fie sWm$ man-Il2,, 4a 1n p.1 PILES. gcaiema ain My nionas Wh-a' iltk 1) R P s e.sa.ewouad teks thPiJi, aid ilaît S W E L 1. I N G S . Alan,. IMf., Birds. ,ttai,aril dra l Jj ~~e mie.italin c, , andcneela lutt i, a iftp, u a. aaix W"iaaar,. R T I! I ~ ~ r S M. As forcmyaIelf, i haverea.,nai nîl , ~ ' ~' uaid lîugh 1 amrntat iow ini tnieni ite Il ia absoiaafely isierteal on the mnit penitive in botlerthue1Ibave bhen , ri, -o 1Min b lirtI. bcthéc nnaieqnenac ni tilta prooftfiatthebleiratecomplainte are arreatedalnu itiers.Theaics n ti,ýafnT cureibill, te tiasel> uste of Hay5a Liniment. IIt ismaaty came wahime. v ente îînr ini4 ipaiviFle to fini root in t115 papier to presçnIt oran.etlliberyan pta1aatliilr ir,r., ,,l . eIc bn ad t..lie deaitoil Mie aIna fias. pnaoat sli are conclasive sad ranvincisg lia CO., N. 1y. Witt, renlacc. TIcy it> h secs itliengfh u lelce. J .iANt VALLEN1 Thetrmue article lai a sirondial engraveai mrep- peca wilI agents uaid prpripec'a cme. Cuit aht !n Y--ah .6 the. Druggltsin Kingston clerc tle art'cMe ic could b, W. Mani.-Firý t lIn ae, ia ler rand cmi. mabot thre- -«ai.,dn Tic îlovc rmeaicinses are foc uale by N. Falmer O ia<qmeahic, did smt'eonaa-,d.fi 1 Kinsoer mli1I uta eeoimend..d an arn ndlrII and al Druyglats cuti Apoîbecarle aS ind atnPlues flBtte",..and f e laîrr n - 'i the Camudsanal thIe Unitedl Stateg. bolea. stfbitters,, 1 um. eenrlvira, A ND taibe lai ut this oaiceainans> cf lthe Bool-sellers in Upper cr Lower Canada quce a rter of a dollar ecr, Rentark8 aud Si.-gestimu Respcctfdlly offereai on tfIat aion cf Tii. Ciergy Reserre Prop.rty cf Upper Caniada etsot apeciaily papited tfianay particule linaa1.1.1er Jadiris ta, Bia Excellency Sir Georg Anhbur, IL C. H., By thé RIe,,-_W. M Harvri, lote Pr-identof le WegeeuMetlàodjitCbtlrcb is Upper Canadc. STr. IAUICE AND TKWi RIVERS CASTINGS. JOHN Hl. GREER, Agent for the Prprietar cf the 6t. jMcuricaa and TtaîccRivera Foairies, legs ho mnotify lie public liat le dit lasve cou- aaty on bond thé varcdous tiçflasatWmta.t manuactai il etlte mase estames tcma- alafin et lb. o .io Icaa CekaDouble and l*eStor.g, scev de nd Pu, ggc" 1.1110w, Pot Mbh Cooera DegIrons, Wan Dx,J AXe Irais, und samoel do, Sock tesm be. N. B. TiceiMmee.aricles au cacsai I1 s il te very buit aascilplle, uadhiQ ii ha a! of it remaubl. praces. ]I Octber, 1838. PIIVATE BOARDINO ROUSF4 lyPPua ID 07 V90» IMTRT. IENIANIN OLCOTT lavlug fakem lie lin le bu filtedlai pt ot me emf"bOdaimau* mer, h b lnw prepared te acomaneice Boarens op reaiîmabtermces. Framlibkarbqg iccsoa loq aecaia eme .praride fie iieiss, h.Ot le.., k aee.ry te »Yaj flast lasciido lisa ir moil fo miake 1cm caoi.. Liagata.17i APrit, 1838 » UX O 1*1 Âmmmii PA WM mli thenib.T-c- cf aumllse fre lu là30A use- favorl terme. irl }bupr*oss o liieehlr, "tc i ofil ha e o hy u a Mur sie a vr> arg st c t fieabvaatiul. SE SAS K*~*~4EL Nbgslei~» Me*~lSSL Wl, ai ". a Ie, il, -11 t an le, J i 1li Nec W'aaek ai.N14 a. Mr Mafu't-flear Sir: I1lohaicea-ana au>~ ~~ ~~~M fmiy a-am eufimt andaeldn %ly daiagtter 1loh.te. i adefian. fan '3-M. #l.. niamaencil s.i.g yotaaa ed.ci,rnlie ha ,ceed ndale m nowaw.1 di , Pinn, mIal of &my aserviceate v ,a5,YaaneaIt ibn iaaî a r Re.peaifaaliy 1euq, , N Gaumil ILItidîn lI Dr. Mal-Dca. Sir: t hanv e t11 dressng yen. having Ices arnatlet an (-Wue euh ltae rîcamatisata randtaiti fnd n,làaaiui amy relief muit I bid cenced taintaind Lde Pill a Pana hSis Binters. lae tskit t le Md aianezox f Pilla I fnans.1theImmsai pain tht I1 bcd long bhec, arsaihltva. lad disaeeiFIueh ben eae., ita , offe île,. i.ntim..t,ai, felana confidentli deblaiti o more tham wnacds a p0 velambinudiiseuAld aIe npeed rcai 1 its Sîaid ellects- Y,uni, ri 't..ille Msach Cot.eh.il Mn doft-Sir : 1 au muetlnait tiianugh pae aee taà. h eu ie~% ysereacomatLifsMedacinca-. aiecI ipwe I iii yn tman n .ver e aen Au raefoilami ymatri!nr. eta alfrl lsaeeIl.. M.W. IB. Mar-an rtif:A motua t at lviciuesamae r' toc Planax uearmn imcnn Te ih. tci i ]Md eeeamei à a>ylaanly, 1dI aust a di ew pearaSult maai hi a ii t'Il fiebemu adacisi mnine imIà~ lsciaeacic. îbiad hI» la Ny 17"bs eu.t rlci ailS aIe aie =its damii $bcpiida Il.. &0m arep .as. llr ba§s a t lot MsemaWlIe ic. ec ne ia".. lé wua wme day -là, a hIaet t le tthis viliamnad l me.sslvhijm heck-ifat, Ta.dlll le iasuet pai milIbatwuaon euk * tem S 1 ei a dé bav basse9iim bho 1 imrsa isielsatire equis. Kises, 4V.C.Wd malt Ide OStiIlM d miPc5MII. g.F Iluptes, atagi. lm. B.1LASNES FOR A Mid MEMOIRIALS, ae "My apctlie M p~I~I~AI leÉ«i a lbri v. e. 1» H dent by ItE alt ev le olad mbicntri t . e loibir.Ii 1 à lé aen ie bia readens 1 U til e 8 , O at i i o r allias4- l, stec terMA . edl5lala.-uiel otg.M pii- i ad.5e retusis 's gemm 1ahapao Pm uu te. sE<aallp ,,smjasdsie le tàr «MmWnncaiqsafetVVYork Itiel la cei mn i ite hic tle BOSi . SLfd a d e ramoi aefa ja'ea« uery $aili tchat t flIit il Iq ncslmeua utla was uglI oualtrLord IV il hu isetiecencteai for - r'ecoalan Partiesole anWetti usreburas *a ai Mr.ia . NSageraunai <(ccl t lias mentgs c olaIlb thilleliefr at beavy goals "al ctIbol" ecatmoiiies v - tbie Sprlgtirande, &ad wvi a eecoulanr by &bisarent..Th sacuionea i rentltly Iy Lard J mentle a fveur et hill measures la ndheW 1d o saia ppoeth (h usaer the coclaeeatiou of hber à ment, kti cas co.ptvinmcithir i ry Pmry W mia e a et n i itaisacic oad Aga-l init. as coudlai sirahu'ly mtake île ect moolaiDonefi ret u qu quarW ta er am crgeoac (Traie cf Torita, front a pu ' teacal Eseculiye Coiuail, gaa bui nevrtbeau pliciy reca Durbama'c imio te île If cia sain» caImarkeai ta se lic worls, lac gieni great co ,enc eand ai as riermaanmd hb u icu la Iled satmna ImAmerileilanaduta lon.nn W. Callnamt h uurisci thc very rcesa alidtiaifabaiLord iluIras, lIaI of M.r. W. iB.fRoltitiar gernn.usce chommilieoaa lh eîleman ira a Courmialer'ufonte aoils cf mnoy,aa.yd7,0, on the Ilissertices wcr. s9W grofamalon an isnuâtes.Na jurcer accoue wui ever elelcaiThe vatucl ain act enlirfbytcdahile wisearas avet poadfl Ia u e la oine cae a tecli ef a nae cm", licut à ilia) IraW%4îîtt1 to £ 18iIN. stlhie.ugéheiaodes f 1 £8 10%.ad thac*se.y les l0à. Cresit t sbie.on l it vs, bur £18 908. anal b. (tua.Hom o. Ait n.aaiy, igu ollth. presettBoum, eclm lash wu laiscu ass eue pornt charges Mr.. nhi 0o tfuf ly.» Mn. ki*aandaie se toonaiti mmr for the benef r, if tIc> boa I pmitîcalTâtora I ait tha sîjectfo ausu unuof ced nec-dsry toialaUnis tfathe sauaji oftslf1 cal * Mr. Th, aleady ampîyicnuell, lut syllte mli cf Mn. Hîgerar at the commuosaiialy detiani exauplles tIa éler. thaltiih so tf rcu lli som beling tle liona la tivotirfcf lçoqsIbanl 1 Id b> treail abera eaven of Ner. If, Ceemfaste h rv bcute Lord Dernla tg ho fa. M tto ,le mens foreiWb"litberaied 1 t leoa hm l 17 ILspab#.lle sp le. Estaaspeha utb < lk i bas$ cc::û ouu4' lgiçei a <Cotar t 61 b* !l iî parild bheXI à tler Uai an.iJ Ht fIa eoeecjsu m s ew lem" ,Lord DOuas, i lit th* pettions cens oilgni i leale incolifia es t 1 a p le reftlethc e esap .nq.trj ipea li. ject 1001 gay . 8 l40itus - 1 . 1 - 1 ý r .d--Aà- 1 1