458 U~e U~pe Eamîax A ? iI!ICAJ4~ ~t~I(~ULTIJBAL g 1NIiY AT mu ovvicx, m ULUl~kW gousi. - w- ~v~rXL> -- -- - IL-, '~~ IL - mamma. VO~ Maild t "<lb *~airlaî *lpIthe t, taa iile bca %1.,h In.&e %oeail wth mortp d i -at lait Md 4otie "Y bulea. hy Fa.,e NF.tla ehiiut omLftbm:. scia tdo My en il mue '0 Vont brf etlmbwtai aa mid I ha. Iueeam.md *o. »di éti dii, I 1r IL. ttupetîidly, li. CILVUTI, rmita glib be piles s( eimW $I.Clati lu> thol, Viqeumd. wi u so luhd li*flu 4btreu ey- cp magr v.Tro*. AprIl IfS. towi, tbey baye iloie Cnvautim I. une, Wbo inée bt tile yeti', b"Ih DliNte md -a0 tad boriaah 1101àëRllt lot noeBbit, iho -8 %mthai by Minêa Mv ept bon of tii lPits ýevimm be bold a ateim.Ii se oho ia, 4mi bai ne a. vi l t =- pa, mith airai yeaP dh *aaiee ii easa i oad vii Ii lba iie mdmi alv hm MAdlv Ido, an Il là reg Y: tw "-of oeN~*i ar CA U12 AxAC.i 1~tgdtoSlh 1101Wf hm s11.) Cei&pÎb7R XXVIL mg as fo ounulte amver viii: adaet. ber ?PVM kroiTgh th Vater w» smt .eW d te b l m ma u mai lder »CI taigaemarks od rr eo Wichiioid euîble 1WM, if Meti, tu . WRbtheeret t u mciitte quit teeed rta dl te th <u*tu, in obîîu m kis t îîlarge Iland" iet - dretti.Their obeafteci"hng ,V t fndMt te ic iet-o bg taev%'litad a fort afacfmtr t fla ery fa distantl (rom', t ldfm utJence MLdi iy toBoutées, calted ai 8 liqtiaîveing they hai narei tietuf is.a w, tiey ouien m n it ilMae te te bei. a ele, waedrtd ine ety direction t ai- wethler anj ling onUthe itor e iatti pcueorfAmnlsîraft, bu e .cccli peasiue gftbi kind, -moi di hieai j mbbitamte. 11't thîy mguit nlPaiste i'tcoftheir d tfn'g Qe nigicl, lbey ran Iheir nYl on n a %mal cou, clurne the. vatera mreýqie and remained îb're tltithe Dcxl moblt~ 1bey spina acde sai andi preecutiter w. n.etz mi ilt iig th te Wlotep 61ul iilfor th plrpoit, .îhel hi bmrvîd *p iht hsbein fo, tome ime îiletlake Isi ýeat thterric wiei he wt re, Ocuti gaze 11iy Dityu l q, t nat pour pctmre, Phiip M" obweic t,!Ni, ilt t my desl'ny," repieti Phitlp, " u~it reflection. 4andsiY What mencul "hid ltqmy destinY t Ibaîdy kmcm ta i;'îpidPlusigi parini Ithe relit ju hl 1I r tu-r think ytieni mori Ibsu jeu inieni- ripiit Karz ; " liit ite camne lime,satnes- ar th ie trull. I bave citera prceineu yU [batLiei nlakel in yeer bac, and bave Do e- , lIlw xo s crfte as te oIlîtinil, ami clisepence o t sallîmpl upen i. lli tt-, çoin swet-i"e alerjattaccedti li? IYIifiao, yenao msit nosuflcienlly kiuem ne cr Ini e fient me moliyayou cen- XlI rne aaMy fi eultaifs 1 1 x I ee-sty cn jaircit vaue-] frieuti, forr mi hai hantd dàmp.net r1Plutandthaltis is cutcip-ul ho maire ftihît I rouit trust Yu, t believe, but. I ati i 1daz col trust any cone. Ttee ne as, try eachlud te tiis relie (for a relit il le,), ýi a rn-Ibai ber. conied lta m ile ami n rn-I lot,?' ni if truî,Iîît ta buuty men, surirv il Me>-lhe t, o nrr frirndhii, Iban miticl, otiiîa l'liti1 have a prçeclirnenllilte knormiîuge ru"uauid prote e 1 1 ytOC. lVbl1t 1 ui ha prmFnîicunlt 1 îîo no!;i but Ie9# lun,,ad I ,aStit atto onu 10te loienY, 1 nu>' uc ill oiint tti, maretuge of my frieeti. r.appaç," repliet Kratitz. ««'1 have risked .i-%ith yet n ciloen Cegani I am nualttclbe relfronthbie uleips if f6endiip t7 i ibildhel rip ýor your pari, the rruult cf at agilateid an ud ac mLenei boy. Celaany îbiMg h thbs an osnppoer, etht a secret coalici Mr n4 -pnigant mut tiager, unies% lt i, <eýiittMy ltte aslyema" i kai me 1 ~ itpi asnmet elfe girin; diapotilie;. r' hiii. hein go loni, ronseteiutotgetber, and un Sgo iîolaîtd froc bbthe t*cf te mi, tit i-r nme ti mouiti le a meace ta je- cens il cnfie iriona whist t'es n.trust, muet ut lr-.ras on repi tlupo our aiîu. Tite ltion andr advici ol a frienni, Pbiltit, ire net 1 l e d,d ou %nsmi fn-el relievrul, if Able le ruth Ibin, 't sîhjet l hiclu eviismlly op- I0. f, titerefart, vonu value my friand sh- are siillivo, u uin a crodi." T lrearr fn-w cite have tiasedt lh i Pe qii"V. rai t ta reýelIhct ow mut giielca n I-1i-oed int confdiurg it auetatuut, amdlis- inzil tht rolinilqandastinoltions altmcmi tlroend. t muni nett hercînre appiarsaurpn- iht,iouatid as hlie a, and o1preaaed iîb i tOftmie, Plhip shoutd regard Ktanlz au ni cru Lin leo lit t le rl le e fJOie» W*umw1E"«t.] "T --uCt: il n vei i tacunenuc onsnu untiie cci lins, f rine ffrit hR if Lranta ccii mote t Men 'Auiea agaIm rame a er euamas, ied [is secreohl bseicreti'e acke, et front found mi i eflyiiig on the luvus or lie Pabitîtto, i lînardsieinn, lhm %vas net litîiy te hi in a aiaitbat. A hidecua blackt ithilh t y berG Diinj arj Prmse .: and as, dui; tbm buihng etthelitesu. Wberi mis ahie? rail ptsse'I.lit vtheullnsutait tu3uanti The rt adii iecmtoseiiitoul tfor ivo iay9, hi, f tteiýln ietuti, ut ued mb Kraoz'e dune g vhinh Amine remaiatt l na sate 0d aller- s hisor - wbiul the reauler is atquaintied nae ietifiuuasntalpor. t>ivee by thie tcarnal Yaes you mw alcli,"sd Piil p, citb a unit thie lit uaéesIbru n oue, on the iiiuntannlit vaaon-luiu. Vl'iat eculera el lith out cf Nav Gunia. Ste iDovyul cetiImv tange tle, eordo liaI btei uedvinu by saioth licenlves, mco ast s'sue men molifi, îitidia mmere beppeile l e acitse beach lîaffickiig mitla sonner 'lnet a diirdered ibrait M1" cf the Tiotepeople. A fusa, lin7 icaaeneate j i iet si to i lp, I iteYeve," ncpitd ii lur cf ber gaimnts, altitougt liaipeuccirci tr l, ha vi itadl caiar prod of c itor- tat sit e t nl ; but bhilitbey aidtilt na Parbof your-isitery. Rt'emembirboi tem braa ud as tlemsetveo, ediami if grail ecull Pithi ntont si;p-mmîif yen? value, iviici lid buen giien, uit er ty Pilipa mt- IPetritbld te a ruguovin lths ses, cily tIclte ltetttinaI oe o e bcséausu; faii r-a Dot Ina telenteil asi-nd " flnta len-vese in bh4 a= ip 0puill il off, h. potietI cula MI> I futl. belI veirymerttai jYue bl ae ,iewu v ilny eagm e i .lr, mne, an tinte eu shave tltime lii 1 chu an aeticomm cof mtterity interleael aid xrhidmachit aIijour hbhavicur aI haieeiim dibt, I.TieThon people, absvile IPP ared enacceun:àiche - lier am ara asa' cre Iies i viitheiPotugest, poited et, tba: ni eu î, 1'ilip, but 1toruy YOu. ta le ae of tâet iilain mud rue s iî*uo,; "Y DI ct-uiedPlIli.thay seliemeeocurlia9ticcel, ot u ur t Ct?> You; andi glaily wcvouitairhe ilasrear, infer. lt.é poi eetl' tlé fadtner alitc-- YOar doom on m ni> o viere, mests ment liat ouetil Ibsat eautr-'vosea uiba en ' lOb. ila nite a iplendili Ileuglitthaithircroe abea eraft, To Ibis Amine omei lhe 3uanrnn.d btrealnta punpus,-tbal in- tare sudatnin ébat vms pI ta bheu; Ibîl part rýnlgtîrruglit tti orli as vme mau do in of Ne Gima 1dWu#staeI vUÈliti iy e- rt ialt, wiichlepouiîbiy me May kW tiC"14 intcomam Mii tihiard peopleWvi tou f coq sa i iarsI iib> te Ventersa tcame lier a leellso E tropetu l uceîy i2 " e :qi un hicit ai iii Clint , mon heele'II for te lUneN IIpWOieleior fthcie I aI "Itl ancstlectetI ta f<mINI a greal aid gle- Tbe J>ipom eveinaimul A ie. mbWba îtol-t bu mrk oh ancels, Iotay ay-ltat lbt, and tlie e n ahrlay i an>day., mavingl the tnt o f a Fater. saiferheg Iincei bolweelite Maitddeati, ce .fmt.ly alleadil buta.. 'ufaliesy boltmnetîooîed te pistI qim glult&. xtept the moilaeing ehberpmrcedIl '«qi Yuhaveindmuiai ijcI cf pur- ip itvisiate,andthle buhiniat cimàoqoW Du> i aithl l. 'iibipsanduéiagen dof esa sud iam it 00 It oain îoartal, val lin? WheeAmnemsopemai ler eyoj.ali 1111.Papm ' Irthe nuT àîrils travig uugtcauetia- raid eut t ucqualu iette»aiwam a mcf.cited heu BtOtbinrg? caiimuttdit-bultomur lin teut 34 SIc.mu hucise îeyi c- i jeerl-vawaserpe- tent aaneniildj, mi illilsdusronaeu oh ro ett taundthe b.ami of.the body; hW haïr, mllw w" ~ ii etr l tet Yes, Pbiiip, Ietm wwparIy pwalelwtp'Mu d eîa cIls ra 1 atîîîrk»~ bermai14 mi a îIC ydbtii wl évini lier Io d'n an spcak lie Amine Bitatueos le idre M dbi'e4 a"sit aivlie" g s'lanrdet suîlytatI ulmieglevwitî bueihsfatli ndulmsla iùS7dset. r of-J ýinp of teotiir moit, amdi ico lltt- se, lie euammè. thi n" *MlI ese slyj à* lSreplied Kmmmlx; %theura Muapqtare m'ai uc.lam 'ltla lice1 ' nYh filaeor miller coneetusi muligayjlmseAie whc ,e fnfuîiv tomulnci me t~u iet oe -awkd piAmigède .4lotie ls vivwemai- ItIj _t.ipe. i Tor glce'iseIiIn ail ft'ré-siuet d M ili l* lad! lt ' KilaîzPm"* leved. c tI e bi t l éos. 1if *0 e.1 '4~m btfbatbeiedtler j lie 04Mi êaimenm mds iq Me lav I Md ui y ber nemstaanptoui U de un a Oula tk" aad teaI Auto -MuslO iae . niht uand riiameuve vîîti .,. - U euamt tr lthelma afan epa',p'-îl te uacibltbosu. ie uMÉSle- t t -iimgbuaa lb r~-acajmch4iseaienl4 au','lcibrusdli if -KINSTO, TPPERR CANADAe TUESOAY, JUNE 51W ____i SEV1fliNIUILIIGBLEDDI PECEWMEN SENT »Y IM[, IT. Il. ~ * ràr. 'iý4r & Pmpietor.] lytj lsm. e m Of. - -~flse. or vot. I mmmmmlý * -t. 1- iamcu p MW lhe antibecs.me xigh aste10 gmfepr tloo. railto eomtime tudt Ce"quiuev *Lupeubi e-4b.y ccii ey but op their raft te pMei e l.iuc detised topioe y h icl orce of, lté waveil os the nu bhireue t ste. Pbti'k tbott toret a nvalposAmine, aid- ueht asoitl apthei, crias .ea "u, "Oc*am 1 i ih ilion ~ P IlAm 1 i r le ne 11 dîmd Wbosi isto o'l tlMtiaeedh, pantig ugIa apc el the bc". m0. T'he ii o a Mai mafUA. mue description ormétrr, rdIrai; " andi-lÀ repty eomlag devra =ite gli le shaker heratin the nooéli mevinth , elete.» J 1focYou are îl8t; it ithemooaii ef.v easaof me a ofthoeip"oum vîiiskia move, titea. son- Jov sh. e cei tie acetit-aitejafunlofsour b pePcooU i atiy appqcheit ia vu m.e I cet hii a ; the htaaois.wrd edlc I uiimmse k.ei, "ouItii7 proeae.- mieae" chara'ed P;itip. I"W. ei icmekeow? The puole in the. pmee oqu lok m notice of& lte.,utsth ie cuït lita i oen tauld oand .te-b cred-ltr.. oftheam tien dmeced tîords Pliip and Krantz, cit aopear ita e iir hidibut i evîdenll, iit Co otilite lntions. Orne amdi,...i ^id th.je ?ortagueace, aing tbem Idwhetey6 wereVIf ~Ne are Hoiamiet,"I repiîed Phli> i «Apart of lthecrew of teet i icL va' s lrieed '>ar.quired lbe. leYou boive ntbie.g t u ar-yon are enencles lu the Portauesîe, and se are we. W. heiong tu I te isaad of Ternae-our inug lat noirviti theit Portugise, vite are tillions. Wbere are jour S companiona ? on vib i jand t1 Il Tbey are ail dem,"l replied Pfrtlp; Ilmay 1It ask y0en wtether Yen hi atonaln le mt a vcorene who wasi atrift on a pat of»tbe uaft hy bercal? ora bave you heird of ber ?l" i' W e have hein liaI a vernan vu pickeulop b enth beach te thce ouhbari, and cantid vay t by the Titice people te te PertuiZue s crltineiiet,1 on the suppositiont Iat Î au w -a PorLiguese.el cc Titen, Heaven be Ihank-ti, te ia cîved! "b cried Pbilip. 'ý MercÎ!'nt Beaten 1 accept nay& Ihais. To Tidote jeu midit"b 41 Yei vi are nt car mitA lte Portugueas; me cannot laite 7011 hereI t0 Il No! but ce chili mel agolin.e c Tite person vii sccouted t11cmnocas evidetty of a... cosequente. Ha drmwc., tea certaint ,degre, Milcomta, but mixeti up vitit Mgat-i hi carried arma in lois eiel & a apear in i baond;c bis turban gas cofpnild cinta; md ibi depot-i ment, likei Most perlns of rankin 'a tIcounty, vas eourteous and tltgnifiei.t " We are now rtnclrimg IoTieale, and *M t taie you wth aY.Our ine iii h. pleied t ratuire auj Holianlisis, ecallaY ou are «e.e mii 4 I he Porluguese dogs. Ifornu ll ttiyoui that vir bave tieueco yotr companions viit us in the bot-, vie piciti bie op etmesscucb exharta- ted, but heisi now doing meIii" "lW ho caoul i t" Mobierveii %rael, «"il mut. bci ime oneabeloi,.n lm&&.oit .11ael ..yq,,té. "lite tfî rp acuuraç, mu ina. j ilTheot m y uit cod Mm belote I be-1 lite -il"repliei Xxuoit. «Then helieve jour e-e, rIpliei Phillip, pintigox0te for. cf Schriftes, vho vwu nov walkingogward Iloint. a Mynieîr Vînderletken, gW la o re you.-. Myntser Kraatz, 1 hoelljuY are Wi]i. Hem luctiy thal v euId ait hieure&. He! bei"' "Tihe tioen b baste, imdiii, givre, up il$ ticadia I requeset," thoughl Piip. In the iveau tirer, Schnle, vilhiceamaiiag any referenc tt-e way in miidt hey bai ae unceremoeedy parted empaayamdiueaudtaulz wilh apparent good-isi o anmd aime ligict itige ofram.. [t mai omî limebefocelKuanttecmA rut himielf of i.. . a mtt uni yon of hlm, Krsntzrr 'i Titat hi iapart othe lbwitb1iand bat bis dectiny teuI«4 t v eili es yt.. Hesi baisipart tu pay in thia wondm'is mysteir, andti vii ectle ountil ài l finisheti. Thinit mot of him. RecoUlect, your Amine la ma&."1 ' TIl"repietiPil bip, cc theiaiclila not wenitatfouîgi veve ,anm noinimte do but te emari vith t ui peuple;i h.rimfler ve -ffoy titi ourtelves cf hm, and titen iticot In ejoi Mj '"~ '~""~ .-.--CHAPTiR YVIII. ir ahict, <ofier ec f the Wodarc min. YTithr y e rertainty imeer tel*ateil AI17gitêa tmndge. uiy blir vu fuirid er philci, actuctimes of praclicul ide.pen.lence of Briitrtes llsmid bolieil wite ti viChinerm. A fem Paimett t claurued iuy thé prcrit loval legmisatîure.Andi va caebnl to ir u ist, andtul et dinq te lthe wiillvenelrlo acari ttiglit ice iuertbcu is a- me tou 1i adly attire; nie trmgi thei noe ioubtediy maitoid'odeflet abarcite.in ber doeih- 1 id esti, and fef.aers ai bité., pateolprlj lice ions hansCGreat fititain sie, culjietcoslermtt i it af padîlie, vine tiroir eosments, bottIhéir ment la ber &tali tetri liediipenon ibie-Lyd 1 baugulge maseiu.iiidnuntwligible. Ami" ell; tParty lu Uîupe r Ianadan. Blt îvi t all .mtetjet t ulefu ferlife; elleisut muchre oausoflbe doune miith iir Frantù Head luni bis t artv .1 ru. aid walci#theite tt îpirouae, asilicey Pasiiug oÔtra frwunit ar ug.geclio for th* àmcmiilih ibe sei, wvicc mu caparsici bei re *pacification cf the province <of Love ap* luebai ber thongictawcre i bnent, lte7 meus vicci arc inlérodced for no apparment rellaon, buti au ïiitip. ta proire tfn Sir Fiunei t s remit7 fer auj opm>or.i Oie motrent Amine came ont cflte but, with iluaelt c uisplaysite corne talte corr"-pmonee't Ill oi hlice a iemd frb et sulamaiaît wbitb ieeloualy led b Itisretiî nation. Ti. a radcr te trie.«Tre-iélierdeaftnother, CMwdm iltoeb h olwn a ltaio tbcs.; tlt W a sp eoîta me: licou gttpl Mt reealiedta 10me Itiy aIa tich I1icad forgol- ~ h o'w* e<ntLcvi pnifriim en, ami hliIbot lhe maents of tucvmriog clii seltes. Nu, îî.etiminauy Observaient are nicue,- j bell people, notrm nom mcmli Iimoar uere oMy 1q, a.slice diiwiit utthfletently ixplain, luI ati bittp mrigbt i." ceueuce of lite uetuellion gbicb biait aiready g for tienmontls ied Ii mime remetelunude dlt.1ckebntuinuLaver tadi, a corrtcspondimg le-, i Me Oltbe payante airma.t Wicen lte Tidoefsuieft, lon mas uulabrillte fie cipidîttelbtW p- a polu, iettwm.ed, lts7 lWanut rier te hning lteé pevýpnovlnce, and conmequentllj hibail wvmmoi allié ccum ic ue b ben eut on shere lIolte tht virer pefliic ta glu enucouragement golie h tboryi nd repajhdicte vii, bidlakén charge ef loyal, ant it0ura,.ement bI thePartj vub wumai ber. Tcy madiaguna l Amine, seitobail now on the vp.ry rie of a rebtttidb. i laite recuvereul ber beauty, that ellevu te go "itf 1 isbat en govcming by farce of armieUecv a piic them. Arby change vin preftnrofle ta stiy- wMod iban, bseccuilieni, but, living yteedili zwmuresahi vasudmiAmine foliovei tutu btlte tower province ber Pdaje.lv' lops1 [liadt av ta a perd:l2,011 w~hici thsic. as s reynohhinz eftýd support me à ,,g plain smoirai ied, antiw m i 0, drItng sereasit e matera matliruie, wch b» iî811 aitilite,, cill as citdividuels, à r atm comuptaiena; asu îbo tey kw along lice kee up 8 juil littieclion bilveen titeir ceiu e notit seat, Amine thou,;Iit cf IPiuipes dream, an titeir triecilu.» r id te mermaiti'. sh.sll. Il neededril ii ur experientî %ilthe wrlir rc By lte evcaing tbîy hall arreeth ie sonîlserul preent us fron t eing surprime icien me rtiti e lot of Galolo, viteri tbiy tandîti for lte rt4glt; thel paragrao1îc. The lotties Laiivcict lice - o le nert day ticy galuati liteplace oflîbeir desti. îpielies urefr lithe duaiaiof Mr. Ridout(tom.is lion, and Amine vialed up ta lte Poritcgncai iisoffiesteid tiereluu oW te ls 31 Yr. BmdwellIl ictory. Iotest alounlice bencfi. It iî itieeParticutata Il That lce suîcait;0< Iloce vie mer fllin iltatSir Francis deemeil il necesumyt ncua eoie vas rouei, là mol ta hibc wndarei el, Iathebeloyat sud iiloualge lte ilusloyal 1mil a t is- c iery givra by lte nativ. sof lier escape apinar- ltiusit eeuiaie ecmiiies acbig <tindi, on s id ce miracliu.Fr= t he commandan t l le e heevi cf a ute e belluan, andi ch.., tice« vs.@t servant, i?5i7 one u amiting le riceive ponc as dealilutu cf auj mititary force. Tihe 1 ber; th bauty cf Amine, ber ptrfect fo ni as- teCiion l Lower Canada broie outinluNcvem- ti m6i e m. i.. The comnudant idnessed l ibe% 187, and a ia elein thal moaltbIlat lt ifopl oeg coitpuiment tlier lu Portagues, eand mas preiolusly siltioneil ta Upper Canada,t mare e telaishui luit ahi did net maire a suitalcle tiplyt iatiet te c lover province. -Il vitiull rhi ea bul s Amine diti netudelctandm ord l'ut iietl.evei, lterefore, lta i lbedate cf lthe ispliue- Il ni, il vould bave bien mort aurprising if ch.l met of Mu. Ridout, lte filtsel of discouraga- fi lait. mei, is lthe 121h Juij, 1836, neauly a year andi a As Amine matie aigulsfilet;thbc cu ttl undîr- hall clore lte rebellion brie ousud tlie relut- b Undlice ianguige, il is premumeul titt ellecaumas i tcappoinl Mr. flîdmel, or rallier luis beieg b it Engiab or Dulcit suunlîntrprelir mas psel oter l ite cueitien oI nem îtiges, mas ina uni for. Sle tien explaineil that elli mas the Mrc!, 1837, nearly i cigh mntis befote filet pi- le. wife of a Dtb captain, uhose vsel hait heufliai. Aund ltie e ite edîtes t b ebi $ir Feau- b ecieul, aduitlt;ite did net kLtm citetter lte ckap aljiatify bimusell moi to critinite lte Il mcrbo! b a ncvedor not. The Potouse CcianutJ Office. 0 'ina vobty glid taihaer ihal a Dalcit viasel hit1a i Ifueilie ta negenlem a h eau dismin-a- ken crecieti, titdvery guiltaI ru levely a crua fe- n i s officesand the othîr iîpriueil of 11.1 p are ai Attmiebail hies caued. She vas ieform- adiraem cacvsti . tgiél coale ie a* y tice commandantIhl it ellesumeteomne, amd queule. cf iiliemis, anistanding et till. bar, and v tit ii g iber day ltere, cieuxttiug aboultit h.elor mhîch hls b anmd enimpetauicaloral chat- Il ornatemnai.eremferîable: thlantittemiellua octet eminentifquaiied biem, aftsr ltaerebe1lhn àa iey expecîmil a visait Irom Ihi Ciciniae meas, pro.- lad broou ii Lover, moidviale il vwu secret-' e .eiig te Goa, icoltaI il isclireul, aie hotIdlt î Jreparîug luntpper Canada, Ihere unigit boire î bave a passage tea a itaI vissean md fremin e aomctbiug le plemi d lidtetioelt Lplui-C lai cii7, ule icveitli caily flad olicetr viloa te oiing. Even ilent, iomeyer, il, moud i open fie bier mtetever site migcI pliae a..0 lu ÇO 4uigu~ luiotfboy far il mouldbaie bieau ise tg a- lu wa ia nceniecleti l lau apmrlmenl aii 1.11 with Jijt i cours e i cjtdrive moiteraIesumd a a, beOW ugra. t'à attend sapeais-. Jwqaii.. - tw- . - - _.. 1 Titi Perluguesi commandant vuaatlil, me- jt ee ;m ssn auexcuse for Sir Frauda. Titiit gre itile mec, dîiioptesa chie, <roui long mc- foyParty, vmrl hmhicbh.liebol!eooime taidemni-. îuuning ntier a tropical son. lia ai îery large f4 ha 1efailt oieet a o ielm riet ida dmvrlong ivord. Tues. wersî untumphret, aid ail danger Ire. thiteferis W adt te fiye ment ueanarktaile fealars aubis p@riol apaiIy uslsiiei. BMo cenucl, Itrelme, a- andI dresu. Iaoetd îrlally t10aedeclaraimn ltai mo e c v li, ations outil *tactih. isintarpetlei, ud amruin Or acquusire vice maiwuopposeul I.ta tt nlims voeu hbave langhit tbihebail ois meGouttramit, ami ta mtile ineottalopinionsIlle r bee laifuttitIlie mîglut ii ietai. laafeuftic, l est ef quaicaüio, intiai cf ability or pu- il #e1 tiy due attion, lloe igainai lte Poilu <oMiomlt mmnenca. Ilmwu ProeW6910gle e aimue muguage ce fer as ta suit foi chît see' viole coucmumily flt a scvience viasi aufe t qulred, mothiliare abhe quitti iim eiaof Tidouef butteressafim cf mivaceit than tise i t atl lle comft ceeverte fuenlly. lBuI ber mnxty 1011e itli niiel opicbc u osmstuecifeM ic e hsa 1 feu, and le sacettain chitbai! becnte of Pilîltineaperable barrier Ioeliidrani, hbeea e- 1 vas stamter euery day ; anti mIce expiruion ofmuoeected flce oice. migbtlie wcit pclticm. Ne- i the lQue meonthe, hierequi mcre c0ogdiimly bentiqbm; coutl lie more cmlculatei leaidrive the oppe.- toaeiatri,loacatch lice finit glImpoiftu e ý coUUof te-Goverumeat le vielleet cou"" % Mi 7blcb mai uxpacled,. At lait il mppeau., astia te reltien, Iheet madeuledly immeiia*ei Actinte.ci hlte appreacit cf lie canvaLO ii naing hinallier causes, mmm lie naturel rebit I the veste lice commanidant feit on bist en il .1 ucit a policy.. 1 tectating him passion, requetei tir Dot ta thintjIl ha bu ien cir cieifob4ct Ioexpose tie vm-is ai depaurture, bat Io ntte erfle vtit hMi- . 1iieoents cf Sit Francis; anti vu do mot lhinitil Aviine wvm continue lu ber reply, for seeL e.caary ta enter loe mb ay el.eiexîmicatils finai; shabwuinabis paver. 46 Ste about irst uc-I0bis Ventral poticy sa a governier. ni e vr cer e intelligence of heu ituamd'adeitti, hiciprenld cf bavimg toléreit into a carliviti blà Was mot yet certain ; esleieuli pnoccied le (km, ltlow-4ced mcgan Webb dimocry; bat atoait ils sud if cile discovîiredltai site wvasaingle, .aliiultimata reiait lie Ijile. Bgo cesplmceccy woidd multe t anc." sesa e limitai, an a vey aiutgaiar mamner, te This answen, ssiliff ta dicoretcd, Wols titte pricamliona vrbiceb eta0 cfor ugint oea cause of gneat oiufîilg te piilip i teecmumni.ielilie. Il#sauppeluuimn seces oisellehavi oc- ont 1h,allsunoed tilitI bu <old compase Phllipyd. cupiti a very aecetaderyplace le bis mini. If le dealli, vu amllm e-ndciaeiltIsei om as bOIilelRe aliceciary quarreha cfprtie., a fie bai mny positive inteilîgece, h.ieueald ring itlt commntiy, laie iimenmions, petain;1liatu"itl. Gea binielf sud duadi aa i Icu potllitations o~ i( i, stlnd scepllbta ofecitmtiem oely hy trmau Iruflu ami flJeiity. if te mratb. ddfieam ade f omya 64 pool!" i hougii Amine, a. te ahicîcetheiigaini O einhicivil mat lhe the legitimate obi,. muit mas nom clomi 1a tb. anch<ragè. i coda of gaoimeut, Sir Franele ny cettainiy lu baill an bou tblivendei ait mncbered> aIudl nlof bavimg irontbbis admieramica of Up- fle people tii atddci. tnea itsived a.prie etCanatia te-marielbouily succesatul ceccuuicm. vitb teul, a.they-valut ttiiItetthe fort. Shlu ie bat nImoultIY i tl t1he motfeOfbrin * ea sicudere->hi mcnol ntchy; mien lte a,4 "reili e re ican oe he cei ;ru; dif lbisle nuve #ite founti heratîf in lte pruaruce.cf Faîhesaritcg a colomy, ic baseiniimmahle clai.e te Maltias. 1'the ltle ocf savcure f UVM rCanada, mitb ,(Tei o ntitr.)* icitheb.saucembal probes md@iamtlet 1ultra- T-urysat bui comphiinatidbleu. Butlrin orleris - tattuaritPruine, I it encm eitr stuppoessea UîVIEW-OF SIR F. HEAD'î «<NARAýT[VI ceat 10caaie icerrctl-btentirota Wmil 1 Fu. IlaMd miWstmitrat? lh. diatie tie pablie pouice, lSr Favmonsaut lmaseil tCtudidfrm MW &Mo fSmbsbo" y uiielicomiuged îtby wnai lliuera cendeme»- Slui ti lpa lt iaifer iiic egrat Wiedtiand creuIcoeeapélbj, aud bis conia. s . aasu ca à: &iRluOttwv.t 1. h ud".d A-mS yemteplacein iii Y«r mieom liglaw e t ~o I inti iecli li thre ai w biclneon e.uwuie: aid tiols l ii* I(1 d b Morrait ",et u'pnvrbsh lmbeilily cetite e s cuer l sac- ~s outiniaociaJ~bavaip aéi 4 le *-hilII eamIULl t siaWtueé or"t uirasi o paeranu chos inbis destai10 lau ivlaie e iaim ii tâtas vuaay ervuus ei.ril 0mnle lie was lai mi ngMln, evaileil bitet! ofver, leur cf qger: bit nomleit o faeismigit ~eelioiilemes. As il is, i;idicipa1 ai c u osic<iy exerliei ihal ét bat - à mnZ hi, puovites ie Prostf liaIlie pros- lUer ieâîj c ti q>sc,3 meta" go*£m£tilii 6tlbigisfm" losu ouverséeJ101h. mut om - âUiy * tÏat iii BeFced l an he mau.eb bmita w i d ch mu it eos u < ite ble Pnmter iU7eIptCa. ai pt~g theepoplegMd t. ame4- hi, ~Mi sulet ylerh lie-oo li eim aeeqtnaiscb l. i amaa lemte.reedaghmi l mu ,N tev âelut. [ ogeis 1 seî~liemc UU U u e L I l.iaies liit uicu. Ta di- aid iLoail c ele itiiutyi iccz. b ululami" lie66 baut laé viceM 1.-il lic bas&eor tie rbober e kprazle1fLu..ti Gibelin, Aartl.roc, ami %oqlet ili o.Gvcrstment, l.y repà«eu lîle ce baiccouctà Il spprmaithai Ibm mamber. of lie uers «" a os ',vigéN ' tonrM e s xcitable imt- w u ru tailty udtuthigamd litI tieig huite woris1ved lave pmrearc a niable and mas mer for ebu;s logetser lie mane; ticat ialecitizen; Mdi thSasi ofaty CiLevilisai iti ice hocatie lut it o mme, gtuij r«. - uémmiilty ocitrep=*mtis drteetaepinlkj IPlar-cii y ammmv terît; *A i m uir t ony laI* »aCéhmd mec te Cime, ad cl ttsbliai lime lpirth eaver s*-saalel14strmiain rait la« fdui me IlIiîup wmuisàfbdliait tbc. 1501to $00 et. ïos Saturdsy Iir lrarçu. felt tkin thle roiitet nth sutaievilla-1 At ladI teen auoe steil u ho 'orga thézilmrtka; b78rrui orly accommulailn l itsmm hemau lte âAoidIautob ponîtCi ix ne isdflel Wrightl of icttett[i a L ýoa#y pal-1 gibboni adJultpnt-it -%Wat a th it mgiit or illam éfeh t eh eeo lo e ie tiin t11esti- Ibal do$ Il mal.it stare<of oie peaçIplly cf 'eMmd ll mî wiwia&tlIi l ecen st; i d Maàtkeoeises bit lUns aIeaaagMu ,po if Sir Franciastle - a iilg pur "&Dove~o h#clTree.ialgman i- sauontm*e inaltecîloele a-hban, il laiil ffmie i mentr ov tes f 0 fben's1hZÎ,C1î .d bcàal on i c itte Vsthi lt<.ie W 1.kienetl aonia tiMetui uAuài »Od cas leteprovibe msfercm leitl. qita Maue fjîr,Çsmui laeoir.mwIM,ýtt 70 proieléaa inmtfeclIn, eitmfor îl: Pu >je.on tbm C4l 4>1t th ilatter ed otieseml 4îOliia*u t e te ichopter if acuidel.la e ou- .t gls hflTIYrg.ueu plheb-r it-I al aitnt ui catullytj ou ua, can pearei rtry ingry Md tomcuila. Sea muer, hardiv toniile a govemiefi t riesle lice aprata- meverîheleu,. ici upairusl te btyh l bl W rt. on if sise Mdcsl ertalous T«ie'- Be his e e di- l nd pksoi he nigici cing th e vueleeru. go himtI I may, Sir Francis ha,, et AmIl rmus, Vluci hi baurd licer,,lu rtlerF ma ie ciaii, te in- *4cul ltuin adefeming hlis@ieing fieuilttalI- fcpirn tAet vili courage. Colonel $i'ilbhui, uc ly anpepanmi <tpseinerresctig beuierfereten lte tuettimelhait ordereulthbe blle ttle rut.,, or unfereseen. anti riitestabtoulteno ailtotgeibir lthe prrdsa* Vite frutti 10,Il'siuthlie pnpa-etommaeeby 'Wituc assistuace b. reieti. Tic.rebli iciiy Maiceule nti ttiecter rciek, il for mcietinie bai nlluîtrowa log rialcunfusien luvlis theL Écritîd titi alarmeet flic Britisth populatian cf the of lteir mitty eaiseri io p ack iei *a oicn; am ctay c tit tuslu;ins làty uni bail net lhee ceuraie holanippir. TeCeecctte, civil imignrto bad impreasid on SirFraude lthe mwu <cme delsyon titeir 1paît: s nd, mena leg o.-rcshy -aftaking meacuna te ouninsrcl tthalleIiey apýproaelîcti ieirit y, liaieitani of the beli f tthetel,.ButÇir fraYni, misedtby bis emn immdc etk ev' ter téisa buicni cars ainiîr abil e*eelesn@esud ilthe represétatiouio ofttrpared Io recett Oeit' dliehi ccordî*hg't- flic IFiiy Compat, tiier Iottiiy dibeltevedin uedr, anti delqfrdibis allaci lette bu xl day. thu existence of danger, or thongici (batel icmagietTuus a asIlci dl'sa'red muolt.e Mclay bjthe ofbis tiodomoalade mould bhia aceufain à taca tnsttli,.v* IC6unel Filzgibbov. *Oà ciil war a n in ncection. Accerdingi> bie tutu- Ttaeday lie ialoo t ris deflncs teretom- ti a deaf car to mlilt e cireriones of Colonel Fitz- sltctuil by Co!onel Fîtzgietl>uen, tuir Francis È,5nife- ribboc,2m ienth eher more gisaient lehabitanto ef îng Lumoelt'te takinut pnîcautious for ltaeemCrlly ,'Orono. in Francis bas since i leaIl1 Exlata- of hincclf andi hi, f.ilv, ehom iplacet ce tory Mecteu-%uium,?assils lit, 44 nota lîbsand- heait a steamer l ithe hcrbour. [mdcii, hieserii4 iglthe ettiltude wbith liepubicicly'ildeemned it pro- te bave aitaieonedi su iuep.et' ieenimg lus ciî3-. per lo as-ate, i privotety madial fliearrange- %Wluen Colmett Fitzgibbe m as oering e picquet tiltale n g paver tle i ml/to moire vicenever to adraice up Ycnge sirpt codner SheriEf Jaiîls te pair-mebat sicouitmini.»Nom c. <i.l mcci lite rebeis if lice yenteraitheliietyi, Sin [bialepoint onuiýem. j.uici attesn iy ullsf.i rucis positi ely ouserii bict mol lea a up un. tecontra c, e alorun, mnlthe lcaitl;niepu- out. On Coloneil Filagihit a myimg li bl eiiee, tb mt ad î ly liokne prensulion, 61cpust li aer ti se. the rity' luit "peu i. thi but ibt it ruie uprivetiltera firont mmiimgruffiaiooti iireatenei il,"l Sit Frea"luamuedi uy prîparahlaus ; ttlitaeh did, ai far as la bisa "-JVc cartout déend the tily : me baie mamen ly, puevent ries lthe miat secret mtrangemtetls nnegh : let me des- rdota." H. cîducid beimg mate for the iclence of Torone ; andi litIColonel Fistgiisolt cv te CI. i> itt o, tell-, tai city maiueveu b lte <oretheaglilmiith bieb a;icgict blut if lb. cent abouloite Cit y aileo bae hea bi, i lu f cit aspatiy, prepaîci for lhe loue, t.aceeUla 6takt. prisee:in: dtien ueiz-ý uliemi faic le ocia;.e wic hic ih tbosc img hi. b7 iMie arm viii eéLi blaasexcwamei' peun dil, ia Opite of bis taIler mat ofpueseuee "lImeey o., .ial alcali moal» Ceicaef <mid, cantan ttur geum mci lte aiit u Filzgiito, mevMetois ent oet lthe ploquae, m wsut npro r -X Eeyluyedy ie Torento inoma mwu rebîked hy lie Praieseroring a.Il wm. tga h lc ef! <it of0<ulcifrnliecCity .lobte lui i trjpicquet chictbee ont Éc iatir euoalleu Itributii teCotecI Filgibboe e utail-gin- àMachinais lu bits econd atîtmpt te ester tSe udy l rai c( Mlilitia ; siaet bien l, ta lr. Powell, andti IbusesatTorontoeasieron iie lvii by tJoL li Mayot, hMu. aia, île Sierilf,'aid Muet rFitsibbonuin lupili of Sir Frais. We are i"te Came i: ami everyitoiy inm Ibet balitesi ltai me are fer fam ain g s aytbfng wvie vIlr getne en faitesnoeîpe in.despitieof ir Francis, PMlmee ith iiemtiversaiaisent ie Upper Candsis c mcoutl have ies surp.tiord ln bis bled, cithlout mien cme cvil liaitbai Macicazie dulag i* ii"ento defeue,,and tlIaIice coutilenluba.- ."l oed r.fieuday achedTorto y" DI Wîitoeut iiag a hlow,'li Çana <ii m neye aItas loitiàbc mcild blieqp. Il ma s cue a eus bafoe lice oîbretitIbat teri lirFrancisanie« iho allii uma; Mmd Cooinel TtIzgibitn, cavare of lte meisuesadoptedti Wthe ap itapél allen lie ti a th and le 4 Mackeame, edteouru e oittpreas pclin Sr eeia, a large Prptionsof the c*,ai"_ people utadt lte proprîctyoftali g m rc rautleus. vhtuba i i Frauda on lie Wedeay et among ettuero, lha auWited ltellcim62% cf Thneadi veut hbaie joineul Mirceiie. Ail viii>'y vîcancies amon lte liters ettf a it. ci hvcrvii palent on Ibmeamante ofI cli mi, ce~t ogliemi <~L iti, reetammi b hi Ialà' Ttsecêe..liferful vida gits adaj' a ctes, amiîtad wuaia duly ccibegbl nut have heinaceflect- fonaine of lite pitil1ant i a enroe, wme din ltis inat cnimaty times, andi viiaul wbic iii. egîu. iiireitcim.Fet tieiruait ella igt, ch.'regiaincoocemt iefficient foi aoly service. vo bave itoiciu mtae IbkSui ir Francis lisai. Tis ir Fcasels poiatively refnd Io 0de> %eicg ,0e h onWedmo.dzyî"ficrement s atived; soli Coome Piltlm "bo «thlia .e oll mtte. ai- lthe rebellegel llaoogbly dtstconged tiy Mase-1 vietlle Aaiig lteiiller, bmuinit mesp -lia sliacion. Neverlueteis, Sir Fra"ca ooait if ay m"eimiel oun titi parI of Mackenze or W btsntitain aici. Bi ietermlisilatesw utbenais.' 1, 1 oeloMaiudose wiil inforaed vwu li s h The ctgsaTeocoisnydet t plkce in4r san cfibéls ihiion anthle pincipduoetm l1% of tisa goiunm4 fatorssé liaite"hitre is imt i4 hml othie te, pinons hm intMM<on tics, igiaust tlie memautes for delmniiug themsi-u1ltet. lrais miic lii subît., m u eJ:. 1 selvee. Tilie 1. coups ofel tu lareit he, ' 4O Ilçguitle ver>- lbaid ami main rnvief Lba u msufaime, sois, m ni eri liA Uopuaotetd in ltheaurrecleat bMackeszemra.aie u clty hall il Sir lFrancis dicliedItair clFr. Sorte sort, the aegotiien. 0 e sThuuyqCohetW of Ite cilaa lIeu ralonteered ta alool apuniFitagaites i-icmeutîe iitia, uni mbitalaed i, orer thi ecM t u, t me et veminga acIu4 Y: dicaylupi ersamiemalegus. n. Ui ipaacti i c elbesthe a *ualoit-. f Frmwcies grest bliciile tes t wuma St i acemt ra~i.d tirai vcleets, and enitustel veeiinttg sevengiasc te himues.Cea- lla ca i therac oi a0couple of Corita>ttes, CcieWumliii bie;i a cingaar insance Of uays imIet lifme u inf h. did Pot dialike Sti.g Miaes-rleainaie ihvhkb icbe malicean y se. -h~e d ainr t ,lne,itwte oui eei l.rat ien tbippematin Fait biporpae. M bitIMat bcktk~ve f cm(tacui letseeihem in palcbrofulic 15tlbofDce"bcahbatm e Mi the f a les .opp cnmis; se C entl a.cte açiliia eurauccd le pauiitut e)bmn h. 1bâ a n iuger smuid ice ppleadcdfortmlue%,îtii tey freh ehoon eu li *fla a~ a eu tgiè ptlnpotri 1 le 1hprinipal ninglsmiee9Mu. Giligo:104ImnI. lin Franc*the.pouil pllsglefort le a de. eil t woil iihaeru itaýlti l6b hpi slilelofiqurly.a e, or c t ia r~.ite ci, amil il wu tem qekMty-but' 'lesthe emd place laitPlome bafudi 15 m a i li..la theprescrit con -ir m elabas adde* iot wbc mie ehbc d hie tilf'. This lirIa--"SI y >"apCu i& rs.Pe-#%lisMe câa rmefuai4 teaflm.Coloel zhxibl finBin lîtestd.d e cinvytié W iiim site t aitbulu thaithlie vinr mtll i e . culonemi hin estghl cf miteboute of f is et buq vue>'. t* ,ith "weuIdOtSlani tami rblsalleu ito preicited (reos bone $9611l 0o he ii rim cet bis Ibroat miltaIr, an md lte we armuire, tiita. htw M satance. " Memmd ti mayoraceoniiag poia-Fnmacis, Iding fIbis teegl; .Iff ible.,4 eit te mira i Um t reslvorlty at ctui- ilti mntibave bien donc ellh it é ty endnisel o toa keep tilrumredy, b e refaaed là gftls. Mcm"-#0 0 Mdi on> hé ricflitseette esudiCityhblleriangte beissl tfi»mdutMb.4 qbr1,. net 1t CLily belL masproposai te l it Fad nea oU~ Frgucis, a perwiatei iy l. Culs ilgu-m'a bpm ;end hmc i degMots te il *tiê wo ci son*yt'iw'iatelai od Colopai Vazdlibola eW s mUS. ansl* Wouo, csai ofý aPÎjuc c, bïue e M.Glst M * «g~ dentieli*ads,« i Gisa' his malde latvt<iuità éIîf orU4t4p pce e , ceg- m«We' Uimooefi 4 ipe ~~id4 in~ Jui v"lbme ttille. crh u,~~c. lice »*li i a i l e tie % * W c i rai s :ii amy W u"vi e 1 t c a i T c d u i iig ibt lw ]ni"yer, apei m l- lenrsacls«10. od s m aa>e ertehes t Î4il 'ed aeàla. l it.vele, atiiemn -V U*h t lotehelodltiap.out> m rmaPur- lItouïriaelbeaievée W ier a.ê fopelo oi t mabc pi ei, u n- tule Sir a1emev. vigne eihpet»Vesr l le 0" no.e.~a Ibeoshmaiof NMu7 alaud. A isstrel 'th af let ja~ms1~U unpg aa- petihfU PeiI5 mitiub'L 1 asTip*eltl là.o4Um OBât lunity - bas l ie .Vulasto 'oM a».. asl r , i :. m.* &tsyta1 e. --A- . =.apa Mot adSeamus Oum e--