lhl hCinai ~L Ingea tàat, b is h e * ( r o s h o r l a e ne gebt te tb th &Mdmb Sen~al t" e"doteai m lb.ý î y otaras tiisa POIler lits al cauglit la hi, owa laits. w tbe Caronicle'sart Vmtby of 11r. J,,argj diit Itp ha,,ra rases, Tisat Io, the G -bsv quet tise Wrd, W« flli me.! Il qtp > % Guardn »i hlmg i" a hWf hé risa e. 14 ast iwanobSS hielLui th "ti aid isesi, for ihef A barhir's taoc wii la kt bors, tisat if Éà. iil 'blets lis Cisrnicle sa> h y Mast lisyr bcee' tinaly charge founled i l'tis rd', ccrrecily, anal tisa CI lu avtiea. agaiait bis neu, abat lhieqaceatin Cr~1 :'t hbat vo an s lIai ce Ihat it voahld aet nais la vu ade ne allusion là bis «Principal chasrge "a sue in Ou eatimat:on a a charg.', Ali thatea a tbiaks proper te notice esul> lbe Chrenicîr,. 9 ancrel empt>' sounil. la i trIa is hat ce lisr, il »tI orbare it tuas made,,,a ef Chronhcle thRt I ben e Doubileas il àa very "la, dm te lise Wall, anal p esc t il ia lise quest'or, and .4 et duel ; but Claire lai sceen, s. the autisar Of l'y forgeal evidence. la 1 tubea bis giarda geli hae fienta Delraciona teck icai, mot caria5 for tise lie tecperior le our teacl,iiaa;. have peoveai liaI h. iseil ; be may take vhidli bar sea. Ho listais, tbe, fib bina c onoer . but thetfin a truml, and tiamt li bas mse. Ho la mn agit cepieàt nl if possibe Carry bis me llhin tain or foui. A " My> piuAadcrer of "h pespi dimeu" un et i Or eXpa pué"o q. ais, puablic. IVe hW(t crime l*," crs Csri là l vwu once In a tciair bisit i great crime ta litd se Cbtocicl's el (cAbas tee t maies limaire ta b' cit! sae beest betae pIn spia es! the tie7 a Debotarg Starj sot serinstl>' leus agoY. lt vu s (il .buarirsg memsarlala ceall nal mu. mouse. But let lis t litîle liglit vers ralinûaa' id! Lheo ed Survive the Ca se, tinile, littlottar." Aru y or Cee tIs v.ylu ordr 1> estel amoies" bave gavein ber motr YCOsturâef, anal tbe yeor ovre standard Gazette ectulus caices ritments by Mis Eaacellerc Davidl J. SauthsEaq.a thCei Macadsmwdsae ud, ge u9. ofe t.et Frantlenae i sed. Gao. Baker, Eir. tellss ing spiatotsifc eromd Froutesse. sain Colonel- Gregor, %' Etlerwsk, Iraîir alli ........... flercismer, t. e% ul lsrtmana, v6MaGNa.uile rsi . .................... r, V. H«beeise, paim. M. , g1n. 1 IBill esait. fr1 t b'- .r 91 lth ae *Mrsof'm 4b W MDW.< I* UayaigÏalui ,mk~~l .peeviauly aise its satant gmdtmlu 061l otles?tri i eiU1grlies>, 10 OURsI UBRZ AJ>ANTS. 0.a gremtmmber ef accents duseItis «M c et palal te aur collectaos bis7ngla b aiabave Uv raclmtese b, to lb.ersaP - ttv ageatr,wbo Vili grealyealgu usb>' ,.Wal.mluCail LIa., pudssitu s, »busadin ig it on liito asa And ve eaînes*y eg eue -b-ý ân, ovb n utst.are oser aiue, te po>' lb. ,goum omîtpousible. Justic e t acmssvei 0'oeulo~lor re#tbfr. Tboqiisthceamm 08 OWI&-puat. Y,.jt c0 te sa r sphteru ira alle p aoitamïpI pyasu L us»IIÂ's Rtmorr -So macb illeslured snicm bu ba ual .péée t pon qaibis impertanl Idiemee5s, &cdse0a*ssy >h.' Wb tsaimi til i, liaI if il li, mai ,tbrecs imtoo"uialaoie tIh. naet t ofisapotis, il vosld.I lris ce bave ,et the (fat aat bac mrasdybefal in the genler P. enor thfeCicmale v.letifreie14saaastrcturte ,is wbaich tise brih Mry pint., fi tlb.Mlalt tw 0umtiu, bave becstee mite. TIseIJIaisLortisi p'a Ripet, in tisa& part %vNtcia relatesI#~ Upper Cana- da itaU rtue550etrrers, ii tcet deaded by aie mst ;rikt adsmretr; -4riaking alvitageoisotie of tesw, bis i tuaive aalignerot vrthing un- d, the painfai reehn."cenitique 4uponl lie es-.t posure of corruption ad I75AUY!t#ef, as vanyt as wickedlyr, edevOuroet te mv&5dm mai di- gary thewarle; but in thila l., l4v beeu Most auaulaly nfotuaatr su tkeartat1te arenier- cd the.amre conspittaOts, i't Mliclcu, froua the £#et of tisir bavraag attepteaI ta grapple, ith halits ort fI, Ibm trata of which bba mnully jelateîd, by more totbsat rt vr !cela. rita igoseromtt Amog eaiglisemt preaurlemto l ete, ore, lthe la;letters et l aiçelalibiarlma, of NovaSectia, aidthei Report etfttheUM C. Aisetat!>', alita laut neasua. formeae il a lmboasred courat, sud tne- ttns aloi mach fro th Li tvosralel.impresaiev sare lent lu oulerlain cf tise authen t Mf S ik -the lataer la sud, snd mo doubt trly, ta Le the production ei C. A. 11âgerman, lier Majesay's At-. tom"sy IliiersI. We do nul notice tisese, for tise rurpose of rrviesvrng oir craitimang lteau ; for tis lias alrrsdy taira donc te ou.- bana, paricalirly the latter, and a tl 5y1and alculaaer te bicb tue catee oprectaion ; but ta restar al "an d deiberte opinion oieft ancrtai he great quis- fign Dow pot aniiinhai issus.à Ta Lard Durham, viatitearma b. bis otiser fulia, r> a STITZSMAN, bis bileres at manswtilA st dey ; anda veua alloaiiig imin cly a second rte capacity, lb. stands s asre i nscha mca as Ciariarplir A. Hageraiu astem latter dorsawltve the tuat humble sulrJc, np dî%frgieUire. seaUî; yt Ibis la the man Who, as tise scianevi edgmil ledr cf a elique that standls oppirseate ait thèt às jut ia priuiciple, liberal lui sentiment anad pulûick in etorn, pressenea rasiguhi.iopl- sbip'a Report at tise bar t publiceçasien, anal te paisenrtenice et coudemion we - tut he l.ftry bat tcilawhicbha prasuces ail, la latraled and btler arsa fik réùttiadegiadet mIl id pegiltica. The Aaemblyes Reom, is l aigdyi Ire podaicion s iof Mcas euathaaia wnnlla a eoîemt's serions cuisideralqieIt *ly acqurea cuasequncefrom tise icupeiase of ata haig beau penîlel ai lb. public expeaus, vile la was notbiq more titan lhe a lwç ft rete canitîe, mand dislibuttd tbnougb tise ounlr>,ty ortan th16f l"ranking Ilprviiege;i bultallr. tiards, an an eral hou, liehe Whq w tua otped as lb.he gýal ane fSprins et anu amiosi smrea Haute, the lait day of il& sessien. We caisiol b.. tope athat the oignitor oethIis et report"v'alàs$ ialilet, as lever ta bave ianaiaaied, fo in. mn, abt Ibii pdraleffort voul lever b.ieitait lite grîat toui cf the people, vatis ai' astAaenemolleas thar -ttl oinceetcaate.aapn for ilas ators, tuba c tbisandselmaaiy eabrr ane>qaaàasasare tira- làrg ap wb licl vifi on, dry, smi tbal, =e alasc ooter tlise bey arm axare et, le "Inrl,,o0t1,poua tbeir de voted baai a s enbli ,et. oi palatialengesace, b>' anuistlgsaut and otrageit people. This report vms iiteiided for effect, lewbra. Ila va t nrieal hrouga tise piinota1slct, andl drtpaicised tas aFIma belte thei lIrai. bail ire t laaI agitl-aid vi a 'alamas lalarbcod tlscked te l,tht kil bi Pdpis the Aaarnbly uraamauus! Bat te liseiâlijaGoerenintrit, ie bave no doubI ase Dow fahty swakm e tIitaiats systanoi ast«icis las latin tisesole cause oti-tise n and t rracry' liaIlias betalen titis canlappy province-, bal vs trubt that te I:ay lasdavnlmg, an vbich flal sud reaibîjys juatice tulî lib.meteal outs. Is e gritîY Qosureraeît eroantry's degiadatisa. The rerpileasalan bave ioraîc i themiolvreslate office, ad bel n glaîteal witl tise lits biondofotîhe eoleisy, Clay a8ia Lae rvenna ripera Lord flîrbawi'.as- prt, otîi1he smrc., of tissir poismubeeoues ex. hauatei: il carnes ils omvi anlirlee. Tisey ariy gtae apana il withth ie eyea cof a fury, and gz"b illa tie flargàaie a deioa-shaketheir saab, a iescitilile TRUT.II, is ils chiciansd ai mi Peri. Tisefini bas gene torts, asI Uppen Can. aaIslI Ie save. l Tia eemjas are anmatked, andlabi dheed 4 aaeta tise iglil et Hesieta h cri tts Pat, anal the- deteat.tien etf Iai check b>' tbe <ecaioaisaim ia. et e«'l are5 m5an5y vsiWb ufcmeeu!ogug h, a aauuioapae into e iu4- &M ol»wn$abot e pipti d, orM i 1$. 'Mg ~ 1, slic, cscwdliito elista 'y.teb.besim; riueq theas asactel ne, attacias, sat*r « h e lie pofI. the abWtabave se 11111. coualdence NdliesNsathlie Goveramewut Ibal l Ias taotau an emyarcy tg aew4acka a4" à -a i Cp* beh#Wver, thm "u ofu lim, are gel up sud qeed fu liain tives, Job& la1',mou.>'ilaver, tesqat very gesrrouu a aielwayaàiubug Pl newaPapc, 09conn, aLe.i i hir va POP tretciare thl ir ite, la giva tien Ia t'n' -asath ia e r isU get pid iwr= .Il in, tbàar, kit1 exat tinb ~~u «»U the daaaaignaara bamsmg iruae W. qbm Me ,ve,,bqh b ecca tend to batI diituriamc«. about the.$aiis$ -ai tbigbfa>'pe onf ou gazl..b yres cJieE mon P"ilprie. xitepaas.dt dec maal plovocalia ai uat, lui sakrtaiew bol, on lire. ' Tbîsaarus epmosa i .good ut anIi e te a, owapers, and tome good Pa.'(r lttle service. Ii.7 are lu the publie authorits'. fur tley asappoeet anay b tarest alnguir ud thuswhose dut, intoruisd of il, if it exios, aaul prepared Off, are areglecîful rat tleir iAay, sleepn1 pois, and requarrmg Ibme wacbtuaaes oft i papers te mvii.u thaenop. lfbey are anj thea character raf lbecounatry, Md pati lh isell islabitaitWhobabava proveal th *ver ready,aet the --Uoflawful aubthy, tbeir peareltal aid ladotuatioapuils ta tir dutyt'a tie Goveramebt -et ccotai tamilies and tbamsatvm,6%se at ilatm fo dition lua toie other scriliceati"s.w accaaioascd by uamsucarg alara, istri cedence anal asul aarrle-j 8EiW orf vug MOUlISaL MAimmT WEEK UDUNi F1R0IDY £VEIIG 21.1 lJrn Asira-Hate mdvanced 6d1. per. cyt.. lest: lu counce Ot the uowilllngiaeu «rS teU llait9 weekle prie., lii tr, hivoeinS.ee eabut few. potta are nol at 25s9 U1.te 2k, ad Pear!sai Xii. per. Cvi. in o-s avery good ulemga ithl rates, as aumerous parchasers ame comini froa. heunIr,. Ssia sies et F, Wen made aet933-.fer. barrel,Cah, ai Cameutn a et theasaine priait: a quai boe sbipped, for vbialb 33à. vinsapi and en liane. Tbere lsa. brisi descend Middlinga, sud saes bave eau en J.o 6d. cash, sud 33à 9d. ceuh and on lime. enoame. descriptions are !a rceBt, snd que!a ollova t-Course ifddllaga, =3a Ol,ad, hards, 279.4a SWs barraI. PaoviaoSs-Are Doetrmnch iu demcama exception et Poti, tubicis im eter, owiq miant ilavisg pbasehd lsrpýýy tlii'w bure sud et Qasls,- et W4iki latter pil 2»0 barrts Haimdrgis Prime Men oil la Deui vo bave so transactionsate nmets bus beau solfiai la the uaarkct ai 81d.t sai, and 9d. ta bod. foi freali. Tb*fias crai bualie ja O rmu Scîamn, analDai GoOrs coantiu us ooC Montresil Baak s d Londen ai 10 per. cent. preu.um, aMd YOr ai j pr. août. preemi. The. W NU4 of dt iscmetnt au ç ape[ AN tu15 pe. anatme n 'f iklnc t bas ver, isolit,,ain lasaveremalns prie« bhava ie uoe, tlb rer, ieun et mllng n SockLou. aries.Lean ing iaslitutioaa a in heSia"cabave beceai havis; lntmeot. man s>'B.sk Bubbie bave laivea e m puopi. inPuin. .The nota.et f Bik of Upper Cama à di&ct nt bon ofrom,14 te,2 1.%parae large asouiet fIbené çaeitb e pi zd a tbat rate. pu CE cIwNT .........TO8N arley 10l"do . .... . 304. ,F drpe, ...........2 36 £ys d& peo .t......... 40 a 'ytat, idoe . ...........s3 neefper I0la...... .3 6 « Pork, d. d............. 40 0O BStter, per lb..... .... 0 7a Mettoas, de .............. 05 Verni, do .............. 0- 4 Ram, de..ý........._.. 0 CAR&$e,asestul1%...........O010 F o . i s , e c u p . . . . . . . . .I Hay,pe te,..........45 0O Weed, pet ced......9 O i Poni, méess, pet WL........ M 0O de. pnr mes..........10 0a on SU&V *Ut.84 mot I setgô para et aimesimur2çl.so'Y tuaI b os mat e b me lii.- 'ei patlle. 1e Ikelt msbea ,sei o- lasspo, la ,dgrau mitiel, te t s tedli. ta ler iat the put s aateaever, Fte uit tBoa, their M; lnadob elac yarel gem tiselof 1 euryt ,e,, 839r atuan a ', Fraidibare -uhe bi Gaz.]i ,aeta32& am m kWA an ibEW atoag o uil_ 1.. '- esr saaqaacuerapsiea. h 1fl<vÈl~'1H.HAINES& eCe. m arecilngtheïr URSfeeiy dsprevuI jbc re.lead et, id*, II,tbtm Mdreguesla Eesealythse O1cuIt .N.,, Stock oe t Saalanad Foi DarY Fu the Par Stoe.madManeuta torye ini lb brick 31, d bà çoapel int hamlrvsili iith le 8b 900DM l tove hicb tey bug biinvite thleiià#bm uidag,Qi."rStre,sud prrlrndtmmed 3d. fer. @Beèsýbe, il gaihtinbig h. téir rieaai. ad lb. publ ea ~ic ehhr damgc u Imlt .>-44 s rtajsà din le lb. O>Coole «Misbmwhic te by inteillet codactmtuu.r ltheésam tImilre qu steIat.Cpotaisl1 on baud d wth bo friands, as bisgaascca.e 1.vls mfleao ies ai sm, a ver, mmiiell. md, somi epreanad tmafmactelio = 1rniIotb CAP-lS, Fer smi <t my trol , aeemmmsda ht igentlsmsa batgtl7aj4 a~eeat yi lR.miais; vioilabs md-San evrAT,81q4 te O Ctii cesaaaasd.!bisiaeugdit' ti~ilet asibigaid v a am~aileruogiakaiowlagv etfaà.mortel yboleale and rotait. lierchaia and ltia ,sus Usta compétent tle .tasL.at maaa tier&U tleyhiopai leb. iete Cospai. sae*bu seipptidvt bolias ue *tiAa jlet ffli. Jluie12, . edisr*very Article upen tarme;s quaI chasp si "&a(l. le pttema,ofi agireasonaa wmevaUmm e . ~m .~ ctul an>' Bosnlathse Provioce. bhaO'm e inbo tiaa lr.a 'irs, uJas$eubolapg tee. frb.L lMMIbaialta=%sifIos aL ~, Sreet, lune 7tb4 1839. beeik eI -e, naeinlathiasabe, slicae.. ~ __ Mr.esle te hue bp lsr "t- iS l in the Cityi ofplo g ïtha, iA aYL lte r q«eMi.bil b. ehopnimr 1,1rou rIèpehcibeifrvimKigsate. iltee ilO; . ase nt PeO'D ~ t e?aliaelb ma iqéhares tfret tleving asÎWé. opoilHal. aix COMLMEEGIAL 1 r ew maâm t'imptaeniq1ieq.eh I JOeIN erati luné ma- MI a ie.l<,me%* W"a0 Pm Th liaobai jea e, P8t- ssi, the~ hp lb sQ Zu b.,udh aa «, btI1 ScMnamzDrsbrc, omo oi o. ¶in SUSCLBE el.up ~6¶ Qer'u ycifl on#r SN -feabmmeet a tiatbabsr-oest!I asrr vas Kako5mri8 8 aitsuda D.tuel our, aimaiteeta.~4 b.ais stle. iselieasbasbea tis.= *Myu reotf . HANESte C. ltenE esot; tbis Aà &W Sair-n lit joar, mdab.gata., tassi in futurei e oRC O ShrUffMidaid <1. Eaeca Sas dBe rt bes hé iiblue *.04 .a u*0aduW sid vich Te O brh' iesKiaa7 ia.tso isa ngstoev etravalro specto"p etw 7 e O O~ I is b aebqai., illitast het saalsetloae"ltbmu atid'T~ OLNtHIEbvseskçis clnai4t0 Geea - ISuw it ndmn, ndieie vholbgur nu Moediim'la ",spi. 'r moaeet ffMO34Y dliqqAPIs Oftas Ditrc Cor 6 NOIce. cadrb a W o -Te;Hob u blnes. ,IlueïairS rI tbIoS N h Je COI 4e"r5s slra the 6 CIprosar eeytrilila or laidetiiihaid et the fineattaa, my Md 4m" »W bsNe YebMaretýàu e ai o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ns 4e O I.esiçm vtRSAN O 1 gn evns r naei;ad-~KANaeM> 17i,189., ewk u IReI stables ha lcillera my résid a, gio i vineb. gler loscaisere ath e bic 1 1 weaa t35 oai'uile cueo rvetamdIv tpy bia>ll «fige. jrpatroage. amIlaMslat é«"ao *if loet.h id*api o 4 8 i, clii e be cortrctia s.te ddla*m RssbllidiTbis Roaspastel.a mOS bis et H MDO gig oa uivi lb » o iti onvuts ed pula isc W udrgittn la i r od a 0 6 WILiAMI" MdWA GOM exilastatinisme l. alai.bu eImm kiel o ie ~ pI(I IlueaL aea b d'W 0 Sheula se@ cvnhleoa71-1m*mm* batu b.UcelA torotpectifiki a 0 & dlgse, Juu e 0, 118v p erlion atif afctitee MW asat 6" is ,, ise «aura lit 9 a véWssi hoe a o tDHvl business. *d & À -ý ma 6m >ea 8 lOf-rece 4Il À t ?U. Sors. ENH OCE. , Ccles vý i . a tladssee 36M egg~ in tcryiOoair sO~~I O mâ a am. oetnuam. 4 0 flL CK t enq h Boitb, ANNAMauper Si met nti s m -pa e d -e s d liSbei l a £lait Kno, baelsarl"Isepis r se 0 0 E ,m b a s t ellui h a ndeus i " i'ock *1 rptsirencoreertiema e gave 15eWhpau *o 413o ydbbo e 4nrcig ishmv y j u shasliaittiin ishe nnomtavesbina vu o KiamIrouIt Pb%"t * K0 8 ebs ofHrs£aUniedneit1the9adeuL Ou*W Jt oN bin.rym. buieuss. Âsaaaa~ FRENC BOMBS carages i h l 49&Mte mbenua. Osnsîvlthwamo ORLANSeftSE. dams e1s~as IetaW lion la, Who May feronasthous e pu - Ï,COOiS. bWeby aSliau. Ima cfrboisteu. a e e4j., m39 pa4N A"s Elbi taiMdaX1 lý .IAfD-a IN CANT - oN C1 rt m o iA . la 1 W lge ILs otsr àNisa0 lltmrmvms.t1 -_e. e. iia ver> ri da4p »CSamysadHn's peuia u ecuaa 4< ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 14 p maoS ae,18.2'acet anim o11& the S4~ olt'ho -d Sillhahu.18&é' pu do <1* êf t il t. ru b, liivâ te mt rm&m4 tg& rms dd EUGUM hW obii mc , i. 1ff de s flsWE Y PA -is.mm - l mwts h; 4mm 0,9k3 bu pu crise I'4S46~~ #,yde.ie all ar,., fa dd cfil tuo t iii %6"b àLZN DESE. . kmor*'« A 94 b.ba mesm el i he ussu l swralelae laid.; lytaeis prohat uI t:r viih oili venUù, l.ita chu%Î ais«, r ankiliaalI. ON~~~~~ ~ ~~ b.epra op>'lstlo; slrade mývao de. angla muaido"IaasrefijSad, Coffre, tulale atand gu.d, ILIQJOJIS, &c. Cealnar Brandy, ~ioiads, <itajaaei L. I.Rem, DU»TBtJUOUWYI.UI&~ caU8remvnd b "dàs Si e isbv i h Sbcbie C.CnrcriiWst VS Wseab« 1841Ldu D ii. bi5a o >U. DiB the t aiea, c m eriâ haf S T A L E S T I W B O N N S la vt4fo u t d20 0 G a a m U p e c C a a d W h s k y 0"~ Street, 10 aarBandFtous, îî&n D USH S., I 300 d (4104-mSlt a~~~~~,iia ~~~~ ~ C u t ' e , r s u i a a l u ' i s T. 'r v kay au ti Y ou q I y n ieer.ln qealiths, itar *. 6 atm. Patent aliSuiet ied wiâ S.* J. cTwedRa ope, 2, 21% t 3in t-dà v Il N J25 Jri. C 1NS 60 > CbaNdsIPint, mperlorqualiaj, aiSas Rîats,.,9,0Jne0033. ý ae c. a euse bETALLIC ['ENS. l a.biarcit* , , JOSEPH GILLoT's beatart.,bre Li! 1 ej apr it ras. serfa-i b i 1 lmoeinosMd eéasselborts, 0 N. PJ. ory)lcbybusi. Clore; atai, 1mafdim'.groaii, Kisston, 21s1 Jan. 183. j 3Aim e a bOI. ilehvle __i__ __ ___ __ __ __fev Dly G2a d ww aint s, ~1 mlt loetULh îSpirits, M Wi inw adt!bâtie, UaiamShterry. FPINE SCOTCH WHISKY, Raià s nvia ule, bd.4 aud quarter borna, Lme- don, Speui, Wax wick, aid Comas. Can- à uspply et Lith Ale, W Imdoà,asw -leig ise of Newcastle and NorSi sWebfaï Crotun <Visa..Glass718-7xý-Sx. suad a cuesiieribe qualily 0f Table Cod Fiai,, antI No. 1 Herriiigs in a"rd. and Barrli, Wbitcwasb, soe., lotli, coer, fluer sud vwi"i fBrusae, Oranges, L4nqan.,ad Lemen Syrep, 'fumblers aitiWisme gieses, Alunouda, Noga, Frenchi Catrrant$, Banley, ice, Fig Blue, C;ilaasma, Nrmeg, CloveaGila. ger, Aiaiuto, Pupper, Luon t Ircl, Tdbaco, zislaCb"se, Wssipbslia Hasa% tlteel's Livro mmi Wtndma% op Papes, Table SalI, Fluais Havanais mani Princiepa igies, Mustani lan quarter, haif, sud 1 lb. bottins, Pickles asrted, aivy'a andl eller Ssuees, Somalitx Povalea. Table, Castor, and Lsmp Oila, Pais and ti Liud lsctng, SiIPeus, Maccarmel, aUnglms, r ath Brick, IWhiling, Saripette, ar. tee. Tu. m#u.of IRISH LL'EN offupea 'fhe qulil aui picofhet b.aboie illicleîiahe uluriber launeshauaelt vill sert ah. appeabajoni et bàis andmtise public. SIAMUEL M'GOWAN. Ki~losBeecbstrct, tuBE SUBSCRIIIER Lsving determhsdte -X &eallY Coetract bhW creit beianeoo, respect- fuilv requrals thm e jadebted to bilu tuet a me mate Mome seIllement of tiair accooatetif b« y poymcat, by gi raa~ibe r use" dénbdat as '"Y b. aored - o o llerwWu.-Hase er 'W - mace ause Iat is busiemu voil n fumues b5cuI 'ried m "sdr(lte#rmof j. OwALT & C& JOHIN MWAT. rtutmpice, 11Jan#, 18a9 Bbnebeg àm 9ev, M. à-ir ssai MPO.tyoet Spâ îàIAII wiJmimER OODS, oricli lb7y wl l ni& WU,. & .JO,& wiLsôO. N..A gowd asotient of CROVKERY> by. &bd. cr1 nretaiL Kinston, lune lmr, 1839. NOTICE. p ERSONS baving laiw. againal the Koia A.milI Naptanas Mscadaaeizad rmai art roquest- ed ta louorard tbielatu te ior YEOMAIeta Wtei leu, on or before tbe 24t1s ef lunp insal, iait. tbsy May' 6e laid beture <h. Boarr .tTrasteesfor Bv Oaider oft1he huaid. iegaton, th Jus., 1Mg9 NEW I ND JD. BRYCE & CO., beg respeecttuU le a- fot h iriendus ad lMeasPublic S.nr- allYs ith&lb.7 bave juta retwived ythls e en SPrbariuvais from Great 9.itais direct, their suPPIY et SPRING Axe SUMMER GOODS, cmsiaLng of t BLcland Coléred Use de Naples, Satina, ibbonaSuerBonnets,,parue]$, PrWna Mulini W Mouesslne de Lainie Dresse, Kid aiJ 811h Glorfes, 51k R,lit Soelm, Black a r BAt., BrasaICIotOIIWCaaimc, KeracysBock. Wuie, Whit, Brown aid Colea reDill%, Grey sud Whitas Cottons, Calice.,, Shirig&%d .4k., StaipeNs, rll Liiwq, and a large asortmeat ed ailier litoda suitable fer the Season, ivhich tuill bu SONd Itheir ua>!loy pricca for Cash. à L 30, À large ammortmiest of Blracb.d aid Broya Dun- de. Cityalnmbers. Kiagaton, 4th Jus., 1839 UOII CALDEI. à aigsto4 , G une.mi. 5138W EECBIvaD. A4 FOR SA4% yZthe atlmtaciber, at vmr 3 Elegant 8pauiGalisreVUthmecbdaii uKim ad ismu doetaaip. 1 voly umpsn<a Visby ssPeuin n #tea 6 reat CiaheleTM4 camdes, 2 dez. Amydalase Sosap, à " Medaii.sde, .ia Lockcis,, * ivery superior leathes covereil TekKacope doy or night, 1 very suaerwur 2 fout pealable Itcfrsope, day or ogt 1 mey arapeasot 18 inchs. portable Telescope, day or niglîl, 1 very auperior 12 inch. portable Teleacepe, day or aiglt 8 verlsupcrior saadlelescopes, day aor 2 very aupertor portable Pa'dioeent Baron>.- le, in Freacli polish &Mabo,;any tfîmes, warranted, 6 l'on cau. Biewaaag Theramtcs, 3 Paciet 'flarnuometers la Morocc ases", 12 Dexwo.d ade. 1 14 sc 10beat Br u" plate lookiang.!ams in French pausa ramas, 1 12m 9 best Bitish plste Iodaing glass lin Frenchi polislé trames, 5 doz. 6 xi4 bet British plate draeng glass. ea in Maabegany Framcu, A ltotfetvery superior Dacýsînaon.T;tbleo, ali a 1very stpermor Laie ad Gentice *~ ~ ~ Cn mc' rai~Csmild*wi,, u Nf'aà au8 Desks, 3 pairs veiy surior jean Lemie amd silver mounted RIazor, 8 Cases very superlir1aiorà watb pendi han. dmlassai!4> Pen blailea. ,- tainrrc Aise, a larme aaaotmeaat of Raiersfau nýi qumalma>', a few carda of peu boives, and suumber of smord stlchi and Jarts. ' G % fI xingatoo, idà tMay', 183. maeI tf Of CUUNE WAReet tabovi awalmedic, ,ac.b. lakteuM04tlas kiep eau,- sIaotly ton bmwnst<aaed ssu" adr, FuRNITUTR< Of evury deacrgiein; sud tic truiseby isfct mlln- taeu nasWlpuiacLt<LJty lw Ob" aaaa bmrsOftpublic TI$OS. 0. BUJTLER. *T.O0.IB. KinigstonIs, Athte >, 183. TUlE S'TEA.8<BO1' .9LE10.1', lb. emanill auratise BAY ofQUIN'E f1cr Wfi ]ne steni esM",lows ud lkiday Offlise A elock, n ieM Rivoi Teniuis taucus e t the iitteuaedWtcA'eie DOWNWABLLV>.LriroiyD. usay Wliemu BALLJLVLI.0lE ratd, ragiply smi litthe q nmeiain,e t op'ck, tonugsoiigm bïaa ai the imitrrm!".4me orsar'.«.Àatl kirat b tta 1aeiiLur .t;"b r-I di - a1.19. fliIÇflVs[Q, J**J, Quv. N. I. Psemos eatvig " e Dy ot iQuinte for Moat'el bY tbe Ajtlai,ola the sbove mentioli- toasal deys, wall arribe et Liiuî(atouto a mect li MOIt au444W steauu r liaoekeille, tutiela rain; to the llesad tL uic .g 5iètit. é , n icizlU .!L pA1UL, MI. D. *V0TtCE lahereby giv hea îin la coseiueuce .Li o i ait a dIin, pa...ed thse Legisl.atêae tia preveait ahe chaitereà Batàka of ibis ms'iatce de.- claiasg or divadisig diviIernda driig thsfrsaspmî.ý, sic. liIs Bank as ilerb pireveaite ayrîing tis diidend oi tour percent. tothe SWokboie,, de-. clared 081 tie 29thua iln0, wîll t g rraurpt.om of spcpyaient. e k. Place. Dvbralir -QIttm Board, K L-_uM.il1). _ _ _ Gaves StriaI. X_ Y &&h~d lUJIW..R K 0, IWÎESPK(LTFUi4LY istrartias tiI.jt baat bc batmlyo aud anta 'Assale$ a roea eortuaeatetarlitlin h e b cPaijsk A LAIRGE see.dujSWSR- a .BOUSX andl GýR .érfAkY ehja s aceltea jwtriûui Iisin-ebtvin ae ccliati hiar S -e t , te te ,mt a be «M a . hw» aim q r) g sr PV. e.JFietaîétg as nvbyà,trevna FLWIR ~%tlEN ~ CE mrcotlis te e er.AIrtl als t e via! b. mcd.. t*11e vie nlm e ta el *gl. Cula PLogues R iits by et i -tepi- if» aaÉ*0! $Il rw or-at Kla5tdéett,hi 14 M tch, 1888. * Jlu -eAnpIeym t vil a bu glve te. la a ia KAagcua M pI, 183. é a - tt etomsk' jb,*£ , #màý là-w