Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 23 Jul 1839, p. 1

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in C'a ~î * * ~eri'~d h,, - * . . *, -*~A~-*.' ~ xm luI èh05 q:~ iate a Om t31UstI e.N . s hlàS~imI. IM à as" iiallseobi. aiea. a tsyAt. Ilsps att met lId ié.A.. mmoo I.. ma 28t.i.UIl ie Is seusi i Plyu dit 1*87os àmcu dtsu e o UwB1fé1é ,. . « . WY 1 bar bim .On LooeN dbom 4vi5bOi ibmi hovu c àceeu'g. KmsbI Li b.ee et um .rot Pffb a o h.id w'. tv*y l V.- ilobv bte i s.bosommîa se,' m IâDin etdlil! l ~ m s mim u 14 et h~ ntiè~a*.qe it nae la opas 4m P- "Ney, 1 ham l~Obqb104, ooelarnt =ï, et p %, erh.l 1 1 t - *~ lebaUIoê la"."7 Yr41, -11at." 1 1dai. e mts. Jytdoie chgecl aacai mb Wl1N:tu Mes iflulsCUe i wl leia# it à* gOD.; .WC*dosea*I.IO t i tb., hj ai biw a u'p.r j.w tIO**SbaS---"; h meliisfhulimauaiecAhcutssg amie an &eià ah Ptcta. W Mairer t 9r se s WeY. Gn UIu- *~h is hs amlioseN," epliOel thtei .b.Iiuhm Lse dri shelitrcame maeiaeus.m 1eru héit d Se 1us; 10S~0 a#ijbidlia th* JO fl, ataimas.seu s. of a<smet, MO .ad.amUiuib ls by ai tgtiaer moi ile kwmybw*uà%riw iiewi4l te e trveil auie Sels *9g enta bwdbath wlOli mdU dWfewC* t l e. ut, <S' <* $4« abs us ~tha~ucé, d.appud hall tokh. bft waeasllae ll eh, stilt raId.g Ibo bpbaud. "Tellme novï, WPe d ' eha IiobefW "IOsaut ii. wfàttase Feat at, Pe4 Nasems * âWm .i*uwbytb. oweigt"oit tShOFllaNh au Ulie And Amine moChrd vurdm 4 Mvie mI1 eeae ue90# m telIIbwtMdfr, aid s ue e. Cbjl* th l.1 'r ta( of the piper vIll lb.eiu g teb "PhIqi uddsohuf< in user à "Tell m ebat tlacu set, Pedé-**§1 waOh"' o il 4a ,.,7 memem ..a s1Airt njiew. tag.elletit ale'y- ime hu S «i "l1PtayanIyins di&ia àc hib i ýUa; tst. ~i o'a<.dml 'IDe nw uarmoe,c ilabisau s Zt m'tlîdirecily. Telime v Cit si eês iaad*8111 iho Ihorîwua*0 thnansje drew iit lettredarulalot "ie aa sor ega-be bua ville trum - _Te i dt lutotks about hin-he taou ostiàeutio le a .u ofe.0& s tw*uet bis brait and kiwiiL " . w me iMWioles. .c "'iatae! lit a beland ho harrie ne, 1îbaosldu , ta4a ha ha a tlink te. Lulac ubi . ...... V- theed; indads1 iam.") bda.Imjshl ta dfbu esu Ww lt 'lFtr.,anh." prsl Il# eu smdhlaiS*du'aexig "cOh yeF, 1 aM-I cano," repip li.d dW lt ofImu u f *is#nq in, ont a ii bes; dipuy let me go." te. a i P'edro bilttedit bissean ud apit te. 5m, et~ 4ýu char, s rn ii beo ndsmmMine cosld lest usn do i it 1uMS *uw bum reprt bu pomI"e Cth*ho WMa4d .t., endhoeuuuiS mt.lb1 aItonlI.I appeer to bacstis<oisrmlfrss ero'l 4 , ciae.oaotiluagM and b wilinq hteoesme,tle. ceiceu it*. <a 1hon1hbaSf itis MY Phiip livet.-"ehir d"a mki hrtIhda atltat IstUâom 111 * jýst -ILu »àsse dau i » Amne did uam da, Pedoe ta ha her.h. e bhu~~~~~~~ rnIt itmu ay Ie<A ipat ne tell big molet, oP ajr .mmeYdm. .. i hala presecti. 4fj Oit, afterrnmhei i? mâcher "Ag- I,184 epbm t " i -U7 Podru conme iad muid istAom±îine he0 iey o !itM etat 5101w sot hâter t he ayover again r 100umi*1Se«F glil aofltae boy',rqnast, and mehCome.:P.IM'sastmtI~*l hita5prepard. Agià,.Wesber chuahi hlleWilb u Tbualdte wiUt tesmoke sE Ibm frakierssq ml 550 . .*J...anI# shtbbo',badaiml once sauenhÈWi <*" edel ho ~ Pliiip Vujerdece., appose110,ch e. hefe epeopb ade tit appomu. L.mi u isj~ mmter ,"I uread a stela it cm ïrbis broumail 1À 1 lut uhîaiu, ccassard asrcsomoIpets an#je 1111111 of ~ [t IL #.fl~Wf~mlM ê Npbeer.) tlit .1u ul'...... ..... 48bm PWeq Y km a m àmy oéw . :oh wàm a two 2" e Ia ka I liante'y potriuI y. -- st.etm supi e*witahdb rvebadOla ob ehd altb ï, « hm Muud ,lb ,M* Ofs iS Ofb "0 âw4ïI4( &W m :W,- a , Ttz1 aitotid ,w a le iodthusu abum. a Ioe .M., e -hoif -i te U i ~W?$hV jqý-*WWaeheb ,b ut.l .epi.. *W~u dýe-l b t ISiCeS -MrIçopakbka I mdus ~ l,~u* lt oie 5, tt9te, .h~.thtpeau. h- s ri* C biles os .3aictWs ,b ~~ua~i .,n kil sllm e the -a bxî sSIIItoa ýbut «4iomw% *à #-à =as l be.1.qi..ha. ;is d mm4J0aIeO tn'k1. kiy ea pui oitie gmllty asiau et moo er tney1 tei efl rm teirp i l.,uis Oanstued al h. e pise at eop lad soi bslmviff mmci Mu .poeibwwa. len s m lmuhpte d oelzal ehbi . bve.aammd t Ruit o*,ie Uprtine y rhii- i.. r ~ ~ d se-in .sÙ Luamom d yibogsthelwfyu ati ha im qbav? sgie ifPame ai tamssdi"q 'vhoysI la , .d of mi Waa6mud ol etc IbomMoi of hiét - no MoiACepIIUI . MI Ilai iS lsiu cdietI7 Wa MiM ý1 1w "WltU* S essai viol. -We oisats.4 il bu bm~& e~ia5ted heucU5trM5,*~ N. ~ t~e labo <ho ,.uuval otCai~mot 1.4 tii. msai~ *0 ltsbpimqphai* ts~I 1'ÇaUo stsa5.lwamos~w4 abusa.. ~c o lv h.1 ~auul ia.h~ bam~a Ih.t1Çsdih7<muq atesftm he.4t.pod m Vitte àI C-w oeudaa bu"il-m- w tisa a&Im~oomon .boi.doi4pshkhçmss <%lveshe S.»!t4 e. f' 7 f. à't b1mai «M et I dd J m ta, pfthe quKtd d0oe I d ama-$4ibwt t 1< Duahas : H-,;e zla a Wfl bWtill skf epti .0 eyNhes Wtoe <'aia puct mete '. pput é" tUS" the lu kt masulm"'aor r ohte be m t damh. table p.t pth.de ue bPrns el*;*sritpunppm"la Eag coaos4 'm« atba Um*oftbemb .,i md id prjeud.le ebalie. amels Lie Wuratala a r m dm M4 @eWPu f airt1 " imateilin h.tpoY'. ,Laudr3buin owmo vill ods.va « trm dthe smet thiSf âee'CahÎwsÏ4urhh C.etoaiti amdeI-ru 84se etvise t b. pr4M IW 88 te Itable o lay t Ib my ahapas'ukbon amhmliesvdpe riul. hi f" u i . - .1àa be pr se is a -.OuoCh t basiw* . hAOipmtdl lm MW bd *w u .eduba. aimé. et h m." $a e if eo* fls 11.. *fiaij. daud.qet tbe ' .- l & 1 o dtpq l I biglC @04 VS W.OW4 Qu . te..odomte . ef.huahOlqIaa.md4at aChe itd lam 411 staom owItoub.dB,., ='a iip halnaedidmit8, lp*o, hiO4u#eCIOI roud t lue Ch1W ia e, DIT b.mmi dM ahu d, ad .m" Est wlath&-y oIW m mo Mi 1 u4.peuIa dm qw s c 11 mm wbp ir 1.,t e cha WNU-*,Ih~ 100W' Fy Flou- cipressait huiimton om lie le m ftaom*s ,ube csaow on W ea Y*64'eusgkv Ibo ciw bmdblu tbro rto~.Oama Coa~ml o rhu(em ~q wmd~40 Éhutipii q»au ot eiilsi ow t C. epeet- uts~~~ro scu tiS, f lorimsd l9 bu mode ~paot~lisliunmh t t to put? ihe Cemmiiomer uaomeb40 <i mn- himent 0the " ote ftu, ilt ihi suhy le I*aadi bku"., te Wu<aiir tbe c ofe tbeelbsa C' te aIeS 0 ob 7Wvous l pq. Cemolm@ima aaat pm~Moe lb.muijand aa s a afwooblo rs'te.itis M the suipo.d ilbe b*eidmi~ndU eane*0POSUUyUa Mm syosliei «salCinie à$ bapaie4ova#.,.oma -r mu st ae es asmet sai10yan -~ ~~~~~ - -si yI lmsI.me p# W bldamcci m1 thb ' uid;..- Ô* S"ui mmwI4 w ne t 7técMI 2 g M -,,tel"r ùe wm Ahu a a U « m a mie j.aali .0luo' 4a15. DihiaQuoi, te laqilme b. mufle I. s t a tICs taeri di dMtb c4udetL 1h.o My a m4«x lu ~i Sii oummobugo tuodi# e .V;14>y Md lc alumalt.e wuy lffl Mmhwb blydrlve clad, P4"tkex. ~$pu? Tiit.le meest dot W.ê ~ -»yuhe .d lm en i d gi.- "!U mn.nlfab asel <, Camsa , mc%# iî pa6*11 «"l ot $it,y ~mue~*shhb lleotq "f iit'W e' ,*aq.< thepi5%uhefiSw cu T teWi mw e u. * kao ehoage kseme trt ri 7 e quluap4ptTsf, m trosa de ut ti chqbri.r ffl lstkmooe emé m C.uese" umoaW iae i. . #iImbot be. oùiabi ipe icýsaaiazI.u. te. ic<m widfat re bitseumuuelk Bitr bu>~~~~~i ma ajoc.lrcum s mdlmaWtacuue rail~ ~~6t.é vnço aioIm ii.èno.~é m u.k the~ btt b.Md W thed bvlm vlibe #i*al .rtish thme s1oS. e Wt mes exo i Ioîtho 4i1« igiie mmiial ba» Rtkiaeil, re osb ,mrdwi, of à fi*tio ÇhC 6t.eodiwad; cootitmîoe.IP*#in.d he orstovm uw C ai vry herhtCh. poMd ie- sut iet by su>eil b Noriahîrs pm vouaafle Jop us lm$DItri ofte fmm:ds 1u~ opca rmli id *ovima bi laqslmslciij: b mtypr pad usi lNds earr E , P. P. Ait irenvllîe; mand vee d ah ismaith «W d- semis os0AI- Mmacue uala tibm honte, Ma w rlir.goa iOmBa peue s mmm, vs hauo ai 10011, Spty i.Vsoâ e. rue. end 1"« me b. atuic beoutai n te bly .l.jrcvloDammm W W uad.l, dm oss mh dla,scea yruxomotro(mmDrà àm6idlt« t, cea taimh l tbmriess..îtheVmilo, W"ceeoif *ata 4 amesul huilét, mged lityja son of Mm .Fia scii 5milami ai ub...fuguaif u. flsa.YoMthb.-[iuaShon Eapaemkj 1 Il. Il. HAMPY ANAUA ýWeie dm ,o dam dwamuti ttlh.uloe Bisas oU fet. ý!ueuatw 1 Jth iul d.Isod~oe JieEmaI Mmmý bWy 1Ia48 'tao£êlls u tuâ m , i çAikÀbâ" T

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