fe great offence by his "murdered king 'was, in a s:nee, freak of nature. He was the son of Grand Rapids, heard that and Natalie, so strangely mis- | soothed (he savage breast ahd per- | street, sisted in playing on the violin. and | were his mother, and a time in training un. | singi hish when he ought to be hile still a boy he | asleep. Now began his mad | course he'll % made progress The penny savings banks will soon way bill and the estimat Jb an insiitution of the day. The | tions and the census. Mr. Fisher ex- || lady: government will control their: funds | Pltined his plans for the St. Louis ex- hibition and spoke in an interesting manner of Canada's exhibit in Japan. . He spent a time in exile with = iy day when Servia » | passecl out of the hold of Turkey, £ it was an' evil day when Obvren assassinated its saviowr, Ki der, written in blood. Nor are ifs troubles. over. The authority that now prevails is not backed by the A of the kingdom, which is weak- ph, and the provincigl : Bat t must do something | be icle to whose purity it $ In any event it is ob- {to secure an art ifesignitig woah has been at the happy: sine his case abil We Cham- berlain's are regarded as paraliel . EF Berta ! s. ta Jift enyl 3 Bh AE Sag-- 3 The Witness ie after the loan fom: panies that make money out of lap sed. Stockholders. Ave sth losin gom- 'only offenders in this Je. who make the high balls. the his : bad the penny savings banks in the Sh | the children 10 be thrifty. ------ 1 OBSERVATIONS. Getting A Dolly Himself. Hamilton Herald. Dolly dialogues, Not Altogether Right. Montreal organ. Not Her Sphere. not cutting it, Working Up 'A Boom. ts in the northwest. inimigration next year? Card-Playing On The Sabbath. Totonte, News. toi play solitaire ? For A Clean Stake. New York P hia own house. -------- Three Years Given. pockets, "Bob" Youn, that he had run out of all chances. Bob had to face a charge of Rouse breaking, too. The jury after some deliberation, came back to say that they could not agree. "There is plenty of 'time between now and the morning," was the answer they got from his honor, and they wont k to return in a few minutos with a verdict of not guilty. Broma. This tonic is worth its weight in - Jeol for all diseases arisitie from the or nerves, for neuralgia; rheu: matic pains, pale colar, dyspepsia, oss of appetite, exhavstion, ete. 'Broma gives strength, vigor and health. Ev. eryone wha suffors requires a good tonic should take Proma. Wilshire's For June. Wilshire's Magazine for ut hoe a tempting array of good: t ings' pure- ny meh discussiéns, econ- omy and historical articles, exquisite poems, numerous illustrations, and philosophic and popular comment on current events. Thousand Islands 'and Rochester. Steamer North K leaves Swift's wharf, Sundays, at 1017 am., for Thousand Islands "{ leaves at 5 p.m. for Rochester, N.Y. -------- :} Jasmin complexion soap, 3 cakes 106 Mod's deur store wads The Orange grder has legislated that the manufacturer of liquor can- not be admitted to' membership. But itation. | the "manofacturbis" are few in' num- 3 he conti "| ber, unless the word refers to men | Twenty -- The wile of Judson BE. Rice, of music demands a divoree, Of and allow the interest that is paid on large deposits. Brantford has had lie schools and they have encouraged Anthony Hope is going to be mar- ried, and may soon have a surfeit of pil the alk 3 about the Jume bride. une bridegroom doesn't cut a A much ice as the man who plays the: thirty days, against defendant, Mrs. MeNeil for above amount and costs; and in favor of other defendants, said | Douglas' 'costs to be paid by plain- ange. In. Pennsylvania the only female barber has' landed in the poorhouse, Lovely woman's forte is pulling hair, «f opposite post office. The jury found the payment of money. in- prospec If [costa up to pay 3 nothing mars them, what will be the poor always noisy ? The -Mdthodist conference finds in the. law against "noisy" games on the Sab bath a discrimination in favor of the vich. Why not teach the impecunious man caf be almighty mean to his wife and vet wipe out score if he xill only remember, when they are dining in a swell restaprant, to say he can never eat roast beef except in Hamilton, June 12. -- For picking gz, the notorious, was sentenced by Uudge Snider to three years in Kingston peni- fentiary. Bob pleaded to be went to the Central prison, bermuse he Said he was afraid would be cou- laminated by mixing with the bad men at Kingston, but his Dis dd not mpve the j 2, eho 10! im jhe been oa three terms, and same job. ber of her friends on Wednesday after F(Dr.) Countryman, of Dakota. lungs Taesday Inst, and lies in a pre- carious state at the present time. his bed for the past few days, with a return of his old malady, diabetes. W. Ellis, was married in Toronto on June Ist to Fred. W. Wyllie. fell here. Rain commenced falling on Thursday evening at eight o'clock and kept a constant, steady drip, drip, all day. The farmers say none too much has fallen yet, and that dollars worth of benefit will result from its timely downfall. ! saved the life of her little nephew; Fn I hill, irom drowning in a well, jon March 3lst, was, on Wednesday evening, preseited with the humane society's medal for her bravery, The 4 Iotentation took place in the town bv Rev." Canon Jarvis, W. 8S. Her rington, M. 8. Madole,. G. F. Ruttan. and: others. Blake Mowdrs was pre- sented with a pipe, by little Keppel, 88 a souvenir, jor the timely and . prompt assistance he lent in* Lifting the two from their watery positions. # Parker fountein pen, $1.50 wp. Al % , Ki tH. Bo arr ced ingston agen : T00, in 19023, low of the Royal society. mother may die. v NAPANEE NEWS, * tal--Court Decisions. following cases were ad usted : per furnished tiff, : Allen vs. town of Napanece--An ae- and shade trees 'around her the "issues in favor of the plaintiff Assensed the damages at $10 and to court. The" king vs. Prancis Lessard--This man was indicted for an assault upon his . wife, occasioning actual bodily harm. The jury after being out ten minutes brought in a verdict of eam, men assault, and his honor sentenced prisoner to fifteen days in jail, Murphy vs. Burns--Appeal from Magistrate" Aylesworth's convigtion fon, . Conviction quashed with: out costs. by consont of all parties, | Murphy to be allowed to remove from lot mentioned = all buildings he , may, have erected, and wire fence or any other fence and not interfere with Burns' occupation, possession . or own- ership unless he gets a better title than said Burns. Thomas McCallum has the job of tending the night trains over the dia- mond on the B. Q R., and James Richardson the day work, on the mrs. J. L. Boyes entertained a num-_ noon in honor of her guest, Mrs. John Fish, working for J. FP. Smith, suffered a hemorrhage of the Dr. 'C.D. Wartman is confined to Miss Jennie Ellis, daughter of H. A tweity-folar hours' constant rain Miss Wigmore, who so heroically short speeches were made A very successful social was held in The report of the Martineau com- ission places the amount of his de. faleations at $75,795. 320.005 in 1901- . Ernest Rutherford, professor of experimental physics at McGill univer- sity, Montreal, bas been elected a fel Sir Victor Alexander Horsley, the eminent physician, who has been at- tending Chief Justice Armour, report- 3 Savorgily on the patient's econdi- i ulgarians were killed at the village o Yenije, Roumelia, re: cently, in a combined attack made on it by a detachment of Turkish troops and neighboring Mussulman villagers. Mrs. Castonguay, 70 Le Breton Ottawa, and her five children seriously burned and svstained injuries in escaping from their home. They are in Water Street hospital. The RE i / x If & Man is itt Love, That's His Business. If # Girl is in Love, That's Her Business. If They Get Married, That Our Business. Yes, its our business to Iyrnish the man with' his Warlding Outfit, and we can do it to perfection. Everything a man. wears is 'here --exeapt shoes. Every late style or whim of fashion is here Clothing, , Haberdashery br hats, and every price is a fair, reason able "and satisfactory one. i We Can Fit Your Perfectly. Black Suits in sacks, cutaways and frocks, $10, 812.50, 815, House of Commons, on Friday, with Mr. Blair's rail es for exhibi- Capt. Rankin In Kingston Hospi- Napanee, June 13.--The county court completed its sittings on Thursday. Judge Price presided; The Paul ve. Douglas--An action for pa- to paper the Campbell house. The cast was tried before a Jury, who brought in a verdict for Rlaintis for $149.42, to be paid by A! in endant, Mrs, McNeil, and the judge red judgment to be entered after - RAINCOATS! We have just received a larze shipment of English Raincoats, in different shades; tans,' olives, greys and blacks. "Perfect Beau ties," $3.50 to $16.50. "Good rain or shine." D. BIBBY C0. | Price Clothing House, Oak Hall FASIONARLE HOT WEATHER Organdy Lawn and Silk Elouse Waist, in great variety. ; White BX. Skirts, $1.75 to $4. tion brought by Mrs. Janet C. Alten against town of Napanee for cutting,' mutilating and injuring ornamental, THE H. Duck Skirts, $1 to $1.50. Muslin and Batiste Costumes $1. to $5.50. § Cravenetts Shower Coats, $5 to $9.' Long Cravenette Raincoats, $2.50 to 99. Long Silk Raincoa ts, $15. " Summer Millinery ! The largest and RHet assortment we hive ever shown in Summer Millinery, both for ladies and for children. SPENCE & CO., Leading Millinery Stgre Te diy was disastrous. Year the excursionists will go hy i the 8:10 d'clock B. of Q. R. train to Beseronto, and take the Ela Ross at R:30 o'clock; at that' place" No doubt this will be no incon pleasure seekers. ------ venience to the A Sprésding Ydea. 'The president of the Canaditn Flee trical association says he thins the municipalities have gone mad on the question of public ownersaip. 1 It must be very upsetting to 'mer v vite" satisfied with the brder of things to seo the spidading so rapidly in all No doubt same wild t ed in by some.of the verts to the equse ship. The light wh dazzles of municipal ouner ich has burst in on somewhat at first. But gradually the publio owners hin n accomplishing good results. tt 1 all right. 'there can be wide bese fits. scoured for the mass of people by having public utilities managed hy and for the public: Jt may take time to se 'eure the hichest resalts, but they will be worth striving for. At Lennox County Council. d_ by. Nr. .Rombough, seconded Ir. Empey that the matter of the the Eastern Methodist church Inst, | T°P8its to, and the erection of a bridge evening. Rev. S. J. Shorey and Rev. Dr. McDiarmid, two former pastors, were present and addressed the hudi- ence. A nice programme of music was rendered, after which refreshments, Consisting of jee cream and cake, was served. apt iia Rankia Ee in the Kingyton Hospital week widergo- mg an operation and 'abiitments #¢ Whitaan. Cnek in the of the chairman ani 'wocretary of 'the roads and brides committee with power ty act, in con Junction with a scommittee from the county. of Frontenac.--Carricd Martin seconded by t the clerk notify the County of Frontenac of / man Creek bridge on t and that the taunty be operate. --Carried, LC -- isorders caused by stem can be cured WACCONER EXTENSION LADDER Don't be with "the cum bothered th cum ki B docs One Man aly Handle a In ladder ' on vie" "ustrated Cobuibon: WAGGONER LADDER COM'Y., (Limit 4) Londen, Canada. gf ---------------------- HOT WEATHER'S COMING | Prepare for it by getting one. of our ) Fans. We sell or rent . + All BRED tin . Not alone the invalid but the MAGI CALEDONIA SPRINGS is resorted to' by those who would keep well and enjoy life.. ttle Liver Pills. ,» of discomfort a "Lost' his nerve." Ste of & i i Could not eat or The soon prostrate She thinks woman's safeguard |, LLaf Piakbam's Vegetable | rance and meglect are the A female { gn'y with the laws of health but with | fhe chance of a cure. I did Bot heed the {wamings of headaches, organic pains 'apd general weariness, until I was rding to directions, and .was re- ed . a few weeks to find that my glow of health through my: body. - Since I have been well I have been more caref: I have also advised 'a pumber of to take Lydia E. Pi table Com had reason to bé sorry. Yours nee May Famnaxks, 216 th 7th St. Minneapolis, Minn." (Mrs. rbanks is one of the i Salaried travelling sales women in the West. $5000 forfeit of above letter proving gemuincncsacannct MNhen. svomen are troub! frregulir, suppressed or painful men- nkham's Vege- ember, there is one 'tried and ho oly, Brin B. Pina a Vegetable Compo: TO.BE HOT DEBATE. The Woodmen Are Divided On In- Indianapolis, . Ind., Jue 13 the eves of 710.000 Modern Woodwien of turhed toward this ¢ity, where the head camp of the ¢ in thirteenth annual fought out in the convention is likely to result in prolongec heated discussion and possibly leac the week's fimit--is the matt jastment of "Insurance d present system' the rate remain same through the life of the at the time of admission to tl 8 y The organizatitin® has: been de i finitely dividedson whether the Sprevailing scheme E continue rhe changed to one E shall regularly increas lished basis as the advangis in age from vear to year, Eman insted Woodman "Will 'Not Appeal The ¢réWH Attorney has decided not 10 appeal from the decision - of - Judge Price in regard" to the quashing of tonvidtion against Mr Uttawa hated, for selling ing prohiliited hours. : membered that the judge quashed th rule of the' Hquor. commissioners, lar. Mr. Whiting thinks enough at stake to enter The convigtione- against several other hotel men, 'for the same also be quashed. The license co Toners will have to amend their rules to make them binding Cays--Bennett. ress ., | 'wedding was solemnized Yesterday; If Loyejoy Street Methodist ened, eldest damghter of br. Jarvis, Canada, was wited, in marriage. 10. Bhiwell Cays, Oswege,, N.Y Conrad Hogker, wWPr. and ki for an extended trip Svrmnte------ Saturday Only 2 packages malta vita, 25¢ 2 packages Force, 25. Rolled butter; 20¢. - Roll butter, 20. Crawford's. ¥ith grand lodge C.Q.0F. am = In the British House E the budget Lill was passed without a E division on Friday. Could Not Walk, Rheumatisnr p for two Years, EE the legs, and the ¢ was aggravated 1 da necessitated standing up al | About » six weeks Particularly. badly affected; feet were swollen: up on I secuped 3 tigm Cure, eh relief T ob- ng is-all gone, and suffered a bit since, 5: B." Robiason, $s Clr f treet, Ottawa. Buy a Sept. Call BIG | PROFITS IG OE] --_s i -- THE NOTABI OF an assume who woul the third ThefS yo Ve at Veron died, & vi of 'her gui But ere girl foun Lord Daln wrought h last favor body back hood and churchyard ily given Young may Soken, vie balmed rer her dresse: Arrived once sougl husband, to the gra later Dalnm inconsolab] younger bi the earldo: Ho Such fs tI one family rather the reverse hol the history helonging For their j of an ance: The crim committed third Earl tragedy be mom: at 8 tershire, th seat of the the murder been summ go into about whic These disp pear, then the end th temper," ord & papet col dishonesty, him dead, His lords brought. to Westminste: guilty, was Wiis hanged silken. rope, which the e ant" fought the body Ww Grand The gra! Gully, Spee mens, was liftls to be session of t eton; and ¢ pretty gem right honot proud of ti For Joh question, w a - thoroug sort of fell: generous e King's Bens barely twe through "I friend, and hy another then champ a boxing e for Gully's Afterward the ring, w money, bec maker, and succeeded it ling. He tion to his twenty-four was, as ha the father H There is ily .in Eng Baron Mow present reig were a tur past, and lost their | that the fi the eight! teen hange even more ably others The vict farmers na son, who part in res of their pe Stourton, the parish wherein the The Hart the courts upon his I an atmed | retainers, unfortunate light, They Wer helpless, t there beat geons, Lor anpprovingh: swer by an that he wo no more b than if the Tn this h for both ---------- BOAF BIST © €L | E1RS ing." bY Large ai * Lool Wt . Hills Kingston