Match. {Offeit 1116119,, been i; sown. pea, according old he set up time has been 8 opportunity he printers of «peculate noon ything before a. The test the Ptesident, the type is to are the They D0, 080 will L b'ir E Mayor Lion of , Jan. 20. bl 8.15 last its Hespeler bugh one of in the main inutes after in for eight. Eppcler Fnro Ewith their hbdue the b building take ; £888 MOE rouse WCI'O Iposito: on the a pubï¬shed ‘ rein be how. A scene d. The {plum}, rd round In seven- mounced E7 tanton, fl piaced kecutiou D afl'air. each in .l,068,~ nmotion Iclosure, It of the Be in the b, could to crowd md push- :ro mm 80‘; .3â€, and mance 1,118 will have 'eston and m brigade time, fol- Bpany,but : conï¬ned L000. in ï¬rewas "’06 with :tory was zlate :re W113 ems of type in ,wretch He had mid air the con erhuman 'eman, 1m It 3 0011' 9F 31m kill- D0056 as}; WI‘ COD s claimed d at The reader is to about Bt To do that 0,. the 13m inst, by Rev. D. Fraser, ILL, Mr, George Campbell, of the township of Bennnck, to Miss Flora Gilchrist, youngest daughter of Ngil Gilchr'mt, Esq., Loan Glennâ€"We 'onder how any one can undertake to nnderate and decry the usefulness of this reformer. The efforts of any individual for the amelioration of society or the relief of mental or corporal inï¬rmities will be sooner or later appreciat. ed. Look for instance at the unqualiï¬ed and universal approbation of the Great AL- Ans-A soéiety or the tenet M mental or CUlyuscu . . _ _ inï¬rmities will be sooner or later appreciah f I IS? of undeï¬ned latters'remammg in Durham P. O. on Jan. all), 1870': ed. Look for instance at the unqualiï¬ed; and universal approbation of the Great. Anderson, Geo. Hoffa", Ed. Shoshonzes Remedy and Pills, for the cure Aljoe, Ann Matthews, M. J. of diseases of the lungs, affections of the; Beauâ€), John Mo er .30., A. blood, c. For Sale by all Dmggias. law, Aid.‘ ' He tee, Dar: 1'; . :ffâ€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€":':fâ€"â€"â€"â€" ° Babiock, Johial Dink?1 Joesph " ‘ ‘ ' H - I‘JV-M â€" â€WM- .Blac Alex. Lea er 0 n Guelph Harketa. 5 Brillidger, Miss A. Mociler,’ Mrs. “â€"â€" ; Ball, Mrs. Jane S. M‘Lean, Archd. -* Daily Advertiser of Tuesday reports: : Botevyell, Stewart ‘ 31.0“"? , John Fall Wheat. . . ........ U 65 @ 0 85 , Bastion. Halal. ' 'Nelam’fl‘ '29, John M S . Wh toooooooo-0 70 0 75 Ba." Wm’ M‘Ke pnng ea @ l Cochrane, Robt. M‘Lean, J Ohfl- . . , 00000000... 7’ ’ 00 I 0’1"-" 8 D @ 9 ' Campbell, Duncan M‘G80l379 D3"- :O: 3Cowardine Edward M‘Leod, Missl. Durham Markets. éCnlbeflson: Mrs. c. M‘Mavtin, John ‘ - -, _ l Carr, Daniel ' . M‘r‘. rthnr, John “ Fall Wheat.---.---- 80 3.3 @ 0 05'Cam be“, John M‘Taggart, 301m 0 53 @ 0 00 Campbell, Duncan M‘Vicker, Angus Oats .... .... ---- 0 18 @ 0 00; Craft, Henry M'Gregor, John ‘“ ‘ n on rm 0 00 Croelman, R. Ill-Mullen, 11%}. k “ -r--L .n.‘ - ' sn.n Duh Admtiser of Tuesday report: Fall \\ heat. .......... 0 65 @ Spnng Wheat. . . .. . . . -0 70 @ 0 0 9 8 7 own 0‘ HgYOOOOOOOOI Potatoes»... Pork. . . . -- Beef, per out. Wood, green. Wood, dry. - Y 9 LL parties having any claims against A the came of the late Thomas Nash, f 'm his lifetime, or the township of Arte? miaia. in the County of Grey, are hereby 9 notiï¬ed and required to send in the same 3 ‘to me within one Cakmdar month from this date, otherwise fhey cannot. be entertained i or. allowed. ___-_ ..--.... .... i I "'r‘" ' R. WM. COOK, of Price'ville, “i"!Lamb,,Geo. B' please take nqtice that unless he! Leslie, John 7edeem3 the goods lei-t at my shop, before 9 Lockwood, Geo. the 15rd of February next, they will be sold a. Martin, John «to pay costs and chvï¬rghls. l ARCH. I‘m‘vvn" m-fl-_ Sealed Tandem will be received by the| undersigned until ten o’clock, a. m., , on Monday 3lst inst, {or the oflico of T113 “311' MISTRMED Assessor. Tenders to state the mount re- ‘ «paired. The Council will not accept the: RURAL: LITERARY AND FAMILY lowest tender unless otherwise satisfactory. -' WEEKLY~ Applicants require, to have the same prop- erty qualiï¬cation as Councillors. BY D. D. T. MOORE, By OscifiilES BROWN, . New York City, and Rochester, N. Y. 1‘9“â€th Clerk, Glenelg.§ Vc-l. XXL, for 1870, of this Famous Glenelg, Jan. ISth, 18‘0- f Journal will Excel in all thecbaracte‘ristic’: _ ._w..- â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- 'of a First-Class Rural, Litelalg‘, Family r MBdiCCul AmaatiSu iand business Newspapex,combille â€"making 2 it. the 'F W. PRITCHAIm, A. M. M. D..{ N . formerly Surgeon C. 'S. Armyâ€"3 ' Residence one door South of Jas. Brown’s ' '1‘ be more, Lower Town, Dm’ham. The doctor 16181731 um give advice, FREE OF CHARGE, :3: Z: 3 omh_day from 10 a. m. till to__2 p._ “‘4. ‘ ‘ .m an . In the County Court Grey. THOMAS GRIFFITH, J .XMES BAIN, Upon reading the Writ of Attachment?‘ in this cause, the afï¬davits of Joseph ; Maughn, Esquire, and Charles Henry? Moore, Esquire, attached thereto, the order for substitutional service. and the affidavit of David Anderson Creasor, Es- quire, I do order that a meeting of the creditors of the said James Rain shall be held at my Chambers, in the Court House, in the Town of Owen Sound, on Friday, the Eleventh day of February next, at two o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of giving their advice upon the appointment ot‘an Official Assignee, and for ordering the aï¬'airs of the estate generally. HENRY MACPH E RSON, J. c. C. Q._Grey. ‘J‘V Vt‘l IVs-Iv u: “v"--â€" wl’. S.-â€"Pure Vaccine \lntter on hand, 80 bring 81011;: your children and have them vaccinated. I VIII I‘m- “(15%: “XI! order- tea at mung 6: Shaw’ Du}: “More promptly attend Pd L -__.-I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dated at Chambeï¬, in Owen Sound, this 17th day of January, 1870. Priceville, J an. 24:11, 187 Durham, Jan. 26th, 12570 O LET, above Alex. Brown's store, in the upper Village, Durham, seven large rooms suitabls either for adwelling or public ofï¬ces. The whole or some of them may be let to suit parties. Application for (ex-ma, 3c. may be made. to ALEXANDER BROWN, Merchant. on the pfgmlses. IMPORTANT T0 MERCHANTS and Business Men generally. ï¬Ã©bï¬ent Act of 1869. ~ Stayed from Lot 17, Con. 2, S. D. R., Bentinck, abom the ï¬rst of October last, a Heifer, color red and white, one horn nearly all broken off. Any one giving inforaation that Will lead to her recovery will be suitai; rewarded. JOHN M‘XIGHT. is Hotel is gimme in the village of Ayton, township of Normanby, and contains seven rooms and two cellars, with a good driving-shed, and stable accommo (lotion for two dozen horses, attached.â€" Half an acre of ground. Immediate pos- session given. Apply to Durham, Jan. 5th, including LEDGERS. JOURNALS, and DAY-BOOKS. 0:} Call and see our sample Magazines and give your orders at EDWARD’S. {3:}- New Arithmeucjust received. The Acme Skate just received at F. H. EDWARDS. Durham, Jan. 5, 1870. seam», nemegg Ayton, Jan. 0 :6, 1379. UST ARRIVED! A splendid and varied sxock of BLANK BOOKS, I. 3, 1370. TENBEBS‘. NOTICE. NQTICE VS. Married, HOTEL TO RENT. Défcndant. SRAI’EES 9 I’ATRICK BUTIJR, 1~'.“FRRKCEL Tailor. Plaintiff; DAV ID WATSOEv AytOn P. ‘-A 1870. the County (3] U. ALI|uJU r ' - ‘ . ,. as. Brown’s' T be R‘l'nu. was Doubled M has and The (300?an Vastly hnprored in Jan. last, and is now CH ARGE, 1 not. only the Largest, Cheapest and Best, {but 33-50 the Largest Circulating Weekiy D . . m. _ . . “91 Shaw’s} In its Sphere. Superior :u Abahty, Value â€Erâ€"ceéntor. Jackson; B. 156.3. ; Kyle, A. G: 154-4 a. 15:)'Jo he person who left the joint promissory Note for 821, made b John Ai . and Anthony Goodwell. in avor oi A; McQuorrv, bearing (lite, Glenelg . 25th, 18623, and payable fourteen m _ after date, at my Jewelery Store, can have the some by calling and paying for 0173 advertisement. 1‘ “V; F. H. EDWARDS. 0‘ , Carson, Sannel ‘ M‘Cormach. 11ng ’ Dowling, Geo. ‘ M‘Donald. Neil 2 Donly, Miss C. . M‘lArty, John Davis, Thos. M‘l’hee, JOlm Dixon, Wm. . lit-Isaac, Donald 15» Dillon, Jas. M‘Qnite, Thos. Edwards, Thos. M‘Kinnon, Miss C. iFraser, John M‘Larty, Arch. Force, Wm. H. Newell, Wm. Finegan, Terry Nicholson. Mrs. Ann Foster, Mrs. G. Peebloo, Geo- ‘Freeman, Miss Julia Quinlan, Thos. ‘ Flannigan, Patrick Ragan, Jane Falkingham, Jas. Reid, Wm. Gaynor, Owen Richard, Thos. Geddes, Wm. ' :Rensbe'ry, E. ; Gillespie, Mrs. D. Setter, Geo. i Gibson, J. 8. Shepherd, John Gibson, Johnson Shepherd, Fred. 2 ‘lendening, James Stonehonse, Geo. ? Gram, Miss Eliza. Sirr, sr., Thos. i Hiclrs, John Sutherland, R. F Higgins, J as. Simes k Bro. P Haskixis, Thos. Smith, Wm. Hartford, Bernard Smith, Alex. i Elastic, Samuel Scott, John , Hill, Chas. Thomas, Jas.‘ l Hill, Thos. r Tucser, Walter l Johnson, James lorry, Fred : Lawrence. J. c‘. G. 1 Lindsay, Joseph i Leslie, John Lepard, Chas. 31:58. St]19 5nd Illustrations, and havung a Continental Circulationâ€"with tans ofthouo sands afar-dent admirers in both Town and Countryâ€"the RL'RAL is the great FARM AND FIRESIDE FAVORITE ! Durham, Jan. 3, 1870. Employing the Bess Talent in the Land â€"-baving Nine Able Editors and Hundreds of Special Contributors and Correspondents -â€"a.nd being an acknowledged authority on Practical, Scientiï¬c and Literary Subjects, an Exchange truly says of it that "Tm-z l-lt'nm. is the most Elegantly Printed, Ably Edited, Widely Circulat‘ed and Heartily Welcomed Paper, as a. Whole, which now finds its way among the People.†MUORE'S RURAL PAYS ,All who cultivate Fruits, Flowers, Vege . tables. c., even on asmall scale, (in City, {Village or Suburb,) while to Farmers, 'gPlanters, Hurticuhurists, Stock Breeders, {Wool Growers, Dailymen. Poultry Fan- iciers, c., it is INDISPENSABLE. In 'the FAMILY it is highly regarded, its {Literary and Miscellaneous Departments ' '. 1axvm1\x\mnt\7 -..-....â€"-â€"â€"_. - The CANADIAN Darnâ€: aw, lateiyintro- danced, is conducted by Rev. W. F. Clarke, uf Guelph, Ont., formerly editor of the Canada Farmer. ! MARKET AX!) CROP REPORTS. ' Are full and reiiable. Indeed, being Ably ._ Edited, Iilustxated and Printed in Extra ; Style, and Adapted to Country, Village and 1 City. the RURAL is the Paper for Yourself, g Family and Friends. It is not a. monthly or semi-motnhly, but a Large and Beanti ‘5 fnl Illustrated Weekly,â€"and, thouo‘h double :its former size, its Subscription Price ro- i mains unchanged ! Mama’s Rural New-Yorker V 01. XXL, for 1870, will be published in Superior Style. each \umber compns ing Sixteen Double Qaarto Pages, (of F 1ve Columns Each ,) Finely Illustrated, and \eatly Printed on Book Paper. Only $3 a Year ; in clubs of tenormore, $2 50. Canadians, 20 cm. a year. extra. for American postage. Subscribe and Club Now 1 Great inducements to Club Agents â€"Over one Hundred Valuable Premiums, ranging in price from $4 to $600 ! Speci- mens, Premium Lists, Show-B1118, e., sent tree. The RURAL has always hailed from Rochester, N. Y., (the heart of a tamed farming and fruit. growing region wherein several 0! its Editors and Contributors reside,) but as its principal Publication Otlice is now in New York, all letters should be addressed to 1 rent. Lot. 32, 7th com, Bentinck.â€" There is 100 acres, about 30 of Which are cleared and well fenced; there is a good log house on the premises. ' It will belet_for six years, or‘ilesa. .uï¬nybe agreed upon, and rent taken In Improve. menu. .5, MRS. JOHN CLARK. Dec. 22nd. 1869. ‘ 151-6. lARGEST-"BESI-"CHEAPEST. NAPOLEON â€OF ITS CLASS! URNITURE FACTORY WATER- Pownu, in the Yiliage of Hanover", for Sale or to Lease. Terms reasonable. Apply to the subscriber, at Owen Sound, or to Mr. John CriSpin; near Hanover, or to G. Jackson, Esq, M. ‘P., Durham. W. A‘. STEPHENS. Mails for the South arefloggdgtfl 9,111. NOTE FOUND. (ff-EVERY FACILITY FOR DOING FOR SALE OR TO LEASE. Dec. 2206, 1869. Owen Sound, Dec. 16th, 1869. T" --_ l; i V North 3‘3 inn. “ East and West....o-----6 p.m. A. MCKENZIE, Posnus'nn. FIRST-CLASS 3 WORK “ CHRONICLE OFFICE. HE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO List of Letters. FORM, STYLE, TERMS, u. ARCH. MCKENZIE, Postmaster. 32-3, u‘ "unicnh’b an YUP-0’ an 4;†[e and Illugtrutions, and bafipga Durham Post-Ofï¬ce. FARM TO RENT. bib. '1‘. MOORE. 41 Park Row, New York. a; ‘1‘- M-Nab, fine" M 'Kechnie, J 01m M‘Lean, John M‘Gaulay, Dan. bI'LCOd, MiSSI. “‘2‘; â€Jun, J01â€! M‘Taggart, John M‘Vicker, Angus M'Gregor, John M'Munan, Huoh , M‘Cormach. ï¬sh t M‘Donald. Neil 2 M‘Lamty, John M‘I’hee, John 114mm, Dona“ ‘1 M‘Quite, T1108. M‘Kinnon, Miss C- M‘Lany, Arch. Setter, Geo. Shepherd, John Shepherd, Fred.2 Stonehouse, Geo. Sirr, sr., Thos. Sutherland, R. Simes 8'. Bro. Smith, Wm. Smith, Alex. Scott, John Thomas, J as; Tucxer, Waller Torry, Fred Naughan, J33. . Watson, Chas. \Vilson, Alex. Boyce Wood Wilkinson, John Wilson, Geo. Waters, Mrs. Geo. Wiggins, Jonathan Wa‘iiion,’ Mrs. A. c. AT THE Findlay Shaw CHEMICALS, HORSE, CATTLE, PATENT AND ' PROPBIATQBEI :MEDICTNEg, and Everything usually found in a Drug Store (ff-Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded, and accuracy guaranteed. Shep Open (for dispensing only) on: Sunday from 2 to 4 p. m. aff- Night calls punctunlly attended to. ' tf. N. B.â€"Fxxm.,ur e SHAW are agents for ;he Montreal Telegraph Company. Ofï¬ce open every day (Sundays excepted) from 8 aIm. to 8 p. m. CHEMISTS DRUGGISTS, Lower fI'oWn, Durham, Specialities at the BIG AXE, v.-- . Ground 111 Oil. This paint is superior to, and more durable than the best White Lead, either for inside or outside work, Lake going craft, c. Its use is not injflms to the health. Direct from 1‘ nos. [CR 1: 30):, London, England. Just to hand, direct from the English makersâ€"Best Durable Qualities, AT TORONTO WHOLESALE PRICES. wmm 2;: m 33233 DOOR MATS, CflAL‘ OIL, (3031031 Lamps, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Nickle Silver Spoons Forks, Of a reliabLe quality, in great variety. A LARGE LOT OF POEKET TABLE CUTLEBY, Imported direct, will be sold RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Chimneys J; Wicks, direqt from Makers. WZOCCwam mozw EPZCFPOHGwm Platform Counter Scales, Made. by the celebrated ï¬rm OfGL’RXEY, \VARE a; C0., of Hamilton, in stock at Mukers’ prices. These Scales are WAR- RAXTED perfect, reliable, and durable,being made in the very best manner. W. KOUGH. J 5.3111115 SULLSVQOE, (TWO nooas noun or Tm: names.) EVERY description of Tinware con- stantly on hand and made ‘0 order. All work is manufactured under my own supervision, and none but the very best stock used. JOBBING done promptly and in the very best style, at ihe lowest living rates. of? Particular attention paid to Eave-Trougbing. A large stock of Stove-Pipes, Elbows, T Pipes and Ridge Plates always on hand, CHEAP FUR CASH 0R TRADE. (TB-y.) 'rmsmrrH, 0.1124 FRAJ'A S TREE T, D U RIIAM. AME to the premises of the subscriber, Lot 3, con. 13th, Gienelg, about the middle of October, three head of Cattle, 1 Steer. 2 years old; 1 Steer, 1 year old ; and l Heifer, 1 year old. The owner at; have them by paying expenses. -sn-‘ -“IAQ-Dflf‘ - ELECTROPLATED CRUETS, SPBONS, FORKS 8L0. Wanted for School Section No. 5, Ben- tinck. a Teacher. Applicatxons will be re- ceived up to the ï¬rst of January. Apply to JAMES HOPKINS, STRAYED from the village of Durham, sometime in the mouth of September. atwo vear old Heifer, red color, with white hind legs uni a small piece 03' one’ilom. Any one returning her will); suitably rewarded. R0 BERT BULL. ‘ Del. 7th, 1869. Owen Sound, Dec. 7, 1869. 25 Kegs HUBBUCK’S Genuine he subscriber offers fer sale Lot No. 30: Con. 17, N ormanby, containing 100 acres, 70 of which are cleared, and under a good state of cultivation. There is a. good log house. frame barn and other outbuild- ings, tokether with a. good bearing orchard, on the premises. Clear deed ' given. For mil particulars apply on the premises "-“--__..â€"- -- â€"___.____ Glenelg, Dec. 12, 1869. l.\'(‘.l.L’D12"G HAND, faunas, “ALL, .cc. Dec. 15th, 18§9. Owen Sound. STRAY CATTLE. S'QME gï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬'ï¬i’. L KENNETH L'IcKEsz. Dec. 15th, 1869. - 150-6. FARM FOR SALE. TEMHER WANTED. DEALERS IN STRAY EEIFER. A BALE OF A81) ‘ JOHN THOMAS. Allaupark P. 0. 150-3. Dress Goods, Shawls Mantles, EMEQM mum, Winning, BLANKETS, ’ FLANNELS,' Boats 6; Shoes, Farmers may rely on the top price for All accounts and notes due the late ï¬rms of TURNER RICHARDSON, and W. R. ROSSITER, of Owen Sound, must be Paid to ROBERT DALGLISH at 01109, 01‘ HIS beautiful Gate is allowed, by all who haveeeen it, to be the Simplest, Best and Cheapest Snow Gate yet invented. There exxets no longer an excuse for leavmg Fields and Orchards exposed all winter and early spring, to the damage .of Meadow and destruction of Fruit Trees, when a twelve foot gate, Wthh Will clear 24 inches of snow 3 Open to either side, and is self-closing, can be had for $2.75, or Without patent hanger: ____- n ‘- g-"fl “A “inï¬rm" 0 en to either side, and is self- closmg, can 8%. 38. PRICES AT THE FACTORY: LA'5vu Lb.- -“u -..vâ€"vâ€"v No. l, rough gate, .--- . . . . . . - . . .$2.75 ‘ N0. 4, handsomely painted,. . . ...-.. 4.00 No. 2, ..-..-.- . . ...‘, -‘.--. . . . . . 3.00 N0. 5, Extra,.-.- .. .. ---. ...... 4.50 Mo. 3, dressed, unpainted,..--. .--- 3.50 No. 6, . . . .--.- . . . . . . --~.~. ..... . 5.00 This Gate can be hung to any ordinaryg te-post ; can be hung with any description of hinge, is adapted for any kind of latch or fasteuiuz; can be raised 3 or 24 inches with one hand, quicker than most folks can raise money; can be made a highly orna- mental, as well as useful gate by putting on pickets cut to any pattern. Me I anknell’g PATE NT GAT E. PORK, TIMOTHY SEED, AND ALL KINDS OF FURS. Rossitcr’s Make, COSTS WILL BE INCURRED. SPLENDID FARM FOR 5 ALE For sale, Lot 13, Con. 7, Glenelg, com-l prising 100'acres, 60 of ‘which are; cleared. well watered and fenced, with a. good House, Barn, Stable and an Orchard of 100 Trees thereon. Also .50 acres, East half of Lot 13, Con. 6th, Glenelg, from 8 Le 10 acres cleared. The above proverty mll be sold cheap, and'clear. deed given.â€" Terms easy. For particulars apply to ' ABRAM GOLD, at. the Durham :Aehery, County, Township and Farm Rights for Sale. 8:? Buy no Gate, nbr have any Gate made, until you have seen (In-tr.) Patented June 9th, 1869. Rabert Dulglish Which he has determined to sell-1 a‘t‘a mere trifle over Fanning Mills foi‘Salc ! HAS Just RECEIVED A FULL STOCK or Hal'dware, GROCERIES, TICKINGS, PRINTS, R'KBRAM 0001:," Lot 7, Con. 6, Glenelg. FINAL NOTCE. COST; ‘ HATS and CAPS, (DURHAM, ONTARIO.) with all the latest improvements. D2 g m L 1.1-“ UPPER TOWN, DURHAM, egs moat reapectfnn" to inform his friends and patrons of the arrival of his New and Fashionable Stock of Ladies’ and Gent’s Boots, which are. now opened out ready for inspection. Every style of Boot or Shoe Worn by Ladies or Gentlemeg Boot or Shoe Worn byLadiea or Gentlemen in TORONTO, LONDOBI OLMONTEEgL 'cnanâ€" now he‘lladrfrom J. Ross. Having bought Very extensively, and the best class of gpods found in the market, lell sell At a. Trifle Over Cost and Charges. and. the best made Boots 5; Shoes ever imported into Durham. Come 'early! Biry quickly, and don’ t leave it till the best lots have been sold. Don’t foriret that the CHEAPEST SP ’1‘ IN DUR'HAM; for the Beat Boom, is at JAMES ROSS’ store, next door to Mr. J. H. Hunter’s Mammoth Tailoring Establishment, Upper Town.- A‘__ ‘_A_ BOOT SHOBMAKER, Largest, Choicest Brainy, “M's, Mb, 1869; 119.1,. I have, without exception, the DURHAM, ONTARIO. India {and China Tea Company have now been beforethe public of Canada for nearly three years, and despite the misrepresentations ot interested parties their superiority has been thoroughly recognized. Thev will’ he found to he PERFECTLY PURE, and to possess UNUSUAL STRENGTH and FINE FLAVQUR. (if? Observe the Trade Mark on each package. BLBK‘MGETREAh HWESE“ WE’RE :k SEW M‘OQK. MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING, ’ FRESH ARRIVALS IN Dry-Goods, ReadV-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, ' ortment of Ladies’ Hats and Bonnets, .Urapes, Velvets, mowers, Fog-e: cï¬ggegï¬ds, Ribbons, Silk Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, Coast's, glowis, Corsets ’Clouds. Scarfs, Muffs, Tippets, Veils, Hoods, 1Neckties, Brea {EstI $37)? 800;: S’kirts, Hose. all sizes, Lambs’ Wool, Yarn all colors, also a‘CHOIC A SEAL CLOAKINGS. Batterns to die Latest Fashion éiifï¬fitHC'ARE. - tat lee of Fashions constantlv art-ï¬ring, , T - ébï¬gnemrgez the.address: MRS. DAVIDSON, MONTREAU HOLSE’ “933 door I__--! 1 “moms“ 1)nn9 Xv thn th-p ’ lTnnm‘ 'l‘nwn Durham- cuss Ann GLASSWAREQLIQUQRS, HARDWARE AND smmucav; . AT _ THE LATE M. FRASER’S STORE, LOWER VELLAGE. hascommenced business in Durham. ShoP opposite Beak Woods' Store, Upper Town. iHE TEAS OF THE N returning thanks for past favors, reapectfully _ Ladies 0| Durham and gicinitg. tlgat she has r CHEAP DRY - GOODS. ONTARIO BOOT STORE. a; mum Smaï¬mgm {w DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, PRACTICAL TAILOR ! 93* Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, and the highest prices allowed. The GREATEST BARGAINS of BOOTS a; SHOES to be had in Durham, at the made by the best Workman, and of ' Stock of the best" quality, latest 81 warranted to-Wear well and ï¬t nbatly. THOMAS JONES, SOLE AGENT FOR DURHAM: Durham, Dec. 1, 1868. AND JUVENILE CLOTHING Ladies’. aniss’es' Primeila. Gaiters , Ban-{mm selling at Cost. J“ . ‘UO'FVU uv-â€"â€"â€"â€" to Mr. J ones’ ‘OnttIrid Boot. Shoe Store," Upper Town Durham. HATS , GAE-’3, Crockery, Glassware, Clothillg, (€15 All of which will be OPEMD OUT . M‘KENZIE met favors, reapectfully begs to inform her patrons and the l vicinity. that she has removed to more commodious premises where she intends carrymg on the French, CUSTOM WORK " GROCERIES, [ï¬g-WATERPROOFING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE (LATE OF TORONTO.) FOR 3’ Hats and Bonnets, Grapes, Velvets, Flowers, Trimmings. Dress Trimmings, Collars, Gloves, ts, Veils, Hoods, Neckties, Breakfast Shawls, Wool, Yarn all colors, also a;CHOICE LOT OF J. H. HUNTER. sold at a small advance on AT ITS BRANCHES 31030qu SME‘ wok" style, §The Best is the Cheabest 2 and Fire Proof Sales! ALSO," fire 8: Bmglar Pmuf Cambin‘ed! The only real security against Fire and Burglars ! READER . NOTE THE FACT : Our Safes are the only Safes for sale in the Dominion that never fail to preserve their contents. They have been tested in over ONE HUNDRED FIRES; many of them having been RED HOT from four to ten hours, yet not a Dollars’ worth of property or a single scrap of paper has ever been destroyed in one of them. Vault Doors. for Brick Vaults and all other kinds of Fire and Burglar Proof Securities. * Please send for Circular and Price List. Address HE FOLLOWING REMARKS ON Testimonials of most wonderful and extraordmary _ cpgegiq__CBaliada_py the J. 8b J. TAYLOR’ S GMATIN’DIAN REMEDY. They are stern, undeniable and incontestable facts. sufï¬cient to convince the moat skeptical that the Great Medical Compound yearned after for ages is now accessible in the Great Shoshonees Remedy ! For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive ()rwans, Kidneys. c. ., as well as Scrofula, theo various Skin Diseases, Human, and all a’clis<=,a.sves arising from impurities of «he B‘ooa, we boldly state the“ “lies grout £311.]ch L...» 3782‘ â€831‘ L33â€... “‘VAhtJuIJm 03‘ Call at the Drug Stores and get a circular, of unquestxonabh certiï¬cates on (â€Inca I...» awn. Bâ€;\ ‘33â€... u ' VAA‘JLJIJU. J ‘ Where was there ever such a cure as that. in the person of Wilson Storm8,of Brighton, Ont, of Consumption ; or that of Peter C. V. Miller, of Earnestown, Ont., of Com snmption; or that of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, ()nt., of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Hosey, of Napanee, Ont, of Rheumatism, who M actually been on crutches for years, in spite of all treatment heretofore, and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. â€" - - circular, of un‘ uestxonabh certificates on the GREA T S IOSHONEES’ REMED Y (ï¬- PILLS, and satisfy yourselves. Price of (be Remedy in large pints $1. 03? For sale by all Druggiats and Dealers in Medicine. Wholesa‘e AgentGâ€"Northrop Lyman, Newcastle, Lyman, Elliott 00., Toronto. To Messrs. CHAMBERLAIN a; Sums, Conway P: 0. County of Lennox, Ontario, Can- M .xnoc, County of Hastings, Province of Ontario, Feb. 0th, 1869. This is to certily that during the winter of 1966 I was taken with a weakness of the ankles. which gradually, during the spring of 1867, extended to my knees, and on up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was conï¬ned to my chair. For about two years, while this weakness was coming on me, and after- wards. Isought medical advice, employing at different times. three doctors, and medi- cines of different kinds prescribed by friends, but of no avail. I continued to get worse and worse, until the summer of 1868 when I was indneed to try the great Shos onees Remedy by reading the cures performed, in a pamphlet. At this time I had begun to 'feel the weakness in my hands ; in fact I was getting almost. helpless. I have taken ' two bottles of the shoahoneee Remedy and two boxes of the pills, and I am entirely restored to health. I never expected to get better, but simply tried the medicine as a sort of forlorn how. This case of mine was not a private one but known to all my neighbors and frien s ; and to any one afflicted as I was, I have only to say try the Shoshonees Remedy, Ibelieve it will care you. MARY A'xx Dorenrv. Sworn to before me at Madoc, Countv of Hastings this ninth day of February, 1869. A. F. Woon, J. P. c. I hereby certify that I have known Mrs. Mary Ann Doughty for the last ï¬fteen years. she is a woman of probity and truth I have ltnown her before, during, and since her illness. I believe her certiï¬cate to be true in every particular. ’I 'know that while ill her case was declared hopeless; and I know that she has, since her recdvery always attributed her recovery 'to the Sho- shonees Remedy Whatever may be the peculiar prOperties of this medicine, one thing is'ce'rtain‘th'at in her case, it has act- ed almost likethe perf ormancf. of a miracle. Wegetabh Hair flestpgaï¬yg, _' 7 ‘ A. F. Woo», J. P. Warden of the county of Hastings. PIO- vince of Ontario, Dominion of Canada. OR THE PRESERVATION AND Growth of the Hair. Manufactured by JOHN FANT, ‘ Huing'eeser. c., Dunnville, Ont. Pnnwzâ€"flï¬ï¬‚cts. and 25 cents per bottle. a? This is a most superior aiticle, com- posed entirely of vegetable substances, and is positively the best article for the bait ever manufacwred. . 22L STOP AND SEE! J. 8'. J. TAYLOR Safe Works, Toronto, Ont. PATENT F ANT’S